- * Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Samsung Electronics
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 University of Szeged
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
RefPtr<ExecutableMemoryHandle> result =
- state.graph.m_vm, size, state.graph.m_codeBlock, JITCompilationMustSucceed);
+ state.graph.m_vm, size, state.graph.m_codeBlock, JITCompilationCanFail);
+ if (!result) {
+ // Signal failure. This compilation will get tossed.
+ state.allocationFailed = true;
+ // Fake an allocation, since LLVM cannot handle failures in the memory manager.
+ RefPtr<DataSection> fakeSection = adoptRef(new DataSection(size, jitAllocationGranule));
+ state.jitCode->addDataSection(fakeSection);
+ return bitwise_cast<uint8_t*>(fakeSection->base());
+ }
// LLVM used to put __compact_unwind in a code section. We keep this here defensively,
// for clients that use older LLVMs.
- if (!strcmp(sectionName, "__compact_unwind")) {
- state.compactUnwind = result->start();
- state.compactUnwindSize = result->sizeInBytes();
+ if (!strcmp(sectionName, SECTION_NAME("compact_unwind"))) {
+ state.unwindDataSection = result->start();
+ state.unwindDataSectionSize = result->sizeInBytes();
// Allocate the GOT in the code section to make it reachable for all code.
- if (!strcmp(sectionName, "__got"))
+ if (!strcmp(sectionName, SECTION_NAME("got")))
return mmAllocateCodeSection(opaqueState, size, alignment, sectionID, sectionName);
State& state = *static_cast<State*>(opaqueState);
RefPtr<DataSection> section = adoptRef(new DataSection(size, alignment));
- if (!strcmp(sectionName, "__llvm_stackmaps"))
+ if (!strcmp(sectionName, SECTION_NAME("llvm_stackmaps")))
state.stackmapsSection = section;
else {
- if (!strcmp(sectionName, "__compact_unwind")) {
- state.compactUnwind = section->base();
- state.compactUnwindSize = size;
+ if (!strcmp(sectionName, SECTION_NAME("compact_unwind"))) {
+#elif OS(LINUX)
+ if (!strcmp(sectionName, SECTION_NAME("eh_frame"))) {
+#error "Unrecognized OS"
+ state.unwindDataSection = section->base();
+ state.unwindDataSectionSize = size;
+static int offsetOfStackRegion(StackMaps::RecordMap& recordMap, uint32_t stackmapID)
+ if (stackmapID == UINT_MAX)
+ return 0;
+ StackMaps::RecordMap::iterator iter = recordMap.find(stackmapID);
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(iter != recordMap.end());
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(iter->value.size() == 1);
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(iter->value[0].locations.size() == 1);
+ Location capturedLocation =
+ Location::forStackmaps(nullptr, iter->value[0].locations[0]);
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(capturedLocation.kind() == Location::Register);
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(capturedLocation.gpr() == GPRInfo::callFrameRegister);
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(!(capturedLocation.addend() % sizeof(Register)));
+ return capturedLocation.addend() / sizeof(Register);
+static void generateInlineIfPossibleOutOfLineIfNot(State& state, VM& vm, CodeBlock* codeBlock, CCallHelpers& code, char* startOfInlineCode, size_t sizeOfInlineCode, const char* codeDescription, const std::function<void(LinkBuffer&, CCallHelpers&, bool wasCompiledInline)>& callback)
+ std::unique_ptr<LinkBuffer> codeLinkBuffer;
+ size_t actualCodeSize = code.m_assembler.buffer().codeSize();
+ if (actualCodeSize <= sizeOfInlineCode) {
+ LinkBuffer codeLinkBuffer(vm, code, startOfInlineCode, sizeOfInlineCode);
+ // Fill the remainder of the inline space with nops to avoid confusing the disassembler.
