my $opt_console_failures = 0;
my $opt_lxr_url = "./"; # "";
my $opt_exit_munge = ($os_type ne "MAC") ? 1 : 0;
+my $opt_arch= "";
# command line option definition
-my $options = "b=s bugurl>b c=s classpath>c e=s engine>e f=s file>f " .
+my $options = "a=s arch>a b=s bugurl>b c=s classpath>c e=s engine>e f=s file>f " .
"h help>h i j=s javapath>j k confail>k l=s list>l L=s neglist>L " .
"o=s opt>o p=s testpath>p s=s shellpath>s t trace>t u=s lxrurl>u " .
"x noexitmunge>x";
# (only check for their existance if the suite or test_dir has changed
# since the last time we looked.)
if ($last_suite ne $suite || $last_test_dir ne $test_dir) {
- $shell_command = &xp_path($engine_command);
+ $shell_command = $opt_arch . " ";
+ $shell_command .= &xp_path($engine_command) . " -s ";
$path = &xp_path($opt_suite_path . $suite . "/shell.js");
if (-f $path) {
$path = &xp_path($opt_suite_path . $test);
- &status ("executing: " . $shell_command . $file_param . $path);
+ print ($shell_command . $file_param . $path . "\n");
&dd ("executing: " . $shell_command . $file_param . $path);
open (OUTPUT, $shell_command . $file_param . $path .
while (($option, $value) = nextOption()) {
- if ($option eq "b") {
+ if ($option eq "a") {
+ &dd ("opt: running with architecture $value.");
+ $value =~ s/^ //;
+ $opt_arch = "arch -$value";
+ } elsif ($option eq "b") {
&dd ("opt: setting bugurl to '$value'.");
$opt_bug_url = $value;
sub usage {
print STDERR
("\nusage: $0 [<options>] \n" .
+ "(-a|--arch) <arch> run with a specific architecture on mac\n" .
"(-b|--bugurl) Bugzilla URL.\n" .
" (default is $opt_bug_url)\n" .
"(-c|--classpath) Classpath (Rhino only.)\n" .
"(-e|--engine) <type> ... Specify the type of engine(s) to test.\n" .
" <type> is one or more of\n" .
- " (kjs|smopt|smdebug|lcopt|lcdebug|xpcshell|" .
+ " (squirrelfish|smopt|smdebug|lcopt|lcdebug|xpcshell|" .
"rhino|rhinoi|rhinoms|rhinomsi|rhino9|rhinoms9).\n" .
"(-f|--file) <file> Redirect output to file named <file>.\n" .
" (default is " .
} elsif ($opt_engine_type =~ /^ep(opt|debug)$/) {
&dd ("getting epimetheus engine command.");
$retval = &get_ep_engine_command;
- } elsif ($opt_engine_type eq "kjs") {
- &dd ("getting kjs engine command.");
- $retval = &get_kjs_engine_command;
+ } elsif ($opt_engine_type eq "squirrelfish") {
+ &dd ("getting squirrelfish engine command.");
+ $retval = &get_squirrelfish_engine_command;
} else {
die ("Unknown engine type selected, '$opt_engine_type'.\n");
-# get the shell command used to run kjs
+# get the shell command used to run squirrelfish
-sub get_kjs_engine_command {
+sub get_squirrelfish_engine_command {
my $retval;
if ($opt_shell_path) {
- $retval = $opt_shell_path;
+ # FIXME: Quoting the path this way won't work with paths with quotes in
+ # them. A better fix would be to use the multi-parameter version of
+ # open(), but that doesn't work on ActiveState Perl.
+ $retval = "\"" . $opt_shell_path . "\"";
} else {
- die "Please specify a full path to the kjs testing engine";
+ die "Please specify a full path to the squirrelfish testing engine";
return $retval;