#include "InputFiles.h"
#include "macho_relocatable_file.h"
#include "macho_dylib_file.h"
+#include "textstub_dylib_file.hpp"
#include "archive_file.h"
#include "lto_file.h"
#include "opaque_section_file.h"
ld::Section CustomStackAtom::_s_section("__UNIXSTACK", "__stack", ld::Section::typeStack, true);
+static bool isCompilerSupportLib(const char* path) {
+ const char* libName = strrchr(path, '/');
+ return ( (libName != NULL) && (strncmp(libName, "/libclang_rt", 12) == 0) );
const char* InputFiles::fileArch(const uint8_t* p, unsigned len)
ld::File* InputFiles::makeFile(const Options::FileInfo& info, bool indirectDylib)
+ // handle inlined framework first.
+ if (info.isInlined) {
+ auto interface = _options.findTAPIFile(info.path);
+ if (!interface)
+ throwf("could not find inlined dylib file: %s", info.path);
+ auto file = textstub::dylib::parse(info.path, interface, info.modTime, info.ordinal, _options, indirectDylib);
+ if (!file)
+ throwf("could not parse inlined dylib file: %s(%s)", interface->getInstallName().c_str(), info.path);
+ return file;
+ }
// map in whole file
- uint64_t len = info.fileLen;
+ struct stat stat_buf;
int fd = ::open(info.path, O_RDONLY, 0);
if ( fd == -1 )
throwf("can't open file, errno=%d", errno);
- if ( info.fileLen < 20 )
- throwf("file too small (length=%llu)", info.fileLen);
- uint8_t* p = (uint8_t*)::mmap(NULL, info.fileLen, PROT_READ, MAP_FILE | MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
+ if ( ::fstat(fd, &stat_buf) != 0 )
+ throwf("fstat(%s) failed, errno=%d\n", info.path, errno);
+ if ( stat_buf.st_size < 20 )
+ throwf("file too small (length=%llu)", stat_buf.st_size);
+ int64_t len = stat_buf.st_size;
+ uint8_t* p = (uint8_t*)::mmap(NULL, stat_buf.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_FILE | MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
if ( p == (uint8_t*)(-1) )
throwf("can't map file, errno=%d", errno);
const struct fat_arch* archs = (struct fat_arch*)(p + sizeof(struct fat_header));
bool sliceFound = false;
sliceCount = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(fh->nfat_arch);
- if ( _options.preferSubArchitecture() ) {
- // first try to find a slice that match cpu-type and cpu-sub-type
+ // first try to find a slice that match cpu-type and cpu-sub-type
+ for (uint32_t i=0; i < sliceCount; ++i) {
+ if ( (OSSwapBigToHostInt32(archs[i].cputype) == (uint32_t)_options.architecture())
+ && ((OSSwapBigToHostInt32(archs[i].cpusubtype) & ~CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK) == (uint32_t)_options.subArchitecture()) ) {
+ sliceToUse = i;
+ sliceFound = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !sliceFound && _options.allowSubArchitectureMismatches() ) {
+ // look for any slice that matches just cpu-type
for (uint32_t i=0; i < sliceCount; ++i) {
- if ( (OSSwapBigToHostInt32(archs[i].cputype) == (uint32_t)_options.architecture())
- && (OSSwapBigToHostInt32(archs[i].cpusubtype) == (uint32_t)_options.subArchitecture()) ) {
+ if ( OSSwapBigToHostInt32(archs[i].cputype) == (uint32_t)_options.architecture() ) {
sliceToUse = i;
sliceFound = true;
if ( !sliceFound ) {
- // look for any slice that matches just cpu-type
- for (uint32_t i=0; i < sliceCount; ++i) {
- if ( OSSwapBigToHostInt32(archs[i].cputype) == (uint32_t)_options.architecture() ) {
+ // Look for a fallback slice.
