#include "ld.hpp"
#include "Snapshot.h"
+#include "MachOFileAbstraction.hpp"
extern void throwf (const char* format, ...) __attribute__ ((noreturn,format(printf, 1, 2)));
extern void warning(const char* format, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)));
LibraryOptions() : fWeakImport(false), fReExport(false), fBundleLoader(false),
- fLazyLoad(false), fUpward(false), fForceLoad(false) {}
+ fLazyLoad(false), fUpward(false), fIndirectDylib(false),
+ fForceLoad(false) {}
// for dynamic libraries
bool fWeakImport;
bool fReExport;
bool fBundleLoader;
bool fLazyLoad;
bool fUpward;
+ bool fIndirectDylib;
// for static libraries
bool fForceLoad;
enum CommonsMode { kCommonsIgnoreDylibs, kCommonsOverriddenByDylibs, kCommonsConflictsDylibsError };
enum UUIDMode { kUUIDNone, kUUIDRandom, kUUIDContent };
enum LocalSymbolHandling { kLocalSymbolsAll, kLocalSymbolsNone, kLocalSymbolsSelectiveInclude, kLocalSymbolsSelectiveExclude };
+ enum BitcodeMode { kBitcodeProcess, kBitcodeAsData, kBitcodeMarker, kBitcodeStrip };
enum DebugInfoStripping { kDebugInfoNone, kDebugInfoMinimal, kDebugInfoFull };
+ enum Platform { kPlatformUnknown, kPlatformOSX, kPlatformiOS, kPlatformWatchOS, kPlatform_tvOS };
+ enum Platform { kPlatformUnknown, kPlatformOSX, kPlatformiOS, kPlatformWatchOS };
+ static Platform platformForLoadCommand(uint32_t lc) {
+ switch (lc) {
+ return kPlatformOSX;
+ return kPlatformiOS;
+ return kPlatformWatchOS;
+ return kPlatform_tvOS;
+ #endif
+ }
+ assert(!lc && "unknown LC_VERSION_MIN load command");
+ return kPlatformUnknown;
+ }
+ static const char* platformName(Platform platform) {
+ switch (platform) {
+ case kPlatformOSX:
+ return "OSX";
+ case kPlatformiOS:
+ return "iOS";
+ case kPlatformWatchOS:
+ return "watchOS";
+ case kPlatform_tvOS:
+ return "tvOS";
+ #endif
+ case kPlatformUnknown:
+ default:
+ return "(unknown)";
+ }
+ }
class FileInfo {
// the source, which dies with the stack frame.
FileInfo(FileInfo const &other) : path(other.path), fileLen(other.fileLen), modTime(other.modTime), options(other.options), ordinal(other.ordinal), fromFileList(other.fromFileList), inputFileSlot(-1) { ((FileInfo&)other).path = NULL; };
+ FileInfo &operator=(FileInfo other) {
+ std::swap(path, other.path);
+ std::swap(fileLen, other.fileLen);
+ std::swap(modTime, other.modTime);
+ std::swap(options, other.options);
+ std::swap(ordinal, other.ordinal);
+ std::swap(fromFileList, other.fromFileList);
+ std::swap(inputFileSlot, other.inputFileSlot);
+ std::swap(readyToParse, other.readyToParse);
+ return *this;
+ }
// Create an empty FileInfo. The path can be set implicitly by checkFileExists().
FileInfo() : path(NULL), fileLen(0), modTime(0), options(), fromFileList(false) {};
// If the object already has a path the p must be NULL.
// If the object does not have a path then p can be any candidate path, and if the file exists the object permanently remembers the path.
// Returns true if the file exists, false if not.
- bool checkFileExists(const char *p=NULL);
+ bool checkFileExists(const Options& options, const char *p=NULL);
// Returns true if a previous call to checkFileExists() succeeded.
