* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of
+ * 3. Neither the name of Apple Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of
* its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
* from this software without specific prior written permission.
#include "Arguments.h"
#include "Interpreter.h"
#include "JSFunction.h"
+#include "JSCInlines.h"
-namespace JSC {
+using namespace std;
+namespace JSC {
-const ClassInfo JSActivation::info = { "JSActivation", 0, 0, 0 };
+const ClassInfo JSActivation::s_info = { "JSActivation", &Base::s_info, 0, 0, CREATE_METHOD_TABLE(JSActivation) };
-JSActivation::JSActivation(CallFrame* callFrame, NonNullPassRefPtr<FunctionExecutable> functionExecutable)
- : Base(callFrame->globalData().activationStructure, new JSActivationData(functionExecutable, callFrame->registers()))
+void JSActivation::visitChildren(JSCell* cell, SlotVisitor& visitor)
+ JSActivation* thisObject = jsCast<JSActivation*>(cell);
+ ASSERT_GC_OBJECT_INHERITS(thisObject, info());
+ COMPILE_ASSERT(StructureFlags & OverridesVisitChildren, OverridesVisitChildrenWithoutSettingFlag);
+ ASSERT(thisObject->structure()->typeInfo().overridesVisitChildren());
+ Base::visitChildren(thisObject, visitor);
+ // No need to mark our registers if they're still in the JSStack.
+ if (!thisObject->isTornOff())
+ return;
+ for (int i = 0; i < thisObject->symbolTable()->captureCount(); ++i)
+ visitor.append(&thisObject->storage()[i]);
+inline bool JSActivation::symbolTableGet(PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)
- delete d();
+ SymbolTableEntry entry = symbolTable()->inlineGet(propertyName.uid());
+ if (entry.isNull())
+ return false;
+ // Defend against the inspector asking for a var after it has been optimized out.
+ if (isTornOff() && !isValid(entry))
+ return false;
+ slot.setValue(this, DontEnum, registerAt(entry.getIndex()).get());
+ return true;
-void JSActivation::markChildren(MarkStack& markStack)
+inline bool JSActivation::symbolTableGet(PropertyName propertyName, PropertyDescriptor& descriptor)
- Base::markChildren(markStack);
+ SymbolTableEntry entry = symbolTable()->inlineGet(propertyName.uid());
+ if (entry.isNull())
+ return false;
- Register* registerArray = d()->registerArray.get();
- if (!registerArray)
- return;
+ // Defend against the inspector asking for a var after it has been optimized out.
+ if (isTornOff() && !isValid(entry))
+ return false;
- size_t numParametersMinusThis = d()->functionExecutable->parameterCount();
+ descriptor.setDescriptor(registerAt(entry.getIndex()).get(), entry.getAttributes());
+ return true;
- size_t count = numParametersMinusThis;
- markStack.appendValues(registerArray, count);
+inline bool JSActivation::symbolTablePut(ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, JSValue value, bool shouldThrow)
+ VM& vm = exec->vm();
+ ASSERT(!Heap::heap(value) || Heap::heap(value) == Heap::heap(this));
+ WriteBarrierBase<Unknown>* reg;
+ {
+ GCSafeConcurrentJITLocker locker(symbolTable()->m_lock, exec->vm().heap);
+ SymbolTable::Map::iterator iter = symbolTable()->find(locker, propertyName.uid());
+ if (iter == symbolTable()->end(locker))
+ return false;
+ ASSERT(!iter->value.isNull());
+ if (iter->value.isReadOnly()) {
+ if (shouldThrow)
+ throwTypeError(exec, StrictModeReadonlyPropertyWriteError);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Defend against the inspector asking for a var after it has been optimized out.
+ if (isTornOff() && !isValid(iter->value))
+ return false;
+ if (VariableWatchpointSet* set = iter->value.watchpointSet())
+ set->invalidate(); // Don't mess around - if we had found this statically, we would have invcalidated it.
