.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.\" 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
-.\" must display the following acknowledgement:
-.\" This product includes software developed by the University of
-.\" California, Berkeley and its contributors.
.\" 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
.\" may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
.\" without specific prior written permission.
.\" @(#)strerror.3 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/9/93
-.\" $FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/string/strerror.3,v 1.22 2002/12/19 10:24:52 tjr Exp $
+.\" $FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/string/strerror.3,v 1.24 2007/01/09 00:28:12 imp Exp $
-.Dd December 19, 2002
+.Dd October 12, 2004
.In stdio.h
.Ft void
-.Fn perror "const char *string"
+.Fo perror
+.Fa "const char *s"
.Vt extern const char * const sys_errlist[] ;
.Vt extern const int sys_nerr ;
.In string.h
.Ft "char *"
-.Fn strerror "int errnum"
+.Fo strerror
+.Fa "int errnum"
.Ft int
-.Fn strerror_r "int errnum" "char *strerrbuf" "size_t buflen"
+.Fo strerror_r
+.Fa "int errnum"
+.Fa "char *strerrbuf"
+.Fa "size_t buflen"
.Fn strerror ,
-.Fn strerror_r
+.Fn strerror_r ,
.Fn perror
functions look up the error message string corresponding to an
and writes it, followed by a newline, to the
standard error file descriptor.
If the argument
-.Fa string
+.Fa s
.Pf non- Dv NULL
and does not point to the null character,
.Pq Dq Li ":\ " ;
otherwise, only the error message string is printed.
-.Fa errnum
-is not a recognized error number,
-.Fn strerror
-returns an error message string containing
+If the error number is not recognized, these functions return an error message
+string containing
.Dq Li "Unknown error:\ "
-followed by the error number in decimal, while
+followed by the error number in decimal.
+.Fn strerror
.Fn strerror_r
-.Fa strerrbuf
-unchanged and returns
+functions return
+as a warning.
Error numbers recognized by this implementation fall in
-the range 0 <
+the range 0 <=
.Fa errnum
.Fa sys_nerr .