@class JSContext;
-// A JSValue is a reference to a value within the JavaScript object space of a
-// JSVirtualMachine. All instances of JSValue originate from a JSContext and
-// hold a strong reference to this JSContext. As long as any value associated with
-// a particular JSContext is retained, that JSContext will remain alive.
-// Where an instance method is invoked upon a JSValue, and this returns another
-// JSValue, the returned JSValue will originate from the same JSContext as the
-// JSValue on which the method was invoked.
-// For all methods taking arguments of type id, arguments will be converted
-// into a JavaScript value according to the conversion specified below.
-// All JavaScript values are associated with a particular JSVirtualMachine
-// (the associated JSVirtualMachine is available indirectly via the context
-// property). An instance of JSValue may only be passed as an argument to
-// methods on instances of JSValue and JSContext that belong to the same
-// JSVirtualMachine - passing a JSValue to a method on an object originating
-// from a different JSVirtualMachine will result in an Objective-C exception
-// being raised.
-// Conversion between Objective-C and JavaScript types.
-// When converting between JavaScript values and Objective-C objects a copy is
-// performed. Values of types listed below are copied to the corresponding
-// types on conversion in each direction. For NSDictionaries, entries in the
-// dictionary that are keyed by strings are copied onto a JavaScript object.
-// For dictionaries and arrays, conversion is recursive, with the same object
-// conversion being applied to all entries in the collection.
-// Objective-C type | JavaScript type
-// --------------------+---------------------
-// nil | undefined
-// NSNull | null
-// NSString | string
-// NSNumber | number, boolean
-// NSDictionary | Object object
-// NSArray | Array object
-// NSDate | Date object
-// NSBlock * | Function object *
-// id ** | Wrapper object **
-// Class *** | Constructor object ***
-// * Instances of NSBlock with supported arguments types will be presented to
-// JavaScript as a callable Function object. For more information on supported
-// argument types see JSExport.h. If a JavaScript Function originating from an
-// Objective-C block is converted back to an Objective-C object the block will
-// be returned. All other JavaScript functions will be converted in the same
-// manner as a JavaScript object of type Object.
-// ** For Objective-C instances that do not derive from the set of types listed
-// above, a wrapper object to provide a retaining handle to the Objective-C
-// instance from JavaScript. For more information on these wrapper objects, see
-// JSExport.h. When a JavaScript wrapper object is converted back to Objective-C
-// the Objective-C instance being retained by the wrapper is returned.
-// *** For Objective-C Class objects a constructor object containing exported
-// class methods will be returned. See JSExport.h for more information on
-// constructor objects.
+@discussion A JSValue is a reference to a value within the JavaScript object space of a
+ JSVirtualMachine. All instances of JSValue originate from a JSContext and
+ hold a strong reference to this JSContext. As long as any value associated with
+ a particular JSContext is retained, that JSContext will remain alive.
+ Where an instance method is invoked upon a JSValue, and this returns another
+ JSValue, the returned JSValue will originate from the same JSContext as the
+ JSValue on which the method was invoked.
+ All JavaScript values are associated with a particular JSVirtualMachine
+ (the associated JSVirtualMachine is available indirectly via the context
+ property). An instance of JSValue may only be passed as an argument to
+ methods on instances of JSValue and JSContext that belong to the same
+ JSVirtualMachine - passing a JSValue to a method on an object originating
+ from a different JSVirtualMachine will result in an Objective-C exception
+ being raised.
@interface JSValue : NSObject
-// Create a JSValue by converting an Objective-C object.
+@abstract The JSContext that this value originates from.
+@property (readonly, strong) JSContext *context;
+@methodgroup Creating JavaScript Values
+@abstract Create a JSValue by converting an Objective-C object.
+@discussion The resulting JSValue retains the provided Objective-C object.
+@param value The Objective-C object to be converted.
+@result The new JSValue.
+ (JSValue *)valueWithObject:(id)value inContext:(JSContext *)context;
-// Create a JavaScript value from an Objective-C primitive type.