// Returns false if the file does not exist of checkFileExists() has never been called.
bool missing() const { return modTime==0; }
+ };
struct ExtraSection {
const char* segmentName;
uint8_t alignment;
+ struct SectionOrderList {
+ const char* segmentName;
+ std::vector<const char*> sectionOrder;
+ };
struct OrderedSymbol {
const char* symbolName;
const char* objectFileName;
const char* alias;
+ struct SectionRename {
+ const char* fromSegment;
+ const char* fromSection;
+ const char* toSegment;
+ const char* toSection;
+ };
+ struct SegmentRename {
+ const char* fromSegment;
+ const char* toSegment;
+ };
+ enum { depLinkerVersion=0x00, depObjectFile=0x10, depDirectDylib=0x10, depIndirectDylib=0x10,
+ depUpwardDirectDylib=0x10, depUpwardIndirectDylib=0x10, depArchive=0x10,
+ depFileList=0x10, depSection=0x10, depBundleLoader=0x10, depMisc=0x10, depNotFound=0x11,
+ depOutputFile = 0x40 };
+ void dumpDependency(uint8_t, const char* path) const;
typedef const char* const* UndefinesIterator;
// const ObjectFile::ReaderOptions& readerOptions();
bool preferSubArchitecture() const { return fHasPreferredSubType; }
cpu_subtype_t subArchitecture() const { return fSubArchitecture; }
bool allowSubArchitectureMismatches() const { return fAllowCpuSubtypeMismatches; }
+ bool enforceDylibSubtypesMatch() const { return fEnforceDylibSubtypesMatch; }
bool forceCpuSubtypeAll() const { return fForceSubtypeAll; }
const char* architectureName() const { return fArchitectureName; }
- void setArchitecture(cpu_type_t, cpu_subtype_t subtype);
+ void setArchitecture(cpu_type_t, cpu_subtype_t subtype, Options::Platform platform);
bool archSupportsThumb2() const { return fArchSupportsThumb2; }
OutputKind outputKind() const { return fOutputKind; }
bool prebind() const { return fPrebind; }
bool allGlobalsAreDeadStripRoots() const;
bool shouldExport(const char*) const;
bool shouldReExport(const char*) const;
+ std::vector<const char*> exportsData() const;
bool ignoreOtherArchInputFiles() const { return fIgnoreOtherArchFiles; }
bool traceDylibs() const { return fTraceDylibs; }
bool traceArchives() const { return fTraceArchives; }
UndefinedTreatment undefinedTreatment() const { return fUndefinedTreatment; }
ld::MacVersionMin macosxVersionMin() const { return fMacVersionMin; }
ld::IOSVersionMin iOSVersionMin() const { return fIOSVersionMin; }
+ ld::WatchOSVersionMin watchOSVersionMin() const { return fWatchOSVersionMin; }
+ uint32_t minOSversion() const;
bool minOS(ld::MacVersionMin mac, ld::IOSVersionMin iPhoneOS);
+ bool min_iOS(ld::IOSVersionMin requirediOSMin);
bool messagesPrefixedWithArchitecture();
Treatment picTreatment();
WeakReferenceMismatchTreatment weakReferenceMismatchTreatment() const { return fWeakReferenceMismatchTreatment; }
bool hasNonExecutableHeap() const { return fNonExecutableHeap; }
UndefinesIterator initialUndefinesBegin() const { return &fInitialUndefines[0]; }
UndefinesIterator initialUndefinesEnd() const { return &fInitialUndefines[fInitialUndefines.size()]; }
+ const std::vector<const char*>& initialUndefines() const { return fInitialUndefines; }
bool printWhyLive(const char* name) const;
uint32_t minimumHeaderPad() const { return fMinimumHeaderPad; }
bool maxMminimumHeaderPad() const { return fMaxMinimumHeaderPad; }
CommonsMode commonsMode() const { return fCommonsMode; }
