- * Copyright (C) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2008, 2013, 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Harri Porten (porten@kde.org)
* Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Kelly (pmk@post.com)
#include "config.h"
#include "Debugger.h"
-#include "CollectorHeapIterator.h"
+#include "CodeBlock.h"
+#include "DebuggerCallFrame.h"
#include "Error.h"
+#include "HeapIterationScope.h"
#include "Interpreter.h"
+#include "JSCJSValueInlines.h"
#include "JSFunction.h"
#include "JSGlobalObject.h"
+#include "JSCInlines.h"
#include "Parser.h"
#include "Protect.h"
+#include "VMEntryScope.h"
+namespace {
+using namespace JSC;
+class Recompiler : public MarkedBlock::VoidFunctor {
+ Recompiler(JSC::Debugger*);
+ ~Recompiler();
+ void operator()(JSCell*);
+ typedef HashSet<FunctionExecutable*> FunctionExecutableSet;
+ typedef HashMap<SourceProvider*, ExecState*> SourceProviderMap;
+ JSC::Debugger* m_debugger;
+ FunctionExecutableSet m_functionExecutables;
+ SourceProviderMap m_sourceProviders;
+inline Recompiler::Recompiler(JSC::Debugger* debugger)
+ : m_debugger(debugger)
+inline Recompiler::~Recompiler()
+ // Call sourceParsed() after reparsing all functions because it will execute
+ // JavaScript in the inspector.
+ SourceProviderMap::const_iterator end = m_sourceProviders.end();
+ for (SourceProviderMap::const_iterator iter = m_sourceProviders.begin(); iter != end; ++iter)
+ m_debugger->sourceParsed(iter->value, iter->key, -1, String());
+inline void Recompiler::operator()(JSCell* cell)
+ if (!cell->inherits(JSFunction::info()))
+ return;
+ JSFunction* function = jsCast<JSFunction*>(cell);
+ if (function->executable()->isHostFunction())
+ return;
+ FunctionExecutable* executable = function->jsExecutable();
+ // Check if the function is already in the set - if so,
+ // we've already retranslated it, nothing to do here.
+ if (!m_functionExecutables.add(executable).isNewEntry)
+ return;
+ ExecState* exec = function->scope()->globalObject()->JSGlobalObject::globalExec();
+ executable->clearCodeIfNotCompiling();
+ executable->clearUnlinkedCodeForRecompilationIfNotCompiling();
+ if (m_debugger == function->scope()->globalObject()->debugger())
+ m_sourceProviders.add(executable->source().provider(), exec);
+} // namespace
namespace JSC {
+class DebuggerCallFrameScope {
+ DebuggerCallFrameScope(Debugger& debugger)
+ : m_debugger(debugger)
+ {
+ ASSERT(!m_debugger.m_currentDebuggerCallFrame);
+ if (m_debugger.m_currentCallFrame)
+ m_debugger.m_currentDebuggerCallFrame = DebuggerCallFrame::create(debugger.m_currentCallFrame);
+ }
+ ~DebuggerCallFrameScope()
+ {
+ if (m_debugger.m_currentDebuggerCallFrame) {
+ m_debugger.m_currentDebuggerCallFrame->invalidate();
+ m_debugger.m_currentDebuggerCallFrame = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ Debugger& m_debugger;
+// This is very similar to TemporaryChange<bool>, but that cannot be used
+// as the m_isPaused field uses only one bit.
