#include "JSArray.h"
#include "JSGlobalObject.h"
#include "JSString.h"
-#include "Lexer.h"
#include "Lookup.h"
-#include "Operations.h"
+#include "JSCInlines.h"
#include "RegExpConstructor.h"
#include "RegExpMatchesArray.h"
#include "RegExpPrototype.h"
-#include <wtf/PassOwnPtr.h>
#include <wtf/text/StringBuilder.h>
-#include <wtf/PassOwnPtr.h>
-namespace JSC {
-static JSValue regExpObjectGlobal(ExecState*, JSValue, PropertyName);
-static JSValue regExpObjectIgnoreCase(ExecState*, JSValue, PropertyName);
-static JSValue regExpObjectMultiline(ExecState*, JSValue, PropertyName);
-static JSValue regExpObjectSource(ExecState*, JSValue, PropertyName);
-} // namespace JSC
-#include "RegExpObject.lut.h"
namespace JSC {
-const ClassInfo RegExpObject::s_info = { "RegExp", &Base::s_info, 0, ExecState::regExpTable, CREATE_METHOD_TABLE(RegExpObject) };
-/* Source for RegExpObject.lut.h
-@begin regExpTable
- global regExpObjectGlobal DontDelete|ReadOnly|DontEnum
- ignoreCase regExpObjectIgnoreCase DontDelete|ReadOnly|DontEnum
- multiline regExpObjectMultiline DontDelete|ReadOnly|DontEnum
- source regExpObjectSource DontDelete|ReadOnly|DontEnum
+const ClassInfo RegExpObject::s_info = { "RegExp", &Base::s_info, nullptr, CREATE_METHOD_TABLE(RegExpObject) };
-RegExpObject::RegExpObject(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, Structure* structure, RegExp* regExp)
- : JSNonFinalObject(globalObject->vm(), structure)
- , m_regExp(globalObject->vm(), this, regExp)
+RegExpObject::RegExpObject(VM& vm, Structure* structure, RegExp* regExp)
+ : JSNonFinalObject(vm, structure)
+ , m_regExp(vm, this, regExp)
, m_lastIndexIsWritable(true)
-void RegExpObject::finishCreation(JSGlobalObject* globalObject)
+void RegExpObject::finishCreation(VM& vm)
- Base::finishCreation(globalObject->vm());
- ASSERT(inherits(&s_info));
+ Base::finishCreation(vm);
+ ASSERT(inherits(info()));
void RegExpObject::visitChildren(JSCell* cell, SlotVisitor& visitor)
RegExpObject* thisObject = jsCast<RegExpObject*>(cell);
- ASSERT_GC_OBJECT_INHERITS(thisObject, &s_info);
- COMPILE_ASSERT(StructureFlags & OverridesVisitChildren, OverridesVisitChildrenWithoutSettingFlag);
- ASSERT(thisObject->structure()->typeInfo().overridesVisitChildren());
+ ASSERT_GC_OBJECT_INHERITS(thisObject, info());
Base::visitChildren(thisObject, visitor);
-bool RegExpObject::getOwnPropertySlot(JSCell* cell, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)
- if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().lastIndex) {
- RegExpObject* regExp = asRegExpObject(cell);
- slot.setValue(regExp, regExp->getLastIndex());
- return true;
- }
- return getStaticValueSlot<RegExpObject, JSObject>(exec, ExecState::regExpTable(exec), jsCast<RegExpObject*>(cell), propertyName, slot);
-bool RegExpObject::getOwnPropertyDescriptor(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertyDescriptor& descriptor)
+bool RegExpObject::getOwnPropertySlot(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)
if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().lastIndex) {
RegExpObject* regExp = asRegExpObject(object);
- descriptor.setDescriptor(regExp->getLastIndex(), regExp->m_lastIndexIsWritable ? DontDelete | DontEnum : DontDelete | DontEnum | ReadOnly);
+ unsigned attributes = regExp->m_lastIndexIsWritable ? DontDelete | DontEnum : DontDelete | DontEnum | ReadOnly;
+ slot.setValue(regExp, attributes, regExp->getLastIndex());
return true;
- return getStaticValueDescriptor<RegExpObject, JSObject>(exec, ExecState::regExpTable(exec), jsCast<RegExpObject*>(object), propertyName, descriptor);
+ return Base::getOwnPropertySlot(object, exec, propertyName, slot);
bool RegExpObject::deleteProperty(JSCell* cell, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName)
void RegExpObject::getOwnNonIndexPropertyNames(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyNameArray& propertyNames, EnumerationMode mode)
- if (mode == IncludeDontEnumProperties)
+ if (mode.includeDontEnumProperties())
Base::getOwnNonIndexPropertyNames(object, exec, propertyNames, mode);
void RegExpObject::getPropertyNames(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyNameArray& propertyNames, EnumerationMode mode)
- if (mode == IncludeDontEnumProperties)
+ if (mode.includeDontEnumProperties())
Base::getPropertyNames(object, exec, propertyNames, mode);
+void RegExpObject::getGenericPropertyNames(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyNameArray& propertyNames, EnumerationMode mode)
+ if (mode.includeDontEnumProperties())
+ propertyNames.add(exec->propertyNames().lastIndex);
+ Base::getGenericPropertyNames(object, exec, propertyNames, mode);
static bool reject(ExecState* exec, bool throwException, const char* message)
if (throwException)
return false;
-bool RegExpObject::defineOwnProperty(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertyDescriptor& descriptor, bool shouldThrow)
+bool RegExpObject::defineOwnProperty(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, const PropertyDescriptor& descriptor, bool shouldThrow)
