- * Copyright (c) 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * "Portions Copyright (c) 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights
- * Reserved. This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of
- * Original Code as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public
- * Source License Version 1.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the
- * License at http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using
- * this file.
+ *
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
+ * file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License."
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
+#include <Availability.h>
typedef struct __aslclient *aslclient;
typedef struct __aslmsg *aslmsg;
typedef struct __aslresponse *aslresponse;
+/*! @header
+ * These routines provide an interface to the Apple System Log facility.
+ * The API allows client applications to create flexible, structured messages
+ * and send them to the syslogd server. Messages received by the server are
+ * saved in a data store, subject to input filtering constraints.
+ * This API also permits clients to create queries and search the message
+ * data store for matching messages.
+ */
- * Log levels of the message
+ * NOTE FOR HeaderDoc
+ *
+ * These are added to allow headerdoc2html to process
+ * the prototypes of asl_log and asl_vlog correctly.
+ * The "-p" option to headerdoc2html is required.
+ */
+/*! @parseOnly */
+#define __DARWIN_LDBL_COMPAT2(a)
+#ifndef __printflike
+/*! @parseOnly */
+#define __printflike(a,b)
+/*! @defineblock Log Message Priority Levels
+ * Log levels of the message.
#define ASL_LEVEL_INFO 6
+/*! @/defineblock */
- * Corresponding level strings
+/*! @defineblock Log Message Priority Level Strings
+ * Strings corresponding to log levels.
#define ASL_STRING_EMERG "Emergency"
#define ASL_STRING_ALERT "Alert"
#define ASL_STRING_NOTICE "Notice"
#define ASL_STRING_INFO "Info"
#define ASL_STRING_DEBUG "Debug"
+/*! @/defineblock */
- * Attribute value comparison operations
+/*! @defineblock Attribute Matching
+ * Attribute value comparison operations.
#define ASL_QUERY_OP_CASEFOLD 0x0010
#define ASL_QUERY_OP_PREFIX 0x0020
#define ASL_QUERY_OP_LESS_EQUAL 0x0005
#define ASL_QUERY_OP_NOT_EQUAL 0x0006
#define ASL_QUERY_OP_TRUE 0x0007
+/*! @/defineblock */
- * Attributes of all messages.
- * The following attributes are attached to log messages,
- * and are preserved in the order listed.
- * Additional attributes may be added as desired, and are
- * appended in the order that they are defined.
- */
-#define ASL_KEY_TIME "Time" /* Timestamp (see ctime(3)). Set automatically */
-#define ASL_KEY_HOST "Host" /* Sender's address (set by the server) */
-#define ASL_KEY_SENDER "Sender" /* Sender's identification string. Default is process name */
-#define ASL_KEY_PID "PID" /* Sending process ID encoded as a string. Set automatically */
-#define ASL_KEY_UID "UID" /* UID that sent the log message (set by the server) */
-#define ASL_KEY_GID "GID" /* GID that sent the log message (set by the server) */
-#define ASL_KEY_LEVEL "Level" /* Log level number encoded as a string. See levels above */
-#define ASL_KEY_MSG "Message" /* Actual message that will be logged */
- * Message Types
+/*! @defineblock Message Attributes
+ *
+ * These attributes are known by ASL, and are generally
+ * associated with all log messages.
+ * Additional attributes may be added as desired.
