+bool SpeculativeJIT::StringSwitchCase::operator<(
+ const SpeculativeJIT::StringSwitchCase& other) const
+ unsigned minLength = std::min(string->length(), other.string->length());
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < minLength; ++i) {
+ if (string->at(i) == other.string->at(i))
+ continue;
+ return string->at(i) < other.string->at(i);
+ }
+ return string->length() < other.string->length();
+namespace {
+struct CharacterCase {
+ bool operator<(const CharacterCase& other) const
+ {
+ return character < other.character;
+ }
+ LChar character;
+ unsigned begin;
+ unsigned end;
+} // anonymous namespace
+void SpeculativeJIT::emitBinarySwitchStringRecurse(
+ SwitchData* data, const Vector<SpeculativeJIT::StringSwitchCase>& cases,
+ unsigned numChecked, unsigned begin, unsigned end, GPRReg buffer, GPRReg length,
+ GPRReg temp, unsigned alreadyCheckedLength, bool checkedExactLength)
+ static const bool verbose = false;
+ if (verbose) {
+ dataLog("We're down to the following cases, alreadyCheckedLength = ", alreadyCheckedLength, ":\n");
+ for (unsigned i = begin; i < end; ++i) {
+ dataLog(" ", cases[i].string, "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (begin == end) {
+ jump(data->fallThrough.block, ForceJump);
+ return;
+ }
+ unsigned minLength = cases[begin].string->length();
+ unsigned commonChars = minLength;
+ bool allLengthsEqual = true;
+ for (unsigned i = begin + 1; i < end; ++i) {
+ unsigned myCommonChars = numChecked;
+ for (unsigned j = numChecked;
+ j < std::min(cases[begin].string->length(), cases[i].string->length());
+ ++j) {
+ if (cases[begin].string->at(j) != cases[i].string->at(j)) {
+ if (verbose)
+ dataLog("string(", cases[i].string, ")[", j, "] != string(", cases[begin].string, ")[", j, "]\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ myCommonChars++;
+ }
+ commonChars = std::min(commonChars, myCommonChars);
+ if (minLength != cases[i].string->length())
+ allLengthsEqual = false;
+ minLength = std::min(minLength, cases[i].string->length());
+ }
+ if (checkedExactLength) {
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(alreadyCheckedLength == minLength);
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(allLengthsEqual);
+ }
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(minLength >= commonChars);
+ if (verbose)
+ dataLog("length = ", minLength, ", commonChars = ", commonChars, ", allLengthsEqual = ", allLengthsEqual, "\n");
+ if (!allLengthsEqual && alreadyCheckedLength < minLength)
+ branch32(MacroAssembler::Below, length, Imm32(minLength), data->fallThrough.block);
+ if (allLengthsEqual && (alreadyCheckedLength < minLength || !checkedExactLength))
+ branch32(MacroAssembler::NotEqual, length, Imm32(minLength), data->fallThrough.block);
+ for (unsigned i = numChecked; i < commonChars; ++i) {
+ branch8(
+ MacroAssembler::NotEqual, MacroAssembler::Address(buffer, i),
+ TrustedImm32(cases[begin].string->at(i)), data->fallThrough.block);
+ }
+ if (minLength == commonChars) {
+ // This is the case where one of the cases is a prefix of all of the other cases.
+ // We've already checked that the input string is a prefix of all of the cases,
+ // so we just check length to jump to that case.
+ ASSERT(cases[begin].string->length() == commonChars);
+ for (unsigned i = begin + 1; i < end; ++i)
+ ASSERT(cases[i].string->length() > commonChars);
+ }
+ if (allLengthsEqual) {
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(end == begin + 1);
+ jump(cases[begin].target, ForceJump);
+ return;
+ }
+ branch32(MacroAssembler::Equal, length, Imm32(commonChars), cases[begin].target);
+ // We've checked if the length is >= minLength, and then we checked if the
+ // length is == commonChars. We get to this point if it is >= minLength but not
+ // == commonChars. Hence we know that it now must be > minLength, i.e., that
+ // it's >= minLength + 1.
+ emitBinarySwitchStringRecurse(
+ data, cases, commonChars, begin + 1, end, buffer, length, temp, minLength + 1, false);
+ return;
+ }
+ // At this point we know that the string is longer than commonChars, and we've only
+ // verified commonChars. Use a binary switch on the next unchecked character, i.e.