+class TemporaryPausedState {
+ TemporaryPausedState(Debugger& debugger)
+ : m_debugger(debugger)
+ {
+ ASSERT(!m_debugger.m_isPaused);
+ m_debugger.m_isPaused = true;
+ }
+ ~TemporaryPausedState()
+ {
+ m_debugger.m_isPaused = false;
+ }
+ Debugger& m_debugger;
+template<typename Functor>
+void Debugger::forEachCodeBlock(Functor& functor)
+ m_vm->waitForCompilationsToComplete();
+ m_vm->heap.forEachCodeBlock(functor);
+Debugger::Debugger(bool isInWorkerThread)
+ : m_vm(nullptr)
+ , m_pauseOnExceptionsState(DontPauseOnExceptions)
+ , m_pauseOnNextStatement(false)
+ , m_isPaused(false)
+ , m_breakpointsActivated(true)
+ , m_hasHandlerForExceptionCallback(false)
+ , m_isInWorkerThread(isInWorkerThread)
+ , m_steppingMode(SteppingModeDisabled)
+ , m_reasonForPause(NotPaused)
+ , m_pauseOnCallFrame(0)
+ , m_currentCallFrame(0)
+ , m_lastExecutedLine(UINT_MAX)
+ , m_lastExecutedSourceID(noSourceID)
+ , m_topBreakpointID(noBreakpointID)
HashSet<JSGlobalObject*>::iterator end = m_globalObjects.end();
void Debugger::attach(JSGlobalObject* globalObject)
+ if (!m_vm)
+ m_vm = &globalObject->vm();
+ else
+ ASSERT(m_vm == &globalObject->vm());
-void Debugger::detach(JSGlobalObject* globalObject)
+void Debugger::detach(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, ReasonForDetach reason)
+ // If we're detaching from the currently executing global object, manually tear down our
+ // stack, since we won't get further debugger callbacks to do so. Also, resume execution,
+ // since there's no point in staying paused once a window closes.
+ if (m_currentCallFrame && m_currentCallFrame->vmEntryGlobalObject() == globalObject) {
+ m_currentCallFrame = 0;
+ m_pauseOnCallFrame = 0;
+ continueProgram();
+ }
+ // If the globalObject is destructing, then its CodeBlocks will also be
+ // destructed. There is no need to do the debugger requests clean up, and
+ // it is not safe to access those CodeBlocks at this time anyway.
+ if (reason != GlobalObjectIsDestructing)
+ clearDebuggerRequests(globalObject);
+ if (!m_globalObjects.size())
+ m_vm = nullptr;
+class Debugger::SetSteppingModeFunctor {
+ SetSteppingModeFunctor(Debugger* debugger, SteppingMode mode)
+ : m_debugger(debugger)
+ , m_mode(mode)
+ {
+ }
+ bool operator()(CodeBlock* codeBlock)
+ {
+ if (m_debugger == codeBlock->globalObject()->debugger()) {
+ if (m_mode == SteppingModeEnabled)
+ codeBlock->setSteppingMode(CodeBlock::SteppingModeEnabled);
+ else
+ codeBlock->setSteppingMode(CodeBlock::SteppingModeDisabled);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ Debugger* m_debugger;
+ SteppingMode m_mode;
+void Debugger::setSteppingMode(SteppingMode mode)
+ if (mode == m_steppingMode || !m_vm)
+ return;
+ m_vm->waitForCompilationsToComplete();
+ m_steppingMode = mode;
+ SetSteppingModeFunctor functor(this, mode);
+ m_vm->heap.forEachCodeBlock(functor);
+void Debugger::registerCodeBlock(CodeBlock* codeBlock)
+ // FIXME: We should never have to jettison a code block (due to pending breakpoints
+ // or stepping mode) that is being registered. operationOptimize() should have
+ // prevented the optimizing of such code blocks in the first place. Find a way to
+ // express this with greater clarity in the code. See <https://webkit.org/b131771>.
+ applyBreakpoints(codeBlock);
+ if (isStepping())
+ codeBlock->setSteppingMode(CodeBlock::SteppingModeEnabled);
-void Debugger::recompileAllJSFunctions(JSGlobalData* globalData)
+void Debugger::toggleBreakpoint(CodeBlock* codeBlock, Breakpoint& breakpoint, BreakpointState enabledOrNot)
+ ScriptExecutable* executable = codeBlock->ownerExecutable();
+ SourceID sourceID = static_cast<SourceID>(executable->sourceID());
+ if (breakpoint.sourceID != sourceID)
+ return;
+ unsigned line = breakpoint.line;
+ unsigned column = breakpoint.column;
+ unsigned startLine = executable->lineNo();
+ unsigned startColumn = executable->startColumn();
+ unsigned endLine = executable->lastLine();
+ unsigned endColumn = executable->endColumn();
+ // Inspector breakpoint line and column values are zero-based but the executable
+ // and CodeBlock line and column values are one-based.
