* Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Harri Porten (porten@kde.org)
- * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2007 Cameron Zwarich (cwzwarich@uwaterloo.ca)
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 Zoltan Herczeg (zherczeg@inf.u-szeged.hu)
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Mathias Bynens (mathias@qiwi.be)
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
#include "Lexer.h"
#include "JSFunction.h"
#include "JSGlobalObjectFunctions.h"
+#include "Identifier.h"
#include "NodeInfo.h"
#include "Nodes.h"
-#include "dtoa.h"
+#include <wtf/dtoa.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
-#include <wtf/ASCIICType.h>
#include <wtf/Assertions.h>
-#include <wtf/unicode/Unicode.h>
using namespace WTF;
using namespace Unicode;
-// we can't specify the namespace in yacc's C output, so do it here
-using namespace JSC;
-#ifndef KDE_USE_FINAL
-#include "Grammar.h"
-#include "Lookup.h"
+#include "KeywordLookup.h"
#include "Lexer.lut.h"
+#include "Parser.h"
-// a bridge for yacc from the C world to C++
-int jscyylex(void* lvalp, void* llocp, void* globalData)
+namespace JSC {
+Keywords::Keywords(JSGlobalData* globalData)
+ : m_globalData(globalData)
+ , m_keywordTable(JSC::mainTable)
- return static_cast<JSGlobalData*>(globalData)->lexer->lex(lvalp, llocp);
-namespace JSC {
+enum CharacterType {
+ // Types for the main switch
+ // The first three types are fixed, and also used for identifying
+ // ASCII alpha and alphanumeric characters (see isIdentStart and isIdentPart).
+ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+ CharacterZero,
+ CharacterNumber,
-static bool isDecimalDigit(int);
-Lexer::Lexer(JSGlobalData* globalData)
- : yylineno(1)
- , m_restrKeyword(false)
- , m_eatNextIdentifier(false)
- , m_stackToken(-1)
- , m_lastToken(-1)
- , m_position(0)
- , m_code(0)
- , m_length(0)
- , m_isReparsing(false)
- , m_atLineStart(true)
- , m_current(0)
- , m_next1(0)
- , m_next2(0)
- , m_next3(0)
- , m_currentOffset(0)
- , m_nextOffset1(0)
- , m_nextOffset2(0)
- , m_nextOffset3(0)
+ CharacterInvalid,
+ CharacterLineTerminator,
+ CharacterExclamationMark,
+ CharacterOpenParen,
+ CharacterCloseParen,
+ CharacterOpenBracket,
+ CharacterCloseBracket,
+ CharacterComma,
+ CharacterColon,
+ CharacterQuestion,
+ CharacterTilde,
+ CharacterQuote,
+ CharacterDot,
+ CharacterSlash,
+ CharacterBackSlash,
+ CharacterSemicolon,
+ CharacterOpenBrace,
+ CharacterCloseBrace,
+ CharacterAdd,
+ CharacterSub,
+ CharacterMultiply,
+ CharacterModulo,
+ CharacterAnd,
+ CharacterXor,
+ CharacterOr,
+ CharacterLess,
+ CharacterGreater,
+ CharacterEqual,
+ // Other types (only one so far)
+ CharacterWhiteSpace,
+// 256 Latin-1 codes
+static const unsigned short typesOfLatin1Characters[256] = {
+/* 0 - Null */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 1 - Start of Heading */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 2 - Start of Text */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 3 - End of Text */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 4 - End of Transm. */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 5 - Enquiry */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 6 - Acknowledgment */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 7 - Bell */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 8 - Back Space */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 9 - Horizontal Tab */ CharacterWhiteSpace,
+/* 10 - Line Feed */ CharacterLineTerminator,
+/* 11 - Vertical Tab */ CharacterWhiteSpace,
+/* 12 - Form Feed */ CharacterWhiteSpace,
+/* 13 - Carriage Return */ CharacterLineTerminator,
+/* 14 - Shift Out */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 15 - Shift In */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 16 - Data Line Escape */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 17 - Device Control 1 */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 18 - Device Control 2 */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 19 - Device Control 3 */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 20 - Device Control 4 */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 21 - Negative Ack. */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 22 - Synchronous Idle */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 23 - End of Transmit */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 24 - Cancel */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 25 - End of Medium */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 26 - Substitute */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 27 - Escape */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 28 - File Separator */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 29 - Group Separator */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 30 - Record Separator */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 31 - Unit Separator */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 32 - Space */ CharacterWhiteSpace,
+/* 33 - ! */ CharacterExclamationMark,
+/* 34 - " */ CharacterQuote,
+/* 35 - # */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 36 - $ */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 37 - % */ CharacterModulo,
+/* 38 - & */ CharacterAnd,
+/* 39 - ' */ CharacterQuote,
+/* 40 - ( */ CharacterOpenParen,
+/* 41 - ) */ CharacterCloseParen,
+/* 42 - * */ CharacterMultiply,
+/* 43 - + */ CharacterAdd,
+/* 44 - , */ CharacterComma,
+/* 45 - - */ CharacterSub,
+/* 46 - . */ CharacterDot,
+/* 47 - / */ CharacterSlash,
+/* 48 - 0 */ CharacterZero,
+/* 49 - 1 */ CharacterNumber,
+/* 50 - 2 */ CharacterNumber,
+/* 51 - 3 */ CharacterNumber,
+/* 52 - 4 */ CharacterNumber,
+/* 53 - 5 */ CharacterNumber,
+/* 54 - 6 */ CharacterNumber,
+/* 55 - 7 */ CharacterNumber,
+/* 56 - 8 */ CharacterNumber,
+/* 57 - 9 */ CharacterNumber,
+/* 58 - : */ CharacterColon,
+/* 59 - ; */ CharacterSemicolon,
+/* 60 - < */ CharacterLess,
+/* 61 - = */ CharacterEqual,
+/* 62 - > */ CharacterGreater,
+/* 63 - ? */ CharacterQuestion,
+/* 64 - @ */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 65 - A */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 66 - B */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 67 - C */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 68 - D */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 69 - E */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 70 - F */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 71 - G */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 72 - H */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 73 - I */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 74 - J */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 75 - K */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 76 - L */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 77 - M */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 78 - N */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 79 - O */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 80 - P */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 81 - Q */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 82 - R */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 83 - S */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 84 - T */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 85 - U */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 86 - V */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 87 - W */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 88 - X */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 89 - Y */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 90 - Z */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 91 - [ */ CharacterOpenBracket,
+/* 92 - \ */ CharacterBackSlash,
+/* 93 - ] */ CharacterCloseBracket,
+/* 94 - ^ */ CharacterXor,
+/* 95 - _ */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 96 - ` */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 97 - a */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 98 - b */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 99 - c */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 100 - d */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 101 - e */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 102 - f */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 103 - g */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 104 - h */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 105 - i */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 106 - j */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 107 - k */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 108 - l */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 109 - m */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 110 - n */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 111 - o */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 112 - p */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 113 - q */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 114 - r */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 115 - s */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 116 - t */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 117 - u */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 118 - v */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 119 - w */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 120 - x */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 121 - y */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 122 - z */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 123 - { */ CharacterOpenBrace,
+/* 124 - | */ CharacterOr,
+/* 125 - } */ CharacterCloseBrace,
+/* 126 - ~ */ CharacterTilde,
+/* 127 - Delete */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 128 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 129 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 130 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 131 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 132 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 133 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 134 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 135 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 136 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 137 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 138 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 139 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 140 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 141 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 142 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 143 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 144 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 145 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 146 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 147 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 148 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 149 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 150 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 151 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 152 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 153 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 154 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 155 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 156 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 157 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 158 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 159 - Cc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 160 - Zs category (nbsp) */ CharacterWhiteSpace,
