---- wprintf.3.orig Thu Aug 21 18:19:12 2003
-+++ wprintf.3 Thu Aug 21 18:16:28 2003
-@@ -224,6 +224,20 @@
- .Xr localeconv 3 .
- .El
- .It
-+An optional separator character (
-+.Cm \ , | \; | \ : | _
-+) used for separating multiple values when printing an AltiVec vector,
-+or other multi-value unit.
+--- wprintf.3.bsdnew 2009-11-11 13:33:22.000000000 -0800
++++ wprintf.3 2009-11-11 13:33:22.000000000 -0800
+@@ -37,8 +37,12 @@
+ .Os
+ .Sh NAME
+-.Nm wprintf , fwprintf , swprintf ,
+-.Nm vwprintf , vfwprintf , vswprintf
++.Nm fwprintf ,
++.Nm swprintf ,
++.Nm vfwprintf ,
++.Nm vswprintf ,
++.Nm vwprintf ,
++.Nm wprintf
+ .Nd formatted wide character output conversion
+ .Lb libc
+@@ -46,23 +50,49 @@
+ .In stdio.h
+ .In wchar.h
+ .Ft int
+-.Fn fwprintf "FILE * restrict stream" "const wchar_t * restrict format" ...
++.Fo fwprintf
++.Fa "FILE *restrict stream"
++.Fa "const wchar_t *restrict format"
++.Fa ...
+ .Ft int
+-.Fn swprintf "wchar_t * restrict ws" "size_t n" "const wchar_t * restrict format" ...
++.Fo swprintf
++.Fa "wchar_t *restrict ws"
++.Fa "size_t n"
++.Fa "const wchar_t *restrict format"
++.Fa ...
+ .Ft int
+-.Fn wprintf "const wchar_t * restrict format" ...
++.Fo wprintf
++.Fa "const wchar_t *restrict format"
++.Fa ...
+ .In stdarg.h
++.In stdio.h
++.In wchar.h
+ .Ft int
+-.Fn vfwprintf "FILE * restrict stream" "const wchar_t * restrict" "va_list ap"
++.Fo vfwprintf
++.Fa "FILE *restrict stream"
++.Fa "const wchar_t *restrict format"
++.Fa "va_list arg"
+ .Ft int
+-.Fn vswprintf "wchar_t * restrict ws" "size_t n" "const wchar_t *restrict format" "va_list ap"
++.Fo vswprintf
++.Fa "wchar_t *restrict ws"
++.Fa "size_t n"
++.Fa "const wchar_t *restrict format"
++.Fa "va_list arg"
+ .Ft int
+-.Fn vwprintf "const wchar_t * restrict format" "va_list ap"
++.Fo vwprintf
++.Fa "const wchar_t *restrict format"
++.Fa "va_list arg"
+ The
+ .Fn wprintf
+ family of functions produces output according to a
+-.Fa format
++.Fa format ,
+ as described below.
+ The
+ .Fn wprintf
+@@ -83,6 +113,12 @@ and
+ write to the wide character string
+ .Fa ws .
+ .Pp
++Extended locale versions of these functions are documented in
++.Xr wprintf_l 3 .
++.Xr xlocale 3
++for more information.