OutputFile::OutputFile(const Options& opts)
hasWeakExternalSymbols(false), usesWeakExternalSymbols(false), overridesWeakExternalSymbols(false),
- _noReExportedDylibs(false), hasThreadLocalVariableDefinitions(false), pieDisabled(false),
+ _noReExportedDylibs(false), hasThreadLocalVariableDefinitions(false), pieDisabled(false), hasDataInCode(false),
rebaseSection(NULL), bindingSection(NULL), weakBindingSection(NULL),
lazyBindingSection(NULL), exportSection(NULL),
splitSegInfoSection(NULL), functionStartsSection(NULL),
+ dataInCodeSection(NULL), dependentDRsSection(NULL),
symbolTableSection(NULL), stringPoolSection(NULL),
localRelocationsSection(NULL), externalRelocationsSection(NULL),
_hasSectionRelocations(opts.outputKind() == Options::kObjectFile),
+ _hasDataInCodeInfo(opts.addDataInCodeInfo()),
+ _hasDependentDRInfo(opts.needsDependentDRInfo()),
- _functionStartsAtom(NULL)
+ _functionStartsAtom(NULL),
+ _dataInCodeAtom(NULL),
+ _dependentDRInfoAtom(NULL)
void OutputFile::assignAtomAddresses(ld::Internal& state)
+ const bool log = false;
+ if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, "assignAtomAddresses()\n");
for (std::vector<ld::Internal::FinalSection*>::iterator sit = state.sections.begin(); sit != state.sections.end(); ++sit) {
ld::Internal::FinalSection* sect = *sit;
+ if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, " section=%s/%s\n", sect->segmentName(), sect->sectionName());
for (std::vector<const ld::Atom*>::iterator ait = sect->atoms.begin(); ait != sect->atoms.end(); ++ait) {
const ld::Atom* atom = *ait;
+ if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, " atom=%p, name=%s\n", atom, atom->name());
switch ( sect-> type() ) {
case ld::Section::typeImportProxies:
// want finalAddress() of all proxy atoms to be zero
+ if ( _options.addDataInCodeInfo() ) {
+ // build data-in-code info
+ assert(_dataInCodeAtom != NULL);
+ _dataInCodeAtom->encode();
+ }
+ if ( _options.needsDependentDRInfo() ) {
+ // build dependent dylib DR info
+ assert(_dependentDRInfoAtom != NULL);
+ _dependentDRInfoAtom->encode();
+ }
// build classic symbol table
assert(_symbolTableAtom != NULL);
- if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, " address=0x%08llX, hidden=%d, alignment=%02d, padBytes=%d, section=%s,%s\n",
- sect->address, sect->isSectionHidden(), sect->alignment, sect->alignmentPaddingBytes,
+ if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, " address=0x%08llX, size=0x%08llX, hidden=%d, alignment=%02d, padBytes=%d, section=%s,%s\n",
+ sect->address, sect->size, sect->isSectionHidden(), sect->alignment, sect->alignmentPaddingBytes,
sect->segmentName(), sect->sectionName());
// update running totals
if ( !sect->isSectionHidden() || hiddenSectionsOccupyAddressSpace )
if ( hasZeroForFileOffset(sect) ) {
// fileoff of zerofill sections is moot, but historically it is set to zero
sect->fileOffset = 0;
+ // <rdar://problem/10445047> align file offset with address layout
+ fileOffset += sect->alignmentPaddingBytes;
else {
// page align file offset at start of each segment
return (*target)->finalAddress();
case ld::Fixup::bindingsIndirectlyBound:
*target = state.indirectBindingTable[fixup->u.bindingIndex];
+ #ifndef NDEBUG
+ if ( ! (*target)->finalAddressMode() ) {
+ throwf("reference to symbol (which has not been assigned an address) %s", (*target)->name());
+ }
+ #endif
return (*target)->finalAddress();
throw "unexpected binding";
assert(fit->binding == ld::Fixup::bindingDirectlyBound);
accumulator = this->lazyBindingInfoOffsetForLazyPointerAddress(fit->u.target->finalAddress());
+ case ld::Fixup::kindDataInCodeStartData:
+ case ld::Fixup::kindDataInCodeStartJT8:
+ case ld::Fixup::kindDataInCodeStartJT16:
+ case ld::Fixup::kindDataInCodeStartJT32:
+ case ld::Fixup::kindDataInCodeStartJTA32:
+ case ld::Fixup::kindDataInCodeEnd:
+ break;
case ld::Fixup::kindStoreTargetAddressLittleEndian32:
accumulator = addressOf(state, fit, &toTarget);
thumbTarget = targetIsThumb(state, fit);
return false;
-void OutputFile::writeOutputFile(ld::Internal& state)
+void OutputFile::writeAtoms(ld::Internal& state, uint8_t* wholeBuffer)
- // for UNIX conformance, error if file exists and is not writable
- if ( (access(_options.outputFilePath(), F_OK) == 0) && (access(_options.outputFilePath(), W_OK) == -1) )
- throwf("can't write output file: %s", _options.outputFilePath());
- int permissions = 0777;
- if ( _options.outputKind() == Options::kObjectFile )
- permissions = 0666;
- // Calling unlink first assures the file is gone so that open creates it with correct permissions
- // It also handles the case where __options.outputFilePath() file is not writable but its directory is
- // And it means we don't have to truncate the file when done writing (in case new is smaller than old)
- // Lastly, only delete existing file if it is a normal file (e.g. not /dev/null).
