#include <stdint.h>
#include <wtf/AlwaysInline.h>
#include <wtf/Assertions.h>
+#include <wtf/HashMap.h>
#include <wtf/HashTraits.h>
#include <wtf/MathExtras.h>
#include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h>
namespace JSC {
- extern const double NaN;
- extern const double Inf;
class ExecState;
class Identifier;
class JSCell;
class PropertySlot;
class PutPropertySlot;
class UString;
+ namespace DFG {
+ class AssemblyHelpers;
+ class JITCompiler;
+ class JITCodeGenerator;
+ class JSValueSource;
+ class OSRExitCompiler;
+ class SpeculativeJIT;
+ }
+ namespace LLInt {
+ class Data;
+ }
struct ClassInfo;
struct Instruction;
+ struct MethodTable;
template <class T> class WriteBarrierBase;
- double nonInlineNaN();
// This implements ToInt32, defined in ECMA-262 9.5.
- int32_t toInt32(double);
+ JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE int32_t toInt32(double);
// This implements ToUInt32, defined in ECMA-262 9.6.
inline uint32_t toUInt32(double number)
friend class JITStubCall;
friend class JSInterfaceJIT;
friend class SpecializedThunkJIT;
+ friend class DFG::AssemblyHelpers;
+ friend class DFG::JITCompiler;
+ friend class DFG::JITCodeGenerator;
+ friend class DFG::JSValueSource;
+ friend class DFG::OSRExitCompiler;
+ friend class DFG::SpeculativeJIT;
+ friend class LLInt::Data;
static EncodedJSValue encode(JSValue);
int32_t asInt32() const;
uint32_t asUInt32() const;
double asDouble() const;
+ bool asBoolean() const;
+ double asNumber() const;
// Querying the type.
+ bool isEmpty() const;
+ bool isFunction() const;
bool isUndefined() const;
bool isNull() const;
bool isUndefinedOrNull() const;
bool isBoolean() const;
bool isNumber() const;
bool isString() const;
+ bool isPrimitive() const;
bool isGetterSetter() const;
bool isObject() const;
bool inherits(const ClassInfo*) const;
// Extracting the value.
- bool getBoolean(bool&) const;
- bool getBoolean() const; // false if not a boolean
- bool getNumber(double&) const;
- double uncheckedGetNumber() const;
bool getString(ExecState* exec, UString&) const;
UString getString(ExecState* exec) const; // null string if not a string
JSObject* getObject() const; // 0 if not an object
// toNumber conversion is expected to be side effect free if an exception has
// been set in the ExecState already.
double toNumber(ExecState*) const;
- JSValue toJSNumber(ExecState*) const; // Fast path for when you expect that the value is an immediate number.
- UString toString(ExecState*) const;
- UString toPrimitiveString(ExecState*) const;
+ JSString* toString(ExecState*) const;
+ UString toUString(ExecState*) const;
+ UString toUStringInline(ExecState*) const;
JSObject* toObject(ExecState*) const;
JSObject* toObject(ExecState*, JSGlobalObject*) const;
// Integer conversions.
- double toInteger(ExecState*) const;
+ JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE double toInteger(ExecState*) const;
double toIntegerPreserveNaN(ExecState*) const;
int32_t toInt32(ExecState*) const;
uint32_t toUInt32(ExecState*) const;
- bool isZombie() const;
// Floating point conversions (this is a convenience method for webcore;
// signle precision float is not a representation used in JS or JSC).
float toFloat(ExecState* exec) const { return static_cast<float>(toNumber(exec)); }
JSValue get(ExecState*, unsigned propertyName) const;
JSValue get(ExecState*, unsigned propertyName, PropertySlot&) const;
void put(ExecState*, const Identifier& propertyName, JSValue, PutPropertySlot&);
- void putDirect(ExecState*, const Identifier& propertyName, JSValue, PutPropertySlot&);
- void put(ExecState*, unsigned propertyName, JSValue);
+ void putToPrimitive(ExecState*, const Identifier& propertyName, JSValue, PutPropertySlot&);
+ void putByIndex(ExecState*, unsigned propertyName, JSValue, bool shouldThrow);
- bool needsThisConversion() const;
JSObject* toThisObject(ExecState*) const;
- JSValue toStrictThisObject(ExecState*) const;
- UString toThisString(ExecState*) const;
- JSString* toThisJSString(ExecState*) const;
static bool equal(ExecState* exec, JSValue v1, JSValue v2);
static bool equalSlowCase(ExecState* exec, JSValue v1, JSValue v2);
static bool strictEqualSlowCase(ExecState* exec, JSValue v1, JSValue v2);
static bool strictEqualSlowCaseInline(ExecState* exec, JSValue v1, JSValue v2);
- JSValue getJSNumber(); // JSValue() if this is not a JSNumber or number object
bool isCell() const;
JSCell* asCell() const;
- bool isValidCallee();
+ JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool isValidCallee();
-#ifndef NDEBUG
char* description();
+ JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE JSObject* synthesizePrototype(ExecState*) const;
template <class T> JSValue(WriteBarrierBase<T>);
inline const JSValue asValue() const { return *this; }
- JSObject* toObjectSlowCase(ExecState*, JSGlobalObject*) const;
- JSObject* toThisObjectSlowCase(ExecState*) const;
- JSObject* synthesizePrototype(ExecState*) const;
- JSObject* synthesizeObject(ExecState*) const;
+ JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE double toNumberSlowCase(ExecState*) const;
+ JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE JSString* toStringSlowCase(ExecState*) const;
+ JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE UString toUStringSlowCase(ExecState*) const;
+ JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE JSObject* toObjectSlowCase(ExecState*, JSGlobalObject*) const;
+ JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE JSObject* toThisObjectSlowCase(ExecState*) const;
#if USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+ typedef HashMap<EncodedJSValue, unsigned, EncodedJSValueHash, EncodedJSValueHashTraits> JSValueMap;
// Stand-alone helper functions.
inline JSValue jsNull()
inline bool operator!=(const JSValue a, const JSCell* b) { return a != JSValue(b); }
inline bool operator!=(const JSCell* a, const JSValue b) { return JSValue(a) != b; }
- bool isZombie(const JSCell*);
} // namespace JSC
#endif // JSValue_h