if (*position == '"') {
- const char* begin = ++position;
- position = index(position, '"');
- return DelegateType::typeOfClass(begin, position++);
+ const char* begin = position + 1;
+ const char* protocolPosition = strchr(begin, '<');
+ const char* endOfType = strchr(begin, '"');
+ position = endOfType + 1;
+ // There's no protocol involved in this type, so just handle the class name.
+ if (!protocolPosition || protocolPosition > endOfType)
+ return DelegateType::typeOfClass(begin, endOfType);
+ // We skipped the class name and went straight to the protocol, so this is an id type.
+ if (begin == protocolPosition)
+ return DelegateType::typeId();
+ // We have a class name with a protocol. For now, ignore the protocol.
+ return DelegateType::typeOfClass(begin, protocolPosition);
return DelegateType::typeId();