- struct stat stat_buf;
- if ( (stat(_options.outputFilePath(), &stat_buf) != -1) && (stat_buf.st_mode & S_IFREG) )
- (void)unlink(_options.outputFilePath());
- // try to allocate buffer for entire output file content
- uint8_t* wholeBuffer = (uint8_t*)calloc(_fileSize, 1);
- if ( wholeBuffer == NULL )
- throwf("can't create buffer of %llu bytes for output", _fileSize);
- if ( _options.UUIDMode() == Options::kUUIDRandom ) {
- uint8_t bits[16];
- ::uuid_generate_random(bits);
- _headersAndLoadCommandAtom->setUUID(bits);
- }
// have each atom write itself
uint64_t fileOffsetOfEndOfLastAtom = 0;
uint64_t mhAddress = 0;
+void OutputFile::computeContentUUID(ld::Internal& state, uint8_t* wholeBuffer)
+ const bool log = false;
+ if ( (_options.outputKind() != Options::kObjectFile) || state.someObjectFileHasDwarf ) {
+ uint8_t digest[CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+ uint32_t stabsStringsOffsetStart;
+ uint32_t tabsStringsOffsetEnd;
+ uint32_t stabsOffsetStart;
+ uint32_t stabsOffsetEnd;
+ if ( _symbolTableAtom->hasStabs(stabsStringsOffsetStart, tabsStringsOffsetEnd, stabsOffsetStart, stabsOffsetEnd) ) {
+ // find two areas of file that are stabs info and should not contribute to checksum
+ uint64_t stringPoolFileOffset = 0;
+ uint64_t symbolTableFileOffset = 0;
+ for (std::vector<ld::Internal::FinalSection*>::iterator sit = state.sections.begin(); sit != state.sections.end(); ++sit) {
+ ld::Internal::FinalSection* sect = *sit;
+ if ( sect->type() == ld::Section::typeLinkEdit ) {
+ if ( strcmp(sect->sectionName(), "__string_pool") == 0 )
+ stringPoolFileOffset = sect->fileOffset;
+ else if ( strcmp(sect->sectionName(), "__symbol_table") == 0 )
+ symbolTableFileOffset = sect->fileOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ uint64_t firstStabNlistFileOffset = symbolTableFileOffset + stabsOffsetStart;
+ uint64_t lastStabNlistFileOffset = symbolTableFileOffset + stabsOffsetEnd;
+ uint64_t firstStabStringFileOffset = stringPoolFileOffset + stabsStringsOffsetStart;
+ uint64_t lastStabStringFileOffset = stringPoolFileOffset + tabsStringsOffsetEnd;
+ if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, "firstStabNlistFileOffset=0x%08llX\n", firstStabNlistFileOffset);
+ if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, "lastStabNlistFileOffset=0x%08llX\n", lastStabNlistFileOffset);
+ if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, "firstStabStringFileOffset=0x%08llX\n", firstStabStringFileOffset);
+ if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, "lastStabStringFileOffset=0x%08llX\n", lastStabStringFileOffset);
+ assert(firstStabNlistFileOffset <= firstStabStringFileOffset);
+ CC_MD5_CTX md5state;
+ CC_MD5_Init(&md5state);
+ // checksum everything up to first stabs nlist
+ if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, "checksum 0x%08X -> 0x%08llX\n", 0, firstStabNlistFileOffset);
+ CC_MD5_Update(&md5state, &wholeBuffer[0], firstStabNlistFileOffset);
+ // checkusm everything after last stabs nlist and up to first stabs string
+ if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, "checksum 0x%08llX -> 0x%08llX\n", lastStabNlistFileOffset, firstStabStringFileOffset);
