- * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#include "config.h"
#include "Structure.h"
-#include "Identifier.h"
+#include "CodeBlock.h"
+#include "DumpContext.h"
+#include "JSCInlines.h"
#include "JSObject.h"
#include "JSPropertyNameIterator.h"
#include "Lookup.h"
+#include "PropertyMapHashTable.h"
#include "PropertyNameArray.h"
#include "StructureChain.h"
+#include "StructureRareDataInlines.h"
+#include <wtf/CommaPrinter.h>
+#include <wtf/ProcessID.h>
#include <wtf/RefCountedLeakCounter.h>
#include <wtf/RefPtr.h>
#include <wtf/Threading.h>
namespace JSC {
-// Choose a number for the following so that most property maps are smaller,
-// but it's not going to blow out the stack to allocate this number of pointers.
-static const int smallMapThreshold = 1024;
+static HashSet<Structure*>& liveStructureSet = *(new HashSet<Structure*>);
-// The point at which the function call overhead of the qsort implementation
-// becomes small compared to the inefficiency of insertion sort.
-static const unsigned tinyMapThreshold = 20;
+bool StructureTransitionTable::contains(StringImpl* rep, unsigned attributes) const
+ if (isUsingSingleSlot()) {
+ Structure* transition = singleTransition();
+ return transition && transition->m_nameInPrevious == rep && transition->m_attributesInPrevious == attributes;
+ }
+ return map()->get(std::make_pair(rep, attributes));
-static const unsigned newTableSize = 16;
+inline Structure* StructureTransitionTable::get(StringImpl* rep, unsigned attributes) const
+ if (isUsingSingleSlot()) {
+ Structure* transition = singleTransition();
+ return (transition && transition->m_nameInPrevious == rep && transition->m_attributesInPrevious == attributes) ? transition : 0;
+ }
+ return map()->get(std::make_pair(rep, attributes));
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-static WTF::RefCountedLeakCounter structureCounter("Structure");
+inline void StructureTransitionTable::add(VM& vm, Structure* structure)
+ if (isUsingSingleSlot()) {
+ Structure* existingTransition = singleTransition();
-static Mutex& ignoreSetMutex = *(new Mutex);
+ // This handles the first transition being added.
+ if (!existingTransition) {
+ setSingleTransition(vm, structure);
+ return;
+ }
-static bool shouldIgnoreLeaks;
-static HashSet<Structure*>& ignoreSet = *(new HashSet<Structure*>);
+ // This handles the second transition being added
+ // (or the first transition being despecified!)
+ setMap(new TransitionMap());
+ add(vm, existingTransition);
+ }
-static HashSet<Structure*>& liveStructureSet = *(new HashSet<Structure*>);
+ // Add the structure to the map.
-static int comparePropertyMapEntryIndices(const void* a, const void* b);
+ // Newer versions of the STL have an std::make_pair function that takes rvalue references.
+ // When either of the parameters are bitfields, the C++ compiler will try to bind them as lvalues, which is invalid. To work around this, use unary "+" to make the parameter an rvalue.
+ // See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59261 for more details
+ map()->set(std::make_pair(structure->m_nameInPrevious.get(), +structure->m_attributesInPrevious), structure);
void Structure::dumpStatistics()
HashSet<Structure*>::const_iterator end = liveStructureSet.end();
for (HashSet<Structure*>::const_iterator it = liveStructureSet.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
Structure* structure = *it;
- if (structure->m_usingSingleTransitionSlot) {
- if (!structure->m_transitions.singleTransition)
+ switch (structure->m_transitionTable.size()) {
+ case 0:
- else
- ++numberUsingSingleSlot;
+ if (!structure->previousID())
+ ++numberSingletons;
+ break;
- if (!structure->m_previous && !structure->m_transitions.singleTransition)
- ++numberSingletons;
+ case 1:
+ ++numberUsingSingleSlot;
+ break;
- if (structure->m_propertyTable) {
+ if (structure->propertyTable()) {
- totalPropertyMapsSize += PropertyMapHashTable::allocationSize(structure->m_propertyTable->size);
- if (structure->m_propertyTable->deletedOffsets)
- totalPropertyMapsSize += (structure->m_propertyTable->deletedOffsets->capacity() * sizeof(unsigned));
+ totalPropertyMapsSize += structure->propertyTable()->sizeInMemory();
- printf("Number of live Structures: %d\n", liveStructureSet.size());
- printf("Number of Structures using the single item optimization for transition map: %d\n", numberUsingSingleSlot);
- printf("Number of Structures that are leaf nodes: %d\n", numberLeaf);
- printf("Number of Structures that singletons: %d\n", numberSingletons);
- printf("Number of Structures with PropertyMaps: %d\n", numberWithPropertyMaps);
+ dataLogF("Number of live Structures: %d\n", liveStructureSet.size());
+ dataLogF("Number of Structures using the single item optimization for transition map: %d\n", numberUsingSingleSlot);
+ dataLogF("Number of Structures that are leaf nodes: %d\n", numberLeaf);
+ dataLogF("Number of Structures that singletons: %d\n", numberSingletons);
+ dataLogF("Number of Structures with PropertyMaps: %d\n", numberWithPropertyMaps);
- printf("Size of a single Structures: %d\n", static_cast<unsigned>(sizeof(Structure)));
- printf("Size of sum of all property maps: %d\n", totalPropertyMapsSize);
- printf("Size of average of all property maps: %f\n", static_cast<double>(totalPropertyMapsSize) / static_cast<double>(liveStructureSet.size()));
+ dataLogF("Size of a single Structures: %d\n", static_cast<unsigned>(sizeof(Structure)));
+ dataLogF("Size of sum of all property maps: %d\n", totalPropertyMapsSize);
+ dataLogF("Size of average of all property maps: %f\n", static_cast<double>(totalPropertyMapsSize) / static_cast<double>(liveStructureSet.size()));
- printf("Dumping Structure statistics is not enabled.\n");
+ dataLogF("Dumping Structure statistics is not enabled.\n");
-Structure::Structure(JSValue prototype, const TypeInfo& typeInfo, unsigned anonymousSlotCount)
- : m_typeInfo(typeInfo)
- , m_prototype(prototype)
- , m_specificValueInPrevious(0)
- , m_propertyTable(0)
- , m_propertyStorageCapacity(JSObject::inlineStorageCapacity)
- , m_offset(noOffset)
+Structure::Structure(VM& vm, JSGlobalObject* globalObject, JSValue prototype, const TypeInfo& typeInfo, const ClassInfo* classInfo, IndexingType indexingType, unsigned inlineCapacity)
+ : JSCell(vm, vm.structureStructure.get())
+ , m_blob(vm.heap.structureIDTable().allocateID(this), indexingType, typeInfo)
+ , m_outOfLineTypeFlags(typeInfo.outOfLineTypeFlags())
+ , m_globalObject(vm, this, globalObject, WriteBarrier<JSGlobalObject>::MayBeNull)
+ , m_prototype(vm, this, prototype)
+ , m_classInfo(classInfo)
+ , m_transitionWatchpointSet(IsWatched)
+ , m_offset(invalidOffset)
+ , m_inlineCapacity(inlineCapacity)
, m_dictionaryKind(NoneDictionaryKind)
+ , m_hasBeenFlattenedBefore(false)
, m_isPinnedPropertyTable(false)
- , m_hasGetterSetterProperties(false)
+ , m_hasGetterSetterProperties(classInfo->hasStaticSetterOrReadonlyProperties(vm))
+ , m_hasCustomGetterSetterProperties(false)
+ , m_hasReadOnlyOrGetterSetterPropertiesExcludingProto(classInfo->hasStaticSetterOrReadonlyProperties(vm))
+ , m_hasNonEnumerableProperties(false)
, m_attributesInPrevious(0)
, m_specificFunctionThrashCount(0)
- , m_anonymousSlotCount(anonymousSlotCount)
+ , m_preventExtensions(false)
+ , m_didTransition(false)
+ , m_staticFunctionReified(false)
+ , m_hasRareData(false)
- ASSERT(m_prototype);
- ASSERT(m_prototype.isObject() || m_prototype.isNull());
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- MutexLocker protect(ignoreSetMutex);