+ // string[commonChars].
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(end >= begin + 2);
+ m_jit.load8(MacroAssembler::Address(buffer, commonChars), temp);
+ Vector<CharacterCase> characterCases;
+ CharacterCase currentCase;
+ currentCase.character = cases[begin].string->at(commonChars);
+ currentCase.begin = begin;
+ currentCase.end = begin + 1;
+ for (unsigned i = begin + 1; i < end; ++i) {
+ if (cases[i].string->at(commonChars) != currentCase.character) {
+ if (verbose)
+ dataLog("string(", cases[i].string, ")[", commonChars, "] != string(", cases[begin].string, ")[", commonChars, "]\n");
+ currentCase.end = i;
+ characterCases.append(currentCase);
+ currentCase.character = cases[i].string->at(commonChars);
+ currentCase.begin = i;
+ currentCase.end = i + 1;
+ } else
+ currentCase.end = i + 1;
+ }
+ characterCases.append(currentCase);
+ Vector<int64_t> characterCaseValues;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < characterCases.size(); ++i)
+ characterCaseValues.append(characterCases[i].character);
+ BinarySwitch binarySwitch(temp, characterCaseValues, BinarySwitch::Int32);
+ while (binarySwitch.advance(m_jit)) {
+ const CharacterCase& myCase = characterCases[binarySwitch.caseIndex()];
+ emitBinarySwitchStringRecurse(
+ data, cases, commonChars + 1, myCase.begin, myCase.end, buffer, length,
+ temp, minLength, allLengthsEqual);
+ }
+ addBranch(binarySwitch.fallThrough(), data->fallThrough.block);
+void SpeculativeJIT::emitSwitchStringOnString(SwitchData* data, GPRReg string)
+ data->didUseJumpTable = true;
+ bool canDoBinarySwitch = true;
+ unsigned totalLength = 0;
+ for (unsigned i = data->cases.size(); i--;) {
+ StringImpl* string = data->cases[i].value.stringImpl();
+ if (!string->is8Bit()) {
+ canDoBinarySwitch = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (string->length() > Options::maximumBinaryStringSwitchCaseLength()) {
+ canDoBinarySwitch = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ totalLength += string->length();
+ }
+ if (!canDoBinarySwitch || totalLength > Options::maximumBinaryStringSwitchTotalLength()) {
+ flushRegisters();
+ callOperation(
+ operationSwitchString, string, data->switchTableIndex, string);
+ m_jit.jump(string);
+ return;
+ }
+ GPRTemporary length(this);
+ GPRTemporary temp(this);
+ GPRReg lengthGPR = length.gpr();
+ GPRReg tempGPR = temp.gpr();
+ m_jit.load32(MacroAssembler::Address(string, JSString::offsetOfLength()), lengthGPR);
+ m_jit.loadPtr(MacroAssembler::Address(string, JSString::offsetOfValue()), tempGPR);
+ MacroAssembler::JumpList slowCases;
+ slowCases.append(m_jit.branchTestPtr(MacroAssembler::Zero, tempGPR));
+ slowCases.append(m_jit.branchTest32(
+ MacroAssembler::Zero,
+ MacroAssembler::Address(tempGPR, StringImpl::flagsOffset()),
+ TrustedImm32(StringImpl::flagIs8Bit())));
+ m_jit.loadPtr(MacroAssembler::Address(tempGPR, StringImpl::dataOffset()), string);
+ Vector<StringSwitchCase> cases;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < data->cases.size(); ++i) {
+ cases.append(
+ StringSwitchCase(data->cases[i].value.stringImpl(), data->cases[i].target.block));
+ }
+ std::sort(cases.begin(), cases.end());
+ emitBinarySwitchStringRecurse(
+ data, cases, 0, 0, cases.size(), string, lengthGPR, tempGPR, 0, false);
+ slowCases.link(&m_jit);
+ silentSpillAllRegisters(string);
+ callOperation(operationSwitchString, string, data->switchTableIndex, string);
+ silentFillAllRegisters(string);
+ m_jit.jump(string);
+void SpeculativeJIT::emitSwitchString(Node* node, SwitchData* data)
+ switch (node->child1().useKind()) {
+ case StringIdentUse: {
+ SpeculateCellOperand op1(this, node->child1());
+ GPRTemporary temp(this);
+ GPRReg op1GPR = op1.gpr();
+ GPRReg tempGPR = temp.gpr();
+ speculateString(node->child1(), op1GPR);