+@abstract Create a JavaScript value from a BOOL primitive.
+@param value
+@param context The JSContext in which the resulting JSValue will be created.
+@result The new JSValue representing the equivalent boolean value.
+ (JSValue *)valueWithBool:(BOOL)value inContext:(JSContext *)context;
+@abstract Create a JavaScript value from a double primitive.
+@param value
+@param context The JSContext in which the resulting JSValue will be created.
+@result The new JSValue representing the equivalent boolean value.
+ (JSValue *)valueWithDouble:(double)value inContext:(JSContext *)context;
+@abstract Create a JavaScript value from an <code>int32_t</code> primitive.
+@param value
+@param context The JSContext in which the resulting JSValue will be created.
+@result The new JSValue representing the equivalent boolean value.
+ (JSValue *)valueWithInt32:(int32_t)value inContext:(JSContext *)context;
+@abstract Create a JavaScript value from a <code>uint32_t</code> primitive.
+@param value
+@param context The JSContext in which the resulting JSValue will be created.
+@result The new JSValue representing the equivalent boolean value.
+ (JSValue *)valueWithUInt32:(uint32_t)value inContext:(JSContext *)context;
-// Create a JavaScript value in this context.
+@abstract Create a new, empty JavaScript object.
+@param context The JSContext in which the resulting object will be created.
+@result The new JavaScript object.
+ (JSValue *)valueWithNewObjectInContext:(JSContext *)context;
+@abstract Create a new, empty JavaScript array.
+@param context The JSContext in which the resulting array will be created.
+@result The new JavaScript array.
+ (JSValue *)valueWithNewArrayInContext:(JSContext *)context;
+@abstract Create a new JavaScript regular expression object.
+@param pattern The regular expression pattern.
+@param flags The regular expression flags.
+@param context The JSContext in which the resulting regular expression object will be created.
+@result The new JavaScript regular expression object.
+ (JSValue *)valueWithNewRegularExpressionFromPattern:(NSString *)pattern flags:(NSString *)flags inContext:(JSContext *)context;
+@abstract Create a new JavaScript error object.
+@param message The error message.
+@param context The JSContext in which the resulting error object will be created.
+@result The new JavaScript error object.
+ (JSValue *)valueWithNewErrorFromMessage:(NSString *)message inContext:(JSContext *)context;
+@abstract Create the JavaScript value <code>null</code>.
+@param context The JSContext to which the resulting JSValue belongs.
+@result The JSValue representing the JavaScript value <code>null</code>.
+ (JSValue *)valueWithNullInContext:(JSContext *)context;
+@abstract Create the JavaScript value <code>undefined</code>.
+@param context The JSContext to which the resulting JSValue belongs.
+@result The JSValue representing the JavaScript value <code>undefined</code>.
+ (JSValue *)valueWithUndefinedInContext:(JSContext *)context;
-// Convert this value to a corresponding Objective-C object, according to the
-// conversion specified above.
+@methodgroup Converting to Objective-C Types
+@discussion When converting between JavaScript values and Objective-C objects a copy is
+ performed. Values of types listed below are copied to the corresponding
+ types on conversion in each direction. For NSDictionaries, entries in the
+ dictionary that are keyed by strings are copied onto a JavaScript object.
+ For dictionaries and arrays, conversion is recursive, with the same object
+ conversion being applied to all entries in the collection.
+ Objective-C type | JavaScript type
+ --------------------+---------------------
+ nil | undefined
+ NSNull | null
+ NSString | string
+ NSNumber | number, boolean
+ NSDictionary | Object object
+ NSArray | Array object
+ NSDate | Date object
+ NSBlock (1) | Function object (1)
+ id (2) | Wrapper object (2)
+ Class (3) | Constructor object (3)
+ (1) Instances of NSBlock with supported arguments types will be presented to
+ JavaScript as a callable Function object. For more information on supported
+ argument types see JSExport.h. If a JavaScript Function originating from an
+ Objective-C block is converted back to an Objective-C object the block will
+ be returned. All other JavaScript functions will be converted in the same
+ manner as a JavaScript object of type Object.
