- * Copyright (C) 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-#include <dfg/DFGJITCodeGenerator.h>
+#include "DFGAbstractInterpreter.h"
+#include "DFGGenerationInfo.h"
+#include "DFGInPlaceAbstractState.h"
+#include "DFGJITCompiler.h"
+#include "DFGOSRExit.h"
+#include "DFGOSRExitJumpPlaceholder.h"
+#include "DFGSilentRegisterSavePlan.h"
+#include "DFGValueSource.h"
+#include "JITOperations.h"
+#include "MarkedAllocator.h"
+#include "PutKind.h"
+#include "ValueRecovery.h"
+#include "VirtualRegister.h"
namespace JSC { namespace DFG {
+class GPRTemporary;
+class JSValueOperand;
+class SlowPathGenerator;
class SpeculativeJIT;
+class SpeculateInt32Operand;
+class SpeculateStrictInt32Operand;
+class SpeculateDoubleOperand;
+class SpeculateCellOperand;
+class SpeculateBooleanOperand;
-// This enum describes the types of additional recovery that
-// may need be performed should a speculation check fail.
-enum SpeculationRecoveryType {
- SpeculativeAdd
+enum GeneratedOperandType { GeneratedOperandTypeUnknown, GeneratedOperandInteger, GeneratedOperandJSValue};
+inline GPRReg extractResult(GPRReg result) { return result; }
+inline GPRReg extractResult(JSValueRegs result) { return result.gpr(); }
+inline JSValueRegs extractResult(JSValueRegs result) { return result; }
+inline NoResultTag extractResult(NoResultTag) { return NoResult; }
+// === SpeculativeJIT ===
+// The SpeculativeJIT is used to generate a fast, but potentially
+// incomplete code path for the dataflow. When code generating
+// we may make assumptions about operand types, dynamically check,
+// and bail-out to an alternate code path if these checks fail.
+// Importantly, the speculative code path cannot be reentered once
+// a speculative check has failed. This allows the SpeculativeJIT
+// to propagate type information (including information that has
+// only speculatively been asserted) through the dataflow.
+class SpeculativeJIT {
+ friend struct OSRExit;
+ typedef JITCompiler::TrustedImm32 TrustedImm32;
+ typedef JITCompiler::Imm32 Imm32;
+ typedef JITCompiler::TrustedImmPtr TrustedImmPtr;
+ typedef JITCompiler::ImmPtr ImmPtr;
+ typedef JITCompiler::TrustedImm64 TrustedImm64;
+ typedef JITCompiler::Imm64 Imm64;
+ // These constants are used to set priorities for spill order for
+ // the register allocator.
+ enum SpillOrder {
+ SpillOrderConstant = 1, // no spill, and cheap fill
+ SpillOrderSpilled = 2, // no spill
+ SpillOrderJS = 4, // needs spill
+ SpillOrderCell = 4, // needs spill
+ SpillOrderStorage = 4, // needs spill
+ SpillOrderInteger = 5, // needs spill and box
+ SpillOrderBoolean = 5, // needs spill and box
+ SpillOrderDouble = 6, // needs spill and convert
+ };
+#elif USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+ enum SpillOrder {
+ SpillOrderConstant = 1, // no spill, and cheap fill
+ SpillOrderSpilled = 2, // no spill
+ SpillOrderJS = 4, // needs spill
+ SpillOrderStorage = 4, // needs spill
+ SpillOrderDouble = 4, // needs spill
+ SpillOrderInteger = 5, // needs spill and box
+ SpillOrderCell = 5, // needs spill and box
+ SpillOrderBoolean = 5, // needs spill and box
+ };
+ enum UseChildrenMode { CallUseChildren, UseChildrenCalledExplicitly };
+ SpeculativeJIT(JITCompiler&);
+ ~SpeculativeJIT();
+ bool compile();
+ void createOSREntries();
+ void linkOSREntries(LinkBuffer&);
+ BasicBlock* nextBlock()
+ {
+ for (BlockIndex resultIndex = m_block->index + 1; ; resultIndex++) {
+ if (resultIndex >= m_jit.graph().numBlocks())
+ return 0;
+ if (BasicBlock* result = m_jit.graph().block(resultIndex))
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ GPRReg fillJSValue(Edge);
+#elif USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+ bool fillJSValue(Edge, GPRReg&, GPRReg&, FPRReg&);
+ GPRReg fillStorage(Edge);
+ // lock and unlock GPR & FPR registers.
