#include "UString.h"
#include "JSGlobalObjectFunctions.h"
-#include "Collector.h"
-#include "dtoa.h"
+#include "Heap.h"
#include "Identifier.h"
#include "Operations.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <limits>
-#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
#include <wtf/ASCIICType.h>
#include <wtf/Assertions.h>
#include <wtf/MathExtras.h>
#include <wtf/StringExtras.h>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
+#include <wtf/dtoa.h>
#include <wtf/unicode/UTF8.h>
-#include <wtf/StringExtras.h>
#include <strings.h>
namespace JSC {
-extern const double NaN;
-extern const double Inf;
+COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(UString) == sizeof(void*), UString_should_stay_small);
-// The null string is immutable, except for refCount.
-UString* UString::s_nullUString;
+// Construct a string with UTF-16 data.
+UString::UString(const UChar* characters, unsigned length)
+ : m_impl(characters ? StringImpl::create(characters, length) : 0)
-void initializeUString()
+// Construct a string with UTF-16 data, from a null-terminated source.
+UString::UString(const UChar* characters)
- // UStringImpl::empty() does not construct its static string in a threadsafe fashion,
- // so ensure it has been initialized from here.
- UStringImpl::empty();
+ if (!characters)
+ return;
+ int length = 0;
+ while (characters[length] != UChar(0))
+ ++length;
- UString::s_nullUString = new UString;
+ m_impl = StringImpl::create(characters, length);
-UString::UString(const char* c)
- : m_rep(Rep::create(c))
+// Construct a string with latin1 data.
+UString::UString(const LChar* characters, unsigned length)
+ : m_impl(characters ? StringImpl::create(characters, length) : 0)
-UString::UString(const char* c, unsigned length)
- : m_rep(Rep::create(c, length))
+UString::UString(const char* characters, unsigned length)
+ : m_impl(characters ? StringImpl::create(reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(characters), length) : 0)
-UString::UString(const UChar* c, unsigned length)
- : m_rep(Rep::create(c, length))
+// Construct a string with latin1 data, from a null-terminated source.
+UString::UString(const LChar* characters)
+ : m_impl(characters ? StringImpl::create(characters) : 0)
-UString UString::from(int i)
+UString::UString(const char* characters)
+ : m_impl(characters ? StringImpl::create(reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(characters)) : 0)
- UChar buf[1 + sizeof(i) * 3];
- UChar* end = buf + sizeof(buf) / sizeof(UChar);
- UChar* p = end;
+UString UString::number(int i)
+ LChar buf[1 + sizeof(i) * 3];
+ LChar* end = buf + WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(buf);
+ LChar* p = end;
if (i == 0)
*--p = '0';
return UString(p, static_cast<unsigned>(end - p));
-UString UString::from(long long i)
+UString UString::number(long long i)
- UChar buf[1 + sizeof(i) * 3];
- UChar* end = buf + sizeof(buf) / sizeof(UChar);
- UChar* p = end;
+ LChar buf[1 + sizeof(i) * 3];
+ LChar* end = buf + WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(buf);
+ LChar* p = end;
if (i == 0)
*--p = '0';
else if (i == std::numeric_limits<long long>::min()) {
char minBuf[1 + sizeof(i) * 3];
+ snprintf(minBuf, sizeof(minBuf), "%I64d", std::numeric_limits<long long>::min());
snprintf(minBuf, sizeof(minBuf), "%lld", std::numeric_limits<long long>::min());
return UString(minBuf);
} else {
bool negative = false;
return UString(p, static_cast<unsigned>(end - p));
-UString UString::from(unsigned u)
+UString UString::number(unsigned u)
- UChar buf[sizeof(u) * 3];
- UChar* end = buf + sizeof(buf) / sizeof(UChar);
- UChar* p = end;
+ LChar buf[sizeof(u) * 3];
+ LChar* end = buf + WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(buf);
+ LChar* p = end;
if (u == 0)
*--p = '0';
return UString(p, static_cast<unsigned>(end - p));
-UString UString::from(long l)
+UString UString::number(long l)
- UChar buf[1 + sizeof(l) * 3];
- UChar* end = buf + sizeof(buf) / sizeof(UChar);
- UChar* p = end;
+ LChar buf[1 + sizeof(l) * 3];
+ LChar* end = buf + WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(buf);
+ LChar* p = end;
if (l == 0)
*--p = '0';
return UString(p, end - p);
-UString UString::from(double d)
+UString UString::number(double d)
- DtoaBuffer buffer;
- unsigned length;
- doubleToStringInJavaScriptFormat(d, buffer, &length);
- return UString(buffer, length);
+ NumberToStringBuffer buffer;
+ return UString(numberToString(d, buffer));
-char* UString::ascii() const
+UString UString::substringSharingImpl(unsigned offset, unsigned length) const
- static char* asciiBuffer = 0;
- unsigned length = size();
- unsigned neededSize = length + 1;
- delete[] asciiBuffer;
- asciiBuffer = new char[neededSize];
- const UChar* p = data();
- char* q = asciiBuffer;
- const UChar* limit = p + length;
- while (p != limit) {
- *q = static_cast<char>(p[0]);
- ++p;
- ++q;
- }
- *q = '\0';
+ // FIXME: We used to check against a limit of Heap::minExtraCost / sizeof(UChar).
