+# Lowering of BaseIndex addresses with optimization for MIPS.
+# offline asm instruction pair:
+# loadi 4[cfr, t0, 8], t2
+# loadi 0[cfr, t0, 8], t0
+# lowered instructions:
+# lshifti t0, 3, tmp
+# addp cfr, tmp
+# loadi 4[tmp], t2
+# loadi 0[tmp], t0
+def mipsHasShiftedBaseIndexAddress(instruction)
+ instruction.operands.each_with_index {
+ | operand, index |
+ if operand.is_a? BaseIndex and operand.scaleShift != 0
+ return index
+ end
+ }
+ -1
+def mipsScaleOfBaseIndexMatches(baseIndex0, baseIndex1)
+ baseIndex0.base == baseIndex1.base and
+ baseIndex0.index == baseIndex1.index and
+ baseIndex0.scale == baseIndex1.scale
+def mipsLowerBaseIndexAddresses(list)
+ newList = [ list[0] ]
+ tmp = nil
+ list.each_cons(2) {
+ | nodes |
+ if nodes[1].is_a? Instruction
+ ind = mipsHasShiftedBaseIndexAddress(nodes[1])
+ if ind != -1
+ if nodes[0].is_a? Instruction and
+ nodes[0].opcode == nodes[1].opcode and
+ ind == mipsHasShiftedBaseIndexAddress(nodes[0]) and
+ mipsScaleOfBaseIndexMatches(nodes[0].operands[ind], nodes[1].operands[ind])
+ newList << nodes[1].mipsLowerShiftedAddressesRecurse(newList, false, tmp)
+ else
+ tmp = Tmp.new(codeOrigin, :gpr)
+ newList << nodes[1].mipsLowerShiftedAddressesRecurse(newList, true, tmp)
+ end
+ else
+ newList << nodes[1].mipsLowerMalformedAddressesRecurse(newList)
+ end
+ else
+ newList << nodes[1]
+ end