- * Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
#include "FTLExitArgumentForOperand.h"
#include "FTLJITCode.h"
#include "FTLOSRExit.h"
+#include "FTLOperations.h"
#include "FTLState.h"
#include "FTLSaveRestore.h"
#include "LinkBuffer.h"
using namespace DFG;
+static void compileRecovery(
+ CCallHelpers& jit, const ExitValue& value, StackMaps::Record* record, StackMaps& stackmaps,
+ char* registerScratch,
+ const HashMap<ExitTimeObjectMaterialization*, EncodedJSValue*>& materializationToPointer)
+ switch (value.kind()) {
+ case ExitValueDead:
+ jit.move(MacroAssembler::TrustedImm64(JSValue::encode(jsUndefined())), GPRInfo::regT0);
+ break;
+ case ExitValueConstant:
+ jit.move(MacroAssembler::TrustedImm64(JSValue::encode(value.constant())), GPRInfo::regT0);
+ break;
+ case ExitValueArgument:
+ record->locations[value.exitArgument().argument()].restoreInto(
+ jit, stackmaps, registerScratch, GPRInfo::regT0);
+ break;
+ case ExitValueInJSStack:
+ case ExitValueInJSStackAsInt32:
+ case ExitValueInJSStackAsInt52:
+ case ExitValueInJSStackAsDouble:
+ jit.load64(AssemblyHelpers::addressFor(value.virtualRegister()), GPRInfo::regT0);
+ break;
+ case ExitValueRecovery:
+ record->locations[value.rightRecoveryArgument()].restoreInto(
+ jit, stackmaps, registerScratch, GPRInfo::regT1);
+ record->locations[value.leftRecoveryArgument()].restoreInto(
+ jit, stackmaps, registerScratch, GPRInfo::regT0);
+ switch (value.recoveryOpcode()) {
+ case AddRecovery:
+ switch (value.recoveryFormat()) {
+ case ValueFormatInt32:
+ jit.add32(GPRInfo::regT1, GPRInfo::regT0);
+ break;
+ case ValueFormatInt52:
+ jit.add64(GPRInfo::regT1, GPRInfo::regT0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case SubRecovery:
+ switch (value.recoveryFormat()) {
+ case ValueFormatInt32:
+ jit.sub32(GPRInfo::regT1, GPRInfo::regT0);
+ break;
+ case ValueFormatInt52:
+ jit.sub64(GPRInfo::regT1, GPRInfo::regT0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ExitValueMaterializeNewObject:
+ jit.loadPtr(materializationToPointer.get(value.objectMaterialization()), GPRInfo::regT0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ reboxAccordingToFormat(
+ value.valueFormat(), jit, GPRInfo::regT0, GPRInfo::regT1, GPRInfo::regT2);
static void compileStub(
unsigned exitID, JITCode* jitCode, OSRExit& exit, VM* vm, CodeBlock* codeBlock)
CCallHelpers jit(vm, codeBlock);
- // We need scratch space to save all registers and to build up the JSStack.
- // Use a scratch buffer to transfer all values.
- ScratchBuffer* scratchBuffer = vm->scratchBufferForSize(sizeof(EncodedJSValue) * exit.m_values.size() + requiredScratchMemorySizeInBytes() + jitCode->unwindInfo.m_registers.size() * sizeof(uint64_t));
+ // We need scratch space to save all registers, to build up the JS stack, to deal with unwind
+ // fixup, pointers to all of the objects we materialize, and the elements inside those objects
+ // that we materialize.
+ // Figure out how much space we need for those object allocations.
+ unsigned numMaterializations = 0;
+ size_t maxMaterializationNumArguments = 0;
+ for (ExitTimeObjectMaterialization* materialization : exit.m_materializations) {
+ numMaterializations++;
+ maxMaterializationNumArguments = std::max(
+ maxMaterializationNumArguments,
+ materialization->properties().size());
+ }
+ ScratchBuffer* scratchBuffer = vm->scratchBufferForSize(
+ sizeof(EncodedJSValue) * (
+ exit.m_values.size() + numMaterializations + maxMaterializationNumArguments) +
+ requiredScratchMemorySizeInBytes() +
+ jitCode->unwindInfo.m_registers.size() * sizeof(uint64_t));
EncodedJSValue* scratch = scratchBuffer ? static_cast<EncodedJSValue*>(scratchBuffer->dataBuffer()) : 0;
- char* registerScratch = bitwise_cast<char*>(scratch + exit.m_values.size());
+ EncodedJSValue* materializationPointers = scratch + exit.m_values.size();
+ EncodedJSValue* materializationArguments = materializationPointers + numMaterializations;
+ char* registerScratch = bitwise_cast<char*>(materializationArguments + maxMaterializationNumArguments);
uint64_t* unwindScratch = bitwise_cast<uint64_t*>(registerScratch + requiredScratchMemorySizeInBytes());
+ HashMap<ExitTimeObjectMaterialization*, EncodedJSValue*> materializationToPointer;
+ unsigned materializationCount = 0;
+ for (ExitTimeObjectMaterialization* materialization : exit.m_materializations) {
+ materializationToPointer.add(
+ materialization, materializationPointers + materializationCount++);
+ }
// Note that we come in here, the stack used to be as LLVM left it except that someone called pushToSave().