bool warnCommons() const { return fWarnCommons; }
bool keepRelocations();
- FileInfo findFile(const char* path) const;
+ FileInfo findFile(const std::string &path) const;
+ bool findFile(const std::string &path, const std::vector<std::string> &tbdExtensions, FileInfo& result) const;
UUIDMode UUIDMode() const { return fUUIDMode; }
bool warnStabs();
bool pauseAtEnd() { return fPause; }
const std::vector<DylibOverride>& dylibOverrides() const { return fDylibOverrides; }
const char* generatedMapPath() const { return fMapPath; }
bool positionIndependentExecutable() const { return fPositionIndependentExecutable; }
- Options::FileInfo findFileUsingPaths(const char* path) const;
+ Options::FileInfo findFileUsingPaths(const std::string &path) const;
bool deadStripDylibs() const { return fDeadStripDylibs; }
bool allowedUndefined(const char* name) const { return ( fAllowedUndefined.find(name) != fAllowedUndefined.end() ); }
bool someAllowedUndefines() const { return (fAllowedUndefined.size() != 0); }
bool makeEncryptable() const { return fEncryptable; }
bool needsUnwindInfoSection() const { return fAddCompactUnwindEncoding; }
const std::vector<const char*>& llvmOptions() const{ return fLLVMOptions; }
+ const std::vector<const char*>& segmentOrder() const{ return fSegmentOrder; }
+ bool segmentOrderAfterFixedAddressSegment(const char* segName) const;
+ const std::vector<const char*>* sectionOrder(const char* segName) const;
const std::vector<const char*>& dyldEnvironExtras() const{ return fDyldEnvironExtras; }
+ const std::vector<const char*>& astFilePaths() const{ return fASTFilePaths; }
bool makeCompressedDyldInfo() const { return fMakeCompressedDyldInfo; }
bool hasExportedSymbolOrder();
bool exportedSymbolOrder(const char* sym, unsigned int* order) const;
bool objcGc() const { return fObjCGc; }
bool objcGcOnly() const { return fObjCGcOnly; }
bool canUseThreadLocalVariables() const { return fTLVSupport; }
- bool addVersionLoadCommand() const { return fVersionLoadCommand; }
+ bool addVersionLoadCommand() const { return fVersionLoadCommand && (fPlatform != kPlatformUnknown); }
bool addFunctionStarts() const { return fFunctionStartsLoadCommand; }
bool addDataInCodeInfo() const { return fDataInCodeInfoLoadCommand; }
bool canReExportSymbols() const { return fCanReExportSymbols; }
const char* tempLtoObjectPath() const { return fTempLtoObjectPath; }
const char* overridePathlibLTO() const { return fOverridePathlibLTO; }
+ const char* mcpuLTO() const { return fLtoCpu; }
bool objcCategoryMerging() const { return fObjcCategoryMerging; }
bool pageAlignDataAtoms() const { return fPageAlignDataAtoms; }
+ bool keepDwarfUnwind() const { return fKeepDwarfUnwind; }
+ bool verboseOptimizationHints() const { return fVerboseOptimizationHints; }
+ bool ignoreOptimizationHints() const { return fIgnoreOptimizationHints; }
+ bool generateDtraceDOF() const { return fGenerateDtraceDOF; }
+ bool allowBranchIslands() const { return fAllowBranchIslands; }
+ bool traceSymbolLayout() const { return fTraceSymbolLayout; }
+ bool markAppExtensionSafe() const { return fMarkAppExtensionSafe; }
+ bool checkDylibsAreAppExtensionSafe() const { return fCheckAppExtensionSafe; }
+ bool forceLoadSwiftLibs() const { return fForceLoadSwiftLibs; }
+ bool bundleBitcode() const { return fBundleBitcode; }
+ bool hideSymbols() const { return fHideSymbols; }
