#include "EvalCodeCache.h"
#include "Instruction.h"
+#include "JITCode.h"
#include "JSGlobalObject.h"
#include "JumpTable.h"
#include "Nodes.h"
+#include "PtrAndFlags.h"
#include "RegExp.h"
#include "UString.h"
+#include <wtf/FastAllocBase.h>
#include <wtf/RefPtr.h>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
#include "StructureStubInfo.h"
+// Register numbers used in bytecode operations have different meaning accoring to their ranges:
+// 0x80000000-0xFFFFFFFF Negative indicies from the CallFrame pointer are entries in the call frame, see RegisterFile.h.
+// 0x00000000-0x3FFFFFFF Forwards indices from the CallFrame pointer are local vars and temporaries with the function's callframe.
+// 0x40000000-0x7FFFFFFF Positive indices from 0x40000000 specify entries in the constant pool on the CodeBlock.
+static const int FirstConstantRegisterIndex = 0x40000000;
namespace JSC {
+ enum HasSeenShouldRepatch {
+ hasSeenShouldRepatch
+ };
class ExecState;
enum CodeType { GlobalCode, EvalCode, FunctionCode };
uint32_t target;
uint32_t scopeDepth;
- void* nativeCode;
+ CodeLocationLabel nativeCode;
- // The code, and the associated pool from which it was allocated.
- struct JITCodeRef {
- void* code;
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- unsigned codeSize;
- RefPtr<ExecutablePool> executablePool;
- JITCodeRef()
- : code(0)
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- , codeSize(0)
- {
- }
- JITCodeRef(void* code, PassRefPtr<ExecutablePool> executablePool)
- : code(code)
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- , codeSize(0)
- , executablePool(executablePool)
- {
- }
- };
struct ExpressionRangeInfo {
enum {
MaxOffset = (1 << 7) - 1,
struct CallLinkInfo {
- : callReturnLocation(0)
- , hotPathBegin(0)
- , hotPathOther(0)
- , coldPathOther(0)
- , callee(0)
+ : callee(0)
unsigned bytecodeIndex;
- void* callReturnLocation;
- void* hotPathBegin;
- void* hotPathOther;
- void* coldPathOther;
+ CodeLocationNearCall callReturnLocation;
+ CodeLocationDataLabelPtr hotPathBegin;
+ CodeLocationNearCall hotPathOther;
+ PtrAndFlags<CodeBlock, HasSeenShouldRepatch> ownerCodeBlock;
CodeBlock* callee;
unsigned position;
void setUnlinked() { callee = 0; }
bool isLinked() { return callee; }
+ bool seenOnce()
+ {
+ return ownerCodeBlock.isFlagSet(hasSeenShouldRepatch);
+ }
+ void setSeen()
+ {
+ ownerCodeBlock.setFlag(hasSeenShouldRepatch);
+ }
+ };
+ struct MethodCallLinkInfo {
+ MethodCallLinkInfo()
+ : cachedStructure(0)
+ {
+ }
+ bool seenOnce()
+ {
+ return cachedPrototypeStructure.isFlagSet(hasSeenShouldRepatch);
+ }
+ void setSeen()
+ {
+ cachedPrototypeStructure.setFlag(hasSeenShouldRepatch);
+ }
+ CodeLocationCall callReturnLocation;
+ CodeLocationDataLabelPtr structureLabel;
+ Structure* cachedStructure;
+ PtrAndFlags<Structure, HasSeenShouldRepatch> cachedPrototypeStructure;
struct FunctionRegisterInfo {
unsigned bytecodeOffset;
- struct PC {
- PC(ptrdiff_t nativePCOffset, unsigned bytecodeIndex)
- : nativePCOffset(nativePCOffset)
+ // This structure is used to map from a call return location
+ // (given as an offset in bytes into the JIT code) back to
+ // the bytecode index of the corresponding bytecode operation.
+ // This is then used to look up the corresponding handler.