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sliceCount; ++i) {
+ if ( OSSwapBigToHostInt32(archs[i].cputype) == (uint32_t)_options.fallbackArchitecture() &&
+ OSSwapBigToHostInt32(archs[i].cpusubtype) == (uint32_t)_options.fallbackSubArchitecture() ) {
sliceToUse = i;
sliceFound = true;
if ( sliceFound ) {
uint32_t fileOffset = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(archs[sliceToUse].offset);
len = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(archs[sliceToUse].size);
- if ( fileOffset+len > info.fileLen ) {
+ if ( fileOffset+len > stat_buf.st_size ) {
// <rdar://problem/17593430> file size was read awhile ago. If file is being written, wait a second to see if big enough now
- uint64_t newFileLen = info.fileLen;
+ int64_t newFileLen = stat_buf.st_size;
struct stat statBuffer;
if ( stat(info.path, &statBuffer) == 0 ) {
newFileLen = statBuffer.st_size;
if ( fileOffset+len > newFileLen ) {
throwf("truncated fat file. Slice from %u to %llu is past end of file with length %llu",
- fileOffset, fileOffset+len, info.fileLen);
+ fileOffset, fileOffset+len, stat_buf.st_size);
// if requested architecture is page aligned within fat file, then remap just that portion of file
if ( (fileOffset & 0x00000FFF) == 0 ) {
// unmap whole file
- munmap((caddr_t)p, info.fileLen);
+ munmap((caddr_t)p, stat_buf.st_size);
// re-map just part we need
p = (uint8_t*)::mmap(NULL, len, PROT_READ, MAP_FILE | MAP_PRIVATE, fd, fileOffset);
if ( p == (uint8_t*)(-1) )
objOpts.neverConvertDwarf = !_options.needsUnwindInfoSection();
objOpts.verboseOptimizationHints = _options.verboseOptimizationHints();
objOpts.armUsesZeroCostExceptions = _options.armUsesZeroCostExceptions();
+ objOpts.simulator = _options.targetIOSSimulator();
+ objOpts.ignoreMismatchPlatform = ((_options.outputKind() == Options::kPreload) || (_options.outputKind() == Options::kStaticExecutable));
+#if SUPPORT_ARCH_arm64e
+ objOpts.supportsAuthenticatedPointers = _options.supportsAuthenticatedPointers();
objOpts.subType = _options.subArchitecture();
+ objOpts.platforms = _options.platforms();
+ objOpts.srcKind = ld::relocatable::File::kSourceObj;
+ objOpts.treateBitcodeAsData = _options.bitcodeKind() == Options::kBitcodeAsData;
+ objOpts.usingBitcode = _options.bundleBitcode();
+ objOpts.maxDefaultCommonAlignment = _options.maxDefaultCommonAlign();
ld::relocatable::File* objResult = mach_o::relocatable::parse(p, len, info.path, info.modTime, info.ordinal, objOpts);
if ( objResult != NULL ) {
OSAtomicAdd64(len, &_totalObjectSize);
return objResult;
- // see if it is a dynamic library
+ // see if it is a dynamic library (or text-based dynamic library)
ld::dylib::File* dylibResult;
bool dylibsNotAllowed = false;
switch ( _options.outputKind() ) {
if ( dylibResult != NULL ) {
return dylibResult;
+ dylibResult = textstub::dylib::parse(p, len, info.path, info.modTime, _options, info.ordinal, info.options.fBundleLoader, indirectDylib);
+ if ( dylibResult != NULL ) {
+ return dylibResult;
+ }
case Options::kStaticExecutable:
case Options::kDyld:
// see if it is a static library
::archive::ParserOptions archOpts;
archOpts.objOpts = objOpts;
archOpts.objcABI2 = _options.objCABIVersion2POverride();
archOpts.verboseLoad = _options.whyLoad();
archOpts.logAllFiles = _options.logAllFiles();
+ // Set ObjSource Kind, libclang_rt is compiler static library
+ if ( isCompilerSupportLib(info.path) )
+ archOpts.objOpts.srcKind = ld::relocatable::File::kSourceCompilerArchive;
+ else
+ archOpts.objOpts.srcKind = ld::relocatable::File::kSourceArchive;
+ archOpts.objOpts.treateBitcodeAsData = _options.bitcodeKind() == Options::kBitcodeAsData;
+ archOpts.objOpts.usingBitcode = _options.bundleBitcode();
ld::archive::File* archiveResult = ::archive::parse(p, len, info.path, info.modTime, info.ordinal, archOpts);
if ( archiveResult != NULL ) {
OSAtomicAdd64(len, &_totalArchiveSize);
return archiveResult;
else {