+ bool verifyBitcode() const { return fVerifyBitcode; }
+ bool renameReverseSymbolMap() const { return fReverseMapUUIDRename; }
+ bool deduplicateFunctions() const { return fDeDupe; }
+ bool verboseDeduplicate() const { return fVerboseDeDupe; }
+ const char* reverseSymbolMapPath() const { return fReverseMapPath; }
+ std::string reverseMapTempPath() const { return fReverseMapTempPath; }
+ bool ltoCodegenOnly() const { return fLTOCodegenOnly; }
+ bool ignoreAutoLink() const { return fIgnoreAutoLink; }
+ bool allowDeadDuplicates() const { return fAllowDeadDups; }
+ BitcodeMode bitcodeKind() const { return fBitcodeKind; }
+ bool sharedRegionEncodingV2() const { return fSharedRegionEncodingV2; }
+ bool useDataConstSegment() const { return fUseDataConstSegment; }
bool hasWeakBitTweaks() const;
bool forceWeak(const char* symbolName) const;
bool forceNotWeak(const char* symbolName) const;
bool forceWeakNonWildCard(const char* symbolName) const;
bool forceNotWeakNonWildcard(const char* symbolName) const;
+ bool forceCoalesce(const char* symbolName) const;
Snapshot& snapshot() const { return fLinkSnapshot; }
bool errorBecauseOfWarnings() const;
bool needsThreadLoadCommand() const { return fNeedsThreadLoadCommand; }
bool needsEntryPointLoadCommand() const { return fEntryPointLoadCommand; }
bool needsSourceVersionLoadCommand() const { return fSourceVersionLoadCommand; }
- bool needsDependentDRInfo() const { return fDependentDRInfo; }
+ bool canUseAbsoluteSymbols() const { return fAbsoluteSymbols; }
+ bool allowSimulatorToLinkWithMacOSX() const { return fAllowSimulatorToLinkWithMacOSX; }
uint64_t sourceVersion() const { return fSourceVersion; }
uint32_t sdkVersion() const { return fSDKVersion; }
const char* demangleSymbol(const char* sym) const;
bool pipelineEnabled() const { return fPipelineFifo != NULL; }
const char* pipelineFifo() const { return fPipelineFifo; }
+ bool dumpDependencyInfo() const { return (fDependencyInfoPath != NULL); }
+ const char* dependencyInfoPath() const { return fDependencyInfoPath; }
+ bool targetIOSSimulator() const { return fTargetIOSSimulator; }
+ ld::relocatable::File::LinkerOptionsList&
+ linkerOptions() const { return fLinkerOptions; }
+ FileInfo findFramework(const char* frameworkName) const;
+ FileInfo findLibrary(const char* rootName, bool dylibsOnly=false) const;
+ bool armUsesZeroCostExceptions() const;
+ const std::vector<SectionRename>& sectionRenames() const { return fSectionRenames; }
+ const std::vector<SegmentRename>& segmentRenames() const { return fSegmentRenames; }
+ bool moveRoSymbol(const char* symName, const char* filePath, const char*& seg, bool& wildCardMatch) const;
+ bool moveRwSymbol(const char* symName, const char* filePath, const char*& seg, bool& wildCardMatch) const;
+ Platform platform() const { return fPlatform; }
+ const std::vector<const char*>& sdkPaths() const { return fSDKPaths; }
+ std::vector<std::string> writeBitcodeLinkOptions() const;
+ std::string getSDKVersionStr() const;
+ std::string getPlatformStr() const;
+ uint8_t maxDefaultCommonAlign() const { return fMaxDefaultCommonAlign; }
+ static uint32_t parseVersionNumber32(const char*);
typedef std::unordered_map<const char*, unsigned int, ld::CStringHash, ld::CStringEquals> NameToOrder;
typedef std::unordered_set<const char*, ld::CStringHash, ld::CStringEquals> NameSet;
