* Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Harri Porten (porten@kde.org)
* Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Kelly (pmk@post.com)
- * Copyright (C) 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
#ifndef Parser_h
#define Parser_h
-#include "SourceProvider.h"
#include "Debugger.h"
+#include "ExceptionHelpers.h"
+#include "Executable.h"
+#include "JSGlobalObject.h"
+#include "Lexer.h"
#include "Nodes.h"
+#include "ParserArena.h"
+#include "ParserError.h"
+#include "ParserTokens.h"
+#include "SourceProvider.h"
+#include "SourceProviderCache.h"
+#include "SourceProviderCacheItem.h"
#include <wtf/Forward.h>
#include <wtf/Noncopyable.h>
#include <wtf/OwnPtr.h>
#include <wtf/RefPtr.h>
+namespace JSC {
+struct Scope;
+namespace WTF {
+template <> struct VectorTraits<JSC::Scope> : SimpleClassVectorTraits {
+ static const bool canInitializeWithMemset = false; // Not all Scope data members initialize to 0.
namespace JSC {
- class FunctionBodyNode;
- class ProgramNode;
- class UString;
+class ExecState;
+class FunctionBodyNode;
+class FunctionParameters;
+class Identifier;
+class VM;
+class ProgramNode;
+class SourceCode;
- template <typename T>
- struct ParserRefCountedData : ParserRefCounted {
- ParserRefCountedData(JSGlobalData* globalData)
- : ParserRefCounted(globalData)
- {
+// Macros to make the more common TreeBuilder types a little less verbose
+#define TreeStatement typename TreeBuilder::Statement
+#define TreeExpression typename TreeBuilder::Expression
+#define TreeFormalParameterList typename TreeBuilder::FormalParameterList
+#define TreeSourceElements typename TreeBuilder::SourceElements
+#define TreeClause typename TreeBuilder::Clause
+#define TreeClauseList typename TreeBuilder::ClauseList
+#define TreeConstDeclList typename TreeBuilder::ConstDeclList
+#define TreeArguments typename TreeBuilder::Arguments
+#define TreeArgumentsList typename TreeBuilder::ArgumentsList
+#define TreeFunctionBody typename TreeBuilder::FunctionBody
+#define TreeProperty typename TreeBuilder::Property
+#define TreePropertyList typename TreeBuilder::PropertyList
+#define TreeDeconstructionPattern typename TreeBuilder::DeconstructionPattern
+COMPILE_ASSERT(LastUntaggedToken < 64, LessThan64UntaggedTokens);
+enum SourceElementsMode { CheckForStrictMode, DontCheckForStrictMode };
+enum FunctionRequirements { FunctionNoRequirements, FunctionNeedsName };
+enum FunctionParseMode { FunctionMode, GetterMode, SetterMode };
+enum DeconstructionKind {
+ DeconstructToVariables,
+ DeconstructToParameters,
+ DeconstructToExpressions
+template <typename T> inline bool isEvalNode() { return false; }
+template <> inline bool isEvalNode<EvalNode>() { return true; }
+struct ScopeLabelInfo {
+ ScopeLabelInfo(StringImpl* ident, bool isLoop)
+ : m_ident(ident)
+ , m_isLoop(isLoop)
+ {
+ }
+ StringImpl* m_ident;
+ bool m_isLoop;
+struct Scope {
+ Scope(const VM* vm, bool isFunction, bool strictMode)
+ : m_vm(vm)
+ , m_shadowsArguments(false)
+ , m_usesEval(false)
+ , m_needsFullActivation(false)
+ , m_allowsNewDecls(true)
+ , m_strictMode(strictMode)
+ , m_isFunction(isFunction)
+ , m_isFunctionBoundary(false)
+ , m_isValidStrictMode(true)
+ , m_loopDepth(0)
+ , m_switchDepth(0)
+ {
+ }
+ Scope(const Scope& rhs)
+ : m_vm(rhs.m_vm)
+ , m_shadowsArguments(rhs.m_shadowsArguments)
+ , m_usesEval(rhs.m_usesEval)
+ , m_needsFullActivation(rhs.m_needsFullActivation)
+ , m_allowsNewDecls(rhs.m_allowsNewDecls)
+ , m_strictMode(rhs.m_strictMode)
+ , m_isFunction(rhs.m_isFunction)
+ , m_isFunctionBoundary(rhs.m_isFunctionBoundary)
+ , m_isValidStrictMode(rhs.m_isValidStrictMode)
+ , m_loopDepth(rhs.m_loopDepth)
+ , m_switchDepth(rhs.m_switchDepth)
+ {
+ if (rhs.m_labels) {
+ m_labels = adoptPtr(new LabelStack);
+ typedef LabelStack::const_iterator iterator;
+ iterator end = rhs.m_labels->end();
+ for (iterator it = rhs.m_labels->begin(); it != end; ++it)
+ m_labels->append(ScopeLabelInfo(it->m_ident, it->m_isLoop));
+ }
+ void startSwitch() { m_switchDepth++; }
+ void endSwitch() { m_switchDepth--; }
+ void startLoop() { m_loopDepth++; }
+ void endLoop() { ASSERT(m_loopDepth); m_loopDepth--; }
+ bool inLoop() { return !!m_loopDepth; }
+ bool breakIsValid() { return m_loopDepth || m_switchDepth; }
