* Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Harri Porten (porten@kde.org)
* Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Kelly (pmk@post.com)
- * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2013, 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
#ifndef Debugger_h
#define Debugger_h
+#include "Breakpoint.h"
+#include "DebuggerCallFrame.h"
+#include "DebuggerPrimitives.h"
+#include "JSCJSValue.h"
+#include <wtf/HashMap.h>
#include <wtf/HashSet.h>
+#include <wtf/RefPtr.h>
+#include <wtf/text/TextPosition.h>
namespace JSC {
- class DebuggerCallFrame;
- class ExecState;
- class VM;
- class JSGlobalObject;
- class JSValue;
- class SourceProvider;
+class ExecState;
+class JSGlobalObject;
+class SourceProvider;
+class VM;
- class JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE Debugger {
- public:
- virtual ~Debugger();
+typedef ExecState CallFrame;
+class JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE Debugger {
+ Debugger(bool isInWorkerThread = false);
+ virtual ~Debugger();
+ JSC::DebuggerCallFrame* currentDebuggerCallFrame() const;
+ bool hasHandlerForExceptionCallback() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_reasonForPause == PausedForException);
+ return m_hasHandlerForExceptionCallback;
+ }
+ JSValue currentException()
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_reasonForPause == PausedForException);
+ return m_currentException;
+ }
+ bool needsExceptionCallbacks() const { return m_pauseOnExceptionsState != DontPauseOnExceptions; }
+ void attach(JSGlobalObject*);
+ enum ReasonForDetach {
+ TerminatingDebuggingSession,
+ GlobalObjectIsDestructing
+ };
+ virtual void detach(JSGlobalObject*, ReasonForDetach);
+ BreakpointID setBreakpoint(Breakpoint, unsigned& actualLine, unsigned& actualColumn);
+ void removeBreakpoint(BreakpointID);
+ void clearBreakpoints();
+ void setBreakpointsActivated(bool);
+ void activateBreakpoints() { setBreakpointsActivated(true); }
+ void deactivateBreakpoints() { setBreakpointsActivated(false); }
+ enum PauseOnExceptionsState {
+ DontPauseOnExceptions,
+ PauseOnAllExceptions,
+ PauseOnUncaughtExceptions
+ };
+ PauseOnExceptionsState pauseOnExceptionsState() const { return m_pauseOnExceptionsState; }
+ void setPauseOnExceptionsState(PauseOnExceptionsState);
+ void setPauseOnNextStatement(bool);
+ void breakProgram();
+ void continueProgram();
+ void stepIntoStatement();
+ void stepOverStatement();
+ void stepOutOfFunction();
+ bool isPaused() { return m_isPaused; }
+ bool isStepping() const { return m_steppingMode == SteppingModeEnabled; }
+ virtual void sourceParsed(ExecState*, SourceProvider*, int errorLineNumber, const WTF::String& errorMessage) = 0;
+ void exception(CallFrame*, JSValue exceptionValue, bool hasHandler);
+ void atStatement(CallFrame*);
+ void callEvent(CallFrame*);
+ void returnEvent(CallFrame*);
+ void willExecuteProgram(CallFrame*);
+ void didExecuteProgram(CallFrame*);
+ void didReachBreakpoint(CallFrame*);
+ void recompileAllJSFunctions(VM*);
+ void registerCodeBlock(CodeBlock*);
+ virtual bool needPauseHandling(JSGlobalObject*) { return false; }
+ virtual void handleBreakpointHit(const Breakpoint&) { }
+ virtual void handleExceptionInBreakpointCondition(ExecState*, JSValue exception) const { UNUSED_PARAM(exception); }
- void attach(JSGlobalObject*);
- virtual void detach(JSGlobalObject*);
+ enum ReasonForPause {
+ NotPaused,
+ PausedForException,
+ PausedAtStatement,
+ PausedAfterCall,
+ PausedBeforeReturn,
+ PausedAtStartOfProgram,
+ PausedAtEndOfProgram,
+ PausedForBreakpoint
+ };
- virtual void sourceParsed(ExecState*, SourceProvider*, int errorLineNumber, const WTF::String& errorMessage) = 0;
