* Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Harri Porten (porten@kde.org)
- * Copyright (C) 2003, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2003, 2007, 2008, 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
#include "RegExp.h"
namespace JSC {
- class RegExpObject : public JSObject {
+ class RegExpObject : public JSNonFinalObject {
- RegExpObject(PassRefPtr<Structure>, PassRefPtr<RegExp>);
- virtual ~RegExpObject();
+ typedef JSNonFinalObject Base;
- void setRegExp(PassRefPtr<RegExp> r) { d->regExp = r; }
- RegExp* regExp() const { return d->regExp.get(); }
+ static RegExpObject* create(VM& vm, Structure* structure, RegExp* regExp)
+ {
+ RegExpObject* object = new (NotNull, allocateCell<RegExpObject>(vm.heap)) RegExpObject(vm, structure, regExp);
+ object->finishCreation(vm);
+ return object;
+ }
- void setLastIndex(double lastIndex) { d->lastIndex = lastIndex; }
- double lastIndex() const { return d->lastIndex; }
+ void setRegExp(VM& vm, RegExp* r) { m_regExp.set(vm, this, r); }
+ RegExp* regExp() const { return m_regExp.get(); }
- JSValue test(ExecState*, const ArgList&);
- JSValue exec(ExecState*, const ArgList&);
+ void setLastIndex(ExecState* exec, size_t lastIndex)
+ {
+ m_lastIndex.setWithoutWriteBarrier(jsNumber(lastIndex));
+ if (LIKELY(m_lastIndexIsWritable))
+ m_lastIndex.setWithoutWriteBarrier(jsNumber(lastIndex));
+ else
+ throwTypeError(exec, StrictModeReadonlyPropertyWriteError);
+ }
+ void setLastIndex(ExecState* exec, JSValue lastIndex, bool shouldThrow)
+ {
+ if (LIKELY(m_lastIndexIsWritable))
+ m_lastIndex.set(exec->vm(), this, lastIndex);
+ else if (shouldThrow)
+ throwTypeError(exec, StrictModeReadonlyPropertyWriteError);
+ }
+ JSValue getLastIndex() const
+ {
+ return m_lastIndex.get();
+ }
+ bool test(ExecState* exec, JSString* string) { return match(exec, string); }
+ JSValue exec(ExecState*, JSString*);
- virtual bool getOwnPropertySlot(ExecState*, const Identifier& propertyName, PropertySlot&);
- virtual void put(ExecState*, const Identifier& propertyName, JSValue, PutPropertySlot&);
+ static bool getOwnPropertySlot(JSObject*, ExecState*, PropertyName, PropertySlot&);
+ static void put(JSCell*, ExecState*, PropertyName, JSValue, PutPropertySlot&);
- virtual const ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
- static const ClassInfo info;
- static PassRefPtr<Structure> createStructure(JSValue prototype)
+ static Structure* createStructure(VM& vm, JSGlobalObject* globalObject, JSValue prototype)
- return Structure::create(prototype, TypeInfo(ObjectType));
+ return Structure::create(vm, globalObject, prototype, TypeInfo(ObjectType, StructureFlags), info());
- private:
- bool match(ExecState*, const ArgList&);
+ protected:
+ JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE RegExpObject(VM&, Structure*, RegExp*);
+ JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE void finishCreation(VM&);
+ static const unsigned StructureFlags = OverridesVisitChildren | OverridesGetOwnPropertySlot | Base::StructureFlags;
- virtual CallType getCallData(CallData&);
+ static void visitChildren(JSCell*, SlotVisitor&);
- struct RegExpObjectData {
- RegExpObjectData(PassRefPtr<RegExp> regExp, double lastIndex)
- : regExp(regExp)
- , lastIndex(lastIndex)
- {
- }
+ JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static bool deleteProperty(JSCell*, ExecState*, PropertyName);
+ JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void getOwnNonIndexPropertyNames(JSObject*, ExecState*, PropertyNameArray&, EnumerationMode);
+ JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void getPropertyNames(JSObject*, ExecState*, PropertyNameArray&, EnumerationMode);
+ JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static bool defineOwnProperty(JSObject*, ExecState*, PropertyName, const PropertyDescriptor&, bool shouldThrow);
- RefPtr<RegExp> regExp;
- double lastIndex;
- };
+ private:
+ MatchResult match(ExecState*, JSString*);
- OwnPtr<RegExpObjectData> d;
+ WriteBarrier<RegExp> m_regExp;
+ WriteBarrier<Unknown> m_lastIndex;
+ bool m_lastIndexIsWritable;
RegExpObject* asRegExpObject(JSValue);
inline RegExpObject* asRegExpObject(JSValue value)
- ASSERT(asObject(value)->inherits(&RegExpObject::info));
+ ASSERT(asObject(value)->inherits(RegExpObject::info()));
return static_cast<RegExpObject*>(asObject(value));