- * Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1999, 2006-2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
#include <pthread_internals.h>
+#include "magmallocProvider.h"
+#include <mach-o/dyld.h> /* for NSVersionOfLinkTimeLibrary() */
#import <stdlib.h>
#import <stdio.h>
#import <string.h>
#import <unistd.h>
-#import <objc/zone.h>
#import <malloc/malloc.h>
#import <fcntl.h>
#import <crt_externs.h>
#import <errno.h>
#import <pthread_internals.h>
+#import <limits.h>
+#import <dlfcn.h>
+#import <mach/mach_vm.h>
+#import <mach/mach_init.h>
+#import <sys/mman.h>
#import "scalable_malloc.h"
#import "stack_logging.h"
+#import "malloc_printf.h"
+#import "_simple.h"
+#import "CrashReporterClient.h"
+ * MALLOC_ABSOLUTE_MAX_SIZE - There are many instances of addition to a
+ * user-specified size_t, which can cause overflow (and subsequent crashes)
+ * for values near SIZE_T_MAX. Rather than add extra "if" checks everywhere
+ * this occurs, it is easier to just set an absolute maximum request size,
+ * and immediately return an error if the requested size exceeds this maximum.
+ * Of course, values less than this absolute max can fail later if the value
+ * is still too large for the available memory. The largest value added
+ * seems to be PAGE_SIZE (in the macro round_page()), so to be safe, we set
+ * the maximum to be 2 * PAGE_SIZE less than SIZE_T_MAX.
+ */
-#define INITIAL_ZONES 8 // After this number, we reallocate for new zones
-typedef void (malloc_logger_t)(unsigned type, unsigned arg1, unsigned arg2, unsigned arg3, unsigned result, unsigned num_hot_frames_to_skip);
+typedef void (malloc_logger_t)(uint32_t type, uintptr_t arg1, uintptr_t arg2, uintptr_t arg3, uintptr_t result, uint32_t num_hot_frames_to_skip);
-static pthread_lock_t _malloc_lock;
-static malloc_zone_t *initial_malloc_zones[INITIAL_ZONES] = {0};
+__private_extern__ pthread_lock_t _malloc_lock = 0; // initialized in __libc_init
-/* The following variables are exported for the benefit of performance tools */
+/* The following variables are exported for the benefit of performance tools
+ *
+ * It should always be safe to first read malloc_num_zones, then read
+ * malloc_zones without taking the lock, if only iteration is required and
+ * provided that when malloc_destroy_zone is called all prior operations on that
+ * zone are complete and no further calls referencing that zone can be made.
+ */
unsigned malloc_num_zones = 0;
-malloc_zone_t **malloc_zones = initial_malloc_zones;
+unsigned malloc_num_zones_allocated = 0;
+malloc_zone_t **malloc_zones = 0;
malloc_logger_t *malloc_logger = NULL;
unsigned malloc_debug_flags = 0;
unsigned malloc_check_counter = 0;
unsigned malloc_check_each = 1000;
+/* global flag to suppress ASL logging e.g. for syslogd */
+int _malloc_no_asl_log = 0;
static int malloc_check_sleep = 100; // default 100 second sleep
static int malloc_check_abort = 0; // default is to sleep, not abort
-static int malloc_free_abort = 0; // default is not to abort
+static int malloc_debug_file = STDERR_FILENO;
+ * State indicated by malloc_def_zone_state
+ * 0 - the default zone has not yet been created
+ * 1 - a Malloc* environment variable has been set
+ * 2 - the default zone has been created and an environment variable scan done
+ * 3 - a new default zone has been created and another environment variable scan
+ */
+__private_extern__ int malloc_def_zone_state = 0;
-static int malloc_debug_file;
+static const char Malloc_Facility[] = "com.apple.Libsystem.malloc";
#define MALLOC_LOCK() LOCK(_malloc_lock)
#define MALLOC_UNLOCK() UNLOCK(_malloc_lock)
+ * Counters that coordinate zone destruction (in malloc_zone_unregister) with
+ * find_registered_zone (here abbreviated as FRZ).
+ */
+static int counterAlice = 0, counterBob = 0;
+static int *pFRZCounterLive= &counterAlice, *pFRZCounterDrain = &counterBob;
#define MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_ALLOCATE stack_logging_type_alloc
#define MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_DEALLOCATE stack_logging_type_dealloc
#define MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_HAS_ZONE stack_logging_flag_zone
#define MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_CLEARED stack_logging_flag_cleared
/********* Utilities ************/
+__private_extern__ uint64_t malloc_entropy[2] = {0, 0};
+void __malloc_entropy_setup(const char *apple[]) __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden")));
+static int
+__entropy_from_kernel(const char *str)
+ unsigned long long val;
+ char tmp[20], *p;
+ int idx = 0;
+ /* Skip over key to the first value */
+ str = strchr(str, '=');
+ if (str == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ str++;
+ while (str && idx < sizeof(malloc_entropy)/sizeof(malloc_entropy[0])) {
+ strlcpy(tmp, str, 20);
+ p = strchr(tmp, ',');
+ if (p) *p = '\0';
+ val = strtoull(tmp, NULL, 0);
+ malloc_entropy[idx] = (uint64_t)val;
+ idx++;
+ if ((str = strchr(str, ',')) != NULL)
+ str++;
+ }
+ return idx;
+__malloc_entropy_setup(const char *apple[])
+ const char **p;
+ for (p = apple; p && *p; p++) {
+ if (strstr(*p, "malloc_entropy") == *p) {
+ if (sizeof(malloc_entropy)/sizeof(malloc_entropy[0]) == __entropy_from_kernel(*p))
+ return;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ malloc_entropy[0] = ((uint64_t)arc4random()) << 32 | ((uint64_t)arc4random());
+ malloc_entropy[1] = ((uint64_t)arc4random()) << 32 | ((uint64_t)arc4random());
+ return;
static inline malloc_zone_t * find_registered_zone(const void *, size_t *) __attribute__((always_inline));
static inline malloc_zone_t *
find_registered_zone(const void *ptr, size_t *returned_size) {
- // locates the proper zone
- // if zone found fills returnedSize; else returns NULL
- // See comment in malloc_zone_register() about clients non locking to call this function
- // Speed is critical for this function
- unsigned index = malloc_num_zones;
- malloc_zone_t **zones = malloc_zones;
- while (index--) {
- malloc_zone_t *zone = *zones++;
- size_t size;
+ // Returns a zone which contains ptr, else NULL
+ if (0 == malloc_num_zones) {
+ if (returned_size) *returned_size = 0;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // The default zone is registered in malloc_zones[0]. There's no danger that it will ever be unregistered.
+ // So don't advance the FRZ counter yet.
+ malloc_zone_t *zone = malloc_zones[0];
+ size_t size = zone->size(zone, ptr);
+ if (size) { // Claimed by this zone?