+ bool continueIsValid() { return m_loopDepth; }
+ void pushLabel(const Identifier* label, bool isLoop)
+ {
+ if (!m_labels)
+ m_labels = adoptPtr(new LabelStack);
+ m_labels->append(ScopeLabelInfo(label->impl(), isLoop));
+ }
+ void popLabel()
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_labels);
+ ASSERT(m_labels->size());
+ m_labels->removeLast();
+ }
- T data;
+ ScopeLabelInfo* getLabel(const Identifier* label)
+ {
+ if (!m_labels)
+ return 0;
+ for (int i = m_labels->size(); i > 0; i--) {
+ if (m_labels->at(i - 1).m_ident == label->impl())
+ return &m_labels->at(i - 1);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void setIsFunction()
+ {
+ m_isFunction = true;
+ m_isFunctionBoundary = true;
+ }
+ bool isFunction() { return m_isFunction; }
+ bool isFunctionBoundary() { return m_isFunctionBoundary; }
+ void declareCallee(const Identifier* ident)
+ {
+ m_declaredVariables.add(ident->string().impl());
+ }
+ bool declareVariable(const Identifier* ident)
+ {
+ bool isValidStrictMode = m_vm->propertyNames->eval != *ident && m_vm->propertyNames->arguments != *ident;
+ m_isValidStrictMode = m_isValidStrictMode && isValidStrictMode;
+ m_declaredVariables.add(ident->string().impl());
+ return isValidStrictMode;
+ }
+ bool hasDeclaredVariable(const Identifier& ident)
+ {
+ return m_declaredVariables.contains(ident.impl());
+ }
+ bool hasDeclaredParameter(const Identifier& ident)
+ {
+ return m_declaredParameters.contains(ident.impl()) || m_declaredVariables.contains(ident.impl());
+ }
+ void declareWrite(const Identifier* ident)
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_strictMode);
+ m_writtenVariables.add(ident->impl());
+ }
+ void preventNewDecls() { m_allowsNewDecls = false; }
+ bool allowsNewDecls() const { return m_allowsNewDecls; }
+ bool declareParameter(const Identifier* ident)
+ {
+ bool isArguments = m_vm->propertyNames->arguments == *ident;
+ bool isValidStrictMode = m_declaredVariables.add(ident->string().impl()).isNewEntry && m_vm->propertyNames->eval != *ident && !isArguments;
+ m_isValidStrictMode = m_isValidStrictMode && isValidStrictMode;
+ m_declaredParameters.add(ident->string().impl());
+ if (isArguments)
+ m_shadowsArguments = true;
+ return isValidStrictMode;
+ }
+ enum BindingResult {
+ BindingFailed,
+ StrictBindingFailed,
+ BindingSucceeded
+ BindingResult declareBoundParameter(const Identifier* ident)
+ {
+ bool isArguments = m_vm->propertyNames->arguments == *ident;
+ bool newEntry = m_declaredVariables.add(ident->string().impl()).isNewEntry;
+ bool isValidStrictMode = newEntry && m_vm->propertyNames->eval != *ident && !isArguments;
+ m_isValidStrictMode = m_isValidStrictMode && isValidStrictMode;
+ if (isArguments)
+ m_shadowsArguments = true;
+ if (!newEntry)
+ return BindingFailed;
+ return isValidStrictMode ? BindingSucceeded : StrictBindingFailed;
+ }
+ void getUsedVariables(IdentifierSet& usedVariables)
+ {
+ usedVariables.swap(m_usedVariables);
+ }
+ void useVariable(const Identifier* ident, bool isEval)
+ {
+ m_usesEval |= isEval;
+ m_usedVariables.add(ident->string().impl());
+ }
+ void setNeedsFullActivation() { m_needsFullActivation = true; }
- class Parser : Noncopyable {
- public:
- template <class ParsedNode> PassRefPtr<ParsedNode> parse(ExecState*, Debugger*, const SourceCode&, int* errLine = 0, UString* errMsg = 0);
- template <class ParsedNode> PassRefPtr<ParsedNode> reparse(JSGlobalData*, ParsedNode*);
- void reparseInPlace(JSGlobalData*, FunctionBodyNode*);
+ bool collectFreeVariables(Scope* nestedScope, bool shouldTrackClosedVariables)
+ {
+ if (nestedScope->m_usesEval)
+ m_usesEval = true;
+ IdentifierSet::iterator end = nestedScope->m_usedVariables.end();
+ for (IdentifierSet::iterator ptr = nestedScope->m_usedVariables.begin(); ptr != end; ++ptr) {
+ if (nestedScope->m_declaredVariables.contains(*ptr))
+ continue;
+ m_usedVariables.add(*ptr);
+ if (shouldTrackClosedVariables)
+ m_closedVariables.add(*ptr);
+ }
+ if (nestedScope->m_writtenVariables.size()) {
+ IdentifierSet::iterator end = nestedScope->m_writtenVariables.end();
+ for (IdentifierSet::iterator ptr = nestedScope->m_writtenVariables.begin(); ptr != end; ++ptr) {
