#include <wtf/Assertions.h>
namespace WTF {
- template<class T, typename FlagEnum> class PtrAndFlags {
+ template<class T, typename FlagEnum> class PtrAndFlagsBase {
- PtrAndFlags() : m_ptrAndFlags(0) {}
bool isFlagSet(FlagEnum flagNumber) const { ASSERT(flagNumber < 2); return m_ptrAndFlags & (1 << flagNumber); }
void setFlag(FlagEnum flagNumber) { ASSERT(flagNumber < 2); m_ptrAndFlags |= (1 << flagNumber);}
void clearFlag(FlagEnum flagNumber) { ASSERT(flagNumber < 2); m_ptrAndFlags &= ~(1 << flagNumber);}
- private:
+ bool operator!() const { return !get(); }
+ T* operator->() const { return reinterpret_cast<T*>(m_ptrAndFlags & ~3); }
+ protected:
intptr_t m_ptrAndFlags;
#ifndef NDEBUG
void* m_leaksPtr; // Only used to allow tools like leaks on OSX to detect that the memory is referenced.
+ template<class T, typename FlagEnum> class PtrAndFlags : public PtrAndFlagsBase<T, FlagEnum> {
+ public:
+ PtrAndFlags()
+ {
+ PtrAndFlagsBase<T, FlagEnum>::m_ptrAndFlags = 0;
+ }
+ PtrAndFlags(T* ptr)
+ {
+ PtrAndFlagsBase<T, FlagEnum>::m_ptrAndFlags = 0;
+ PtrAndFlagsBase<T, FlagEnum>::set(ptr);
+ }
+ };
} // namespace WTF
+using WTF::PtrAndFlagsBase;
using WTF::PtrAndFlags;
#endif // PtrAndFlags_h