#include "qscriptprogram.h"
#include "qscriptsyntaxcheckresult.h"
#include "qscriptvalue.h"
+#include <QtCore/qnumeric.h>
#include <QtTest/qtest.h>
class tst_QScriptEngine : public QObject {
void cleanup() {}
private slots:
+ void newFunction();
+ void newObject();
void globalObject();
void evaluate();
void collectGarbage();
void evaluateProgram();
void checkSyntax_data();
void checkSyntax();
+ void toObject();
+ void toObjectTwoEngines();
+ void newArray();
+ void uncaughtException();
+ void newDate();
/* Evaluating a script that throw an unhandled exception should return an invalid value. */
QVERIFY2(engine.evaluate("ping").isValid(), "Script throwing an unhandled exception should return an exception value");
+static QScriptValue myFunction(QScriptContext*, QScriptEngine* eng)
+ return eng->nullValue();
+static QScriptValue myFunctionWithArg(QScriptContext*, QScriptEngine* eng, void* arg)
+ int* result = reinterpret_cast<int*>(arg);
+ return QScriptValue(eng, *result);
+static QScriptValue myFunctionThatReturns(QScriptContext*, QScriptEngine* eng)
+ return QScriptValue(eng, 42);
+static QScriptValue myFunctionThatReturnsWithoutEngine(QScriptContext*, QScriptEngine*)
+ return QScriptValue(1024);
+static QScriptValue myFunctionThatReturnsWrongEngine(QScriptContext*, QScriptEngine*, void* arg)
+ QScriptEngine* wrongEngine = reinterpret_cast<QScriptEngine*>(arg);
+ return QScriptValue(wrongEngine, 42);
+void tst_QScriptEngine::newFunction()
+ QScriptEngine eng;
+ {
+ QScriptValue fun = eng.newFunction(myFunction);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.isValid(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.isFunction(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.isObject(), true);
+ // QCOMPARE(fun.scriptClass(), (QScriptClass*)0);
+ // a prototype property is automatically constructed
+ {
+ QScriptValue prot = fun.property("prototype", QScriptValue::ResolveLocal);
+ QVERIFY(prot.isObject());
+ QVERIFY(prot.property("constructor").strictlyEquals(fun));
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("", "JSCallbackObject::getOwnPropertyDescriptor() doesn't return correct information yet", Continue);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.propertyFlags("prototype"), QScriptValue::Undeletable);
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("", "WebKit bug: 40613 (The JSObjectSetProperty doesn't overwrite property flags)", Continue);
+ QCOMPARE(prot.propertyFlags("constructor"), QScriptValue::PropertyFlags(QScriptValue::Undeletable | QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration));
+ }
+ // prototype should be Function.prototype
+ QCOMPARE(fun.prototype().isValid(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.prototype().isFunction(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.prototype().strictlyEquals(eng.evaluate("Function.prototype")), true);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.call().isNull(), true);
+ // QCOMPARE(fun.construct().isObject(), true);
+ }
+ // the overload that takes an extra argument
+ {
+ int expectedResult = 42;
+ QScriptValue fun = eng.newFunction(myFunctionWithArg, reinterpret_cast<void*>(&expectedResult));
+ QVERIFY(fun.isFunction());
+ // QCOMPARE(fun.scriptClass(), (QScriptClass*)0);
+ // a prototype property is automatically constructed
+ {
+ QScriptValue prot = fun.property("prototype", QScriptValue::ResolveLocal);
+ QVERIFY(prot.isObject());
+ QVERIFY(prot.property("constructor").strictlyEquals(fun));
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("", "JSCallbackObject::getOwnPropertyDescriptor() doesn't return correct information yet", Continue);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.propertyFlags("prototype"), QScriptValue::Undeletable);
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("", "WebKit bug: 40613 (The JSObjectSetProperty doesn't overwrite property flags)", Continue);
+ QCOMPARE(prot.propertyFlags("constructor"), QScriptValue::PropertyFlags(QScriptValue::Undeletable | QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration));
+ }
+ // prototype should be Function.prototype
+ QCOMPARE(fun.prototype().isValid(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.prototype().isFunction(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.prototype().strictlyEquals(eng.evaluate("Function.prototype")), true);
+ QScriptValue result = fun.call();
+ QCOMPARE(result.isNumber(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(result.toInt32(), expectedResult);
+ }
+ // the overload that takes a prototype
+ {
+ QScriptValue proto = eng.newObject();
+ QScriptValue fun = eng.newFunction(myFunction, proto);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.isValid(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.isFunction(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.isObject(), true);
