+ Edge& child(Node* node, unsigned index)
+ {
+ if (node->flags() & NodeHasVarArgs)
+ return varArgChild(node, index);
+ return node->children.child(index);
+ }
+ void voteNode(Node* node, unsigned ballot)
+ {
+ switch (node->op()) {
+ case ValueToInt32:
+ case UInt32ToNumber:
+ node = node->child1().node();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (node->op() == GetLocal)
+ node->variableAccessData()->vote(ballot);
+ }
+ void voteNode(Edge edge, unsigned ballot)
+ {
+ voteNode(edge.node(), ballot);
+ }
+ void voteChildren(Node* node, unsigned ballot)
+ {
+ if (node->flags() & NodeHasVarArgs) {
+ for (unsigned childIdx = node->firstChild();
+ childIdx < node->firstChild() + node->numChildren();
+ childIdx++) {
+ if (!!m_varArgChildren[childIdx])
+ voteNode(m_varArgChildren[childIdx], ballot);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!node->child1())
+ return;
+ voteNode(node->child1(), ballot);
+ if (!node->child2())
+ return;
+ voteNode(node->child2(), ballot);
+ if (!node->child3())
+ return;
+ voteNode(node->child3(), ballot);
+ }
+ template<typename T> // T = Node* or Edge
+ void substitute(BasicBlock& block, unsigned startIndexInBlock, T oldThing, T newThing)
+ {
+ for (unsigned indexInBlock = startIndexInBlock; indexInBlock < block.size(); ++indexInBlock) {
+ Node* node = block[indexInBlock];
+ if (node->flags() & NodeHasVarArgs) {
+ for (unsigned childIdx = node->firstChild(); childIdx < node->firstChild() + node->numChildren(); ++childIdx) {
+ if (!!m_varArgChildren[childIdx])
+ compareAndSwap(m_varArgChildren[childIdx], oldThing, newThing);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!node->child1())
+ continue;
+ compareAndSwap(node->children.child1(), oldThing, newThing);
+ if (!node->child2())
+ continue;
+ compareAndSwap(node->children.child2(), oldThing, newThing);
+ if (!node->child3())
+ continue;
+ compareAndSwap(node->children.child3(), oldThing, newThing);
+ }
+ }
+ // Use this if you introduce a new GetLocal and you know that you introduced it *before*
+ // any GetLocals in the basic block.
+ // FIXME: it may be appropriate, in the future, to generalize this to handle GetLocals
+ // introduced anywhere in the basic block.
+ void substituteGetLocal(BasicBlock& block, unsigned startIndexInBlock, VariableAccessData* variableAccessData, Node* newGetLocal)
+ {
+ if (variableAccessData->isCaptured()) {
+ // Let CSE worry about this one.
+ return;
+ }
+ for (unsigned indexInBlock = startIndexInBlock; indexInBlock < block.size(); ++indexInBlock) {
+ Node* node = block[indexInBlock];
+ bool shouldContinue = true;
+ switch (node->op()) {
+ case SetLocal: {
+ if (node->local() == variableAccessData->local())
+ shouldContinue = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ case GetLocal: {
+ if (node->variableAccessData() != variableAccessData)
+ continue;
+ substitute(block, indexInBlock, node, newGetLocal);
+ Node* oldTailNode = block.variablesAtTail.operand(variableAccessData->local());
+ if (oldTailNode == node)
+ block.variablesAtTail.operand(variableAccessData->local()) = newGetLocal;
+ shouldContinue = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!shouldContinue)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ VM& m_vm;