- * Copyright (C) 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2011, 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+#include "DFGBlockMapInlines.h"
+#include "DFGBlockWorklist.h"
#include "DFGGraph.h"
+#include "DFGNaiveDominators.h"
#include "JSCInlines.h"
namespace JSC { namespace DFG {
-void Dominators::compute(Graph& graph)
- // This implements a naive dominator solver.
+namespace {
+// This implements Lengauer and Tarjan's "A Fast Algorithm for Finding Dominators in a Flowgraph"
+// (TOPLAS 1979). It uses the "simple" implementation of LINK and EVAL, which yields an O(n log n)
+// solution. The full paper is linked below; this code attempts to closely follow the algorithm as
+// it is presented in the paper; in particular sections 3 and 4 as well as appendix B.
+// https://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/fall03/cs528/handouts/a%20fast%20algorithm%20for%20finding.pdf
+// This code is very subtle. The Lengauer-Tarjan algorithm is incredibly deep to begin with. The
+// goal of this code is to follow the code in the paper, however our implementation must deviate
+// from the paper when it comes to recursion. The authors had used recursion to implement DFS, and
+// also to implement the "simple" EVAL. We convert both of those into worklist-based solutions.
+// Finally, once the algorithm gives us immediate dominators, we implement dominance tests by
+// walking the dominator tree and computing pre and post numbers. We then use the range inclusion
+// check trick that was first discovered by Paul F. Dietz in 1982 in "Maintaining order in a linked
+// list" (see http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=802184).
+class LengauerTarjan {
+ LengauerTarjan(Graph& graph)
+ : m_graph(graph)
+ , m_data(graph)
+ {
+ for (BlockIndex blockIndex = m_graph.numBlocks(); blockIndex--;) {
+ BasicBlock* block = m_graph.block(blockIndex);
+ if (!block)
+ continue;
+ m_data[block].label = block;
+ }
+ }
- ASSERT(graph.block(0)->predecessors.isEmpty());
+ void compute()
+ {
+ computeDepthFirstPreNumbering(); // Step 1.
+ computeSemiDominatorsAndImplicitImmediateDominators(); // Steps 2 and 3.
+ computeExplicitImmediateDominators(); // Step 4.
+ }
- unsigned numBlocks = graph.numBlocks();
+ BasicBlock* immediateDominator(BasicBlock* block)
+ {
+ return m_data[block].dom;
+ }
+ void computeDepthFirstPreNumbering()
+ {
+ // Use a block worklist that also tracks the index inside the successor list. This is
+ // necessary for ensuring that we don't attempt to visit a successor until the previous
+ // successors that we had visited are fully processed. This ends up being revealed in the
+ // output of this method because the first time we see an edge to a block, we set the
+ // block's parent. So, if we have:
+ //
+ // A -> B
+ // A -> C
+ // B -> C
+ //
+ // And we're processing A, then we want to ensure that if we see A->B first (and hence set
+ // B's prenumber before we set C's) then we also end up setting C's parent to B by virtue
+ // of not noticing A->C until we're done processing B.
+ ExtendedBlockWorklist<unsigned> worklist;
+ worklist.push(m_graph.block(0), 0);
+ while (BlockWith<unsigned> item = worklist.pop()) {
+ BasicBlock* block = item.block;
+ unsigned successorIndex = item.data;
+ // We initially push with successorIndex = 0 regardless of whether or not we have any
+ // successors. This is so that we can assign our prenumber. Subsequently we get pushed
+ // with higher successorIndex values, but only if they are in range.
+ ASSERT(!successorIndex || successorIndex < block->numSuccessors());
+ if (!successorIndex) {
+ m_data[block].semiNumber = m_blockByPreNumber.size();
+ m_blockByPreNumber.append(block);
+ }
+ if (successorIndex < block->numSuccessors()) {
+ unsigned nextSuccessorIndex = successorIndex + 1;
+ if (nextSuccessorIndex < block->numSuccessors())
+ worklist.forcePush(block, nextSuccessorIndex);
+ BasicBlock* successorBlock = block->successor(successorIndex);
+ if (worklist.push(successorBlock, 0))
+ m_data[successorBlock].parent = block;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- // Allocate storage for the dense dominance matrix.
