- * Given aWaitingList of startup items, and aStatusDict describing the
- * current startup state, returns the next startup item to run, if any.
- * Returns nil if none is available.
- * The startup order depends on the dependancies between items and the
- * priorities of the items.
- * Note that this is not necessarily deterministic; if more than one
- * startup item with the same priority is ready to run, which item gets
- * returned is not specified.
+ * Given aWaitingList of startup items, and aStatusDict describing the current
+ * startup state, returns the next startup item to run, if any. Returns nil if
+ * none is available.
+ * Note that this is not necessarily deterministic; if more than one startup
+ * item is ready to run, which item gets returned is not specified. An item is
+ * not ready to run if the specified dependencies are not satisfied yet.