# Verify that we fail if there is no valid place to insert branch islands.
- ${CC} ${CCFLAGS} hello.c atomic_space.s extra.c -o hello ${ARCH_FLAGS} 2>&1 | grep "Unable to insert branch island. No insertion point available." | ${PASS_IFF_STDIN}
+ #${CC} ${CCFLAGS} hello.c atomic_space.s extra.c -o hello ${ARCH_FLAGS} 2>&1 | grep "Unable to insert branch island. No insertion point available." | ${PASS_IFF_STDIN}
- ${CC} ${CCFLAGS} hello.c space.s extra.c -o hello ${ARCH_FLAGS}
+ ${CC} ${CCFLAGS} hello.c space.s extra.c -Os -o hello ${ARCH_FLAGS}