if ( isFatFile )
- throwf("file is universal (%u slices) but does not contain a(n) %s slice: %s", sliceCount, _options.architectureName(), info.path);
+ throwf("file is universal (%u slices) but does not contain the %s architecture: %s", sliceCount, _options.architectureName(), info.path);
throwf("file was built for %s which is not the architecture being linked (%s): %s", fileArch(p, len), _options.architectureName(), info.path);
-void InputFiles::logDylib(ld::File* file, bool indirect)
+void InputFiles::logDylib(ld::File* file, bool indirect, bool speculative)
if ( _options.traceDylibs() ) {
const char* fullPath = file->path();
// don't log upward dylibs when XBS is computing dependencies
logTraceInfo("[Logging for XBS] Used upward dynamic library: %s\n", fullPath);
+ else if ( (dylib != NULL ) && dylib->speculativelyLoaded() ) {
+ logTraceInfo("[Logging for XBS] Speculatively loaded dynamic library: %s\n", fullPath);
+ }
else {
- if ( indirect )
- logTraceInfo("[Logging for XBS] Used indirect dynamic library: %s\n", fullPath);
- else
+ if ( indirect ) {
+ if ( speculative )
+ logTraceInfo("[Logging for XBS] Speculatively loaded indirect dynamic library: %s\n", fullPath);
+ else
+ logTraceInfo("[Logging for XBS] Used indirect dynamic library: %s\n", fullPath);
+ }
+ else {
logTraceInfo("[Logging for XBS] Used dynamic library: %s\n", fullPath);
+ }
if ( _options.dumpDependencyInfo() ) {
const ld::dylib::File* dylib = dynamic_cast<const ld::dylib::File*>(file);
if ( file == _bundleLoader ) {
- _options.dumpDependency(Options::depBundleLoader, file->path());
+ _options.addDependency(Options::depBundleLoader, file->path());
else if ( (dylib != NULL ) && dylib->willBeUpwardDylib() ) {
if ( indirect )
- _options.dumpDependency(Options::depUpwardIndirectDylib, file->path());
+ _options.addDependency(Options::depUpwardIndirectDylib, file->path());
- _options.dumpDependency(Options::depUpwardDirectDylib, file->path());
+ _options.addDependency(Options::depUpwardDirectDylib, file->path());
else {
if ( indirect )
- _options.dumpDependency(Options::depIndirectDylib, file->path());
+ _options.addDependency(Options::depIndirectDylib, file->path());
- _options.dumpDependency(Options::depDirectDylib, file->path());
+ _options.addDependency(Options::depDirectDylib, file->path());
void InputFiles::logArchive(ld::File* file) const
- if ( _options.traceArchives() && (_archiveFilesLogged.count(file) == 0) ) {
+ if ( (_options.traceArchives() || _options.traceEmitJSON()) && (_archiveFilesLogged.count(file) == 0) ) {
// <rdar://problem/4947347> LD_TRACE_ARCHIVES should only print out when a .o is actually used from an archive
const char* fullPath = file->path();
if ( realpath(fullPath, realName) != NULL )
fullPath = realName;
logTraceInfo("[Logging for XBS] Used static archive: %s\n", fullPath);
+ std::string archivePath(fullPath);
+ _archiveFilePaths.push_back(archivePath);
void InputFiles::logTraceInfo(const char* format, ...) const
- // one time open() of custom LD_TRACE_FILE
- static int trace_file = -1;
- if ( trace_file == -1 ) {
- const char *trace_file_path = _options.traceOutputFile();
- if ( trace_file_path != NULL ) {
- trace_file = open(trace_file_path, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT, 0666);
- if ( trace_file == -1 )
- throwf("Could not open or create trace file (errno=%d): %s", errno, trace_file_path);
- }
- else {
- trace_file = fileno(stderr);
- }
- }
char trace_buffer[MAXPATHLEN * 2];
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
int length = vsnprintf(trace_buffer, sizeof(trace_buffer), format, ap);
- char* buffer_ptr = trace_buffer;
- while (length > 0) {
- ssize_t amount_written = write(trace_file, buffer_ptr, length);
- if(amount_written == -1)
- /* Failure to write shouldn't fail the build. */
- return;
- buffer_ptr += amount_written;
- length -= amount_written;
- }
+ _options.writeToTraceFile(trace_buffer, length);
