JS_EXPORT JSGlobalContextRef JSContextGetGlobalContext(JSContextRef ctx);
+@abstract Gets a Backtrace for the existing context
+@param ctx The JSContext whose backtrace you want to get
+@result A string containing the backtrace
+JS_EXPORT JSStringRef JSContextCreateBacktrace(JSContextRef ctx, unsigned maxStackSize) AVAILABLE_IN_WEBKIT_VERSION_4_0;
+@typedef JSShouldTerminateCallback
+@abstract The callback invoked when script execution has exceeded the allowed
+ time limit previously specified via JSContextGroupSetExecutionTimeLimit.
+@param ctx The execution context to use.
+@param context User specified context data previously passed to
+ JSContextGroupSetExecutionTimeLimit.
+@discussion If you named your function Callback, you would declare it like this:
+ bool Callback(JSContextRef ctx, void* context);
+ If you return true, the timed out script will terminate.
+ If you return false, the script will run for another period of the allowed
+ time limit specified via JSContextGroupSetExecutionTimeLimit.
+ Within this callback function, you may call JSContextGroupSetExecutionTimeLimit
+ to set a new time limit, or JSContextGroupClearExecutionTimeLimit to cancel the
+ timeout.
+typedef bool
+(*JSShouldTerminateCallback) (JSContextRef ctx, void* context);
+@abstract Sets the script execution time limit.
+@param group The JavaScript context group that this time limit applies to.
+@param limit The time limit of allowed script execution time in seconds.
+@param callback The callback function that will be invoked when the time limit
+ has been reached. This will give you a chance to decide if you want to
+ terminate the script or not. If you pass a NULL callback, the script will be
+ terminated unconditionally when the time limit has been reached.
+@param context User data that you can provide to be passed back to you
+ in your callback.
+ In order to guarantee that the execution time limit will take effect, you will
+ need to call JSContextGroupSetExecutionTimeLimit before you start executing
+ any scripts.
+JS_EXPORT void JSContextGroupSetExecutionTimeLimit(JSContextGroupRef, double limit, JSShouldTerminateCallback, void* context) AVAILABLE_IN_WEBKIT_VERSION_4_0;
+@abstract Clears the script execution time limit.
+@param group The JavaScript context group that the time limit is cleared on.
+JS_EXPORT void JSContextGroupClearExecutionTimeLimit(JSContextGroupRef) AVAILABLE_IN_WEBKIT_VERSION_4_0;
#ifdef __cplusplus