- * Returns a reference to an item based on tokens passed in an IPC message.
- * This is useful for figuring out which item the message came from.
- *
- * Currently two tokens are supported:
- * kIPCProcessIDKey - the pid of the running startup script
- * kIPCServiceNameKey - a name of a service that the item provides. This
- * takes precedence over the pid key when both are present.
- **/
-static CFMutableDictionaryRef
-itemFromIPCMessage(StartupContext aStartupContext, CFDictionaryRef anIPCMessage)
- CFMutableDictionaryRef anItem = NULL;
- if (aStartupContext && anIPCMessage) {
- CFStringRef aServiceName = CFDictionaryGetValue(anIPCMessage, kIPCServiceNameKey);
- CFIndex aPID = 0;
- CFNumberRef aPIDNumber = CFDictionaryGetValue(anIPCMessage, kIPCProcessIDKey);
- if (aServiceName && CFGetTypeID(aServiceName) == CFStringGetTypeID()) {
- anItem = StartupItemListGetProvider(aStartupContext->aWaitingList, aServiceName);
- } else if (aPIDNumber &&
- CFGetTypeID(aPIDNumber) == CFNumberGetTypeID() &&
- CFNumberGetValue(aPIDNumber, kCFNumberCFIndexType, &aPID)) {
- anItem = StartupItemWithPID(aStartupContext->aWaitingList, aPID);
- }
- }
- return anItem;
- * Displays a message on the console.
- * aConsoleMessage will be localized according to the dictionary in the specified item.
- * Running tems may be specified by their current process id. Items may also be specified
- * by one of the service names they provide.
- **/
-static void
-consoleMessage(StartupContext aStartupContext, CFDictionaryRef anIPCMessage)
- if (aStartupContext && anIPCMessage) {
- CFStringRef aConsoleMessage = CFDictionaryGetValue(anIPCMessage, kIPCConsoleMessageKey);
- if (aConsoleMessage && CFGetTypeID(aConsoleMessage) == CFStringGetTypeID()) {
- CF_syslog(LOG_INFO, CFSTR("%@"), aConsoleMessage);
- }
- }
- * Records the success or failure or a particular service.
- * If no service name is specified, but a pid is, then all services provided
- * by the item are flagged.
- **/
-static void
-statusMessage(StartupContext aStartupContext, CFDictionaryRef anIPCMessage)
- if (anIPCMessage && aStartupContext && aStartupContext->aStatusDict) {
- CFMutableDictionaryRef anItem = itemFromIPCMessage(aStartupContext, anIPCMessage);
- CFStringRef aServiceName = CFDictionaryGetValue(anIPCMessage, kIPCServiceNameKey);
- CFBooleanRef aStatus = CFDictionaryGetValue(anIPCMessage, kIPCStatusKey);
- if (anItem && aStatus &&
- CFGetTypeID(aStatus) == CFBooleanGetTypeID() &&
- (!aServiceName || CFGetTypeID(aServiceName) == CFStringGetTypeID())) {
- StartupItemSetStatus(aStartupContext->aStatusDict, anItem, aServiceName, CFBooleanGetValue(aStatus), TRUE);
- }
- }
- * Queries one of several configuration settings.