+ struct CallReturnOffsetToBytecodeIndex {
+ CallReturnOffsetToBytecodeIndex(unsigned callReturnOffset, unsigned bytecodeIndex)
+ : callReturnOffset(callReturnOffset)
, bytecodeIndex(bytecodeIndex)
- ptrdiff_t nativePCOffset;
+ unsigned callReturnOffset;
unsigned bytecodeIndex;
inline void* getStructureStubInfoReturnLocation(StructureStubInfo* structureStubInfo)
- return structureStubInfo->callReturnLocation;
+ return structureStubInfo->callReturnLocation.executableAddress();
inline void* getCallLinkInfoReturnLocation(CallLinkInfo* callLinkInfo)
- return callLinkInfo->callReturnLocation;
+ return callLinkInfo->callReturnLocation.executableAddress();
+ }
+ inline void* getMethodCallLinkInfoReturnLocation(MethodCallLinkInfo* methodCallLinkInfo)
+ {
+ return methodCallLinkInfo->callReturnLocation.executableAddress();
- inline ptrdiff_t getNativePCOffset(PC* pc)
+ inline unsigned getCallReturnOffset(CallReturnOffsetToBytecodeIndex* pc)
- return pc->nativePCOffset;
+ return pc->callReturnOffset;
// Binary chop algorithm, calls valueAtPosition on pre-sorted elements in array,
- class CodeBlock {
+ struct ExceptionInfo : FastAllocBase {
+ Vector<ExpressionRangeInfo> m_expressionInfo;
+ Vector<LineInfo> m_lineInfo;
+ Vector<GetByIdExceptionInfo> m_getByIdExceptionInfo;
+ Vector<CallReturnOffsetToBytecodeIndex> m_callReturnIndexVector;
+ };
+ class CodeBlock : public FastAllocBase {
friend class JIT;
+ protected:
+ CodeBlock(ScriptExecutable* ownerExecutable, CodeType, PassRefPtr<SourceProvider>, unsigned sourceOffset, SymbolTable* symbolTable);
- CodeBlock(ScopeNode* ownerNode, CodeType, PassRefPtr<SourceProvider>, unsigned sourceOffset);
- ~CodeBlock();
+ virtual ~CodeBlock();
- void mark();
+ void markAggregate(MarkStack&);
void refStructures(Instruction* vPC) const;
void derefStructures(Instruction* vPC) const;
void unlinkCallers();
return false;
- ALWAYS_INLINE bool isConstantRegisterIndex(int index)
- {
- return index >= m_numVars && index < m_numVars + m_numConstants;
- }
- ALWAYS_INLINE JSValuePtr getConstant(int index)
- {
- return m_constantRegisters[index - m_numVars].getJSValue();
- }
ALWAYS_INLINE bool isTemporaryRegisterIndex(int index)
- return index >= m_numVars + m_numConstants;
+ return index >= m_numVars;
HandlerInfo* handlerForBytecodeOffset(unsigned bytecodeOffset);
- StructureStubInfo& getStubInfo(void* returnAddress)
+ StructureStubInfo& getStubInfo(ReturnAddressPtr returnAddress)
- return *(binaryChop<StructureStubInfo, void*, getStructureStubInfoReturnLocation>(m_structureStubInfos.begin(), m_structureStubInfos.size(), returnAddress));
+ return *(binaryChop<StructureStubInfo, void*, getStructureStubInfoReturnLocation>(m_structureStubInfos.begin(), m_structureStubInfos.size(), returnAddress.value()));
- CallLinkInfo& getCallLinkInfo(void* returnAddress)
+ CallLinkInfo& getCallLinkInfo(ReturnAddressPtr returnAddress)
- return *(binaryChop<CallLinkInfo, void*, getCallLinkInfoReturnLocation>(m_callLinkInfos.begin(), m_callLinkInfos.size(), returnAddress));
+ return *(binaryChop<CallLinkInfo, void*, getCallLinkInfoReturnLocation>(m_callLinkInfos.begin(), m_callLinkInfos.size(), returnAddress.value()));
- unsigned getBytecodeIndex(CallFrame* callFrame, void* nativePC)
+ MethodCallLinkInfo& getMethodCallLinkInfo(ReturnAddressPtr returnAddress)
+ {
+ return *(binaryChop<MethodCallLinkInfo, void*, getMethodCallLinkInfoReturnLocation>(m_methodCallLinkInfos.begin(), m_methodCallLinkInfos.size(), returnAddress.value()));
+ }
+ unsigned getBytecodeIndex(CallFrame* callFrame, ReturnAddressPtr returnAddress)
- ptrdiff_t nativePCOffset = reinterpret_cast<void**>(nativePC) - reinterpret_cast<void**>(m_jitCode.code);
- return binaryChop<PC, ptrdiff_t, getNativePCOffset>(m_exceptionInfo->m_pcVector.begin(), m_exceptionInfo->m_pcVector.size(), nativePCOffset)->bytecodeIndex;
