- compileBinaryArithOpSlowCase(op_sub, iter, result, op1, op2, types);
- emitPutVirtualRegister(result);
-typedef X86Assembler::JmpSrc JmpSrc;
-typedef X86Assembler::JmpDst JmpDst;
-typedef X86Assembler::XMMRegisterID XMMRegisterID;
-static inline bool isSSE2Present()
- return true; // All X86 Macs are guaranteed to support at least SSE2
-static bool isSSE2Present()
- static const int SSE2FeatureBit = 1 << 26;
- struct SSE2Check {
- SSE2Check()
- {
- int flags;
- _asm {
- mov eax, 1 // cpuid function 1 gives us the standard feature set
- cpuid;
- mov flags, edx;
- }
- flags = 0;
- // FIXME: Add GCC code to do above asm
- present = (flags & SSE2FeatureBit) != 0;
- }
- bool present;
- };
- static SSE2Check check;
- return check.present;
- This is required since number representation is canonical - values representable as a JSImmediate should not be stored in a JSNumberCell.
- In the common case, the double value from 'xmmSource' is written to the reusable JSNumberCell pointed to by 'jsNumberCell', then 'jsNumberCell'
- is written to the output SF Register 'dst', and then a jump is planted (stored into *wroteJSNumberCell).
- However if the value from xmmSource is representable as a JSImmediate, then the JSImmediate value will be written to the output, and flow
- control will fall through from the code planted.
-void JIT::putDoubleResultToJSNumberCellOrJSImmediate(X86::XMMRegisterID xmmSource, X86::RegisterID jsNumberCell, unsigned dst, JmpSrc* wroteJSNumberCell, X86::XMMRegisterID tempXmm, X86::RegisterID tempReg1, X86::RegisterID tempReg2)
- // convert (double -> JSImmediate -> double), and check if the value is unchanged - in which case the value is representable as a JSImmediate.
- __ cvttsd2si_rr(xmmSource, tempReg1);
- __ addl_rr(tempReg1, tempReg1);
- __ sarl_i8r(1, tempReg1);
- __ cvtsi2sd_rr(tempReg1, tempXmm);
- // Compare & branch if immediate.
- __ ucomisd_rr(tempXmm, xmmSource);
- JmpSrc resultIsImm = __ je();
- JmpDst resultLookedLikeImmButActuallyIsnt = __ label();
- // Store the result to the JSNumberCell and jump.
- __ movsd_rm(xmmSource, FIELD_OFFSET(JSNumberCell, m_value), jsNumberCell);
- if (jsNumberCell != X86::eax)
- __ movl_rr(jsNumberCell, X86::eax);
- emitPutVirtualRegister(dst);
- *wroteJSNumberCell = __ jmp();
- __ link(resultIsImm, __ label());
- // value == (double)(JSImmediate)value... or at least, it looks that way...
- // ucomi will report that (0 == -0), and will report true if either input in NaN (result is unordered).
- __ link(__ jp(), resultLookedLikeImmButActuallyIsnt); // Actually was a NaN
- __ pextrw_irr(3, xmmSource, tempReg2);
- __ cmpl_ir(0x8000, tempReg2);
- __ link(__ je(), resultLookedLikeImmButActuallyIsnt); // Actually was -0
- // Yes it really really really is representable as a JSImmediate.
- emitFastArithIntToImmNoCheck(tempReg1, X86::eax);
- emitPutVirtualRegister(dst);
-void JIT::compileBinaryArithOp(OpcodeID opcodeID, unsigned dst, unsigned src1, unsigned src2, OperandTypes types)
- Structure* numberStructure = m_globalData->numberStructure.get();
- JmpSrc wasJSNumberCell1;
- JmpSrc wasJSNumberCell1b;
- JmpSrc wasJSNumberCell2;
- JmpSrc wasJSNumberCell2b;
- emitGetVirtualRegisters(src1, X86::eax, src2, X86::edx);
- if (types.second().isReusable() && isSSE2Present()) {
- ASSERT(types.second().mightBeNumber());
- // Check op2 is a number
- __ testl_i32r(JSImmediate::TagTypeNumber, X86::edx);
- JmpSrc op2imm = __ jne();
- if (!types.second().definitelyIsNumber()) {
- emitJumpSlowCaseIfNotJSCell(X86::edx, src2);
- __ cmpl_im(reinterpret_cast<unsigned>(numberStructure), FIELD_OFFSET(JSCell, m_structure), X86::edx);
- addSlowCase(__ jne());
- }
- // (1) In this case src2 is a reusable number cell.
- // Slow case if src1 is not a number type.