- if (shouldIgnoreLeaks)
- ignoreSet.add(this);
- else
- structureCounter.increment();
- liveStructureSet.add(this);
+ ASSERT(inlineCapacity <= JSFinalObject::maxInlineCapacity());
+ ASSERT(static_cast<PropertyOffset>(inlineCapacity) < firstOutOfLineOffset);
+ ASSERT(!m_hasRareData);
+ ASSERT(hasReadOnlyOrGetterSetterPropertiesExcludingProto() || !m_classInfo->hasStaticSetterOrReadonlyProperties(vm));
+ ASSERT(hasGetterSetterProperties() || !m_classInfo->hasStaticSetterOrReadonlyProperties(vm));
- if (m_previous) {
- ASSERT(m_nameInPrevious);
- m_previous->table.remove(make_pair(m_nameInPrevious.get(), m_attributesInPrevious), m_specificValueInPrevious);
+const ClassInfo Structure::s_info = { "Structure", 0, 0, 0, CREATE_METHOD_TABLE(Structure) };
- }
- if (m_enumerationCache)
- m_enumerationCache->setCachedStructure(0);
- if (m_propertyTable) {
- unsigned entryCount = m_propertyTable->keyCount + m_propertyTable->deletedSentinelCount;
- for (unsigned i = 1; i <= entryCount; i++) {
- if (UString::Rep* key = m_propertyTable->entries()[i].key)
- key->deref();
- }
- delete m_propertyTable->deletedOffsets;
- fastFree(m_propertyTable);
- }
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- MutexLocker protect(ignoreSetMutex);
- HashSet<Structure*>::iterator it = ignoreSet.find(this);
- if (it != ignoreSet.end())
- ignoreSet.remove(it);
- else
- structureCounter.decrement();
- liveStructureSet.remove(this);
-void Structure::startIgnoringLeaks()
+Structure::Structure(VM& vm)
+ : JSCell(CreatingEarlyCell)
+ , m_prototype(vm, this, jsNull())
+ , m_classInfo(info())
+ , m_transitionWatchpointSet(IsWatched)
+ , m_offset(invalidOffset)
+ , m_inlineCapacity(0)
+ , m_dictionaryKind(NoneDictionaryKind)
+ , m_hasBeenFlattenedBefore(false)
+ , m_isPinnedPropertyTable(false)
+ , m_hasGetterSetterProperties(m_classInfo->hasStaticSetterOrReadonlyProperties(vm))
+ , m_hasCustomGetterSetterProperties(false)
+ , m_hasReadOnlyOrGetterSetterPropertiesExcludingProto(m_classInfo->hasStaticSetterOrReadonlyProperties(vm))
+ , m_hasNonEnumerableProperties(false)
+ , m_attributesInPrevious(0)
+ , m_specificFunctionThrashCount(0)
+ , m_preventExtensions(false)
+ , m_didTransition(false)
+ , m_staticFunctionReified(false)
+ , m_hasRareData(false)
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- shouldIgnoreLeaks = true;
+ TypeInfo typeInfo = TypeInfo(CompoundType, OverridesVisitChildren | StructureIsImmortal);
+ m_blob = StructureIDBlob(vm.heap.structureIDTable().allocateID(this), 0, typeInfo);
+ m_outOfLineTypeFlags = typeInfo.outOfLineTypeFlags();
-void Structure::stopIgnoringLeaks()
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- shouldIgnoreLeaks = false;
+ ASSERT(hasReadOnlyOrGetterSetterPropertiesExcludingProto() || !m_classInfo->hasStaticSetterOrReadonlyProperties(vm));
+ ASSERT(hasGetterSetterProperties() || !m_classInfo->hasStaticSetterOrReadonlyProperties(vm));
-static bool isPowerOf2(unsigned v)
+Structure::Structure(VM& vm, Structure* previous)
+ : JSCell(vm, vm.structureStructure.get())
+ , m_prototype(vm, this, previous->storedPrototype())
+ , m_classInfo(previous->m_classInfo)
+ , m_transitionWatchpointSet(IsWatched)
+ , m_offset(invalidOffset)
+ , m_inlineCapacity(previous->m_inlineCapacity)
+ , m_dictionaryKind(previous->m_dictionaryKind)
+ , m_hasBeenFlattenedBefore(previous->m_hasBeenFlattenedBefore)
+ , m_isPinnedPropertyTable(false)
+ , m_hasGetterSetterProperties(previous->m_hasGetterSetterProperties)
+ , m_hasCustomGetterSetterProperties(previous->m_hasCustomGetterSetterProperties)
+ , m_hasReadOnlyOrGetterSetterPropertiesExcludingProto(previous->m_hasReadOnlyOrGetterSetterPropertiesExcludingProto)
+ , m_hasNonEnumerableProperties(previous->m_hasNonEnumerableProperties)
+ , m_attributesInPrevious(0)
+ , m_specificFunctionThrashCount(previous->m_specificFunctionThrashCount)
+ , m_preventExtensions(previous->m_preventExtensions)
+ , m_didTransition(true)
+ , m_staticFunctionReified(previous->m_staticFunctionReified)
+ , m_hasRareData(false)
- // Taken from http://www.cs.utk.edu/~vose/c-stuff/bithacks.html
- return !(v & (v - 1)) && v;
+ TypeInfo typeInfo = previous->typeInfo();
+ m_blob = StructureIDBlob(vm.heap.structureIDTable().allocateID(this), previous->indexingTypeIncludingHistory(), typeInfo);
+ m_outOfLineTypeFlags = typeInfo.outOfLineTypeFlags();
+ ASSERT(!previous->typeInfo().structureIsImmortal());
+ if (previous->m_hasRareData && previous->rareData()->needsCloning())
+ cloneRareDataFrom(vm, previous);
+ setPreviousID(vm, previous);
+ previous->notifyTransitionFromThisStructure();
+ if (previous->m_globalObject)
+ m_globalObject.set(vm, this, previous->m_globalObject.get());
+ ASSERT(hasReadOnlyOrGetterSetterPropertiesExcludingProto() || !m_classInfo->hasStaticSetterOrReadonlyProperties(vm));
+ ASSERT(hasGetterSetterProperties() || !m_classInfo->hasStaticSetterOrReadonlyProperties(vm));
-static unsigned nextPowerOf2(unsigned v)
- // Taken from http://www.cs.utk.edu/~vose/c-stuff/bithacks.html
- // Devised by Sean Anderson, Sepember 14, 2001
- v--;
- v |= v >> 1;
- v |= v >> 2;
- v |= v >> 4;
- v |= v >> 8;
- v |= v >> 16;
- v++;
- return v;
+ if (typeInfo().structureIsImmortal())
+ return;
+ Heap::heap(this)->structureIDTable().deallocateID(this, m_blob.structureID());
-static unsigned sizeForKeyCount(size_t keyCount)
+void Structure::destroy(JSCell* cell)
- if (keyCount == notFound)
- return newTableSize;
- if (keyCount < 8)
- return newTableSize;
- if (isPowerOf2(keyCount))
- return keyCount * 4;
- return nextPowerOf2(keyCount) * 2;
+ static_cast<Structure*>(cell)->Structure::~Structure();
-void Structure::materializePropertyMap()
+void Structure::findStructuresAndMapForMaterialization(Vector<Structure*, 8>& structures, Structure*& structure, PropertyTable*& table)
- ASSERT(!m_propertyTable);
- Vector<Structure*, 8> structures;
- structures.append(this);
- Structure* structure = this;
- // Search for the last Structure with a property table.
- while ((structure = structure->previousID())) {
- if (structure->m_isPinnedPropertyTable) {
- ASSERT(structure->m_propertyTable);
- ASSERT(!structure->m_previous);
+ ASSERT(structures.isEmpty());
+ table = 0;
- m_propertyTable = structure->copyPropertyTable();
- break;
+ for (structure = this; structure; structure = structure->previousID()) {
+ structure->m_lock.lock();
+ table = structure->propertyTable().get();
+ if (table) {
+ // Leave the structure locked, so that the caller can do things to it atomically
+ // before it loses its property table.
+ return;
+ structure->m_lock.unlock();
+ ASSERT(!structure);
+ ASSERT(!table);
- if (!m_propertyTable)
- createPropertyMapHashTable(sizeForKeyCount(m_offset + 1));
- else {
- if (sizeForKeyCount(m_offset + 1) > m_propertyTable->size)
- rehashPropertyMapHashTable(sizeForKeyCount(m_offset + 1)); // This could be made more efficient by combining with the copy above.
+void Structure::materializePropertyMap(VM& vm)
+ ASSERT(structure()->classInfo() == info());
+ ASSERT(!propertyTable());
+ Vector<Structure*, 8> structures;
+ Structure* structure;
+ PropertyTable* table;
+ findStructuresAndMapForMaterialization(structures, structure, table);
+ if (table) {
+ table = table->copy(vm, numberOfSlotsForLastOffset(m_offset, m_inlineCapacity));
+ structure->m_lock.unlock();
+ // Must hold the lock on this structure, since we will be modifying this structure's
+ // property map. We don't want getConcurrently() to see the property map in a half-baked
+ // state.