enum ExportMode { kExportDefault, kExportSome, kDontExportSome };
enum LibrarySearchMode { kSearchDylibAndArchiveInEachDir, kSearchAllDirsForDylibsThenAllDirsForArchives };
enum InterposeMode { kInterposeNone, kInterposeAllExternal, kInterposeSome };
+ enum FilePreference { kModTime, kTextBasedStub, kMachO };
class SetWithWildcards {
void insert(const char*);
- bool contains(const char*) const;
+ bool contains(const char*, bool* wildCardMatch=NULL) const;
+ bool containsWithPrefix(const char* symbol, const char* file, bool& wildCardMatch) const;
bool containsNonWildcard(const char*) const;
bool empty() const { return fRegular.empty() && fWildCard.empty(); }
bool hasWildCards() const { return !fWildCard.empty(); }
NameSet::iterator regularBegin() const { return fRegular.begin(); }
NameSet::iterator regularEnd() const { return fRegular.end(); }
void remove(const NameSet&);
+ std::vector<const char*> data() const;
static bool hasWildCards(const char*);
bool wildCardMatch(const char* pattern, const char* candidate) const;
std::vector<const char*> fWildCard;
+ struct SymbolsMove {
+ const char* toSegment;
+ SetWithWildcards symbols;
+ };
void parse(int argc, const char* argv[]);
void checkIllegalOptionCombinations();
void buildSearchPaths(int argc, const char* argv[]);
void parseArch(const char* architecture);
- FileInfo findLibrary(const char* rootName, bool dylibsOnly=false);
- FileInfo findFramework(const char* frameworkName);
- FileInfo findFramework(const char* rootName, const char* suffix);
+ FileInfo findFramework(const char* rootName, const char* suffix) const;
bool checkForFile(const char* format, const char* dir, const char* rootName,
FileInfo& result) const;
uint64_t parseVersionNumber64(const char*);
- uint32_t parseVersionNumber32(const char*);
+ std::string getVersionString32(uint32_t ver) const;
+ std::string getVersionString64(uint64_t ver) const;
+ bool parsePackedVersion32(const std::string& versionStr, uint32_t &result);
void parseSectionOrderFile(const char* segment, const char* section, const char* path);
void parseOrderFile(const char* path, bool cstring);
void addSection(const char* segment, const char* section, const char* path);
void setUndefinedTreatment(const char* treatment);
void setMacOSXVersionMin(const char* version);
void setIOSVersionMin(const char* version);
+ void setWatchOSVersionMin(const char* version);
void setWeakReferenceMismatchTreatment(const char* treatment);
void addDylibOverride(const char* paths);
void addSectionAlignment(const char* segment, const char* section, const char* alignment);
void warnObsolete(const char* arg);
uint32_t parseProtection(const char* prot);
void loadSymbolOrderFile(const char* fileOfExports, NameToOrder& orderMapping);
+ void addSectionRename(const char* srcSegment, const char* srcSection, const char* dstSegment, const char* dstSection);
+ void addSegmentRename(const char* srcSegment, const char* dstSegment);
+ void addSymbolMove(const char* dstSegment, const char* symbolList, std::vector<SymbolsMove>& list, const char* optionName);
+ void cannotBeUsedWithBitcode(const char* arg);
// ObjectFile::ReaderOptions fReaderOptions;
SetWithWildcards fForceWeakSymbols;
SetWithWildcards fForceNotWeakSymbols;
SetWithWildcards fReExportSymbols;
+ SetWithWildcards fForceCoalesceSymbols;
NameSet fRemovedExports;
NameToOrder fExportSymbolsOrder;