+ CC_MD5_Update(&md5state, &wholeBuffer[lastStabNlistFileOffset], firstStabStringFileOffset-lastStabNlistFileOffset);
+ // checksum everything after last stabs string to end of file
+ if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, "checksum 0x%08llX -> 0x%08llX\n", lastStabStringFileOffset, _fileSize);
+ CC_MD5_Update(&md5state, &wholeBuffer[lastStabStringFileOffset], _fileSize-lastStabStringFileOffset);
+ CC_MD5_Final(digest, &md5state);
+ if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, "uuid=%02X, %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X\n", digest[0], digest[1], digest[2],
+ digest[3], digest[4], digest[5], digest[6], digest[7]);
+ }
+ else {
+ CC_MD5(wholeBuffer, _fileSize, digest);
+ }
+ // <rdar://problem/6723729> LC_UUID uuids should conform to RFC 4122 UUID version 4 & UUID version 5 formats
+ digest[6] = ( digest[6] & 0x0F ) | ( 3 << 4 );
+ digest[8] = ( digest[8] & 0x3F ) | 0x80;
+ // update buffer with new UUID
+ _headersAndLoadCommandAtom->setUUID(digest);
+ _headersAndLoadCommandAtom->recopyUUIDCommand();
+ }
- // compute UUID
- if ( _options.UUIDMode() == Options::kUUIDContent ) {
- const bool log = false;
- if ( (_options.outputKind() != Options::kObjectFile) || state.someObjectFileHasDwarf ) {
- uint8_t digest[CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
- uint32_t stabsStringsOffsetStart;
- uint32_t tabsStringsOffsetEnd;
- uint32_t stabsOffsetStart;
- uint32_t stabsOffsetEnd;
- if ( _symbolTableAtom->hasStabs(stabsStringsOffsetStart, tabsStringsOffsetEnd, stabsOffsetStart, stabsOffsetEnd) ) {
- // find two areas of file that are stabs info and should not contribute to checksum
- uint64_t stringPoolFileOffset = 0;
- uint64_t symbolTableFileOffset = 0;
- for (std::vector<ld::Internal::FinalSection*>::iterator sit = state.sections.begin(); sit != state.sections.end(); ++sit) {
- ld::Internal::FinalSection* sect = *sit;
- if ( sect->type() == ld::Section::typeLinkEdit ) {
- if ( strcmp(sect->sectionName(), "__string_pool") == 0 )
- stringPoolFileOffset = sect->fileOffset;
- else if ( strcmp(sect->sectionName(), "__symbol_table") == 0 )
- symbolTableFileOffset = sect->fileOffset;
- }
- }
- uint64_t firstStabNlistFileOffset = symbolTableFileOffset + stabsOffsetStart;
- uint64_t lastStabNlistFileOffset = symbolTableFileOffset + stabsOffsetEnd;
- uint64_t firstStabStringFileOffset = stringPoolFileOffset + stabsStringsOffsetStart;
- uint64_t lastStabStringFileOffset = stringPoolFileOffset + tabsStringsOffsetEnd;
- if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, "firstStabNlistFileOffset=0x%08llX\n", firstStabNlistFileOffset);
- if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, "lastStabNlistFileOffset=0x%08llX\n", lastStabNlistFileOffset);
- if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, "firstStabStringFileOffset=0x%08llX\n", firstStabStringFileOffset);
- if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, "lastStabStringFileOffset=0x%08llX\n", lastStabStringFileOffset);
- assert(firstStabNlistFileOffset <= firstStabStringFileOffset);