+ line += 1;
+ column = column ? column + 1 : Breakpoint::unspecifiedColumn;
+ if (line < startLine || line > endLine)
+ return;
+ if (column != Breakpoint::unspecifiedColumn) {
+ if (line == startLine && column < startColumn)
+ return;
+ if (line == endLine && column > endColumn)
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!codeBlock->hasOpDebugForLineAndColumn(line, column))
+ return;
+ if (enabledOrNot == BreakpointEnabled)
+ codeBlock->addBreakpoint(1);
+ else
+ codeBlock->removeBreakpoint(1);
+void Debugger::applyBreakpoints(CodeBlock* codeBlock)
+ BreakpointIDToBreakpointMap& breakpoints = m_breakpointIDToBreakpoint;
+ for (auto it = breakpoints.begin(); it != breakpoints.end(); ++it) {
+ Breakpoint& breakpoint = *it->value;
+ toggleBreakpoint(codeBlock, breakpoint, BreakpointEnabled);
+ }
+class Debugger::ToggleBreakpointFunctor {
+ ToggleBreakpointFunctor(Debugger* debugger, Breakpoint& breakpoint, BreakpointState enabledOrNot)
+ : m_debugger(debugger)
+ , m_breakpoint(breakpoint)
+ , m_enabledOrNot(enabledOrNot)
+ {
+ }
+ bool operator()(CodeBlock* codeBlock)
+ {
+ if (m_debugger == codeBlock->globalObject()->debugger())
+ m_debugger->toggleBreakpoint(codeBlock, m_breakpoint, m_enabledOrNot);
+ return false;
+ }
+ Debugger* m_debugger;
+ Breakpoint& m_breakpoint;
+ BreakpointState m_enabledOrNot;
+void Debugger::toggleBreakpoint(Breakpoint& breakpoint, Debugger::BreakpointState enabledOrNot)
+ if (!m_vm)
+ return;
+ ToggleBreakpointFunctor functor(this, breakpoint, enabledOrNot);
+ forEachCodeBlock(functor);
+void Debugger::recompileAllJSFunctions(VM* vm)
// If JavaScript is running, it's not safe to recompile, since we'll end
// up throwing away code that is live on the stack.
- ASSERT(!globalData->dynamicGlobalObject);
- if (globalData->dynamicGlobalObject)
+ if (vm->entryScope) {
+ vm->entryScope->setRecompilationNeeded(true);
+ }
- typedef HashSet<FunctionExecutable*> FunctionExecutableSet;
- typedef HashMap<SourceProvider*, ExecState*> SourceProviderMap;
+ vm->waitForCompilationsToComplete();
+ Recompiler recompiler(this);
+ HeapIterationScope iterationScope(vm->heap);
+ vm->heap.objectSpace().forEachLiveCell(iterationScope, recompiler);
+BreakpointID Debugger::setBreakpoint(Breakpoint breakpoint, unsigned& actualLine, unsigned& actualColumn)
+ SourceID sourceID = breakpoint.sourceID;
+ unsigned line = breakpoint.line;
+ unsigned column = breakpoint.column;
+ SourceIDToBreakpointsMap::iterator it = m_sourceIDToBreakpoints.find(sourceID);
+ if (it == m_sourceIDToBreakpoints.end())
+ it = m_sourceIDToBreakpoints.set(sourceID, LineToBreakpointsMap()).iterator;
+ LineToBreakpointsMap::iterator breaksIt = it->value.find(line);
+ if (breaksIt == it->value.end())
+ breaksIt = it->value.set(line, adoptRef(new BreakpointsList)).iterator;
- FunctionExecutableSet functionExecutables;
- SourceProviderMap sourceProviders;
+ BreakpointsList& breakpoints = *breaksIt->value;
+ for (Breakpoint* current = breakpoints.head(); current; current = current->next()) {
+ if (current->column == column) {
+ // The breakpoint already exists. We're not allowed to create a new
+ // breakpoint at this location. Rather than returning the breakpointID
+ // of the pre-existing breakpoint, we need to return noBreakpointID
+ // to indicate that we're not creating a new one.
