-Index: sysctl.3
-RCS file: /cvs/root/Libc/gen/FreeBSD/sysctl.3,v
-retrieving revision 1.2
-diff -u -r1.2 sysctl.3
---- sysctl.3 2003/05/20 22:21:03 1.2
-+++ sysctl.3 2003/10/21 18:31:52
-@@ -181,13 +181,21 @@
+--- sysctl.3.orig 2006-08-17 22:44:01.000000000 -0700
++++ sysctl.3 2006-08-17 22:45:34.000000000 -0700
+@@ -182,13 +182,21 @@
-+Note: Implementation of
++Note: Implementation of
+.Fn printkproc
+-- to print whatever data deemed necessary from the large
+.Vt kinfo_proc
-+structure (
++structure (
+.In sysctl.h
+) -- is left as an exercise for the reader.
The top level names are defined with a CTL_ prefix in
- .Aq Pa sys/sysctl.h ,
+ .In sys/sysctl.h ,
and are as follows.
The next and subsequent levels down are found in the include files
listed here, and described in separate sections below.
-.Bl -column CTLXMACHDEPXXX "Next level namesXXXXXX" -offset indent
+.Bl -column CTLXMACHDEP "Next level names" -offset indent
.It Sy "Name Next level names Description"
- .It "CTL\_DEBUG sys/sysctl.h Debugging"
- .It "CTL\_VFS sys/mount.h File system"
-@@ -196,7 +204,8 @@
- .It "CTL\_MACHDEP sys/sysctl.h Machine dependent"
- .It "CTL\_NET sys/socket.h Networking"
- .It "CTL\_USER sys/sysctl.h User-level"
--.It "CTL\_VM vm/vm_param.h Virtual memory"
-+.It "CTL\_VM sys/resource.h Virtual memory (struct loadavg)"
-+.It "CTL\_VM sys/vmmeter.h Virtual memory (struct vmtotal)"
+ .It "CTL_DEBUG sys/sysctl.h Debugging"
+ .It "CTL_VFS sys/mount.h File system"
+@@ -197,7 +205,8 @@
+ .It "CTL_MACHDEP sys/sysctl.h Machine dependent"
+ .It "CTL_NET sys/socket.h Networking"
+ .It "CTL_USER sys/sysctl.h User-level"
+-.It "CTL_VM vm/vm_param.h Virtual memory"
++.It "CTL_VM sys/resources.h Virtual memory (struct loadavg)"
++.It "CTL_VM sys/vmmeter.h Virtual memory (struct vmtotal)"
For example, the following retrieves the maximum number of processes allowed
+@@ -453,16 +462,6 @@
+ .It "KERN_PROC_UID A user ID"
+ .It "KERN_PROC_RUID A real user ID"
+ .El
+-If the third level name is KERN_PROC_ARGS then the command line argument
+-array is returned in a flattened form, i.e., zero-terminated arguments
+-follow each other.
+-The total size of array is returned.
+-It is also possible for a process to set its own process title this way.
+-.Bl -column "Third level nameXXXXXX" "Fourth level is:XXXXXX" -offset indent
+-.It Sy "Third level name Fourth level is:"
+-.It "KERN_PROC_ARGS A process ID"
+ Return profiling information about the kernel.
+ If the kernel is not compiled for profiling,
+@@ -845,7 +844,7 @@
+ definitions for second level network identifiers
+ .It In sys/gmon.h
+ definitions for third level profiling identifiers
+-.It In vm/vm_param.h
++.It In mach/vm_param.h
+ definitions for second level virtual memory identifiers
+ .It In netinet/in.h
+ definitions for third level IPv4/IPv6 identifiers and