+ if (nestedScope->m_declaredVariables.contains(*ptr))
+ continue;
+ m_writtenVariables.add(*ptr);
+ }
+ }
- void didFinishParsing(SourceElements*, ParserRefCountedData<DeclarationStacks::VarStack>*,
- ParserRefCountedData<DeclarationStacks::FunctionStack>*, CodeFeatures features, int lastLine, int numConstants);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void getCapturedVariables(IdentifierSet& capturedVariables, bool& modifiedParameter)
+ {
+ if (m_needsFullActivation || m_usesEval) {
+ modifiedParameter = true;
+ capturedVariables.swap(m_declaredVariables);
+ return;
+ }
+ for (IdentifierSet::iterator ptr = m_closedVariables.begin(); ptr != m_closedVariables.end(); ++ptr) {
+ if (!m_declaredVariables.contains(*ptr))
+ continue;
+ capturedVariables.add(*ptr);
+ }
+ modifiedParameter = false;
+ if (m_declaredParameters.size()) {
+ IdentifierSet::iterator end = m_writtenVariables.end();
+ for (IdentifierSet::iterator ptr = m_writtenVariables.begin(); ptr != end; ++ptr) {
+ if (!m_declaredParameters.contains(*ptr))
+ continue;
+ modifiedParameter = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void setStrictMode() { m_strictMode = true; }
+ bool strictMode() const { return m_strictMode; }
+ bool isValidStrictMode() const { return m_isValidStrictMode; }
+ bool shadowsArguments() const { return m_shadowsArguments; }
+ void copyCapturedVariablesToVector(const IdentifierSet& capturedVariables, Vector<RefPtr<StringImpl>>& vector)
+ {
+ IdentifierSet::iterator end = capturedVariables.end();
+ for (IdentifierSet::iterator it = capturedVariables.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
+ if (m_declaredVariables.contains(*it))
+ continue;
+ vector.append(*it);
+ }
+ }
+ void fillParametersForSourceProviderCache(SourceProviderCacheItemCreationParameters& parameters)
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_isFunction);
+ parameters.usesEval = m_usesEval;
+ parameters.strictMode = m_strictMode;
+ parameters.needsFullActivation = m_needsFullActivation;
+ copyCapturedVariablesToVector(m_writtenVariables, parameters.writtenVariables);
+ copyCapturedVariablesToVector(m_usedVariables, parameters.usedVariables);
+ }
+ void restoreFromSourceProviderCache(const SourceProviderCacheItem* info)
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_isFunction);
+ m_usesEval = info->usesEval;
+ m_strictMode = info->strictMode;
+ m_needsFullActivation = info->needsFullActivation;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < info->usedVariablesCount; ++i)
+ m_usedVariables.add(info->usedVariables()[i]);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < info->writtenVariablesCount; ++i)
+ m_writtenVariables.add(info->writtenVariables()[i]);
+ }
+ const VM* m_vm;
+ bool m_shadowsArguments : 1;
+ bool m_usesEval : 1;
+ bool m_needsFullActivation : 1;
+ bool m_allowsNewDecls : 1;
+ bool m_strictMode : 1;
+ bool m_isFunction : 1;
+ bool m_isFunctionBoundary : 1;
+ bool m_isValidStrictMode : 1;
+ int m_loopDepth;
+ int m_switchDepth;
+ typedef Vector<ScopeLabelInfo, 2> LabelStack;
+ OwnPtr<LabelStack> m_labels;
+ IdentifierSet m_declaredParameters;
+ IdentifierSet m_declaredVariables;
+ IdentifierSet m_usedVariables;
+ IdentifierSet m_closedVariables;
+ IdentifierSet m_writtenVariables;
+typedef Vector<Scope, 10> ScopeStack;
+struct ScopeRef {
+ ScopeRef(ScopeStack* scopeStack, unsigned index)
+ : m_scopeStack(scopeStack)
+ , m_index(index)
+ {
+ }
+ Scope* operator->() { return &m_scopeStack->at(m_index); }
+ unsigned index() const { return m_index; }
+ bool hasContainingScope()
+ {
+ return m_index && !m_scopeStack->at(m_index).isFunctionBoundary();
+ }
+ ScopeRef containingScope()
+ {
+ ASSERT(hasContainingScope());
+ return ScopeRef(m_scopeStack, m_index - 1);
+ }
+ ScopeStack* m_scopeStack;
+ unsigned m_index;
+template <typename LexerType>
+class Parser {
+ Parser(VM*, const SourceCode&, FunctionParameters*, const Identifier&, JSParserStrictness, JSParserMode);
+ ~Parser();
+ template <class ParsedNode>
+ PassRefPtr<ParsedNode> parse(ParserError&, bool needReparsingAdjustment);
+ JSTextPosition positionBeforeLastNewline() const { return m_lexer->positionBeforeLastNewline(); }
+ Vector<RefPtr<StringImpl>>&& closedVariables() { return WTF::move(m_closedVariables); }
