#define JSDateMath_h
#include <wtf/DateMath.h>
+#include <wtf/GregorianDateTime.h>
namespace JSC {
-class ExecState;
-struct GregorianDateTime;
+class VM;
-void msToGregorianDateTime(ExecState*, double, bool outputIsUTC, GregorianDateTime&);
-double gregorianDateTimeToMS(ExecState*, const GregorianDateTime&, double, bool inputIsUTC);
-double getUTCOffset(ExecState*);
-double parseDateFromNullTerminatedCharacters(ExecState*, const char* dateString);
-// Intentionally overridding the default tm of the system.
-// The members of tm differ on various operating systems.
-struct GregorianDateTime {
- WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(GregorianDateTime);
- GregorianDateTime()
- : second(0)
- , minute(0)
- , hour(0)
- , weekDay(0)
- , monthDay(0)
- , yearDay(0)
- , month(0)
- , year(0)
- , isDST(0)
- , utcOffset(0)
- {
- }
- operator tm() const
- {
- tm ret;
- memset(&ret, 0, sizeof(ret));
- ret.tm_sec = second;
- ret.tm_min = minute;
- ret.tm_hour = hour;
- ret.tm_wday = weekDay;
- ret.tm_mday = monthDay;
- ret.tm_yday = yearDay;
- ret.tm_mon = month;
- ret.tm_year = year;
- ret.tm_isdst = isDST;
- ret.tm_gmtoff = static_cast<long>(utcOffset);
- ret.tm_zone = timeZone.get();
- return ret;
- }
- void copyFrom(const GregorianDateTime& rhs)
- {
- second = rhs.second;
- minute = rhs.minute;
- hour = rhs.hour;
- weekDay = rhs.weekDay;
- monthDay = rhs.monthDay;
- yearDay = rhs.yearDay;
- month = rhs.month;
- year = rhs.year;
- isDST = rhs.isDST;
- utcOffset = rhs.utcOffset;
- if (rhs.timeZone) {
- int inZoneSize = strlen(rhs.timeZone.get()) + 1;
- timeZone = adoptArrayPtr(new char[inZoneSize]);
- strncpy(timeZone.get(), rhs.timeZone.get(), inZoneSize);
- } else
- timeZone = nullptr;
- }
- int second;
- int minute;
- int hour;
- int weekDay;
- int monthDay;
- int yearDay;
- int month;
- int year;
- int isDST;
- int utcOffset;
- OwnArrayPtr<char> timeZone;
-static inline int gmtoffset(const GregorianDateTime& t)
- return t.utcOffset;
+void msToGregorianDateTime(VM&, double, bool outputIsUTC, GregorianDateTime&);
+double gregorianDateTimeToMS(VM&, const GregorianDateTime&, double, bool inputIsUTC);
+double getUTCOffset(VM&);
+double parseDateFromNullTerminatedCharacters(VM&, const char* dateString);
+double parseDate(VM&, const WTF::String&);
} // namespace JSC