- CC_MD5_CTX md5state;
- CC_MD5_Init(&md5state);
- // checksum everything up to first stabs nlist
- if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, "checksum 0x%08X -> 0x%08llX\n", 0, firstStabNlistFileOffset);
- CC_MD5_Update(&md5state, &wholeBuffer[0], firstStabNlistFileOffset);
- // checkusm everything after last stabs nlist and up to first stabs string
- if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, "checksum 0x%08llX -> 0x%08llX\n", lastStabNlistFileOffset, firstStabStringFileOffset);
- CC_MD5_Update(&md5state, &wholeBuffer[lastStabNlistFileOffset], firstStabStringFileOffset-lastStabNlistFileOffset);
- // checksum everything after last stabs string to end of file
- if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, "checksum 0x%08llX -> 0x%08llX\n", lastStabStringFileOffset, _fileSize);
- CC_MD5_Update(&md5state, &wholeBuffer[lastStabStringFileOffset], _fileSize-lastStabStringFileOffset);
- CC_MD5_Final(digest, &md5state);
- if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, "uuid=%02X, %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X, %02X\n", digest[0], digest[1], digest[2],
- digest[3], digest[4], digest[5], digest[6], digest[7]);
- }
- else {
- CC_MD5(wholeBuffer, _fileSize, digest);
- }
- // <rdar://problem/6723729> LC_UUID uuids should conform to RFC 4122 UUID version 4 & UUID version 5 formats
- digest[6] = ( digest[6] & 0x0F ) | ( 3 << 4 );
- digest[8] = ( digest[8] & 0x3F ) | 0x80;
- // update buffer with new UUID
- _headersAndLoadCommandAtom->setUUID(digest);
- _headersAndLoadCommandAtom->recopyUUIDCommand();
+void OutputFile::writeOutputFile(ld::Internal& state)
+ // for UNIX conformance, error if file exists and is not writable
+ if ( (access(_options.outputFilePath(), F_OK) == 0) && (access(_options.outputFilePath(), W_OK) == -1) )
+ throwf("can't write output file: %s", _options.outputFilePath());
+ mode_t permissions = 0777;
+ if ( _options.outputKind() == Options::kObjectFile )
+ permissions = 0666;
+ mode_t umask = ::umask(0);
+ ::umask(umask); // put back the original umask
+ permissions &= ~umask;
+ // Calling unlink first assures the file is gone so that open creates it with correct permissions
+ // It also handles the case where __options.outputFilePath() file is not writable but its directory is
+ // And it means we don't have to truncate the file when done writing (in case new is smaller than old)
+ // Lastly, only delete existing file if it is a normal file (e.g. not /dev/null).
+ struct stat stat_buf;
+ bool outputIsRegularFile = true;
+ if ( stat(_options.outputFilePath(), &stat_buf) != -1 ) {
+ if (stat_buf.st_mode & S_IFREG) {
+ (void)unlink(_options.outputFilePath());
+ } else {
+ outputIsRegularFile = false;
+ }
+ }
+ int fd;
+ // Construct a temporary path of the form {outputFilePath}.ld_XXXXXX
+ const char filenameTemplate[] = ".ld_XXXXXX";
+ char tmpOutput[PATH_MAX];
+ uint8_t *wholeBuffer;
+ if (outputIsRegularFile) {
+ strcpy(tmpOutput, _options.outputFilePath());
+ // If the path is too long to add a suffix for a temporary name then
+ // just fall back to using the output path.