+ return binaryChop<CallReturnOffsetToBytecodeIndex, unsigned, getCallReturnOffset>(callReturnIndexVector().begin(), callReturnIndexVector().size(), ownerExecutable()->generatedJITCode().offsetOf(returnAddress.value()))->bytecodeIndex;
bool functionRegisterForBytecodeOffset(unsigned bytecodeOffset, int& functionRegisterIndex);
bool isNumericCompareFunction() { return m_isNumericCompareFunction; }
Vector<Instruction>& instructions() { return m_instructions; }
+ void discardBytecode() { m_instructions.clear(); }
#ifndef NDEBUG
+ unsigned instructionCount() { return m_instructionCount; }
void setInstructionCount(unsigned instructionCount) { m_instructionCount = instructionCount; }
- void setJITCode(JITCodeRef& jitCode);
- void* jitCode() { return m_jitCode.code; }
- ExecutablePool* executablePool() { return m_jitCode.executablePool.get(); }
+ JITCode& getJITCode() { return ownerExecutable()->generatedJITCode(); }
+ ExecutablePool* executablePool() { return ownerExecutable()->getExecutablePool(); }
- ScopeNode* ownerNode() const { return m_ownerNode; }
+ ScriptExecutable* ownerExecutable() const { return m_ownerExecutable; }
void setGlobalData(JSGlobalData* globalData) { m_globalData = globalData; }
void addCallLinkInfo() { m_callLinkInfos.append(CallLinkInfo()); }
CallLinkInfo& callLinkInfo(int index) { return m_callLinkInfos[index]; }
+ void addMethodCallLinkInfos(unsigned n) { m_methodCallLinkInfos.grow(n); }
+ MethodCallLinkInfo& methodCallLinkInfo(int index) { return m_methodCallLinkInfos[index]; }
void addFunctionRegisterInfo(unsigned bytecodeOffset, int functionIndex) { createRareDataIfNecessary(); m_rareData->m_functionRegisterInfos.append(FunctionRegisterInfo(bytecodeOffset, functionIndex)); }
bool hasExceptionInfo() const { return m_exceptionInfo; }
void clearExceptionInfo() { m_exceptionInfo.clear(); }
+ ExceptionInfo* extractExceptionInfo() { ASSERT(m_exceptionInfo); return m_exceptionInfo.release(); }
void addExpressionInfo(const ExpressionRangeInfo& expressionInfo) { ASSERT(m_exceptionInfo); m_exceptionInfo->m_expressionInfo.append(expressionInfo); }
void addGetByIdExceptionInfo(const GetByIdExceptionInfo& info) { ASSERT(m_exceptionInfo); m_exceptionInfo->m_getByIdExceptionInfo.append(info); }
LineInfo& lastLineInfo() { ASSERT(m_exceptionInfo); return m_exceptionInfo->m_lineInfo.last(); }
- Vector<PC>& pcVector() { ASSERT(m_exceptionInfo); return m_exceptionInfo->m_pcVector; }
+ Vector<CallReturnOffsetToBytecodeIndex>& callReturnIndexVector() { ASSERT(m_exceptionInfo); return m_exceptionInfo->m_callReturnIndexVector; }
// Constant Pool
size_t numberOfConstantRegisters() const { return m_constantRegisters.size(); }
void addConstantRegister(const Register& r) { return m_constantRegisters.append(r); }
- Register& constantRegister(int index) { return m_constantRegisters[index]; }
- unsigned addFunctionExpression(FuncExprNode* n) { unsigned size = m_functionExpressions.size(); m_functionExpressions.append(n); return size; }
- FuncExprNode* functionExpression(int index) const { return m_functionExpressions[index].get(); }
- unsigned addFunction(FuncDeclNode* n) { createRareDataIfNecessary(); unsigned size = m_rareData->m_functions.size(); m_rareData->m_functions.append(n); return size; }
- FuncDeclNode* function(int index) const { ASSERT(m_rareData); return m_rareData->m_functions[index].get(); }
+ Register& constantRegister(int index) { return m_constantRegisters[index - FirstConstantRegisterIndex]; }
+ ALWAYS_INLINE bool isConstantRegisterIndex(int index) const { return index >= FirstConstantRegisterIndex; }
+ ALWAYS_INLINE JSValue getConstant(int index) const { return m_constantRegisters[index - FirstConstantRegisterIndex].jsValue(); }
- bool hasFunctions() const { return m_functionExpressions.size() || (m_rareData && m_rareData->m_functions.size()); }
- unsigned addUnexpectedConstant(JSValuePtr v) { createRareDataIfNecessary(); unsigned size = m_rareData->m_unexpectedConstants.size(); m_rareData->m_unexpectedConstants.append(v); return size; }