+/* 161 - Po category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 162 - Sc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 163 - Sc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 164 - Sc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 165 - Sc category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 166 - So category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 167 - So category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 168 - Sk category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 169 - So category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 170 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 171 - Pi category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 172 - Sm category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 173 - Cf category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 174 - So category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 175 - Sk category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 176 - So category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 177 - Sm category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 178 - No category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 179 - No category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 180 - Sk category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 181 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 182 - So category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 183 - Po category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 184 - Sk category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 185 - No category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 186 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 187 - Pf category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 188 - No category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 189 - No category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 190 - No category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 191 - Po category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 192 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 193 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 194 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 195 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 196 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 197 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 198 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 199 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 200 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 201 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 202 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 203 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 204 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 205 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 206 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 207 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 208 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 209 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 210 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 211 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 212 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 213 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 214 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 215 - Sm category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 216 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 217 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 218 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 219 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 220 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 221 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 222 - Lu category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 223 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 224 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 225 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 226 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 227 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 228 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 229 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 230 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 231 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 232 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 233 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 234 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 235 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 236 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 237 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 238 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 239 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 240 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 241 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 242 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 243 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 244 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 245 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 246 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 247 - Sm category */ CharacterInvalid,
+/* 248 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 249 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 250 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 251 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 252 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 253 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 254 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
+/* 255 - Ll category */ CharacterIdentifierStart
+template <typename T>
+Lexer<T>::Lexer(JSGlobalData* globalData)
+ : m_isReparsing(false)
, m_globalData(globalData)
- , m_mainTable(JSC::mainTable)
- m_buffer8.reserveInitialCapacity(initialReadBufferCapacity);
- m_buffer16.reserveInitialCapacity(initialReadBufferCapacity);
+template <typename T>
- m_mainTable.deleteTable();
-void Lexer::setCode(const SourceCode& source)
+template <typename T>
+UString Lexer<T>::invalidCharacterMessage() const
- yylineno = source.firstLine();
- m_restrKeyword = false;
- m_delimited = false;
- m_eatNextIdentifier = false;
- m_stackToken = -1;
+ switch (m_current) {
+ case 0:
+ return "Invalid character: '\\0'";
+ case 10:
+ return "Invalid character: '\\n'";
+ case 11:
+ return "Invalid character: '\\v'";
+ case 13:
+ return "Invalid character: '\\r'";
+ case 35:
+ return "Invalid character: '#'";
+ case 64:
+ return "Invalid character: '@'";
+ case 96:
+ return "Invalid character: '`'";
+ default:
+ return String::format("Invalid character '\\u%04u'", static_cast<unsigned>(m_current)).impl();
+ }
+template <typename T>
+ALWAYS_INLINE const T* Lexer<T>::currentCharacter() const
+ ASSERT(m_code <= m_codeEnd);
+ return m_code;
+template <typename T>
+void Lexer<T>::setCode(const SourceCode& source, ParserArena* arena)
+ m_arena = &arena->identifierArena();
+ m_lineNumber = source.firstLine();
m_lastToken = -1;
+ const StringImpl* sourceString = source.provider()->data();
+ if (sourceString)
+ setCodeStart(sourceString);
+ else
+ m_codeStart = 0;
- m_position = source.startOffset();
m_source = &source;
- m_code = source.provider()->data();
- m_length = source.endOffset();
- m_skipLF = false;
- m_skipCR = false;
+ m_code = m_codeStart + source.startOffset();
+ m_codeEnd = m_codeStart + source.endOffset();
m_error = false;
m_atLineStart = true;
+ m_lexErrorMessage = UString();
+ m_buffer8.reserveInitialCapacity(initialReadBufferCapacity);
+ m_buffer16.reserveInitialCapacity((m_codeEnd - m_code) / 2);
+ if (LIKELY(m_code < m_codeEnd))
+ m_current = *m_code;
+ else
+ m_current = 0;
+ ASSERT(currentOffset() == source.startOffset());
- // read first characters
- shift(4);
+template <typename T>
+template <int shiftAmount> ALWAYS_INLINE void Lexer<T>::internalShift()
+ m_code += shiftAmount;
+ m_current = *m_code;
-void Lexer::shift(unsigned p)
+template <typename T>
+ALWAYS_INLINE void Lexer<T>::shift()
- // ECMA-262 calls for stripping Cf characters here, but we only do this for BOM,
- // see <https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4931>.
+ // At one point timing showed that setting m_current to 0 unconditionally was faster than an if-else sequence.
+ m_current = 0;
+ ++m_code;
+ if (LIKELY(m_code < m_codeEnd))
+ m_current = *m_code;
- while (p--) {
- m_current = m_next1;
- m_next1 = m_next2;
- m_next2 = m_next3;
- m_currentOffset = m_nextOffset1;
- m_nextOffset1 = m_nextOffset2;
- m_nextOffset2 = m_nextOffset3;
- do {
- if (m_position >= m_length) {
- m_nextOffset3 = m_position;
- m_position++;
- m_next3 = -1;
- break;
- }
- m_nextOffset3 = m_position;
- m_next3 = m_code[m_position++];
- } while (m_next3 == 0xFEFF);
- }
+template <typename T>
+ALWAYS_INLINE bool Lexer<T>::atEnd() const
+ ASSERT(!m_current || m_code < m_codeEnd);
+ return UNLIKELY(UNLIKELY(!m_current) && m_code == m_codeEnd);
-// called on each new line
-void Lexer::nextLine()
+template <typename T>
+ALWAYS_INLINE T Lexer<T>::peek(int offset) const
- yylineno++;
- m_atLineStart = true;
+ ASSERT(offset > 0 && offset < 5);
+ const T* code = m_code + offset;
+ return (code < m_codeEnd) ? *code : 0;
-void Lexer::setDone(State s)
+template <typename T>
+int Lexer<T>::parseFourDigitUnicodeHex()
- m_state = s;
- m_done = true;
+ T char1 = peek(1);
+ T char2 = peek(2);
+ T char3 = peek(3);
+ if (UNLIKELY(!isASCIIHexDigit(m_current) || !isASCIIHexDigit(char1) || !isASCIIHexDigit(char2) || !isASCIIHexDigit(char3)))
+ return -1;
+ int result = convertUnicode(m_current, char1, char2, char3);
+ shift();
+ shift();
+ shift();
+ shift();
+ return result;
-int Lexer::lex(void* p1, void* p2)
+template <typename T>
+void Lexer<T>::shiftLineTerminator()
- YYSTYPE* lvalp = static_cast<YYSTYPE*>(p1);
- YYLTYPE* llocp = static_cast<YYLTYPE*>(p2);
- int token = 0;
- m_state = Start;
- unsigned short stringType = 0; // either single or double quotes
- m_buffer8.clear();
- m_buffer16.clear();
- m_done = false;
- m_terminator = false;
- m_skipLF = false;
- m_skipCR = false;
- // did we push a token on the stack previously ?