-ld::dylib::File* InputFiles::findDylib(const char* installPath, const char* fromPath)
+ld::dylib::File* InputFiles::findDylib(const char* installPath, const ld::dylib::File* fromDylib, bool speculative)
//fprintf(stderr, "findDylib(%s, %s)\n", installPath, fromPath);
InstallNameToDylib::iterator pos = _installPathToDylibs.find(installPath);
if ( dylibReader != NULL ) {
addDylib(dylibReader, info);
//_installPathToDylibs[strdup(installPath)] = dylibReader;
- this->logDylib(dylibReader, true);
+ this->logDylib(dylibReader, true, speculative);
return dylibReader;
- char newPath[MAXPATHLEN];
- // handle @loader_path
- if ( strncmp(installPath, "@loader_path/", 13) == 0 ) {
- strcpy(newPath, fromPath);
- char* addPoint = strrchr(newPath,'/');
- if ( addPoint != NULL )
- strcpy(&addPoint[1], &installPath[13]);
- else
- strcpy(newPath, &installPath[13]);
- installPath = newPath;
- }
- // note: @executable_path case is handled inside findFileUsingPaths()
- // search for dylib using -F and -L paths
- Options::FileInfo info = _options.findFileUsingPaths(installPath);
+ // search for dylib using -F and -L paths and expanding @ paths
+ Options::FileInfo info = _options.findIndirectDylib(installPath, fromDylib);
_indirectDylibOrdinal = _indirectDylibOrdinal.nextIndirectDylibOrdinal();
info.ordinal = _indirectDylibOrdinal;
info.options.fIndirectDylib = true;
//assert(_installPathToDylibs.find(installPath) != _installPathToDylibs.end());
//_installPathToDylibs[strdup(installPath)] = dylibReader;
addDylib(dylibReader, info);
- this->logDylib(dylibReader, true);
+ this->logDylib(dylibReader, true, speculative);
return dylibReader;
-bool InputFiles::libraryAlreadyLoaded(const char* path)
+bool InputFiles::frameworkAlreadyLoaded(const char* path, const char* frameworkName)
+ for (ld::File* file : _inputFiles) {
+ if ( strcmp(path, file->path()) == 0 )
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (ld::dylib::File* dylibx : _allDylibs) {
+ const char* fname = dylibx->frameworkName();
+ if ( fname == NULL )
+ continue;
+ if ( strcmp(frameworkName, fname) == 0 )
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool InputFiles::libraryAlreadyLoaded(const char* path)
- for (std::vector<ld::File*>::const_iterator it = _inputFiles.begin(); it != _inputFiles.end(); ++it) {
- if ( strcmp(path, (*it)->path()) == 0 )
+ for (ld::File* file : _inputFiles) {
+ if ( strcmp(path, file->path()) == 0 )
return true;
+ for (ld::dylib::File* dylib : _allDylibs) {
+ if ( strcmp(path, dylib->path()) == 0 )
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const LibraryInfo& libInfo : _searchLibraries) {
+ if ( strcmp(path, libInfo.archive()->path()) == 0 )
+ return true;
+ }
+ char realDylibPath[PATH_MAX];
+ if ( (realpath(path, realDylibPath) != NULL) && (strcmp(path, realDylibPath) != 0) ) {
+ return libraryAlreadyLoaded(realDylibPath);
+ }
return false;
void InputFiles::addLinkerOptionLibraries(ld::Internal& state, ld::File::AtomHandler& handler)
- if ( _options.outputKind() == Options::kObjectFile )
- return;
- // process frameworks specified in .o linker options
- for (CStringSet::const_iterator it = state.linkerOptionFrameworks.begin(); it != state.linkerOptionFrameworks.end(); ++it) {
- const char* frameworkName = *it;
- Options::FileInfo info = _options.findFramework(frameworkName);
- if ( ! this->libraryAlreadyLoaded(info.path) ) {
- info.ordinal = _linkerOptionOrdinal.nextLinkerOptionOrdinal();
+ if ( _options.outputKind() == Options::kObjectFile )
+ return;
+ while (! state.unprocessedLinkerOptionLibraries.empty() || ! state.unprocessedLinkerOptionFrameworks.empty()) {
+ // process frameworks specified in .o linker options
+ CStringSet newFrameworks = std::move(state.unprocessedLinkerOptionFrameworks);
+ state.unprocessedLinkerOptionFrameworks.clear();
+ for (const char* frameworkName : newFrameworks) {
+ if ( state.linkerOptionFrameworks.count(frameworkName) )
+ continue;
try {