- __ testl_i32r(JSImmediate::TagTypeNumber, X86::eax);
- JmpSrc op1imm = __ jne();
- if (!types.first().definitelyIsNumber()) {
- emitJumpSlowCaseIfNotJSCell(X86::eax, src1);
- __ cmpl_im(reinterpret_cast<unsigned>(numberStructure), FIELD_OFFSET(JSCell, m_structure), X86::eax);
- addSlowCase(__ jne());
- }
- // (1a) if we get here, src1 is also a number cell
- __ movsd_mr(FIELD_OFFSET(JSNumberCell, m_value), X86::eax, X86::xmm0);
- JmpSrc loadedDouble = __ jmp();
- // (1b) if we get here, src1 is an immediate
- __ link(op1imm, __ label());
- emitFastArithImmToInt(X86::eax);
- __ cvtsi2sd_rr(X86::eax, X86::xmm0);
- // (1c)
- __ link(loadedDouble, __ label());
- if (opcodeID == op_add)
- __ addsd_mr(FIELD_OFFSET(JSNumberCell, m_value), X86::edx, X86::xmm0);
- else if (opcodeID == op_sub)
- __ subsd_mr(FIELD_OFFSET(JSNumberCell, m_value), X86::edx, X86::xmm0);
- else {
- ASSERT(opcodeID == op_mul);
- __ mulsd_mr(FIELD_OFFSET(JSNumberCell, m_value), X86::edx, X86::xmm0);
- }
- putDoubleResultToJSNumberCellOrJSImmediate(X86::xmm0, X86::edx, dst, &wasJSNumberCell2, X86::xmm1, X86::ecx, X86::eax);
- wasJSNumberCell2b = __ jmp();
- // (2) This handles cases where src2 is an immediate number.
- // Two slow cases - either src1 isn't an immediate, or the subtract overflows.
- __ link(op2imm, __ label());
- emitJumpSlowCaseIfNotImmediateInteger(X86::eax);
- } else if (types.first().isReusable() && isSSE2Present()) {
- ASSERT(types.first().mightBeNumber());
- // Check op1 is a number
- __ testl_i32r(JSImmediate::TagTypeNumber, X86::eax);
- JmpSrc op1imm = __ jne();
- if (!types.first().definitelyIsNumber()) {
- emitJumpSlowCaseIfNotJSCell(X86::eax, src1);
- __ cmpl_im(reinterpret_cast<unsigned>(numberStructure), FIELD_OFFSET(JSCell, m_structure), X86::eax);
- addSlowCase(__ jne());
- }
- // (1) In this case src1 is a reusable number cell.
- // Slow case if src2 is not a number type.
- __ testl_i32r(JSImmediate::TagTypeNumber, X86::edx);
- JmpSrc op2imm = __ jne();
- if (!types.second().definitelyIsNumber()) {
- emitJumpSlowCaseIfNotJSCell(X86::edx, src2);
- __ cmpl_im(reinterpret_cast<unsigned>(numberStructure), FIELD_OFFSET(JSCell, m_structure), X86::edx);
- addSlowCase(__ jne());
- }
- // (1a) if we get here, src2 is also a number cell
- __ movsd_mr(FIELD_OFFSET(JSNumberCell, m_value), X86::edx, X86::xmm1);
- JmpSrc loadedDouble = __ jmp();
- // (1b) if we get here, src2 is an immediate
- __ link(op2imm, __ label());
- emitFastArithImmToInt(X86::edx);
- __ cvtsi2sd_rr(X86::edx, X86::xmm1);
- // (1c)
- __ link(loadedDouble, __ label());
- __ movsd_mr(FIELD_OFFSET(JSNumberCell, m_value), X86::eax, X86::xmm0);
- if (opcodeID == op_add)
- __ addsd_rr(X86::xmm1, X86::xmm0);
- else if (opcodeID == op_sub)
- __ subsd_rr(X86::xmm1, X86::xmm0);
- else {
- ASSERT(opcodeID == op_mul);
- __ mulsd_rr(X86::xmm1, X86::xmm0);
- }
- __ movsd_rm(X86::xmm0, FIELD_OFFSET(JSNumberCell, m_value), X86::eax);
- emitPutVirtualRegister(dst);
- putDoubleResultToJSNumberCellOrJSImmediate(X86::xmm0, X86::eax, dst, &wasJSNumberCell1, X86::xmm1, X86::ecx, X86::edx);
- wasJSNumberCell1b = __ jmp();
- // (2) This handles cases where src1 is an immediate number.
- // Two slow cases - either src2 isn't an immediate, or the subtract overflows.
- __ link(op1imm, __ label());
- emitJumpSlowCaseIfNotImmediateInteger(X86::edx);
- } else
- emitJumpSlowCaseIfNotImmediateIntegers(X86::eax, X86::edx, X86::ecx);
- if (opcodeID == op_add) {
- emitFastArithDeTagImmediate(X86::eax);
- __ addl_rr(X86::edx, X86::eax);
- addSlowCase(__ jo());
- } else if (opcodeID == op_sub) {
- __ subl_rr(X86::edx, X86::eax);
- addSlowCase(__ jo());
- signExtend32ToPtr(X86::eax, X86::eax);
- emitFastArithReTagImmediate(X86::eax, X86::eax);