+ MacroAssembler::AssemblerType_T::fillNops(bitwise_cast<char*>(startOfInlineCode) + actualCodeSize, sizeOfInlineCode - actualCodeSize);
+ callback(codeLinkBuffer, code, true);
+ return;
+ }
+ // If there isn't enough space in the provided inline code area, allocate out of line
+ // executable memory to link the provided code. Place a jump at the beginning of the
+ // inline area and jump to the out of line code. Similarly return by appending a jump
+ // to the provided code that goes to the instruction after the inline code.
+ // Fill the middle with nop's.
+ MacroAssembler::Jump returnToMainline = code.jump();
+ // Allocate out of line executable memory and link the provided code there.
+ codeLinkBuffer = std::make_unique<LinkBuffer>(vm, code, codeBlock, JITCompilationMustSucceed);
+ // Plant a jmp in the inline buffer to the out of line code.
+ MacroAssembler callToOutOfLineCode;
+ MacroAssembler::Jump jumpToOutOfLine = callToOutOfLineCode.jump();
+ LinkBuffer inlineBuffer(vm, callToOutOfLineCode, startOfInlineCode, sizeOfInlineCode);
+ inlineBuffer.link(jumpToOutOfLine, codeLinkBuffer->entrypoint());
+ // Fill the remainder of the inline space with nops to avoid confusing the disassembler.
+ MacroAssembler::AssemblerType_T::fillNops(bitwise_cast<char*>(startOfInlineCode) + inlineBuffer.size(), sizeOfInlineCode - inlineBuffer.size());
+ // Link the end of the out of line code to right after the inline area.
+ codeLinkBuffer->link(returnToMainline, CodeLocationLabel(MacroAssemblerCodePtr::createFromExecutableAddress(startOfInlineCode)).labelAtOffset(sizeOfInlineCode));
+ callback(*codeLinkBuffer.get(), code, false);
+ state.finalizer->outOfLineCodeInfos.append(OutOfLineCodeInfo(WTF::move(codeLinkBuffer), codeDescription));
template<typename DescriptorType>
void generateICFastPath(
State& state, CodeBlock* codeBlock, GeneratedFunction generatedFunction,
char* startOfIC =
bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + record.instructionOffset;
+ generateInlineIfPossibleOutOfLineIfNot(state, vm, codeBlock, fastPathJIT, startOfIC, sizeOfIC, "inline cache fast path", [&] (LinkBuffer& linkBuffer, CCallHelpers&, bool) {
+ state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer->link(ic.m_slowPathDone[i],
+ CodeLocationLabel(startOfIC + sizeOfIC));
+ linkBuffer.link(generator.slowPathJump(),
+ state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer->locationOf(generator.slowPathBegin()));
+ generator.finalize(linkBuffer, *state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer);
+ });
+ }
+static void generateCheckInICFastPath(
+ State& state, CodeBlock* codeBlock, GeneratedFunction generatedFunction,
+ StackMaps::RecordMap& recordMap, CheckInDescriptor& ic, size_t sizeOfIC)
+ VM& vm = state.graph.m_vm;
+ StackMaps::RecordMap::iterator iter = recordMap.find(ic.stackmapID());
+ if (iter == recordMap.end()) {
+ // It was optimized out.
+ return;
+ }
+ Vector<StackMaps::Record>& records = iter->value;
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(records.size() == ic.m_generators.size());
+ for (unsigned i = records.size(); i--;) {
+ StackMaps::Record& record = records[i];
+ auto generator = ic.m_generators[i];
+ StructureStubInfo& stubInfo = *generator.m_stub;
+ auto call = generator.m_slowCall;
+ auto slowPathBegin = generator.m_beginLabel;
+ CCallHelpers fastPathJIT(&vm, codeBlock);
- LinkBuffer linkBuffer(vm, fastPathJIT, startOfIC, sizeOfIC);
- // Note: we could handle the !isValid() case. We just don't appear to have a
- // reason to do so, yet.