- if (numBlocks > m_results.size()) {
- m_results.grow(numBlocks);
- for (unsigned i = numBlocks; i--;)
- m_results[i].resize(numBlocks);
- m_scratch.resize(numBlocks);
+ void computeSemiDominatorsAndImplicitImmediateDominators()
+ {
+ for (unsigned currentPreNumber = m_blockByPreNumber.size(); currentPreNumber-- > 1;) {
+ BasicBlock* block = m_blockByPreNumber[currentPreNumber];
+ BlockData& blockData = m_data[block];
+ // Step 2:
+ for (BasicBlock* predecessorBlock : block->predecessors) {
+ BasicBlock* intermediateBlock = eval(predecessorBlock);
+ blockData.semiNumber = std::min(
+ m_data[intermediateBlock].semiNumber, blockData.semiNumber);
+ }
+ unsigned bucketPreNumber = blockData.semiNumber;
+ ASSERT(bucketPreNumber <= currentPreNumber);
+ m_data[m_blockByPreNumber[bucketPreNumber]].bucket.append(block);
+ link(blockData.parent, block);
+ // Step 3:
+ for (BasicBlock* semiDominee : m_data[blockData.parent].bucket) {
+ BasicBlock* possibleDominator = eval(semiDominee);
+ BlockData& semiDomineeData = m_data[semiDominee];
+ ASSERT(m_blockByPreNumber[semiDomineeData.semiNumber] == blockData.parent);
+ BlockData& possibleDominatorData = m_data[possibleDominator];
+ if (possibleDominatorData.semiNumber < semiDomineeData.semiNumber)
+ semiDomineeData.dom = possibleDominator;
+ else
+ semiDomineeData.dom = blockData.parent;
+ }
+ m_data[blockData.parent].bucket.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ void computeExplicitImmediateDominators()
+ {
+ for (unsigned currentPreNumber = 1; currentPreNumber < m_blockByPreNumber.size(); ++currentPreNumber) {
+ BasicBlock* block = m_blockByPreNumber[currentPreNumber];
+ BlockData& blockData = m_data[block];
+ if (blockData.dom != m_blockByPreNumber[blockData.semiNumber])
+ blockData.dom = m_data[blockData.dom].dom;
+ }
+ }
+ void link(BasicBlock* from, BasicBlock* to)
+ {
+ m_data[to].ancestor = from;
+ }
+ BasicBlock* eval(BasicBlock* block)
+ {
+ if (!m_data[block].ancestor)
+ return block;
+ compress(block);
+ return m_data[block].label;
+ }
+ void compress(BasicBlock* initialBlock)
+ {
+ // This was meant to be a recursive function, but we don't like recursion because we don't
+ // want to blow the stack. The original function will call compress() recursively on the
+ // ancestor of anything that has an ancestor. So, we populate our worklist with the
+ // recursive ancestors of initialBlock. Then we process the list starting from the block
+ // that is furthest up the ancestor chain.
+ BasicBlock* ancestor = m_data[initialBlock].ancestor;
+ ASSERT(ancestor);
+ if (!m_data[ancestor].ancestor)
+ return;
+ Vector<BasicBlock*, 16> stack;
+ for (BasicBlock* block = initialBlock; block; block = m_data[block].ancestor)
+ stack.append(block);
+ // We only care about blocks that have an ancestor that has an ancestor. The last two
+ // elements in the stack won't satisfy this property.
+ ASSERT(stack.size() >= 2);
+ ASSERT(!m_data[stack[stack.size() - 1]].ancestor);
+ ASSERT(!m_data[m_data[stack[stack.size() - 2]].ancestor].ancestor);
+ for (unsigned i = stack.size() - 2; i--;) {
+ BasicBlock* block = stack[i];
+ BasicBlock*& labelOfBlock = m_data[block].label;
+ BasicBlock*& ancestorOfBlock = m_data[block].ancestor;
+ ASSERT(ancestorOfBlock);
+ ASSERT(m_data[ancestorOfBlock].ancestor);
+ BasicBlock* labelOfAncestorOfBlock = m_data[ancestorOfBlock].label;
+ if (m_data[labelOfAncestorOfBlock].semiNumber < m_data[labelOfBlock].semiNumber)
+ labelOfBlock = labelOfAncestorOfBlock;
+ ancestorOfBlock = m_data[ancestorOfBlock].ancestor;
+ }
- // We know that the entry block is only dominated by itself.
- m_results[0].clearAll();
- m_results[0].set(0);
+ struct BlockData {
+ BlockData()
+ : parent(nullptr)
+ , preNumber(UINT_MAX)
+ , semiNumber(UINT_MAX)
+ , ancestor(nullptr)
+ , label(nullptr)
+ , dom(nullptr)
+ {
+ }
+ BasicBlock* parent;
+ unsigned preNumber;
+ unsigned semiNumber;
+ BasicBlock* ancestor;
+ BasicBlock* label;
+ Vector<BasicBlock*> bucket;
+ BasicBlock* dom;
+ };
+ Graph& m_graph;
+ BlockMap<BlockData> m_data;
+ Vector<BasicBlock*> m_blockByPreNumber;
- // Find all of the valid blocks.