+ void lock(GPRReg reg)
+ {
+ m_gprs.lock(reg);
+ }
+ void lock(FPRReg reg)
+ {
+ m_fprs.lock(reg);
+ }
+ void unlock(GPRReg reg)
+ {
+ m_gprs.unlock(reg);
+ }
+ void unlock(FPRReg reg)
+ {
+ m_fprs.unlock(reg);
+ }
+ // Used to check whether a child node is on its last use,
+ // and its machine registers may be reused.
+ bool canReuse(Node* node)
+ {
+ return generationInfo(node).canReuse();
+ }
+ bool canReuse(Edge nodeUse)
+ {
+ return canReuse(nodeUse.node());
+ }
+ GPRReg reuse(GPRReg reg)
+ {
+ m_gprs.lock(reg);
+ return reg;
+ }
+ FPRReg reuse(FPRReg reg)
+ {
+ m_fprs.lock(reg);
+ return reg;
+ }
+ // Allocate a gpr/fpr.
+ GPRReg allocate()
+ {
+ m_jit.addRegisterAllocationAtOffset(m_jit.debugOffset());
+ VirtualRegister spillMe;
+ GPRReg gpr = m_gprs.allocate(spillMe);
+ if (spillMe.isValid()) {
+#if USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+ GenerationInfo& info = generationInfoFromVirtualRegister(spillMe);
+ if ((info.registerFormat() & DataFormatJS))
+ m_gprs.release(info.tagGPR() == gpr ? info.payloadGPR() : info.tagGPR());
+ spill(spillMe);
+ }
+ return gpr;
+ }
+ GPRReg allocate(GPRReg specific)
+ {
+ m_jit.addRegisterAllocationAtOffset(m_jit.debugOffset());
+ VirtualRegister spillMe = m_gprs.allocateSpecific(specific);
+ if (spillMe.isValid()) {
+#if USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+ GenerationInfo& info = generationInfoFromVirtualRegister(spillMe);
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(info.registerFormat() != DataFormatJSDouble);
+ if ((info.registerFormat() & DataFormatJS))
+ m_gprs.release(info.tagGPR() == specific ? info.payloadGPR() : info.tagGPR());
+ spill(spillMe);
+ }
+ return specific;
+ }
+ GPRReg tryAllocate()
+ {
+ return m_gprs.tryAllocate();
+ }
+ FPRReg fprAllocate()
+ {
+ m_jit.addRegisterAllocationAtOffset(m_jit.debugOffset());
+ VirtualRegister spillMe;
+ FPRReg fpr = m_fprs.allocate(spillMe);
+ if (spillMe.isValid())
+ spill(spillMe);
+ return fpr;
+ }
+ // Check whether a VirtualRegsiter is currently in a machine register.
+ // We use this when filling operands to fill those that are already in
+ // machine registers first (by locking VirtualRegsiters that are already
+ // in machine register before filling those that are not we attempt to
+ // avoid spilling values we will need immediately).
+ bool isFilled(Node* node)
+ {
+ return generationInfo(node).registerFormat() != DataFormatNone;
+ }
+ bool isFilledDouble(Node* node)
+ {
+ return generationInfo(node).registerFormat() == DataFormatDouble;
+ }
+ // Called on an operand once it has been consumed by a parent node.
+ void use(Node* node)
+ {
+ if (!node->hasResult())
+ return;
+ GenerationInfo& info = generationInfo(node);
+ // use() returns true when the value becomes dead, and any
+ // associated resources may be freed.
+ if (!info.use(*m_stream))
+ return;
+ // Release the associated machine registers.