// We don't care about the value they saved. But, we do appreciate the fact that they did it, because we use
// that slot for saveAllRegisters().
Profiler::OSRExit* profilerExit = compilation->addOSRExit(
exitID, Profiler::OriginStack(database, codeBlock, exit.m_codeOrigin),
- exit.m_kind, isWatchpoint(exit.m_kind));
+ exit.m_kind, exit.m_kind == UncountableInvalidation);
jit.add64(CCallHelpers::TrustedImm32(1), CCallHelpers::AbsoluteAddress(profilerExit->counterAddress()));
if (!!exit.m_valueProfile)
jit.store64(GPRInfo::regT0, exit.m_valueProfile.getSpecFailBucket(0));
- // Save all state from wherever the exit data tells us it was, into the appropriate place in
- // the scratch buffer. This doesn't rebox any values yet.
- for (unsigned index = exit.m_values.size(); index--;) {
- ExitValue value = exit.m_values[index];
+ // Materialize all objects. Don't materialize an object until all of the objects it needs
+ // have been materialized. Curiously, this is the only place that we have an algorithm that prevents
+ // OSR exit from handling cyclic object materializations. Of course, object allocation sinking
+ // currently wouldn't recognize a cycle as being sinkable - but if it did then the only thing that
+ // would ahve to change is this fixpoint. Instead we would allocate the objects first and populate
+ // them with data later.
+ HashSet<ExitTimeObjectMaterialization*> toMaterialize;
+ for (ExitTimeObjectMaterialization* materialization : exit.m_materializations)
+ toMaterialize.add(materialization);
+ while (!toMaterialize.isEmpty()) {
+ unsigned previousToMaterializeSize = toMaterialize.size();
- switch (value.kind()) {
- case ExitValueDead:
- jit.move(MacroAssembler::TrustedImm64(JSValue::encode(jsUndefined())), GPRInfo::regT0);
- break;
- case ExitValueConstant:
- jit.move(MacroAssembler::TrustedImm64(JSValue::encode(value.constant())), GPRInfo::regT0);
- break;
- case ExitValueArgument:
- record->locations[value.exitArgument().argument()].restoreInto(
- jit, jitCode->stackmaps, registerScratch, GPRInfo::regT0);
- break;
- case ExitValueInJSStack:
- case ExitValueInJSStackAsInt32:
- case ExitValueInJSStackAsInt52:
- case ExitValueInJSStackAsDouble:
- jit.load64(AssemblyHelpers::addressFor(value.virtualRegister()), GPRInfo::regT0);
- break;
- case ExitValueArgumentsObjectThatWasNotCreated:
- // We can't actually recover this yet, but we can make the stack look sane. This is
- // a prerequisite to running the actual arguments recovery.
- jit.move(MacroAssembler::TrustedImm64(JSValue::encode(JSValue())), GPRInfo::regT0);
- break;
- case ExitValueRecovery:
- record->locations[value.rightRecoveryArgument()].restoreInto(
- jit, jitCode->stackmaps, registerScratch, GPRInfo::regT1);
- record->locations[value.leftRecoveryArgument()].restoreInto(
- jit, jitCode->stackmaps, registerScratch, GPRInfo::regT0);
- switch (value.recoveryOpcode()) {
- case AddRecovery:
- switch (value.recoveryFormat()) {
- case ValueFormatInt32:
- jit.add32(GPRInfo::regT1, GPRInfo::regT0);
- break;
- case ValueFormatInt52:
- jit.add64(GPRInfo::regT1, GPRInfo::regT0);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
- case SubRecovery:
- switch (value.recoveryFormat()) {
- case ValueFormatInt32:
- jit.sub32(GPRInfo::regT1, GPRInfo::regT0);
- break;
- case ValueFormatInt52:
- jit.sub64(GPRInfo::regT1, GPRInfo::regT0);
- break;
- default:
+ Vector<ExitTimeObjectMaterialization*> worklist;
+ worklist.appendRange(toMaterialize.begin(), toMaterialize.end());
+ for (ExitTimeObjectMaterialization* materialization : worklist) {
+ // Check if we can do anything about this right now.