- return asciiBuffer;
+ unsigned stringLength = this->length();
+ offset = min(offset, stringLength);
+ length = min(length, stringLength - offset);
-bool UString::is8Bit() const
- const UChar* u = data();
- const UChar* limit = u + size();
- while (u < limit) {
- if (u[0] > 0xFF)
- return false;
- ++u;
- }
- return true;
+ if (!offset && length == stringLength)
+ return *this;
+ return UString(StringImpl::create(m_impl, offset, length));
-UChar UString::operator[](unsigned pos) const
+bool operator==(const UString& s1, const char *s2)
- if (pos >= size())
- return '\0';
- return data()[pos];
+ if (s1.isEmpty())
+ return !s2;
+ return equal(s1.impl(), s2);
-double UString::toDouble(bool tolerateTrailingJunk, bool tolerateEmptyString) const
+// This method assumes that all simple checks have been performed by
+// the inlined operator==() in the header file.
+bool equalSlowCase(const UString& s1, const UString& s2)
- if (size() == 1) {
- UChar c = data()[0];
- if (isASCIIDigit(c))
- return c - '0';
- if (isASCIISpace(c) && tolerateEmptyString)
- return 0;
- return NaN;
- }
- // FIXME: If tolerateTrailingJunk is true, then we want to tolerate junk
- // after the number, even if it contains invalid UTF-16 sequences. So we
- // shouldn't use the UTF8String function, which returns null when it
- // encounters invalid UTF-16. Further, we have no need to convert the
- // non-ASCII characters to UTF-8, so the UTF8String does quite a bit of
- // unnecessary work.
- CString s = UTF8String();
- if (s.isNull())
- return NaN;
- const char* c = s.data();
- // skip leading white space
- while (isASCIISpace(*c))
- c++;
- // empty string ?
- if (*c == '\0')
- return tolerateEmptyString ? 0.0 : NaN;
- double d;
- // hex number ?
- if (*c == '0' && (*(c + 1) == 'x' || *(c + 1) == 'X')) {
- const char* firstDigitPosition = c + 2;
- c++;
- d = 0.0;
- while (*(++c)) {
- if (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9')
- d = d * 16.0 + *c - '0';
- else if ((*c >= 'A' && *c <= 'F') || (*c >= 'a' && *c <= 'f'))
- d = d * 16.0 + (*c & 0xdf) - 'A' + 10.0;
- else
- break;
- }
- if (d >= mantissaOverflowLowerBound)
- d = parseIntOverflow(firstDigitPosition, c - firstDigitPosition, 16);
- } else {
- // regular number ?
- char* end;
- d = WTF::strtod(c, &end);
- if ((d != 0.0 || end != c) && d != Inf && d != -Inf) {
- c = end;
- } else {
- double sign = 1.0;
- if (*c == '+')
- c++;
- else if (*c == '-') {
- sign = -1.0;
- c++;
+ StringImpl* rep1 = s1.impl();
+ StringImpl* rep2 = s2.impl();
+ unsigned size1 = rep1->length();
+ // At this point we know
+ // (a) that the strings are the same length and
+ // (b) that they are greater than zero length.
+ bool s1Is8Bit = rep1->is8Bit();
+ bool s2Is8Bit = rep2->is8Bit();
+ if (s1Is8Bit) {
+ const LChar* d1 = rep1->characters8();
+ if (s2Is8Bit) {
+ const LChar* d2 = rep2->characters8();
+ if (d1 == d2) // Check to see if the data pointers are the same.
+ return true;
+ // Do quick checks for sizes 1 and 2.