- m_scratch.clearAll();
- for (unsigned i = numBlocks; i--;) {
- if (!graph.block(i))
- continue;
- m_scratch.set(i);
+struct ValidationContext {
+ ValidationContext(Graph& graph, Dominators& dominators)
+ : graph(graph)
+ , dominators(dominators)
+ {
- // Mark all nodes as dominated by everything.
- for (unsigned i = numBlocks; i-- > 1;) {
- if (!graph.block(i) || graph.block(i)->predecessors.isEmpty())
- m_results[i].clearAll();
- else
- m_results[i].set(m_scratch);
+ void reportError(BasicBlock* from, BasicBlock* to, const char* message)
+ {
+ Error error;
+ error.from = from;
+ error.to = to;
+ error.message = message;
+ errors.append(error);
+ void handleErrors()
+ {
+ if (errors.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ startCrashing();
+ dataLog("\n");
+ dataLog("For block domination relationships:\n");
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < errors.size(); ++i) {
+ dataLog(
+ " ", pointerDump(errors[i].from), " -> ", pointerDump(errors[i].to),
+ " (", errors[i].message, ")\n");
+ }
+ dataLog("\n");
+ dataLog("Control flow graph:\n");
+ for (BlockIndex blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < graph.numBlocks(); ++blockIndex) {
+ BasicBlock* block = graph.block(blockIndex);
+ if (!block)
+ continue;
+ dataLog(" Block #", blockIndex, ": successors = [");
+ CommaPrinter comma;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < block->numSuccessors(); ++i)
+ dataLog(comma, *block->successor(i));
+ dataLog("], predecessors = [");
+ comma = CommaPrinter();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < block->predecessors.size(); ++i)
+ dataLog(comma, *block->predecessors[i]);
+ dataLog("]\n");
+ }
+ dataLog("\n");
+ dataLog("Lengauer-Tarjan Dominators:\n");
+ dataLog(dominators);
+ dataLog("\n");
+ dataLog("Naive Dominators:\n");
+ naiveDominators.dump(graph, WTF::dataFile());
+ dataLog("\n");
+ dataLog("Graph at time of failure:\n");
+ graph.dump();
+ dataLog("\n");
+ CRASH();
+ }
+ Graph& graph;
+ Dominators& dominators;
+ NaiveDominators naiveDominators;
+ struct Error {
+ BasicBlock* from;
+ BasicBlock* to;
+ const char* message;
+ };
+ Vector<Error> errors;
+} // anonymous namespace
- // Iteratively eliminate nodes that are not dominator.
- bool changed;
- do {
- changed = false;
- // Prune dominators in all non entry blocks: forward scan.
- for (unsigned i = 1; i < numBlocks; ++i)
- changed |= pruneDominators(graph, i);
+void Dominators::compute(Graph& graph)
+ LengauerTarjan lengauerTarjan(graph);
+ lengauerTarjan.compute();
- if (!changed)
+ m_data = BlockMap<BlockData>(graph);
+ // From here we want to build a spanning tree with both upward and downward links and we want
+ // to do a search over this tree to compute pre and post numbers that can be used for dominance
+ // tests.
+ for (BlockIndex blockIndex = graph.numBlocks(); blockIndex--;) {
+ BasicBlock* block = graph.block(blockIndex);
+ if (!block)
+ continue;
+ BasicBlock* idomBlock = lengauerTarjan.immediateDominator(block);
+ m_data[block].idomParent = idomBlock;
+ if (idomBlock)
+ m_data[idomBlock].idomKids.append(block);
+ }
+ unsigned nextPreNumber = 0;
+ unsigned nextPostNumber = 0;
+ // Plain stack-based worklist because we are guaranteed to see each block exactly once anyway.
+ Vector<BlockWithOrder> worklist;
+ worklist.append(BlockWithOrder(graph.block(0), PreOrder));
+ while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
+ BlockWithOrder item = worklist.takeLast();
+ switch (item.order) {
+ case PreOrder:
+ m_data[item.block].preNumber = nextPreNumber++;
+ worklist.append(BlockWithOrder(item.block, PostOrder));
+ for (BasicBlock* kid : m_data[item.block].idomKids)
+ worklist.append(BlockWithOrder(kid, PreOrder));
+ case PostOrder:
+ m_data[item.block].postNumber = nextPostNumber++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (validationEnabled()) {
+ // Check our dominator calculation:
+ // 1) Check that our range-based ancestry test is the same as a naive ancestry test.
