-// -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* Copyright (C) 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
#define JSValueRef_h
#include <JavaScriptCore/JSBase.h>
+#include <JavaScriptCore/WebKitAvailability.h>
+#ifndef __cplusplus
#include <stdbool.h>
@enum JSType
JS_EXPORT bool JSValueIsObjectOfClass(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value, JSClassRef jsClass);
-// Comparing values
+/* Comparing values */
JS_EXPORT bool JSValueIsInstanceOfConstructor(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value, JSObjectRef constructor, JSValueRef* exception);
-// Creating values
+/* Creating values */
JS_EXPORT JSValueRef JSValueMakeString(JSContextRef ctx, JSStringRef string);
-// Converting to primitive values
+/* Converting to and from JSON formatted strings */
+ @function
+ @abstract Creates a JavaScript value from a JSON formatted string.
+ @param ctx The execution context to use.
+ @param string The JSString containing the JSON string to be parsed.
+ @result A JSValue containing the parsed value, or NULL if the input is invalid.
+ */
+JS_EXPORT JSValueRef JSValueMakeFromJSONString(JSContextRef ctx, JSStringRef string) AVAILABLE_AFTER_WEBKIT_VERSION_4_0;
+ @function
+ @abstract Creates a JavaScript string containing the JSON serialized representation of a JS value.
+ @param ctx The execution context to use.
+ @param value The value to serialize.
+ @param indent The number of spaces to indent when nesting. If 0, the resulting JSON will not contains newlines. The size of the indent is clamped to 10 spaces.
+ @param exception A pointer to a JSValueRef in which to store an exception, if any. Pass NULL if you do not care to store an exception.
+ @result A JSString with the result of serialization, or NULL if an exception is thrown.
+ */
+JS_EXPORT JSStringRef JSValueCreateJSONString(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value, unsigned indent, JSValueRef* exception) AVAILABLE_AFTER_WEBKIT_VERSION_4_0;
+/* Converting to primitive values */
JS_EXPORT JSObjectRef JSValueToObject(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value, JSValueRef* exception);
-// Garbage collection
+/* Garbage collection */
@abstract Protects a JavaScript value from garbage collection.
-#endif // JSValueRef_h
+#endif /* JSValueRef_h */