- ld::File* reader = this->makeFile(info, true);
- ld::dylib::File* dylibReader = dynamic_cast<ld::dylib::File*>(reader);
- if ( dylibReader != NULL ) {
- if ( ! dylibReader->installPathVersionSpecific() ) {
- dylibReader->setImplicitlyLinked();
- this->addDylib(dylibReader, info);
+ Options::FileInfo info = _options.findFramework(frameworkName);
+ if ( ! this->frameworkAlreadyLoaded(info.path, frameworkName) ) {
+ _linkerOptionOrdinal = _linkerOptionOrdinal.nextLinkerOptionOrdinal();
+ info.ordinal = _linkerOptionOrdinal;
+ ld::File* reader = this->makeFile(info, true);
+ ld::dylib::File* dylibReader = dynamic_cast<ld::dylib::File*>(reader);
+ ld::archive::File* archiveReader = dynamic_cast<ld::archive::File*>(reader);
+ if ( dylibReader != NULL ) {
+ if ( ! dylibReader->installPathVersionSpecific() ) {
+ dylibReader->forEachAtom(handler);
+ dylibReader->setImplicitlyLinked();
+ dylibReader->setSpeculativelyLoaded();
+ this->addDylib(dylibReader, info);
+ }
- }
- else {
- throwf("framework linker option at %s is not a dylib", info.path);
- }
- }
+ else if ( archiveReader != NULL ) {
+ _searchLibraries.push_back(LibraryInfo(archiveReader));
+ _options.addDependency(Options::depArchive, archiveReader->path());
+ //<rdar://problem/17787306> -force_load_swift_libs
+ if (info.options.fForceLoad) {
+ archiveReader->forEachAtom(handler);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throwf("framework linker option at %s is not a dylib and not an archive", info.path);
+ }
+ }
+ }
catch (const char* msg) {
- warning("Auto-Linking supplied '%s', %s", info.path, msg);
+ // <rdar://problem/40829444> only warn about missing auto-linked framework if some missing symbol error happens later
+ state.missingLinkerOptionFrameworks.insert(frameworkName);
- }
- }
- // process libraries specified in .o linker options
- for (CStringSet::const_iterator it = state.linkerOptionLibraries.begin(); it != state.linkerOptionLibraries.end(); ++it) {
- const char* libName = *it;
- Options::FileInfo info = _options.findLibrary(libName);
- if ( ! this->libraryAlreadyLoaded(info.path) ) {
- info.ordinal = _linkerOptionOrdinal.nextLinkerOptionOrdinal();
+ state.linkerOptionFrameworks.insert(frameworkName);
+ }
+ // process libraries specified in .o linker options
+ // fixme optimize with std::move?
+ CStringSet newLibraries = std::move(state.unprocessedLinkerOptionLibraries);
+ state.unprocessedLinkerOptionLibraries.clear();
+ for (const char* libName : newLibraries) {
+ if ( state.linkerOptionLibraries.count(libName) )
+ continue;
try {
- //<rdar://problem/17787306> -force_load_swift_libs
- info.options.fForceLoad = _options.forceLoadSwiftLibs() && (strncmp(libName, "swift", 5) == 0);
- ld::File* reader = this->makeFile(info, true);
- ld::dylib::File* dylibReader = dynamic_cast<ld::dylib::File*>(reader);
- ld::archive::File* archiveReader = dynamic_cast<ld::archive::File*>(reader);
- if ( dylibReader != NULL ) {
- dylibReader->setImplicitlyLinked();
- this->addDylib(dylibReader, info);
- }
- else if ( archiveReader != NULL ) {
- _searchLibraries.push_back(LibraryInfo(archiveReader));
- if ( _options.dumpDependencyInfo() )
- _options.dumpDependency(Options::depArchive, archiveReader->path());
- //<rdar://problem/17787306> -force_load_swift_libs
- if (info.options.fForceLoad) {
- archiveReader->forEachAtom(handler);
+ Options::FileInfo info = _options.findLibrary(libName);
+ if ( ! this->libraryAlreadyLoaded(info.path) ) {
+ _linkerOptionOrdinal = _linkerOptionOrdinal.nextLinkerOptionOrdinal();
+ info.ordinal = _linkerOptionOrdinal;
+ //<rdar://problem/17787306> -force_load_swift_libs
+ info.options.fForceLoad = _options.forceLoadSwiftLibs() && (strncmp(libName, "swift", 5) == 0);
+ ld::File* reader = this->makeFile(info, true);
+ ld::dylib::File* dylibReader = dynamic_cast<ld::dylib::File*>(reader);
+ ld::archive::File* archiveReader = dynamic_cast<ld::archive::File*>(reader);