+ if (strlen(tmpOutput)+strlen(filenameTemplate) < PATH_MAX) {
+ strcat(tmpOutput, filenameTemplate);
+ fd = mkstemp(tmpOutput);
+ } else {
+ fd = open(tmpOutput, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, permissions);
+ if ( fd == -1 )
+ throwf("can't open output file for writing: %s, errno=%d", tmpOutput, errno);
+ ftruncate(fd, _fileSize);
+ wholeBuffer = (uint8_t *)mmap(NULL, _fileSize, PROT_WRITE|PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
+ if ( wholeBuffer == MAP_FAILED )
+ throwf("can't create buffer of %llu bytes for output", _fileSize);
+ } else {
+ fd = open(_options.outputFilePath(), O_WRONLY);
+ if ( fd == -1 )
+ throwf("can't open output file for writing: %s, errno=%d", _options.outputFilePath(), errno);
+ // try to allocate buffer for entire output file content
+ wholeBuffer = (uint8_t*)calloc(_fileSize, 1);
+ if ( wholeBuffer == NULL )
+ throwf("can't create buffer of %llu bytes for output", _fileSize);
+ }
+ if ( _options.UUIDMode() == Options::kUUIDRandom ) {
+ uint8_t bits[16];
+ ::uuid_generate_random(bits);
+ _headersAndLoadCommandAtom->setUUID(bits);
- // write whole output file in one chunk
- int fd = open(_options.outputFilePath(), O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, permissions);
- if ( fd == -1 )
- throwf("can't open output file for writing: %s, errno=%d", _options.outputFilePath(), errno);
- if ( ::pwrite(fd, wholeBuffer, _fileSize, 0) == -1 )
- throwf("can't write to output file: %s, errno=%d", _options.outputFilePath(), errno);
- close(fd);
- free(wholeBuffer);
+ writeAtoms(state, wholeBuffer);
+ // compute UUID
+ if ( _options.UUIDMode() == Options::kUUIDContent )
+ computeContentUUID(state, wholeBuffer);
+ if (outputIsRegularFile) {
+ if ( ::chmod(tmpOutput, permissions) == -1 ) {
+ unlink(tmpOutput);
+ throwf("can't set permissions on output file: %s, errno=%d", tmpOutput, errno);
+ }
+ if ( ::rename(tmpOutput, _options.outputFilePath()) == -1 && strcmp(tmpOutput, _options.outputFilePath()) != 0) {
+ unlink(tmpOutput);
+ throwf("can't move output file in place, errno=%d", errno);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( ::write(fd, wholeBuffer, _fileSize) == -1 ) {
+ throwf("can't write to output file: %s, errno=%d", _options.outputFilePath(), errno);
+ }
+ }
struct AtomByNameSorter
- // <rdar://problem/7977374> Add command line options to control symbol weak-def bit on exported symbols
- if ( _options.hasWeakBitTweaks() && (atom->definition() == ld::Atom::definitionRegular) ) {
- const char* name = atom->name();
- if ( atom->scope() == ld::Atom::scopeGlobal ) {
- if ( atom->combine() == ld::Atom::combineNever ) {
- if ( _options.forceWeak(name) )
- (const_cast<ld::Atom*>(atom))->setCombine(ld::Atom::combineByName);
- }
- else if ( atom->combine() == ld::Atom::combineByName ) {
- if ( _options.forceNotWeak(name) )
- (const_cast<ld::Atom*>(atom))->setCombine(ld::Atom::combineNever);
- }
- }
- else {
- if ( _options.forceWeakNonWildCard(name) )
- warning("cannot force to be weak, non-external symbol %s", name);
- else if ( _options.forceNotWeakNonWildcard(name) )
- warning("cannot force to be not-weak, non-external symbol %s", name);
- }
- }
switch ( atom->scope() ) {
case ld::Atom::scopeTranslationUnit:
if ( _options.keepLocalSymbol(atom->name()) ) {
void OutputFile::addPreloadLinkEdit(ld::Internal& state)
switch ( _options.architecture() ) {
+#if SUPPORT_ARCH_i386
case CPU_TYPE_I386:
if ( _hasLocalRelocations ) {
_localRelocsAtom = new LocalRelocationsAtom<x86>(_options, state, *this);
stringPoolSection = state.addAtom(*_stringPoolAtom);
+#if SUPPORT_ARCH_x86_64
case CPU_TYPE_X86_64:
if ( _hasLocalRelocations ) {