+ (2) For Objective-C instances that do not derive from the set of types listed
+ above, a wrapper object to provide a retaining handle to the Objective-C
+ instance from JavaScript. For more information on these wrapper objects, see
+ JSExport.h. When a JavaScript wrapper object is converted back to Objective-C
+ the Objective-C instance being retained by the wrapper is returned.
+ (3) For Objective-C Class objects a constructor object containing exported
+ class methods will be returned. See JSExport.h for more information on
+ constructor objects.
+ For all methods taking arguments of type id, arguments will be converted
+ into a JavaScript value according to the above conversion.
+@abstract Convert this JSValue to an Objective-C object.
+@discussion The JSValue is converted to an Objective-C object according
+ to the conversion rules specified above.
+@result The Objective-C representation of this JSValue.
- (id)toObject;
-// Convert this value to a corresponding Objective-C object, if the result is
-// not of the specified class then nil will be returned.
+@abstract Convert a JSValue to an Objective-C object of a specific class.
+@discussion The JSValue is converted to an Objective-C object of the specified Class.
+ If the result is not of the specified Class then <code>nil</code> will be returned.
+@result An Objective-C object of the specified Class or <code>nil</code>.
- (id)toObjectOfClass:(Class)expectedClass;
-// The value is copied to a boolean according to the conversion specified by the
-// JavaScript language.
+@abstract Convert a JSValue to a boolean.
+@discussion The JSValue is converted to a boolean according to the rules specified
+ by the JavaScript language.
+@result The boolean result of the conversion.
- (BOOL)toBool;
-// The value is copied to a number according to the conversion specified by the
-// JavaScript language.
+@abstract Convert a JSValue to a double.
+@discussion The JSValue is converted to a number according to the rules specified
+ by the JavaScript language.
+@result The double result of the conversion.
- (double)toDouble;
-// The value is copied to an integer according to the conversion specified by
-// the JavaScript language.
+@abstract Convert a JSValue to an <code>int32_t</code>.
+@discussion The JSValue is converted to an integer according to the rules specified
+ by the JavaScript language.
+@result The <code>int32_t</code> result of the conversion.
- (int32_t)toInt32;
-// The value is copied to an integer according to the conversion specified by
-// the JavaScript language.
+@abstract Convert a JSValue to a <code>uint32_t</code>.
+@discussion The JSValue is converted to an integer according to the rules specified
+ by the JavaScript language.
+@result The <code>uint32_t</code> result of the conversion.
- (uint32_t)toUInt32;
-// If the value is a boolean, a NSNumber value of @YES or @NO will be returned.
-// For all other types the value will be copied to a number according to the
-// conversion specified by the JavaScript language.
+@abstract Convert a JSValue to a NSNumber.
+@discussion If the JSValue represents a boolean, a NSNumber value of YES or NO
+ will be returned. For all other types the value will be converted to a number according
+ to the rules specified by the JavaScript language.
+@result The NSNumber result of the conversion.
- (NSNumber *)toNumber;
-// The value is copied to a string according to the conversion specified by the
-// JavaScript language.
+@abstract Convert a JSValue to a NSString.
+@discussion The JSValue is converted to a string according to the rules specified
+ by the JavaScript language.
+@result The NSString containing the result of the conversion.
- (NSString *)toString;
-// The value is converted to a number representing a time interval since 1970,
-// and a new NSDate instance is returned.
+@abstract Convert a JSValue to a NSDate.
+@discussion The value is converted to a number representing a time interval
+ since 1970 which is then used to create a new NSDate instance.
+@result The NSDate created using the converted time interval.
- (NSDate *)toDate;
-// If the value is null or undefined then nil is returned.
-// If the value is not an object then a JavaScript TypeError will be thrown.
