+ JSStringRef currentCPUTimeStr = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("currentCPUTime");
+ JSObjectRef currentCPUTimeFunction = JSObjectMakeFunctionWithCallback(context, currentCPUTimeStr, currentCPUTime_callAsFunction);
+ JSObjectSetProperty(context, globalObject, currentCPUTimeStr, currentCPUTimeFunction, kJSPropertyAttributeNone, NULL);
+ JSStringRelease(currentCPUTimeStr);
+ /* Test script timeout: */
+ JSContextGroupSetExecutionTimeLimit(contextGroup, .10f, shouldTerminateCallback, 0);
+ {
+ const char* loopForeverScript = "var startTime = currentCPUTime(); while (true) { if (currentCPUTime() - startTime > .150) break; } ";
+ JSStringRef script = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(loopForeverScript);
+ double startTime;
+ double endTime;
+ exception = NULL;
+ shouldTerminateCallbackWasCalled = false;
+ startTime = currentCPUTime();
+ v = JSEvaluateScript(context, script, NULL, NULL, 1, &exception);
+ endTime = currentCPUTime();
+ if (((endTime - startTime) < .150f) && shouldTerminateCallbackWasCalled)
+ printf("PASS: script timed out as expected.\n");
+ else {
+ if (!((endTime - startTime) < .150f))
+ printf("FAIL: script did not timed out as expected.\n");
+ if (!shouldTerminateCallbackWasCalled)
+ printf("FAIL: script timeout callback was not called.\n");
+ failed = true;
+ }
+ if (!exception) {
+ printf("FAIL: TerminatedExecutionException was not thrown.\n");
+ failed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Test the script timeout's TerminatedExecutionException should NOT be catchable: */
+ JSContextGroupSetExecutionTimeLimit(contextGroup, 0.10f, shouldTerminateCallback, 0);
+ {
+ const char* loopForeverScript = "var startTime = currentCPUTime(); try { while (true) { if (currentCPUTime() - startTime > .150) break; } } catch(e) { }";
+ JSStringRef script = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(loopForeverScript);
+ double startTime;
+ double endTime;
+ exception = NULL;
+ shouldTerminateCallbackWasCalled = false;
+ startTime = currentCPUTime();
+ v = JSEvaluateScript(context, script, NULL, NULL, 1, &exception);
+ endTime = currentCPUTime();
+ if (((endTime - startTime) >= .150f) || !shouldTerminateCallbackWasCalled) {
+ if (!((endTime - startTime) < .150f))
+ printf("FAIL: script did not timed out as expected.\n");
+ if (!shouldTerminateCallbackWasCalled)
+ printf("FAIL: script timeout callback was not called.\n");
+ failed = true;
+ }
+ if (exception)
+ printf("PASS: TerminatedExecutionException was not catchable as expected.\n");
+ else {
+ printf("FAIL: TerminatedExecutionException was caught.\n");
+ failed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Test script timeout with no callback: */
+ JSContextGroupSetExecutionTimeLimit(contextGroup, .10f, 0, 0);
+ {
+ const char* loopForeverScript = "var startTime = currentCPUTime(); while (true) { if (currentCPUTime() - startTime > .150) break; } ";
+ JSStringRef script = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(loopForeverScript);
+ double startTime;
+ double endTime;
+ exception = NULL;
+ startTime = currentCPUTime();
+ v = JSEvaluateScript(context, script, NULL, NULL, 1, &exception);
+ endTime = currentCPUTime();
+ if (((endTime - startTime) < .150f) && shouldTerminateCallbackWasCalled)
+ printf("PASS: script timed out as expected when no callback is specified.\n");
+ else {
+ if (!((endTime - startTime) < .150f))
+ printf("FAIL: script did not timed out as expected when no callback is specified.\n");
+ failed = true;
+ }
+ if (!exception) {
+ printf("FAIL: TerminatedExecutionException was not thrown.\n");
+ failed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Test script timeout cancellation: */
+ JSContextGroupSetExecutionTimeLimit(contextGroup, 0.10f, cancelTerminateCallback, 0);
+ {
+ const char* loopForeverScript = "var startTime = currentCPUTime(); while (true) { if (currentCPUTime() - startTime > .150) break; } ";
+ JSStringRef script = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(loopForeverScript);
+ double startTime;
+ double endTime;
+ exception = NULL;
+ startTime = currentCPUTime();
+ v = JSEvaluateScript(context, script, NULL, NULL, 1, &exception);
+ endTime = currentCPUTime();
+ if (((endTime - startTime) >= .150f) && cancelTerminateCallbackWasCalled && !exception)
+ printf("PASS: script timeout was cancelled as expected.\n");
+ else {
+ if (((endTime - startTime) < .150) || exception)
+ printf("FAIL: script timeout was not cancelled.\n");
+ if (!cancelTerminateCallbackWasCalled)
+ printf("FAIL: script timeout callback was not called.\n");
+ failed = true;
+ }
+ if (exception) {
+ printf("FAIL: Unexpected TerminatedExecutionException thrown.\n");
+ failed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Test script timeout extension: */
+ JSContextGroupSetExecutionTimeLimit(contextGroup, 0.100f, extendTerminateCallback, 0);
+ {
+ const char* loopForeverScript = "var startTime = currentCPUTime(); while (true) { if (currentCPUTime() - startTime > .500) break; } ";
+ JSStringRef script = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(loopForeverScript);
+ double startTime;
+ double endTime;
+ double deltaTime;
+ exception = NULL;
+ startTime = currentCPUTime();
+ v = JSEvaluateScript(context, script, NULL, NULL, 1, &exception);
+ endTime = currentCPUTime();
+ deltaTime = endTime - startTime;
+ if ((deltaTime >= .300f) && (deltaTime < .500f) && (extendTerminateCallbackCalled == 2) && exception)
+ printf("PASS: script timeout was extended as expected.\n");
+ else {
+ if (deltaTime < .200f)
+ printf("FAIL: script timeout was not extended as expected.\n");
+ else if (deltaTime >= .500f)
+ printf("FAIL: script did not timeout.\n");
+ if (extendTerminateCallbackCalled < 1)
+ printf("FAIL: script timeout callback was not called.\n");
+ if (extendTerminateCallbackCalled < 2)
+ printf("FAIL: script timeout callback was not called after timeout extension.\n");
+ if (!exception)
+ printf("FAIL: TerminatedExecutionException was not thrown during timeout extension test.\n");
+ failed = true;
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* PLATFORM(MAC) || PLATFORM(IOS) */