+ struct AllowInOverride {
+ AllowInOverride(Parser* parser)
+ : m_parser(parser)
+ , m_oldAllowsIn(parser->m_allowsIn)
+ {
+ parser->m_allowsIn = true;
+ }
+ ~AllowInOverride()
+ {
+ m_parser->m_allowsIn = m_oldAllowsIn;
+ }
+ Parser* m_parser;
+ bool m_oldAllowsIn;
+ };
+ struct AutoPopScopeRef : public ScopeRef {
+ AutoPopScopeRef(Parser* parser, ScopeRef scope)
+ : ScopeRef(scope)
+ , m_parser(parser)
+ {
+ }
+ ~AutoPopScopeRef()
+ {
+ if (m_parser)
+ m_parser->popScope(*this, false);
+ }
+ void setPopped()
+ {
+ m_parser = 0;
+ }
- void parse(JSGlobalData*, int* errLine, UString* errMsg);
- const SourceCode* m_source;
- RefPtr<SourceElements> m_sourceElements;
- RefPtr<ParserRefCountedData<DeclarationStacks::VarStack> > m_varDeclarations;
- RefPtr<ParserRefCountedData<DeclarationStacks::FunctionStack> > m_funcDeclarations;
- CodeFeatures m_features;
- int m_lastLine;
- int m_numConstants;
+ Parser* m_parser;
- template <class ParsedNode> PassRefPtr<ParsedNode> Parser::parse(ExecState* exec, Debugger* debugger, const SourceCode& source, int* errLine, UString* errMsg)
+ ScopeRef currentScope()
+ {
+ return ScopeRef(&m_scopeStack, m_scopeStack.size() - 1);
+ }
+ ScopeRef pushScope()
- m_source = &source;
- parse(&exec->globalData(), errLine, errMsg);
- RefPtr<ParsedNode> result;
- if (m_sourceElements) {
- result = ParsedNode::create(&exec->globalData(),
- m_sourceElements.get(),
- m_varDeclarations ? &m_varDeclarations->data : 0,
- m_funcDeclarations ? &m_funcDeclarations->data : 0,
- *m_source,
- m_features,
- m_numConstants);
- result->setLoc(m_source->firstLine(), m_lastLine);
+ bool isFunction = false;
+ bool isStrict = false;
+ if (!m_scopeStack.isEmpty()) {
+ isStrict = m_scopeStack.last().strictMode();
+ isFunction = m_scopeStack.last().isFunction();
+ m_scopeStack.append(Scope(m_vm, isFunction, isStrict));
+ return currentScope();
+ }
+ bool popScopeInternal(ScopeRef& scope, bool shouldTrackClosedVariables)
+ {
+ ASSERT_UNUSED(scope, scope.index() == m_scopeStack.size() - 1);
+ ASSERT(m_scopeStack.size() > 1);
+ bool result = m_scopeStack[m_scopeStack.size() - 2].collectFreeVariables(&m_scopeStack.last(), shouldTrackClosedVariables);
+ m_scopeStack.removeLast();
+ return result;
+ }
+ bool popScope(ScopeRef& scope, bool shouldTrackClosedVariables)
+ {
+ return popScopeInternal(scope, shouldTrackClosedVariables);
+ }
+ bool popScope(AutoPopScopeRef& scope, bool shouldTrackClosedVariables)
+ {
+ scope.setPopped();
+ return popScopeInternal(scope, shouldTrackClosedVariables);
+ }
+ bool declareVariable(const Identifier* ident)
+ {
+ unsigned i = m_scopeStack.size() - 1;
+ ASSERT(i < m_scopeStack.size());
+ while (!m_scopeStack[i].allowsNewDecls()) {
+ i--;
+ ASSERT(i < m_scopeStack.size());
+ }
+ return m_scopeStack[i].declareVariable(ident);
+ }
+ NEVER_INLINE bool hasDeclaredVariable(const Identifier& ident)
+ {
+ unsigned i = m_scopeStack.size() - 1;
+ ASSERT(i < m_scopeStack.size());
+ while (!m_scopeStack[i].allowsNewDecls()) {
+ i--;
+ ASSERT(i < m_scopeStack.size());
+ }
+ return m_scopeStack[i].hasDeclaredVariable(ident);
+ }
+ NEVER_INLINE bool hasDeclaredParameter(const Identifier& ident)
+ {
+ unsigned i = m_scopeStack.size() - 1;
+ ASSERT(i < m_scopeStack.size());
+ while (!m_scopeStack[i].allowsNewDecls()) {
+ i--;
+ ASSERT(i < m_scopeStack.size());
+ }
+ return m_scopeStack[i].hasDeclaredParameter(ident);
+ }
+ void declareWrite(const Identifier* ident)
+ {
+ if (!m_syntaxAlreadyValidated || strictMode())
+ m_scopeStack.last().declareWrite(ident);
+ }
+ ScopeStack m_scopeStack;
+ const SourceProviderCacheItem* findCachedFunctionInfo(int openBracePos)
+ {
+ return m_functionCache ? m_functionCache->get(openBracePos) : 0;
+ }
- m_source = 0;
- m_sourceElements = 0;
- m_varDeclarations = 0;
- m_funcDeclarations = 0;
+ Parser();
+ String parseInner();
- if (debugger)
- debugger->sourceParsed(exec, source, *errLine, *errMsg);
- return result.release();
+ void didFinishParsing(SourceElements*, ParserArenaData<DeclarationStacks::VarStack>*,
+ ParserArenaData<DeclarationStacks::FunctionStack>*, CodeFeatures, int, IdentifierSet&, const Vector<RefPtr<StringImpl>>&&);
+ // Used to determine type of error to report.