+ GCSafeConcurrentJITLocker locker(m_lock, vm.heap);
+ if (!table)
+ createPropertyMap(locker, vm, numberOfSlotsForLastOffset(m_offset, m_inlineCapacity));
+ else
+ propertyTable().set(vm, this, table);
- for (ptrdiff_t i = structures.size() - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
+ for (size_t i = structures.size(); i--;) {
structure = structures[i];
- structure->m_nameInPrevious->ref();
- PropertyMapEntry entry(structure->m_nameInPrevious.get(), m_anonymousSlotCount + structure->m_offset, structure->m_attributesInPrevious, structure->m_specificValueInPrevious, ++m_propertyTable->lastIndexUsed);
- insertIntoPropertyMapHashTable(entry);
+ if (!structure->m_nameInPrevious)
+ continue;
+ PropertyMapEntry entry(vm, this, structure->m_nameInPrevious.get(), structure->m_offset, structure->m_attributesInPrevious, structure->m_specificValueInPrevious.get());
+ propertyTable()->add(entry, m_offset, PropertyTable::PropertyOffsetMustNotChange);
+ checkOffsetConsistency();
-void Structure::growPropertyStorageCapacity()
- if (m_propertyStorageCapacity == JSObject::inlineStorageCapacity)
- m_propertyStorageCapacity = JSObject::nonInlineBaseStorageCapacity;
- else
- m_propertyStorageCapacity *= 2;
-void Structure::despecifyDictionaryFunction(const Identifier& propertyName)
+void Structure::despecifyDictionaryFunction(VM& vm, PropertyName propertyName)
- const UString::Rep* rep = propertyName._ustring.rep();
+ StringImpl* rep = propertyName.uid();
- materializePropertyMapIfNecessary();
+ DeferGC deferGC(vm.heap);
+ materializePropertyMapIfNecessary(vm, deferGC);
- ASSERT(m_propertyTable);
- unsigned i = rep->existingHash();
+ ASSERT(propertyTable());
- ++numProbes;
- unsigned entryIndex = m_propertyTable->entryIndices[i & m_propertyTable->sizeMask];
- ASSERT(entryIndex != emptyEntryIndex);
+ PropertyMapEntry* entry = propertyTable()->get(rep);
+ ASSERT(entry);
+ entry->specificValue.clear();
- if (rep == m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].key) {
- m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].specificValue = 0;
- return;
+Structure* Structure::addPropertyTransitionToExistingStructureImpl(Structure* structure, StringImpl* uid, unsigned attributes, JSCell* specificValue, PropertyOffset& offset)
+ ASSERT(!structure->isDictionary());
+ ASSERT(structure->isObject());
+ if (Structure* existingTransition = structure->m_transitionTable.get(uid, attributes)) {
+ JSCell* specificValueInPrevious = existingTransition->m_specificValueInPrevious.get();
+ if (specificValueInPrevious && specificValueInPrevious != specificValue)
+ return 0;
+ validateOffset(existingTransition->m_offset, existingTransition->inlineCapacity());
+ offset = existingTransition->m_offset;
+ return existingTransition;
- ++numCollisions;
- unsigned k = 1 | doubleHash(rep->existingHash());
- while (1) {
- i += k;
+ return 0;
- ++numRehashes;
+Structure* Structure::addPropertyTransitionToExistingStructure(Structure* structure, PropertyName propertyName, unsigned attributes, JSCell* specificValue, PropertyOffset& offset)
+ ASSERT(!isCompilationThread());
+ return addPropertyTransitionToExistingStructureImpl(structure, propertyName.uid(), attributes, specificValue, offset);
- entryIndex = m_propertyTable->entryIndices[i & m_propertyTable->sizeMask];
- ASSERT(entryIndex != emptyEntryIndex);
+Structure* Structure::addPropertyTransitionToExistingStructureConcurrently(Structure* structure, StringImpl* uid, unsigned attributes, JSCell* specificValue, PropertyOffset& offset)
+ ConcurrentJITLocker locker(structure->m_lock);
+ return addPropertyTransitionToExistingStructureImpl(structure, uid, attributes, specificValue, offset);
- if (rep == m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].key) {
- m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].specificValue = 0;
- return;
- }
+bool Structure::anyObjectInChainMayInterceptIndexedAccesses() const
+ for (const Structure* current = this; ;) {
+ if (current->mayInterceptIndexedAccesses())
+ return true;
+ JSValue prototype = current->storedPrototype();
+ if (prototype.isNull())
+ return false;
+ current = asObject(prototype)->structure();
-PassRefPtr<Structure> Structure::addPropertyTransitionToExistingStructure(Structure* structure, const Identifier& propertyName, unsigned attributes, JSCell* specificValue, size_t& offset)
+bool Structure::holesMustForwardToPrototype(VM& vm) const
- ASSERT(!structure->isDictionary());
- ASSERT(structure->typeInfo().type() == ObjectType);
+ if (this->mayInterceptIndexedAccesses())
+ return true;
- if (Structure* existingTransition = structure->table.get(make_pair(propertyName.ustring().rep(), attributes), specificValue)) {
- ASSERT(existingTransition->m_offset != noOffset);
- offset = existingTransition->m_offset + existingTransition->m_anonymousSlotCount;
- ASSERT(offset >= structure->m_anonymousSlotCount);
- ASSERT(structure->m_anonymousSlotCount == existingTransition->m_anonymousSlotCount);
- return existingTransition;
+ JSValue prototype = this->storedPrototype();
+ if (!prototype.isObject())
+ return false;
+ JSObject* object = asObject(prototype);
+ while (true) {
+ Structure& structure = *object->structure(vm);
+ if (hasIndexedProperties(object->indexingType()) || structure.mayInterceptIndexedAccesses())
+ return true;
+ prototype = structure.storedPrototype();
+ if (!prototype.isObject())
+ return false;
+ object = asObject(prototype);
- return 0;
+ return false;
+bool Structure::needsSlowPutIndexing() const
+ return anyObjectInChainMayInterceptIndexedAccesses()
+ || globalObject()->isHavingABadTime();
-PassRefPtr<Structure> Structure::addPropertyTransition(Structure* structure, const Identifier& propertyName, unsigned attributes, JSCell* specificValue, size_t& offset)
+NonPropertyTransition Structure::suggestedArrayStorageTransition() const
+ if (needsSlowPutIndexing())
+ return AllocateSlowPutArrayStorage;
+ return AllocateArrayStorage;
+Structure* Structure::addPropertyTransition(VM& vm, Structure* structure, PropertyName propertyName, unsigned attributes, JSCell* specificValue, PropertyOffset& offset, PutPropertySlot::Context context)
+ // If we have a specific function, we may have got to this point if there is
+ // already a transition with the correct property name and attributes, but
+ // specialized to a different function. In this case we just want to give up
+ // and despecialize the transition.
+ // In this case we clear the value of specificFunction which will result
+ // in us adding a non-specific transition, and any subsequent lookup in
+ // Structure::addPropertyTransitionToExistingStructure will just use that.
+ if (specificValue && structure->m_transitionTable.contains(propertyName.uid(), attributes))
+ specificValue = 0;
- ASSERT(structure->typeInfo().type() == ObjectType);
+ ASSERT(structure->isObject());
ASSERT(!Structure::addPropertyTransitionToExistingStructure(structure, propertyName, attributes, specificValue, offset));
if (structure->m_specificFunctionThrashCount == maxSpecificFunctionThrashCount)
specificValue = 0;
- if (structure->transitionCount() > s_maxTransitionLength) {
- RefPtr<Structure> transition = toCacheableDictionaryTransition(structure);
+ int maxTransitionLength;
+ if (context == PutPropertySlot::PutById)
+ maxTransitionLength = s_maxTransitionLengthForNonEvalPutById;
+ else
+ maxTransitionLength = s_maxTransitionLength;
+ if (structure->transitionCount() > maxTransitionLength) {
+ Structure* transition = toCacheableDictionaryTransition(vm, structure);
ASSERT(structure != transition);
- offset = transition->put(propertyName, attributes, specificValue);
- ASSERT(offset >= structure->m_anonymousSlotCount);
- ASSERT(structure->m_anonymousSlotCount == transition->m_anonymousSlotCount);
- if (transition->propertyStorageSize() > transition->propertyStorageCapacity())
- transition->growPropertyStorageCapacity();
- return transition.release();
+ offset = transition->putSpecificValue(vm, propertyName, attributes, specificValue);
+ return transition;
+ Structure* transition = create(vm, structure);
- RefPtr<Structure> transition = create(structure->m_prototype, structure->typeInfo(), structure->anonymousSlotCount());
- transition->m_cachedPrototypeChain = structure->m_cachedPrototypeChain;
- transition->m_previous = structure;
- transition->m_nameInPrevious = propertyName.ustring().rep();
+ transition->m_cachedPrototypeChain.setMayBeNull(vm, transition, structure->m_cachedPrototypeChain.get());
+ transition->m_nameInPrevious = propertyName.uid();
transition->m_attributesInPrevious = attributes;
- transition->m_specificValueInPrevious = specificValue;
- transition->m_propertyStorageCapacity = structure->m_propertyStorageCapacity;
- transition->m_hasGetterSetterProperties = structure->m_hasGetterSetterProperties;
- transition->m_hasNonEnumerableProperties = structure->m_hasNonEnumerableProperties;
- transition->m_specificFunctionThrashCount = structure->m_specificFunctionThrashCount;
- if (structure->m_propertyTable) {
- if (structure->m_isPinnedPropertyTable)
- transition->m_propertyTable = structure->copyPropertyTable();
- else {
- transition->m_propertyTable = structure->m_propertyTable;
- structure->m_propertyTable = 0;
- }
- } else {
- if (structure->m_previous)
- transition->materializePropertyMap();
- else
- transition->createPropertyMapHashTable();
- }
+ transition->m_specificValueInPrevious.setMayBeNull(vm, transition, specificValue);
+ transition->propertyTable().set(vm, transition, structure->takePropertyTableOrCloneIfPinned(vm));
+ transition->m_offset = structure->m_offset;
- offset = transition->put(propertyName, attributes, specificValue);
- ASSERT(offset >= structure->m_anonymousSlotCount);
- ASSERT(structure->m_anonymousSlotCount == transition->m_anonymousSlotCount);
- if (transition->propertyStorageSize() > transition->propertyStorageCapacity())
- transition->growPropertyStorageCapacity();
+ offset = transition->putSpecificValue(vm, propertyName, attributes, specificValue);
- transition->m_offset = offset - structure->m_anonymousSlotCount;
- ASSERT(structure->anonymousSlotCount() == transition->anonymousSlotCount());
- structure->table.add(make_pair(propertyName.ustring().rep(), attributes), transition.get(), specificValue);
- return transition.release();
+ checkOffset(transition->m_offset, transition->inlineCapacity());
+ {
+ ConcurrentJITLocker locker(structure->m_lock);
+ structure->m_transitionTable.add(vm, transition);
+ }
+ transition->checkOffsetConsistency();
+ structure->checkOffsetConsistency();
+ return transition;
-PassRefPtr<Structure> Structure::removePropertyTransition(Structure* structure, const Identifier& propertyName, size_t& offset)
+Structure* Structure::removePropertyTransition(VM& vm, Structure* structure, PropertyName propertyName, PropertyOffset& offset)
- RefPtr<Structure> transition = toUncacheableDictionaryTransition(structure);
+ Structure* transition = toUncacheableDictionaryTransition(vm, structure);
offset = transition->remove(propertyName);
- ASSERT(offset >= structure->m_anonymousSlotCount);
- ASSERT(structure->m_anonymousSlotCount == transition->m_anonymousSlotCount);
- return transition.release();
+ transition->checkOffsetConsistency();
+ return transition;
-PassRefPtr<Structure> Structure::changePrototypeTransition(Structure* structure, JSValue prototype)
+Structure* Structure::changePrototypeTransition(VM& vm, Structure* structure, JSValue prototype)
- RefPtr<Structure> transition = create(prototype, structure->typeInfo(), structure->anonymousSlotCount());
+ Structure* transition = create(vm, structure);
- transition->m_propertyStorageCapacity = structure->m_propertyStorageCapacity;
- transition->m_hasGetterSetterProperties = structure->m_hasGetterSetterProperties;
- transition->m_hasNonEnumerableProperties = structure->m_hasNonEnumerableProperties;
- transition->m_specificFunctionThrashCount = structure->m_specificFunctionThrashCount;
+ transition->m_prototype.set(vm, transition, prototype);
- // Don't set m_offset, as one can not transition to this.