- // (after an automatic semicolon insertion)
- if (m_stackToken >= 0) {
- setDone(Other);
- token = m_stackToken;
- m_stackToken = 0;
- }
- int startOffset = m_currentOffset;
- while (!m_done) {
- if (m_skipLF && m_current != '\n') // found \r but not \n afterwards
- m_skipLF = false;
- if (m_skipCR && m_current != '\r') // found \n but not \r afterwards
- m_skipCR = false;
- if (m_skipLF || m_skipCR) { // found \r\n or \n\r -> eat the second one
- m_skipLF = false;
- m_skipCR = false;
- shift(1);
- }
- switch (m_state) {
- case Start:
- startOffset = m_currentOffset;
- if (isWhiteSpace()) {
- // do nothing
- } else if (m_current == '/' && m_next1 == '/') {
- shift(1);
- m_state = InSingleLineComment;
- } else if (m_current == '/' && m_next1 == '*') {
- shift(1);
- m_state = InMultiLineComment;
- } else if (m_current == -1) {
- if (!m_terminator && !m_delimited && !m_isReparsing) {
- // automatic semicolon insertion if program incomplete
- token = ';';
- m_stackToken = 0;
- setDone(Other);
- } else
- setDone(Eof);
- } else if (isLineTerminator()) {
- nextLine();
- m_terminator = true;
- if (m_restrKeyword) {
- token = ';';
- setDone(Other);
- }
- } else if (m_current == '"' || m_current == '\'') {
- m_state = InString;
- stringType = static_cast<unsigned short>(m_current);
- } else if (isIdentStart(m_current)) {
- record16(m_current);
- m_state = InIdentifierOrKeyword;
- } else if (m_current == '\\')
- m_state = InIdentifierStartUnicodeEscapeStart;
- else if (m_current == '0') {
- record8(m_current);
- m_state = InNum0;
- } else if (isDecimalDigit(m_current)) {
- record8(m_current);
- m_state = InNum;
- } else if (m_current == '.' && isDecimalDigit(m_next1)) {
- record8(m_current);
- m_state = InDecimal;
- // <!-- marks the beginning of a line comment (for www usage)
- } else if (m_current == '<' && m_next1 == '!' && m_next2 == '-' && m_next3 == '-') {
- shift(3);
- m_state = InSingleLineComment;
- // same for -->
- } else if (m_atLineStart && m_current == '-' && m_next1 == '-' && m_next2 == '>') {
- shift(2);
- m_state = InSingleLineComment;
- } else {
- token = matchPunctuator(lvalp->intValue, m_current, m_next1, m_next2, m_next3);
- if (token != -1)
- setDone(Other);
- else
- setDone(Bad);
- }
- break;
- case InString:
- if (m_current == stringType) {
- shift(1);
- setDone(String);
- } else if (isLineTerminator() || m_current == -1)
- setDone(Bad);
- else if (m_current == '\\')
- m_state = InEscapeSequence;
- else
- record16(m_current);
- break;
- // Escape Sequences inside of strings
- case InEscapeSequence:
- if (isOctalDigit(m_current)) {
- if (m_current >= '0' && m_current <= '3' &&
- isOctalDigit(m_next1) && isOctalDigit(m_next2)) {
- record16(convertOctal(m_current, m_next1, m_next2));
- shift(2);
- m_state = InString;
- } else if (isOctalDigit(m_current) && isOctalDigit(m_next1)) {
- record16(convertOctal('0', m_current, m_next1));
- shift(1);
- m_state = InString;
- } else if (isOctalDigit(m_current)) {
- record16(convertOctal('0', '0', m_current));
- m_state = InString;
- } else
- setDone(Bad);
- } else if (m_current == 'x')
- m_state = InHexEscape;
- else if (m_current == 'u')
- m_state = InUnicodeEscape;
- else if (isLineTerminator()) {
- nextLine();
- m_state = InString;
- } else {
- record16(singleEscape(static_cast<unsigned short>(m_current)));
- m_state = InString;
- }
- break;
- case InHexEscape:
- if (isHexDigit(m_current) && isHexDigit(m_next1)) {
- m_state = InString;
- record16(convertHex(m_current, m_next1));
- shift(1);
- } else if (m_current == stringType) {
- record16('x');
- shift(1);
- setDone(String);
- } else {
- record16('x');
- record16(m_current);
- m_state = InString;
- }
- break;
- case InUnicodeEscape:
- if (isHexDigit(m_current) && isHexDigit(m_next1) && isHexDigit(m_next2) && isHexDigit(m_next3)) {
- record16(convertUnicode(m_current, m_next1, m_next2, m_next3));
- shift(3);
- m_state = InString;
- } else if (m_current == stringType) {
- record16('u');
- shift(1);
- setDone(String);
- } else
- setDone(Bad);
- break;
- case InSingleLineComment:
- if (isLineTerminator()) {
- nextLine();
- m_terminator = true;
- if (m_restrKeyword) {
- token = ';';
- setDone(Other);
- } else
- m_state = Start;
- } else if (m_current == -1)
- setDone(Eof);
- break;
- case InMultiLineComment:
- if (m_current == -1)
- setDone(Bad);
- else if (isLineTerminator())
- nextLine();
- else if (m_current == '*' && m_next1 == '/') {
- m_state = Start;
- shift(1);
- }
- break;
- case InIdentifierOrKeyword:
- case InIdentifier:
- if (isIdentPart(m_current))
- record16(m_current);
- else if (m_current == '\\')
- m_state = InIdentifierPartUnicodeEscapeStart;
- else
- setDone(m_state == InIdentifierOrKeyword ? IdentifierOrKeyword : Identifier);
- break;
- case InNum0:
- if (m_current == 'x' || m_current == 'X') {
- record8(m_current);
- m_state = InHex;
- } else if (m_current == '.') {
- record8(m_current);
- m_state = InDecimal;
- } else if (m_current == 'e' || m_current == 'E') {
- record8(m_current);
- m_state = InExponentIndicator;
- } else if (isOctalDigit(m_current)) {
- record8(m_current);
- m_state = InOctal;
- } else if (isDecimalDigit(m_current)) {
- record8(m_current);
- m_state = InDecimal;
- } else
- setDone(Number);
- break;
- case InHex:
- if (isHexDigit(m_current))
- record8(m_current);
- else
- setDone(Hex);
- break;
- case InOctal:
- if (isOctalDigit(m_current))
- record8(m_current);
- else if (isDecimalDigit(m_current)) {
- record8(m_current);
- m_state = InDecimal;
- } else
- setDone(Octal);
- break;
- case InNum:
- if (isDecimalDigit(m_current))
- record8(m_current);
- else if (m_current == '.') {
- record8(m_current);
- m_state = InDecimal;
- } else if (m_current == 'e' || m_current == 'E') {
- record8(m_current);
- m_state = InExponentIndicator;
- } else
- setDone(Number);
- break;
- case InDecimal:
- if (isDecimalDigit(m_current))
- record8(m_current);
- else if (m_current == 'e' || m_current == 'E') {
- record8(m_current);
- m_state = InExponentIndicator;
- } else
- setDone(Number);
- break;
- case InExponentIndicator:
- if (m_current == '+' || m_current == '-')
- record8(m_current);
- else if (isDecimalDigit(m_current)) {
- record8(m_current);
- m_state = InExponent;
- } else
- setDone(Bad);
- break;
- case InExponent:
- if (isDecimalDigit(m_current))
- record8(m_current);
- else
- setDone(Number);
- break;
- case InIdentifierStartUnicodeEscapeStart:
- if (m_current == 'u')
- m_state = InIdentifierStartUnicodeEscape;
- else
- setDone(Bad);
- break;
- case InIdentifierPartUnicodeEscapeStart:
- if (m_current == 'u')
- m_state = InIdentifierPartUnicodeEscape;
- else
- setDone(Bad);
- break;
- case InIdentifierStartUnicodeEscape:
- if (!isHexDigit(m_current) || !isHexDigit(m_next1) || !isHexDigit(m_next2) || !isHexDigit(m_next3)) {
- setDone(Bad);
- break;
- }
- token = convertUnicode(m_current, m_next1, m_next2, m_next3);
- shift(3);
- if (!isIdentStart(token)) {
- setDone(Bad);
- break;
- }
- record16(token);
- m_state = InIdentifier;
- break;
- case InIdentifierPartUnicodeEscape:
- if (!isHexDigit(m_current) || !isHexDigit(m_next1) || !isHexDigit(m_next2) || !isHexDigit(m_next3)) {
- setDone(Bad);
- break;
- }
- token = convertUnicode(m_current, m_next1, m_next2, m_next3);
- shift(3);
- if (!isIdentPart(token)) {
- setDone(Bad);
- break;
- }
- record16(token);
- m_state = InIdentifier;
- break;
- default:
- ASSERT(!"Unhandled state in switch statement");
- }
+ ASSERT(isLineTerminator(m_current));
- // move on to the next character
- if (!m_done)
- shift(1);
- if (m_state != Start && m_state != InSingleLineComment)
- m_atLineStart = false;
- }
+ T prev = m_current;
+ shift();
- // no identifiers allowed directly after numeric literal, e.g. "3in" is bad
- if ((m_state == Number || m_state == Octal || m_state == Hex) && isIdentStart(m_current))
- m_state = Bad;
+ // Allow both CRLF and LFCR.
+ if (prev + m_current == '\n' + '\r')
+ shift();
- // terminate string
- m_buffer8.append('\0');
+ ++m_lineNumber;
- fprintf(stderr, "line: %d ", lineNo());
- fprintf(stderr, "yytext (%x): ", m_buffer8[0]);
- fprintf(stderr, "%s ", m_buffer8.data());
+template <typename T>
+ALWAYS_INLINE bool Lexer<T>::lastTokenWasRestrKeyword() const
+ return m_lastToken == CONTINUE || m_lastToken == BREAK || m_lastToken == RETURN || m_lastToken == THROW;
- double dval = 0;
- if (m_state == Number)
- dval = WTF::strtod(m_buffer8.data(), 0L);
- else if (m_state == Hex) { // scan hex numbers
- const char* p = m_buffer8.data() + 2;
- while (char c = *p++) {
- dval *= 16;
- dval += convertHex(c);
- }
+static NEVER_INLINE bool isNonLatin1IdentStart(int c)
+ return category(c) & (Letter_Uppercase | Letter_Lowercase | Letter_Titlecase | Letter_Modifier | Letter_Other);
- if (dval >= mantissaOverflowLowerBound)
- dval = parseIntOverflow(m_buffer8.data() + 2, p - (m_buffer8.data() + 3), 16);
+static ALWAYS_INLINE bool isLatin1(LChar)
+ return true;
- m_state = Number;
- } else if (m_state == Octal) { // scan octal number
- const char* p = m_buffer8.data() + 1;
- while (char c = *p++) {
- dval *= 8;
- dval += c - '0';
- }
+static ALWAYS_INLINE bool isLatin1(UChar c)
+ return c < 256;
- if (dval >= mantissaOverflowLowerBound)
- dval = parseIntOverflow(m_buffer8.data() + 1, p - (m_buffer8.data() + 2), 8);
+static inline bool isIdentStart(LChar c)
+ return typesOfLatin1Characters[c] == CharacterIdentifierStart;
- m_state = Number;
- }
+static inline bool isIdentStart(UChar c)
+ return isLatin1(c) ? isIdentStart(static_cast<LChar>(c)) : isNonLatin1IdentStart(c);
- switch (m_state) {
- case Eof:
- printf("(EOF)\n");
- break;
- case Other:
- printf("(Other)\n");
- break;
- case Identifier:
- printf("(Identifier)/(Keyword)\n");
- break;
- case String:
- printf("(String)\n");
- break;
- case Number:
- printf("(Number)\n");
- break;
- default:
- printf("(unknown)");
- }
- if (m_state != Identifier)
- m_eatNextIdentifier = false;
- m_restrKeyword = false;
- m_delimited = false;
- llocp->first_line = yylineno;
- llocp->last_line = yylineno;
- llocp->first_column = startOffset;
- llocp->last_column = m_currentOffset;
- switch (m_state) {
- case Eof:
- token = 0;
- break;
- case Other:
- if (token == '}' || token == ';')
- m_delimited = true;
- break;
- case Identifier:
- // Apply anonymous-function hack below (eat the identifier).