_localRelocsAtom = new LocalRelocationsAtom<x86_64>(_options, state, *this);
stringPoolSection = state.addAtom(*_stringPoolAtom);
+#if SUPPORT_ARCH_arm_any
if ( _hasLocalRelocations ) {
_localRelocsAtom = new LocalRelocationsAtom<arm>(_options, state, *this);
stringPoolSection = state.addAtom(*_stringPoolAtom);
throw "architecture not supported for -preload";
return addPreloadLinkEdit(state);
switch ( _options.architecture() ) {
+#if SUPPORT_ARCH_i386
case CPU_TYPE_I386:
if ( _hasSectionRelocations ) {
_sectionsRelocationsAtom = new SectionRelocationsAtom<x86>(_options, state, *this);
_functionStartsAtom = new FunctionStartsAtom<x86>(_options, state, *this);
functionStartsSection = state.addAtom(*_functionStartsAtom);
+ if ( _hasDataInCodeInfo ) {
+ _dataInCodeAtom = new DataInCodeAtom<x86>(_options, state, *this);
+ dataInCodeSection = state.addAtom(*_dataInCodeAtom);
+ }
+ if ( _hasDependentDRInfo ) {
+ _dependentDRInfoAtom = new DependentDRAtom<x86>(_options, state, *this);
+ dependentDRsSection = state.addAtom(*_dependentDRInfoAtom);
+ }
if ( _hasSymbolTable ) {
_symbolTableAtom = new SymbolTableAtom<x86>(_options, state, *this);
symbolTableSection = state.addAtom(*_symbolTableAtom);
stringPoolSection = state.addAtom(*_stringPoolAtom);
+#if SUPPORT_ARCH_x86_64
case CPU_TYPE_X86_64:
if ( _hasSectionRelocations ) {
_sectionsRelocationsAtom = new SectionRelocationsAtom<x86_64>(_options, state, *this);
_functionStartsAtom = new FunctionStartsAtom<x86_64>(_options, state, *this);
functionStartsSection = state.addAtom(*_functionStartsAtom);
+ if ( _hasDataInCodeInfo ) {
+ _dataInCodeAtom = new DataInCodeAtom<x86_64>(_options, state, *this);
+ dataInCodeSection = state.addAtom(*_dataInCodeAtom);
+ }
+ if ( _hasDependentDRInfo ) {
+ _dependentDRInfoAtom = new DependentDRAtom<x86_64>(_options, state, *this);
+ dependentDRsSection = state.addAtom(*_dependentDRInfoAtom);
+ }
if ( _hasSymbolTable ) {
_symbolTableAtom = new SymbolTableAtom<x86_64>(_options, state, *this);
symbolTableSection = state.addAtom(*_symbolTableAtom);
stringPoolSection = state.addAtom(*_stringPoolAtom);
+#if SUPPORT_ARCH_arm_any
if ( _hasSectionRelocations ) {
_sectionsRelocationsAtom = new SectionRelocationsAtom<arm>(_options, state, *this);
_functionStartsAtom = new FunctionStartsAtom<arm>(_options, state, *this);
functionStartsSection = state.addAtom(*_functionStartsAtom);
+ if ( _hasDataInCodeInfo ) {
+ _dataInCodeAtom = new DataInCodeAtom<arm>(_options, state, *this);
+ dataInCodeSection = state.addAtom(*_dataInCodeAtom);
+ }
+ if ( _hasDependentDRInfo ) {
+ _dependentDRInfoAtom = new DependentDRAtom<arm>(_options, state, *this);
+ dependentDRsSection = state.addAtom(*_dependentDRInfoAtom);
+ }
if ( _hasSymbolTable ) {
_symbolTableAtom = new SymbolTableAtom<arm>(_options, state, *this);
symbolTableSection = state.addAtom(*_symbolTableAtom);
stringPoolSection = state.addAtom(*_stringPoolAtom);
throw "unknown architecture";
void OutputFile::addLoadCommands(ld::Internal& state)
switch ( _options.architecture() ) {
+#if SUPPORT_ARCH_x86_64
case CPU_TYPE_X86_64:
_headersAndLoadCommandAtom = new HeaderAndLoadCommandsAtom<x86_64>(_options, state, *this);
headerAndLoadCommandsSection = state.addAtom(*_headersAndLoadCommandAtom);
+#if SUPPORT_ARCH_arm_any
_headersAndLoadCommandAtom = new HeaderAndLoadCommandsAtom<arm>(_options, state, *this);
headerAndLoadCommandsSection = state.addAtom(*_headersAndLoadCommandAtom);
+#if SUPPORT_ARCH_i386
case CPU_TYPE_I386:
_headersAndLoadCommandAtom = new HeaderAndLoadCommandsAtom<x86>(_options, state, *this);
headerAndLoadCommandsSection = state.addAtom(*_headersAndLoadCommandAtom);