+ speculateStringIdentAndLoadStorage(node->child1(), op1GPR, tempGPR);
+ Vector<int64_t> identifierCaseValues;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < data->cases.size(); ++i) {
+ identifierCaseValues.append(
+ static_cast<int64_t>(bitwise_cast<intptr_t>(data->cases[i].value.stringImpl())));
+ }
+ BinarySwitch binarySwitch(tempGPR, identifierCaseValues, BinarySwitch::IntPtr);
+ while (binarySwitch.advance(m_jit))
+ jump(data->cases[binarySwitch.caseIndex()].target.block, ForceJump);
+ addBranch(binarySwitch.fallThrough(), data->fallThrough.block);
+ noResult(node);
+ break;
+ }
+ case StringUse: {
+ SpeculateCellOperand op1(this, node->child1());
+ GPRReg op1GPR = op1.gpr();
+ op1.use();
+ speculateString(node->child1(), op1GPR);
+ emitSwitchStringOnString(data, op1GPR);
+ noResult(node, UseChildrenCalledExplicitly);
+ break;
+ }
+ case UntypedUse: {
+ JSValueOperand op1(this, node->child1());
+ JSValueRegs op1Regs = op1.jsValueRegs();
+ op1.use();
+ addBranch(branchNotCell(op1Regs), data->fallThrough.block);
+ addBranch(
+ m_jit.branchStructurePtr(
+ MacroAssembler::NotEqual,
+ MacroAssembler::Address(op1Regs.payloadGPR(), JSCell::structureIDOffset()),
+ m_jit.vm()->stringStructure.get()),
+ data->fallThrough.block);
+ emitSwitchStringOnString(data, op1Regs.payloadGPR());
+ noResult(node, UseChildrenCalledExplicitly);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+void SpeculativeJIT::emitSwitch(Node* node)
+ SwitchData* data = node->switchData();
+ switch (data->kind) {
+ case SwitchImm: {
+ emitSwitchImm(node, data);
+ return;
+ }
+ case SwitchChar: {
+ emitSwitchChar(node, data);
+ return;
+ }
+ case SwitchString: {
+ emitSwitchString(node, data);
+ return;
+ } }
+void SpeculativeJIT::addBranch(const MacroAssembler::JumpList& jump, BasicBlock* destination)
+ for (unsigned i = jump.jumps().size(); i--;)
+ addBranch(jump.jumps()[i], destination);
+void SpeculativeJIT::linkBranches()
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_branches.size(); ++i) {
+ BranchRecord& branch = m_branches[i];
+ branch.jump.linkTo(m_jit.blockHeads()[branch.destination->index], &m_jit);
+ }
+void SpeculativeJIT::compileStoreBarrier(Node* node)
+ switch (node->op()) {
+ case StoreBarrier: {
+ SpeculateCellOperand base(this, node->child1());
+ GPRTemporary scratch1(this);
+ GPRTemporary scratch2(this);
+ writeBarrier(base.gpr(), scratch1.gpr(), scratch2.gpr());
+ break;
+ }
+ case StoreBarrierWithNullCheck: {
+ JSValueOperand base(this, node->child1());
+ GPRTemporary scratch1(this);
+ GPRTemporary scratch2(this);
+ JITCompiler::Jump isNull = m_jit.branchTest64(JITCompiler::Zero, base.gpr());
+ writeBarrier(base.gpr(), scratch1.gpr(), scratch2.gpr());
+ JITCompiler::Jump isNull = m_jit.branch32(JITCompiler::Equal, base.tagGPR(), TrustedImm32(JSValue::EmptyValueTag));
+ writeBarrier(base.payloadGPR(), scratch1.gpr(), scratch2.gpr());
+ isNull.link(&m_jit);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ noResult(node);
+void SpeculativeJIT::storeToWriteBarrierBuffer(GPRReg cell, GPRReg scratch1, GPRReg scratch2)
+ ASSERT(scratch1 != scratch2);
+ WriteBarrierBuffer* writeBarrierBuffer = &m_jit.vm()->heap.m_writeBarrierBuffer;
+ m_jit.move(TrustedImmPtr(writeBarrierBuffer), scratch1);
+ m_jit.load32(MacroAssembler::Address(scratch1, WriteBarrierBuffer::currentIndexOffset()), scratch2);
+ JITCompiler::Jump needToFlush = m_jit.branch32(MacroAssembler::AboveOrEqual, scratch2, MacroAssembler::Address(scratch1, WriteBarrierBuffer::capacityOffset()));
+ m_jit.add32(TrustedImm32(1), scratch2);
+ m_jit.store32(scratch2, MacroAssembler::Address(scratch1, WriteBarrierBuffer::currentIndexOffset()));
+ m_jit.loadPtr(MacroAssembler::Address(scratch1, WriteBarrierBuffer::bufferOffset()), scratch1);
+ // We use an offset of -sizeof(void*) because we already added 1 to scratch2.
