#include "config.h"
#include "JSContextRef.h"
+#include "JSContextRefPrivate.h"
#include "APICast.h"
#include "InitializeThreading.h"
+#include <interpreter/CallFrame.h>
+#include <interpreter/Interpreter.h>
#include "JSCallbackObject.h"
#include "JSClassRef.h"
#include "JSGlobalObject.h"
#include "JSObject.h"
-#include <wtf/Platform.h>
+#include "UStringBuilder.h"
+#include <wtf/text/StringHash.h>
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
static const int32_t webkitFirstVersionWithConcurrentGlobalContexts = 0x2100500; // 528.5.0
JSContextGroupRef JSContextGroupCreate()
- return toRef(JSGlobalData::create().releaseRef());
+ return toRef(JSGlobalData::createContextGroup(ThreadStackTypeSmall).leakRef());
JSContextGroupRef JSContextGroupRetain(JSContextGroupRef group)
JSGlobalContextRef JSGlobalContextCreate(JSClassRef globalObjectClass)
// When running on Tiger or Leopard, or if the application was linked before JSGlobalContextCreate was changed
// to use a unique JSGlobalData, we use a shared one for compatibility.
-#if !defined(BUILDING_ON_TIGER) && !defined(BUILDING_ON_LEOPARD)
if (NSVersionOfLinkTimeLibrary("JavaScriptCore") <= webkitFirstVersionWithConcurrentGlobalContexts) {
- JSLock lock(true);
+ JSLock lock(LockForReal);
return JSGlobalContextCreateInGroup(toRef(&JSGlobalData::sharedInstance()), globalObjectClass);
+#endif // OS(DARWIN)
return JSGlobalContextCreateInGroup(0, globalObjectClass);
- JSLock lock(true);
+ JSLock lock(LockForReal);
+ RefPtr<JSGlobalData> globalData = group ? PassRefPtr<JSGlobalData>(toJS(group)) : JSGlobalData::createContextGroup(ThreadStackTypeSmall);
- RefPtr<JSGlobalData> globalData = group ? PassRefPtr<JSGlobalData>(toJS(group)) : JSGlobalData::create();
+ APIEntryShim entryShim(globalData.get(), false);
if (!globalObjectClass) {
- JSGlobalObject* globalObject = new (globalData.get()) JSGlobalObject;
+ JSGlobalObject* globalObject = new (globalData.get()) JSGlobalObject(*globalData, JSGlobalObject::createStructure(*globalData, jsNull()));
return JSGlobalContextRetain(toGlobalRef(globalObject->globalExec()));
- JSGlobalObject* globalObject = new (globalData.get()) JSCallbackObject<JSGlobalObject>(globalObjectClass);
+ JSGlobalObject* globalObject = new (globalData.get()) JSCallbackObject<JSGlobalObject>(*globalData, globalObjectClass, JSCallbackObject<JSGlobalObject>::createStructure(*globalData, jsNull()));
ExecState* exec = globalObject->globalExec();
JSValue prototype = globalObjectClass->prototype(exec);
if (!prototype)
prototype = jsNull();
- globalObject->resetPrototype(prototype);
+ globalObject->resetPrototype(*globalData, prototype);
return JSGlobalContextRetain(toGlobalRef(exec));
JSGlobalContextRef JSGlobalContextRetain(JSGlobalContextRef ctx)
ExecState* exec = toJS(ctx);
- JSLock lock(exec);
+ APIEntryShim entryShim(exec);
JSGlobalData& globalData = exec->globalData();
- globalData.heap.registerThread();
return ctx;
ExecState* exec = toJS(ctx);
JSLock lock(exec);
- gcUnprotect(exec->dynamicGlobalObject());
JSGlobalData& globalData = exec->globalData();
- if (globalData.refCount() == 2) { // One reference is held by JSGlobalObject, another added by JSGlobalContextRetain().
- // The last reference was released, this is our last chance to collect.