+ */
+#define ASL_KEY_TIME "Time" /* Timestamp. Set automatically */
+#define ASL_KEY_TIME_NSEC "TimeNanoSec" /* Nanosecond time. */
+#define ASL_KEY_HOST "Host" /* Sender's address (set by the server). */
+#define ASL_KEY_SENDER "Sender" /* Sender's identification string. Default is process name. */
+#define ASL_KEY_FACILITY "Facility" /* Sender's facility. Default is "user". */
+#define ASL_KEY_PID "PID" /* Sending process ID encoded as a string. Set automatically. */
+#define ASL_KEY_UID "UID" /* UID that sent the log message (set by the server). */
+#define ASL_KEY_GID "GID" /* GID that sent the log message (set by the server). */
+#define ASL_KEY_LEVEL "Level" /* Log level number encoded as a string. See levels above. */
+#define ASL_KEY_MSG "Message" /* Message text. */
+#define ASL_KEY_READ_UID "ReadUID" /* User read access (-1 is any user). */
+#define ASL_KEY_READ_GID "ReadGID" /* Group read access (-1 is any group). */
+#define ASL_KEY_EXPIRE_TIME "ASLExpireTime" /* Expiration time for messages with long TTL. */
+#define ASL_KEY_MSG_ID "ASLMessageID" /* 64-bit message ID number (set by the server). */
+#define ASL_KEY_SESSION "Session" /* Session (set by the launchd). */
+#define ASL_KEY_REF_PID "RefPID" /* Reference PID for messages proxied by launchd */
+#define ASL_KEY_REF_PROC "RefProc" /* Reference process for messages proxied by launchd */
+#define ASL_KEY_AUX_TITLE "ASLAuxTitle" /* Auxiliary title string */
+#define ASL_KEY_AUX_UTI "ASLAuxUTI" /* Auxiliary Uniform Type ID */
+#define ASL_KEY_AUX_URL "ASLAuxURL" /* Auxiliary Uniform Resource Locator */
+#define ASL_KEY_AUX_DATA "ASLAuxData" /* Auxiliary in-line data */
+#define ASL_KEY_OPTION "ASLOption" /* Internal */
+#define ASL_KEY_SENDER_INSTANCE "SenderInstance" /* Sender instance UUID. */
+/*! @/defineblock */
+/*! @defineblock aslmsg Types
+ * Message type argument passed to asl_new().
#define ASL_TYPE_MSG 0
#define ASL_TYPE_QUERY 1
+/*! @/defineblock */
-/* Macros to create bitmasks for filter settings - see asl_set_filter */
-#define ASL_FILTER_MASK(level) (1 << (level))
-#define ASL_FILTER_MASK_UPTO(level) ((1 << ((level) + 1)) - 1)
-/* Individual filter masks */
+/*! @defineblock Filter Masks
+ * Used in client-side filtering, which determines which
+ * messages are sent by the client to the syslogd server.
+ */
+/*! @/defineblock */
+/*! @defineblock Filter Mask Macros
+ * Macros to create bitmasks for filter settings - see asl_set_filter().
+ */
+#define ASL_FILTER_MASK(level) (1 << (level))
+#define ASL_FILTER_MASK_UPTO(level) ((1 << ((level) + 1)) - 1)
+/*! @/defineblock */
-/* Options to asl_open */
+/*! @defineblock Client Creation Options
+ * Options for asl_open().
+ */
#define ASL_OPT_STDERR 0x00000001
#define ASL_OPT_NO_DELAY 0x00000002
#define ASL_OPT_NO_REMOTE 0x00000004
+/*! @/defineblock */
- * asl_open: initialize a syslog connection
+ * Initialize a connection to the ASL server.
+ *
* This call is optional in most cases. The library will perform any
* necessary initializations on the fly. A call to asl_open() is required
* if optional settings must be made before messages are sent to the server.
* messages are not sent to the server by default.
* Options (defined above) may be set using the opts parameter. They are:
+ *
* ASL_OPT_STDERR - adds stderr as an output file descriptor
+ *
* ASL_OPT_NO_DELAY - connects to the server immediately
+ *
* ASL_OPT_NO_REMOTE - disables the remote-control mechanism for adjusting
* filter levers for processes using e.g. syslog -c ...
+ *
+ * @param ident
+ * (input) Sender name
+ * @param facility
+ * (input) Facility name
+ * @param opts
+ * (input) Options (see asl_open Options)
+ * @result Returns an ASL client handle
aslclient asl_open(const char *ident, const char *facility, uint32_t opts);
- * Shuts down the current connection to the server.
+ * Shuts down a connection to the server.
+ *
+ * @param asl
+ * (input) An ASL client handle
void asl_close(aslclient asl);
- * asl_add_file: write log messages to the given file descriptor
+ * Write log messages to the given file descriptor.
+ *
* Log messages will be written to this file as well as to the server.