+ // internal prototype should be Function.prototype
+ QCOMPARE(fun.prototype().isValid(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.prototype().isFunction(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.prototype().strictlyEquals(eng.evaluate("Function.prototype")), true);
+ // public prototype should be the one we passed
+ QCOMPARE(fun.property("prototype").strictlyEquals(proto), true);
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("", "JSCallbackObject::getOwnPropertyDescriptor() doesn't return correct information yet", Continue);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.propertyFlags("prototype"), QScriptValue::Undeletable);
+ QCOMPARE(proto.property("constructor").strictlyEquals(fun), true);
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("", "WebKit bug: 40613 (The JSObjectSetProperty doesn't overwrite property flags)", Continue);
+ QCOMPARE(proto.propertyFlags("constructor"), QScriptValue::PropertyFlags(QScriptValue::Undeletable | QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration));
+ QCOMPARE(fun.call().isNull(), true);
+ // QCOMPARE(fun.construct().isObject(), true);
+ }
+ // whether the return value is correct
+ {
+ QScriptValue fun = eng.newFunction(myFunctionThatReturns);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.isValid(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.isFunction(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.isObject(), true);
+ QScriptValue result = fun.call();
+ QCOMPARE(result.isNumber(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(result.toInt32(), 42);
+ }
+ // whether the return value is assigned to the correct engine
+ {
+ QScriptValue fun = eng.newFunction(myFunctionThatReturnsWithoutEngine);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.isValid(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.isFunction(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.isObject(), true);
+ QScriptValue result = fun.call();
+ QCOMPARE(result.engine(), &eng);
+ QCOMPARE(result.isNumber(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(result.toInt32(), 1024);
+ }
+ // whether the return value is undefined when returning a value with wrong engine
+ {
+ QScriptEngine wrongEngine;
+ QScriptValue fun = eng.newFunction(myFunctionThatReturnsWrongEngine, reinterpret_cast<void*>(&wrongEngine));
+ QCOMPARE(fun.isValid(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.isFunction(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(fun.isObject(), true);
+ QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "Value from different engine returned from native function, returning undefined value instead.");
+ QScriptValue result = fun.call();
+ QCOMPARE(result.isValid(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(result.isUndefined(), true);
+ }
+void tst_QScriptEngine::newObject()
+ QScriptEngine engine;
+ QScriptValue object = engine.newObject();
+ QVERIFY(object.isObject());
+ QVERIFY(object.engine() == &engine);
+ QVERIFY(!object.isError());
+ QVERIFY(!object.equals(engine.newObject()));
+ QVERIFY(!object.strictlyEquals(engine.newObject()));
+ QCOMPARE(object.toString(), QString::fromAscii("[object Object]"));
void tst_QScriptEngine::globalObject()
QScriptEngine engine;
QScriptValue self = engine.evaluate("this");
- QEXPECT_FAIL("", "strictlyEquals is broken - bug 36600 in bugs.webkit.org", Continue);
QCOMPARE(result.errorMessage(), errorMessage);
+void tst_QScriptEngine::toObject()
+ QScriptEngine eng;
+ QVERIFY(!eng.toObject(eng.undefinedValue()).isValid());
+ QVERIFY(!eng.toObject(eng.nullValue()).isValid());
+ QVERIFY(!eng.toObject(QScriptValue()).isValid());
+ QScriptValue falskt(false);
+ {
+ QScriptValue tmp = eng.toObject(falskt);
+ QVERIFY(tmp.isObject());
+ QVERIFY(!falskt.isObject());
+ QVERIFY(!falskt.engine());
+ QCOMPARE(tmp.toNumber(), falskt.toNumber());
+ }
+ QScriptValue sant(true);
+ {
+ QScriptValue tmp = eng.toObject(sant);
+ QVERIFY(tmp.isObject());
+ QVERIFY(!sant.isObject());
+ QVERIFY(!sant.engine());
+ QCOMPARE(tmp.toNumber(), sant.toNumber());
+ }
+ QScriptValue number(123.0);
+ {
+ QScriptValue tmp = eng.toObject(number);
+ QVERIFY(tmp.isObject());
+ QVERIFY(!number.isObject());
+ QVERIFY(!number.engine());
+ QCOMPARE(tmp.toNumber(), number.toNumber());
+ }
+ QScriptValue str = QScriptValue(&eng, QString("ciao"));
+ {
+ QScriptValue tmp = eng.toObject(str);
+ QVERIFY(tmp.isObject());
+ QVERIFY(!str.isObject());
+ QCOMPARE(tmp.toString(), str.toString());
+ }
+ QScriptValue object = eng.evaluate("new Object");
+ {
+ QScriptValue tmp = eng.toObject(object);
+ QVERIFY(tmp.isObject());