+ DeferGC deferGC(vm.heap);
+ structure->materializePropertyMapIfNecessary(vm, deferGC);
+ transition->propertyTable().set(vm, transition, structure->copyPropertyTableForPinning(vm));
+ transition->m_offset = structure->m_offset;
+ transition->pin();
- structure->materializePropertyMapIfNecessary();
- transition->m_propertyTable = structure->copyPropertyTable();
- transition->m_isPinnedPropertyTable = true;
- ASSERT(structure->anonymousSlotCount() == transition->anonymousSlotCount());
- return transition.release();
+ transition->checkOffsetConsistency();
+ return transition;
-PassRefPtr<Structure> Structure::despecifyFunctionTransition(Structure* structure, const Identifier& replaceFunction)
+Structure* Structure::despecifyFunctionTransition(VM& vm, Structure* structure, PropertyName replaceFunction)
ASSERT(structure->m_specificFunctionThrashCount < maxSpecificFunctionThrashCount);
- RefPtr<Structure> transition = create(structure->storedPrototype(), structure->typeInfo(), structure->anonymousSlotCount());
+ Structure* transition = create(vm, structure);
- transition->m_propertyStorageCapacity = structure->m_propertyStorageCapacity;
- transition->m_hasGetterSetterProperties = structure->m_hasGetterSetterProperties;
- transition->m_hasNonEnumerableProperties = structure->m_hasNonEnumerableProperties;
- transition->m_specificFunctionThrashCount = structure->m_specificFunctionThrashCount + 1;
+ ++transition->m_specificFunctionThrashCount;
- // Don't set m_offset, as one can not transition to this.
- structure->materializePropertyMapIfNecessary();
- transition->m_propertyTable = structure->copyPropertyTable();
- transition->m_isPinnedPropertyTable = true;
+ DeferGC deferGC(vm.heap);
+ structure->materializePropertyMapIfNecessary(vm, deferGC);
+ transition->propertyTable().set(vm, transition, structure->copyPropertyTableForPinning(vm));
+ transition->m_offset = structure->m_offset;
+ transition->pin();
if (transition->m_specificFunctionThrashCount == maxSpecificFunctionThrashCount)
- transition->despecifyAllFunctions();
+ transition->despecifyAllFunctions(vm);
else {
- bool removed = transition->despecifyFunction(replaceFunction);
+ bool removed = transition->despecifyFunction(vm, replaceFunction);
ASSERT_UNUSED(removed, removed);
+ transition->checkOffsetConsistency();
+ return transition;
+Structure* Structure::attributeChangeTransition(VM& vm, Structure* structure, PropertyName propertyName, unsigned attributes)
+ DeferGC deferGC(vm.heap);
+ if (!structure->isUncacheableDictionary()) {
+ Structure* transition = create(vm, structure);
+ structure->materializePropertyMapIfNecessary(vm, deferGC);
+ transition->propertyTable().set(vm, transition, structure->copyPropertyTableForPinning(vm));
+ transition->m_offset = structure->m_offset;
+ transition->pin();
+ structure = transition;
+ }
+ ASSERT(structure->propertyTable());
+ PropertyMapEntry* entry = structure->propertyTable()->get(propertyName.uid());
+ ASSERT(entry);
+ entry->attributes = attributes;
+ structure->checkOffsetConsistency();
+ return structure;
+Structure* Structure::toDictionaryTransition(VM& vm, Structure* structure, DictionaryKind kind)
+ ASSERT(!structure->isUncacheableDictionary());
- ASSERT(structure->anonymousSlotCount() == transition->anonymousSlotCount());
- return transition.release();
+ Structure* transition = create(vm, structure);
+ DeferGC deferGC(vm.heap);
+ structure->materializePropertyMapIfNecessary(vm, deferGC);
+ transition->propertyTable().set(vm, transition, structure->copyPropertyTableForPinning(vm));
+ transition->m_offset = structure->m_offset;
+ transition->m_dictionaryKind = kind;
+ transition->pin();
+ transition->checkOffsetConsistency();
+ return transition;
+Structure* Structure::toCacheableDictionaryTransition(VM& vm, Structure* structure)
+ return toDictionaryTransition(vm, structure, CachedDictionaryKind);
-PassRefPtr<Structure> Structure::getterSetterTransition(Structure* structure)
+Structure* Structure::toUncacheableDictionaryTransition(VM& vm, Structure* structure)
- RefPtr<Structure> transition = create(structure->storedPrototype(), structure->typeInfo(), structure->anonymousSlotCount());
- transition->m_propertyStorageCapacity = structure->m_propertyStorageCapacity;
- transition->m_hasGetterSetterProperties = transition->m_hasGetterSetterProperties;
- transition->m_hasNonEnumerableProperties = structure->m_hasNonEnumerableProperties;
- transition->m_specificFunctionThrashCount = structure->m_specificFunctionThrashCount;
+ return toDictionaryTransition(vm, structure, UncachedDictionaryKind);
+// In future we may want to cache this transition.
+Structure* Structure::sealTransition(VM& vm, Structure* structure)
+ Structure* transition = preventExtensionsTransition(vm, structure);
+ if (transition->propertyTable()) {
+ PropertyTable::iterator end = transition->propertyTable()->end();
+ for (PropertyTable::iterator iter = transition->propertyTable()->begin(); iter != end; ++iter)
+ iter->attributes |= DontDelete;
+ }
+ transition->checkOffsetConsistency();
+ return transition;
+// In future we may want to cache this transition.
+Structure* Structure::freezeTransition(VM& vm, Structure* structure)
+ Structure* transition = preventExtensionsTransition(vm, structure);
+ if (transition->propertyTable()) {
+ PropertyTable::iterator iter = transition->propertyTable()->begin();
+ PropertyTable::iterator end = transition->propertyTable()->end();
+ if (iter != end)
+ transition->m_hasReadOnlyOrGetterSetterPropertiesExcludingProto = true;
+ for (; iter != end; ++iter)
+ iter->attributes |= iter->attributes & Accessor ? DontDelete : (DontDelete | ReadOnly);
+ }
+ ASSERT(transition->hasReadOnlyOrGetterSetterPropertiesExcludingProto() || !transition->classInfo()->hasStaticSetterOrReadonlyProperties(vm));
+ ASSERT(transition->hasGetterSetterProperties() || !transition->classInfo()->hasStaticSetterOrReadonlyProperties(vm));
+ transition->checkOffsetConsistency();
+ return transition;
+// In future we may want to cache this transition.
+Structure* Structure::preventExtensionsTransition(VM& vm, Structure* structure)
+ Structure* transition = create(vm, structure);
// Don't set m_offset, as one can not transition to this.
- structure->materializePropertyMapIfNecessary();
- transition->m_propertyTable = structure->copyPropertyTable();
- transition->m_isPinnedPropertyTable = true;
+ DeferGC deferGC(vm.heap);
+ structure->materializePropertyMapIfNecessary(vm, deferGC);
+ transition->propertyTable().set(vm, transition, structure->copyPropertyTableForPinning(vm));
+ transition->m_offset = structure->m_offset;
+ transition->m_preventExtensions = true;
+ transition->pin();
+ transition->checkOffsetConsistency();
+ return transition;
+PropertyTable* Structure::takePropertyTableOrCloneIfPinned(VM& vm)
+ DeferGC deferGC(vm.heap);
+ materializePropertyMapIfNecessaryForPinning(vm, deferGC);
+ if (m_isPinnedPropertyTable)
+ return propertyTable()->copy(vm, propertyTable()->size() + 1);
- ASSERT(structure->anonymousSlotCount() == transition->anonymousSlotCount());
- return transition.release();
+ // Hold the lock while stealing the table - so that getConcurrently() on another thread
+ // will either have to bypass this structure, or will get to use the property table
+ // before it is stolen.