- if (m_eatNextIdentifier) {
- m_eatNextIdentifier = false;
- token = lex(lvalp, llocp);
- break;
- }
- lvalp->ident = makeIdentifier(m_buffer16);
- token = IDENT;
- break;
- case IdentifierOrKeyword: {
- lvalp->ident = makeIdentifier(m_buffer16);
- const HashEntry* entry = m_mainTable.entry(m_globalData, *lvalp->ident);
- if (!entry) {
- // Lookup for keyword failed, means this is an identifier.
- token = IDENT;
- break;
- }
- token = entry->lexerValue();
- // Hack for "f = function somename() { ... }"; too hard to get into the grammar.
- m_eatNextIdentifier = token == FUNCTION && m_lastToken == '=';
- if (token == CONTINUE || token == BREAK || token == RETURN || token == THROW)
- m_restrKeyword = true;
- break;
- }
- case String:
- // Atomize constant strings in case they're later used in property lookup.
- lvalp->ident = makeIdentifier(m_buffer16);
- token = STRING;
- break;
- case Number:
- lvalp->doubleValue = dval;
- token = NUMBER;
- break;
- case Bad:
- fprintf(stderr, "yylex: ERROR.\n");
- m_error = true;
- return -1;
- default:
- ASSERT(!"unhandled numeration value in switch");
- m_error = true;
- return -1;
- }
- m_lastToken = token;
- return token;
+static NEVER_INLINE bool isNonLatin1IdentPart(int c)
+ return (category(c) & (Letter_Uppercase | Letter_Lowercase | Letter_Titlecase | Letter_Modifier | Letter_Other
+ | Mark_NonSpacing | Mark_SpacingCombining | Number_DecimalDigit | Punctuation_Connector)) || c == 0x200C || c == 0x200D;
-bool Lexer::isWhiteSpace() const
+static ALWAYS_INLINE bool isIdentPart(LChar c)
- return m_current == '\t' || m_current == 0x0b || m_current == 0x0c || isSeparatorSpace(m_current);
+ // Character types are divided into two groups depending on whether they can be part of an
+ // identifier or not. Those whose type value is less or equal than CharacterNumber can be
+ // part of an identifier. (See the CharacterType definition for more details.)
+ return typesOfLatin1Characters[c] <= CharacterNumber;
-bool Lexer::isLineTerminator()
+static ALWAYS_INLINE bool isIdentPart(UChar c)
- bool cr = (m_current == '\r');
- bool lf = (m_current == '\n');
- if (cr)
- m_skipLF = true;
- else if (lf)
- m_skipCR = true;
- return cr || lf || m_current == 0x2028 || m_current == 0x2029;
+ return isLatin1(c) ? isIdentPart(static_cast<LChar>(c)) : isNonLatin1IdentPart(c);
-bool Lexer::isIdentStart(int c)
+static inline int singleEscape(int c)
- return isASCIIAlpha(c) || c == '$' || c == '_' || (!isASCII(c) && (category(c) & (Letter_Uppercase | Letter_Lowercase | Letter_Titlecase | Letter_Modifier | Letter_Other)));
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'b':
+ return 0x08;
+ case 't':
+ return 0x09;
+ case 'n':
+ return 0x0A;
+ case 'v':
+ return 0x0B;
+ case 'f':
+ return 0x0C;
+ case 'r':
+ return 0x0D;
+ case '\\':
+ return '\\';
+ case '\'':
+ return '\'';
+ case '"':
+ return '"';
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
-bool Lexer::isIdentPart(int c)
+template <typename T>
+inline void Lexer<T>::record8(int c)
- return isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c == '$' || c == '_' || (!isASCII(c) && (category(c) & (Letter_Uppercase | Letter_Lowercase | Letter_Titlecase | Letter_Modifier | Letter_Other
- | Mark_NonSpacing | Mark_SpacingCombining | Number_DecimalDigit | Punctuation_Connector)));
+ ASSERT(c >= 0);
+ ASSERT(c <= 0xFF);
+ m_buffer8.append(static_cast<LChar>(c));
-static bool isDecimalDigit(int c)
+template <typename T>
+inline void assertCharIsIn8BitRange(T c)
- return isASCIIDigit(c);
+ ASSERT(c >= 0);
+ ASSERT(c <= 0xFF);
-bool Lexer::isHexDigit(int c)
+template <>
+inline void assertCharIsIn8BitRange(UChar c)
- return isASCIIHexDigit(c);
+ ASSERT(c <= 0xFF);
-bool Lexer::isOctalDigit(int c)
+template <>
+inline void assertCharIsIn8BitRange(LChar)
- return isASCIIOctalDigit(c);
-int Lexer::matchPunctuator(int& charPos, int c1, int c2, int c3, int c4)
+template <typename T>
+inline void Lexer<T>::append8(const T* p, size_t length)
- if (c1 == '>' && c2 == '>' && c3 == '>' && c4 == '=') {
- shift(4);
- }
- if (c1 == '=' && c2 == '=' && c3 == '=') {
- shift(3);
- return STREQ;
- }
- if (c1 == '!' && c2 == '=' && c3 == '=') {
- shift(3);
- return STRNEQ;
- }
- if (c1 == '>' && c2 == '>' && c3 == '>') {
- shift(3);
- return URSHIFT;
- }
- if (c1 == '<' && c2 == '<' && c3 == '=') {
- shift(3);
- }
- if (c1 == '>' && c2 == '>' && c3 == '=') {
- shift(3);
- }
- if (c1 == '<' && c2 == '=') {
- shift(2);
- return LE;
- }
- if (c1 == '>' && c2 == '=') {
- shift(2);
- return GE;
- }
- if (c1 == '!' && c2 == '=') {
- shift(2);
- return NE;
- }
- if (c1 == '+' && c2 == '+') {
- shift(2);
- if (m_terminator)
- return PLUSPLUS;
- }
- if (c1 == '-' && c2 == '-') {
- shift(2);
- if (m_terminator)
- return MINUSMINUS;
+ size_t currentSize = m_buffer8.size();
+ m_buffer8.grow(currentSize + length);
+ LChar* rawBuffer = m_buffer8.data() + currentSize;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ T c = p[i];
+ assertCharIsIn8BitRange(c);
+ rawBuffer[i] = c;
- if (c1 == '=' && c2 == '=') {
- shift(2);
- return EQEQ;
+template <typename T>
+inline void Lexer<T>::append16(const LChar* p, size_t length)
+ size_t currentSize = m_buffer16.size();
+ m_buffer16.grow(currentSize + length);
+ UChar* rawBuffer = m_buffer16.data() + currentSize;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ rawBuffer[i] = p[i];
+template <typename T>
+inline void Lexer<T>::record16(T c)
+ m_buffer16.append(c);
+template <typename T>
+inline void Lexer<T>::record16(int c)
+ ASSERT(c >= 0);
+ ASSERT(c <= static_cast<int>(USHRT_MAX));
+ m_buffer16.append(static_cast<UChar>(c));