throw "unknown architecture";
assert(minusTarget != NULL);
- default:
+ case ld::Fixup::kindDataInCodeStartData:
+ case ld::Fixup::kindDataInCodeStartJT8:
+ case ld::Fixup::kindDataInCodeStartJT16:
+ case ld::Fixup::kindDataInCodeStartJT32:
+ case ld::Fixup::kindDataInCodeStartJTA32:
+ case ld::Fixup::kindDataInCodeEnd:
+ hasDataInCode = true;
+ break;
+ default:
if ( this->isStore(fit->kind) ) {
if ( _options.warnAboutTextRelocs() )
warning("text reloc in %s to %s", atom->name(), target->name());
- else if ( _options.positionIndependentExecutable() && ((_options.iOSVersionMin() >= ld::iOS_4_3) || (_options.macosxVersionMin() >= ld::mac10_7)) ) {
+ else if ( _options.positionIndependentExecutable() && (_options.outputKind() == Options::kDynamicExecutable)
+ && ((_options.iOSVersionMin() >= ld::iOS_4_3) || (_options.macosxVersionMin() >= ld::mac10_7)) ) {
if ( ! this->pieDisabled ) {
warning("PIE disabled. Absolute addressing (perhaps -mdynamic-no-pic) not allowed in code signed PIE, "
"but used in %s from %s. "
// Have direct reference to weak-global. This should be an indrect reference
+ const char* demangledName = strdup(_options.demangleSymbol(atom->name()));
warning("direct access in %s to global weak symbol %s means the weak symbol cannot be overridden at runtime. "
"This was likely caused by different translation units being compiled with different visibility settings.",
- atom->name(), target->name());
+ demangledName, _options.demangleSymbol(target->name()));
// Have direct reference to weak-global. This should be an indrect reference
+ const char* demangledName = strdup(_options.demangleSymbol(atom->name()));
warning("direct access in %s to global weak symbol %s means the weak symbol cannot be overridden at runtime. "
"This was likely caused by different translation units being compiled with different visibility settings.",
- atom->name(), target->name());
+ demangledName, _options.demangleSymbol(target->name()));
uint8_t rebaseType = REBASE_TYPE_POINTER;
uint8_t type = BIND_TYPE_POINTER;
const ld::dylib::File* dylib = dynamic_cast<const ld::dylib::File*>(target->file());
- bool weak_import = ((dylib != NULL) && (fixupWithTarget->weakImport || dylib->forcedWeakLinked()));
+ bool weak_import = (fixupWithTarget->weakImport || ((dylib != NULL) && dylib->forcedWeakLinked()));
uint64_t address = atom->finalAddress() + fixupWithTarget->offsetInAtom;
uint64_t addend = targetAddend - minusTargetAddend;
sect->hasLocalRelocs = true; // so dyld knows to change permissions on __TEXT segment
+ if ( (addend != 0) && _options.sharedRegionEligible() ) {
+ // make sure the addend does not cause the pointer to point outside the target's segment
+ // if it does, update_dyld_shared_cache will not be able to put this dylib into the shared cache
+ uint64_t targetAddress = target->finalAddress();
+ for (std::vector<ld::Internal::FinalSection*>::iterator sit = state.sections.begin(); sit != state.sections.end(); ++sit) {
+ ld::Internal::FinalSection* sct = *sit;
+ uint64_t sctEnd = (sct->address+sct->size);
+ if ( (sct->address <= targetAddress) && (targetAddress < sctEnd) ) {
+ if ( (targetAddress+addend) > sctEnd ) {
+ warning("data symbol %s from %s has pointer to %s + 0x%08llX. "
+ "That large of an addend may disable %s from being put in the dyld shared cache.",
+ atom->name(), atom->file()->path(), target->name(), addend, _options.installPath() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
_rebaseInfo.push_back(RebaseInfo(rebaseType, address));
if ( needsBinding ) {
// non-lazy-pointer section is encoded in indirect symbol table - not using relocations