+ m_jit.storePtr(cell, MacroAssembler::BaseIndex(scratch1, scratch2, MacroAssembler::ScalePtr, static_cast<int32_t>(-sizeof(void*))));
+ JITCompiler::Jump done = m_jit.jump();
+ needToFlush.link(&m_jit);
+ silentSpillAllRegisters(InvalidGPRReg);
+ callOperation(operationFlushWriteBarrierBuffer, cell);
+ silentFillAllRegisters(InvalidGPRReg);
+ done.link(&m_jit);
+void SpeculativeJIT::storeToWriteBarrierBuffer(JSCell* cell, GPRReg scratch1, GPRReg scratch2)
+ ASSERT(scratch1 != scratch2);
+ WriteBarrierBuffer* writeBarrierBuffer = &m_jit.vm()->heap.m_writeBarrierBuffer;
+ m_jit.move(TrustedImmPtr(writeBarrierBuffer), scratch1);
+ m_jit.load32(MacroAssembler::Address(scratch1, WriteBarrierBuffer::currentIndexOffset()), scratch2);
+ JITCompiler::Jump needToFlush = m_jit.branch32(MacroAssembler::AboveOrEqual, scratch2, MacroAssembler::Address(scratch1, WriteBarrierBuffer::capacityOffset()));
+ m_jit.add32(TrustedImm32(1), scratch2);
+ m_jit.store32(scratch2, MacroAssembler::Address(scratch1, WriteBarrierBuffer::currentIndexOffset()));
+ m_jit.loadPtr(MacroAssembler::Address(scratch1, WriteBarrierBuffer::bufferOffset()), scratch1);
+ // We use an offset of -sizeof(void*) because we already added 1 to scratch2.
+ m_jit.storePtr(TrustedImmPtr(cell), MacroAssembler::BaseIndex(scratch1, scratch2, MacroAssembler::ScalePtr, static_cast<int32_t>(-sizeof(void*))));
+ JITCompiler::Jump done = m_jit.jump();
+ needToFlush.link(&m_jit);
+ // Call C slow path
+ silentSpillAllRegisters(InvalidGPRReg);
+ callOperation(operationFlushWriteBarrierBuffer, cell);
+ silentFillAllRegisters(InvalidGPRReg);
+ done.link(&m_jit);
+void SpeculativeJIT::writeBarrier(GPRReg ownerGPR, JSCell* value, GPRReg scratch1, GPRReg scratch2)
+ if (Heap::isMarked(value))
+ return;
+ JITCompiler::Jump ownerNotMarkedOrAlreadyRemembered = m_jit.checkMarkByte(ownerGPR);
+ storeToWriteBarrierBuffer(ownerGPR, scratch1, scratch2);
+ ownerNotMarkedOrAlreadyRemembered.link(&m_jit);
+void SpeculativeJIT::writeBarrier(GPRReg ownerGPR, GPRReg scratch1, GPRReg scratch2)
+ JITCompiler::Jump ownerNotMarkedOrAlreadyRemembered = m_jit.checkMarkByte(ownerGPR);
+ storeToWriteBarrierBuffer(ownerGPR, scratch1, scratch2);
+ ownerNotMarkedOrAlreadyRemembered.link(&m_jit);
+void SpeculativeJIT::compileStoreBarrier(Node* node)
+ DFG_NODE_DO_TO_CHILDREN(m_jit.graph(), node, speculate);
+ noResult(node);
+#endif // ENABLE(GGC)