+ if (returned_size) *returned_size = size;
+ return zone;
+ }
+ int *pFRZCounter = pFRZCounterLive; // Capture pointer to the counter of the moment
+ __sync_fetch_and_add(pFRZCounter, 1); // Advance this counter -- our thread is in FRZ
+ unsigned index;
+ unsigned limit = malloc_num_zones;
+ malloc_zone_t **zones = &malloc_zones[1];
+ for (index = 1; index < limit; ++index, ++zones) {
+ zone = *zones;
size = zone->size(zone, ptr);
- if (size) {
+ if (size) { // Claimed by this zone?
if (returned_size) *returned_size = size;
+ __sync_fetch_and_sub(pFRZCounter, 1); // our thread is leaving FRZ
return zone;
+ // Unclaimed by any zone.
+ if (returned_size) *returned_size = 0;
+ __sync_fetch_and_sub(pFRZCounter, 1); // our thread is leaving FRZ
return NULL;
+__private_extern__ __attribute__((noinline)) void
+malloc_error_break(void) {
+ // Provides a non-inlined place for various malloc error procedures to call
+ // that will be called after an error message appears. It does not make
+ // sense for developers to call this function, so it is marked
+ // __private_extern__ to prevent it from becoming API.
+__private_extern__ boolean_t __stack_logging_locked();
+__private_extern__ __attribute__((noinline)) __attribute__((used)) int
+malloc_gdb_po_unsafe(void) {
+ // In order to implement "po" other data formatters in gdb, the debugger
+ // calls functions that call malloc. The debugger will only run one thread
+ // of the program in this case, so if another thread is holding a zone lock,
+ // gdb may deadlock in this case.
+ //
+ // Iterate over the zones in malloc_zones, and call "trylock" on the zone
+ // lock. If trylock succeeds, unlock it, otherwise return "locked". Returns
+ // 0 == safe, 1 == locked/unsafe.
+ if (__stack_logging_locked())
+ return 1;
+ malloc_zone_t **zones = malloc_zones;
+ unsigned i, e = malloc_num_zones;
+ for (i = 0; i != e; ++i) {
+ malloc_zone_t *zone = zones[i];
+ // Version must be >= 5 to look at the new introspection field.
+ if (zone->version < 5)
+ continue;
+ if (zone->introspect->zone_locked && zone->introspect->zone_locked(zone))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
/********* Creation and destruction ************/
+static void set_flags_from_environment(void);
+static void
+malloc_zone_register_while_locked(malloc_zone_t *zone) {
+ size_t protect_size;
+ unsigned i;
+ /* scan the list of zones, to see if this zone is already registered. If
+ * so, print an error message and return. */
+ for (i = 0; i != malloc_num_zones; ++i)
+ if (zone == malloc_zones[i]) {
+ _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_ERR, "Attempted to register zone more than once: %p\n", zone);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (malloc_num_zones == malloc_num_zones_allocated) {
+ size_t malloc_zones_size = malloc_num_zones * sizeof(malloc_zone_t *);
+ size_t alloc_size = malloc_zones_size + vm_page_size;
+ malloc_zone_t **new_zones = mmap(0, alloc_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANON | MAP_PRIVATE, VM_MAKE_TAG(VM_MEMORY_MALLOC), 0);
+ /* If there were previously allocated malloc zones, we need to copy them
+ * out of the previous array and into the new zones array */
+ if (malloc_zones)
+ memcpy(new_zones, malloc_zones, malloc_zones_size);
+ /* Update the malloc_zones pointer, which we leak if it was previously
+ * allocated, and the number of zones allocated */
+ protect_size = alloc_size;
+ malloc_zones = new_zones;
+ malloc_num_zones_allocated = alloc_size / sizeof(malloc_zone_t *);
+ } else {
+ /* If we don't need to reallocate zones, we need to briefly change the
+ * page protection the malloc zones to allow writes */
+ protect_size = malloc_num_zones_allocated * sizeof(malloc_zone_t *);
+ mprotect(malloc_zones, protect_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
+ }
+ malloc_zones[malloc_num_zones++] = zone;
+ /* Finally, now that the zone is registered, disallow write access to the
+ * malloc_zones array */
+ mprotect(malloc_zones, protect_size, PROT_READ);
+ //_malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "Registered malloc_zone %p in malloc_zones %p [%u zones, %u bytes]\n", zone, malloc_zones, malloc_num_zones, protect_size);
static void
_malloc_initialize(void) {
- // guaranteed to be called only once
- (void)malloc_create_zone(0, 0);
- malloc_set_zone_name(malloc_zones[0], "DefaultMallocZone");
- LOCK_INIT(_malloc_lock);
- // malloc_printf("%d registered zones\n", malloc_num_zones);
- // malloc_printf("malloc_zones is at %p; malloc_num_zones is at %p\n", (unsigned)&malloc_zones, (unsigned)&malloc_num_zones);
+ if (malloc_def_zone_state < 2) {
+ unsigned n;
+ malloc_zone_t *zone;
+ malloc_def_zone_state += 2;
+ set_flags_from_environment(); // will only set flags up to two times
+ n = malloc_num_zones;
+ zone = create_scalable_zone(0, malloc_debug_flags);
+ malloc_zone_register_while_locked(zone);
+ malloc_set_zone_name(zone, "DefaultMallocZone");
+ if (n != 0) { // make the default first, for efficiency
+ unsigned protect_size = malloc_num_zones_allocated * sizeof(malloc_zone_t *);
+ malloc_zone_t *hold = malloc_zones[0];
+ if(hold->zone_name && strcmp(hold->zone_name, "DefaultMallocZone") == 0) {
+ malloc_set_zone_name(hold, NULL);
+ }
+ mprotect(malloc_zones, protect_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
+ malloc_zones[0] = malloc_zones[n];
+ malloc_zones[n] = hold;
+ mprotect(malloc_zones, protect_size, PROT_READ);
+ }
+ // _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "%d registered zones\n", malloc_num_zones);
+ // _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "malloc_zones is at %p; malloc_num_zones is at %p\n", (unsigned)&malloc_zones, (unsigned)&malloc_num_zones);
+ }
static inline malloc_zone_t *inline_malloc_default_zone(void) __attribute__((always_inline));
static inline malloc_zone_t *
inline_malloc_default_zone(void) {
- if (!malloc_num_zones) _malloc_initialize();
- // malloc_printf("In inline_malloc_default_zone with %d %d\n", malloc_num_zones, malloc_has_debug_zone);
+ if (malloc_def_zone_state < 2) _malloc_initialize();
+ // _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "In inline_malloc_default_zone with %d %d\n", malloc_num_zones, malloc_has_debug_zone);
return malloc_zones[0];
return inline_malloc_default_zone();
+static inline malloc_zone_t *inline_malloc_default_scalable_zone(void) __attribute__((always_inline));
+static inline malloc_zone_t *
+inline_malloc_default_scalable_zone(void) {
+ unsigned index;
+ if (malloc_def_zone_state < 2) _malloc_initialize();
+ // _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "In inline_malloc_default_scalable_zone with %d %d\n", malloc_num_zones, malloc_has_debug_zone);
+ for (index = 0; index < malloc_num_zones; ++index) {
+ malloc_zone_t *z = malloc_zones[index];
+ if(z->zone_name && strcmp(z->zone_name, "DefaultMallocZone") == 0) {
+ return z;
+ }
+ }
+ malloc_printf("*** malloc_default_scalable_zone() failed to find 'DefaultMallocZone'\n");
+ return NULL; // FIXME: abort() instead?