+ return noBreakpointID;
+ }
+ }
+ BreakpointID id = ++m_topBreakpointID;
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(id != noBreakpointID);
- LiveObjectIterator it = globalData->heap.primaryHeapBegin();
- LiveObjectIterator heapEnd = globalData->heap.primaryHeapEnd();
- for ( ; it != heapEnd; ++it) {
- if (!(*it)->inherits(&JSFunction::info))
- continue;
+ breakpoint.id = id;
+ actualLine = line;
+ actualColumn = column;
- JSFunction* function = asFunction(*it);
- if (function->executable()->isHostFunction())
- continue;
+ Breakpoint* newBreakpoint = new Breakpoint(breakpoint);
+ breakpoints.append(newBreakpoint);
+ m_breakpointIDToBreakpoint.set(id, newBreakpoint);
- FunctionExecutable* executable = function->jsExecutable();
+ toggleBreakpoint(breakpoint, BreakpointEnabled);
- // Check if the function is already in the set - if so,
- // we've already retranslated it, nothing to do here.
- if (!functionExecutables.add(executable).second)
- continue;
+ return id;
- ExecState* exec = function->scope().globalObject()->JSGlobalObject::globalExec();
- executable->recompile(exec);
- if (function->scope().globalObject()->debugger() == this)
- sourceProviders.add(executable->source().provider(), exec);
+void Debugger::removeBreakpoint(BreakpointID id)
+ ASSERT(id != noBreakpointID);
+ BreakpointIDToBreakpointMap::iterator idIt = m_breakpointIDToBreakpoint.find(id);
+ ASSERT(idIt != m_breakpointIDToBreakpoint.end());
+ Breakpoint* breakpoint = idIt->value;
+ SourceID sourceID = breakpoint->sourceID;
+ ASSERT(sourceID);
+ SourceIDToBreakpointsMap::iterator it = m_sourceIDToBreakpoints.find(sourceID);
+ ASSERT(it != m_sourceIDToBreakpoints.end());
+ LineToBreakpointsMap::iterator breaksIt = it->value.find(breakpoint->line);
+ ASSERT(breaksIt != it->value.end());
+ toggleBreakpoint(*breakpoint, BreakpointDisabled);
+ BreakpointsList& breakpoints = *breaksIt->value;
+ bool found = false;
+ for (Breakpoint* current = breakpoints.head(); current && !found; current = current->next()) {
+ if (current->id == breakpoint->id)
+ found = true;
+ ASSERT(found);
- // Call sourceParsed() after reparsing all functions because it will execute
- // JavaScript in the inspector.
- SourceProviderMap::const_iterator end = sourceProviders.end();
- for (SourceProviderMap::const_iterator iter = sourceProviders.begin(); iter != end; ++iter)
- sourceParsed(iter->second, SourceCode(iter->first), -1, 0);
+ m_breakpointIDToBreakpoint.remove(idIt);
+ breakpoints.remove(breakpoint);
+ delete breakpoint;
+ if (breakpoints.isEmpty()) {
+ it->value.remove(breaksIt);
+ if (it->value.isEmpty())
+ m_sourceIDToBreakpoints.remove(it);
+ }
-JSValue evaluateInGlobalCallFrame(const UString& script, JSValue& exception, JSGlobalObject* globalObject)
+bool Debugger::hasBreakpoint(SourceID sourceID, const TextPosition& position, Breakpoint *hitBreakpoint)
- CallFrame* globalCallFrame = globalObject->globalExec();
+ if (!m_breakpointsActivated)
+ return false;
+ SourceIDToBreakpointsMap::const_iterator it = m_sourceIDToBreakpoints.find(sourceID);
+ if (it == m_sourceIDToBreakpoints.end())
+ return false;
+ unsigned line = position.m_line.zeroBasedInt();
+ unsigned column = position.m_column.zeroBasedInt();
+ LineToBreakpointsMap::const_iterator breaksIt = it->value.find(line);
+ if (breaksIt == it->value.end())
+ return false;
+ bool hit = false;
+ const BreakpointsList& breakpoints = *breaksIt->value;
+ Breakpoint* breakpoint;
+ for (breakpoint = breakpoints.head(); breakpoint; breakpoint = breakpoint->next()) {
+ unsigned breakLine = breakpoint->line;
+ unsigned breakColumn = breakpoint->column;
+ // Since frontend truncates the indent, the first statement in a line must match the breakpoint (line,0).