- */
-static CFDataRef
-queryConfigSetting(StartupContext aStartupContext, CFDictionaryRef anIPCMessage)
- char *aValue = "";
- if (anIPCMessage) {
- CFStringRef aSetting = CFDictionaryGetValue(anIPCMessage, kIPCConfigSettingKey);
- if (aSetting && CFGetTypeID(aSetting) == CFStringGetTypeID()) {
- if (CFEqual(aSetting, kIPCConfigSettingVerboseFlag)) {
- aValue = gVerboseFlag ? "-YES-" : "-NO-";
- } else if (CFEqual(aSetting, kIPCConfigSettingNetworkUp)) {
- Boolean aNetworkUpFlag = FALSE;
- if (aStartupContext && aStartupContext->aStatusDict) {
- aNetworkUpFlag = CFDictionaryContainsKey(aStartupContext->aStatusDict, CFSTR("Network"));
- }
- aValue = aNetworkUpFlag ? "-YES-" : "-NO-";
- }
- }
- }
- return CFDataCreate(NULL, (const UInt8 *)aValue, strlen(aValue) + 1); /* aValue + null */
-static void *handleIPCMessage(void *aMsgParam, CFIndex aMessageSize __attribute__((unused)), CFAllocatorRef anAllocator __attribute__((unused)), void *aMachPort) {
- SystemStarterIPCMessage *aMessage = (SystemStarterIPCMessage *) aMsgParam;
- SystemStarterIPCMessage *aReplyMessage = NULL;
- CFDataRef aResult = NULL;
- CFDataRef aData = NULL;
- if (aMessage->aHeader.msgh_bits & MACH_MSGH_BITS_COMPLEX) {
- syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Ignoring out-of-line IPC message");
- return NULL;
- } else {
- mach_msg_security_trailer_t *aSecurityTrailer = (mach_msg_security_trailer_t *)
- ((uint8_t *) aMessage + round_msg(sizeof(SystemStarterIPCMessage) + aMessage->aByteLength));
- /*
- * CFRunLoop includes the format 0 message trailer with the
- * passed message.
- */
- if (aSecurityTrailer->msgh_trailer_type == MACH_MSG_TRAILER_FORMAT_0 &&
- aSecurityTrailer->msgh_sender.val[0] != 0) {
- syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Ignoring IPC message sent from uid %d", aSecurityTrailer->msgh_sender.val[0]);
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- if (aMessage->aProtocol != kIPCProtocolVersion) {
- syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Unsupported IPC protocol version number: %d. Message ignored", aMessage->aProtocol);
- return NULL;
- }
- aData = CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(NULL,
- (uint8_t *) aMessage + sizeof(SystemStarterIPCMessage),
- aMessage->aByteLength,
- kCFAllocatorNull);
- /*
- * Dispatch the IPC message.
- */
- if (aData) {
- StartupContext aStartupContext = NULL;
- CFStringRef anErrorString = NULL;
- CFDictionaryRef anIPCMessage = (CFDictionaryRef) CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(NULL, aData, kCFPropertyListImmutable, &anErrorString);
- CF_syslog(LOG_DEBUG, CFSTR("IPC message = %@"), anIPCMessage);
- if (aMachPort) {
- CFMachPortContext aMachPortContext;
- CFMachPortGetContext((CFMachPortRef) aMachPort, &aMachPortContext);
- aStartupContext = (StartupContext) aMachPortContext.info;
- }
- if (anIPCMessage && CFGetTypeID(anIPCMessage) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) {
- /* switch on the type of the IPC message */
- CFStringRef anIPCMessageType = CFDictionaryGetValue(anIPCMessage, kIPCMessageKey);
- if (anIPCMessageType && CFGetTypeID(anIPCMessageType) == CFStringGetTypeID()) {
- if (CFEqual(anIPCMessageType, kIPCConsoleMessage)) {
- consoleMessage(aStartupContext, anIPCMessage);
- } else if (CFEqual(anIPCMessageType, kIPCStatusMessage)) {
- statusMessage(aStartupContext, anIPCMessage);
- } else if (CFEqual(anIPCMessageType, kIPCQueryMessage)) {
- aResult = queryConfigSetting(aStartupContext, anIPCMessage);
- }
- }
- } else {
- CF_syslog(LOG_ERR, CFSTR("Unable to parse IPC message: %@"), anErrorString);
- }
- CFRelease(aData);
- } else {
- syslog(LOG_ERR, "Out of memory. Could not allocate space for IPC message");
- }
- /*
- * Generate a Mach message for the result data.