+malloc_zone_t *
+malloc_default_purgeable_zone(void) {
+ static malloc_zone_t *dpz;
+ if (!dpz) {
+ //
+ // PR_7288598: Must pass a *scalable* zone (szone) as the helper for create_purgeable_zone().
+ // Take care that the zone so obtained is not subject to interposing.
+ //
+ malloc_zone_t *tmp = create_purgeable_zone(0, inline_malloc_default_scalable_zone(), malloc_debug_flags);
+ malloc_zone_register(tmp);
+ malloc_set_zone_name(tmp, "DefaultPurgeableMallocZone");
+ if (!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&dpz, NULL, tmp))
+ malloc_destroy_zone(tmp);
+ }
+ return dpz;
+// For debugging, allow stack logging to both memory and disk to compare their results.
static void
-set_flags_from_environment(void) {
- const char *flag;
- int fd;
+stack_logging_log_stack_debug(uint32_t type_flags, uintptr_t zone_ptr, uintptr_t size, uintptr_t ptr_arg, uintptr_t return_val, uint32_t num_hot_to_skip)
+ __disk_stack_logging_log_stack(type_flags, zone_ptr, size, ptr_arg, return_val, num_hot_to_skip);
+ stack_logging_log_stack(type_flags, zone_ptr, size, ptr_arg, return_val, num_hot_to_skip);
+static void
+set_flags_from_environment(void) {
+ const char *flag;
+ int fd;
+ char **env = * _NSGetEnviron();
+ char **p;
+ char *c;
+ if (malloc_debug_file != STDERR_FILENO) {
+ close(malloc_debug_file);
+ malloc_debug_file = STDERR_FILENO;
+ }
+#if __LP64__
+ malloc_debug_flags = SCALABLE_MALLOC_ABORT_ON_CORRUPTION; // Set always on 64-bit processes
+ int libSystemVersion = NSVersionOfLinkTimeLibrary("System");
+ if ((-1 != libSystemVersion) && ((libSystemVersion >> 16) < 126) /* Lion or greater */)
+ malloc_debug_flags = 0;
+ else
+ stack_logging_enable_logging = 0;
+ stack_logging_dontcompact = 0;
+ malloc_logger = NULL;
+ malloc_check_start = 0;
+ malloc_check_each = 1000;
+ malloc_check_abort = 0;
+ malloc_check_sleep = 100;
+ /*
+ * Given that all environment variables start with "Malloc" we optimize by scanning quickly
+ * first the environment, therefore avoiding repeated calls to getenv().
+ * If we are setu/gid these flags are ignored to prevent a malicious invoker from changing
+ * our behaviour.
+ */
+ for (p = env; (c = *p) != NULL; ++p) {
+ if (!strncmp(c, "Malloc", 6)) {
+ if (issetugid())
+ return;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (c == NULL)
+ return;
flag = getenv("MallocLogFile");
if (flag) {
fd = open(flag, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT, 0644);
if (getenv("MallocGuardEdges")) {
- malloc_debug_flags = SCALABLE_MALLOC_ADD_GUARD_PAGES;
- malloc_printf("protecting edges\n");
+ malloc_debug_flags |= SCALABLE_MALLOC_ADD_GUARD_PAGES;
+ _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "protecting edges\n");
if (getenv("MallocDoNotProtectPrelude")) {
- malloc_printf("... but not protecting prelude guard page\n");
+ _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "... but not protecting prelude guard page\n");
if (getenv("MallocDoNotProtectPostlude")) {
- malloc_printf("... but not protecting postlude guard page\n");
+ _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "... but not protecting postlude guard page\n");
flag = getenv("MallocStackLogging");
if (!flag) {
flag = getenv("MallocStackLoggingNoCompact");
stack_logging_dontcompact = 1;
- }
+ }
+ // For debugging, the MallocStackLogging or MallocStackLoggingNoCompact environment variables can be set to
+ // values of "memory", "disk", or "both" to control which stack logging mechanism to use. Those strings appear
+ // in the flag variable, and the strtoul() call below will return 0, so then we can do string comparison on the
+ // value of flag. The default stack logging now is disk stack logging, since memory stack logging is not 64-bit-aware.
