-// -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* Copyright (C) 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
#include "JSObjectRef.h"
-#include <kjs/object.h>
-#include <kjs/protect.h>
-#include <kjs/ustring.h>
+#include <runtime/JSObject.h>
+#include <runtime/Protect.h>
+#include <runtime/UString.h>
#include <wtf/HashMap.h>
#include <wtf/RefCounted.h>
JSPropertyAttributes attributes;
-struct OpaqueJSClass : public RefCounted<OpaqueJSClass> {
- static OpaqueJSClass* create(const JSClassDefinition*);
- static OpaqueJSClass* createNoAutomaticPrototype(const JSClassDefinition*);
+typedef HashMap<RefPtr<JSC::UString::Rep>, StaticValueEntry*> OpaqueJSClassStaticValuesTable;
+typedef HashMap<RefPtr<JSC::UString::Rep>, StaticFunctionEntry*> OpaqueJSClassStaticFunctionsTable;
+class OpaqueJSClass;
+// An OpaqueJSClass (JSClass) is created without a context, so it can be used with any context, even across context groups.
+// This structure holds data members that vary across context groups.
+struct OpaqueJSClassContextData : Noncopyable {
+ OpaqueJSClassContextData(OpaqueJSClass*);
+ ~OpaqueJSClassContextData();
+ // It is necessary to keep OpaqueJSClass alive because of the following rare scenario:
+ // 1. A class is created and used, so its context data is stored in JSGlobalData hash map.
+ // 2. The class is released, and when all JS objects that use it are collected, OpaqueJSClass
+ // is deleted (that's the part prevented by this RefPtr).
+ // 3. Another class is created at the same address.
+ // 4. When it is used, the old context data is found in JSGlobalData and used.
+ RefPtr<OpaqueJSClass> m_class;
+ OpaqueJSClassStaticValuesTable* staticValues;
+ OpaqueJSClassStaticFunctionsTable* staticFunctions;
+ JSC::JSObject* cachedPrototype;
+struct OpaqueJSClass : public ThreadSafeShared<OpaqueJSClass> {
+ static PassRefPtr<OpaqueJSClass> create(const JSClassDefinition*);
+ static PassRefPtr<OpaqueJSClass> createNoAutomaticPrototype(const JSClassDefinition*);
- KJS::JSObject* prototype(JSContextRef ctx);
- typedef HashMap<RefPtr<KJS::UString::Rep>, StaticValueEntry*> StaticValuesTable;
- typedef HashMap<RefPtr<KJS::UString::Rep>, StaticFunctionEntry*> StaticFunctionsTable;
+ JSC::UString className();
+ OpaqueJSClassStaticValuesTable* staticValues(JSC::ExecState*);
+ OpaqueJSClassStaticFunctionsTable* staticFunctions(JSC::ExecState*);
+ JSC::JSObject* prototype(JSC::ExecState*);
- KJS::UString className;
OpaqueJSClass* parentClass;
OpaqueJSClass* prototypeClass;
- StaticValuesTable* staticValues;
- StaticFunctionsTable* staticFunctions;
JSObjectInitializeCallback initialize;
JSObjectFinalizeCallback finalize;
JSObjectConvertToTypeCallback convertToType;
+ friend struct OpaqueJSClassContextData;
OpaqueJSClass(const OpaqueJSClass&);
OpaqueJSClass(const JSClassDefinition*, OpaqueJSClass* protoClass);
- friend void clearReferenceToPrototype(JSObjectRef prototype);
- KJS::JSObject* cachedPrototype;
+ OpaqueJSClassContextData& contextData(JSC::ExecState*);
+ // UStrings in these data members should not be put into any IdentifierTable.
+ JSC::UString m_className;
+ OpaqueJSClassStaticValuesTable* m_staticValues;
+ OpaqueJSClassStaticFunctionsTable* m_staticFunctions;
#endif // JSClassRef_h