-// The "exception" property may be used to throw an exception to JavaScript.
-// Before a callback is made from JavaScript to an Objective-C block or method,
-// the prior value of the exception property will be preserved and the property
-// will be set to nil. After the callback has completed the new value of the
-// exception property will be read, and prior value restored. If the new value
-// of exception is not nil, the callback will result in that value being thrown.
-// This property may also be used to check for uncaught exceptions arising from
-// API function calls (since the default behaviour of "exceptionHandler" is to
-// assign an uncaught exception to this property).
-// If a JSValue originating from a different JSVirtualMachine than this context
-// is assigned to this property, an Objective-C exception will be raised.
-@property(retain) JSValue *exception;
-// If a call to an API function results in an uncaught JavaScript exception, the
-// "exceptionHandler" block will be invoked. The default implementation for the
-// exception handler will store the exception to the exception property on
-// context. As a consequence the default behaviour is for unhandled exceptions
-// occurring within a callback from JavaScript to be rethrown upon return.
-// Setting this value to nil will result in all uncaught exceptions thrown from
-// the API being silently consumed.
-@property(copy) void(^exceptionHandler)(JSContext *context, JSValue *exception);
-// All instances of JSContext are associated with a single JSVirtualMachine. The
-// virtual machine provides an "object space" or set of execution resources.
-@property(readonly, retain) JSVirtualMachine *virtualMachine;
+@methodgroup Global Properties
+@abstract Get the global object of the context.
+@discussion This method retrieves the global object of the JavaScript execution context.
+ Instances of JSContext originating from WebKit will return a reference to the
+ WindowProxy object.
+@result The global object.
+@property (readonly, strong) JSValue *globalObject;
+@discussion The <code>exception</code> property may be used to throw an exception to JavaScript.
+ Before a callback is made from JavaScript to an Objective-C block or method,
+ the prior value of the exception property will be preserved and the property
+ will be set to nil. After the callback has completed the new value of the
+ exception property will be read, and prior value restored. If the new value
+ of exception is not nil, the callback will result in that value being thrown.
+ This property may also be used to check for uncaught exceptions arising from
+ API function calls (since the default behaviour of <code>exceptionHandler</code> is to
+ assign an uncaught exception to this property).
+ If a JSValue originating from a different JSVirtualMachine than this context
+ is assigned to this property, an Objective-C exception will be raised.
+@property (strong) JSValue *exception;
+@discussion If a call to an API function results in an uncaught JavaScript exception, the
+ <code>exceptionHandler</code> block will be invoked. The default implementation for the
+ exception handler will store the exception to the exception property on
+ context. As a consequence the default behaviour is for unhandled exceptions
+ occurring within a callback from JavaScript to be rethrown upon return.
+ Setting this value to nil will result in all uncaught exceptions thrown from
+ the API being silently consumed.
+@property (copy) void(^exceptionHandler)(JSContext *context, JSValue *exception);
+@discussion All instances of JSContext are associated with a single JSVirtualMachine. The
+ virtual machine provides an "object space" or set of execution resources.
+@property (readonly, strong) JSVirtualMachine *virtualMachine;
+@discussion Name of the JSContext. Exposed when remote debugging the context.
+@property (copy) NSString *name NS_AVAILABLE(10_10, 8_0);