- RELEASE_ASSERT(linkBuffer.isValid());
- MacroAssembler::AssemblerType_T::fillNops(
- startOfIC + linkBuffer.size(), sizeOfIC - linkBuffer.size());
- state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer->link(
- ic.m_slowPathDone[i], CodeLocationLabel(startOfIC + sizeOfIC));
- linkBuffer.link(
- generator.slowPathJump(),
- state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer->locationOf(generator.slowPathBegin()));
- generator.finalize(linkBuffer, *state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer);
+ auto jump = fastPathJIT.patchableJump();
+ auto done = fastPathJIT.label();
+ char* startOfIC =
+ bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + record.instructionOffset;
+ auto postLink = [&] (LinkBuffer& fastPath, CCallHelpers&, bool) {
+ LinkBuffer& slowPath = *state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer;
+ state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer->link(
+ ic.m_slowPathDone[i], CodeLocationLabel(startOfIC + sizeOfIC));
+ CodeLocationLabel slowPathBeginLoc = slowPath.locationOf(slowPathBegin);
+ fastPath.link(jump, slowPathBeginLoc);
+ CodeLocationCall callReturnLocation = slowPath.locationOf(call);
+ stubInfo.patch.deltaCallToDone = MacroAssembler::differenceBetweenCodePtr(
+ callReturnLocation, fastPath.locationOf(done));
+ stubInfo.patch.deltaCallToJump = MacroAssembler::differenceBetweenCodePtr(
+ callReturnLocation, fastPath.locationOf(jump));
+ stubInfo.callReturnLocation = callReturnLocation;
+ stubInfo.patch.deltaCallToSlowCase = MacroAssembler::differenceBetweenCodePtr(
+ callReturnLocation, slowPathBeginLoc);
+ };
+ generateInlineIfPossibleOutOfLineIfNot(state, vm, codeBlock, fastPathJIT, startOfIC, sizeOfIC, "CheckIn inline cache", postLink);
static RegisterSet usedRegistersFor(const StackMaps::Record& record)
if (Options::assumeAllRegsInFTLICAreLive())
return RegisterSet(record.usedRegisterSet(), RegisterSet::calleeSaveRegisters());
+template<typename CallType>
+void adjustCallICsForStackmaps(Vector<CallType>& calls, StackMaps::RecordMap& recordMap)
+ // Handling JS calls is weird: we need to ensure that we sort them by the PC in LLVM
+ // generated code. That implies first pruning the ones that LLVM didn't generate.
+ Vector<CallType> oldCalls;
+ oldCalls.swap(calls);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < oldCalls.size(); ++i) {
+ CallType& call = oldCalls[i];
+ StackMaps::RecordMap::iterator iter = recordMap.find(call.stackmapID());
+ if (iter == recordMap.end())
+ continue;
+ for (unsigned j = 0; j < iter->value.size(); ++j) {
+ CallType copy = call;
+ copy.m_instructionOffset = iter->value[j].instructionOffset;
+ calls.append(copy);
+ }
+ }
+ std::sort(calls.begin(), calls.end());
static void fixFunctionBasedOnStackMaps(
State& state, CodeBlock* codeBlock, JITCode* jitCode, GeneratedFunction generatedFunction,
StackMaps::RecordMap& recordMap, bool didSeeUnwindInfo)
VM& vm = graph.m_vm;
StackMaps stackmaps = jitCode->stackmaps;
- StackMaps::RecordMap::iterator iter = recordMap.find(state.capturedStackmapID);
- RELEASE_ASSERT(iter != recordMap.end());
- RELEASE_ASSERT(iter->value.size() == 1);
- RELEASE_ASSERT(iter->value[0].locations.size() == 1);
- Location capturedLocation =
- Location::forStackmaps(&jitCode->stackmaps, iter->value[0].locations[0]);
- RELEASE_ASSERT(capturedLocation.kind() == Location::Register);
- RELEASE_ASSERT(capturedLocation.gpr() == GPRInfo::callFrameRegister);
- RELEASE_ASSERT(!(capturedLocation.addend() % sizeof(Register)));
- int32_t localsOffset = capturedLocation.addend() / sizeof(Register) + graph.m_nextMachineLocal;