+ reg = ®isterAt(iter->value.getIndex());
+ }
+ reg->set(vm, this, value);
+ return true;
- size_t numVars = d()->functionExecutable->variableCount();
+void JSActivation::getOwnNonIndexPropertyNames(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyNameArray& propertyNames, EnumerationMode mode)
+ JSActivation* thisObject = jsCast<JSActivation*>(object);
+ CallFrame* callFrame = CallFrame::create(reinterpret_cast<Register*>(thisObject->m_registers));
+ if (mode == IncludeDontEnumProperties && !thisObject->isTornOff() && (callFrame->codeBlock()->usesArguments() || callFrame->codeBlock()->usesEval()))
+ propertyNames.add(exec->propertyNames().arguments);
+ {
+ ConcurrentJITLocker locker(thisObject->symbolTable()->m_lock);
+ SymbolTable::Map::iterator end = thisObject->symbolTable()->end(locker);
+ for (SymbolTable::Map::iterator it = thisObject->symbolTable()->begin(locker); it != end; ++it) {
+ if (it->value.getAttributes() & DontEnum && mode != IncludeDontEnumProperties)
+ continue;
+ if (!thisObject->isValid(it->value))
+ continue;
+ propertyNames.add(Identifier(exec, it->key.get()));
+ }
+ }
+ // Skip the JSVariableObject implementation of getOwnNonIndexPropertyNames
+ JSObject::getOwnNonIndexPropertyNames(thisObject, exec, propertyNames, mode);
- // Skip the call frame, which sits between the parameters and vars.
- markStack.appendValues(registerArray + count + RegisterFile::CallFrameHeaderSize, numVars, MayContainNullValues);
+inline bool JSActivation::symbolTablePutWithAttributes(VM& vm, PropertyName propertyName, JSValue value, unsigned attributes)
+ ASSERT(!Heap::heap(value) || Heap::heap(value) == Heap::heap(this));
+ WriteBarrierBase<Unknown>* reg;
+ {
+ ConcurrentJITLocker locker(symbolTable()->m_lock);
+ SymbolTable::Map::iterator iter = symbolTable()->find(locker, propertyName.uid());
+ if (iter == symbolTable()->end(locker))
+ return false;
+ SymbolTableEntry& entry = iter->value;
+ ASSERT(!entry.isNull());
+ if (!isValid(entry))
+ return false;
+ entry.setAttributes(attributes);
+ reg = ®isterAt(entry.getIndex());
+ }
+ reg->set(vm, this, value);
+ return true;
-bool JSActivation::getOwnPropertySlot(ExecState* exec, const Identifier& propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)
+bool JSActivation::getOwnPropertySlot(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)
- if (symbolTableGet(propertyName, slot))
- return true;
+ JSActivation* thisObject = jsCast<JSActivation*>(object);
- if (JSValue* location = getDirectLocation(propertyName)) {
- slot.setValueSlot(location);
- return true;
+ if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().arguments) {
+ // Defend against the inspector asking for the arguments object after it has been optimized out.
+ CallFrame* callFrame = CallFrame::create(reinterpret_cast<Register*>(thisObject->m_registers));
+ if (!thisObject->isTornOff() && (callFrame->codeBlock()->usesArguments() || callFrame->codeBlock()->usesEval())) {
+ slot.setCustom(thisObject, DontEnum, argumentsGetter);
+ return true;
+ }
- // Only return the built-in arguments object if it wasn't overridden above.
- if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().arguments) {
- slot.setCustom(this, getArgumentsGetter());
+ if (thisObject->symbolTableGet(propertyName, slot))
+ return true;
+ unsigned attributes;
+ if (JSValue value = thisObject->getDirect(exec->vm(), propertyName, attributes)) {
+ slot.setValue(thisObject, attributes, value);
return true;
// We don't call through to JSObject because there's no way to give an
// activation object getter properties or a prototype.
- ASSERT(!hasGetterSetterProperties());
- ASSERT(prototype().isNull());
+ ASSERT(!thisObject->hasGetterSetterProperties());
+ ASSERT(thisObject->prototype().isNull());
return false;
-void JSActivation::put(ExecState*, const Identifier& propertyName, JSValue value, PutPropertySlot& slot)
+void JSActivation::put(JSCell* cell, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, JSValue value, PutPropertySlot& slot)
- ASSERT(!Heap::heap(value) || Heap::heap(value) == Heap::heap(this));
- if (symbolTablePut(propertyName, value))
- return;
- // We don't call through to JSObject because __proto__ and getter/setter
- // properties are non-standard extensions that other implementations do not
- // expose in the activation object.
