- * Copyright (C) 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
#import "RemoteInspectorDebuggable.h"
#import "RemoteInspectorDebuggableConnection.h"
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import <dispatch/dispatch.h>
#import <notify.h>
#import <wtf/Assertions.h>
+#import <wtf/MainThread.h>
#import <wtf/NeverDestroyed.h>
+#import <wtf/spi/darwin/XPCSPI.h>
#import <wtf/text/WTFString.h>
-#import <xpc/xpc.h>
-#import <wtf/ios/WebCoreThread.h>
+#if __has_include(<sandbox/private.h>)
+#import <sandbox/private.h>
+enum sandbox_filter_type {
+extern "C" int sandbox_check(pid_t, const char *operation, enum sandbox_filter_type, ...);
+extern "C" const enum sandbox_filter_type SANDBOX_CHECK_NO_REPORT;
namespace Inspector {
-static void dispatchAsyncOnQueueSafeForAnyDebuggable(void (^block)())
+static bool canAccessWebInspectorMachPort()
- if (WebCoreWebThreadIsEnabled && WebCoreWebThreadIsEnabled()) {
- WebCoreWebThreadRun(block);
- return;
- }
+ return sandbox_check(getpid(), "mach-lookup", static_cast<enum sandbox_filter_type>(SANDBOX_FILTER_GLOBAL_NAME | SANDBOX_CHECK_NO_REPORT), WIRXPCMachPortName) == 0;
+static bool globalAutomaticInspectionState()
+ int token = 0;
+ if (notify_register_check(WIRAutomaticInspectionEnabledState, &token) != NOTIFY_STATUS_OK)
+ return false;
- dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), block);
+ uint64_t automaticInspectionEnabled = 0;
+ notify_get_state(token, &automaticInspectionEnabled);
+ return automaticInspectionEnabled == 1;
bool RemoteInspector::startEnabled = true;
RemoteInspector::startEnabled = false;
-RemoteInspector& RemoteInspector::shared()
+RemoteInspector& RemoteInspector::singleton()
static NeverDestroyed<RemoteInspector> shared;
static dispatch_once_t once;
dispatch_once(&once, ^{
- JSC::initializeThreading();
- if (RemoteInspector::startEnabled)
- shared.get().start();
+ if (canAccessWebInspectorMachPort()) {
+ dispatch_block_t initialize = ^{
+ WTF::initializeMainThread();
+ JSC::initializeThreading();
+ if (RemoteInspector::startEnabled)
+ shared.get().start();
+ };
+ if ([NSThread isMainThread])
+ initialize();
+ else {
+ // FIXME: This means that we may miss an auto-attach to a JSContext created on a non-main thread.
+ // The main thread initialization is required for certain WTF values that need to be initialized
+ // on the "real" main thread. We should investigate a better way to handle this.
+ dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), initialize);
+ }
+ }
return shared;
, m_pushScheduled(false)
, m_parentProcessIdentifier(0)
, m_shouldSendParentProcessInformation(false)
+ , m_automaticInspectionEnabled(false)
+ , m_automaticInspectionPaused(false)
+ , m_automaticInspectionCandidateIdentifier(0)
+void RemoteInspector::updateDebuggableAutomaticInspectCandidate(RemoteInspectorDebuggable* debuggable)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+ unsigned identifier = debuggable->identifier();
+ if (!identifier)
+ return;
+ auto result = m_debuggableMap.set(identifier, std::make_pair(debuggable, debuggable->info()));
+ ASSERT_UNUSED(result, !result.isNewEntry);
+ // Don't allow automatic inspection unless it is allowed or we are stopped.
+ if (!m_automaticInspectionEnabled || !m_enabled) {
+ pushListingSoon();
+ return;
+ }
+ // FIXME: We should handle multiple debuggables trying to pause at the same time on different threads.
+ // To make this work we will need to change m_automaticInspectionCandidateIdentifier to be a per-thread value.
+ // Multiple attempts on the same thread should not be possible because our nested run loop is in a special RWI mode.
+ if (m_automaticInspectionPaused) {
+ LOG_ERROR("Skipping Automatic Inspection Candidate with pageId(%u) because we are already paused waiting for pageId(%u)", identifier, m_automaticInspectionCandidateIdentifier);
+ pushListingSoon();
+ return;
+ }
+ m_automaticInspectionPaused = true;
+ m_automaticInspectionCandidateIdentifier = identifier;
+ // If we are pausing before we have connected to webinspectord the candidate message will be sent as soon as the connection is established.
+ if (m_xpcConnection) {
+ pushListingNow();
+ sendAutomaticInspectionCandidateMessage();
+ }
+ // In case debuggers fail to respond, or we cannot connect to webinspectord, automatically continue after a short period of time.
+ dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 0.8 * NSEC_PER_SEC), dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+ if (m_automaticInspectionCandidateIdentifier == identifier) {
+ LOG_ERROR("Skipping Automatic Inspection Candidate with pageId(%u) because we failed to receive a response in time.", m_automaticInspectionCandidateIdentifier);
+ m_automaticInspectionPaused = false;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ debuggable->pauseWaitingForAutomaticInspection();
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+ ASSERT(m_automaticInspectionCandidateIdentifier);
+ m_automaticInspectionCandidateIdentifier = 0;
+ }
+void RemoteInspector::sendAutomaticInspectionCandidateMessage()
+ ASSERT(m_enabled);
+ ASSERT(m_automaticInspectionEnabled);
+ ASSERT(m_automaticInspectionPaused);
+ ASSERT(m_automaticInspectionCandidateIdentifier);
+ ASSERT(m_xpcConnection);
+ NSDictionary *details = @{WIRPageIdentifierKey: @(m_automaticInspectionCandidateIdentifier)};
+ m_xpcConnection->sendMessage(WIRAutomaticInspectionCandidateMessage, details);
void RemoteInspector::sendMessageToRemoteFrontend(unsigned identifier, const String& message)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+ if (identifier == m_automaticInspectionCandidateIdentifier)
+ m_automaticInspectionPaused = false;
+void RemoteInspector::setupCompleted(unsigned identifier)
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+ if (identifier == m_automaticInspectionCandidateIdentifier)
+ m_automaticInspectionPaused = false;
+bool RemoteInspector::waitingForAutomaticInspection(unsigned)
+ // We don't take the lock to check this because we assume it will be checked repeatedly.
+ return m_automaticInspectionPaused;
void RemoteInspector::start()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
m_enabled = true;
+ // Load the initial automatic inspection state when first started, so we know it before we have even connected to webinspectord.
+ static dispatch_once_t once;
+ dispatch_once(&once, ^{
+ m_automaticInspectionEnabled = globalAutomaticInspectionState();
+ });
notify_register_dispatch(WIRServiceAvailableNotification, &m_notifyToken, m_xpcQueue, ^(int) {
- RemoteInspector::shared().setupXPCConnectionIfNeeded();
+ RemoteInspector::singleton().setupXPCConnectionIfNeeded();
+ m_automaticInspectionPaused = false;
if (m_xpcConnection) {
switch (source) {
case StopSource::API:
m_xpcConnection->sendMessage(@"syn", nil); // Send a simple message to initialize the XPC connection.
- pushListingSoon();
+ if (m_automaticInspectionCandidateIdentifier) {
+ // We already have a debuggable waiting to be automatically inspected.
+ pushListingNow();
+ sendAutomaticInspectionCandidateMessage();
+ } else
+ pushListingSoon();
#pragma mark - Proxy Application Information
else if ([messageName isEqualToString:WIRConnectionDiedMessage])
+ else if ([messageName isEqualToString:WIRAutomaticInspectionConfigurationMessage])
+ receivedAutomaticInspectionConfigurationMessage(userInfo);
+ else if ([messageName isEqualToString:WIRAutomaticInspectionRejectMessage])
+ receivedAutomaticInspectionRejectMessage(userInfo);
NSLog(@"Unrecognized RemoteInspector XPC Message: %@", messageName);
+ m_automaticInspectionPaused = false;
// The connection will close itself.
m_xpcConnection = nullptr;
// Legacy iOS WebKit 1 had a notification. This will need to be smarter with WebKit2.
#pragma mark - Received XPC Messages
void RemoteInspector::receivedSetupMessage(NSDictionary *userInfo)
RemoteInspectorDebuggable* debuggable = it->value.first;
RemoteInspectorDebuggableInfo debuggableInfo = it->value.second;
RefPtr<RemoteInspectorDebuggableConnection> connection = adoptRef(new RemoteInspectorDebuggableConnection(debuggable, connectionIdentifier, sender, debuggableInfo.type));
- if (!connection->setup()) {
+ bool isAutomaticInspection = m_automaticInspectionCandidateIdentifier == debuggable->identifier();
+ bool automaticallyPause = false;
+ NSNumber *automaticallyPauseObject = [userInfo objectForKey:WIRAutomaticallyPause];
+ if ([automaticallyPauseObject isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]])
+ automaticallyPause = [automaticallyPauseObject boolValue];
+ if (!connection->setup(isAutomaticInspection, automaticallyPause)) {
unsigned identifier = [pageId unsignedIntValue];
BOOL indicateEnabled = [[userInfo objectForKey:WIRIndicateEnabledKey] boolValue];
- dispatchAsyncOnQueueSafeForAnyDebuggable(^{
+ callOnWebThreadOrDispatchAsyncOnMainThread(^{
RemoteInspectorDebuggable* debuggable = nullptr;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
+void RemoteInspector::receivedAutomaticInspectionConfigurationMessage(NSDictionary *userInfo)
+ m_automaticInspectionEnabled = [[userInfo objectForKey:WIRAutomaticInspectionEnabledKey] boolValue];
+ if (!m_automaticInspectionEnabled && m_automaticInspectionPaused)
+ m_automaticInspectionPaused = false;
+void RemoteInspector::receivedAutomaticInspectionRejectMessage(NSDictionary *userInfo)
+ unsigned rejectionIdentifier = [[userInfo objectForKey:WIRPageIdentifierKey] unsignedIntValue];
+ ASSERT(rejectionIdentifier == m_automaticInspectionCandidateIdentifier);
+ if (rejectionIdentifier == m_automaticInspectionCandidateIdentifier)
+ m_automaticInspectionPaused = false;
} // namespace Inspector