+ ConcurrentJITLocker locker(m_lock);
+ PropertyTable* takenPropertyTable = propertyTable().get();
+ propertyTable().clear();
+ return takenPropertyTable;
-PassRefPtr<Structure> Structure::toDictionaryTransition(Structure* structure, DictionaryKind kind)
+Structure* Structure::nonPropertyTransition(VM& vm, Structure* structure, NonPropertyTransition transitionKind)
- ASSERT(!structure->isUncacheableDictionary());
+ unsigned attributes = toAttributes(transitionKind);
+ IndexingType indexingType = newIndexingType(structure->indexingTypeIncludingHistory(), transitionKind);
- RefPtr<Structure> transition = create(structure->m_prototype, structure->typeInfo(), structure->anonymousSlotCount());
- transition->m_dictionaryKind = kind;
- transition->m_propertyStorageCapacity = structure->m_propertyStorageCapacity;
- transition->m_hasGetterSetterProperties = structure->m_hasGetterSetterProperties;
- transition->m_hasNonEnumerableProperties = structure->m_hasNonEnumerableProperties;
- transition->m_specificFunctionThrashCount = structure->m_specificFunctionThrashCount;
+ if (JSGlobalObject* globalObject = structure->m_globalObject.get()) {
+ if (globalObject->isOriginalArrayStructure(structure)) {
+ Structure* result = globalObject->originalArrayStructureForIndexingType(indexingType);
+ if (result->indexingTypeIncludingHistory() == indexingType) {
+ structure->notifyTransitionFromThisStructure();
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- structure->materializePropertyMapIfNecessary();
- transition->m_propertyTable = structure->copyPropertyTable();
- transition->m_isPinnedPropertyTable = true;
+ Structure* existingTransition;
+ if (!structure->isDictionary() && (existingTransition = structure->m_transitionTable.get(0, attributes))) {
+ ASSERT(existingTransition->m_attributesInPrevious == attributes);
+ ASSERT(existingTransition->indexingTypeIncludingHistory() == indexingType);
+ return existingTransition;
+ }
- ASSERT(structure->anonymousSlotCount() == transition->anonymousSlotCount());
- return transition.release();
+ Structure* transition = create(vm, structure);
+ transition->m_attributesInPrevious = attributes;
+ transition->m_blob.setIndexingType(indexingType);
+ transition->propertyTable().set(vm, transition, structure->takePropertyTableOrCloneIfPinned(vm));
+ transition->m_offset = structure->m_offset;
+ checkOffset(transition->m_offset, transition->inlineCapacity());
+ if (structure->isDictionary())
+ transition->pin();
+ else {
+ ConcurrentJITLocker locker(structure->m_lock);
+ structure->m_transitionTable.add(vm, transition);
+ }
+ transition->checkOffsetConsistency();
+ return transition;
-PassRefPtr<Structure> Structure::toCacheableDictionaryTransition(Structure* structure)
+// In future we may want to cache this property.
+bool Structure::isSealed(VM& vm)
- return toDictionaryTransition(structure, CachedDictionaryKind);
+ if (isExtensible())
+ return false;
+ DeferGC deferGC(vm.heap);
+ materializePropertyMapIfNecessary(vm, deferGC);
+ if (!propertyTable())
+ return true;
+ PropertyTable::iterator end = propertyTable()->end();
+ for (PropertyTable::iterator iter = propertyTable()->begin(); iter != end; ++iter) {
+ if ((iter->attributes & DontDelete) != DontDelete)
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
-PassRefPtr<Structure> Structure::toUncacheableDictionaryTransition(Structure* structure)
+// In future we may want to cache this property.
+bool Structure::isFrozen(VM& vm)
- return toDictionaryTransition(structure, UncachedDictionaryKind);
+ if (isExtensible())
+ return false;
+ DeferGC deferGC(vm.heap);
+ materializePropertyMapIfNecessary(vm, deferGC);
+ if (!propertyTable())
+ return true;
+ PropertyTable::iterator end = propertyTable()->end();
+ for (PropertyTable::iterator iter = propertyTable()->begin(); iter != end; ++iter) {
+ if (!(iter->attributes & DontDelete))
+ return false;
+ if (!(iter->attributes & (ReadOnly | Accessor)))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
-PassRefPtr<Structure> Structure::flattenDictionaryStructure(JSObject* object)
+Structure* Structure::flattenDictionaryStructure(VM& vm, JSObject* object)
+ checkOffsetConsistency();
+ size_t beforeOutOfLineCapacity = this->outOfLineCapacity();
if (isUncacheableDictionary()) {
- ASSERT(m_propertyTable);
- Vector<PropertyMapEntry*> sortedPropertyEntries(m_propertyTable->keyCount);
- PropertyMapEntry** p = sortedPropertyEntries.data();
- unsigned entryCount = m_propertyTable->keyCount + m_propertyTable->deletedSentinelCount;
- for (unsigned i = 1; i <= entryCount; i++) {
- if (m_propertyTable->entries()[i].key)
- *p++ = &m_propertyTable->entries()[i];
- }
- size_t propertyCount = p - sortedPropertyEntries.data();
- qsort(sortedPropertyEntries.data(), propertyCount, sizeof(PropertyMapEntry*), comparePropertyMapEntryIndices);
- sortedPropertyEntries.resize(propertyCount);
+ ASSERT(propertyTable());
+ size_t propertyCount = propertyTable()->size();
- // We now have the properties currently defined on this object
- // in the order that they are expected to be in, but we need to
- // reorder the storage, so we have to copy the current values out
+ // Holds our values compacted by insertion order.
Vector<JSValue> values(propertyCount);
- unsigned anonymousSlotCount = m_anonymousSlotCount;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < propertyCount; i++) {
- PropertyMapEntry* entry = sortedPropertyEntries[i];
- values[i] = object->getDirectOffset(entry->offset);
- // Update property table to have the new property offsets
- entry->offset = anonymousSlotCount + i;
- entry->index = i;
+ // Copies out our values from their hashed locations, compacting property table offsets as we go.
+ unsigned i = 0;
+ PropertyTable::iterator end = propertyTable()->end();
+ m_offset = invalidOffset;
+ for (PropertyTable::iterator iter = propertyTable()->begin(); iter != end; ++iter, ++i) {
+ values[i] = object->getDirect(iter->offset);
+ m_offset = iter->offset = offsetForPropertyNumber(i, m_inlineCapacity);
- // Copy the original property values into their final locations
+ // Copies in our values to their compacted locations.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < propertyCount; i++)
- object->putDirectOffset(anonymousSlotCount + i, values[i]);
+ object->putDirect(vm, offsetForPropertyNumber(i, m_inlineCapacity), values[i]);
- if (m_propertyTable->deletedOffsets) {
- delete m_propertyTable->deletedOffsets;
- m_propertyTable->deletedOffsets = 0;
- }
+ propertyTable()->clearDeletedOffsets();
+ checkOffsetConsistency();
m_dictionaryKind = NoneDictionaryKind;
+ m_hasBeenFlattenedBefore = true;
+ size_t afterOutOfLineCapacity = this->outOfLineCapacity();
+ if (beforeOutOfLineCapacity != afterOutOfLineCapacity) {
+ ASSERT(beforeOutOfLineCapacity > afterOutOfLineCapacity);
+ // If the object had a Butterfly but after flattening/compacting we no longer have need of it,
+ // we need to zero it out because the collector depends on the Structure to know the size for copying.
+ if (object->butterfly() && !afterOutOfLineCapacity && !this->hasIndexingHeader(object))
+ object->setStructureAndButterfly(vm, this, 0);
+ // If the object was down-sized to the point where the base of the Butterfly is no longer within the
+ // first CopiedBlock::blockSize bytes, we'll get the wrong answer if we try to mask the base back to
+ // the CopiedBlock header. To prevent this case we need to memmove the Butterfly down.
+ else if (object->butterfly())
+ object->shiftButterflyAfterFlattening(vm, beforeOutOfLineCapacity, afterOutOfLineCapacity);
+ }
return this;
-size_t Structure::addPropertyWithoutTransition(const Identifier& propertyName, unsigned attributes, JSCell* specificValue)
+PropertyOffset Structure::addPropertyWithoutTransition(VM& vm, PropertyName propertyName, unsigned attributes, JSCell* specificValue)
- ASSERT(!m_enumerationCache);
+ ASSERT(!enumerationCache());
if (m_specificFunctionThrashCount == maxSpecificFunctionThrashCount)
specificValue = 0;
- materializePropertyMapIfNecessary();
- m_isPinnedPropertyTable = true;
+ DeferGC deferGC(vm.heap);
+ materializePropertyMapIfNecessaryForPinning(vm, deferGC);
+ pin();
- size_t offset = put(propertyName, attributes, specificValue);
- ASSERT(offset >= m_anonymousSlotCount);
- if (propertyStorageSize() > propertyStorageCapacity())
- growPropertyStorageCapacity();
- return offset;
+ return putSpecificValue(vm, propertyName, attributes, specificValue);
-size_t Structure::removePropertyWithoutTransition(const Identifier& propertyName)
+PropertyOffset Structure::removePropertyWithoutTransition(VM& vm, PropertyName propertyName)
- ASSERT(!m_enumerationCache);
+ ASSERT(!enumerationCache());
+ DeferGC deferGC(vm.heap);
+ materializePropertyMapIfNecessaryForPinning(vm, deferGC);
- materializePropertyMapIfNecessary();
+ pin();
+ return remove(propertyName);
+void Structure::pin()
+ ASSERT(propertyTable());
m_isPinnedPropertyTable = true;
- size_t offset = remove(propertyName);
- ASSERT(offset >= m_anonymousSlotCount);
- return offset;
+ clearPreviousID();
+ m_nameInPrevious.clear();
+void Structure::allocateRareData(VM& vm)
+ ASSERT(!m_hasRareData);
+ StructureRareData* rareData = StructureRareData::create(vm, previous());
+ m_previousOrRareData.set(vm, this, rareData);
+ m_hasRareData = true;
+ ASSERT(m_hasRareData);
+void Structure::cloneRareDataFrom(VM& vm, const Structure* other)
+ ASSERT(!m_hasRareData);
+ ASSERT(other->m_hasRareData);
+ StructureRareData* newRareData = StructureRareData::clone(vm, other->rareData());
+ m_previousOrRareData.set(vm, this, newRareData);
+ m_hasRareData = true;
+ ASSERT(m_hasRareData);
-static int numProbes;
-static int numCollisions;
-static int numRehashes;
-static int numRemoves;
+PropertyMapHashTableStats* propertyMapHashTableStats = 0;
struct PropertyMapStatisticsExitLogger {
+ PropertyMapStatisticsExitLogger();
-static PropertyMapStatisticsExitLogger logger;
+DEFINE_GLOBAL_FOR_LOGGING(PropertyMapStatisticsExitLogger, logger, );
+ propertyMapHashTableStats = adoptPtr(new PropertyMapHashTableStats()).leakPtr();
- printf("\nJSC::PropertyMap statistics\n\n");
- printf("%d probes\n", numProbes);
- printf("%d collisions (%.1f%%)\n", numCollisions, 100.0 * numCollisions / numProbes);
- printf("%d rehashes\n", numRehashes);
- printf("%d removes\n", numRemoves);
+ unsigned finds = propertyMapHashTableStats->numFinds;
+ unsigned collisions = propertyMapHashTableStats->numCollisions;
+ dataLogF("\nJSC::PropertyMap statistics for process %d\n\n", getCurrentProcessID());
+ dataLogF("%d finds\n", finds);
+ dataLogF("%d collisions (%.1f%%)\n", collisions, 100.0 * collisions / finds);
+ dataLogF("%d lookups\n", propertyMapHashTableStats->numLookups.load());
+ dataLogF("%d lookup probings\n", propertyMapHashTableStats->numLookupProbing.load());
+ dataLogF("%d adds\n", propertyMapHashTableStats->numAdds.load());
+ dataLogF("%d removes\n", propertyMapHashTableStats->numRemoves.load());
+ dataLogF("%d rehashes\n", propertyMapHashTableStats->numRehashes.load());
+ dataLogF("%d reinserts\n", propertyMapHashTableStats->numReinserts.load());
-static const unsigned deletedSentinelIndex = 1;
inline void Structure::checkConsistency()
+ checkOffsetConsistency();
-PropertyMapHashTable* Structure::copyPropertyTable()
+PropertyTable* Structure::copyPropertyTable(VM& vm)
- if (!m_propertyTable)
+ if (!propertyTable())
return 0;
- size_t tableSize = PropertyMapHashTable::allocationSize(m_propertyTable->size);
- PropertyMapHashTable* newTable = static_cast<PropertyMapHashTable*>(fastMalloc(tableSize));
- memcpy(newTable, m_propertyTable, tableSize);
- unsigned entryCount = m_propertyTable->keyCount + m_propertyTable->deletedSentinelCount;
- for (unsigned i = 1; i <= entryCount; ++i) {
- if (UString::Rep* key = newTable->entries()[i].key)
- key->ref();
- }
- // Copy the deletedOffsets vector.