if (flag) {
- unsigned val = strtoul(flag, NULL, 0);
+ unsigned long val = strtoul(flag, NULL, 0);
if (val == 1) val = 0;
if (val == -1) val = 0;
- malloc_logger = (val) ? (void *)val : stack_logging_log_stack;
+ if (val) {
+ malloc_logger = (void *)val;
+ _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "recording stacks using recorder %p\n", malloc_logger);
+ } else if (strcmp(flag,"memory") == 0) {
+ malloc_logger = (malloc_logger_t *)stack_logging_log_stack;
+ _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "recording malloc stacks in memory using standard recorder\n");
+ } else if (strcmp(flag,"both") == 0) {
+ malloc_logger = stack_logging_log_stack_debug;
+ _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "recording malloc stacks to both memory and disk for comparison debugging\n");
+ } else { // the default is to log to disk
+ malloc_logger = __disk_stack_logging_log_stack;
+ _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "recording malloc stacks to disk using standard recorder\n");
+ }
stack_logging_enable_logging = 1;
- if (malloc_logger == stack_logging_log_stack) {
- malloc_printf("recording stacks using standard recorder\n");
- } else {
- malloc_printf("recording stacks using recorder %p\n", malloc_logger);
+ if (stack_logging_dontcompact) {
+ if (malloc_logger == __disk_stack_logging_log_stack) {
+ _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "stack logging compaction turned off; size of log files on disk can increase rapidly\n");
+ } else {
+ _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "stack logging compaction turned off; VM can increase rapidly\n");
+ }
- if (stack_logging_dontcompact) malloc_printf("stack logging compaction turned off; VM can increase rapidly\n");
if (getenv("MallocScribble")) {
- malloc_debug_flags |= SCALABLE_MALLOC_DO_SCRIBBLE;
- malloc_printf("enabling scribbling to detect mods to free blocks\n");
+ malloc_debug_flags |= SCALABLE_MALLOC_DO_SCRIBBLE;
+ _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "enabling scribbling to detect mods to free blocks\n");
+ }
+ if (getenv("MallocErrorAbort")) {
+ malloc_debug_flags |= SCALABLE_MALLOC_ABORT_ON_ERROR;
+ _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "enabling abort() on bad malloc or free\n");
+ }
+#if __LP64__
+ /* initialization above forces SCALABLE_MALLOC_ABORT_ON_CORRUPTION of 64-bit processes */
+ flag = getenv("MallocCorruptionAbort");
+ if (flag && (flag[0] == '0')) { // Set from an environment variable in 32-bit processes
+ } else if (flag) {
flag = getenv("MallocCheckHeapStart");
if (flag) {
malloc_check_start = strtoul(flag, NULL, 0);
if (malloc_check_each == 0) malloc_check_each = 1;
if (malloc_check_each == -1) malloc_check_each = 1;
- malloc_printf("checks heap after %dth operation and each %d operations\n", malloc_check_start, malloc_check_each);
+ _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "checks heap after %dth operation and each %d operations\n", malloc_check_start, malloc_check_each);
flag = getenv("MallocCheckHeapAbort");
if (flag)
malloc_check_abort = strtol(flag, NULL, 0);
if (malloc_check_abort)
- malloc_printf("will abort on heap corruption\n");
+ _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "will abort on heap corruption\n");
else {
flag = getenv("MallocCheckHeapSleep");
if (flag)
malloc_check_sleep = strtol(flag, NULL, 0);
if (malloc_check_sleep > 0)
- malloc_printf("will sleep for %d seconds on heap corruption\n", malloc_check_sleep);
+ _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "will sleep for %d seconds on heap corruption\n", malloc_check_sleep);
else if (malloc_check_sleep < 0)
- malloc_printf("will sleep once for %d seconds on heap corruption\n", -malloc_check_sleep);
+ _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "will sleep once for %d seconds on heap corruption\n", -malloc_check_sleep);
- malloc_printf("no sleep on heap corruption\n");
+ _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "no sleep on heap corruption\n");
- flag = getenv("MallocBadFreeAbort");
- if (flag)
- malloc_free_abort = strtol(flag, NULL, 0);
if (getenv("MallocHelp")) {
- malloc_printf(
+ _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO,
"environment variables that can be set for debug:\n"
"- MallocLogFile <f> to create/append messages to file <f> instead of stderr\n"
"- MallocGuardEdges to add 2 guard pages for each large block\n"
"- MallocDoNotProtectPostlude to disable protection (when previous flag set)\n"
"- MallocStackLogging to record all stacks. Tools like leaks can then be applied\n"
"- MallocStackLoggingNoCompact to record all stacks. Needed for malloc_history\n"
+ "- MallocStackLoggingDirectory to set location of stack logs, which can grow large; default is /tmp\n"
"- MallocScribble to detect writing on free blocks and missing initializers:\n"
" 0x55 is written upon free and 0xaa is written on allocation\n"
"- MallocCheckHeapStart <n> to start checking the heap after <n> operations\n"
"- MallocCheckHeapEach <s> to repeat the checking of the heap after <s> operations\n"
"- MallocCheckHeapSleep <t> to sleep <t> seconds on heap corruption\n"
"- MallocCheckHeapAbort <b> to abort on heap corruption if <b> is non-zero\n"
- "- MallocBadFreeAbort <b> to abort on a bad free if <b> is non-zero\n"
+ "- MallocCorruptionAbort to abort on malloc errors, but not on out of memory for 32-bit processes\n"
+ " MallocCorruptionAbort is always set on 64-bit processes\n"
+ "- MallocErrorAbort to abort on any malloc error, including out of memory\n"
"- MallocHelp - this help!\n");
malloc_zone_t *zone;
- if (!malloc_num_zones) {
- char **env = * _NSGetEnviron();
- char **p;
- char *c;
- malloc_debug_file = STDERR_FILENO;
- /*
- * Given that all environment variables start with "Malloc" we optimize by scanning quickly
- * first the environment, therefore avoiding repeated calls to getenv().
- * If we are setu/gid these flags are ignored to prevent a malicious invoker from changing
- * our behaviour.
- */
- for (p = env; (c = *p) != NULL; ++p) {
- if (!strncmp(c, "Malloc", 6)) {
- if (!issetugid())
- set_flags_from_environment();
- break;
- }
- }
+ /* start_size doesn't seemed to actually be used, but we test anyways */
+ if (start_size > MALLOC_ABSOLUTE_MAX_SIZE) {
+ return NULL;
- zone = create_scalable_zone(start_size, malloc_debug_flags);
+ if (malloc_def_zone_state < 2) _malloc_initialize();
+ zone = create_scalable_zone(start_size, flags | malloc_debug_flags);
return zone;
+ * For use by CheckFix: establish a new default zone whose behavior is, apart from
+ * the use of death-row and per-CPU magazines, that of Leopard.
+ */
+ malloc_zone_t *zone;
+ int i;
+ if (malloc_def_zone_state < 2) _malloc_initialize();
+ zone = create_legacy_scalable_zone(0, malloc_debug_flags);
+ malloc_zone_register_while_locked(zone);
+ //
+ // Establish the legacy scalable zone just created as the default zone.