+ virtual void handlePause(ReasonForPause, JSGlobalObject*) { }
+ virtual void notifyDoneProcessingDebuggerEvents() { }
- virtual void exception(const DebuggerCallFrame&, intptr_t, int, int, bool) = 0;
- virtual void atStatement(const DebuggerCallFrame&, intptr_t, int, int) = 0;
- virtual void callEvent(const DebuggerCallFrame&, intptr_t, int, int) = 0;
- virtual void returnEvent(const DebuggerCallFrame&, intptr_t, int, int) = 0;
+ typedef HashMap<BreakpointID, Breakpoint*> BreakpointIDToBreakpointMap;
- virtual void willExecuteProgram(const DebuggerCallFrame&, intptr_t, int, int) = 0;
- virtual void didExecuteProgram(const DebuggerCallFrame&, intptr_t, int, int) = 0;
- virtual void didReachBreakpoint(const DebuggerCallFrame&, intptr_t, int, int) = 0;
+ typedef HashMap<unsigned, RefPtr<BreakpointsList>, WTF::IntHash<int>, WTF::UnsignedWithZeroKeyHashTraits<int>> LineToBreakpointsMap;
+ typedef HashMap<SourceID, LineToBreakpointsMap, WTF::IntHash<SourceID>, WTF::UnsignedWithZeroKeyHashTraits<SourceID>> SourceIDToBreakpointsMap;
+ class ClearCodeBlockDebuggerRequestsFunctor;
+ class ClearDebuggerRequestsFunctor;
+ class SetSteppingModeFunctor;
+ class ToggleBreakpointFunctor;
- void recompileAllJSFunctions(VM*);
+ class PauseReasonDeclaration {
+ public:
+ PauseReasonDeclaration(Debugger& debugger, ReasonForPause reason)
+ : m_debugger(debugger)
+ {
+ m_debugger.m_reasonForPause = reason;
+ }
+ ~PauseReasonDeclaration()
+ {
+ m_debugger.m_reasonForPause = NotPaused;
+ }
- HashSet<JSGlobalObject*> m_globalObjects;
+ Debugger& m_debugger;
+ };
+ bool hasBreakpoint(SourceID, const TextPosition&, Breakpoint* hitBreakpoint);
+ void updateNeedForOpDebugCallbacks();
+ // These update functions are only needed because our current breakpoints are
+ // key'ed off the source position instead of the bytecode PC. This ensures
+ // that we don't break on the same line more than once. Once we switch to a
+ // bytecode PC key'ed breakpoint, we will not need these anymore and should
+ // be able to remove them.
+ void updateCallFrame(JSC::CallFrame*);
+ void updateCallFrameAndPauseIfNeeded(JSC::CallFrame*);
+ void pauseIfNeeded(JSC::CallFrame*);
+ enum SteppingMode {
+ SteppingModeDisabled,
+ SteppingModeEnabled
+ };
+ void setSteppingMode(SteppingMode);
+ enum BreakpointState {
+ BreakpointDisabled,
+ BreakpointEnabled
+ void toggleBreakpoint(CodeBlock*, Breakpoint&, BreakpointState);
+ void applyBreakpoints(CodeBlock*);
+ void toggleBreakpoint(Breakpoint&, BreakpointState);
+ void clearDebuggerRequests(JSGlobalObject*);
+ template<typename Functor> inline void forEachCodeBlock(Functor&);
+ VM* m_vm;
+ HashSet<JSGlobalObject*> m_globalObjects;
+ PauseOnExceptionsState m_pauseOnExceptionsState;
+ bool m_pauseOnNextStatement : 1;
+ bool m_isPaused : 1;
+ bool m_breakpointsActivated : 1;
+ bool m_hasHandlerForExceptionCallback : 1;
+ bool m_isInWorkerThread : 1;
+ SteppingMode m_steppingMode : 1;
+ ReasonForPause m_reasonForPause;
+ JSValue m_currentException;
+ CallFrame* m_pauseOnCallFrame;
+ CallFrame* m_currentCallFrame;
+ unsigned m_lastExecutedLine;
+ SourceID m_lastExecutedSourceID;
+ BreakpointID m_topBreakpointID;
+ BreakpointIDToBreakpointMap m_breakpointIDToBreakpoint;
+ SourceIDToBreakpointsMap m_sourceIDToBreakpoints;
+ RefPtr<JSC::DebuggerCallFrame> m_currentDebuggerCallFrame;
- // This function exists only for backwards compatibility with existing WebScriptDebugger clients.
- JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE JSValue evaluateInGlobalCallFrame(const WTF::String&, JSValue& exception, JSGlobalObject*);
+ friend class DebuggerCallFrameScope;
+ friend class TemporaryPausedState;
+ friend class LLIntOffsetsExtractor;
} // namespace JSC