-#ifndef NDEBUG
- PatternTerm* term = op.m_term;
- // Runtime ASSERT to make sure that the nested alternative handled the
- // "no input consumed" check.
- Jump pastBreakpoint;
- pastBreakpoint = branch32(NotEqual, index, Address(stackPointerRegister, term->frameLocation * sizeof(void*)));
- breakpoint();
- pastBreakpoint.link(this);
+ PatternTerm* term = op.m_term;
+ // Runtime ASSERT to make sure that the nested alternative handled the
+ // "no input consumed" check.
+ Jump pastBreakpoint;
+ pastBreakpoint = branch32(NotEqual, index, Address(stackPointerRegister, term->frameLocation * sizeof(void*)));
+ abortWithReason(YARRNoInputConsumed);
+ pastBreakpoint.link(this);
+ }