+ //
+ malloc_zone_t *hold = malloc_zones[0];
+ if(hold->zone_name && strcmp(hold->zone_name, "DefaultMallocZone") == 0) {
+ malloc_set_zone_name(hold, NULL);
+ }
+ malloc_set_zone_name(zone, "DefaultMallocZone");
+ unsigned protect_size = malloc_num_zones_allocated * sizeof(malloc_zone_t *);
+ mprotect(malloc_zones, protect_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
+ // assert(zone == malloc_zones[malloc_num_zones - 1];
+ for (i = malloc_num_zones - 1; i > 0; --i) {
+ malloc_zones[i] = malloc_zones[i - 1];
+ }
+ malloc_zones[0] = zone;
+ mprotect(malloc_zones, protect_size, PROT_READ);
malloc_destroy_zone(malloc_zone_t *zone) {
+ malloc_set_zone_name(zone, NULL); // Deallocate zone name wherever it may reside PR_7701095
static vm_address_t *frames = NULL;
static unsigned num_frames;
if (malloc_zone_check(NULL)) {
- malloc_printf("MallocCheckHeap: PASSED check at %dth operation\n", malloc_check_counter-1);
- if (!frames) vm_allocate(mach_task_self(), (void *)&frames, vm_page_size, 1);
- thread_stack_pcs(frames, vm_page_size/sizeof(vm_address_t) - 1, &num_frames);
+ if (!frames) vm_allocate(mach_task_self(), (void *)&frames, vm_page_size, 1);
+ thread_stack_pcs(frames, vm_page_size/sizeof(vm_address_t) - 1, &num_frames);
} else {
+ _SIMPLE_STRING b = _simple_salloc();
+ if (b)
+ _simple_sprintf(b, "*** MallocCheckHeap: FAILED check at %dth operation\n", malloc_check_counter-1);
+ else
+ _malloc_printf(MALLOC_PRINTF_NOLOG, "*** MallocCheckHeap: FAILED check at %dth operation\n", malloc_check_counter-1);
malloc_printf("*** MallocCheckHeap: FAILED check at %dth operation\n", malloc_check_counter-1);
if (frames) {
unsigned index = 1;
- malloc_printf("Stack for last operation where the malloc check succeeded: ");
- while (index < num_frames) malloc_printf("%p ", frames[index++]);
- malloc_printf("\n(Use 'atos' for a symbolic stack)\n");
+ if (b) {
+ _simple_sappend(b, "Stack for last operation where the malloc check succeeded: ");
+ while (index < num_frames) _simple_sprintf(b, "%p ", frames[index++]);
+ malloc_printf("%s\n(Use 'atos' for a symbolic stack)\n", _simple_string(b));
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Should only get here if vm_allocate() can't get a single page of
+ * memory, implying _simple_asl_log() would also fail. So we just
+ * print to the file descriptor.
+ */
+ _malloc_printf(MALLOC_PRINTF_NOLOG, "Stack for last operation where the malloc check succeeded: ");
+ while (index < num_frames) _malloc_printf(MALLOC_PRINTF_NOLOG, "%p ", frames[index++]);
+ _malloc_printf(MALLOC_PRINTF_NOLOG, "\n(Use 'atos' for a symbolic stack)\n");
+ }
if (malloc_check_each > 1) {
unsigned recomm_each = (malloc_check_each > 10) ? malloc_check_each/10 : 1;
unsigned recomm_start = (malloc_check_counter > malloc_check_each+1) ? malloc_check_counter-1-malloc_check_each : 1;
malloc_printf("*** Recommend using 'setenv MallocCheckHeapStart %d; setenv MallocCheckHeapEach %d' to narrow down failure\n", recomm_start, recomm_each);
- if (malloc_check_abort)
+ if (malloc_check_abort) {
+ CRSetCrashLogMessage(b ? _simple_string(b) : "*** MallocCheckHeap: FAILED check");
+ } else if (b)
+ _simple_sfree(b);
if (malloc_check_sleep > 0) {
- malloc_printf("*** Sleeping for %d seconds to leave time to attach\n",
+ _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_NOTICE, "*** Sleeping for %d seconds to leave time to attach\n",
} else if (malloc_check_sleep < 0) {
- malloc_printf("*** Sleeping once for %d seconds to leave time to attach\n",
+ _malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_NOTICE, "*** Sleeping once for %d seconds to leave time to attach\n",
malloc_check_sleep = 0;
if (malloc_check_start && (malloc_check_counter++ >= malloc_check_start)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
ptr = zone->malloc(zone, size);
- if (malloc_logger) malloc_logger(MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_ALLOCATE | MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_HAS_ZONE, (unsigned)zone, size, 0, (unsigned)ptr, 0);
+ if (malloc_logger)
+ malloc_logger(MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_ALLOCATE | MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_HAS_ZONE, (uintptr_t)zone, (uintptr_t)size, 0, (uintptr_t)ptr, 0);
return ptr;
if (malloc_check_start && (malloc_check_counter++ >= malloc_check_start)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
ptr = zone->calloc(zone, num_items, size);
- if (malloc_logger) malloc_logger(MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_ALLOCATE | MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_HAS_ZONE | MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_CLEARED, (unsigned)zone, num_items * size, 0, (unsigned)ptr, 0);
+ if (malloc_logger)
+ malloc_logger(MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_ALLOCATE | MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_HAS_ZONE | MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_CLEARED, (uintptr_t)zone, (uintptr_t)(num_items * size), 0,
+ (uintptr_t)ptr, 0);
return ptr;
if (malloc_check_start && (malloc_check_counter++ >= malloc_check_start)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
ptr = zone->valloc(zone, size);
- if (malloc_logger) malloc_logger(MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_ALLOCATE | MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_HAS_ZONE, (unsigned)zone, size, 0, (unsigned)ptr, 0);
+ if (malloc_logger)
+ malloc_logger(MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_ALLOCATE | MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_HAS_ZONE, (uintptr_t)zone, (uintptr_t)size, 0, (uintptr_t)ptr, 0);
return ptr;
if (malloc_check_start && (malloc_check_counter++ >= malloc_check_start)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
new_ptr = zone->realloc(zone, ptr, size);
- if (malloc_logger) malloc_logger(MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_ALLOCATE | MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_DEALLOCATE | MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_HAS_ZONE, (unsigned)zone, (unsigned)ptr, size, (unsigned)new_ptr, 0);
+ if (malloc_logger)
+ malloc_logger(MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_ALLOCATE | MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_DEALLOCATE | MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_HAS_ZONE, (uintptr_t)zone, (uintptr_t)ptr, (uintptr_t)size,
+ (uintptr_t)new_ptr, 0);
return new_ptr;
malloc_zone_free(malloc_zone_t *zone, void *ptr) {
- if (malloc_logger) malloc_logger(MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_DEALLOCATE | MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_HAS_ZONE, (unsigned)zone, (unsigned)ptr, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (malloc_logger)
+ malloc_logger(MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_DEALLOCATE | MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_HAS_ZONE, (uintptr_t)zone, (uintptr_t)ptr, 0, 0, 0);
if (malloc_check_start && (malloc_check_counter++ >= malloc_check_start)) {
zone->free(zone, ptr);
+static void
+malloc_zone_free_definite_size(malloc_zone_t *zone, void *ptr, size_t size) {
+ if (malloc_logger)
+ malloc_logger(MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_DEALLOCATE | MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_HAS_ZONE, (uintptr_t)zone, (uintptr_t)ptr, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (malloc_check_start && (malloc_check_counter++ >= malloc_check_start)) {
+ internal_check();
+ }
+ zone->free_definite_size(zone, ptr, size);
malloc_zone_t *
malloc_zone_from_ptr(const void *ptr) {
- malloc_zone_t *zone;
- if (!ptr) return NULL;
- zone = find_registered_zone(ptr, NULL);
- return zone;
+ if (!ptr)
+ return NULL;
+ else
+ return find_registered_zone(ptr, NULL);
+void *
+malloc_zone_memalign(malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t alignment, size_t size) {
+ void *ptr;
+ if (zone->version < 5) // Version must be >= 5 to look at the new memalign field.