+ QVERIFY(object.isObject());
+ QVERIFY(tmp.strictlyEquals(object));
+ }
+void tst_QScriptEngine::toObjectTwoEngines()
+ QScriptEngine engine1;
+ QScriptEngine engine2;
+ {
+ QScriptValue null = engine1.nullValue();
+ QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QScriptEngine::toObject: cannot convert value created in a different engine");
+ QVERIFY(!engine2.toObject(null).isValid());
+ QVERIFY(null.isValid());
+ QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QScriptEngine::toObject: cannot convert value created in a different engine");
+ QVERIFY(engine2.toObject(null).engine() != &engine2);
+ }
+ {
+ QScriptValue undefined = engine1.undefinedValue();
+ QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QScriptEngine::toObject: cannot convert value created in a different engine");
+ QVERIFY(!engine2.toObject(undefined).isValid());
+ QVERIFY(undefined.isValid());
+ QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QScriptEngine::toObject: cannot convert value created in a different engine");
+ QVERIFY(engine2.toObject(undefined).engine() != &engine2);
+ }
+ {
+ QScriptValue value = engine1.evaluate("1");
+ QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QScriptEngine::toObject: cannot convert value created in a different engine");
+ QVERIFY(engine2.toObject(value).engine() != &engine2);
+ QVERIFY(!value.isObject());
+ }
+ {
+ QScriptValue string = engine1.evaluate("'Qt'");
+ QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QScriptEngine::toObject: cannot convert value created in a different engine");
+ QVERIFY(engine2.toObject(string).engine() != &engine2);
+ QVERIFY(!string.isObject());
+ }
+ {
+ QScriptValue object = engine1.evaluate("new Object");
+ QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QScriptEngine::toObject: cannot convert value created in a different engine");
+ QVERIFY(engine2.toObject(object).engine() != &engine2);
+ QVERIFY(object.isObject());
+ }
+void tst_QScriptEngine::newArray()
+ QScriptEngine eng;
+ QScriptValue array = eng.newArray();
+ QCOMPARE(array.isValid(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(array.isArray(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(array.isObject(), true);
+ QVERIFY(!array.isFunction());
+ // QCOMPARE(array.scriptClass(), (QScriptClass*)0);
+ // Prototype should be Array.prototype.
+ QCOMPARE(array.prototype().isValid(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(array.prototype().isArray(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(array.prototype().strictlyEquals(eng.evaluate("Array.prototype")), true);
+ QScriptValue arrayWithSize = eng.newArray(42);
+ QCOMPARE(arrayWithSize.isValid(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(arrayWithSize.isArray(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(arrayWithSize.isObject(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(arrayWithSize.property("length").toInt32(), 42);
+ // task 218092
+ {
+ QScriptValue ret = eng.evaluate("[].splice(0, 0, 'a')");
+ QVERIFY(ret.isArray());
+ QCOMPARE(ret.property("length").toInt32(), 0);
+ }
+ {
+ QScriptValue ret = eng.evaluate("['a'].splice(0, 1, 'b')");
+ QVERIFY(ret.isArray());
+ QCOMPARE(ret.property("length").toInt32(), 1);
+ }
+ {
+ QScriptValue ret = eng.evaluate("['a', 'b'].splice(0, 1, 'c')");
+ QVERIFY(ret.isArray());
+ QCOMPARE(ret.property("length").toInt32(), 1);
+ }
+ {
+ QScriptValue ret = eng.evaluate("['a', 'b', 'c'].splice(0, 2, 'd')");
+ QVERIFY(ret.isArray());
+ QCOMPARE(ret.property("length").toInt32(), 2);
+ }
+ {
+ QScriptValue ret = eng.evaluate("['a', 'b', 'c'].splice(1, 2, 'd', 'e', 'f')");
+ QVERIFY(ret.isArray());
+ QCOMPARE(ret.property("length").toInt32(), 2);
+ }
+void tst_QScriptEngine::uncaughtException()
+ QScriptEngine eng;
+ QScriptValue fun = eng.evaluate("(function foo () { return null; });");
+ QVERIFY(!eng.uncaughtException().isValid());
+ QVERIFY(fun.isFunction());
+ QScriptValue throwFun = eng.evaluate("( function() { throw new Error('Pong'); });");
+ QVERIFY(throwFun.isFunction());
+ {
+ eng.evaluate("a = 10");
+ QVERIFY(!eng.hasUncaughtException());
+ QVERIFY(!eng.uncaughtException().isValid());
+ }
+ {
+ eng.evaluate("1 = 2");
+ QVERIFY(eng.hasUncaughtException());
+ eng.clearExceptions();
+ QVERIFY(!eng.hasUncaughtException());
+ }
+ {
+ // Check if the call or toString functions can remove the last exception.
+ QVERIFY(throwFun.call().isError());
+ QVERIFY(eng.hasUncaughtException());
+ QScriptValue exception = eng.uncaughtException();
+ fun.call();
+ exception.toString();
+ QVERIFY(eng.hasUncaughtException());
+ QVERIFY(eng.uncaughtException().strictlyEquals(exception));
+ }
+ eng.clearExceptions();
+ {
+ // Check if in the call function a new exception can override an existing one.
