std::set<const ld::Atom*> nlcatListAtoms;
for (std::vector<ld::Internal::FinalSection*>::iterator sit=state.sections.begin(); sit != state.sections.end(); ++sit) {
ld::Internal::FinalSection* sect = *sit;
- if ( (strcmp(sect->sectionName(), "__objc_nlcatlist") == 0) && (strcmp(sect->segmentName(), "__DATA") == 0) ) {
+ if ( (strcmp(sect->sectionName(), "__objc_nlcatlist") == 0) && (strncmp(sect->segmentName(), "__DATA", 6) == 0) ) {
for (std::vector<const ld::Atom*>::iterator ait=sect->atoms.begin(); ait != sect->atoms.end(); ++ait) {
const ld::Atom* categoryListElementAtom = *ait;
for (unsigned int offset=0; offset < categoryListElementAtom->size(); offset += sizeof(pint_t)) {
// record method list section
- if ( (strcmp(sect->sectionName(), "__objc_const") == 0) && (strcmp(sect->segmentName(), "__DATA") == 0) )
+ if ( (strcmp(sect->sectionName(), "__objc_const") == 0) && (strncmp(sect->segmentName(), "__DATA", 6) == 0) )
methodListSection = sect;
const ld::Atom* newClassRO = Class<A>::setInstanceMethodList(state, classAtom, newInstanceMethodListAtom, deadAtoms);
// add new method list to final sections
+ state.atomToSection[newInstanceMethodListAtom] = methodListSection;
if ( newClassRO != NULL ) {
assert(strcmp(newClassRO->section().sectionName(), "__objc_const") == 0);
+ state.atomToSection[newClassRO] = methodListSection;
// if any category adds class methods, generate new merged method list, and replace
const ld::Atom* newClassRO = Class<A>::setClassMethodList(state, classAtom, newClassMethodListAtom, deadAtoms);
// add new method list to final sections
+ state.atomToSection[newClassMethodListAtom] = methodListSection;
if ( newClassRO != NULL ) {
assert(strcmp(newClassRO->section().sectionName(), "__objc_const") == 0);
+ state.atomToSection[newClassRO] = methodListSection;
// if any category adds protocols, generate new merged protocol list, and replace
const ld::Atom* newMetaClassRO = Class<A>::setClassProtocolList(state, classAtom, newProtocolListAtom, deadAtoms);
// add new protocol list to final sections
+ state.atomToSection[newProtocolListAtom] = methodListSection;
if ( newClassRO != NULL ) {
assert(strcmp(newClassRO->section().sectionName(), "__objc_const") == 0);
+ state.atomToSection[newClassRO] = methodListSection;
if ( newMetaClassRO != NULL ) {
assert(strcmp(newMetaClassRO->section().sectionName(), "__objc_const") == 0);
+ state.atomToSection[newMetaClassRO] = methodListSection;
// if any category adds properties, generate new merged property list, and replace
const ld::Atom* newClassRO = Class<A>::setInstancePropertyList(state, classAtom, newPropertyListAtom, deadAtoms);
// add new property list to final sections
+ state.atomToSection[newPropertyListAtom] = methodListSection;
if ( newClassRO != NULL ) {
assert(strcmp(newClassRO->section().sectionName(), "__objc_const") == 0);
+ state.atomToSection[newClassRO] = methodListSection;