+ return NULL;
+ if (!(zone->memalign))
+ return NULL;
+ if (malloc_check_start && (malloc_check_counter++ >= malloc_check_start)) {
+ internal_check();
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (alignment < sizeof( void *) || // excludes 0 == alignment
+ 0 != (alignment & (alignment - 1))) { // relies on sizeof(void *) being a power of two.
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ptr = zone->memalign(zone, alignment, size);
+ if (malloc_logger)
+ malloc_logger(MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_ALLOCATE | MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_HAS_ZONE, (uintptr_t)zone, (uintptr_t)size, 0, (uintptr_t)ptr, 0);
+ return ptr;
/********* Functions for zone implementors ************/
malloc_zone_register(malloc_zone_t *zone) {
- /* Note that given the sequencing it is always safe to first get the number of zones, then get malloc_zones without taking the lock, if all you need is to iterate through the list */
- if (malloc_num_zones >= INITIAL_ZONES) {
- malloc_zone_t **zones = malloc_zones;
- malloc_zone_t *pzone = malloc_zones[0];
- boolean_t copy = malloc_num_zones == INITIAL_ZONES;
- if (copy) zones = NULL; // to avoid realloc on something not allocated
- zones = pzone->realloc(pzone, zones, (malloc_num_zones + 1) * sizeof(malloc_zone_t *)); // we leak initial_malloc_zones, not worth tracking it
- if (copy) memcpy(zones, malloc_zones, malloc_num_zones * sizeof(malloc_zone_t *));
- malloc_zones = zones;
- }
- malloc_zones[malloc_num_zones] = zone;
- malloc_num_zones++; // note that we do this after setting malloc_num_zones, so enumerations without taking the lock are safe
+ malloc_zone_register_while_locked(zone);
- // malloc_printf("Registered %p malloc_zones at address %p is %p [%d zones]\n", zone, &malloc_zones, malloc_zones, malloc_num_zones);
malloc_zone_unregister(malloc_zone_t *z) {
unsigned index;
+ if (malloc_num_zones == 0)
+ return;
- index = malloc_num_zones;
- while (index--) {
- malloc_zone_t *zone = malloc_zones[index];
- if (zone == z) {
- malloc_zones[index] = malloc_zones[--malloc_num_zones];
- return;
- }
+ for (index = 0; index < malloc_num_zones; ++index) {
+ if (z != malloc_zones[index])
+ continue;
+ // Modify the page to be allow write access, so that we can update the
+ // malloc_zones array.
+ size_t protect_size = malloc_num_zones_allocated * sizeof(malloc_zone_t *);
+ mprotect(malloc_zones, protect_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
+ // If we found a match, replace it with the entry at the end of the list, shrink the list,
+ // and leave the end of the list intact to avoid racing with find_registered_zone().
+ malloc_zones[index] = malloc_zones[malloc_num_zones - 1];
+ --malloc_num_zones;
+ mprotect(malloc_zones, protect_size, PROT_READ);
+ // Exchange the roles of the FRZ counters. The counter that has captured the number of threads presently
+ // executing *inside* find_regiatered_zone is swapped with the counter drained to zero last time through.
+ // The former is then allowed to drain to zero while this thread yields.
+ int *p = pFRZCounterLive;
+ pFRZCounterLive = pFRZCounterDrain;
+ pFRZCounterDrain = p;
+ __sync_synchronize(); // Full memory barrier
+ while (0 != *pFRZCounterDrain) { pthread_yield_np(); }
+ return;
malloc_printf("*** malloc_zone_unregister() failed for %p\n", z);
malloc_set_zone_name(malloc_zone_t *z, const char *name) {
char *newName;
+ mprotect(z, sizeof(malloc_zone_t), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
if (z->zone_name) {
free((char *)z->zone_name);
z->zone_name = NULL;
- newName = malloc_zone_malloc(z, strlen(name) + 1);
- strcpy(newName, name);
- z->zone_name = (const char *)newName;
+ if (name) {
+ size_t buflen = strlen(name) + 1;
+ newName = malloc_zone_malloc(z, buflen);
+ if (newName) {
+ strlcpy(newName, name, buflen);
+ z->zone_name = (const char *)newName;
+ } else {
+ z->zone_name = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ mprotect(z, sizeof(malloc_zone_t), PROT_READ);
const char *
- * XXX malloc_printf now uses _simple_{,v}dprintf. It only deals with a
+ * XXX malloc_printf now uses _simple_*printf. It only deals with a
* subset of printf format specifiers, but it doesn't call malloc.
-void _simple_dprintf(int, const char *, ...);
-void _simple_vdprintf(int, const char *, va_list);
+__private_extern__ void
+_malloc_vprintf(int flags, const char *format, va_list ap)
+ if (_malloc_no_asl_log || (flags & MALLOC_PRINTF_NOLOG) || (b = _simple_salloc()) == NULL) {
+ if (!(flags & MALLOC_PRINTF_NOPREFIX)) {
+ if (__is_threaded) {
+ /* XXX somewhat rude 'knowing' that pthread_t is a pointer */
+ _simple_dprintf(malloc_debug_file, "%s(%d,%p) malloc: ", getprogname(), getpid(), (void *)pthread_self());
+ } else {
+ _simple_dprintf(malloc_debug_file, "%s(%d) malloc: ", getprogname(), getpid());
+ }
+ }
+ _simple_vdprintf(malloc_debug_file, format, ap);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!(flags & MALLOC_PRINTF_NOPREFIX)) {
+ if (__is_threaded) {
+ /* XXX somewhat rude 'knowing' that pthread_t is a pointer */
+ _simple_sprintf(b, "%s(%d,%p) malloc: ", getprogname(), getpid(), (void *)pthread_self());
+ } else {
+ _simple_sprintf(b, "%s(%d) malloc: ", getprogname(), getpid());
+ }
+ }
+ _simple_vsprintf(b, format, ap);
+ _simple_put(b, malloc_debug_file);
+ _simple_asl_log(flags & MALLOC_PRINTF_LEVEL_MASK, Malloc_Facility, _simple_string(b));
+ _simple_sfree(b);
+__private_extern__ void
+_malloc_printf(int flags, const char *format, ...)