+ int localsOffset = offsetOfStackRegion(recordMap, state.capturedStackmapID) + graph.m_nextMachineLocal;
+ int varargsSpillSlotsOffset = offsetOfStackRegion(recordMap, state.varargsSpillSlotsStackmapID);
for (unsigned i = graph.m_inlineVariableData.size(); i--;) {
InlineCallFrame* inlineCallFrame = graph.m_inlineVariableData[i].inlineCallFrame;
- if (inlineCallFrame->argumentsRegister.isValid()) {
- inlineCallFrame->argumentsRegister = VirtualRegister(
- inlineCallFrame->argumentsRegister.offset() + localsOffset);
- }
+ if (inlineCallFrame->argumentCountRegister.isValid())
+ inlineCallFrame->argumentCountRegister += localsOffset;
for (unsigned argument = inlineCallFrame->arguments.size(); argument-- > 1;) {
inlineCallFrame->arguments[argument] =
inlineCallFrame->calleeRecovery =
+ if (graph.hasDebuggerEnabled())
+ codeBlock->setScopeRegister(codeBlock->scopeRegister() + localsOffset);
- if (codeBlock->usesArguments()) {
- codeBlock->setArgumentsRegister(
- VirtualRegister(codeBlock->argumentsRegister().offset() + localsOffset));
- }
MacroAssembler::Label stackOverflowException;
// At this point it's perfectly fair to just blow away all state and restore the
// JS JIT view of the universe.
+ checkJIT.move(MacroAssembler::TrustedImmPtr(&vm), GPRInfo::argumentGPR0);
checkJIT.move(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, GPRInfo::argumentGPR1);
+ MacroAssembler::Call callLookupExceptionHandler = checkJIT.call();
+ checkJIT.jumpToExceptionHandler();
- MacroAssembler::Label exceptionContinueArg1Set = checkJIT.label();
- checkJIT.move(MacroAssembler::TrustedImm64(TagTypeNumber), GPRInfo::tagTypeNumberRegister);
- checkJIT.move(MacroAssembler::TrustedImm64(TagMask), GPRInfo::tagMaskRegister);
+ stackOverflowException = checkJIT.label();
checkJIT.move(MacroAssembler::TrustedImmPtr(&vm), GPRInfo::argumentGPR0);
- MacroAssembler::Call call = checkJIT.call();
+ checkJIT.move(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, GPRInfo::argumentGPR1);
+ MacroAssembler::Call callLookupExceptionHandlerFromCallerFrame = checkJIT.call();
- stackOverflowException = checkJIT.label();
- checkJIT.emitGetCallerFrameFromCallFrameHeaderPtr(GPRInfo::argumentGPR1);
- checkJIT.jump(exceptionContinueArg1Set);
+ auto linkBuffer = std::make_unique<LinkBuffer>(
+ vm, checkJIT, codeBlock, JITCompilationCanFail);
+ if (linkBuffer->didFailToAllocate()) {
+ state.allocationFailed = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ linkBuffer->link(callLookupExceptionHandler, FunctionPtr(lookupExceptionHandler));
+ linkBuffer->link(callLookupExceptionHandlerFromCallerFrame, FunctionPtr(lookupExceptionHandlerFromCallerFrame));
- OwnPtr<LinkBuffer> linkBuffer = adoptPtr(new LinkBuffer(
- vm, checkJIT, codeBlock, JITCompilationMustSucceed));
- linkBuffer->link(call, FunctionPtr(lookupExceptionHandler));
- state.finalizer->handleExceptionsLinkBuffer = linkBuffer.release();
+ state.finalizer->handleExceptionsLinkBuffer = WTF::move(linkBuffer);
ExitThunkGenerator exitThunkGenerator(state);
- OwnPtr<LinkBuffer> linkBuffer = adoptPtr(new LinkBuffer(
- vm, exitThunkGenerator, codeBlock, JITCompilationMustSucceed));
+ auto linkBuffer = std::make_unique<LinkBuffer>(
+ vm, exitThunkGenerator, codeBlock, JITCompilationCanFail);
+ if (linkBuffer->didFailToAllocate()) {
+ state.allocationFailed = true;
+ return;
+ }
RELEASE_ASSERT(state.finalizer->osrExit.size() == state.jitCode->osrExit.size());
if (verboseCompilationEnabled())
dataLog("Handling OSR stackmap #", exit.m_stackmapID, " for ", exit.m_codeOrigin, "\n");
- iter = recordMap.find(exit.m_stackmapID);
+ auto iter = recordMap.find(exit.m_stackmapID);
if (iter == recordMap.end()) {
// It was optimized out.