if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().lastIndex) {
RegExpObject* regExp = asRegExpObject(object);
return Base::defineOwnProperty(object, exec, propertyName, descriptor, shouldThrow);
-JSValue regExpObjectGlobal(ExecState*, JSValue slotBase, PropertyName)
- return jsBoolean(asRegExpObject(slotBase)->regExp()->global());
-JSValue regExpObjectIgnoreCase(ExecState*, JSValue slotBase, PropertyName)
- return jsBoolean(asRegExpObject(slotBase)->regExp()->ignoreCase());
-JSValue regExpObjectMultiline(ExecState*, JSValue slotBase, PropertyName)
- return jsBoolean(asRegExpObject(slotBase)->regExp()->multiline());
-template <typename CharacterType>
-static inline void appendLineTerminatorEscape(StringBuilder&, CharacterType);
-template <>
-inline void appendLineTerminatorEscape<LChar>(StringBuilder& builder, LChar lineTerminator)
- if (lineTerminator == '\n')
- builder.append('n');
- else
- builder.append('r');
-template <>
-inline void appendLineTerminatorEscape<UChar>(StringBuilder& builder, UChar lineTerminator)
+static void regExpObjectSetLastIndexStrict(ExecState* exec, JSObject* slotBase, EncodedJSValue, EncodedJSValue value)
- if (lineTerminator == '\n')
- builder.append('n');
- else if (lineTerminator == '\r')
- builder.append('r');
- else if (lineTerminator == 0x2028)
- builder.appendLiteral("u2028");
- else
- builder.appendLiteral("u2029");
-template <typename CharacterType>
-static inline JSValue regExpObjectSourceInternal(ExecState* exec, String pattern, const CharacterType* characters, unsigned length)
- bool previousCharacterWasBackslash = false;
- bool inBrackets = false;
- bool shouldEscape = false;
- // specifies that RegExp.prototype.toString must return '/' + source + '/',
- // and also states that the result must be a valid RegularExpressionLiteral. '//' is
- // not a valid RegularExpressionLiteral (since it is a single line comment), and hence
- // source cannot ever validly be "". If the source is empty, return a different Pattern
- // that would match the same thing.
- if (!length)
- return jsNontrivialString(exec, ASCIILiteral("(?:)"));
- // early return for strings that don't contain a forwards slash and LineTerminator
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
- CharacterType ch = characters[i];
- if (!previousCharacterWasBackslash) {
- if (inBrackets) {
- if (ch == ']')
- inBrackets = false;
- } else {
- if (ch == '/') {
- shouldEscape = true;
- break;
- }
- if (ch == '[')
- inBrackets = true;
- }
- }
- if (Lexer<CharacterType>::isLineTerminator(ch)) {
- shouldEscape = true;
- break;
- }
- if (previousCharacterWasBackslash)
- previousCharacterWasBackslash = false;
- else
- previousCharacterWasBackslash = ch == '\\';
- }
- if (!shouldEscape)
- return jsString(exec, pattern);
- previousCharacterWasBackslash = false;
- inBrackets = false;
- StringBuilder result;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
- CharacterType ch = characters[i];
- if (!previousCharacterWasBackslash) {
- if (inBrackets) {
- if (ch == ']')
- inBrackets = false;
- } else {
- if (ch == '/')
- result.append('\\');
- else if (ch == '[')
- inBrackets = true;
- }
- }
- // escape LineTerminator
- if (Lexer<CharacterType>::isLineTerminator(ch)) {
- if (!previousCharacterWasBackslash)
- result.append('\\');
- appendLineTerminatorEscape<CharacterType>(result, ch);
- } else
- result.append(ch);
- if (previousCharacterWasBackslash)
- previousCharacterWasBackslash = false;
- else
- previousCharacterWasBackslash = ch == '\\';
- }
- return jsString(exec, result.toString());
+ asRegExpObject(slotBase)->setLastIndex(exec, JSValue::decode(value), true);
-JSValue regExpObjectSource(ExecState* exec, JSValue slotBase, PropertyName)
+static void regExpObjectSetLastIndexNonStrict(ExecState* exec, JSObject* slotBase, EncodedJSValue, EncodedJSValue value)
- String pattern = asRegExpObject(slotBase)->regExp()->pattern();
- if (pattern.is8Bit())
- return regExpObjectSourceInternal(exec, pattern, pattern.characters8(), pattern.length());
- return regExpObjectSourceInternal(exec, pattern, pattern.characters16(), pattern.length());
+ asRegExpObject(slotBase)->setLastIndex(exec, JSValue::decode(value), false);
void RegExpObject::put(JSCell* cell, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, JSValue value, PutPropertySlot& slot)
if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().lastIndex) {
asRegExpObject(cell)->setLastIndex(exec, value, slot.isStrictMode());
+ slot.setCustomProperty(asRegExpObject(cell), slot.isStrictMode()
+ ? regExpObjectSetLastIndexStrict
+ : regExpObjectSetLastIndexNonStrict);
- lookupPut<RegExpObject, JSObject>(exec, propertyName, value, ExecState::regExpTable(exec), jsCast<RegExpObject*>(cell), slot);
+ Base::put(cell, exec, propertyName, value, slot);
JSValue RegExpObject::exec(ExecState* exec, JSString* string)
if (MatchResult result = match(exec, string))
- return RegExpMatchesArray::create(exec, string, regExp(), result);
+ return createRegExpMatchesArray(exec, string, regExp(), result);
return jsNull();