+ switch (size1) {
+ case 1:
+ return d1[0] == d2[0];
+ case 2:
+ return (d1[0] == d2[0]) & (d1[1] == d2[1]);
+ default:
+ return (!memcmp(d1, d2, size1 * sizeof(LChar)));
- // We used strtod() to do the conversion. However, strtod() handles
- // infinite values slightly differently than JavaScript in that it
- // converts the string "inf" with any capitalization to infinity,
- // whereas the ECMA spec requires that it be converted to NaN.
- if (c[0] == 'I' && c[1] == 'n' && c[2] == 'f' && c[3] == 'i' && c[4] == 'n' && c[5] == 'i' && c[6] == 't' && c[7] == 'y') {
- d = sign * Inf;
- c += 8;
- } else if ((d == Inf || d == -Inf) && *c != 'I' && *c != 'i')
- c = end;
- else
- return NaN;
- }
- // allow trailing white space
- while (isASCIISpace(*c))
- c++;
- // don't allow anything after - unless tolerant=true
- // FIXME: If string contains a U+0000 character, then this check is incorrect.
- if (!tolerateTrailingJunk && *c != '\0')
- d = NaN;
- return d;
-double UString::toDouble(bool tolerateTrailingJunk) const
- return toDouble(tolerateTrailingJunk, true);
-double UString::toDouble() const
- return toDouble(false, true);
-uint32_t UString::toUInt32(bool* ok) const
- double d = toDouble();
- bool b = true;
- if (d != static_cast<uint32_t>(d)) {
- b = false;
- d = 0;
- }
- if (ok)
- *ok = b;
- return static_cast<uint32_t>(d);
-uint32_t UString::toUInt32(bool* ok, bool tolerateEmptyString) const
- double d = toDouble(false, tolerateEmptyString);
- bool b = true;
- if (d != static_cast<uint32_t>(d)) {
- b = false;
- d = 0;
- }
- if (ok)
- *ok = b;
- return static_cast<uint32_t>(d);
-uint32_t UString::toStrictUInt32(bool* ok) const
- if (ok)
- *ok = false;
- // Empty string is not OK.
- unsigned len = m_rep->length();
- if (len == 0)
- return 0;
- const UChar* p = m_rep->characters();
- unsigned short c = p[0];
- // If the first digit is 0, only 0 itself is OK.
- if (c == '0') {
- if (len == 1 && ok)
- *ok = true;
- return 0;
- }
- // Convert to UInt32, checking for overflow.
- uint32_t i = 0;
- while (1) {
- // Process character, turning it into a digit.
- if (c < '0' || c > '9')
- return 0;
- const unsigned d = c - '0';
- // Multiply by 10, checking for overflow out of 32 bits.
- if (i > 0xFFFFFFFFU / 10)
- return 0;
- i *= 10;
- // Add in the digit, checking for overflow out of 32 bits.
- const unsigned max = 0xFFFFFFFFU - d;
- if (i > max)
- return 0;
- i += d;
- // Handle end of string.
- if (--len == 0) {
- if (ok)
- *ok = true;
- return i;
+ const UChar* d2 = rep2->characters16();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < size1; i++) {
+ if (d1[i] != d2[i])
+ return false;
- // Get next character.
- c = *(++p);
+ return true;
-unsigned UString::find(const UString& f, unsigned pos) const
- unsigned fsz = f.size();
- if (fsz == 1) {
- UChar ch = f[0];
- const UChar* end = data() + size();
- for (const UChar* c = data() + pos; c < end; c++) {
- if (*c == ch)
- return static_cast<unsigned>(c - data());
+ if (s2Is8Bit) {
+ const UChar* d1 = rep1->characters16();
+ const LChar* d2 = rep2->characters8();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < size1; i++) {
+ if (d1[i] != d2[i])
+ return false;
- return NotFound;
- }
- unsigned sz = size();
- if (sz < fsz)
- return NotFound;
- if (fsz == 0)
- return pos;
- const UChar* end = data() + sz - fsz;
- unsigned fsizeminusone = (fsz - 1) * sizeof(UChar);
- const UChar* fdata = f.data();
- unsigned short fchar = fdata[0];
- ++fdata;
- for (const UChar* c = data() + pos; c <= end; c++) {
- if (c[0] == fchar && !memcmp(c + 1, fdata, fsizeminusone))
- return static_cast<unsigned>(c - data());
- }
- return NotFound;