+ bool allGood = true;
+ for (ExitPropertyValue value : materialization->properties()) {
+ if (!value.value().isObjectMaterialization())
+ continue;
+ if (toMaterialize.contains(value.value().objectMaterialization())) {
+ // Gotta skip this one, since one of its fields points to a materialization
+ // that hasn't been materialized.
+ allGood = false;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- break;
+ if (!allGood)
+ continue;
- default:
- break;
+ // All systems go for materializing the object. First we recover the values of all of
+ // its fields and then we call a function to actually allocate the beast.
+ for (unsigned propertyIndex = materialization->properties().size(); propertyIndex--;) {
+ const ExitValue& value = materialization->properties()[propertyIndex].value();
+ compileRecovery(
+ jit, value, record, jitCode->stackmaps, registerScratch,
+ materializationToPointer);
+ jit.storePtr(GPRInfo::regT0, materializationArguments + propertyIndex);
+ }
+ // This call assumes that we don't pass arguments on the stack.
+ jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(
+ CCallHelpers::TrustedImmPtr(materialization),
+ CCallHelpers::TrustedImmPtr(materializationArguments));
+ jit.move(CCallHelpers::TrustedImmPtr(bitwise_cast<void*>(operationMaterializeObjectInOSR)), GPRInfo::nonArgGPR0);
+ jit.call(GPRInfo::nonArgGPR0);
+ jit.storePtr(GPRInfo::returnValueGPR, materializationToPointer.get(materialization));
+ // Let everyone know that we're done.
+ toMaterialize.remove(materialization);
+ // We expect progress! This ensures that we crash rather than looping infinitely if there
+ // is something broken about this fixpoint. Or, this could happen if we ever violate the
+ // "materializations form a DAG" rule.
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(toMaterialize.size() < previousToMaterializeSize);
+ }
+ // Save all state from wherever the exit data tells us it was, into the appropriate place in
+ // the scratch buffer. This also does the reboxing.
+ for (unsigned index = exit.m_values.size(); index--;) {
+ compileRecovery(
+ jit, exit.m_values[index], record, jitCode->stackmaps, registerScratch,
+ materializationToPointer);
jit.store64(GPRInfo::regT0, scratch + index);
- // Now get state out of the scratch buffer and place it back into the stack. This part does
- // all reboxing.
+ // Now get state out of the scratch buffer and place it back into the stack. The values are
+ // already reboxed so we just move them.
for (unsigned index = exit.m_values.size(); index--;) {
int operand = exit.m_values.operandForIndex(index);
- ExitValue value = exit.m_values[index];
jit.load64(scratch + index, GPRInfo::regT0);
- reboxAccordingToFormat(
- value.valueFormat(), jit, GPRInfo::regT0, GPRInfo::regT1, GPRInfo::regT2);
jit.store64(GPRInfo::regT0, AssemblyHelpers::addressFor(static_cast<VirtualRegister>(operand)));
handleExitCounts(jit, exit);
reifyInlinedCallFrames(jit, exit);
- ArgumentsRecoveryGenerator argumentsRecovery;
- for (unsigned index = exit.m_values.size(); index--;) {
- if (!exit.m_values[index].isArgumentsObjectThatWasNotCreated())
- continue;
- int operand = exit.m_values.operandForIndex(index);
- argumentsRecovery.generateFor(operand, exit.m_codeOrigin, jit);
- }
adjustAndJumpToTarget(jit, exit);
LinkBuffer patchBuffer(*vm, jit, codeBlock);
JITCode* jitCode = codeBlock->jitCode()->ftl();
OSRExit& exit = jitCode->osrExit[exitID];
+ if (shouldShowDisassembly() || Options::verboseOSR() || Options::verboseFTLOSRExit()) {
+ dataLog(" Owning block: ", pointerDump(codeBlock), "\n");
+ dataLog(" Origin: ", exit.m_codeOrigin, "\n");
+ if (exit.m_codeOriginForExitProfile != exit.m_codeOrigin)
+ dataLog(" Origin for exit profile: ", exit.m_codeOriginForExitProfile, "\n");
+ dataLog(" Exit values: ", exit.m_values, "\n");
+ if (!exit.m_materializations.isEmpty()) {
+ dataLog(" Materializations:\n");
+ for (ExitTimeObjectMaterialization* materialization : exit.m_materializations)
+ dataLog(" ", pointerDump(materialization), "\n");
+ }
+ }
prepareCodeOriginForOSRExit(exec, exit.m_codeOrigin);
compileStub(exitID, jitCode, exit, vm, codeBlock);