+template <>
+template <bool shouldCreateIdentifier> ALWAYS_INLINE JSTokenType Lexer<LChar>::parseIdentifier(JSTokenData* tokenData, unsigned lexerFlags, bool strictMode)
+ const ptrdiff_t remaining = m_codeEnd - m_code;
+ if ((remaining >= maxTokenLength) && !(lexerFlags & LexerFlagsIgnoreReservedWords)) {
+ JSTokenType keyword = parseKeyword<shouldCreateIdentifier>(tokenData);
+ if (keyword != IDENT) {
+ ASSERT((!shouldCreateIdentifier) || tokenData->ident);
+ return keyword == RESERVED_IF_STRICT && !strictMode ? IDENT : keyword;
+ }
- if (c1 == '+' && c2 == '=') {
- shift(2);
- return PLUSEQUAL;
+ const LChar* identifierStart = currentCharacter();
+ while (isIdentPart(m_current))
+ shift();
+ if (UNLIKELY(m_current == '\\')) {
+ setOffsetFromCharOffset(identifierStart);
+ return parseIdentifierSlowCase<shouldCreateIdentifier>(tokenData, lexerFlags, strictMode);
- if (c1 == '-' && c2 == '=') {
- shift(2);
- return MINUSEQUAL;
+ const Identifier* ident = 0;
+ if (shouldCreateIdentifier) {
+ int identifierLength = currentCharacter() - identifierStart;
+ ident = makeIdentifier(identifierStart, identifierLength);
+ tokenData->ident = ident;
+ } else
+ tokenData->ident = 0;
+ if (UNLIKELY((remaining < maxTokenLength) && !(lexerFlags & LexerFlagsIgnoreReservedWords))) {
+ ASSERT(shouldCreateIdentifier);
+ if (remaining < maxTokenLength) {
+ const HashEntry* entry = m_globalData->keywords->getKeyword(*ident);
+ ASSERT((remaining < maxTokenLength) || !entry);
+ if (!entry)
+ return IDENT;
+ JSTokenType token = static_cast<JSTokenType>(entry->lexerValue());
+ return (token != RESERVED_IF_STRICT) || strictMode ? token : IDENT;
+ }
+ return IDENT;
- if (c1 == '*' && c2 == '=') {
- shift(2);
- return MULTEQUAL;
+ return IDENT;
+template <>
+template <bool shouldCreateIdentifier> ALWAYS_INLINE JSTokenType Lexer<UChar>::parseIdentifier(JSTokenData* tokenData, unsigned lexerFlags, bool strictMode)
+ const ptrdiff_t remaining = m_codeEnd - m_code;
+ if ((remaining >= maxTokenLength) && !(lexerFlags & LexerFlagsIgnoreReservedWords)) {
+ JSTokenType keyword = parseKeyword<shouldCreateIdentifier>(tokenData);
+ if (keyword != IDENT) {
+ ASSERT((!shouldCreateIdentifier) || tokenData->ident);
+ return keyword == RESERVED_IF_STRICT && !strictMode ? IDENT : keyword;
+ }
- if (c1 == '/' && c2 == '=') {
- shift(2);
- return DIVEQUAL;
+ const UChar* identifierStart = currentCharacter();
+ UChar orAllChars = 0;
+ while (isIdentPart(m_current)) {
+ orAllChars |= m_current;
+ shift();
- if (c1 == '&' && c2 == '=') {
- shift(2);
- return ANDEQUAL;
+ if (UNLIKELY(m_current == '\\')) {
+ setOffsetFromCharOffset(identifierStart);
+ return parseIdentifierSlowCase<shouldCreateIdentifier>(tokenData, lexerFlags, strictMode);
- if (c1 == '^' && c2 == '=') {
- shift(2);
- return XOREQUAL;
+ bool isAll8Bit = false;
+ if (!(orAllChars & ~0xff))
+ isAll8Bit = true;
+ const Identifier* ident = 0;
+ if (shouldCreateIdentifier) {
+ int identifierLength = currentCharacter() - identifierStart;
+ if (isAll8Bit)
+ ident = makeIdentifierLCharFromUChar(identifierStart, identifierLength);
+ else
+ ident = makeIdentifier(identifierStart, identifierLength);
+ tokenData->ident = ident;
+ } else
+ tokenData->ident = 0;
+ if (UNLIKELY((remaining < maxTokenLength) && !(lexerFlags & LexerFlagsIgnoreReservedWords))) {
+ ASSERT(shouldCreateIdentifier);
+ if (remaining < maxTokenLength) {
+ const HashEntry* entry = m_globalData->keywords->getKeyword(*ident);
+ ASSERT((remaining < maxTokenLength) || !entry);
+ if (!entry)
+ return IDENT;
+ JSTokenType token = static_cast<JSTokenType>(entry->lexerValue());
+ return (token != RESERVED_IF_STRICT) || strictMode ? token : IDENT;
+ }
+ return IDENT;
- if (c1 == '%' && c2 == '=') {
- shift(2);
- return MODEQUAL;
+ return IDENT;
+template <typename T>
+template <bool shouldCreateIdentifier> JSTokenType Lexer<T>::parseIdentifierSlowCase(JSTokenData* tokenData, unsigned lexerFlags, bool strictMode)
+ const ptrdiff_t remaining = m_codeEnd - m_code;
+ const T* identifierStart = currentCharacter();
+ bool bufferRequired = false;
+ while (true) {
+ if (LIKELY(isIdentPart(m_current))) {
+ shift();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (LIKELY(m_current != '\\'))
+ break;
+ // \uXXXX unicode characters.
+ bufferRequired = true;
+ if (identifierStart != currentCharacter())
+ m_buffer16.append(identifierStart, currentCharacter() - identifierStart);
+ shift();
+ if (UNLIKELY(m_current != 'u'))
+ return ERRORTOK;
+ shift();
+ int character = parseFourDigitUnicodeHex();
+ if (UNLIKELY(character == -1))
+ return ERRORTOK;
+ UChar ucharacter = static_cast<UChar>(character);
+ if (UNLIKELY(m_buffer16.size() ? !isIdentPart(ucharacter) : !isIdentStart(ucharacter)))
+ return ERRORTOK;
+ if (shouldCreateIdentifier)
+ record16(ucharacter);
+ identifierStart = currentCharacter();
- if (c1 == '|' && c2 == '=') {
- shift(2);
- return OREQUAL;
+ int identifierLength;
+ const Identifier* ident = 0;
+ if (shouldCreateIdentifier) {
+ if (!bufferRequired) {
+ identifierLength = currentCharacter() - identifierStart;
+ ident = makeIdentifier(identifierStart, identifierLength);
+ } else {
+ if (identifierStart != currentCharacter())
+ m_buffer16.append(identifierStart, currentCharacter() - identifierStart);
+ ident = makeIdentifier(m_buffer16.data(), m_buffer16.size());
+ }
+ tokenData->ident = ident;
+ } else
+ tokenData->ident = 0;
+ if (LIKELY(!bufferRequired && !(lexerFlags & LexerFlagsIgnoreReservedWords))) {
+ ASSERT(shouldCreateIdentifier);
+ // Keywords must not be recognized if there was an \uXXXX in the identifier.