info.m_thunkAddress = linkBuffer->locationOf(info.m_thunkLabel);
exit.m_patchableCodeOffset = linkBuffer->offsetOf(info.m_thunkJump);
- for (unsigned j = exit.m_values.size(); j--;) {
- ExitValue value = exit.m_values[j];
- if (!value.isInJSStackSomehow())
- continue;
- if (!value.virtualRegister().isLocal())
- continue;
- exit.m_values[j] = value.withVirtualRegister(
- VirtualRegister(value.virtualRegister().offset() + localsOffset));
- }
+ for (unsigned j = exit.m_values.size(); j--;)
+ exit.m_values[j] = exit.m_values[j].withLocalsOffset(localsOffset);
+ for (ExitTimeObjectMaterialization* materialization : exit.m_materializations)
+ materialization->accountForLocalsOffset(localsOffset);
if (verboseCompilationEnabled()) {
DumpContext context;
dataLog(" Exit values: ", inContext(exit.m_values, &context), "\n");
+ if (!exit.m_materializations.isEmpty()) {
+ dataLog(" Materializations: \n");
+ for (ExitTimeObjectMaterialization* materialization : exit.m_materializations)
+ dataLog(" Materialize(", pointerDump(materialization), ")\n");
+ }
- state.finalizer->exitThunksLinkBuffer = linkBuffer.release();
+ state.finalizer->exitThunksLinkBuffer = WTF::move(linkBuffer);
- if (!state.getByIds.isEmpty() || !state.putByIds.isEmpty()) {
+ if (!state.getByIds.isEmpty() || !state.putByIds.isEmpty() || !state.checkIns.isEmpty()) {
CCallHelpers slowPathJIT(&vm, codeBlock);
CCallHelpers::JumpList exceptionTarget;
if (verboseCompilationEnabled())
dataLog("Handling GetById stackmap #", getById.stackmapID(), "\n");
- iter = recordMap.find(getById.stackmapID());
+ auto iter = recordMap.find(getById.stackmapID());
if (iter == recordMap.end()) {
// It was optimized out.
JSValueRegs(result), NeedToSpill);
MacroAssembler::Label begin = slowPathJIT.label();
MacroAssembler::Call call = callOperation(
state, usedRegisters, slowPathJIT, getById.codeOrigin(), &exceptionTarget,
operationGetByIdOptimize, result, gen.stubInfo(), base, getById.uid());
gen.reportSlowPathCall(begin, call);
if (verboseCompilationEnabled())
dataLog("Handling PutById stackmap #", putById.stackmapID(), "\n");
- iter = recordMap.find(putById.stackmapID());
+ auto iter = recordMap.find(putById.stackmapID());
if (iter == recordMap.end()) {
// It was optimized out.