+ bool isFunctionBodyNode(ScopeNode*) { return false; }
+ bool isFunctionBodyNode(FunctionBodyNode*) { return true; }
+ ALWAYS_INLINE void next(unsigned lexerFlags = 0)
+ {
+ int lastLine = m_token.m_location.line;
+ int lastTokenEnd = m_token.m_location.endOffset;
+ int lastTokenLineStart = m_token.m_location.lineStartOffset;
+ m_lastTokenEndPosition = JSTextPosition(lastLine, lastTokenEnd, lastTokenLineStart);
+ m_lexer->setLastLineNumber(lastLine);
+ m_token.m_type = m_lexer->lex(&m_token, lexerFlags, strictMode());
+ }
+ ALWAYS_INLINE void nextExpectIdentifier(unsigned lexerFlags = 0)
+ {
+ int lastLine = m_token.m_location.line;
+ int lastTokenEnd = m_token.m_location.endOffset;
+ int lastTokenLineStart = m_token.m_location.lineStartOffset;
+ m_lastTokenEndPosition = JSTextPosition(lastLine, lastTokenEnd, lastTokenLineStart);
+ m_lexer->setLastLineNumber(lastLine);
+ m_token.m_type = m_lexer->lexExpectIdentifier(&m_token, lexerFlags, strictMode());
- template <class ParsedNode> PassRefPtr<ParsedNode> Parser::reparse(JSGlobalData* globalData, ParsedNode* oldParsedNode)
+ ALWAYS_INLINE bool nextTokenIsColon()
- m_source = &oldParsedNode->source();
- parse(globalData, 0, 0);
- RefPtr<ParsedNode> result;
- if (m_sourceElements) {
- result = ParsedNode::create(globalData,
- m_sourceElements.get(),
- m_varDeclarations ? &m_varDeclarations->data : 0,
- m_funcDeclarations ? &m_funcDeclarations->data : 0,
- *m_source,
- oldParsedNode->features(),
- m_numConstants);
- result->setLoc(m_source->firstLine(), m_lastLine);
+ return m_lexer->nextTokenIsColon();
+ }
+ ALWAYS_INLINE bool consume(JSTokenType expected, unsigned flags = 0)
+ {
+ bool result = m_token.m_type == expected;
+ if (result)
+ next(flags);
+ return result;
+ }
+ void printUnexpectedTokenText(WTF::PrintStream&);
+ ALWAYS_INLINE String getToken() {
+ SourceProvider* sourceProvider = m_source->provider();
+ return sourceProvider->getRange(tokenStart(), tokenEndPosition().offset);
+ }
+ ALWAYS_INLINE bool match(JSTokenType expected)
+ {
+ return m_token.m_type == expected;
+ }
+ ALWAYS_INLINE bool isofToken()
+ {
+ return m_token.m_type == IDENT && *m_token.m_data.ident == m_vm->propertyNames->of;
+ }
+ ALWAYS_INLINE unsigned tokenStart()
+ {
+ return m_token.m_location.startOffset;
+ }
+ ALWAYS_INLINE const JSTextPosition& tokenStartPosition()
+ {
+ return m_token.m_startPosition;
+ }
+ ALWAYS_INLINE int tokenLine()
+ {
+ return m_token.m_location.line;
+ }
+ ALWAYS_INLINE int tokenColumn()
+ {
+ return tokenStart() - tokenLineStart();
+ }
+ ALWAYS_INLINE const JSTextPosition& tokenEndPosition()
+ {
+ return m_token.m_endPosition;
+ }
+ ALWAYS_INLINE unsigned tokenLineStart()
+ {
+ return m_token.m_location.lineStartOffset;
+ }
+ ALWAYS_INLINE const JSTokenLocation& tokenLocation()
+ {
+ return m_token.m_location;
+ }
+ void setErrorMessage(String msg)
+ {
+ m_errorMessage = msg;
+ }
+ NEVER_INLINE void logError(bool);
+ template <typename A> NEVER_INLINE void logError(bool, const A&);
+ template <typename A, typename B> NEVER_INLINE void logError(bool, const A&, const B&);
+ template <typename A, typename B, typename C> NEVER_INLINE void logError(bool, const A&, const B&, const C&);
+ template <typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D> NEVER_INLINE void logError(bool, const A&, const B&, const C&, const D&);
+ template <typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D, typename E> NEVER_INLINE void logError(bool, const A&, const B&, const C&, const D&, const E&);
+ template <typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D, typename E, typename F> NEVER_INLINE void logError(bool, const A&, const B&, const C&, const D&, const E&, const F&);
+ template <typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D, typename E, typename F, typename G> NEVER_INLINE void logError(bool, const A&, const B&, const C&, const D&, const E&, const F&, const G&);
+ NEVER_INLINE void updateErrorWithNameAndMessage(const char* beforeMsg, String name, const char* afterMsg)
+ {
+ m_errorMessage = makeString(beforeMsg, " '", name, "' ", afterMsg);
+ }
+ NEVER_INLINE void updateErrorMessage(const char* msg)
+ {
+ ASSERT(msg);
+ m_errorMessage = String(msg);
+ ASSERT(!m_errorMessage.isNull());
+ }
+ void startLoop() { currentScope()->startLoop(); }
+ void endLoop() { currentScope()->endLoop(); }
+ void startSwitch() { currentScope()->startSwitch(); }