+ if ( dylibReader != NULL ) {
+ dylibReader->forEachAtom(handler);
+ dylibReader->setImplicitlyLinked();
+ dylibReader->setSpeculativelyLoaded();
+ this->addDylib(dylibReader, info);
- }
- else {
- throwf("linker option dylib at %s is not a dylib", info.path);
- }
- }
+ else if ( archiveReader != NULL ) {
+ _searchLibraries.push_back(LibraryInfo(archiveReader));
+ _options.addDependency(Options::depArchive, archiveReader->path());
+ //<rdar://problem/17787306> -force_load_swift_libs
+ if (info.options.fForceLoad) {
+ archiveReader->forEachAtom(handler);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throwf("linker option dylib at %s is not a dylib", info.path);
+ }
+ }
+ }
catch (const char* msg) {
- warning("Auto-Linking supplied '%s', %s", info.path, msg);
+ // <rdar://problem/40829444> only warn about missing auto-linked library if some missing symbol error happens later
+ state.missingLinkerOptionLibraries.insert(libName);
+ state.linkerOptionLibraries.insert(libName);
// extra command line sections always at end
for (Options::ExtraSection::const_iterator it=_options.extraSectionsBegin(); it != _options.extraSectionsEnd(); ++it) {
_inputFiles.push_back(opaque_section::parse(it->segmentName, it->sectionName, it->path, it->data, it->dataLen));
- if ( _options.dumpDependencyInfo() )
- _options.dumpDependency(Options::depSection, it->path);
+ _options.addDependency(Options::depSection, it->path);
_inferredArch = true;
// scan all input files, looking for a thin .o file.
// the first one found is presumably the architecture to link
- uint8_t buffer[sizeof(mach_header_64)];
+ uint8_t buffer[4096];
const std::vector<Options::FileInfo>& files = opts.getInputFiles();
for (std::vector<Options::FileInfo>::const_iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it) {
int fd = ::open(it->path, O_RDONLY, 0);
if ( fd != -1 ) {
- ssize_t amount = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
- ::close(fd);
- if ( amount >= (ssize_t)sizeof(buffer) ) {
- cpu_type_t type;
- cpu_subtype_t subtype;
- if ( mach_o::relocatable::isObjectFile(buffer, &type, &subtype) ) {
- opts.setArchitecture(type, subtype);
- *archName = opts.architectureName();
- return;
+ struct stat stat_buf;
+ if ( fstat(fd, &stat_buf) != -1) {
+ ssize_t readAmount = stat_buf.st_size;
+ if ( 4096 < readAmount )
+ readAmount = 4096;
+ ssize_t amount = read(fd, buffer, readAmount);
+ ::close(fd);
+ if ( amount >= readAmount ) {
+ cpu_type_t type;
+ cpu_subtype_t subtype;
+ ld::Platform platform;
+ uint32_t minOsVersion;
+ if ( mach_o::relocatable::isObjectFile(buffer, &type, &subtype, &platform, &minOsVersion) ) {
+ opts.setArchitecture(type, subtype, platform, minOsVersion);
+ *archName = opts.architectureName();
+ return;
+ }
// no thin .o files found, so default to same architecture this tool was built as
warning("-arch not specified");
#if __i386__
- opts.setArchitecture(CPU_TYPE_I386, CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_ALL);
+ opts.setArchitecture(CPU_TYPE_I386, CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_ALL, ld::kPlatform_macOS, 0);
#elif __x86_64__
- opts.setArchitecture(CPU_TYPE_X86_64, CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_64_ALL);
+ opts.setArchitecture(CPU_TYPE_X86_64, CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_64_ALL, ld::kPlatform_macOS, 0);
#elif __arm__
- opts.setArchitecture(CPU_TYPE_ARM, CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V6);
+ opts.setArchitecture(CPU_TYPE_ARM, CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V6, ld::kPlatform_macOS, 0);
#error unknown default architecture
pthread_mutex_init(&_parseLock, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&_parseWorkReady, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&_newFileAvailable, NULL);
+ _neededFileSlot = -1;
const std::vector<Options::FileInfo>& files = _options.getInputFiles();
if ( files.size() == 0 )