-// The property "length" is read from the object, converted to an unsigned
-// integer, and an NSArray of this size is allocated. Properties corresponding
-// to indicies within the array bounds will be copied to the array, with
-// Objective-C objects converted to equivalent JSValues as specified.
+@abstract Convert a JSValue to a NSArray.
+@discussion If the value is <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code> then <code>nil</code> is returned.
+ If the value is not an object then a JavaScript TypeError will be thrown.
+ The property <code>length</code> is read from the object, converted to an unsigned
+ integer, and an NSArray of this size is allocated. Properties corresponding
+ to indicies within the array bounds will be copied to the array, with
+ JSValues converted to equivalent Objective-C objects as specified.
+@result The NSArray containing the recursively converted contents of the
+ converted JavaScript array.
- (NSArray *)toArray;
-// If the value is null or undefined then nil is returned.
-// If the value is not an object then a JavaScript TypeError will be thrown.
-// All enumerable properties of the object are copied to the dictionary, with
-// Objective-C objects converted to equivalent JSValues as specified.
+@abstract Convert a JSValue to a NSDictionary.
+@discussion If the value is <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code> then <code>nil</code> is returned.
+ If the value is not an object then a JavaScript TypeError will be thrown.
+ All enumerable properties of the object are copied to the dictionary, with
+ JSValues converted to equivalent Objective-C objects as specified.
+@result The NSDictionary containing the recursively converted contents of
+ the converted JavaScript object.
- (NSDictionary *)toDictionary;
-// Access a property from the value. This method will return the JavaScript value
-// 'undefined' if the property does not exist.
+@methodgroup Accessing Properties
+@abstract Access a property of a JSValue.
+@result The JSValue for the requested property or the JSValue <code>undefined</code>
+ if the property does not exist.
- (JSValue *)valueForProperty:(NSString *)property;
-// Set a property on the value.
+@abstract Set a property on a JSValue.
- (void)setValue:(id)value forProperty:(NSString *)property;
-// Delete a property from the value, returns YES if deletion is successful.
+@abstract Delete a property from a JSValue.
+@result YES if deletion is successful, NO otherwise.
- (BOOL)deleteProperty:(NSString *)property;
-// Returns YES if property is present on the value.
-// This method has the same function as the JavaScript operator "in".
+@abstract Check if a JSValue has a property.
+@discussion This method has the same function as the JavaScript operator <code>in</code>.
+@result Returns YES if property is present on the value.
- (BOOL)hasProperty:(NSString *)property;
-// This method may be used to create a data or accessor property on an object;
-// this method operates in accordance with the Object.defineProperty method in
-// the JavaScript language.
+@abstract Define properties with custom descriptors on JSValues.
+@discussion This method may be used to create a data or accessor property on an object.
+ This method operates in accordance with the Object.defineProperty method in the
+ JavaScript language.
- (void)defineProperty:(NSString *)property descriptor:(id)descriptor;
-// Access an indexed property from the value. This method will return the
-// JavaScript value 'undefined' if no property exists at that index.
+@abstract Access an indexed (numerical) property on a JSValue.
+@result The JSValue for the property at the specified index.
+ Returns the JavaScript value <code>undefined</code> if no property exists at that index.
- (JSValue *)valueAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
-// Set an indexed property on the value. For JSValues that are JavaScript arrays,
-// indices greater than UINT_MAX - 1 will not affect the length of the array.
+@abstract Set an indexed (numerical) property on a JSValue.
+@discussion For JSValues that are JavaScript arrays, indices greater than
+ UINT_MAX - 1 will not affect the length of the array.
- (void)setValue:(id)value atIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
-// All JavaScript values are precisely one of these types.
+@methodgroup Checking JavaScript Types
+@abstract Check if a JSValue corresponds to the JavaScript value <code>undefined</code>.
- (BOOL)isUndefined;
+@abstract Check if a JSValue corresponds to the JavaScript value <code>null</code>.
- (BOOL)isNull;
+@abstract Check if a JSValue is a boolean.
- (BOOL)isBoolean;
+@abstract Check if a JSValue is a number.