+ void endSwitch() { currentScope()->endSwitch(); }
+ void setStrictMode() { currentScope()->setStrictMode(); }
+ bool strictMode() { return currentScope()->strictMode(); }
+ bool isValidStrictMode() { return currentScope()->isValidStrictMode(); }
+ bool declareParameter(const Identifier* ident) { return currentScope()->declareParameter(ident); }
+ Scope::BindingResult declareBoundParameter(const Identifier* ident) { return currentScope()->declareBoundParameter(ident); }
+ bool breakIsValid()
+ {
+ ScopeRef current = currentScope();
+ while (!current->breakIsValid()) {
+ if (!current.hasContainingScope())
+ return false;
+ current = current.containingScope();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool continueIsValid()
+ {
+ ScopeRef current = currentScope();
+ while (!current->continueIsValid()) {
+ if (!current.hasContainingScope())
+ return false;
+ current = current.containingScope();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void pushLabel(const Identifier* label, bool isLoop) { currentScope()->pushLabel(label, isLoop); }
+ void popLabel() { currentScope()->popLabel(); }
+ ScopeLabelInfo* getLabel(const Identifier* label)
+ {
+ ScopeRef current = currentScope();
+ ScopeLabelInfo* result = 0;
+ while (!(result = current->getLabel(label))) {
+ if (!current.hasContainingScope())
+ return 0;
+ current = current.containingScope();
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeSourceElements parseSourceElements(TreeBuilder&, SourceElementsMode);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeStatement parseStatement(TreeBuilder&, const Identifier*& directive, unsigned* directiveLiteralLength = 0);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeStatement parseFunctionDeclaration(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeStatement parseVarDeclaration(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeStatement parseConstDeclaration(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeStatement parseDoWhileStatement(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeStatement parseWhileStatement(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeStatement parseForStatement(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeStatement parseBreakStatement(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeStatement parseContinueStatement(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeStatement parseReturnStatement(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeStatement parseThrowStatement(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeStatement parseWithStatement(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeStatement parseSwitchStatement(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeClauseList parseSwitchClauses(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeClause parseSwitchDefaultClause(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeStatement parseTryStatement(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeStatement parseDebuggerStatement(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeStatement parseExpressionStatement(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeStatement parseExpressionOrLabelStatement(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeStatement parseIfStatement(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeStatement parseBlockStatement(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeExpression parseExpression(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeExpression parseAssignmentExpression(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> ALWAYS_INLINE TreeExpression parseConditionalExpression(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> ALWAYS_INLINE TreeExpression parseBinaryExpression(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> ALWAYS_INLINE TreeExpression parseUnaryExpression(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeExpression parseMemberExpression(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> ALWAYS_INLINE TreeExpression parsePrimaryExpression(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> ALWAYS_INLINE TreeExpression parseArrayLiteral(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> ALWAYS_INLINE TreeExpression parseObjectLiteral(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> NEVER_INLINE TreeExpression parseStrictObjectLiteral(TreeBuilder&);