+ DataFormat registerFormat = info.registerFormat();
+ if (registerFormat == DataFormatDouble)
+ m_fprs.release(info.fpr());
+ else if (registerFormat != DataFormatNone)
+ m_gprs.release(info.gpr());
+#elif USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+ if (registerFormat == DataFormatDouble)
+ m_fprs.release(info.fpr());
+ else if (registerFormat & DataFormatJS) {
+ m_gprs.release(info.tagGPR());
+ m_gprs.release(info.payloadGPR());
+ } else if (registerFormat != DataFormatNone)
+ m_gprs.release(info.gpr());
+ }
+ void use(Edge nodeUse)
+ {
+ use(nodeUse.node());
+ }
+ RegisterSet usedRegisters();
+ bool masqueradesAsUndefinedWatchpointIsStillValid(const CodeOrigin& codeOrigin)
+ {
+ return m_jit.graph().masqueradesAsUndefinedWatchpointIsStillValid(codeOrigin);
+ }
+ bool masqueradesAsUndefinedWatchpointIsStillValid()
+ {
+ return masqueradesAsUndefinedWatchpointIsStillValid(m_currentNode->origin.semantic);
+ }
+ void storeToWriteBarrierBuffer(GPRReg cell, GPRReg scratch1, GPRReg scratch2);
+ void writeBarrier(GPRReg owner, GPRReg scratch1, GPRReg scratch2);
+ void writeBarrier(GPRReg owner, GPRReg value, Edge valueUse, GPRReg scratch1, GPRReg scratch2);
+ void compileStoreBarrier(Node*);
+ static GPRReg selectScratchGPR(GPRReg preserve1 = InvalidGPRReg, GPRReg preserve2 = InvalidGPRReg, GPRReg preserve3 = InvalidGPRReg, GPRReg preserve4 = InvalidGPRReg)
+ {
+ return AssemblyHelpers::selectScratchGPR(preserve1, preserve2, preserve3, preserve4);
+ }
+ // Called by the speculative operand types, below, to fill operand to
+ // machine registers, implicitly generating speculation checks as needed.
+ GPRReg fillSpeculateInt32(Edge, DataFormat& returnFormat);
+ GPRReg fillSpeculateInt32Strict(Edge);
+ GPRReg fillSpeculateInt52(Edge, DataFormat desiredFormat);
+ FPRReg fillSpeculateDouble(Edge);
+ GPRReg fillSpeculateCell(Edge);
+ GPRReg fillSpeculateBoolean(Edge);
+ GeneratedOperandType checkGeneratedTypeForToInt32(Node*);
+ void addSlowPathGenerator(std::unique_ptr<SlowPathGenerator>);
+ void runSlowPathGenerators();
+ void compile(Node*);
+ void noticeOSRBirth(Node*);
+ void bail(AbortReason);
+ void compileCurrentBlock();
+ void checkArgumentTypes();
+ void clearGenerationInfo();
+ // These methods are used when generating 'unexpected'
+ // calls out from JIT code to C++ helper routines -
+ // they spill all live values to the appropriate
+ // slots in the JSStack without changing any state
+ // in the GenerationInfo.