+ for (unsigned i = state.checkIns.size(); i--;) {
+ CheckInDescriptor& checkIn = state.checkIns[i];
+ if (verboseCompilationEnabled())
+ dataLog("Handling checkIn stackmap #", checkIn.stackmapID(), "\n");
+ auto iter = recordMap.find(checkIn.stackmapID());
+ if (iter == recordMap.end()) {
+ // It was optimized out.
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < iter->value.size(); ++i) {
+ StackMaps::Record& record = iter->value[i];
+ RegisterSet usedRegisters = usedRegistersFor(record);
+ GPRReg result = record.locations[0].directGPR();
+ GPRReg obj = record.locations[1].directGPR();
+ StructureStubInfo* stubInfo = codeBlock->addStubInfo();
+ stubInfo->codeOrigin = checkIn.codeOrigin();
+ stubInfo->patch.baseGPR = static_cast<int8_t>(obj);
+ stubInfo->patch.valueGPR = static_cast<int8_t>(result);
+ stubInfo->patch.usedRegisters = usedRegisters;
+ stubInfo->patch.spillMode = NeedToSpill;
+ MacroAssembler::Label begin = slowPathJIT.label();
+ MacroAssembler::Call slowCall = callOperation(
+ state, usedRegisters, slowPathJIT, checkIn.codeOrigin(), &exceptionTarget,
+ operationInOptimize, result, stubInfo, obj, checkIn.m_uid);
+ checkIn.m_slowPathDone.append(slowPathJIT.jump());
+ checkIn.m_generators.append(CheckInGenerator(stubInfo, slowCall, begin));
+ }
+ }
MacroAssembler::Jump exceptionJump = slowPathJIT.jump();
- state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer = adoptPtr(
- new LinkBuffer(vm, slowPathJIT, codeBlock, JITCompilationMustSucceed));
+ state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer = std::make_unique<LinkBuffer>(vm, slowPathJIT, codeBlock, JITCompilationCanFail);
+ if (state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer->didFailToAllocate()) {
+ state.allocationFailed = true;
+ return;
+ }
exceptionJump, state.finalizer->handleExceptionsLinkBuffer->entrypoint());
state, codeBlock, generatedFunction, recordMap, state.putByIds[i],
- }
- // Handling JS calls is weird: we need to ensure that we sort them by the PC in LLVM
- // generated code. That implies first pruning the ones that LLVM didn't generate.
- Vector<JSCall> oldCalls = state.jsCalls;
- state.jsCalls.resize(0);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < oldCalls.size(); ++i) {
- JSCall& call = oldCalls[i];
- StackMaps::RecordMap::iterator iter = recordMap.find(call.stackmapID());
- if (iter == recordMap.end())
- continue;
- for (unsigned j = 0; j < iter->value.size(); ++j) {
- JSCall copy = call;
- copy.m_instructionOffset = iter->value[j].instructionOffset;
- state.jsCalls.append(copy);
- }
+ for (unsigned i = state.checkIns.size(); i--;) {
+ generateCheckInICFastPath(
+ state, codeBlock, generatedFunction, recordMap, state.checkIns[i],
+ sizeOfIn());
+ }
- std::sort(state.jsCalls.begin(), state.jsCalls.end());
+ adjustCallICsForStackmaps(state.jsCalls, recordMap);