- ASSERT(!hasGetterSetterProperties());
- putDirect(propertyName, value, 0, true, slot);
-// FIXME: Make this function honor ReadOnly (const) and DontEnum
-void JSActivation::putWithAttributes(ExecState* exec, const Identifier& propertyName, JSValue value, unsigned attributes)
- ASSERT(!Heap::heap(value) || Heap::heap(value) == Heap::heap(this));
+ JSActivation* thisObject = jsCast<JSActivation*>(cell);
+ ASSERT(!Heap::heap(value) || Heap::heap(value) == Heap::heap(thisObject));
- if (symbolTablePutWithAttributes(propertyName, value, attributes))
+ if (thisObject->symbolTablePut(exec, propertyName, value, slot.isStrictMode()))
// We don't call through to JSObject because __proto__ and getter/setter
// properties are non-standard extensions that other implementations do not
// expose in the activation object.
- ASSERT(!hasGetterSetterProperties());
- PutPropertySlot slot;
- JSObject::putWithAttributes(exec, propertyName, value, attributes, true, slot);
+ ASSERT(!thisObject->hasGetterSetterProperties());
+ thisObject->putOwnDataProperty(exec->vm(), propertyName, value, slot);
-bool JSActivation::deleteProperty(ExecState* exec, const Identifier& propertyName)
+bool JSActivation::deleteProperty(JSCell* cell, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName)
if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().arguments)
return false;
- return Base::deleteProperty(exec, propertyName);
+ return Base::deleteProperty(cell, exec, propertyName);
-JSObject* JSActivation::toThisObject(ExecState* exec) const
+JSValue JSActivation::toThis(JSCell*, ExecState* exec, ECMAMode ecmaMode)
+ if (ecmaMode == StrictMode)
+ return jsUndefined();
return exec->globalThisValue();
-bool JSActivation::isDynamicScope(bool& requiresDynamicChecks) const
- requiresDynamicChecks = d()->functionExecutable->usesEval();
- return false;
-JSValue JSActivation::argumentsGetter(ExecState* exec, JSValue slotBase, const Identifier&)
- JSActivation* activation = asActivation(slotBase);
- if (activation->d()->functionExecutable->usesArguments()) {
- PropertySlot slot;
- activation->symbolTableGet(exec->propertyNames().arguments, slot);
- return slot.getValue(exec, exec->propertyNames().arguments);
- }
- CallFrame* callFrame = CallFrame::create(activation->d()->registers);
- Arguments* arguments = callFrame->optionalCalleeArguments();
- if (!arguments) {
- arguments = new (callFrame) Arguments(callFrame);
- arguments->copyRegisters();
- callFrame->setCalleeArguments(arguments);
- }
- ASSERT(arguments->inherits(&Arguments::info));
- return arguments;
-// These two functions serve the purpose of isolating the common case from a
-// PIC branch.
-PropertySlot::GetValueFunc JSActivation::getArgumentsGetter()
+EncodedJSValue JSActivation::argumentsGetter(ExecState*, JSObject* slotBase, EncodedJSValue, PropertyName)
- return argumentsGetter;
+ JSActivation* activation = jsCast<JSActivation*>(slotBase);
+ CallFrame* callFrame = CallFrame::create(reinterpret_cast<Register*>(activation->m_registers));
+ ASSERT(!activation->isTornOff() && (callFrame->codeBlock()->usesArguments() || callFrame->codeBlock()->usesEval()));
+ if (activation->isTornOff() || !(callFrame->codeBlock()->usesArguments() || callFrame->codeBlock()->usesEval()))
+ return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
+ VirtualRegister argumentsRegister = callFrame->codeBlock()->argumentsRegister();
+ if (JSValue arguments = callFrame->uncheckedR(argumentsRegister.offset()).jsValue())
+ return JSValue::encode(arguments);
+ int realArgumentsRegister = unmodifiedArgumentsRegister(argumentsRegister).offset();
+ JSValue arguments = JSValue(Arguments::create(callFrame->vm(), callFrame));
+ callFrame->uncheckedR(argumentsRegister.offset()) = arguments;
+ callFrame->uncheckedR(realArgumentsRegister) = arguments;
+ ASSERT(callFrame->uncheckedR(realArgumentsRegister).jsValue().inherits(Arguments::info()));
+ return JSValue::encode(callFrame->uncheckedR(realArgumentsRegister).jsValue());
} // namespace JSC