+ if (remaining < maxTokenLength) {
+ const HashEntry* entry = m_globalData->keywords->getKeyword(*ident);
+ ASSERT((remaining < maxTokenLength) || !entry);
+ if (!entry)
+ return IDENT;
+ JSTokenType token = static_cast<JSTokenType>(entry->lexerValue());
+ return (token != RESERVED_IF_STRICT) || strictMode ? token : IDENT;
+ }
+ return IDENT;
- if (c1 == '<' && c2 == '<') {
- shift(2);
- return LSHIFT;
+ m_buffer16.resize(0);
+ return IDENT;
+static ALWAYS_INLINE bool characterRequiresParseStringSlowCase(LChar character)
+ return character < 0xE;
+static ALWAYS_INLINE bool characterRequiresParseStringSlowCase(UChar character)
+ return character < 0xE || character > 0xFF;
+template <typename T>
+template <bool shouldBuildStrings> ALWAYS_INLINE bool Lexer<T>::parseString(JSTokenData* tokenData, bool strictMode)
+ int startingOffset = currentOffset();
+ int startingLineNumber = lineNumber();
+ T stringQuoteCharacter = m_current;
+ shift();
+ const T* stringStart = currentCharacter();
+ while (m_current != stringQuoteCharacter) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(m_current == '\\')) {
+ if (stringStart != currentCharacter() && shouldBuildStrings)
+ append8(stringStart, currentCharacter() - stringStart);
+ shift();
+ int escape = singleEscape(m_current);
+ // Most common escape sequences first
+ if (escape) {
+ if (shouldBuildStrings)
+ record8(escape);
+ shift();
+ } else if (UNLIKELY(isLineTerminator(m_current)))
+ shiftLineTerminator();
+ else if (m_current == 'x') {
+ shift();
+ if (!isASCIIHexDigit(m_current) || !isASCIIHexDigit(peek(1))) {
+ m_lexErrorMessage = "\\x can only be followed by a hex character sequence";
+ return false;
+ }
+ T prev = m_current;
+ shift();
+ if (shouldBuildStrings)
+ record8(convertHex(prev, m_current));
+ shift();
+ } else {
+ setOffset(startingOffset);
+ setLineNumber(startingLineNumber);
+ m_buffer8.resize(0);
+ return parseStringSlowCase<shouldBuildStrings>(tokenData, strictMode);
+ }
+ stringStart = currentCharacter();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (UNLIKELY(characterRequiresParseStringSlowCase(m_current))) {
+ setOffset(startingOffset);
+ setLineNumber(startingLineNumber);
+ m_buffer8.resize(0);
+ return parseStringSlowCase<shouldBuildStrings>(tokenData, strictMode);
+ }
+ shift();
- if (c1 == '>' && c2 == '>') {
- shift(2);
- return RSHIFT;
+ if (currentCharacter() != stringStart && shouldBuildStrings)
+ append8(stringStart, currentCharacter() - stringStart);
+ if (shouldBuildStrings) {
+ tokenData->ident = makeIdentifier(m_buffer8.data(), m_buffer8.size());
+ m_buffer8.resize(0);
+ } else
+ tokenData->ident = 0;
+ return true;
+template <typename T>
+template <bool shouldBuildStrings> bool Lexer<T>::parseStringSlowCase(JSTokenData* tokenData, bool strictMode)
+ T stringQuoteCharacter = m_current;
+ shift();
+ const T* stringStart = currentCharacter();
+ while (m_current != stringQuoteCharacter) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(m_current == '\\')) {
+ if (stringStart != currentCharacter() && shouldBuildStrings)
+ append16(stringStart, currentCharacter() - stringStart);
+ shift();
+ int escape = singleEscape(m_current);
+ // Most common escape sequences first
+ if (escape) {
+ if (shouldBuildStrings)
+ record16(escape);
+ shift();
+ } else if (UNLIKELY(isLineTerminator(m_current)))
+ shiftLineTerminator();
+ else if (m_current == 'x') {
+ shift();
+ if (!isASCIIHexDigit(m_current) || !isASCIIHexDigit(peek(1))) {
+ m_lexErrorMessage = "\\x can only be followed by a hex character sequence";
+ return false;
+ }
+ T prev = m_current;
+ shift();
+ if (shouldBuildStrings)
+ record16(convertHex(prev, m_current));
+ shift();
+ } else if (m_current == 'u') {
+ shift();
+ int character = parseFourDigitUnicodeHex();
+ if (character != -1) {
+ if (shouldBuildStrings)
+ record16(character);
+ } else if (m_current == stringQuoteCharacter) {
+ if (shouldBuildStrings)
+ record16('u');
+ } else {
+ m_lexErrorMessage = "\\u can only be followed by a Unicode character sequence";
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (strictMode && isASCIIDigit(m_current)) {
+ // The only valid numeric escape in strict mode is '\0', and this must not be followed by a decimal digit.
+ int character1 = m_current;
+ shift();
+ if (character1 != '0' || isASCIIDigit(m_current)) {
+ m_lexErrorMessage = "The only valid numeric escape in strict mode is '\\0'";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (shouldBuildStrings)
+ record16(0);
+ } else if (!strictMode && isASCIIOctalDigit(m_current)) {
+ // Octal character sequences
+ T character1 = m_current;
+ shift();
+ if (isASCIIOctalDigit(m_current)) {
+ // Two octal characters
+ T character2 = m_current;
+ shift();
+ if (character1 >= '0' && character1 <= '3' && isASCIIOctalDigit(m_current)) {
+ if (shouldBuildStrings)
+ record16((character1 - '0') * 64 + (character2 - '0') * 8 + m_current - '0');
+ shift();
+ } else {
+ if (shouldBuildStrings)
+ record16((character1 - '0') * 8 + character2 - '0');
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (shouldBuildStrings)
+ record16(character1 - '0');
+ }
+ } else if (!atEnd()) {
+ if (shouldBuildStrings)
+ record16(m_current);
+ shift();
+ } else {
+ m_lexErrorMessage = "Unterminated string constant";
+ return false;
+ }
+ stringStart = currentCharacter();
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Fast check for characters that require special handling.
+ // Catches 0, \n, \r, 0x2028, and 0x2029 as efficiently
+ // as possible, and lets through all common ASCII characters.
+ if (UNLIKELY(((static_cast<unsigned>(m_current) - 0xE) & 0x2000))) {
+ // New-line or end of input is not allowed
+ if (atEnd() || isLineTerminator(m_current)) {
+ m_lexErrorMessage = "Unexpected EOF";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Anything else is just a normal character
+ }
+ shift();
- if (c1 == '&' && c2 == '&') {
- shift(2);
- return AND;
+ if (currentCharacter() != stringStart && shouldBuildStrings)
+ append16(stringStart, currentCharacter() - stringStart);
+ if (shouldBuildStrings)
+ tokenData->ident = makeIdentifier(m_buffer16.data(), m_buffer16.size());
+ else
+ tokenData->ident = 0;
+ m_buffer16.resize(0);
+ return true;
+template <typename T>
+ALWAYS_INLINE void Lexer<T>::parseHex(double& returnValue)
+ // Optimization: most hexadecimal values fit into 4 bytes.
+ uint32_t hexValue = 0;
+ int maximumDigits = 7;
+ // Shift out the 'x' prefix.
+ shift();
+ do {
+ hexValue = (hexValue << 4) + toASCIIHexValue(m_current);
+ shift();
+ --maximumDigits;
+ } while (isASCIIHexDigit(m_current) && maximumDigits >= 0);
+ if (maximumDigits >= 0) {
+ returnValue = hexValue;
+ return;
- if (c1 == '|' && c2 == '|') {
- shift(2);
- return OR;
+ // No more place in the hexValue buffer.
+ // The values are shifted out and placed into the m_buffer8 vector.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
+ int digit = hexValue >> 28;
+ if (digit < 10)
+ record8(digit + '0');
+ else
+ record8(digit - 10 + 'a');
+ hexValue <<= 4;
- switch (c1) {
- case '=':
- case '>':
- case '<':
- case ',':
- case '!':
- case '~':
- case '?':
- case ':':
- case '.':
- case '+':
- case '-':
- case '*':
- case '/':
- case '&':
- case '|':
- case '^':
- case '%':
- case '(':
- case ')':
- case '[':
- case ']':
- case ';':
- shift(1);
- return static_cast<int>(c1);
- case '{':
- charPos = m_currentOffset;
- shift(1);
- return OPENBRACE;
- case '}':
- charPos = m_currentOffset;
- shift(1);
- return CLOSEBRACE;
- default:
- return -1;
+ while (isASCIIHexDigit(m_current)) {
+ record8(m_current);
+ shift();
+ returnValue = parseIntOverflow(m_buffer8.data(), m_buffer8.size(), 16);
-unsigned short Lexer::singleEscape(unsigned short c)
+template <typename T>
+ALWAYS_INLINE bool Lexer<T>::parseOctal(double& returnValue)
- switch (c) {
- case 'b':
- return 0x08;
- case 't':
- return 0x09;
- case 'n':
- return 0x0A;
- case 'v':
- return 0x0B;
- case 'f':
- return 0x0C;
- case 'r':
- return 0x0D;
- case '"':
- return 0x22;
- case '\'':
- return 0x27;
- case '\\':
- return 0x5C;
- default:
- return c;
+ // Optimization: most octal values fit into 4 bytes.
+ uint32_t octalValue = 0;
+ int maximumDigits = 9;
+ // Temporary buffer for the digits. Makes easier
+ // to reconstruct the input characters when needed.