for (unsigned i = state.jsCalls.size(); i--;) {
JSCall& call = state.jsCalls[i];
CCallHelpers fastPathJIT(&vm, codeBlock);
char* startOfIC = bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + call.m_instructionOffset;
+ generateInlineIfPossibleOutOfLineIfNot(state, vm, codeBlock, fastPathJIT, startOfIC, sizeOfCall(), "JSCall inline cache", [&] (LinkBuffer& linkBuffer, CCallHelpers&, bool) {
+ call.link(vm, linkBuffer);
+ });
+ }
+ adjustCallICsForStackmaps(state.jsCallVarargses, recordMap);
+ for (unsigned i = state.jsCallVarargses.size(); i--;) {
+ JSCallVarargs& call = state.jsCallVarargses[i];
- LinkBuffer linkBuffer(vm, fastPathJIT, startOfIC, sizeOfCall());
- if (!linkBuffer.isValid()) {
- dataLog("Failed to insert inline cache for call because we thought the size would be ", sizeOfCall(), " but it ended up being ", fastPathJIT.m_assembler.codeSize(), " prior to compaction.\n");
- }
- MacroAssembler::AssemblerType_T::fillNops(
- startOfIC + linkBuffer.size(), sizeOfCall() - linkBuffer.size());
- call.link(vm, linkBuffer);
+ CCallHelpers fastPathJIT(&vm, codeBlock);
+ call.emit(fastPathJIT, varargsSpillSlotsOffset);
+ char* startOfIC = bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + call.m_instructionOffset;
+ size_t sizeOfIC = sizeOfICFor(call.node());
+ generateInlineIfPossibleOutOfLineIfNot(state, vm, codeBlock, fastPathJIT, startOfIC, sizeOfIC, "varargs call inline cache", [&] (LinkBuffer& linkBuffer, CCallHelpers&, bool) {
+ call.link(vm, linkBuffer, state.finalizer->handleExceptionsLinkBuffer->entrypoint());
+ });
RepatchBuffer repatchBuffer(codeBlock);
- iter = recordMap.find(state.handleStackOverflowExceptionStackmapID);
+ auto iter = recordMap.find(state.handleStackOverflowExceptionStackmapID);
// It's sort of remotely possible that we won't have an in-band exception handling
// path, for some kinds of functions.
if (iter != recordMap.end()) {
options.NoFramePointerElim = true;
if (Options::useLLVMSmallCodeModel())
options.CodeModel = LLVMCodeModelSmall;
- options.EnableFastISel = Options::enableLLVMFastISel();
+ options.EnableFastISel = enableLLVMFastISel;
options.MCJMM = llvm->CreateSimpleMCJITMemoryManager(
&state, mmAllocateCodeSection, mmAllocateDataSection, mmApplyPermissions, mmDestroy);
LLVMExecutionEngineRef engine;
- if (isARM64())
+ if (isARM64()) {
llvm->SetTarget(state.module, "arm64-apple-ios");
+#elif OS(LINUX)
+ llvm->SetTarget(state.module, "aarch64-linux-gnu");
+#error "Unrecognized OS"
+ }
if (llvm->CreateMCJITCompilerForModule(&engine, state.module, &options, sizeof(options), &error)) {
dataLog("FATAL: Could not create LLVM execution engine: ", error, "\n");
+ // At this point we no longer own the module.
+ LModule module = state.module;
+ state.module = nullptr;
+ // The data layout also has to be set in the module. Get the data layout from the MCJIT and apply
+ // it to the module.