- */
+ *
+ * @param asl
+ * (input) An ASL client handle
+ * @param fd
+ * (input) A file descriptor
+ * @result Returns 0 on success, non-zero on failure
int asl_add_log_file(aslclient asl, int fd);
- * asl_remove_file: stop writing log messages to the given file descriptor
+ * Stop writing log messages to the given file descriptor.
* The file descripter is not closed by this routine.
+ *
+ * @param asl
+ * (input) An ASL client handle
+ * @param fd
+ * (input) A file descriptor
+ * @result Returns 0 on success, non-zero on failure
int asl_remove_log_file(aslclient asl, int fd);
- * Set a filter for messages being sent to the server
+ * Set a filter for messages being sent to the server.
* The filter is a bitmask representing priorities. The ASL_FILTER_MASK
* macro may be used to convert a priority level into a bitmask for that
* level. The ASL_FILTER_MASK_UPTO macro creates a bitmask for all
* set in the filter are not sent to the server, although they will be
* sent to any file descripters added with asl_add_log_file().
* The default setting is ASL_FILTER_MASK_UPTO(ASL_LEVEL_NOTICE).
+ * Returns the previous filter value.
+ *
+ * @param asl
+ * (input) An ASL client handle
+ * @param f
+ * (input) A filter value
+ * @result Returns the previous filter value
int asl_set_filter(aslclient asl, int f);
- * asl_key: examine attribute keys
- * returns the key of the nth attribute in a message (beginning at zero)
- * returns NULL if the message has fewer attributes
+ * Examine attribute keys.
+ *
+ * @param msg
+ * (input) An ASL message
+ * @param n
+ * (input) An index value
+ * @result Returns the key of the nth attribute in a message (beginning at zero),
+ * or NULL if n is greater than the largest message index.
const char *asl_key(aslmsg msg, uint32_t n);
- * asl_new: create a new log message.
+ * Create a new log message or query message.
+ *
+ * @param type
+ * (input) Message type (see aslmsg Types)
+ * @result Returns a newly allocated asmsg of the specified type
aslmsg asl_new(uint32_t type);
- * asl_set: set attributes of a message
- * msg: an aslmsg
- * key: attribute key
- * value: attribute value
- * returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure
+ * Set or re-set a message attribute.
+ *
+ * @param msg
+ * (input) An aslmsg
+ * @param key
+ * (input) Attribute key
+ * @param value
+ * (input) Attribute value
+ * @result returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure
int asl_set(aslmsg msg, const char *key, const char *value);
- * asl_unset: remove attributes of a message
- * msg: an aslmsg
- * key: attribute key
+ * Remove a message attribute.
+ *
+ * @param msg
+ * (input) An aslmsg
+ * @param key
+ * (input) Attribute key
* returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure
int asl_unset(aslmsg msg, const char *key);
- * asl_get: get attribute values from a message
- * msg: an aslmsg
- * key: attribute key
- * returns the attribute value
- * returns NULL if the message does not contain the key
+ * Get the value of a message attribute.
+ *
+ * @param msg
+ * (input) An aslmsg
+ * @param key
+ * (input) Attribute key
+ * @result Returns the attribute value, or NULL if the message does not contain the key
const char *asl_get(aslmsg msg, const char *key);
- * asl_log: log a message with a particular log level
- * msg: an aslmsg
- * msg may be NULL, in which case a new message will be
- * created and sent using default attributes.
- * level: the log level
- * format: A formating string followed by a list of arguments, like printf()
- * returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure
+ * Log a message with a particular log level.
+ *
+ * @param asl
+ * (input) An ASL client handle
+ * @param msg
+ * (input) An aslmsg (default attributes will be supplied if msg is NULL)
+ * @param level
+ * (input) Log level (ASL_LEVEL_DEBUG to ASL_LEVEL_EMERG)
+ * @param format
+ * (input) A printf() - style format string followed by a list of arguments
+ * @result Returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure
-int asl_log(aslclient asl, aslmsg msg, int level, const char *format, ...) __DARWIN_LDBL_COMPAT2(asl_log);
+int asl_log(aslclient asl, aslmsg msg, int level, const char *format, ...) __DARWIN_LDBL_COMPAT2(asl_log) __printflike(4, 5);
-int asl_log(aslclient asl, aslmsg msg, int level, const char *format, ...);
+int asl_log(aslclient asl, aslmsg msg, int level, const char *format, ...) __printflike(4, 5);
- * asl_vlog: Similar to asl_log, but taking a va_list instead of a list of
- * arguments.