+ ASSERT(this == m_currentCallFrame->codeBlock()->globalObject()->debugger());
+ if ((line != m_lastExecutedLine && line == breakLine && !breakColumn)
+ || (line == breakLine && column == breakColumn)) {
+ hit = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!hit)
+ return false;
+ if (hitBreakpoint)
+ *hitBreakpoint = *breakpoint;
+ if (breakpoint->condition.isEmpty())
+ return true;
- RefPtr<EvalExecutable> eval = EvalExecutable::create(globalCallFrame, makeSource(script));
- JSObject* error = eval->compile(globalCallFrame, globalCallFrame->scopeChain());
- if (error)
- return error;
+ // We cannot stop in the debugger while executing condition code,
+ // so make it looks like the debugger is already paused.
+ TemporaryPausedState pausedState(*this);
- return globalObject->globalData()->interpreter->execute(eval.get(), globalCallFrame, globalObject, globalCallFrame->scopeChain(), &exception);
+ JSValue exception;
+ DebuggerCallFrame* debuggerCallFrame = currentDebuggerCallFrame();
+ JSValue result = debuggerCallFrame->evaluate(breakpoint->condition, exception);
+ // We can lose the debugger while executing JavaScript.
+ if (!m_currentCallFrame)
+ return false;
+ if (exception) {
+ // An erroneous condition counts as "false".
+ handleExceptionInBreakpointCondition(m_currentCallFrame, exception);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return result.toBoolean(m_currentCallFrame);
+class Debugger::ClearCodeBlockDebuggerRequestsFunctor {
+ ClearCodeBlockDebuggerRequestsFunctor(Debugger* debugger)
+ : m_debugger(debugger)
+ {
+ }
+ bool operator()(CodeBlock* codeBlock)
+ {
+ if (codeBlock->hasDebuggerRequests() && m_debugger == codeBlock->globalObject()->debugger())
+ codeBlock->clearDebuggerRequests();
+ return false;
+ }
+ Debugger* m_debugger;
+void Debugger::clearBreakpoints()
+ m_topBreakpointID = noBreakpointID;
+ m_breakpointIDToBreakpoint.clear();
+ m_sourceIDToBreakpoints.clear();
+ if (!m_vm)
+ return;
+ ClearCodeBlockDebuggerRequestsFunctor functor(this);
+ forEachCodeBlock(functor);
+class Debugger::ClearDebuggerRequestsFunctor {
+ ClearDebuggerRequestsFunctor(JSGlobalObject* globalObject)
+ : m_globalObject(globalObject)
+ {
+ }
+ bool operator()(CodeBlock* codeBlock)
+ {
+ if (codeBlock->hasDebuggerRequests() && m_globalObject == codeBlock->globalObject())
+ codeBlock->clearDebuggerRequests();
+ return false;
+ }
+ JSGlobalObject* m_globalObject;
+void Debugger::clearDebuggerRequests(JSGlobalObject* globalObject)
+ ASSERT(m_vm);
+ ClearDebuggerRequestsFunctor functor(globalObject);
+ forEachCodeBlock(functor);
+void Debugger::setBreakpointsActivated(bool activated)
+ m_breakpointsActivated = activated;
+void Debugger::setPauseOnExceptionsState(PauseOnExceptionsState pause)