- JSValuePtr unexpectedConstant(int index) const { ASSERT(m_rareData); return m_rareData->m_unexpectedConstants[index]; }
+ unsigned addFunctionDecl(NonNullPassRefPtr<FunctionExecutable> n) { unsigned size = m_functionDecls.size(); m_functionDecls.append(n); return size; }
+ FunctionExecutable* functionDecl(int index) { return m_functionDecls[index].get(); }
+ int numberOfFunctionDecls() { return m_functionDecls.size(); }
+ unsigned addFunctionExpr(NonNullPassRefPtr<FunctionExecutable> n) { unsigned size = m_functionExprs.size(); m_functionExprs.append(n); return size; }
+ FunctionExecutable* functionExpr(int index) { return m_functionExprs[index].get(); }
unsigned addRegExp(RegExp* r) { createRareDataIfNecessary(); unsigned size = m_rareData->m_regexps.size(); m_rareData->m_regexps.append(r); return size; }
RegExp* regexp(int index) const { ASSERT(m_rareData); return m_rareData->m_regexps[index].get(); }
StringJumpTable& stringSwitchJumpTable(int tableIndex) { ASSERT(m_rareData); return m_rareData->m_stringSwitchJumpTables[tableIndex]; }
- SymbolTable& symbolTable() { return m_symbolTable; }
+ SymbolTable* symbolTable() { return m_symbolTable; }
+ SharedSymbolTable* sharedSymbolTable() { ASSERT(m_codeType == FunctionCode); return static_cast<SharedSymbolTable*>(m_symbolTable); }
EvalCodeCache& evalCodeCache() { createRareDataIfNecessary(); return m_rareData->m_evalCodeCache; }
// FIXME: Make these remaining members private.
int m_numCalleeRegisters;
- // NOTE: numConstants holds the number of constant registers allocated
- // by the code generator, not the number of constant registers used.
- // (Duplicate constants are uniqued during code generation, and spare
- // constant registers may be allocated.)
- int m_numConstants;
int m_numVars;
int m_numParameters;
void dump(ExecState*, const Vector<Instruction>::const_iterator& begin, Vector<Instruction>::const_iterator&) const;
+ CString registerName(ExecState*, int r) const;
+ void printUnaryOp(ExecState*, int location, Vector<Instruction>::const_iterator&, const char* op) const;
+ void printBinaryOp(ExecState*, int location, Vector<Instruction>::const_iterator&, const char* op) const;
+ void printConditionalJump(ExecState*, const Vector<Instruction>::const_iterator&, Vector<Instruction>::const_iterator&, int location, const char* op) const;
+ void printGetByIdOp(ExecState*, int location, Vector<Instruction>::const_iterator&, const char* op) const;
+ void printPutByIdOp(ExecState*, int location, Vector<Instruction>::const_iterator&, const char* op) const;
void reparseForExceptionInfoIfNecessary(CallFrame*);
m_rareData.set(new RareData);
- ScopeNode* m_ownerNode;
+ ScriptExecutable* m_ownerExecutable;
JSGlobalData* m_globalData;
Vector<Instruction> m_instructions;
#ifndef NDEBUG
unsigned m_instructionCount;
- JITCodeRef m_jitCode;
int m_thisRegister;
Vector<StructureStubInfo> m_structureStubInfos;
Vector<GlobalResolveInfo> m_globalResolveInfos;
Vector<CallLinkInfo> m_callLinkInfos;
+ Vector<MethodCallLinkInfo> m_methodCallLinkInfos;
Vector<CallLinkInfo*> m_linkedCallerList;
// Constant Pool
Vector<Identifier> m_identifiers;
Vector<Register> m_constantRegisters;
- Vector<RefPtr<FuncExprNode> > m_functionExpressions;
- SymbolTable m_symbolTable;
+ Vector<RefPtr<FunctionExecutable> > m_functionDecls;
+ Vector<RefPtr<FunctionExecutable> > m_functionExprs;
- struct ExceptionInfo {
- Vector<ExpressionRangeInfo> m_expressionInfo;
- Vector<LineInfo> m_lineInfo;
- Vector<GetByIdExceptionInfo> m_getByIdExceptionInfo;
+ SymbolTable* m_symbolTable;
- Vector<PC> m_pcVector;
- };
OwnPtr<ExceptionInfo> m_exceptionInfo;
- struct RareData {
+ struct RareData : FastAllocBase {
Vector<HandlerInfo> m_exceptionHandlers;
// Rare Constants
- Vector<RefPtr<FuncDeclNode> > m_functions;
- Vector<JSValuePtr> m_unexpectedConstants;
Vector<RefPtr<RegExp> > m_regexps;
// Jump Tables
// Program code is not marked by any function, so we make the global object
// responsible for marking it.