+ // 2) Check that our notion of who dominates whom is identical to a naive (not
+ // Lengauer-Tarjan) dominator calculation.
+ ValidationContext context(graph, *this);
+ context.naiveDominators.compute(graph);
+ for (BlockIndex fromBlockIndex = graph.numBlocks(); fromBlockIndex--;) {
+ BasicBlock* fromBlock = graph.block(fromBlockIndex);
+ if (!fromBlock || m_data[fromBlock].preNumber == UINT_MAX)
+ continue;
+ for (BlockIndex toBlockIndex = graph.numBlocks(); toBlockIndex--;) {
+ BasicBlock* toBlock = graph.block(toBlockIndex);
+ if (!toBlock || m_data[toBlock].preNumber == UINT_MAX)
+ continue;
+ if (dominates(fromBlock, toBlock) != naiveDominates(fromBlock, toBlock))
+ context.reportError(fromBlock, toBlock, "Range-based domination check is broken");
+ if (dominates(fromBlock, toBlock) != context.naiveDominators.dominates(fromBlock, toBlock))
+ context.reportError(fromBlock, toBlock, "Lengauer-Tarjan domination is broken");
+ }
+ }
+ context.handleErrors();
+ }
- // Prune dominators in all non entry blocks: backward scan.
- changed = false;
- for (unsigned i = numBlocks; i-- > 1;)
- changed |= pruneDominators(graph, i);
- } while (changed);
+BlockSet Dominators::strictDominatorsOf(BasicBlock* to) const
+ BlockSet result;
+ forAllStrictDominatorsOf(to, BlockAdder(result));
+ return result;
-bool Dominators::pruneDominators(Graph& graph, BlockIndex idx)
+BlockSet Dominators::dominatorsOf(BasicBlock* to) const
- BasicBlock* block = graph.block(idx);
+ BlockSet result;
+ forAllDominatorsOf(to, BlockAdder(result));
+ return result;
- if (!block || block->predecessors.isEmpty())
- return false;
+BlockSet Dominators::blocksStrictlyDominatedBy(BasicBlock* from) const
+ BlockSet result;
+ forAllBlocksStrictlyDominatedBy(from, BlockAdder(result));
+ return result;
- // Find the intersection of dom(preds).
- m_scratch.set(m_results[block->predecessors[0]->index]);
- for (unsigned j = block->predecessors.size(); j-- > 1;)
- m_scratch.filter(m_results[block->predecessors[j]->index]);
+BlockSet Dominators::blocksDominatedBy(BasicBlock* from) const
+ BlockSet result;
+ forAllBlocksDominatedBy(from, BlockAdder(result));
+ return result;
- // The block is also dominated by itself.
- m_scratch.set(idx);
+BlockSet Dominators::dominanceFrontierOf(BasicBlock* from) const
+ BlockSet result;
+ forAllBlocksInDominanceFrontierOfImpl(from, BlockAdder(result));
+ return result;
- return m_results[idx].setAndCheck(m_scratch);
+BlockSet Dominators::iteratedDominanceFrontierOf(const BlockList& from) const
+ BlockSet result;
+ forAllBlocksInIteratedDominanceFrontierOfImpl(from, BlockAdder(result));
+ return result;
-void Dominators::dump(Graph& graph, PrintStream& out) const
+bool Dominators::naiveDominates(BasicBlock* from, BasicBlock* to) const
- for (BlockIndex blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < graph.numBlocks(); ++blockIndex) {
- BasicBlock* block = graph.block(blockIndex);
- if (!block)
+ for (BasicBlock* block = to; block; block = m_data[block].idomParent) {
+ if (block == from)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void Dominators::dump(PrintStream& out) const
+ if (!isValid()) {
+ out.print(" Not Valid.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ for (BlockIndex blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < m_data.size(); ++blockIndex) {
+ if (m_data[blockIndex].preNumber == UINT_MAX)
- out.print(" Block ", *block, ":");
- for (BlockIndex otherIndex = 0; otherIndex < graph.numBlocks(); ++otherIndex) {
- if (!dominates(block->index, otherIndex))
- continue;
- out.print(" #", otherIndex);
- }
- out.print("\n");
+ out.print(" Block #", blockIndex, ": idom = ", pointerDump(m_data[blockIndex].idomParent), ", idomKids = [");
+ CommaPrinter comma;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_data[blockIndex].idomKids.size(); ++i)
+ out.print(comma, *m_data[blockIndex].idomKids[i]);
+ out.print("], pre/post = ", m_data[blockIndex].preNumber, "/", m_data[blockIndex].postNumber, "\n");