+ SilentRegisterSavePlan silentSavePlanForGPR(VirtualRegister spillMe, GPRReg source);
+ SilentRegisterSavePlan silentSavePlanForFPR(VirtualRegister spillMe, FPRReg source);
+ void silentSpill(const SilentRegisterSavePlan&);
+ void silentFill(const SilentRegisterSavePlan&, GPRReg canTrample);
+ template<typename CollectionType>
+ void silentSpillAllRegistersImpl(bool doSpill, CollectionType& plans, GPRReg exclude, GPRReg exclude2 = InvalidGPRReg, FPRReg fprExclude = InvalidFPRReg)
+ {
+ ASSERT(plans.isEmpty());
+ for (gpr_iterator iter = m_gprs.begin(); iter != m_gprs.end(); ++iter) {
+ GPRReg gpr = iter.regID();
+ if (iter.name().isValid() && gpr != exclude && gpr != exclude2) {
+ SilentRegisterSavePlan plan = silentSavePlanForGPR(iter.name(), gpr);
+ if (doSpill)
+ silentSpill(plan);
+ plans.append(plan);
+ }
+ }
+ for (fpr_iterator iter = m_fprs.begin(); iter != m_fprs.end(); ++iter) {
+ if (iter.name().isValid() && iter.regID() != fprExclude) {
+ SilentRegisterSavePlan plan = silentSavePlanForFPR(iter.name(), iter.regID());
+ if (doSpill)
+ silentSpill(plan);
+ plans.append(plan);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename CollectionType>
+ void silentSpillAllRegistersImpl(bool doSpill, CollectionType& plans, NoResultTag)
+ {
+ silentSpillAllRegistersImpl(doSpill, plans, InvalidGPRReg, InvalidGPRReg, InvalidFPRReg);
+ }
+ template<typename CollectionType>
+ void silentSpillAllRegistersImpl(bool doSpill, CollectionType& plans, FPRReg exclude)
+ {
+ silentSpillAllRegistersImpl(doSpill, plans, InvalidGPRReg, InvalidGPRReg, exclude);
+ }
+#if USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+ template<typename CollectionType>
+ void silentSpillAllRegistersImpl(bool doSpill, CollectionType& plans, JSValueRegs exclude)
+ {
+ silentSpillAllRegistersImpl(doSpill, plans, exclude.tagGPR(), exclude.payloadGPR());
+ }
+ void silentSpillAllRegisters(GPRReg exclude, GPRReg exclude2 = InvalidGPRReg, FPRReg fprExclude = InvalidFPRReg)
+ {
+ silentSpillAllRegistersImpl(true, m_plans, exclude, exclude2, fprExclude);
+ }
+ void silentSpillAllRegisters(FPRReg exclude)
+ {
+ silentSpillAllRegisters(InvalidGPRReg, InvalidGPRReg, exclude);
+ }
+ static GPRReg pickCanTrample(GPRReg exclude)
+ {
+ GPRReg result = GPRInfo::regT0;
+ if (result == exclude)
+ result = GPRInfo::regT1;
+ return result;
+ }
+ static GPRReg pickCanTrample(FPRReg)
+ {
+ return GPRInfo::regT0;
+ }
+ static GPRReg pickCanTrample(NoResultTag)
+ {
+ return GPRInfo::regT0;
+ }
+#if USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+ static GPRReg pickCanTrample(JSValueRegs exclude)
+ {
+ GPRReg result = GPRInfo::regT0;
+ if (result == exclude.tagGPR()) {
+ result = GPRInfo::regT1;
+ if (result == exclude.payloadGPR())
+ result = GPRInfo::regT2;
+ } else if (result == exclude.payloadGPR()) {
+ result = GPRInfo::regT1;
+ if (result == exclude.tagGPR())
+ result = GPRInfo::regT2;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ template<typename RegisterType>
+ void silentFillAllRegisters(RegisterType exclude)
+ {
+ GPRReg canTrample = pickCanTrample(exclude);
+ while (!m_plans.isEmpty()) {
+ SilentRegisterSavePlan& plan = m_plans.last();
+ silentFill(plan, canTrample);
+ m_plans.removeLast();
+ }
+ }
+ // These methods convert between doubles, and doubles boxed and JSValues.
+ GPRReg boxDouble(FPRReg fpr, GPRReg gpr)
+ {
+ return m_jit.boxDouble(fpr, gpr);
+ }
+ FPRReg unboxDouble(GPRReg gpr, FPRReg fpr)
+ {
+ return m_jit.unboxDouble(gpr, fpr);
+ }
+ GPRReg boxDouble(FPRReg fpr)
+ {
+ return boxDouble(fpr, allocate());
+ }
+ void boxInt52(GPRReg sourceGPR, GPRReg targetGPR, DataFormat);
+#elif USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+ void boxDouble(FPRReg fpr, GPRReg tagGPR, GPRReg payloadGPR)
+ {
+ m_jit.boxDouble(fpr, tagGPR, payloadGPR);
+ }
+ void unboxDouble(GPRReg tagGPR, GPRReg payloadGPR, FPRReg fpr, FPRReg scratchFPR)
+ {
+ m_jit.unboxDouble(tagGPR, payloadGPR, fpr, scratchFPR);
+ }
+ void boxDouble(FPRReg fpr, JSValueRegs regs)
+ {
+ m_jit.boxDouble(fpr, regs);
+ }
+ // Spill a VirtualRegister to the JSStack.