+ LLVMTargetMachineRef targetMachine = llvm->GetExecutionEngineTargetMachine(engine);
+ LLVMTargetDataRef targetData = llvm->GetExecutionEngineTargetData(engine);
+ char* stringRepOfTargetData = llvm->CopyStringRepOfTargetData(targetData);
+ llvm->SetDataLayout(module, stringRepOfTargetData);
+ free(stringRepOfTargetData);
LLVMPassManagerRef functionPasses = 0;
LLVMPassManagerRef modulePasses;
if (Options::llvmSimpleOpt()) {
modulePasses = llvm->CreatePassManager();
- llvm->AddTargetData(llvm->GetExecutionEngineTargetData(engine), modulePasses);
+ llvm->AddTargetData(targetData, modulePasses);
+ llvm->AddAnalysisPasses(targetMachine, modulePasses);
+ llvm->AddGlobalOptimizerPass(modulePasses);
+ llvm->AddFunctionInliningPass(modulePasses);
+ llvm->AddPruneEHPass(modulePasses);
+ llvm->AddGlobalDCEPass(modulePasses);
+ llvm->AddAggressiveDCEPass(modulePasses);
- llvm->RunPassManager(modulePasses, state.module);
+ if (enableLLVMFastISel)
+ llvm->AddLowerSwitchPass(modulePasses);
+ llvm->RunPassManager(modulePasses, module);
} else {
LLVMPassManagerBuilderRef passBuilder = llvm->PassManagerBuilderCreate();
llvm->PassManagerBuilderSetOptLevel(passBuilder, Options::llvmOptimizationLevel());
+ llvm->PassManagerBuilderUseInlinerWithThreshold(passBuilder, 275);
llvm->PassManagerBuilderSetSizeLevel(passBuilder, Options::llvmSizeLevel());
- functionPasses = llvm->CreateFunctionPassManagerForModule(state.module);
+ functionPasses = llvm->CreateFunctionPassManagerForModule(module);
modulePasses = llvm->CreatePassManager();
llvm->AddTargetData(llvm->GetExecutionEngineTargetData(engine), modulePasses);
- for (LValue function = llvm->GetFirstFunction(state.module); function; function = llvm->GetNextFunction(function))
+ for (LValue function = llvm->GetFirstFunction(module); function; function = llvm->GetNextFunction(function))
llvm->RunFunctionPassManager(functionPasses, function);
- llvm->RunPassManager(modulePasses, state.module);
+ llvm->RunPassManager(modulePasses, module);
if (shouldShowDisassembly() || verboseCompilationEnabled())
- state.dumpState("after optimization");
+ state.dumpState(module, "after optimization");
// FIXME: Need to add support for the case where JIT memory allocation failed.
// https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=113620
state.generatedFunction = reinterpret_cast<GeneratedFunction>(llvm->GetPointerToGlobal(engine, state.function));
if (safepointResult.didGetCancelled())
+ if (state.allocationFailed)
+ return;
if (shouldShowDisassembly()) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < state.jitCode->handles().size(); ++i) {
ExecutableMemoryHandle* handle = state.jitCode->handles()[i].get();
bool didSeeUnwindInfo = state.jitCode->unwindInfo.parse(
- state.compactUnwind, state.compactUnwindSize, state.generatedFunction);
+ state.unwindDataSection, state.unwindDataSectionSize,
+ state.generatedFunction);
if (shouldShowDisassembly()) {
dataLog("Unwind info for ", CodeBlockWithJITType(state.graph.m_codeBlock, JITCode::FTLJIT), ":\n");
if (didSeeUnwindInfo)
state, state.graph.m_codeBlock, state.jitCode.get(), state.generatedFunction,
recordMap, didSeeUnwindInfo);
+ if (state.allocationFailed)
+ return;
- if (shouldShowDisassembly()) {
+ if (shouldShowDisassembly() || Options::asyncDisassembly()) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < state.jitCode->handles().size(); ++i) {
- if (state.codeSectionNames[i] != "__text")
+ if (state.codeSectionNames[i] != SECTION_NAME("text"))
ExecutableMemoryHandle* handle = state.jitCode->handles()[i].get();
- dataLog(
+ CString header = toCString(
"Generated LLVM code after stackmap-based fix-up for ",
CodeBlockWithJITType(state.graph.m_codeBlock, JITCode::FTLJIT),
" in ", state.graph.m_plan.mode, " #", i, ", ",
state.codeSectionNames[i], ":\n");
+ if (Options::asyncDisassembly()) {
+ disassembleAsynchronously(
+ header, MacroAssemblerCodeRef(handle), handle->sizeInBytes(), " ",
+ LLVMSubset);
+ continue;
+ }
+ dataLog(header);
MacroAssemblerCodePtr(handle->start()), handle->sizeInBytes(),
" ", WTF::dataFile(), LLVMSubset);
- state.module = 0; // We no longer own the module.
} } // namespace JSC::FTL