- # Profile the arguments. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to do this. This
- # code is pretty horrendous because of the difference in ordering between
- # arguments and value profiles, the desire to have a simple loop-down-to-zero
- # loop, and the desire to use only three registers so as to preserve the PC and
- # the code block. It is likely that this code should be rewritten in a more
- # optimal way for architectures that have more than five registers available
- # for arbitrary use in the interpreter.
- loadi CodeBlock::m_numParameters[t1], t0
- addp -profileArgSkip, t0 # Use addi because that's what has the peephole
- assert(macro (ok) bpgteq t0, 0, ok end)
- btpz t0, .argumentProfileDone
- loadp CodeBlock::m_argumentValueProfiles + VectorBufferOffset[t1], t3
- mulp sizeof ValueProfile, t0, t2 # Aaaaahhhh! Need strength reduction!
- negp t0
- lshiftp 3, t0
- addp t2, t3
- .argumentProfileLoop:
- if JSVALUE64
- loadp ThisArgumentOffset + 8 - profileArgSkip * 8[cfr, t0], t2
- subp sizeof ValueProfile, t3
- storep t2, profileArgSkip * sizeof ValueProfile + ValueProfile::m_buckets[t3]
- else
- loadi ThisArgumentOffset + TagOffset + 8 - profileArgSkip * 8[cfr, t0], t2
- subp sizeof ValueProfile, t3
- storei t2, profileArgSkip * sizeof ValueProfile + ValueProfile::m_buckets + TagOffset[t3]
- loadi ThisArgumentOffset + PayloadOffset + 8 - profileArgSkip * 8[cfr, t0], t2
- storei t2, profileArgSkip * sizeof ValueProfile + ValueProfile::m_buckets + PayloadOffset[t3]
- end
- baddpnz 8, t0, .argumentProfileLoop
- .argumentProfileDone:
+ # Profile the arguments. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to do this. This
+ # code is pretty horrendous because of the difference in ordering between
+ # arguments and value profiles, the desire to have a simple loop-down-to-zero
+ # loop, and the desire to use only three registers so as to preserve the PC and
+ # the code block. It is likely that this code should be rewritten in a more
+ # optimal way for architectures that have more than five registers available
+ # for arbitrary use in the interpreter.
+ loadi CodeBlock::m_numParameters[t1], t0
+ addp -profileArgSkip, t0 # Use addi because that's what has the peephole
+ assert(macro (ok) bpgteq t0, 0, ok end)
+ btpz t0, .argumentProfileDone
+ loadp CodeBlock::m_argumentValueProfiles + VectorBufferOffset[t1], t3
+ mulp sizeof ValueProfile, t0, t2 # Aaaaahhhh! Need strength reduction!
+ lshiftp 3, t0
+ addp t2, t3
+ if JSVALUE64
+ loadq ThisArgumentOffset - 8 + profileArgSkip * 8[cfr, t0], t2
+ subp sizeof ValueProfile, t3
+ storeq t2, profileArgSkip * sizeof ValueProfile + ValueProfile::m_buckets[t3]
+ else
+ loadi ThisArgumentOffset + TagOffset - 8 + profileArgSkip * 8[cfr, t0], t2
+ subp sizeof ValueProfile, t3
+ storei t2, profileArgSkip * sizeof ValueProfile + ValueProfile::m_buckets + TagOffset[t3]
+ loadi ThisArgumentOffset + PayloadOffset - 8 + profileArgSkip * 8[cfr, t0], t2
+ storei t2, profileArgSkip * sizeof ValueProfile + ValueProfile::m_buckets + PayloadOffset[t3]