#include <mach/ppc/asm.h>
+#include <machine/cpu_capabilities.h>
+/* We use mode-independent "g" opcodes such as "srgi". These expand
+ * into word operations when targeting __ppc__, and into doubleword
+ * operations when targeting __ppc64__.
+ */
+#include <architecture/ppc/mode_independent_asm.h>
// ***************
// * S T R C P Y *
// ***************
// We align the _source_, which allows us to avoid all worries about
// spurious page faults. Doing so is faster than aligning the dest.
+// In 64-bit mode, the algorithm is doubleword parallel.
.globl EXT(strcpy)
.align 5
-LEXT(strcpy) // char* strcpy(const char *dst, const char *src);
- andi. r0,r4,3 // is source aligned?
- dcbt 0,r4 // touch in source
- lis r6,hi16(0xFEFEFEFF) // start to load magic constants
+LEXT(strcpy) // char* strcpy(const char *dst, const char *src);
+ andi. r0,r4,GPR_BYTES-1 // is source aligned?
+#if defined(__ppc__)
+ lis r6,hi16(0xFEFEFEFF) // start to generate 32-bit magic constants
lis r7,hi16(0x80808080)
- dcbtst 0,r3 // touch in dst
ori r6,r6,lo16(0xFEFEFEFF)
ori r7,r7,lo16(0x80808080)
+ ld r6,_COMM_PAGE_MAGIC_FE(0) // get 0xFEFEFEFE FEFEFEFF from commpage
+ ld r7,_COMM_PAGE_MAGIC_80(0) // get 0x80808080 80808080 from commpage
mr r9,r3 // use r9 for dest ptr (must return r3 intact)
beq LwordloopEnter // source is aligned
- subfic r0,r0,4 // r0 <- #bytes to word align source
+ subfic r0,r0,GPR_BYTES // r0 <- #bytes to align source
mtctr r0
// Loop over bytes.
bne LwordloopEnter // 0-byte not found, so enter word loop
blr // 0-byte found, done
-// Word loop: move a word at a time until 0-byte found.
-// r4 = source ptr (word aligned)
+// Word loop: move a word or doubleword at a time until 0-byte found.
+// r4 = source ptr (aligned)
// r6 = 0xFEFEFEFF
// r7 = 0x80808080
// r9 = dest ptr (unaligned)
.align 5 // align inner loop, which is 8 words ling
- stw r8,0(r9) // pack word into destination
- addi r9,r9,4
+ stg r8,0(r9) // pack word or doubleword into destination
+ addi r9,r9,GPR_BYTES
- lwz r8,0(r4) // r8 <- next 4 source bytes
- addi r4,r4,4
+ lg r8,0(r4) // r8 <- next source word or doubleword
+ addi r4,r4,GPR_BYTES
add r10,r8,r6 // r10 <- word + 0xFEFEFEFF
andc r12,r7,r8 // r12 <- ~word & 0x80808080
and. r0,r10,r12 // r0 <- nonzero iff word has a 0-byte
- beq Lwordloop // loop if ctr!=0 and cr0_eq
+ beq Lwordloop // loop if no 0-byte
// Found a 0-byte. Store last word up to and including the 0, a byte at a time.
-// r8 = last word, known to have a 0-byte
+// r8 = last word or doubleword, known to have a 0-byte
// r9 = dest ptr
- srwi. r0,r8,24 // right justify next byte and test for 0
- slwi r8,r8,8 // shift next byte into position
+ srgi. r0,r8,GPR_BYTES*8-8 // shift leftmost byte into bottom so we can "stb"
+ slgi r8,r8,8 // move on to next
stb r0,0(r9) // pack into dest
addi r9,r9,1
bne Lstorelastbytes // loop until 0 stored