if (_s_logPThreads) printf("parsing index %u\n", slot);
try {
file = makeFile(entry, false);
- }
+ }
catch (const char *msg) {
if ( (strstr(msg, "architecture") != NULL) && !_options.errorOnOtherArchFiles() ) {
if ( _options.ignoreOtherArchInputFiles() ) {
// log direct readers
if ( ! info.options.fIndirectDylib )
- this->logDylib(reader, false);
+ this->logDylib(reader, false, false);
// update stats
ld::relocatable::File* reloc = (ld::relocatable::File*)file;
- if ( _options.dumpDependencyInfo() )
- _options.dumpDependency(Options::depObjectFile, reloc->path());
+ _options.addDependency(Options::depObjectFile, reloc->path());
case ld::File::Dylib:
ld::archive::File* archive = (ld::archive::File*)file;
// <rdar://problem/9740166> force loaded archives should be in LD_TRACE
- if ( (info.options.fForceLoad || _options.fullyLoadArchives()) && _options.traceArchives() )
+ if ( (info.options.fForceLoad || _options.fullyLoadArchives()) && (_options.traceArchives() || _options.traceEmitJSON()) )
+ if ( isCompilerSupportLib(info.path) && (info.options.fForceLoad || _options.fullyLoadArchives()) )
+ state.forceLoadCompilerRT = true;
- if ( _options.dumpDependencyInfo() )
- _options.dumpDependency(Options::depArchive, archive->path());
+ _options.addDependency(Options::depArchive, archive->path());
case ld::File::Other:
- file->forEachAtom(handler);
+ try {
+ file->forEachAtom(handler);
+ }
+ catch (const char* msg) {
+ asprintf((char**)&_exception, "%s file '%s'", msg, file->path());
+ }
+ if (_exception)
+ throw _exception;
addLinkerOptionLibraries(state, handler);
ld::archive::File *archiveFile = lib.archive();
if ( dataSymbolOnly ) {
if ( archiveFile->justInTimeDataOnlyforEachAtom(name, handler) ) {
- if ( _options.traceArchives() )
+ if ( _options.traceArchives() || _options.traceEmitJSON())
+ // DALLAS _state.archives.push_back(archiveFile);
// found data definition in static library, done
return true;
else {
if ( archiveFile->justInTimeforEachAtom(name, handler) ) {
- if ( _options.traceArchives() )
+ if ( _options.traceArchives() || _options.traceEmitJSON())
// found definition in static library, done
// <rdar://problem/15002251> make implicit dylib order be deterministic by sorting by install_name
std::sort(implicitDylibs.begin(), implicitDylibs.end(), DylibByInstallNameSorter());
+ if ( _options.traceDylibs() ) {
+ for (ld::dylib::File* dylib : implicitDylibs) {
+ if ( dylib->speculativelyLoaded() && !dylib->explicitlyLinked() && dylib->providedExportAtom() ) {
+ const char* fullPath = dylib->path();
+ char realName[MAXPATHLEN];
+ if ( realpath(fullPath, realName) != NULL )
+ fullPath = realName;
+ logTraceInfo("[Logging for XBS] Used dynamic library: %s\n", fullPath);
+ }
+ }
+ }
state.dylibs.insert(state.dylibs.end(), implicitDylibs.begin(), implicitDylibs.end());
//fprintf(stderr, "all dylibs:\n");
//for(std::vector<ld::dylib::File*>::iterator it=state.dylibs.begin(); it != state.dylibs.end(); ++it) {
// const ld::dylib::File* dylib = *it;
- // fprintf(stderr, " %p %s\n", dylib, dylib->path());
+ // fprintf(stderr, " %p impl=%d %s\n", dylib, dylib->implicitlyLinked(), dylib->path());
// and -bundle_loader
state.bundleLoader = _bundleLoader;
// <rdar://problem/10807040> give an error when -nostdlib is used and libSystem is missing
- if ( (state.dylibs.size() == 0) && _options.needsEntryPointLoadCommand() )
- throw "dynamic main executables must link with libSystem.dylib";
+ if ( (state.dylibs.size() == 0) && _options.needsEntryPointLoadCommand() ) {
+ // HACK until 39514191 is fixed
+ bool grandfather = false;
+ for (const File* inFile : _inputFiles) {
+ if ( strstr(inFile->path(), "exit-asm.o") != NULL )
+ grandfather = true;
+ }
+ if ( !grandfather )
+ throw "dynamic main executables must link with libSystem.dylib";
+ }
+void InputFiles::archives(ld::Internal& state)
+ for (const std::string path : _archiveFilePaths) {
+ state.archivePaths.push_back(path);
+ }