- if (m_propertyTable->deletedOffsets)
- newTable->deletedOffsets = new Vector<unsigned>(*m_propertyTable->deletedOffsets);
- return newTable;
+ return PropertyTable::clone(vm, *propertyTable().get());
-size_t Structure::get(const UString::Rep* rep, unsigned& attributes, JSCell*& specificValue)
+PropertyTable* Structure::copyPropertyTableForPinning(VM& vm)
- materializePropertyMapIfNecessary();
- if (!m_propertyTable)
- return notFound;
- unsigned i = rep->existingHash();
- ++numProbes;
- unsigned entryIndex = m_propertyTable->entryIndices[i & m_propertyTable->sizeMask];
- if (entryIndex == emptyEntryIndex)
- return notFound;
- if (rep == m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].key) {
- attributes = m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].attributes;
- specificValue = m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].specificValue;
- ASSERT(m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].offset >= m_anonymousSlotCount);
- return m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].offset;
- }
- ++numCollisions;
- unsigned k = 1 | doubleHash(rep->existingHash());
- while (1) {
- i += k;
- ++numRehashes;
- entryIndex = m_propertyTable->entryIndices[i & m_propertyTable->sizeMask];
- if (entryIndex == emptyEntryIndex)
- return notFound;
+ if (propertyTable())
+ return PropertyTable::clone(vm, *propertyTable().get());
+ return PropertyTable::create(vm, numberOfSlotsForLastOffset(m_offset, m_inlineCapacity));
- if (rep == m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].key) {
- attributes = m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].attributes;
- specificValue = m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].specificValue;
- ASSERT(m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].offset >= m_anonymousSlotCount);
- return m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].offset;
+PropertyOffset Structure::getConcurrently(VM&, StringImpl* uid, unsigned& attributes, JSCell*& specificValue)
+ Vector<Structure*, 8> structures;
+ Structure* structure;
+ PropertyTable* table;
+ findStructuresAndMapForMaterialization(structures, structure, table);
+ if (table) {
+ PropertyMapEntry* entry = table->get(uid);
+ if (entry) {
+ attributes = entry->attributes;
+ specificValue = entry->specificValue.get();
+ PropertyOffset result = entry->offset;
+ structure->m_lock.unlock();
+ return result;
+ structure->m_lock.unlock();
+ for (unsigned i = structures.size(); i--;) {
+ structure = structures[i];
+ if (structure->m_nameInPrevious.get() != uid)
+ continue;
+ attributes = structure->m_attributesInPrevious;
+ specificValue = structure->m_specificValueInPrevious.get();
+ return structure->m_offset;
+ }
+ return invalidOffset;
-bool Structure::despecifyFunction(const Identifier& propertyName)
+bool Structure::despecifyFunction(VM& vm, PropertyName propertyName)
- ASSERT(!propertyName.isNull());
- materializePropertyMapIfNecessary();
- if (!m_propertyTable)
+ DeferGC deferGC(vm.heap);
+ materializePropertyMapIfNecessary(vm, deferGC);
+ if (!propertyTable())
return false;
- UString::Rep* rep = propertyName._ustring.rep();
- unsigned i = rep->existingHash();
- ++numProbes;
- unsigned entryIndex = m_propertyTable->entryIndices[i & m_propertyTable->sizeMask];
- if (entryIndex == emptyEntryIndex)
+ PropertyMapEntry* entry = propertyTable()->get(propertyName.uid());
+ if (!entry)
return false;
- if (rep == m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].key) {
- ASSERT(m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].specificValue);
- m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].specificValue = 0;
- return true;
- }
- ++numCollisions;
- unsigned k = 1 | doubleHash(rep->existingHash());
- while (1) {
- i += k;
- ++numRehashes;
- entryIndex = m_propertyTable->entryIndices[i & m_propertyTable->sizeMask];
- if (entryIndex == emptyEntryIndex)
- return false;
- if (rep == m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].key) {
- ASSERT(m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].specificValue);
- m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].specificValue = 0;
- return true;
- }
- }
+ ASSERT(entry->specificValue);
+ entry->specificValue.clear();
+ return true;
-void Structure::despecifyAllFunctions()
+void Structure::despecifyAllFunctions(VM& vm)
- materializePropertyMapIfNecessary();
- if (!m_propertyTable)
+ DeferGC deferGC(vm.heap);
+ materializePropertyMapIfNecessary(vm, deferGC);
+ if (!propertyTable())
- unsigned entryCount = m_propertyTable->keyCount + m_propertyTable->deletedSentinelCount;
- for (unsigned i = 1; i <= entryCount; ++i)
- m_propertyTable->entries()[i].specificValue = 0;
+ PropertyTable::iterator end = propertyTable()->end();
+ for (PropertyTable::iterator iter = propertyTable()->begin(); iter != end; ++iter)
+ iter->specificValue.clear();
-size_t Structure::put(const Identifier& propertyName, unsigned attributes, JSCell* specificValue)
+PropertyOffset Structure::putSpecificValue(VM& vm, PropertyName propertyName, unsigned attributes, JSCell* specificValue)
- ASSERT(!propertyName.isNull());
- ASSERT(get(propertyName) == notFound);
+ GCSafeConcurrentJITLocker locker(m_lock, vm.heap);
+ ASSERT(!JSC::isValidOffset(get(vm, propertyName)));
if (attributes & DontEnum)
m_hasNonEnumerableProperties = true;
- UString::Rep* rep = propertyName._ustring.rep();
- if (!m_propertyTable)
- createPropertyMapHashTable();
+ StringImpl* rep = propertyName.uid();
- // FIXME: Consider a fast case for tables with no deleted sentinels.
+ if (!propertyTable())
+ createPropertyMap(locker, vm);
- unsigned i = rep->existingHash();
- unsigned k = 0;
- bool foundDeletedElement = false;
- unsigned deletedElementIndex = 0; // initialize to make the compiler happy
+ PropertyOffset newOffset = propertyTable()->nextOffset(m_inlineCapacity);
- ++numProbes;
- while (1) {
- unsigned entryIndex = m_propertyTable->entryIndices[i & m_propertyTable->sizeMask];
- if (entryIndex == emptyEntryIndex)
- break;
- if (entryIndex == deletedSentinelIndex) {
- // If we find a deleted-element sentinel, remember it for use later.
- if (!foundDeletedElement) {
- foundDeletedElement = true;
- deletedElementIndex = i;
- }
- }
- if (k == 0) {
- k = 1 | doubleHash(rep->existingHash());
- ++numCollisions;
- }
- i += k;
- ++numRehashes;
- }
- // Figure out which entry to use.
- unsigned entryIndex = m_propertyTable->keyCount + m_propertyTable->deletedSentinelCount + 2;
- if (foundDeletedElement) {
- i = deletedElementIndex;
- --m_propertyTable->deletedSentinelCount;
- // Since we're not making the table bigger, we can't use the entry one past
- // the end that we were planning on using, so search backwards for the empty
- // slot that we can use. We know it will be there because we did at least one
- // deletion in the past that left an entry empty.