- */
- if (!aResult)
- aResult = CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(NULL, (const UInt8 *)"", 1, kCFAllocatorNull);
- if (aResult) {
- CFIndex aDataSize = CFDataGetLength(aResult);
- CFIndex aReplyMessageSize = round_msg(sizeof(SystemStarterIPCMessage) + aDataSize + 3);
- aReplyMessage = CFAllocatorAllocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, aReplyMessageSize, 0);
- if (aReplyMessage) {
- aReplyMessage->aHeader.msgh_id = -1 * (SInt32) aMessage->aHeader.msgh_id;
- aReplyMessage->aHeader.msgh_size = aReplyMessageSize;
- aReplyMessage->aHeader.msgh_remote_port = aMessage->aHeader.msgh_remote_port;
- aReplyMessage->aHeader.msgh_local_port = MACH_PORT_NULL;
- aReplyMessage->aHeader.msgh_reserved = 0;
- aReplyMessage->aHeader.msgh_bits = MACH_MSGH_BITS(MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND_ONCE, 0);
- aReplyMessage->aBody.msgh_descriptor_count = 0;
- aReplyMessage->aProtocol = kIPCProtocolVersion;
- aReplyMessage->aByteLength = CFDataGetLength(aResult);
- memmove((uint8_t *) aReplyMessage + sizeof(SystemStarterIPCMessage),
- CFDataGetBytePtr(aResult),
- CFDataGetLength(aResult));
- }
- CFRelease(aResult);
- }
- if (!aReplyMessage) {
- syslog(LOG_ERR, "Out of memory. Could not allocate IPC result");
- }
- return aReplyMessage;
-static mach_port_t
-getIPCPort(void *anInfo)
- return anInfo ? CFMachPortGetPort((CFMachPortRef) anInfo) : MACH_PORT_NULL;
-CreateIPCRunLoopSource(CFStringRef aPortName, StartupContext aStartupContext)
- CFRunLoopSourceRef aSource = NULL;
- CFMachPortRef aMachPort = NULL;
- CFMachPortContext aContext;
- kern_return_t aKernReturn = KERN_FAILURE;
- aContext.version = 0;
- aContext.info = (void *) aStartupContext;
- aContext.retain = 0;
- aContext.release = 0;
- aContext.copyDescription = 0;
- aMachPort = CFMachPortCreate(NULL, NULL, &aContext, NULL);
- if (aMachPort && aPortName) {
- CFIndex aPortNameLength = CFStringGetLength(aPortName);
- CFIndex aPortNameSize = CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding(aPortNameLength, kCFStringEncodingUTF8) + 1;
- char *aBuffer = CFAllocatorAllocate(NULL, aPortNameSize, 0);
- if (aBuffer && CFStringGetCString(aPortName,
- aBuffer,
- aPortNameSize,
- kCFStringEncodingUTF8)) {
- mach_port_t aBootstrapPort;
- task_get_bootstrap_port(mach_task_self(), &aBootstrapPort);
- aKernReturn = bootstrap_register(aBootstrapPort, aBuffer, CFMachPortGetPort(aMachPort));
- }
- if (aBuffer)
- CFAllocatorDeallocate(NULL, aBuffer);
- }
- if (aMachPort && aKernReturn == KERN_SUCCESS) {
- CFRunLoopSourceContext1 aSourceContext;
- aSourceContext.version = 1;
- aSourceContext.info = aMachPort;
- aSourceContext.retain = CFRetain;
- aSourceContext.release = CFRelease;
- aSourceContext.copyDescription = CFCopyDescription;
- aSourceContext.equal = CFEqual;
- aSourceContext.hash = CFHash;
- aSourceContext.getPort = getIPCPort;
- aSourceContext.perform = (void *) handleIPCMessage;
- aSource = CFRunLoopSourceCreate(NULL, 0, (CFRunLoopSourceContext *) & aSourceContext);
- }
- if (aMachPort && (!aSource || aKernReturn != KERN_SUCCESS)) {
- CFMachPortInvalidate(aMachPort);
- CFRelease(aMachPort);
- aMachPort = NULL;
- }
- return aSource;