- if ( (sect->type() == ld::Section::typeNonLazyPointer) && (_options.outputKind() != Options::kKextBundle) ) {
- assert(target != NULL);
- assert(fixupWithTarget != NULL);
- return;
+ if ( sect->type() == ld::Section::typeNonLazyPointer ) {
+ // except kexts and static pie which *do* use relocations
+ switch (_options.outputKind()) {
+ case Options::kKextBundle:
+ break;
+ case Options::kStaticExecutable:
+ if ( _options.positionIndependentExecutable() )
+ break;
+ // else fall into default case
+ default:
+ assert(target != NULL);
+ assert(fixupWithTarget != NULL);
+ return;
+ }
// no need to rebase or bind PCRel stores
// uuid[8], uuid[9], uuid[10], uuid[11], uuid[12], uuid[13], uuid[14], uuid[15]);
// write table of object files
- std::map<const ld::File*, uint32_t> readerToOrdinal;
- std::map<uint32_t, const ld::File*> ordinalToReader;
+ std::map<const ld::File*, ld::File::Ordinal> readerToOrdinal;
+ std::map<ld::File::Ordinal, const ld::File*> ordinalToReader;
std::map<const ld::File*, uint32_t> readerToFileOrdinal;
for (std::vector<ld::Internal::FinalSection*>::iterator sit = state.sections.begin(); sit != state.sections.end(); ++sit) {
ld::Internal::FinalSection* sect = *sit;
const ld::File* reader = atom->file();
if ( reader == NULL )
- uint32_t readerOrdinal = reader->ordinal();
- std::map<const ld::File*, uint32_t>::iterator pos = readerToOrdinal.find(reader);
+ ld::File::Ordinal readerOrdinal = reader->ordinal();
+ std::map<const ld::File*, ld::File::Ordinal>::iterator pos = readerToOrdinal.find(reader);
if ( pos == readerToOrdinal.end() ) {
readerToOrdinal[reader] = readerOrdinal;
ordinalToReader[readerOrdinal] = reader;
fprintf(mapFile, "# Object files:\n");
fprintf(mapFile, "[%3u] %s\n", 0, "linker synthesized");
- uint32_t fileIndex = 0;
- readerToFileOrdinal[NULL] = fileIndex++;
- for(std::map<uint32_t, const ld::File*>::iterator it = ordinalToReader.begin(); it != ordinalToReader.end(); ++it) {
- if ( it->first != 0 ) {
- fprintf(mapFile, "[%3u] %s\n", fileIndex, it->second->path());
- readerToFileOrdinal[it->second] = fileIndex++;
- }
+ uint32_t fileIndex = 1;
+ for(std::map<ld::File::Ordinal, const ld::File*>::iterator it = ordinalToReader.begin(); it != ordinalToReader.end(); ++it) {
+ fprintf(mapFile, "[%3u] %s\n", fileIndex, it->second->path());
+ readerToFileOrdinal[it->second] = fileIndex++;
// write table of sections
fprintf(mapFile, "# Sections:\n");
bool operator()(const ld::Atom* left, const ld::Atom* right) const
// first sort by reader
- uint32_t leftFileOrdinal = left->file()->ordinal();
- uint32_t rightFileOrdinal = right->file()->ordinal();
+ ld::File::Ordinal leftFileOrdinal = left->file()->ordinal();
+ ld::File::Ordinal rightFileOrdinal = right->file()->ordinal();
if ( leftFileOrdinal!= rightFileOrdinal)
return (leftFileOrdinal < rightFileOrdinal);
const char* newDirPath;
const char* newFilename;
//fprintf(stderr, "debug note for %s\n", atom->name());
- if ( atom->translationUnitSource(&newDirPath, &newFilename) ) {
+ // guard against dwarf info that has no directory <rdar://problem/10991352>
+ if ( atom->translationUnitSource(&newDirPath, &newFilename) && (newDirPath != NULL)) {
// need SO's whenever the translation unit source file changes
if ( newFilename != filename ) {
// gdb like directory SO's to end in '/', but dwarf DW_AT_comp_dir usually does not have trailing '/'
- if ( (newDirPath != NULL) && (strlen(newDirPath) > 1 ) && (newDirPath[strlen(newDirPath)-1] != '/') )
+ size_t len = strlen(newDirPath);
+ if ( (newDirPath != NULL) && (len > 1 ) && (newDirPath[len-1] != '/') )
asprintf((char**)&newDirPath, "%s/", newDirPath);
if ( filename != NULL ) {
// translation unit change, emit ending SO