- * msg: an aslmsg
- * msg may be NULL, in which case a new message will be
- * created and sent using default attributes.
- * level: the log level of the associated message
- * format: A formating string followed by a list of arguments, like vprintf()
- * returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure
+ * Log a message with a particular log level.
+ * Similar to asl_log, but takes a va_list argument.
+ *
+ * @param asl
+ * (input) An ASL client handle
+ * @param msg
+ * (input) An aslmsg (default attributes will be supplied if msg is NULL)
+ * @param level
+ * (input) Log level (ASL_LEVEL_DEBUG to ASL_LEVEL_EMERG)
+ * @param format
+ * (input) A printf() - style format string followed by a list of arguments
+ * @param ap
+ * (input) A va_list containing the values for the format string
+ * @result Returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure
-int asl_vlog(aslclient asl, aslmsg msg, int level, const char *format, va_list ap) __DARWIN_LDBL_COMPAT2(asl_vlog);
+int asl_vlog(aslclient asl, aslmsg msg, int level, const char *format, va_list ap) __DARWIN_LDBL_COMPAT2(asl_vlog) __printflike(4, 0);
-int asl_vlog(aslclient asl, aslmsg msg, int level, const char *format, va_list ap);
+int asl_vlog(aslclient asl, aslmsg msg, int level, const char *format, va_list ap) __printflike(4, 0);
- * asl_send: send a message
+ * Log a message.
+ *
* This routine may be used instead of asl_log() or asl_vlog() if asl_set()
* has been used to set all of a message's attributes.
- * msg: an aslmsg
- * returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure
+ *
+ * @param asl
+ * (input) An ASL client handle
+ * @param msg
+ * (input) An aslmsg
+ * @result Returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure
int asl_send(aslclient asl, aslmsg msg);
- * asl_free: free a message
- * msg: an aslmsg to free
+ * Free a message. Frees all the attribute keys and values.
+ *
+ * @param msg
+ * (input) An aslmsg to free
void asl_free(aslmsg msg);
- * asl_set_query: set arbitrary parameters of a query
- * Similar to als_set, but allows richer query operations.
+ * Set arbitrary parameters of a query.
+ * This is similar to asl_set, but allows richer query operations.
* See ASL_QUERY_OP_* above.
- * msg: an aslmsg
- * key: attribute key
- * value: attribute value
- * op: an operation from the set above.
- * returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure
+ *
+ * @param msg
+ * (input) An aslmsg
+ * @param key
+ * (input) Attribute key
+ * @param value
+ * (input) Attribute value
+ * @param op
+ * (input) An operation (ASL_QUERY_OP_*)
+ * @result Returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure
int asl_set_query(aslmsg msg, const char *key, const char *value, uint32_t op);
- * asl_search: Search for messages matching the criteria described
- * by the aslmsg . The caller should set the attributes to match using
- * asl_set_query() or asl_set(). The operatoin ASL_QUERY_OP_EQUAL is
- * used for attributes set with asl_set().
- * a: an aslmsg
- * returns: a set of messages that can be iterated over using aslresp_next(),
- * and the values can be retrieved using aslresp_get.
+ * Search for messages matching the criteria described by the aslmsg.
+ * The caller should set the attributes to match using asl_set_query() or asl_set().
+ * The operatoin ASL_QUERY_OP_EQUAL is used for attributes set with asl_set().
+ *
+ * @param msg
+ * (input) An aslmsg to match
+ * @result Returns a set of messages accessable using aslresponse_next(),
aslresponse asl_search(aslclient asl, aslmsg msg);
- * aslresponse_next: Iterate over responses returned from asl_search()
- * a: a response returned from asl_search();
- * returns: The next log message (an aslmsg) or NULL on failure
+ * Iterate over responses returned from asl_search().