- ASSERT(!globalData.heap.protectedObjectCount());
- ASSERT(!globalData.heap.isBusy());
+ JSGlobalObject* dgo = exec->dynamicGlobalObject();
+ IdentifierTable* savedIdentifierTable = wtfThreadData().setCurrentIdentifierTable(globalData.identifierTable);
+ // One reference is held by JSGlobalObject, another added by JSGlobalContextRetain().
+ bool releasingContextGroup = globalData.refCount() == 2;
+ bool releasingGlobalObject = Heap::heap(dgo)->unprotect(dgo);
+ // If this is the last reference to a global data, it should also
+ // be the only remaining reference to the global object too!
+ ASSERT(!releasingContextGroup || releasingGlobalObject);
+ // An API 'JSGlobalContextRef' retains two things - a global object and a
+ // global data (or context group, in API terminology).
+ // * If this is the last reference to any contexts in the given context group,
+ // call destroy on the heap (the global data is being freed).
+ // * If this was the last reference to the global object, then unprotecting
+ // it may release a lot of GC memory - tickle the activity callback to
+ // garbage collect soon.
+ // * If there are more references remaining the the global object, then do nothing
+ // (specifically that is more protects, which we assume come from other JSGlobalContextRefs).
+ if (releasingContextGroup) {
+ globalData.clearBuiltinStructures();
- } else
- globalData.heap.collect();
+ } else if (releasingGlobalObject) {
+ globalData.heap.activityCallback()->synchronize();
+ (*globalData.heap.activityCallback())();
+ }
+ wtfThreadData().setCurrentIdentifierTable(savedIdentifierTable);
JSObjectRef JSContextGetGlobalObject(JSContextRef ctx)
ExecState* exec = toJS(ctx);
- exec->globalData().heap.registerThread();
- JSLock lock(exec);
+ APIEntryShim entryShim(exec);
// It is necessary to call toThisObject to get the wrapper object when used with WebCore.
return toRef(exec->lexicalGlobalObject()->toThisObject(exec));
ExecState* exec = toJS(ctx);
return toRef(&exec->globalData());
+JSGlobalContextRef JSContextGetGlobalContext(JSContextRef ctx)
+ ExecState* exec = toJS(ctx);
+ APIEntryShim entryShim(exec);
+ return toGlobalRef(exec->lexicalGlobalObject()->globalExec());
+JSStringRef JSContextCreateBacktrace(JSContextRef ctx, unsigned maxStackSize)
+ ExecState* exec = toJS(ctx);
+ JSLock lock(exec);
+ unsigned count = 0;
+ UStringBuilder builder;
+ CallFrame* callFrame = exec;
+ UString functionName;
+ if (exec->callee()) {
+ if (asObject(exec->callee())->inherits(&InternalFunction::s_info)) {
+ functionName = asInternalFunction(exec->callee())->name(exec);
+ builder.append("#0 ");
+ builder.append(functionName);
+ builder.append("() ");
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ while (true) {
+ ASSERT(callFrame);
+ int signedLineNumber;
+ intptr_t sourceID;
+ UString urlString;
+ JSValue function;
+ UString levelStr = UString::number(count);
+ exec->interpreter()->retrieveLastCaller(callFrame, signedLineNumber, sourceID, urlString, function);
+ if (function)
+ functionName = asFunction(function)->name(exec);
+ else {
+ // Caller is unknown, but if frame is empty we should still add the frame, because
+ // something called us, and gave us arguments.
+ if (count)
+ break;
+ }
+ unsigned lineNumber = signedLineNumber >= 0 ? signedLineNumber : 0;
+ if (!builder.isEmpty())
+ builder.append("\n");
+ builder.append("#");
+ builder.append(levelStr);
+ builder.append(" ");
+ builder.append(functionName);
+ builder.append("() at ");
+ builder.append(urlString);
+ builder.append(":");
+ builder.append(UString::number(lineNumber));
+ if (!function || ++count == maxStackSize)
+ break;
+ callFrame = callFrame->callerFrame();
+ }
+ return OpaqueJSString::create(builder.toUString()).leakRef();