+@discussion In JavaScript, there is no differentiation between types of numbers.
+ Semantically all numbers behave like doubles except in special cases like bit
+ operations.
- (BOOL)isNumber;
+@abstract Check if a JSValue is a string.
- (BOOL)isString;
+@abstract Check if a JSValue is an object.
- (BOOL)isObject;
-// This method has the same function as the JavaScript operator "===".
+@abstract Compare two JSValues using JavaScript's <code>===</code> operator.
- (BOOL)isEqualToObject:(id)value;
-// This method has the same function as the JavaScript operator "==".
+@abstract Compare two JSValues using JavaScript's <code>==</code> operator.
- (BOOL)isEqualWithTypeCoercionToObject:(id)value;
-// This method has the same function as the JavaScript operator "instanceof".
+@abstract Check if a JSValue is an instance of another object.
+@discussion This method has the same function as the JavaScript operator <code>instanceof</code>.
+ If an object other than a JSValue is passed, it will first be converted according to
+ the aforementioned rules.
- (BOOL)isInstanceOf:(id)value;
-// Call this value as a function passing the specified arguments.
+@methodgroup Calling Functions and Constructors
+@abstract Invoke a JSValue as a function.
+@discussion In JavaScript, if a function doesn't explicitly return a value then it
+ implicitly returns the JavaScript value <code>undefined</code>.
+@param arguments The arguments to pass to the function.
+@result The return value of the function call.
- (JSValue *)callWithArguments:(NSArray *)arguments;
-// Call this value as a constructor passing the specified arguments.
+@abstract Invoke a JSValue as a constructor.
+@discussion This is equivalent to using the <code>new</code> syntax in JavaScript.
+@param arguments The arguments to pass to the constructor.
+@result The return value of the constructor call.
- (JSValue *)constructWithArguments:(NSArray *)arguments;
-// Access the property named "method" from this value; call the value resulting
-// from the property access as a function, passing this value as the "this"
-// value, and the specified arguments.
-- (JSValue *)invokeMethod:(NSString *)method withArguments:(NSArray *)arguments;
-// The JSContext that this value originates from.
-@property(readonly, retain) JSContext *context;
+@abstract Invoke a method on a JSValue.
+@discussion Accesses the property named <code>method</code> from this value and
+ calls the resulting value as a function, passing this JSValue as the <code>this</code>
+ value along with the specified arguments.
+@param method The name of the method to be invoked.
+@param arguments The arguments to pass to the method.
+@result The return value of the method call.
+- (JSValue *)invokeMethod:(NSString *)method withArguments:(NSArray *)arguments;
-// Objective-C methods exported to JavaScript may have argument and/or return
-// values of struct types, provided that conversion to and from the struct is
-// supported by JSValue. Support is provided for any types where JSValue
-// contains both a class method "valueWith<Type>:inContext:", and and instance
-// method "to<Type>" - where the string "<Type>" in these selector names match,
-// with the first argument to the former being of the same struct type as the
-// return type of the latter.
-// Support is provided for structs of type CGPoint, NSRange, CGRect and CGSize.
-@interface JSValue(StructSupport)
-// This method returns a newly allocated JavaScript object containing properties
-// named "x" and "y", with values from the CGPoint.
+@discussion Objective-C methods exported to JavaScript may have argument and/or return
+ values of struct types, provided that conversion to and from the struct is
+ supported by JSValue. Support is provided for any types where JSValue
+ contains both a class method <code>valueWith<Type>:inContext:</code>, and and instance
+ method <code>to<Type></code>- where the string <code><Type></code> in these selector names match,
+ with the first argument to the former being of the same struct type as the
+ return type of the latter.
+ Support is provided for structs of type CGPoint, NSRange, CGRect and CGSize.
+@interface JSValue (StructSupport)
+@abstract Create a JSValue from a CGPoint.
+@result A newly allocated JavaScript object containing properties
+ named <code>x</code> and <code>y</code>, with values from the CGPoint.
