TESTROOT = ../..
include ${TESTROOT}/include/common.makefile
+SHELL = bash # use bash shell so we can redirect just stderr
+# Ccheck that ld -bundle_loader works with bundles and executable,
+# and _bar is found in the loader and not in libbar.dylib
-# The point of this test is a sanity check that ld
-# -bundle_loader works, and _bar is found in the executable
-# and not in libbar.dylib
run: all
${CC} ${CCFLAGS} bar.c -dynamiclib -o libbar.dylib
+ ${FAIL_IF_BAD_MACHO} libbar.dylib
+ # test with loader as main executable
${CC} ${CCFLAGS} main.c bar.c -o main
${CC} ${CCFLAGS} bundle.c -bundle -bundle_loader main libbar.dylib -o bundle.bundle
${FAIL_IF_BAD_MACHO} bundle.bundle
nm -m bundle.bundle | grep _bar | grep "from executable" | ${PASS_IFF_STDIN}
+ # test with loader as another bundle
+ ${CC} ${CCFLAGS} -bundle main.c bar.c -o mainbundle
+ ${CC} ${CCFLAGS} bundle.c -bundle -bundle_loader mainbundle libbar.dylib -o bundle.bundle
+ ${FAIL_IF_BAD_MACHO} bundle.bundle
+ nm -m bundle.bundle | grep _bar | grep "from executable" | ${PASS_IFF_STDIN}
+ # verify error message when linking with raw bundle
+ ${FAIL_IF_SUCCESS} ${CC} ${CCFLAGS} main.c bar.c -o main bundle.bundle 2> error.log
+ grep "link with bundle" error.log | ${PASS_IFF_STDIN}
- rm libbar.dylib main bundle.bundle
+ rm *.dylib main bundle.bundle mainbundle error.log