+ LChar digits[10];
+ do {
+ octalValue = octalValue * 8 + (m_current - '0');
+ digits[maximumDigits] = m_current;
+ shift();
+ --maximumDigits;
+ } while (isASCIIOctalDigit(m_current) && maximumDigits >= 0);
+ if (!isASCIIDigit(m_current) && maximumDigits >= 0) {
+ returnValue = octalValue;
+ return true;
-unsigned short Lexer::convertOctal(int c1, int c2, int c3)
- return static_cast<unsigned short>((c1 - '0') * 64 + (c2 - '0') * 8 + c3 - '0');
+ for (int i = 9; i > maximumDigits; --i)
+ record8(digits[i]);
+ while (isASCIIOctalDigit(m_current)) {
+ record8(m_current);
+ shift();
+ }
+ if (isASCIIDigit(m_current))
+ return false;
+ returnValue = parseIntOverflow(m_buffer8.data(), m_buffer8.size(), 8);
+ return true;
-unsigned char Lexer::convertHex(int c)
+template <typename T>
+ALWAYS_INLINE bool Lexer<T>::parseDecimal(double& returnValue)
- if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
- return static_cast<unsigned char>(c - '0');
- if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
- return static_cast<unsigned char>(c - 'a' + 10);
- return static_cast<unsigned char>(c - 'A' + 10);
+ // Optimization: most decimal values fit into 4 bytes.
+ uint32_t decimalValue = 0;
+ // Since parseOctal may be executed before parseDecimal,
+ // the m_buffer8 may hold ascii digits.
+ if (!m_buffer8.size()) {
+ int maximumDigits = 9;
+ // Temporary buffer for the digits. Makes easier
+ // to reconstruct the input characters when needed.
+ LChar digits[10];
+ do {
+ decimalValue = decimalValue * 10 + (m_current - '0');
+ digits[maximumDigits] = m_current;
+ shift();
+ --maximumDigits;
+ } while (isASCIIDigit(m_current) && maximumDigits >= 0);
+ if (maximumDigits >= 0 && m_current != '.' && (m_current | 0x20) != 'e') {
+ returnValue = decimalValue;
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (int i = 9; i > maximumDigits; --i)
+ record8(digits[i]);
+ }
+ while (isASCIIDigit(m_current)) {
+ record8(m_current);
+ shift();
+ }
+ return false;
-unsigned char Lexer::convertHex(int c1, int c2)
+template <typename T>
+ALWAYS_INLINE void Lexer<T>::parseNumberAfterDecimalPoint()
- return ((convertHex(c1) << 4) + convertHex(c2));
+ record8('.');
+ while (isASCIIDigit(m_current)) {
+ record8(m_current);
+ shift();
+ }
-UChar Lexer::convertUnicode(int c1, int c2, int c3, int c4)
+template <typename T>
+ALWAYS_INLINE bool Lexer<T>::parseNumberAfterExponentIndicator()
- unsigned char highByte = (convertHex(c1) << 4) + convertHex(c2);
- unsigned char lowByte = (convertHex(c3) << 4) + convertHex(c4);
- return (highByte << 8 | lowByte);
+ record8('e');
+ shift();
+ if (m_current == '+' || m_current == '-') {
+ record8(m_current);
+ shift();
+ }
+ if (!isASCIIDigit(m_current))
+ return false;
+ do {
+ record8(m_current);
+ shift();
+ } while (isASCIIDigit(m_current));
+ return true;
-void Lexer::record8(int c)
+template <typename T>
+ALWAYS_INLINE bool Lexer<T>::parseMultilineComment()
- ASSERT(c >= 0);
- ASSERT(c <= 0xff);
- m_buffer8.append(static_cast<char>(c));
+ while (true) {
+ while (UNLIKELY(m_current == '*')) {
+ shift();
+ if (m_current == '/') {
+ shift();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (atEnd())
+ return false;
+ if (isLineTerminator(m_current)) {
+ shiftLineTerminator();
+ m_terminator = true;
+ } else
+ shift();
+ }
-void Lexer::record16(int c)
+template <typename T>
+bool Lexer<T>::nextTokenIsColon()
- ASSERT(c >= 0);
- record16(UChar(static_cast<unsigned short>(c)));
+ const T* code = m_code;
+ while (code < m_codeEnd && (isWhiteSpace(*code) || isLineTerminator(*code)))
+ code++;
+ return code < m_codeEnd && *code == ':';
-void Lexer::record16(UChar c)
+template <typename T>
+JSTokenType Lexer<T>::lex(JSTokenData* tokenData, JSTokenInfo* tokenInfo, unsigned lexerFlags, bool strictMode)
- m_buffer16.append(c);
+ ASSERT(!m_error);
+ ASSERT(m_buffer8.isEmpty());
+ ASSERT(m_buffer16.isEmpty());
+ JSTokenType token = ERRORTOK;
+ m_terminator = false;
+ while (isWhiteSpace(m_current))
+ shift();
+ if (atEnd())
+ return EOFTOK;
+ tokenInfo->startOffset = currentOffset();
+ CharacterType type;
+ if (LIKELY(isLatin1(m_current)))
+ type = static_cast<CharacterType>(typesOfLatin1Characters[m_current]);
+ else if (isNonLatin1IdentStart(m_current))
+ type = CharacterIdentifierStart;
+ else if (isLineTerminator(m_current))
+ type = CharacterLineTerminator;
+ else
+ type = CharacterInvalid;
+ switch (type) {
+ case CharacterGreater:
+ shift();
+ if (m_current == '>') {
+ shift();
+ if (m_current == '>') {
+ shift();
+ if (m_current == '=') {
+ shift();
+ break;
+ }
+ token = URSHIFT;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (m_current == '=') {
+ shift();
+ token = RSHIFTEQUAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ token = RSHIFT;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (m_current == '=') {
+ shift();
+ token = GE;
+ break;
+ }
+ token = GT;
+ break;
+ case CharacterEqual:
+ shift();
+ if (m_current == '=') {
+ shift();
+ if (m_current == '=') {
+ shift();
+ token = STREQ;
+ break;
+ }
+ token = EQEQ;
+ break;
+ }
+ token = EQUAL;
+ break;
+ case CharacterLess:
+ shift();
+ if (m_current == '!' && peek(1) == '-' && peek(2) == '-') {
+ // <!-- marks the beginning of a line comment (for www usage)
+ goto inSingleLineComment;
+ }
+ if (m_current == '<') {
+ shift();
+ if (m_current == '=') {
+ shift();
+ token = LSHIFTEQUAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ token = LSHIFT;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (m_current == '=') {
+ shift();
+ token = LE;
+ break;
+ }
+ token = LT;
+ break;
+ case CharacterExclamationMark:
+ shift();
+ if (m_current == '=') {
+ shift();
+ if (m_current == '=') {
+ shift();
+ token = STRNEQ;
+ break;
+ }
+ token = NE;
+ break;
+ }
+ token = EXCLAMATION;
+ break;
+ case CharacterAdd:
+ shift();
+ if (m_current == '+') {
+ shift();
+ token = (!m_terminator) ? PLUSPLUS : AUTOPLUSPLUS;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (m_current == '=') {
+ shift();
+ token = PLUSEQUAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ token = PLUS;
+ break;
+ case CharacterSub:
+ shift();
+ if (m_current == '-') {
+ shift();
+ if (m_atLineStart && m_current == '>') {
+ shift();
+ goto inSingleLineComment;
+ }
+ token = (!m_terminator) ? MINUSMINUS : AUTOMINUSMINUS;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (m_current == '=') {
+ shift();
+ token = MINUSEQUAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ token = MINUS;
+ break;
+ case CharacterMultiply:
+ shift();
+ if (m_current == '=') {
+ shift();
+ token = MULTEQUAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ token = TIMES;
+ break;
+ case CharacterSlash:
+ shift();
+ if (m_current == '/') {
+ shift();
+ goto inSingleLineComment;
+ }
+ if (m_current == '*') {
+ shift();
+ if (parseMultilineComment())
+ goto start;
+ m_lexErrorMessage = "Multiline comment was not closed properly";
+ goto returnError;
+ }
+ if (m_current == '=') {
+ shift();
+ token = DIVEQUAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ token = DIVIDE;
+ break;
+ case CharacterAnd:
+ shift();
+ if (m_current == '&') {
+ shift();
+ token = AND;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (m_current == '=') {
+ shift();
+ token = ANDEQUAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ token = BITAND;
+ break;
+ case CharacterXor:
+ shift();
+ if (m_current == '=') {
+ shift();
+ token = XOREQUAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ token = BITXOR;
+ break;
+ case CharacterModulo:
+ shift();
+ if (m_current == '=') {
+ shift();
+ token = MODEQUAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ token = MOD;
+ break;
+ case CharacterOr:
+ shift();
+ if (m_current == '=') {
+ shift();
+ token = OREQUAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (m_current == '|') {
+ shift();
+ token = OR;
+ break;
+ }
+ token = BITOR;
+ break;
+ case CharacterOpenParen:
+ token = OPENPAREN;
+ shift();
+ break;
+ case CharacterCloseParen:
+ token = CLOSEPAREN;
+ shift();
+ break;
+ case CharacterOpenBracket:
+ token = OPENBRACKET;
+ shift();
+ break;
+ case CharacterCloseBracket:
+ shift();
+ break;
+ case CharacterComma:
+ token = COMMA;
+ shift();
+ break;
+ case CharacterColon:
+ token = COLON;
+ shift();
+ break;
+ case CharacterQuestion:
+ token = QUESTION;
+ shift();
+ break;
+ case CharacterTilde:
+ token = TILDE;
+ shift();
+ break;
+ case CharacterSemicolon:
+ shift();
+ token = SEMICOLON;
+ break;
+ case CharacterOpenBrace:
+ tokenData->intValue = currentOffset();
+ shift();
+ token = OPENBRACE;
+ break;
+ case CharacterCloseBrace:
+ tokenData->intValue = currentOffset();
+ shift();
+ token = CLOSEBRACE;
+ break;
+ case CharacterDot:
+ shift();
+ if (!isASCIIDigit(m_current)) {
+ token = DOT;
+ break;
+ }
+ goto inNumberAfterDecimalPoint;
+ case CharacterZero:
+ shift();
+ if ((m_current | 0x20) == 'x' && isASCIIHexDigit(peek(1))) {
+ parseHex(tokenData->doubleValue);
+ token = NUMBER;
+ } else {
+ record8('0');
+ if (isASCIIOctalDigit(m_current)) {
+ if (parseOctal(tokenData->doubleValue)) {
+ if (strictMode) {
+ m_lexErrorMessage = "Octal escapes are forbidden in strict mode";
+ goto returnError;
+ }
+ token = NUMBER;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Fall through into CharacterNumber
+ case CharacterNumber:
+ if (LIKELY(token != NUMBER)) {
+ if (!parseDecimal(tokenData->doubleValue)) {
+ if (m_current == '.') {
+ shift();
+ parseNumberAfterDecimalPoint();
+ }
+ if ((m_current | 0x20) == 'e') {
+ if (!parseNumberAfterExponentIndicator()) {
+ m_lexErrorMessage = "Non-number found after exponent indicator";
+ goto returnError;
+ }
+ }
+ size_t parsedLength;
+ tokenData->doubleValue = parseDouble(m_buffer8.data(), m_buffer8.size(), parsedLength);
+ }
+ token = NUMBER;
+ }
+ // No identifiers allowed directly after numeric literal, e.g. "3in" is bad.
+ if (UNLIKELY(isIdentStart(m_current))) {
+ m_lexErrorMessage = "At least one digit must occur after a decimal point";
+ goto returnError;
+ }
+ m_buffer8.resize(0);
+ break;
+ case CharacterQuote:
+ if (lexerFlags & LexerFlagsDontBuildStrings) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(!parseString<false>(tokenData, strictMode)))
+ goto returnError;
+ } else {
+ if (UNLIKELY(!parseString<true>(tokenData, strictMode)))
+ goto returnError;
+ }
+ shift();
+ token = STRING;
+ break;
+ case CharacterIdentifierStart:
+ ASSERT(isIdentStart(m_current));
+ // Fall through into CharacterBackSlash.
+ case CharacterBackSlash:
+ if (lexerFlags & LexexFlagsDontBuildKeywords)
+ token = parseIdentifier<false>(tokenData, lexerFlags, strictMode);
+ else
+ token = parseIdentifier<true>(tokenData, lexerFlags, strictMode);
+ break;
+ case CharacterLineTerminator:
+ ASSERT(isLineTerminator(m_current));
+ shiftLineTerminator();
+ m_atLineStart = true;
+ m_terminator = true;
+ goto start;
+ case CharacterInvalid:
+ m_lexErrorMessage = invalidCharacterMessage();
+ goto returnError;
+ default:
+ m_lexErrorMessage = "Internal Error";
+ goto returnError;
+ }
+ m_atLineStart = false;
+ goto returnToken;
+ while (!isLineTerminator(m_current)) {
+ if (atEnd())
+ return EOFTOK;
+ shift();
+ }
+ shiftLineTerminator();
+ m_atLineStart = true;
+ m_terminator = true;
+ if (!lastTokenWasRestrKeyword())
+ goto start;
+ token = SEMICOLON;
+ // Fall through into returnToken.
+ tokenInfo->line = m_lineNumber;
+ tokenInfo->endOffset = currentOffset();
+ m_lastToken = token;
+ return token;
+ m_error = true;
+ tokenInfo->line = m_lineNumber;
+ tokenInfo->endOffset = currentOffset();
+ return ERRORTOK;
-bool Lexer::scanRegExp()
+template <typename T>
+bool Lexer<T>::scanRegExp(const Identifier*& pattern, const Identifier*& flags, UChar patternPrefix)
- m_buffer16.clear();
+ ASSERT(m_buffer16.isEmpty());
bool lastWasEscape = false;
bool inBrackets = false;
- while (1) {
- if (isLineTerminator() || m_current == -1)
+ if (patternPrefix) {
+ ASSERT(!isLineTerminator(patternPrefix));
+ ASSERT(patternPrefix != '/');
+ ASSERT(patternPrefix != '[');
+ record16(patternPrefix);
+ }
+ while (true) {
+ if (isLineTerminator(m_current) || atEnd()) {
+ m_buffer16.resize(0);
return false;
- else if (m_current != '/' || lastWasEscape == true || inBrackets == true) {
- // keep track of '[' and ']'
- if (!lastWasEscape) {
- if ( m_current == '[' && !inBrackets )
- inBrackets = true;
- if ( m_current == ']' && inBrackets )
- inBrackets = false;
- }
- record16(m_current);
- lastWasEscape =
- !lastWasEscape && (m_current == '\\');
- } else { // end of regexp
- m_pattern = UString(m_buffer16);
- m_buffer16.clear();
- shift(1);
+ }
+ T prev = m_current;
+ shift();
+ if (prev == '/' && !lastWasEscape && !inBrackets)
+ break;
+ record16(prev);
+ if (lastWasEscape) {
+ lastWasEscape = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ switch (prev) {
+ case '[':
+ inBrackets = true;
+ break;
+ case ']':
+ inBrackets = false;
+ break;
+ case '\\':
+ lastWasEscape = true;
- shift(1);
+ pattern = makeIdentifier(m_buffer16.data(), m_buffer16.size());
+ m_buffer16.resize(0);
while (isIdentPart(m_current)) {
- shift(1);
+ shift();
- m_flags = UString(m_buffer16);
+ flags = makeIdentifier(m_buffer16.data(), m_buffer16.size());
+ m_buffer16.resize(0);
return true;
-void Lexer::clear()
+template <typename T>
+bool Lexer<T>::skipRegExp()
- m_identifiers.clear();
+ bool lastWasEscape = false;
+ bool inBrackets = false;
- Vector<char> newBuffer8;
- newBuffer8.reserveInitialCapacity(initialReadBufferCapacity);
+ while (true) {
+ if (isLineTerminator(m_current) || atEnd())
+ return false;
+ T prev = m_current;
+ shift();
+ if (prev == '/' && !lastWasEscape && !inBrackets)
+ break;
+ if (lastWasEscape) {
+ lastWasEscape = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ switch (prev) {
+ case '[':
+ inBrackets = true;
+ break;
+ case ']':
+ inBrackets = false;
+ break;
+ case '\\':
+ lastWasEscape = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ while (isIdentPart(m_current))
+ shift();
+ return true;
+template <typename T>
+void Lexer<T>::clear()
+ m_arena = 0;
+ Vector<LChar> newBuffer8;
Vector<UChar> newBuffer16;
- newBuffer16.reserveInitialCapacity(initialReadBufferCapacity);
m_isReparsing = false;
- m_pattern = 0;
- m_flags = 0;
+template <typename T>
+SourceCode Lexer<T>::sourceCode(int openBrace, int closeBrace, int firstLine)
+ ASSERT((*m_source->provider()->data())[openBrace] == '{');
+ ASSERT((*m_source->provider()->data())[closeBrace] == '}');
+ return SourceCode(m_source->provider(), openBrace, closeBrace + 1, firstLine);
+// Instantiate the two flavors of Lexer we need instead of putting most of this file in Lexer.h
+template class Lexer<LChar>;
+template class Lexer<UChar>;
} // namespace JSC