+ m_pauseOnExceptionsState = pause;
+void Debugger::setPauseOnNextStatement(bool pause)
+ m_pauseOnNextStatement = pause;
+ if (pause)
+ setSteppingMode(SteppingModeEnabled);
+void Debugger::breakProgram()
+ if (m_isPaused)
+ return;
+ m_pauseOnNextStatement = true;
+ setSteppingMode(SteppingModeEnabled);
+ m_currentCallFrame = m_vm->topCallFrame;
+ ASSERT(m_currentCallFrame);
+ pauseIfNeeded(m_currentCallFrame);
+void Debugger::continueProgram()
+ if (!m_isPaused)
+ return;
+ m_pauseOnNextStatement = false;
+ notifyDoneProcessingDebuggerEvents();
+void Debugger::stepIntoStatement()
+ if (!m_isPaused)
+ return;
+ m_pauseOnNextStatement = true;
+ setSteppingMode(SteppingModeEnabled);
+ notifyDoneProcessingDebuggerEvents();
+void Debugger::stepOverStatement()
+ if (!m_isPaused)
+ return;
+ m_pauseOnCallFrame = m_currentCallFrame;
+ notifyDoneProcessingDebuggerEvents();
+void Debugger::stepOutOfFunction()
+ if (!m_isPaused)
+ return;
+ m_pauseOnCallFrame = m_currentCallFrame ? m_currentCallFrame->callerFrameSkippingVMEntrySentinel() : 0;
+ notifyDoneProcessingDebuggerEvents();
+void Debugger::updateCallFrame(CallFrame* callFrame)
+ m_currentCallFrame = callFrame;
+ SourceID sourceID = DebuggerCallFrame::sourceIDForCallFrame(callFrame);
+ if (m_lastExecutedSourceID != sourceID) {
+ m_lastExecutedLine = UINT_MAX;
+ m_lastExecutedSourceID = sourceID;
+ }
+void Debugger::updateCallFrameAndPauseIfNeeded(CallFrame* callFrame)
+ updateCallFrame(callFrame);
+ pauseIfNeeded(callFrame);
+ if (!isStepping())
+ m_currentCallFrame = 0;
+void Debugger::pauseIfNeeded(CallFrame* callFrame)
+ if (m_isPaused)
+ return;
+ JSGlobalObject* vmEntryGlobalObject = callFrame->vmEntryGlobalObject();
+ if (!needPauseHandling(vmEntryGlobalObject))
+ return;
+ Breakpoint breakpoint;
+ bool didHitBreakpoint = false;
+ bool pauseNow = m_pauseOnNextStatement;
+ pauseNow |= (m_pauseOnCallFrame == m_currentCallFrame);
+ DebuggerCallFrameScope debuggerCallFrameScope(*this);
+ intptr_t sourceID = DebuggerCallFrame::sourceIDForCallFrame(m_currentCallFrame);
+ TextPosition position = DebuggerCallFrame::positionForCallFrame(m_currentCallFrame);
+ pauseNow |= didHitBreakpoint = hasBreakpoint(sourceID, position, &breakpoint);
+ m_lastExecutedLine = position.m_line.zeroBasedInt();
+ if (!pauseNow)
+ return;
+ // Make sure we are not going to pause again on breakpoint actions by
+ // reseting the pause state before executing any breakpoint actions.
+ TemporaryPausedState pausedState(*this);
+ m_pauseOnCallFrame = 0;
+ m_pauseOnNextStatement = false;
+ if (didHitBreakpoint) {
+ handleBreakpointHit(breakpoint);
+ // Note that the actions can potentially stop the debugger, so we need to check that
+ // we still have a current call frame when we get back.