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, format);
+ _malloc_vprintf(flags, format, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
malloc_printf(const char *format, ...)
va_list ap;
- if (__is_threaded) {
- /* XXX somewhat rude 'knowing' that pthread_t is a pointer */
- _simple_dprintf(malloc_debug_file, "%s(%d,%p) malloc: ", getprogname(), getpid(), (void *)pthread_self());
- } else {
- _simple_dprintf(malloc_debug_file, "%s(%d) malloc: ", getprogname(), getpid());
- }
va_start(ap, format);
- _simple_vdprintf(malloc_debug_file, format, ap);
+ _malloc_vprintf(ASL_LEVEL_ERR, format, ap);
free(void *ptr) {
malloc_zone_t *zone;
- if (!ptr) return;
- zone = find_registered_zone(ptr, NULL);
- if (zone) {
- malloc_zone_free(zone, ptr);
- } else {
- malloc_printf("*** Deallocation of a pointer not malloced: %p; "
- "This could be a double free(), or free() called with the middle of an allocated block; "
- "Try setting environment variable MallocHelp to see tools to help debug\n", ptr);
- if (malloc_free_abort)
+ size_t size;
+ if (!ptr)
+ return;
+ zone = find_registered_zone(ptr, &size);
+ if (!zone) {
+ malloc_printf("*** error for object %p: pointer being freed was not allocated\n"
+ "*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug\n", ptr);
+ malloc_error_break();
+ _SIMPLE_STRING b = _simple_salloc();
+ if (b) {
+ _simple_sprintf(b, "*** error for object %p: pointer being freed was not allocated\n", ptr);
+ CRSetCrashLogMessage(_simple_string(b));
+ } else {
+ CRSetCrashLogMessage("*** error: pointer being freed was not allocated\n");
+ }
- }
+ }
+ } else if (zone->version >= 6 && zone->free_definite_size)
+ malloc_zone_free_definite_size(zone, ptr, size);
+ else
+ malloc_zone_free(zone, ptr);
void *
-realloc(void *old_ptr, size_t new_size) {
- void *retval;
+realloc(void *in_ptr, size_t new_size) {
+ void *retval = NULL;
+ void *old_ptr;
malloc_zone_t *zone;
- size_t old_size = 0;
+ size_t old_size = 0;
+ // SUSv3: "If size is 0 and ptr is not a null pointer, the object
+ // pointed to is freed. If the space cannot be allocated, the object
+ // shall remain unchanged." Also "If size is 0, either a null pointer
+ // or a unique pointer that can be successfully passed to free() shall
+ // be returned." We choose to allocate a minimum size object by calling
+ // malloc_zone_malloc with zero size, which matches "If ptr is a null
+ // pointer, realloc() shall be equivalent to malloc() for the specified
+ // size." So we only free the original memory if the allocation succeeds.
+ old_ptr = (new_size == 0) ? NULL : in_ptr;
if (!old_ptr) {
retval = malloc_zone_malloc(inline_malloc_default_zone(), new_size);
} else {
zone = find_registered_zone(old_ptr, &old_size);
- if (zone && (old_size >= new_size)) return old_ptr;
- if (!zone) zone = inline_malloc_default_zone();
- retval = malloc_zone_realloc(zone, old_ptr, new_size);
+ if (!zone) {
+ malloc_printf("*** error for object %p: pointer being realloc'd was not allocated\n"
+ "*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug\n", old_ptr);
+ malloc_error_break();
+ _SIMPLE_STRING b = _simple_salloc();
+ if (b) {
+ _simple_sprintf(b, "*** error for object %p: pointer being realloc'd was not allocated\n", old_ptr);
+ CRSetCrashLogMessage(_simple_string(b));
+ } else {
+ CRSetCrashLogMessage("*** error: pointer being realloc'd was not allocated\n");
+ }
+ abort();
+ }
+ } else {
+ retval = malloc_zone_realloc(zone, old_ptr, new_size);
+ }
if (retval == NULL) {
errno = ENOMEM;
+ } else if (new_size == 0) {
+ free(in_ptr);
return retval;
malloc_size(const void *ptr) {
size_t size = 0;
- if (!ptr) return size;
+ if (!ptr)
+ return size;
(void)find_registered_zone(ptr, &size);
return size;
return zone->introspect->good_size(zone, size);
+ * The posix_memalign() function shall allocate size bytes aligned on a boundary specified by alignment,
+ * and shall return a pointer to the allocated memory in memptr.
+ * The value of alignment shall be a multiple of sizeof( void *), that is also a power of two.
+ * Upon successful completion, the value pointed to by memptr shall be a multiple of alignment.
+ *
+ * Upon successful completion, posix_memalign() shall return zero; otherwise,
+ * an error number shall be returned to indicate the error.
+ *
+ * The posix_memalign() function shall fail if:
+ * The value of the alignment parameter is not a power of two multiple of sizeof( void *).
+ * There is insufficient memory available with the requested alignment.
+ */
+posix_memalign(void **memptr, size_t alignment, size_t size)
+ void *retval;
+ /* POSIX is silent on NULL == memptr !?! */
+ retval = malloc_zone_memalign(inline_malloc_default_zone(), alignment, size);
+ if (retval == NULL) {
+ // To avoid testing the alignment constraints redundantly, we'll rely on the
+ // test made in malloc_zone_memalign to vet each request. Only if that test fails
+ // and returns NULL, do we arrive here to detect the bogus alignment and give the
+ // required EINVAL return.
+ if (alignment < sizeof( void *) || // excludes 0 == alignment
+ 0 != (alignment & (alignment - 1))) { // relies on sizeof(void *) being a power of two.
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ return ENOMEM;
+ } else {
+ *memptr = retval; // Set iff allocation succeeded
+ return 0;
+ }
+static malloc_zone_t *
+find_registered_purgeable_zone(void *ptr) {
+ if (!ptr)
+ return NULL;
+ /*
+ * Look for a zone which contains ptr. If that zone does not have the purgeable malloc flag
+ * set, or the allocation is too small, do nothing. Otherwise, set the allocation volatile.
+ * FIXME: for performance reasons, we should probably keep a separate list of purgeable zones
+ * and only search those.