+ enum SpreadMode { AllowSpread, DontAllowSpread };
+ template <class TreeBuilder> ALWAYS_INLINE TreeArguments parseArguments(TreeBuilder&, SpreadMode);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeProperty parseProperty(TreeBuilder&, bool strict);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> ALWAYS_INLINE TreeFunctionBody parseFunctionBody(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> ALWAYS_INLINE TreeFormalParameterList parseFormalParameters(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> TreeExpression parseVarDeclarationList(TreeBuilder&, int& declarations, TreeDeconstructionPattern& lastPattern, TreeExpression& lastInitializer, JSTextPosition& identStart, JSTextPosition& initStart, JSTextPosition& initEnd);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> NEVER_INLINE TreeConstDeclList parseConstDeclarationList(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> NEVER_INLINE TreeDeconstructionPattern createBindingPattern(TreeBuilder&, DeconstructionKind, const Identifier&, int depth);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> NEVER_INLINE TreeDeconstructionPattern parseDeconstructionPattern(TreeBuilder&, DeconstructionKind, int depth = 0);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> NEVER_INLINE TreeDeconstructionPattern tryParseDeconstructionPatternExpression(TreeBuilder&);
+ template <class TreeBuilder> NEVER_INLINE bool parseFunctionInfo(TreeBuilder&, FunctionRequirements, FunctionParseMode, bool nameIsInContainingScope, const Identifier*&, TreeFormalParameterList&, TreeFunctionBody&, unsigned& openBraceOffset, unsigned& closeBraceOffset, int& bodyStartLine, unsigned& bodyStartColumn);
+ ALWAYS_INLINE int isBinaryOperator(JSTokenType);
+ bool allowAutomaticSemicolon();
+ bool autoSemiColon()
+ {
+ if (m_token.m_type == SEMICOLON) {
+ next();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return allowAutomaticSemicolon();
+ }
+ bool canRecurse()
+ {
+ return m_vm->isSafeToRecurse();
+ }
+ const JSTextPosition& lastTokenEndPosition() const
+ {
+ return m_lastTokenEndPosition;
+ }
+ bool hasError() const
+ {
+ return !m_errorMessage.isNull();
+ }
+ struct SavePoint {
+ int startOffset;
+ unsigned oldLineStartOffset;
+ unsigned oldLastLineNumber;
+ unsigned oldLineNumber;
+ };
+ ALWAYS_INLINE SavePoint createSavePoint()
+ {
+ ASSERT(!hasError());
+ SavePoint result;
+ result.startOffset = m_token.m_location.startOffset;
+ result.oldLineStartOffset = m_token.m_location.lineStartOffset;
+ result.oldLastLineNumber = m_lexer->lastLineNumber();
+ result.oldLineNumber = m_lexer->lineNumber();
+ return result;
+ }
+ ALWAYS_INLINE void restoreSavePoint(const SavePoint& savePoint)
+ {
+ m_errorMessage = String();
+ m_lexer->setOffset(savePoint.startOffset, savePoint.oldLineStartOffset);
+ next();
+ m_lexer->setLastLineNumber(savePoint.oldLastLineNumber);
+ m_lexer->setLineNumber(savePoint.oldLineNumber);
+ }
+ struct ParserState {
+ int assignmentCount;
+ int nonLHSCount;
+ int nonTrivialExpressionCount;
+ };
+ ALWAYS_INLINE ParserState saveState()
+ {
+ ParserState result;
+ result.assignmentCount = m_assignmentCount;
+ result.nonLHSCount = m_nonLHSCount;
+ result.nonTrivialExpressionCount = m_nonTrivialExpressionCount;
+ return result;
+ }
+ ALWAYS_INLINE void restoreState(const ParserState& state)
+ {
+ m_assignmentCount = state.assignmentCount;
+ m_nonLHSCount = state.nonLHSCount;
+ m_nonTrivialExpressionCount = state.nonTrivialExpressionCount;
+ }
+ VM* m_vm;
+ const SourceCode* m_source;
+ ParserArena* m_arena;
+ OwnPtr<LexerType> m_lexer;
+ bool m_hasStackOverflow;
+ String m_errorMessage;
+ JSToken m_token;
+ bool m_allowsIn;
+ JSTextPosition m_lastTokenEndPosition;
+ int m_assignmentCount;
+ int m_nonLHSCount;
+ bool m_syntaxAlreadyValidated;
+ int m_statementDepth;
+ int m_nonTrivialExpressionCount;
+ const Identifier* m_lastIdentifier;
+ const Identifier* m_lastFunctionName;
+ RefPtr<SourceProviderCache> m_functionCache;
+ SourceElements* m_sourceElements;
+ bool m_parsingBuiltin;
+ ParserArenaData<DeclarationStacks::VarStack>* m_varDeclarations;
+ ParserArenaData<DeclarationStacks::FunctionStack>* m_funcDeclarations;
+ IdentifierSet m_capturedVariables;
+ Vector<RefPtr<StringImpl>> m_closedVariables;
+ CodeFeatures m_features;
+ int m_numConstants;
+ struct DepthManager {
+ DepthManager(int* depth)
+ : m_originalDepth(*depth)
+ , m_depth(depth)