+ if (breakpoint.autoContinue || !m_currentCallFrame)
+ return;
+ }
+ handlePause(m_reasonForPause, vmEntryGlobalObject);
+ if (!m_pauseOnNextStatement && !m_pauseOnCallFrame) {
+ setSteppingMode(SteppingModeDisabled);
+ m_currentCallFrame = nullptr;
+ }
+void Debugger::exception(CallFrame* callFrame, JSValue exception, bool hasHandler)
+ if (m_isPaused)
+ return;
+ PauseReasonDeclaration reason(*this, PausedForException);
+ if (m_pauseOnExceptionsState == PauseOnAllExceptions || (m_pauseOnExceptionsState == PauseOnUncaughtExceptions && !hasHandler)) {
+ m_pauseOnNextStatement = true;
+ setSteppingMode(SteppingModeEnabled);
+ }
+ m_hasHandlerForExceptionCallback = true;
+ m_currentException = exception;
+ updateCallFrameAndPauseIfNeeded(callFrame);
+ m_currentException = JSValue();
+ m_hasHandlerForExceptionCallback = false;
+void Debugger::atStatement(CallFrame* callFrame)
+ if (m_isPaused)
+ return;
+ PauseReasonDeclaration reason(*this, PausedAtStatement);
+ updateCallFrameAndPauseIfNeeded(callFrame);
+void Debugger::callEvent(CallFrame* callFrame)
+ if (m_isPaused)
+ return;
+ PauseReasonDeclaration reason(*this, PausedAfterCall);
+ updateCallFrameAndPauseIfNeeded(callFrame);
+void Debugger::returnEvent(CallFrame* callFrame)
+ if (m_isPaused)
+ return;
+ PauseReasonDeclaration reason(*this, PausedBeforeReturn);
+ updateCallFrameAndPauseIfNeeded(callFrame);
+ // detach may have been called during pauseIfNeeded
+ if (!m_currentCallFrame)
+ return;
+ // Treat stepping over a return statement like stepping out.
+ if (m_currentCallFrame == m_pauseOnCallFrame)
+ m_pauseOnCallFrame = m_currentCallFrame->callerFrameSkippingVMEntrySentinel();
+ m_currentCallFrame = m_currentCallFrame->callerFrameSkippingVMEntrySentinel();
+void Debugger::willExecuteProgram(CallFrame* callFrame)
+ if (m_isPaused)
+ return;
+ PauseReasonDeclaration reason(*this, PausedAtStartOfProgram);
+ // FIXME: This check for whether we're debugging a worker thread is a workaround
+ // for https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=102637. Remove it when we rework
+ // the debugger implementation to not require callbacks.
+ if (!m_isInWorkerThread)
+ updateCallFrameAndPauseIfNeeded(callFrame);
+ else if (isStepping())
+ updateCallFrame(callFrame);
+void Debugger::didExecuteProgram(CallFrame* callFrame)
+ if (m_isPaused)
+ return;
+ PauseReasonDeclaration reason(*this, PausedAtEndOfProgram);
+ updateCallFrameAndPauseIfNeeded(callFrame);
+ // Treat stepping over the end of a program like stepping out.
+ if (!m_currentCallFrame)
+ return;
+ if (m_currentCallFrame == m_pauseOnCallFrame) {
+ m_pauseOnCallFrame = m_currentCallFrame->callerFrameSkippingVMEntrySentinel();
+ if (!m_currentCallFrame)
+ return;
+ }
+ m_currentCallFrame = m_currentCallFrame->callerFrameSkippingVMEntrySentinel();
+void Debugger::didReachBreakpoint(CallFrame* callFrame)
+ if (m_isPaused)
+ return;
+ PauseReasonDeclaration reason(*this, PausedForBreakpoint);
+ m_pauseOnNextStatement = true;
+ setSteppingMode(SteppingModeEnabled);
+ updateCallFrameAndPauseIfNeeded(callFrame);
+DebuggerCallFrame* Debugger::currentDebuggerCallFrame() const
+ ASSERT(m_currentDebuggerCallFrame);
+ return m_currentDebuggerCallFrame.get();
} // namespace JSC