- while (m_propertyTable->entries()[--entryIndex - 1].key) { }
- }
- // Create a new hash table entry.
- m_propertyTable->entryIndices[i & m_propertyTable->sizeMask] = entryIndex;
- // Create a new hash table entry.
- rep->ref();
- m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].key = rep;
- m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].attributes = attributes;
- m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].specificValue = specificValue;
- m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].index = ++m_propertyTable->lastIndexUsed;
- unsigned newOffset;
- if (m_propertyTable->deletedOffsets && !m_propertyTable->deletedOffsets->isEmpty()) {
- newOffset = m_propertyTable->deletedOffsets->last();
- m_propertyTable->deletedOffsets->removeLast();
- } else
- newOffset = m_propertyTable->keyCount + m_anonymousSlotCount;
- m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].offset = newOffset;
+ propertyTable()->add(PropertyMapEntry(vm, propertyTable().get(), rep, newOffset, attributes, specificValue), m_offset, PropertyTable::PropertyOffsetMayChange);
- ASSERT(newOffset >= m_anonymousSlotCount);
- ++m_propertyTable->keyCount;
- if ((m_propertyTable->keyCount + m_propertyTable->deletedSentinelCount) * 2 >= m_propertyTable->size)
- expandPropertyMapHashTable();
return newOffset;
-bool Structure::hasTransition(UString::Rep* rep, unsigned attributes)
+PropertyOffset Structure::remove(PropertyName propertyName)
- return table.hasTransition(make_pair(rep, attributes));
-size_t Structure::remove(const Identifier& propertyName)
- ASSERT(!propertyName.isNull());
+ ConcurrentJITLocker locker(m_lock);
- UString::Rep* rep = propertyName._ustring.rep();
+ StringImpl* rep = propertyName.uid();
- if (!m_propertyTable)
- return notFound;
+ if (!propertyTable())
+ return invalidOffset;
- ++numProbes;
- ++numRemoves;
- // Find the thing to remove.
- unsigned i = rep->existingHash();
- unsigned k = 0;
- unsigned entryIndex;
- UString::Rep* key = 0;
- while (1) {
- entryIndex = m_propertyTable->entryIndices[i & m_propertyTable->sizeMask];
- if (entryIndex == emptyEntryIndex)
- return notFound;
- key = m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].key;
- if (rep == key)
- break;
- if (k == 0) {
- k = 1 | doubleHash(rep->existingHash());
- ++numCollisions;
- }
- i += k;
- ++numRehashes;
- }
- // Replace this one element with the deleted sentinel. Also clear out
- // the entry so we can iterate all the entries as needed.
- m_propertyTable->entryIndices[i & m_propertyTable->sizeMask] = deletedSentinelIndex;
- size_t offset = m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].offset;
- ASSERT(offset >= m_anonymousSlotCount);
- key->deref();
- m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].key = 0;
- m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].attributes = 0;
- m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].specificValue = 0;
- m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].offset = 0;
- if (!m_propertyTable->deletedOffsets)
- m_propertyTable->deletedOffsets = new Vector<unsigned>;
- m_propertyTable->deletedOffsets->append(offset);
+ PropertyTable::find_iterator position = propertyTable()->find(rep);
+ if (!position.first)
+ return invalidOffset;
- ASSERT(m_propertyTable->keyCount >= 1);
- --m_propertyTable->keyCount;
- ++m_propertyTable->deletedSentinelCount;
+ PropertyOffset offset = position.first->offset;
- if (m_propertyTable->deletedSentinelCount * 4 >= m_propertyTable->size)
- rehashPropertyMapHashTable();
+ propertyTable()->remove(position);
+ propertyTable()->addDeletedOffset(offset);
return offset;
-void Structure::insertIntoPropertyMapHashTable(const PropertyMapEntry& entry)
+void Structure::createPropertyMap(const GCSafeConcurrentJITLocker&, VM& vm, unsigned capacity)
- ASSERT(m_propertyTable);
- ASSERT(entry.offset >= m_anonymousSlotCount);
- unsigned i = entry.key->existingHash();
- unsigned k = 0;
- ++numProbes;
- while (1) {
- unsigned entryIndex = m_propertyTable->entryIndices[i & m_propertyTable->sizeMask];
- if (entryIndex == emptyEntryIndex)
- break;
- if (k == 0) {
- k = 1 | doubleHash(entry.key->existingHash());
- ++numCollisions;
- }
- i += k;
- ++numRehashes;
- }
+ ASSERT(!propertyTable());
- unsigned entryIndex = m_propertyTable->keyCount + 2;
- m_propertyTable->entryIndices[i & m_propertyTable->sizeMask] = entryIndex;
- m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1] = entry;
- ++m_propertyTable->keyCount;
-void Structure::createPropertyMapHashTable()
- ASSERT(sizeForKeyCount(7) == newTableSize);
- createPropertyMapHashTable(newTableSize);
+ checkConsistency();
+ propertyTable().set(vm, this, PropertyTable::create(vm, capacity));
-void Structure::createPropertyMapHashTable(unsigned newTableSize)
+void Structure::getPropertyNamesFromStructure(VM& vm, PropertyNameArray& propertyNames, EnumerationMode mode)
- ASSERT(!m_propertyTable);
- ASSERT(isPowerOf2(newTableSize));
- checkConsistency();
- m_propertyTable = static_cast<PropertyMapHashTable*>(fastZeroedMalloc(PropertyMapHashTable::allocationSize(newTableSize)));
- m_propertyTable->size = newTableSize;
- m_propertyTable->sizeMask = newTableSize - 1;
+ DeferGC deferGC(vm.heap);
+ materializePropertyMapIfNecessary(vm, deferGC);
+ if (!propertyTable())
+ return;
- checkConsistency();
+ bool knownUnique = !propertyNames.size();
-void Structure::expandPropertyMapHashTable()
- ASSERT(m_propertyTable);
- rehashPropertyMapHashTable(m_propertyTable->size * 2);
+ PropertyTable::iterator end = propertyTable()->end();
+ for (PropertyTable::iterator iter = propertyTable()->begin(); iter != end; ++iter) {
+ ASSERT(m_hasNonEnumerableProperties || !(iter->attributes & DontEnum));
+ if (!iter->key->isEmptyUnique() && (!(iter->attributes & DontEnum) || mode == IncludeDontEnumProperties)) {
+ if (knownUnique)
+ propertyNames.addKnownUnique(iter->key);
+ else
+ propertyNames.add(iter->key);
+ }
+ }
-void Structure::rehashPropertyMapHashTable()
+JSValue Structure::prototypeForLookup(CodeBlock* codeBlock) const
- ASSERT(m_propertyTable);
- ASSERT(m_propertyTable->size);
- rehashPropertyMapHashTable(m_propertyTable->size);
+ return prototypeForLookup(codeBlock->globalObject());
-void Structure::rehashPropertyMapHashTable(unsigned newTableSize)
+void Structure::visitChildren(JSCell* cell, SlotVisitor& visitor)
- ASSERT(m_propertyTable);
- ASSERT(isPowerOf2(newTableSize));
- checkConsistency();
- PropertyMapHashTable* oldTable = m_propertyTable;
- m_propertyTable = static_cast<PropertyMapHashTable*>(fastZeroedMalloc(PropertyMapHashTable::allocationSize(newTableSize)));
- m_propertyTable->size = newTableSize;
- m_propertyTable->sizeMask = newTableSize - 1;
- unsigned lastIndexUsed = 0;
- unsigned entryCount = oldTable->keyCount + oldTable->deletedSentinelCount;
- for (unsigned i = 1; i <= entryCount; ++i) {
- if (oldTable->entries()[i].key) {
- lastIndexUsed = max(oldTable->entries()[i].index, lastIndexUsed);
- insertIntoPropertyMapHashTable(oldTable->entries()[i]);
- }
+ Structure* thisObject = jsCast<Structure*>(cell);
+ ASSERT_GC_OBJECT_INHERITS(thisObject, info());
+ ASSERT(thisObject->structure()->typeInfo().overridesVisitChildren());
+ JSCell::visitChildren(thisObject, visitor);
+ visitor.append(&thisObject->m_globalObject);
+ if (!thisObject->isObject())
+ thisObject->m_cachedPrototypeChain.clear();
+ else {
+ visitor.append(&thisObject->m_prototype);
+ visitor.append(&thisObject->m_cachedPrototypeChain);
- m_propertyTable->lastIndexUsed = lastIndexUsed;
- m_propertyTable->deletedOffsets = oldTable->deletedOffsets;
- fastFree(oldTable);
- checkConsistency();
+ visitor.append(&thisObject->m_previousOrRareData);
+ visitor.append(&thisObject->m_specificValueInPrevious);
+ if (thisObject->m_isPinnedPropertyTable) {
+ ASSERT(thisObject->m_propertyTableUnsafe);
+ visitor.append(&thisObject->m_propertyTableUnsafe);
+ } else if (thisObject->m_propertyTableUnsafe)
+ thisObject->m_propertyTableUnsafe.clear();
-int comparePropertyMapEntryIndices(const void* a, const void* b)
+bool Structure::prototypeChainMayInterceptStoreTo(VM& vm, PropertyName propertyName)
- unsigned ia = static_cast<PropertyMapEntry* const*>(a)[0]->index;
- unsigned ib = static_cast<PropertyMapEntry* const*>(b)[0]->index;