-unsigned UString::find(UChar ch, unsigned pos) const
- const UChar* end = data() + size();
- for (const UChar* c = data() + pos; c < end; c++) {
- if (*c == ch)
- return static_cast<unsigned>(c - data());
- }
- return NotFound;
-unsigned UString::rfind(const UString& f, unsigned pos) const
- unsigned sz = size();
- unsigned fsz = f.size();
- if (sz < fsz)
- return NotFound;
- if (pos > sz - fsz)
- pos = sz - fsz;
- if (fsz == 0)
- return pos;
- unsigned fsizeminusone = (fsz - 1) * sizeof(UChar);
- const UChar* fdata = f.data();
- for (const UChar* c = data() + pos; c >= data(); c--) {
- if (*c == *fdata && !memcmp(c + 1, fdata + 1, fsizeminusone))
- return static_cast<unsigned>(c - data());
+ return true;
- return NotFound;
-unsigned UString::rfind(UChar ch, unsigned pos) const
- if (isEmpty())
- return NotFound;
- if (pos + 1 >= size())
- pos = size() - 1;
- for (const UChar* c = data() + pos; c >= data(); c--) {
- if (*c == ch)
- return static_cast<unsigned>(c - data());
- }
- return NotFound;
-UString UString::substr(unsigned pos, unsigned len) const
- unsigned s = size();
- if (pos >= s)
- pos = s;
- unsigned limit = s - pos;
- if (len > limit)
- len = limit;
- if (pos == 0 && len == s)
- return *this;
- return UString(Rep::create(m_rep, pos, len));
-bool operator==(const UString& s1, const char *s2)
- if (s2 == 0)
- return s1.isEmpty();
- const UChar* u = s1.data();
- const UChar* uend = u + s1.size();
- while (u != uend && *s2) {
- if (u[0] != (unsigned char)*s2)
- return false;
- s2++;
- u++;
+ const UChar* d1 = rep1->characters16();
+ const UChar* d2 = rep2->characters16();
+ if (d1 == d2) // Check to see if the data pointers are the same.
+ return true;
+ // Do quick checks for sizes 1 and 2.
+ switch (size1) {
+ case 1:
+ return d1[0] == d2[0];
+ case 2:
+ return (d1[0] == d2[0]) & (d1[1] == d2[1]);
+ default:
+ return (!memcmp(d1, d2, size1 * sizeof(UChar)));
- return u == uend && *s2 == 0;
bool operator<(const UString& s1, const UString& s2)
- const unsigned l1 = s1.size();
- const unsigned l2 = s2.size();
+ const unsigned l1 = s1.length();
+ const unsigned l2 = s2.length();
const unsigned lmin = l1 < l2 ? l1 : l2;
- const UChar* c1 = s1.data();
- const UChar* c2 = s2.data();
- unsigned l = 0;
- while (l < lmin && *c1 == *c2) {
+ if (s1.is8Bit() && s2.is8Bit()) {
+ const LChar* c1 = s1.characters8();
+ const LChar* c2 = s2.characters8();
+ unsigned length = 0;
+ while (length < lmin && *c1 == *c2) {
+ c1++;
+ c2++;
+ length++;
+ }
+ if (length < lmin)
+ return (c1[0] < c2[0]);
+ return (l1 < l2);
+ }
+ const UChar* c1 = s1.characters();
+ const UChar* c2 = s2.characters();
+ unsigned length = 0;
+ while (length < lmin && *c1 == *c2) {
- l++;
+ length++;
- if (l < lmin)
+ if (length < lmin)
return (c1[0] < c2[0]);
return (l1 < l2);
bool operator>(const UString& s1, const UString& s2)
- const unsigned l1 = s1.size();
- const unsigned l2 = s2.size();
+ const unsigned l1 = s1.length();
+ const unsigned l2 = s2.length();
const unsigned lmin = l1 < l2 ? l1 : l2;
- const UChar* c1 = s1.data();
- const UChar* c2 = s2.data();
+ const UChar* c1 = s1.characters();
+ const UChar* c2 = s2.characters();
unsigned l = 0;
while (l < lmin && *c1 == *c2) {
return (l1 > l2);
-int compare(const UString& s1, const UString& s2)
+CString UString::ascii() const
- const unsigned l1 = s1.size();
- const unsigned l2 = s2.size();
- const unsigned lmin = l1 < l2 ? l1 : l2;
- const UChar* c1 = s1.data();
- const UChar* c2 = s2.data();
- unsigned l = 0;
- while (l < lmin && *c1 == *c2) {
- c1++;
- c2++;
- l++;
+ // Basic Latin1 (ISO) encoding - Unicode characters 0..255 are
+ // preserved, characters outside of this range are converted to '?'.