+ throwFun.call();
+ QVERIFY(eng.hasUncaughtException());
+ QScriptValue exception = eng.uncaughtException();
+ throwFun.call();
+ QVERIFY(eng.hasUncaughtException());
+ QVERIFY(!exception.strictlyEquals(eng.uncaughtException()));
+ }
+ {
+ eng.evaluate("throwFun = (function foo () { throw new Error('bla') });");
+ eng.evaluate("1;\nthrowFun();");
+ QVERIFY(eng.hasUncaughtException());
+ QCOMPARE(eng.uncaughtExceptionLineNumber(), 1);
+ eng.clearExceptions();
+ QVERIFY(!eng.hasUncaughtException());
+ }
+ for (int x = 1; x < 4; ++x) {
+ QScriptValue ret = eng.evaluate("a = 10;\nb = 20;\n0 = 0;\n",
+ QString::fromLatin1("FooScript") + QString::number(x),
+ /* lineNumber */ x);
+ QVERIFY(eng.hasUncaughtException());
+ QCOMPARE(eng.uncaughtExceptionLineNumber(), x + 2);
+ QVERIFY(eng.uncaughtException().strictlyEquals(ret));
+ QVERIFY(eng.hasUncaughtException());
+ QVERIFY(eng.uncaughtException().strictlyEquals(ret));
+ QString backtrace = QString::fromLatin1("<anonymous>()@FooScript") + QString::number(x) + ":" + QString::number(x + 2);
+ QCOMPARE(eng.uncaughtExceptionBacktrace().join(""), backtrace);
+ QVERIFY(fun.call().isNull());
+ QVERIFY(eng.hasUncaughtException());
+ QCOMPARE(eng.uncaughtExceptionLineNumber(), x + 2);
+ QVERIFY(eng.uncaughtException().strictlyEquals(ret));
+ eng.clearExceptions();
+ QVERIFY(!eng.hasUncaughtException());
+ QCOMPARE(eng.uncaughtExceptionLineNumber(), -1);
+ QVERIFY(!eng.uncaughtException().isValid());
+ eng.evaluate("2 = 3");
+ QVERIFY(eng.hasUncaughtException());
+ QScriptValue ret2 = throwFun.call();
+ QVERIFY(ret2.isError());
+ QVERIFY(eng.hasUncaughtException());
+ QVERIFY(eng.uncaughtException().strictlyEquals(ret2));
+ QCOMPARE(eng.uncaughtExceptionLineNumber(), 1);
+ eng.clearExceptions();
+ QVERIFY(!eng.hasUncaughtException());
+ eng.evaluate("1 + 2");
+ QVERIFY(!eng.hasUncaughtException());
+ }
+void tst_QScriptEngine::newDate()
+ QScriptEngine eng;
+ {
+ QScriptValue date = eng.newDate(0);
+ QCOMPARE(date.isValid(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(date.isDate(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(date.isObject(), true);
+ QVERIFY(!date.isFunction());
+ // prototype should be Date.prototype
+ QCOMPARE(date.prototype().isValid(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(date.prototype().isDate(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(date.prototype().strictlyEquals(eng.evaluate("Date.prototype")), true);
+ }
+ {
+ QDateTime dt = QDateTime(QDate(1, 2, 3), QTime(4, 5, 6, 7), Qt::LocalTime);
+ QScriptValue date = eng.newDate(dt);
+ QCOMPARE(date.isValid(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(date.isDate(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(date.isObject(), true);
+ // prototype should be Date.prototype
+ QCOMPARE(date.prototype().isValid(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(date.prototype().isDate(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(date.prototype().strictlyEquals(eng.evaluate("Date.prototype")), true);
+ QCOMPARE(date.toDateTime(), dt);
+ }
+ {
+ QDateTime dt = QDateTime(QDate(1, 2, 3), QTime(4, 5, 6, 7), Qt::UTC);
+ QScriptValue date = eng.newDate(dt);
+ // toDateTime() result should be in local time
+ QCOMPARE(date.toDateTime(), dt.toLocalTime());
+ }
+ // Date.parse() should return NaN when it fails
+ {
+ QScriptValue ret = eng.evaluate("Date.parse()");
+ QVERIFY(ret.isNumber());
+ QVERIFY(qIsNaN(ret.toNumber()));
+ }
+ // Date.parse() should be able to parse the output of Date().toString()
+ {
+ QScriptValue ret = eng.evaluate("var x = new Date(); var s = x.toString(); s == new Date(Date.parse(s)).toString()");
+ QVERIFY(ret.isBoolean());
+ QCOMPARE(ret.toBoolean(), true);
+ }
#include "tst_qscriptengine.moc"