- class ProgramCodeBlock : public CodeBlock {
+ class GlobalCodeBlock : public CodeBlock {
- ProgramCodeBlock(ScopeNode* ownerNode, CodeType codeType, JSGlobalObject* globalObject, PassRefPtr<SourceProvider> sourceProvider)
- : CodeBlock(ownerNode, codeType, sourceProvider, 0)
+ GlobalCodeBlock(ScriptExecutable* ownerExecutable, CodeType codeType, PassRefPtr<SourceProvider> sourceProvider, unsigned sourceOffset, JSGlobalObject* globalObject)
+ : CodeBlock(ownerExecutable, codeType, sourceProvider, sourceOffset, &m_unsharedSymbolTable)
, m_globalObject(globalObject)
- ~ProgramCodeBlock()
+ ~GlobalCodeBlock()
if (m_globalObject)
JSGlobalObject* m_globalObject; // For program and eval nodes, the global object that marks the constant pool.
+ SymbolTable m_unsharedSymbolTable;
- class EvalCodeBlock : public ProgramCodeBlock {
+ class ProgramCodeBlock : public GlobalCodeBlock {
- EvalCodeBlock(ScopeNode* ownerNode, JSGlobalObject* globalObject, PassRefPtr<SourceProvider> sourceProvider, int baseScopeDepth)
- : ProgramCodeBlock(ownerNode, EvalCode, globalObject, sourceProvider)
+ ProgramCodeBlock(ProgramExecutable* ownerExecutable, CodeType codeType, JSGlobalObject* globalObject, PassRefPtr<SourceProvider> sourceProvider)
+ : GlobalCodeBlock(ownerExecutable, codeType, sourceProvider, 0, globalObject)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ class EvalCodeBlock : public GlobalCodeBlock {
+ public:
+ EvalCodeBlock(EvalExecutable* ownerExecutable, JSGlobalObject* globalObject, PassRefPtr<SourceProvider> sourceProvider, int baseScopeDepth)
+ : GlobalCodeBlock(ownerExecutable, EvalCode, sourceProvider, 0, globalObject)
, m_baseScopeDepth(baseScopeDepth)
int baseScopeDepth() const { return m_baseScopeDepth; }
+ const Identifier& variable(unsigned index) { return m_variables[index]; }
+ unsigned numVariables() { return m_variables.size(); }
+ void adoptVariables(Vector<Identifier>& variables)
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_variables.isEmpty());
+ m_variables.swap(variables);
+ }
int m_baseScopeDepth;
+ Vector<Identifier> m_variables;
+ class FunctionCodeBlock : public CodeBlock {
+ public:
+ // Rather than using the usual RefCounted::create idiom for SharedSymbolTable we just use new
+ // as we need to initialise the CodeBlock before we could initialise any RefPtr to hold the shared
+ // symbol table, so we just pass as a raw pointer with a ref count of 1. We then manually deref
+ // in the destructor.
+ FunctionCodeBlock(FunctionExecutable* ownerExecutable, CodeType codeType, PassRefPtr<SourceProvider> sourceProvider, unsigned sourceOffset)
+ : CodeBlock(ownerExecutable, codeType, sourceProvider, sourceOffset, new SharedSymbolTable)
+ {
+ }
+ ~FunctionCodeBlock()
+ {
+ sharedSymbolTable()->deref();
+ }
+ };
+ inline Register& ExecState::r(int index)
+ {
+ CodeBlock* codeBlock = this->codeBlock();
+ if (codeBlock->isConstantRegisterIndex(index))
+ return codeBlock->constantRegister(index);
+ return this[index];
+ }
} // namespace JSC
#endif // CodeBlock_h