+ unsigned length = this->length();
+ if (this->is8Bit()) {
+ const LChar* characters = this->characters8();
+ char* characterBuffer;
+ CString result = CString::newUninitialized(length, characterBuffer);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
+ LChar ch = characters[i];
+ characterBuffer[i] = ch && (ch < 0x20 || ch > 0x7f) ? '?' : ch;
+ }
+ return result;
- if (l < lmin)
- return (c1[0] > c2[0]) ? 1 : -1;
+ const UChar* characters = this->characters16();
- if (l1 == l2)
- return 0;
+ char* characterBuffer;
+ CString result = CString::newUninitialized(length, characterBuffer);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
+ UChar ch = characters[i];
+ characterBuffer[i] = ch && (ch < 0x20 || ch >= 0x7f) ? '?' : ch;
+ }
- return (l1 > l2) ? 1 : -1;
+ return result;
-CString UString::UTF8String(bool strict) const
+CString UString::latin1() const
- // Allocate a buffer big enough to hold all the characters.
- const unsigned length = size();
- Vector<char, 1024> buffer(length * 3);
- // Convert to runs of 8-bit characters.
- char* p = buffer.data();
- const UChar* d = reinterpret_cast<const UChar*>(&data()[0]);
- ConversionResult result = convertUTF16ToUTF8(&d, d + length, &p, p + buffer.size(), strict);
- if (result != conversionOK)
+ // Basic Latin1 (ISO) encoding - Unicode characters 0..255 are
+ // preserved, characters outside of this range are converted to '?'.
+ unsigned length = this->length();
+ const UChar* characters = this->characters();
+ char* characterBuffer;
+ CString result = CString::newUninitialized(length, characterBuffer);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
+ UChar ch = characters[i];
+ characterBuffer[i] = ch > 0xff ? '?' : ch;
+ }
+ return result;
+// Helper to write a three-byte UTF-8 code point to the buffer, caller must check room is available.
+static inline void putUTF8Triple(char*& buffer, UChar ch)
+ ASSERT(ch >= 0x0800);
+ *buffer++ = static_cast<char>(((ch >> 12) & 0x0F) | 0xE0);
+ *buffer++ = static_cast<char>(((ch >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80);
+ *buffer++ = static_cast<char>((ch & 0x3F) | 0x80);
+CString UString::utf8(bool strict) const
+ unsigned length = this->length();
+ if (!length)
+ return CString("", 0);
+ // Allocate a buffer big enough to hold all the characters
+ // (an individual UTF-16 UChar can only expand to 3 UTF-8 bytes).
+ // Optimization ideas, if we find this function is hot:
+ // * We could speculatively create a CStringBuffer to contain 'length'
+ // characters, and resize if necessary (i.e. if the buffer contains
+ // non-ascii characters). (Alternatively, scan the buffer first for
+ // ascii characters, so we know this will be sufficient).
+ // * We could allocate a CStringBuffer with an appropriate size to
+ // have a good chance of being able to write the string into the
+ // buffer without reallocing (say, 1.5 x length).
+ if (length > numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() / 3)
return CString();
- return CString(buffer.data(), p - buffer.data());
+ Vector<char, 1024> bufferVector(length * 3);
+ char* buffer = bufferVector.data();
+ if (is8Bit()) {
+ const LChar* characters = this->characters8();
+ ConversionResult result = convertLatin1ToUTF8(&characters, characters + length, &buffer, buffer + bufferVector.size());
+ ASSERT_UNUSED(result, result != targetExhausted); // (length * 3) should be sufficient for any conversion
+ } else {
+ const UChar* characters = this->characters16();
+ ConversionResult result = convertUTF16ToUTF8(&characters, characters + length, &buffer, buffer + bufferVector.size(), strict);
+ ASSERT(result != targetExhausted); // (length * 3) should be sufficient for any conversion
+ // Only produced from strict conversion.
+ if (result == sourceIllegal)
+ return CString();
+ // Check for an unconverted high surrogate.
+ if (result == sourceExhausted) {
+ if (strict)
+ return CString();
+ // This should be one unpaired high surrogate. Treat it the same
+ // was as an unpaired high surrogate would have been handled in
+ // the middle of a string with non-strict conversion - which is
+ // to say, simply encode it to UTF-8.
+ ASSERT((characters + 1) == (this->characters() + length));
+ ASSERT((*characters >= 0xD800) && (*characters <= 0xDBFF));
+ // There should be room left, since one UChar hasn't been converted.
+ ASSERT((buffer + 3) <= (buffer + bufferVector.size()));
+ putUTF8Triple(buffer, *characters);
+ }
+ }
+ return CString(bufferVector.data(), buffer - bufferVector.data());
} // namespace JSC