- if (ia < ib)
- return -1;
- if (ia > ib)
- return +1;
- return 0;
+ unsigned i = propertyName.asIndex();
+ if (i != PropertyName::NotAnIndex)
+ return anyObjectInChainMayInterceptIndexedAccesses();
+ for (Structure* current = this; ;) {
+ JSValue prototype = current->storedPrototype();
+ if (prototype.isNull())
+ return false;
+ current = prototype.asCell()->structure(vm);
+ unsigned attributes;
+ JSCell* specificValue;
+ PropertyOffset offset = current->get(vm, propertyName, attributes, specificValue);
+ if (!JSC::isValidOffset(offset))
+ continue;
+ if (attributes & (ReadOnly | Accessor))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
-void Structure::getPropertyNames(PropertyNameArray& propertyNames, EnumerationMode mode)
+void Structure::dump(PrintStream& out) const
- materializePropertyMapIfNecessary();
- if (!m_propertyTable)
- return;
- if (m_propertyTable->keyCount < tinyMapThreshold) {
- PropertyMapEntry* a[tinyMapThreshold];
- int i = 0;
- unsigned entryCount = m_propertyTable->keyCount + m_propertyTable->deletedSentinelCount;
- for (unsigned k = 1; k <= entryCount; k++) {
- ASSERT(m_hasNonEnumerableProperties || !(m_propertyTable->entries()[k].attributes & DontEnum));
- if (m_propertyTable->entries()[k].key && (!(m_propertyTable->entries()[k].attributes & DontEnum) || (mode == IncludeDontEnumProperties))) {
- PropertyMapEntry* value = &m_propertyTable->entries()[k];
- int j;
- for (j = i - 1; j >= 0 && a[j]->index > value->index; --j)
- a[j + 1] = a[j];
- a[j + 1] = value;
- ++i;
+ out.print(RawPointer(this), ":[", classInfo()->className, ", {");
+ Vector<Structure*, 8> structures;
+ Structure* structure;
+ PropertyTable* table;
+ const_cast<Structure*>(this)->findStructuresAndMapForMaterialization(
+ structures, structure, table);
+ CommaPrinter comma;
+ if (table) {
+ PropertyTable::iterator iter = table->begin();
+ PropertyTable::iterator end = table->end();
+ for (; iter != end; ++iter) {
+ out.print(comma, iter->key, ":", static_cast<int>(iter->offset));
+ if (iter->specificValue) {
+ DumpContext dummyContext;
+ out.print("=>", RawPointer(iter->specificValue.get()));
- if (!propertyNames.size()) {
- for (int k = 0; k < i; ++k)
- propertyNames.addKnownUnique(a[k]->key);
- } else {
- for (int k = 0; k < i; ++k)
- propertyNames.add(a[k]->key);
+ structure->m_lock.unlock();
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = structures.size(); i--;) {
+ Structure* structure = structures[i];
+ if (!structure->m_nameInPrevious)
+ continue;
+ out.print(comma, structure->m_nameInPrevious.get(), ":", static_cast<int>(structure->m_offset));
+ if (structure->m_specificValueInPrevious) {
+ DumpContext dummyContext;
+ out.print("=>", RawPointer(structure->m_specificValueInPrevious.get()));
- return;
+ out.print("}, ", IndexingTypeDump(indexingType()));
+ if (m_prototype.get().isCell())
+ out.print(", Proto:", RawPointer(m_prototype.get().asCell()));
+ out.print("]");
- // Allocate a buffer to use to sort the keys.
- Vector<PropertyMapEntry*, smallMapThreshold> sortedEnumerables(m_propertyTable->keyCount);
+void Structure::dumpInContext(PrintStream& out, DumpContext* context) const
+ if (context)
+ context->structures.dumpBrief(this, out);
+ else
+ dump(out);
- // Get pointers to the enumerable entries in the buffer.
- PropertyMapEntry** p = sortedEnumerables.data();
- unsigned entryCount = m_propertyTable->keyCount + m_propertyTable->deletedSentinelCount;
- for (unsigned i = 1; i <= entryCount; i++) {
- if (m_propertyTable->entries()[i].key && (!(m_propertyTable->entries()[i].attributes & DontEnum) || (mode == IncludeDontEnumProperties)))
- *p++ = &m_propertyTable->entries()[i];
- }
+void Structure::dumpBrief(PrintStream& out, const CString& string) const
+ out.print("%", string, ":", classInfo()->className);
- size_t enumerableCount = p - sortedEnumerables.data();
- // Sort the entries by index.
- qsort(sortedEnumerables.data(), enumerableCount, sizeof(PropertyMapEntry*), comparePropertyMapEntryIndices);
- sortedEnumerables.resize(enumerableCount);
- // Put the keys of the sorted entries into the list.
- if (!propertyNames.size()) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < sortedEnumerables.size(); ++i)
- propertyNames.addKnownUnique(sortedEnumerables[i]->key);
- } else {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < sortedEnumerables.size(); ++i)
- propertyNames.add(sortedEnumerables[i]->key);
- }
+void Structure::dumpContextHeader(PrintStream& out)
+ out.print("Structures:");
-void Structure::checkConsistency()
+void PropertyTable::checkConsistency()
- if (!m_propertyTable)
- return;
+ checkOffsetConsistency();
+ ASSERT(m_indexSize >= PropertyTable::MinimumTableSize);
+ ASSERT(m_indexMask);
+ ASSERT(m_indexSize == m_indexMask + 1);
+ ASSERT(!(m_indexSize & m_indexMask));
- ASSERT(m_propertyTable->size >= newTableSize);
- ASSERT(m_propertyTable->sizeMask);
- ASSERT(m_propertyTable->size == m_propertyTable->sizeMask + 1);
- ASSERT(!(m_propertyTable->size & m_propertyTable->sizeMask));
- ASSERT(m_propertyTable->keyCount <= m_propertyTable->size / 2);
- ASSERT(m_propertyTable->deletedSentinelCount <= m_propertyTable->size / 4);
- ASSERT(m_propertyTable->keyCount + m_propertyTable->deletedSentinelCount <= m_propertyTable->size / 2);
+ ASSERT(m_keyCount <= m_indexSize / 2);
+ ASSERT(m_keyCount + m_deletedCount <= m_indexSize / 2);
+ ASSERT(m_deletedCount <= m_indexSize / 4);
unsigned indexCount = 0;
unsigned deletedIndexCount = 0;
- for (unsigned a = 0; a != m_propertyTable->size; ++a) {
- unsigned entryIndex = m_propertyTable->entryIndices[a];
- if (entryIndex == emptyEntryIndex)
+ for (unsigned a = 0; a != m_indexSize; ++a) {
+ unsigned entryIndex = m_index[a];
+ if (entryIndex == PropertyTable::EmptyEntryIndex)
- if (entryIndex == deletedSentinelIndex) {
+ if (entryIndex == deletedEntryIndex()) {
- ASSERT(entryIndex > deletedSentinelIndex);
- ASSERT(entryIndex - 1 <= m_propertyTable->keyCount + m_propertyTable->deletedSentinelCount);
+ ASSERT(entryIndex < deletedEntryIndex());
+ ASSERT(entryIndex - 1 <= usedCount());
- for (unsigned b = a + 1; b != m_propertyTable->size; ++b)
- ASSERT(m_propertyTable->entryIndices[b] != entryIndex);
+ for (unsigned b = a + 1; b != m_indexSize; ++b)
+ ASSERT(m_index[b] != entryIndex);
- ASSERT(indexCount == m_propertyTable->keyCount);
- ASSERT(deletedIndexCount == m_propertyTable->deletedSentinelCount);
+ ASSERT(indexCount == m_keyCount);
+ ASSERT(deletedIndexCount == m_deletedCount);
- ASSERT(m_propertyTable->entries()[0].key == 0);
+ ASSERT(!table()[deletedEntryIndex() - 1].key);
unsigned nonEmptyEntryCount = 0;
- for (unsigned c = 1; c <= m_propertyTable->keyCount + m_propertyTable->deletedSentinelCount; ++c) {
- ASSERT(m_hasNonEnumerableProperties || !(m_propertyTable->entries()[c].attributes & DontEnum));
- UString::Rep* rep = m_propertyTable->entries()[c].key;
- ASSERT(m_propertyTable->entries()[c].offset >= m_anonymousSlotCount);
- if (!rep)
+ for (unsigned c = 0; c < usedCount(); ++c) {
+ StringImpl* rep = table()[c].key;
unsigned i = rep->existingHash();
unsigned k = 0;
unsigned entryIndex;
while (1) {
- entryIndex = m_propertyTable->entryIndices[i & m_propertyTable->sizeMask];
- ASSERT(entryIndex != emptyEntryIndex);
- if (rep == m_propertyTable->entries()[entryIndex - 1].key)
+ entryIndex = m_index[i & m_indexMask];
+ ASSERT(entryIndex != PropertyTable::EmptyEntryIndex);
+ if (rep == table()[entryIndex - 1].key)
if (k == 0)
k = 1 | doubleHash(rep->existingHash());
ASSERT(entryIndex == c + 1);
- ASSERT(nonEmptyEntryCount == m_propertyTable->keyCount);
+ ASSERT(nonEmptyEntryCount == m_keyCount);
+void Structure::checkConsistency()
+ if (!propertyTable())
+ return;
+ if (!m_hasNonEnumerableProperties) {
+ PropertyTable::iterator end = propertyTable()->end();
+ for (PropertyTable::iterator iter = propertyTable()->begin(); iter != end; ++iter) {
+ ASSERT(!(iter->attributes & DontEnum));
+ }
+ }
+ propertyTable()->checkConsistency();
+bool ClassInfo::hasStaticSetterOrReadonlyProperties(VM& vm) const
+ for (const ClassInfo* ci = this; ci; ci = ci->parentClass) {
+ if (const HashTable* table = ci->propHashTable(vm)) {
+ if (table->hasSetterOrReadonlyProperties)
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
} // namespace JSC