+ {
+ ~DepthManager()
+ {
+ *m_depth = m_originalDepth;
+ }
+ private:
+ int m_originalDepth;
+ int* m_depth;
+ };
+template <typename LexerType>
+template <class ParsedNode>
+PassRefPtr<ParsedNode> Parser<LexerType>::parse(ParserError& error, bool needReparsingAdjustment)
+ int errLine;
+ String errMsg;
+ if (ParsedNode::scopeIsFunction && needReparsingAdjustment)
+ m_lexer->setIsReparsing();
- m_source = 0;
+ m_sourceElements = 0;
+ errLine = -1;
+ errMsg = String();
+ JSTokenLocation startLocation(tokenLocation());
+ ASSERT(m_source->startColumn() > 0);
+ unsigned startColumn = m_source->startColumn() - 1;
+ String parseError = parseInner();
+ int lineNumber = m_lexer->lineNumber();
+ bool lexError = m_lexer->sawError();
+ String lexErrorMessage = lexError ? m_lexer->getErrorMessage() : String();
+ ASSERT(lexErrorMessage.isNull() != lexError);
+ m_lexer->clear();
+ if (!parseError.isNull() || lexError) {
+ errLine = lineNumber;
+ errMsg = !lexErrorMessage.isNull() ? lexErrorMessage : parseError;
m_sourceElements = 0;
- m_varDeclarations = 0;
- m_funcDeclarations = 0;
+ }
- return result.release();
+ RefPtr<ParsedNode> result;
+ if (m_sourceElements) {
+ JSTokenLocation endLocation;
+ endLocation.line = m_lexer->lineNumber();
+ endLocation.lineStartOffset = m_lexer->currentLineStartOffset();
+ endLocation.startOffset = m_lexer->currentOffset();
+ unsigned endColumn = endLocation.startOffset - endLocation.lineStartOffset;
+ result = ParsedNode::create(m_vm,
+ startLocation,
+ endLocation,
+ startColumn,
+ endColumn,
+ m_sourceElements,
+ m_varDeclarations ? &m_varDeclarations->data : 0,
+ m_funcDeclarations ? &m_funcDeclarations->data : 0,
+ m_capturedVariables,
+ *m_source,
+ m_features,
+ m_numConstants);
+ result->setLoc(m_source->firstLine(), m_lexer->lineNumber(), m_lexer->currentOffset(), m_lexer->currentLineStartOffset());
+ } else {
+ // We can never see a syntax error when reparsing a function, since we should have
+ // reported the error when parsing the containing program or eval code. So if we're
+ // parsing a function body node, we assume that what actually happened here is that
+ // we ran out of stack while parsing. If we see an error while parsing eval or program
+ // code we assume that it was a syntax error since running out of stack is much less
+ // likely, and we are currently unable to distinguish between the two cases.
+ if (isFunctionBodyNode(static_cast<ParsedNode*>(0)) || m_hasStackOverflow)
+ error = ParserError(ParserError::StackOverflow, ParserError::SyntaxErrorNone, m_token);
+ else {
+ ParserError::SyntaxErrorType errorType = ParserError::SyntaxErrorIrrecoverable;
+ if (m_token.m_type == EOFTOK)
+ errorType = ParserError::SyntaxErrorRecoverable;
+ else if (m_token.m_type & UnterminatedErrorTokenFlag)
+ errorType = ParserError::SyntaxErrorUnterminatedLiteral;
+ if (isEvalNode<ParsedNode>())
+ error = ParserError(ParserError::EvalError, errorType, m_token, errMsg, errLine);
+ else
+ error = ParserError(ParserError::SyntaxError, errorType, m_token, errMsg, errLine);
+ }
-} // namespace JSC
+ m_arena->reset();
+ return result.release();
+template <class ParsedNode>
+PassRefPtr<ParsedNode> parse(VM* vm, const SourceCode& source, FunctionParameters* parameters, const Identifier& name, JSParserStrictness strictness, JSParserMode parserMode, ParserError& error, JSTextPosition* positionBeforeLastNewline = 0, bool needReparsingAdjustment = false)
+ SamplingRegion samplingRegion("Parsing");
+ ASSERT(!source.provider()->source().isNull());
+ if (source.provider()->source().is8Bit()) {
+ Parser<Lexer<LChar>> parser(vm, source, parameters, name, strictness, parserMode);
+ RefPtr<ParsedNode> result = parser.parse<ParsedNode>(error, needReparsingAdjustment);
+ if (positionBeforeLastNewline)
+ *positionBeforeLastNewline = parser.positionBeforeLastNewline();
+ if (strictness == JSParseBuiltin) {
+ if (!result)
+ WTF::dataLog("Error compiling builtin: ", error.m_message, "\n");
+ result->setClosedVariables(parser.closedVariables());
+ }
+ return result.release();
+ }
+ Parser<Lexer<UChar>> parser(vm, source, parameters, name, strictness, parserMode);
+ RefPtr<ParsedNode> result = parser.parse<ParsedNode>(error, needReparsingAdjustment);
+ if (positionBeforeLastNewline)
+ *positionBeforeLastNewline = parser.positionBeforeLastNewline();
+ return result.release();
-#endif // Parser_h
+} // namespace