+ (JSValue *)valueWithPoint:(CGPoint)point inContext:(JSContext *)context;
-// This method returns a newly allocated JavaScript object containing properties
-// named "location" and "length", with values from the NSRange.
+@abstract Create a JSValue from a NSRange.
+@result A newly allocated JavaScript object containing properties
+ named <code>location</code> and <code>length</code>, with values from the NSRange.
+ (JSValue *)valueWithRange:(NSRange)range inContext:(JSContext *)context;
-// This method returns a newly allocated JavaScript object containing properties
-// named "x", "y", "width", and "height", with values from the CGRect.
+Create a JSValue from a CGRect.
+@result A newly allocated JavaScript object containing properties
+ named <code>x</code>, <code>y</code>, <code>width</code>, and <code>height</code>, with values from the CGRect.
+ (JSValue *)valueWithRect:(CGRect)rect inContext:(JSContext *)context;
-// This method returns a newly allocated JavaScript object containing properties
-// named "width" and "height", with values from the CGSize.
+@abstract Create a JSValue from a CGSize.
+@result A newly allocated JavaScript object containing properties
+ named <code>width</code> and <code>height</code>, with values from the CGSize.
+ (JSValue *)valueWithSize:(CGSize)size inContext:(JSContext *)context;
-// Convert a value to type CGPoint by reading properties named "x" and "y" from
-// this value, and converting the results to double.
+@abstract Convert a JSValue to a CGPoint.
+@discussion Reads the properties named <code>x</code> and <code>y</code> from
+ this JSValue, and converts the results to double.
+@result The new CGPoint.
- (CGPoint)toPoint;
-// Convert a value to type NSRange by accessing properties named "location" and
-// "length" from this value converting the results to double.
+@abstract Convert a JSValue to an NSRange.
+@discussion Reads the properties named <code>location</code> and
+ <code>length</code> from this JSValue and converts the results to double.
+@result The new NSRange.
- (NSRange)toRange;
-// Convert a value to type CGRect by reading properties named "x", "y", "width",
-// and "height" from this value, and converting the results to double.
+@abstract Convert a JSValue to a CGRect.
+@discussion Reads the properties named <code>x</code>, <code>y</code>,
+ <code>width</code>, and <code>height</code> from this JSValue and converts the results to double.
+@result The new CGRect.
- (CGRect)toRect;
-// Convert a value to type CGSize by accessing properties named "width" and
-// "height" from this value converting the results to double.
+@abstract Convert a JSValue to a CGSize.
+@discussion Reads the properties named <code>width</code> and
+ <code>height</code> from this JSValue and converts the results to double.
+@result The new CGSize.
- (CGSize)toSize;
-// Instances of JSValue implement the following methods in order to enable
-// support for subscript access by key and index, for example:
-// JSValue *objectA, *objectB;
-// JSValue *v1 = object[@"X"]; // Get value for property "X" from 'object'.
-// JSValue *v2 = object[42]; // Get value for index 42 from 'object'.
-// object[@"Y"] = v1; // Assign 'v1' to property "Y" of 'object'.
-// object[101] = v2; // Assign 'v2' to index 101 of 'object'.
-// An object key passed as a subscript will be converted to a JavaScript value,
-// and then the value converted to a string used as a property name.
-@interface JSValue(SubscriptSupport)
+@discussion Instances of JSValue implement the following methods in order to enable
+ support for subscript access by key and index, for example:
+ JSValue *objectA, *objectB;
+ JSValue *v1 = object[@"X"]; // Get value for property "X" from 'object'.
+ JSValue *v2 = object[42]; // Get value for index 42 from 'object'.
+ object[@"Y"] = v1; // Assign 'v1' to property "Y" of 'object'.
+ object[101] = v2; // Assign 'v2' to index 101 of 'object'.
+ An object key passed as a subscript will be converted to a JavaScript value,
+ and then the value converted to a string used as a property name.