+ */
+ size_t size = 0;
+ malloc_zone_t *zone = find_registered_zone(ptr, &size);
+ /* FIXME: would really like a zone->introspect->flags->purgeable check, but haven't determined
+ * binary compatibility impact of changing the introspect struct yet. */
+ if (!zone)
+ return NULL;
+ /* Check to make sure pointer is page aligned and size is multiple of page size */
+ if ((size < vm_page_size) || ((size % vm_page_size) != 0))
+ return NULL;
+ return zone;
+malloc_make_purgeable(void *ptr) {
+ malloc_zone_t *zone = find_registered_purgeable_zone(ptr);
+ if (!zone)
+ return;
+ vm_purgable_control(mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t)ptr, VM_PURGABLE_SET_STATE, &state);
+ return;
+/* Returns true if ptr is valid. Ignore the return value from vm_purgeable_control and only report
+ * state. */
+malloc_make_nonpurgeable(void *ptr) {
+ malloc_zone_t *zone = find_registered_purgeable_zone(ptr);
+ if (!zone)
+ return 0;
+ vm_purgable_control(mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t)ptr, VM_PURGABLE_SET_STATE, &state);
+ if (state == VM_PURGABLE_EMPTY)
+ return EFAULT;
+ return 0;
+size_t malloc_zone_pressure_relief(malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t goal)
+ if (!zone) {
+ unsigned index = 0;
+ size_t total = 0;
+ // Take lock to defend against malloc_destroy_zone()
+ while (index < malloc_num_zones) {
+ zone = malloc_zones[index++];
+ if (zone->version < 8)
+ continue;
+ if (NULL == zone->pressure_relief)
+ continue;
+ if (0 == goal) /* Greedy */
+ total += zone->pressure_relief(zone, 0);
+ else if (goal > total)
+ total += zone->pressure_relief(zone, goal - total);
+ else /* total >= goal */
+ break;
+ }
+ return total;
+ } else {
+ // Assumes zone is not destroyed for the duration of this call
+ if (zone->version < 8)
+ return 0;
+ if (NULL == zone->pressure_relief)
+ return 0;
+ return zone->pressure_relief(zone, goal);
+ }
/********* Batch methods ************/
malloc_zone_batch_malloc(malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t size, void **results, unsigned num_requested) {
unsigned (*batch_malloc)(malloc_zone_t *, size_t, void **, unsigned) = zone-> batch_malloc;
- if (! batch_malloc) return 0;
+ if (! batch_malloc)
+ return 0;
if (malloc_check_start && (malloc_check_counter++ >= malloc_check_start)) {
if (malloc_logger) {
unsigned index = 0;
while (index < batched) {
- malloc_logger(MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_ALLOCATE | MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_HAS_ZONE, (unsigned)zone, size, 0, (unsigned)results[index], 0);
+ malloc_logger(MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_ALLOCATE | MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_HAS_ZONE, (uintptr_t)zone, (uintptr_t)size, 0, (uintptr_t)results[index], 0);
if (malloc_logger) {
unsigned index = 0;
while (index < num) {
- malloc_logger(MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_DEALLOCATE | MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_HAS_ZONE, (unsigned)zone, (unsigned)to_be_freed[index], 0, 0, 0);
+ malloc_logger(MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_DEALLOCATE | MALLOC_LOG_TYPE_HAS_ZONE, (uintptr_t)zone, (uintptr_t)to_be_freed[index], 0, 0, 0);
// printf("malloc_get_all_zones succesfully found %d zones\n", num_zones);
err = reader(task, zones_address, sizeof(malloc_zone_t *) * num_zones, (void **)addresses);
if (err) {
- malloc_printf("*** malloc_get_all_zones: error reading zones at %p\n", (unsigned)&zones_address);
+ malloc_printf("*** malloc_get_all_zones: error reading zones at %p\n", &zones_address);
return err;
// printf("malloc_get_all_zones succesfully read %d zones\n", num_zones);
malloc_zone_print_ptr_info(void *ptr) {
malloc_zone_t *zone;
if (!ptr) return;
- zone = find_registered_zone(ptr, NULL);
+ zone = malloc_zone_from_ptr(ptr);
if (zone) {
printf("ptr %p in registered zone %p\n", ptr, zone);
} else {
malloc_zone_statistics(malloc_zone_t *zone, malloc_statistics_t *stats) {
if (!zone) {
- memset(stats, 0, sizeof(stats));
+ memset(stats, 0, sizeof(*stats));
unsigned index = 0;
while (index < malloc_num_zones) {
zone = malloc_zones[index++];
static void
DefaultMallocError(int x) {
- malloc_printf("*** error %d\n", x);
+ malloc_printf("*** error %d\n", x);
+ _SIMPLE_STRING b = _simple_salloc();
+ if (b) {
+ _simple_sprintf(b, "*** error %d", x);
+ malloc_printf("%s\n", _simple_string(b));
+ CRSetCrashLogMessage(_simple_string(b));
+ } else {
+ _malloc_printf(MALLOC_PRINTF_NOLOG, "*** error %d", x);
+ CRSetCrashLogMessage("*** DefaultMallocError called");
+ }
return DefaultMallocError;
+/* Stack logging fork-handling prototypes */
+extern void __stack_logging_fork_prepare();
+extern void __stack_logging_fork_parent();
+extern void __stack_logging_fork_child();
+extern void __stack_logging_early_finished();
_malloc_fork_prepare() {
/* Prepare the malloc module for a fork by insuring that no thread is in a malloc critical section */
malloc_zone_t *zone = malloc_zones[index++];
+ __stack_logging_fork_prepare();
_malloc_fork_parent() {
/* Called in the parent process after a fork() to resume normal operation. */
unsigned index = 0;
+ __stack_logging_fork_parent();
while (index < malloc_num_zones) {
malloc_zone_t *zone = malloc_zones[index++];
_malloc_fork_child() {
/* Called in the child process after a fork() to resume normal operation. In the MTASK case we also have to change memory inheritance so that the child does not share memory with the parent. */
unsigned index = 0;
+ __stack_logging_fork_child();
while (index < malloc_num_zones) {
malloc_zone_t *zone = malloc_zones[index++];
+malloc_zone_enable_discharge_checking(malloc_zone_t *zone)
+ if (zone->version < 7) // Version must be >= 7 to look at the new discharge checking fields.
+ return FALSE;
+ if (NULL == zone->introspect->enable_discharge_checking)
+ return FALSE;
+ return zone->introspect->enable_discharge_checking(zone);
+malloc_zone_disable_discharge_checking(malloc_zone_t *zone)
+ if (zone->version < 7) // Version must be >= 7 to look at the new discharge checking fields.
+ return;
+ if (NULL == zone->introspect->disable_discharge_checking)
+ return;
+ zone->introspect->disable_discharge_checking(zone);
+malloc_zone_discharge(malloc_zone_t *zone, void *memory)
+ if (NULL == zone)
+ zone = malloc_zone_from_ptr(memory);
+ if (NULL == zone)
+ return;
+ if (zone->version < 7) // Version must be >= 7 to look at the new discharge checking fields.
+ return;
+ if (NULL == zone->introspect->discharge)
+ return;
+ zone->introspect->discharge(zone, memory);
+malloc_zone_enumerate_discharged_pointers(malloc_zone_t *zone, void (^report_discharged)(void *memory, void *info))
+ if (!zone) {
+ unsigned index = 0;
+ while (index < malloc_num_zones) {
+ zone = malloc_zones[index++];
+ if (zone->version < 7)
+ continue;
+ if (NULL == zone->introspect->enumerate_discharged_pointers)
+ continue;
+ zone->introspect->enumerate_discharged_pointers(zone, report_discharged);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (zone->version < 7)
+ return;
+ if (NULL == zone->introspect->enumerate_discharged_pointers)
+ return;
+ zone->introspect->enumerate_discharged_pointers(zone, report_discharged);
+ }
/***************** OBSOLETE ENTRY POINTS ********************/