+ *
+ * @param r
+ * (input) An aslresponse returned by asl_search()
+ * @result Returns the next message (an aslmsg) in the response, or NULL when there are no more messages
aslmsg aslresponse_next(aslresponse r);
- * aslresponse_free: Free a response returned from asl_search()
- * a: a response returned from asl_search()
+ * Free a response returned from asl_search().
+ * @param r
+ * (input) An aslresponse returned by asl_search()
+ */
+void aslresponse_free(aslresponse r);
+ * Creates an auxiliary file that may be used to save arbitrary data. The ASL message msg
+ * will be saved at the time that the auxiliary file is closed with asl_close_auxiliary_file().
+ * The log entry will include any keys and values found in msg, and it will include the title
+ * and Uniform Type Identifier specified. If NULL is supplied as a value for the uti parameter,
+ * the type "public.data" is used. Console.app will display a hyperlink to the file.
+ * Output parameter out_fd will contain a readable and writable file descriptor for the new
+ * auxiliary file.
+ *
+ * By default, the file will be world-readable. If the message contains a ReadUID and/or a
+ * ReadGID key, then the values for those keys will determine read access to the file.
+ *
+ * The file will be deleted at the same time that the message expires from the ASL data store.
+ * The aslmanager utility manages message expiry. If msg contains a value for ASLExpireTime,
+ * then the message and the file will not be deleted before that time. The value may be in
+ * seconds after the Epoch, or it may be ctime() format, e.g "Thu Jun 24 18:22:48 2010".
+ *
+ * @param msg
+ * (input) An aslmsg
+ * @param tite
+ * (input) A title string for the file
+ * @param uti
+ * (input) Uniform Type Identifier for the file
+ * @param out_fd
+ * (output) A writable file descriptor
+ * @result Returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure
+ */
+int asl_create_auxiliary_file(aslmsg msg, const char *title, const char *uti, int *out_fd)
+ * Close an auxiliary file opened by asl_create_auxiliary_file() when writing is complete.
+ * syslogd will log the message provided to asl_create_auxiliary_file() when this routine
+ * is called.
+ *
+ * @param fd
+ * (input) The file descriptor
+ * @result Returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure
+ */
+int asl_close_auxiliary_file(int fd)
+ * Sends an ASL message to syslogd along with a title string, Uniform Resource Locator,
+ * and Uniform Type Identifier specified. Console.app will hyperlink the title string to
+ * the specified URL. If NULL is supplied as a value for the uti parameter, the default
+ * type "public.data" is used.
+ *
+ * @param msg
+ * (input) An aslmsg
+ * @param title
+ * (input) A title string for the file
+ * @param uti
+ * (input) Uniform Type Identifier for the file
+ * @param url
+ * (input) Uniform Type Locator
+ * @result Returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure
+ */
+int asl_log_auxiliary_location(aslmsg msg, const char *title, const char *uti, const char *url)
+ * Creates an aslclient for logging to a file descriptor. The file must be opened for read and
+ * write access. This routine may be used in conjunction with asl_create_auxiliary_file() to
+ * save ASL format log messages to an auxiliary file.
+ *
+ * The file will be truncated if it is not empty. When logging to the auxiliary file is complete,
+ * aslclient should be closed using asl_close(). The file should be closed using
+ * asl_close_auxiliary_file() if it was returned by asl_create_auxiliary_file(), or close()
+ * otherwise.
+ *
+ * The returned aslclient is thread-safe.
+ *
+ * Note that per-message read access controls (ReadUID and ReadGID) and message expire
+ * times (ASLExpireTime) keys have no effect for messages written to this file.
+ *
+ * @param fd
+ * (input) A file descriptor
+ * @param ident
+ * (input) Sender name
+ * @param facility
+ * (input) Facility name
+ * @result An aslclient
-void aslresponse_free(aslresponse a);
+aslclient asl_open_from_file(int fd, const char *ident, const char *facility)