+@interface JSValue (SubscriptSupport)
- (JSValue *)objectForKeyedSubscript:(id)key;
- (JSValue *)objectAtIndexedSubscript:(NSUInteger)index;
-// These functions are for bridging between the C API and the Objective-C API.
-@interface JSValue(JSValueRefSupport)
-// Creates a JSValue, wrapping its C API counterpart.
+@discussion These functions are for bridging between the C API and the Objective-C API.
+@interface JSValue (JSValueRefSupport)
+@abstract Creates a JSValue, wrapping its C API counterpart.
+@param value
+@param context
+@result The Objective-C API equivalent of the specified JSValueRef.
+ (JSValue *)valueWithJSValueRef:(JSValueRef)value inContext:(JSContext *)context;
-// Returns the C API counterpart wrapped by a JSContext.
-- (JSValueRef)JSValueRef;
+@abstract Returns the C API counterpart wrapped by a JSContext.
+@result The C API equivalent of this JSValue.
+@property (readonly) JSValueRef JSValueRef;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
-// These keys may assist in creating a property descriptor for use with the
-// defineProperty method on JSValue.
-// Property descriptors must fit one of three descriptions:
-// Data Descriptor:
-// - A descriptor containing one or both of the keys "value" and "writable",
-// and optionally containing one or both of the keys "enumerable" and
-// "configurable". A data descriptor may not contain either the "get" or
-// "set" key.
-// A data descriptor may be used to create or modify the attributes of a
-// data property on an object (replacing any existing accessor property).
-// Accessor Descriptor:
-// - A descriptor containing one or both of the keys "get" and "set", and
-// optionally containing one or both of the keys "enumerable" and
-// "configurable". An accessor descriptor may not contain either the "value"
-// or "writable" key.
-// An accessor descriptor may be used to create or modify the attributes of
-// an accessor property on an object (replacing any existing data property).
-// Generic Descriptor:
-// - A descriptor containing one or both of the keys "enumerable" and
-// "configurable". A generic descriptor may not contain any of the keys
-// "value", " writable", "get", or "set".
-// A generic descriptor may be used to modify the attributes of an existing
-// data or accessor property, or to create a new data property.
+@group Property Descriptor Constants
+@discussion These keys may assist in creating a property descriptor for use with the
+ defineProperty method on JSValue.
+ Property descriptors must fit one of three descriptions:
+ Data Descriptor:
+ - A descriptor containing one or both of the keys <code>value</code> and <code>writable</code>,
+ and optionally containing one or both of the keys <code>enumerable</code> and
+ <code>configurable</code>. A data descriptor may not contain either the <code>get</code> or
+ <code>set</code> key.
+ A data descriptor may be used to create or modify the attributes of a
+ data property on an object (replacing any existing accessor property).
+ Accessor Descriptor:
+ - A descriptor containing one or both of the keys <code>get</code> and <code>set</code>, and
+ optionally containing one or both of the keys <code>enumerable</code> and
+ <code>configurable</code>. An accessor descriptor may not contain either the <code>value</code>
+ or <code>writable</code> key.
+ An accessor descriptor may be used to create or modify the attributes of
+ an accessor property on an object (replacing any existing data property).
+ Generic Descriptor:
+ - A descriptor containing one or both of the keys <code>enumerable</code> and
+ <code>configurable</code>. A generic descriptor may not contain any of the keys
+ <code>value</code>, <code>writable</code>, <code>get</code>, or <code>set</code>.
+ A generic descriptor may be used to modify the attributes of an existing
+ data or accessor property, or to create a new data property.
JS_EXPORT extern NSString * const JSPropertyDescriptorWritableKey;
JS_EXPORT extern NSString * const JSPropertyDescriptorEnumerableKey;
JS_EXPORT extern NSString * const JSPropertyDescriptorConfigurableKey;
JS_EXPORT extern NSString * const JSPropertyDescriptorValueKey;
JS_EXPORT extern NSString * const JSPropertyDescriptorGetKey;
JS_EXPORT extern NSString * const JSPropertyDescriptorSetKey;
#ifdef __cplusplus