ExportMode fExportMode;
const char* fDyldInstallPath;
const char* fTempLtoObjectPath;
const char* fOverridePathlibLTO;
+ const char* fLtoCpu;
uint64_t fZeroPageSize;
uint64_t fStackSize;
uint64_t fStackAddr;
bool fStatistics;
bool fPrintOptions;
bool fSharedRegionEligible;
+ bool fSharedRegionEligibleForceOff;
bool fPrintOrderFileStatistics;
bool fReadOnlyx86Stubs;
bool fPositionIndependentExecutable;
bool fKextsUseStubs;
bool fUsingLazyDylibLinking;
bool fEncryptable;
+ bool fEncryptableForceOn;
+ bool fEncryptableForceOff;
bool fOrderData;
bool fMarkDeadStrippableDylib;
bool fMakeCompressedDyldInfo;
bool fMakeCompressedDyldInfoForceOff;
bool fNoEHLabels;
bool fAllowCpuSubtypeMismatches;
+ bool fEnforceDylibSubtypesMatch;
bool fUseSimplifiedDylibReExports;
bool fObjCABIVersion2Override;
bool fObjCABIVersion1Override;
bool fSourceVersionLoadCommand;
bool fSourceVersionLoadCommandForceOn;
bool fSourceVersionLoadCommandForceOff;
- bool fDependentDRInfo;
- bool fDependentDRInfoForcedOn;
- bool fDependentDRInfoForcedOff;
+ bool fTargetIOSSimulator;
+ bool fExportDynamic;
+ bool fAbsoluteSymbols;
+ bool fAllowSimulatorToLinkWithMacOSX;
+ bool fKeepDwarfUnwind;
+ bool fKeepDwarfUnwindForcedOn;
+ bool fKeepDwarfUnwindForcedOff;
+ bool fVerboseOptimizationHints;
+ bool fIgnoreOptimizationHints;
+ bool fGenerateDtraceDOF;
+ bool fAllowBranchIslands;
+ bool fTraceSymbolLayout;
+ bool fMarkAppExtensionSafe;
+ bool fCheckAppExtensionSafe;
+ bool fForceLoadSwiftLibs;
+ bool fSharedRegionEncodingV2;
+ bool fUseDataConstSegment;
+ bool fUseDataConstSegmentForceOn;
+ bool fUseDataConstSegmentForceOff;
+ bool fBundleBitcode;
+ bool fHideSymbols;
+ bool fVerifyBitcode;
+ bool fReverseMapUUIDRename;
+ bool fDeDupe;
+ bool fVerboseDeDupe;
+ const char* fReverseMapPath;
+ std::string fReverseMapTempPath;
+ bool fLTOCodegenOnly;
+ bool fIgnoreAutoLink;
+ bool fAllowDeadDups;
+ BitcodeMode fBitcodeKind;
+ Platform fPlatform;
DebugInfoStripping fDebugInfoStripping;
const char* fTraceOutputFile;
ld::MacVersionMin fMacVersionMin;
ld::IOSVersionMin fIOSVersionMin;
+ ld::WatchOSVersionMin fWatchOSVersionMin;
std::vector<AliasPair> fAliases;
std::vector<const char*> fInitialUndefines;
NameSet fAllowedUndefined;
- NameSet fWhyLive;
+ SetWithWildcards fWhyLive;
std::vector<ExtraSection> fExtraSections;
std::vector<SectionAlignment> fSectionAlignments;
std::vector<OrderedSymbol> fOrderedSymbols;
std::vector<const char*> fFrameworkSearchPaths;
std::vector<const char*> fSDKPaths;
std::vector<const char*> fDyldEnvironExtras;
+ std::vector<const char*> fSegmentOrder;
+ std::vector<const char*> fASTFilePaths;
+ std::vector<SectionOrderList> fSectionOrder;
+ std::vector< std::vector<const char*> > fLinkerOptions;
+ std::vector<SectionRename> fSectionRenames;
+ std::vector<SegmentRename> fSegmentRenames;
+ std::vector<SymbolsMove> fSymbolsMovesData;
+ std::vector<SymbolsMove> fSymbolsMovesCode;
+ std::vector<SymbolsMove> fSymbolsMovesZeroFill;
bool fSaveTempFiles;
- mutable Snapshot fLinkSnapshot;
- bool fSnapshotRequested;
- const char * fPipelineFifo;
+ mutable Snapshot fLinkSnapshot;
+ bool fSnapshotRequested;
+ const char* fPipelineFifo;
+ const char* fDependencyInfoPath;
+ mutable int fDependencyFileDescriptor;
+ uint8_t fMaxDefaultCommonAlign;
+ FilePreference fFilePreference;
+ bool fForceTextBasedStub;