+ void spill(VirtualRegister spillMe)
+ {
+ GenerationInfo& info = generationInfoFromVirtualRegister(spillMe);
+#if USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+ if (info.registerFormat() == DataFormatNone) // it has been spilled. JS values which have two GPRs can reach here
+ return;
+ // Check the GenerationInfo to see if this value need writing
+ // to the JSStack - if not, mark it as spilled & return.
+ if (!info.needsSpill()) {
+ info.setSpilled(*m_stream, spillMe);
+ return;
+ }
+ DataFormat spillFormat = info.registerFormat();
+ switch (spillFormat) {
+ case DataFormatStorage: {
+ // This is special, since it's not a JS value - as in it's not visible to JS
+ // code.
+ m_jit.storePtr(info.gpr(), JITCompiler::addressFor(spillMe));
+ info.spill(*m_stream, spillMe, DataFormatStorage);
+ return;
+ }
+ case DataFormatInt32: {
+ m_jit.store32(info.gpr(), JITCompiler::payloadFor(spillMe));
+ info.spill(*m_stream, spillMe, DataFormatInt32);
+ return;
+ }
+ case DataFormatDouble: {
+ m_jit.storeDouble(info.fpr(), JITCompiler::addressFor(spillMe));
+ info.spill(*m_stream, spillMe, DataFormatDouble);
+ return;
+ }
+ case DataFormatInt52:
+ case DataFormatStrictInt52: {
+ m_jit.store64(info.gpr(), JITCompiler::addressFor(spillMe));
+ info.spill(*m_stream, spillMe, spillFormat);
+ return;
+ }
+ default:
+ // The following code handles JSValues, int32s, and cells.
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(spillFormat == DataFormatCell || spillFormat & DataFormatJS);
+ GPRReg reg = info.gpr();
+ // We need to box int32 and cell values ...
+ // but on JSVALUE64 boxing a cell is a no-op!
+ if (spillFormat == DataFormatInt32)
+ m_jit.or64(GPRInfo::tagTypeNumberRegister, reg);
+ // Spill the value, and record it as spilled in its boxed form.
+ m_jit.store64(reg, JITCompiler::addressFor(spillMe));
+ info.spill(*m_stream, spillMe, (DataFormat)(spillFormat | DataFormatJS));
+ return;
+#elif USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+ case DataFormatCell:
+ case DataFormatBoolean: {
+ m_jit.store32(info.gpr(), JITCompiler::payloadFor(spillMe));
+ info.spill(*m_stream, spillMe, spillFormat);
+ return;
+ }
+ case DataFormatDouble: {
+ // On JSVALUE32_64 boxing a double is a no-op.
+ m_jit.storeDouble(info.fpr(), JITCompiler::addressFor(spillMe));
+ info.spill(*m_stream, spillMe, DataFormatDouble);
+ return;
+ }
+ default:
+ // The following code handles JSValues.
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(spillFormat & DataFormatJS);
+ m_jit.store32(info.tagGPR(), JITCompiler::tagFor(spillMe));
+ m_jit.store32(info.payloadGPR(), JITCompiler::payloadFor(spillMe));
+ info.spill(*m_stream, spillMe, spillFormat);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ bool isKnownInteger(Node* node) { return m_state.forNode(node).isType(SpecInt32); }
+ bool isKnownCell(Node* node) { return m_state.forNode(node).isType(SpecCell); }
+ bool isKnownNotInteger(Node* node) { return !(m_state.forNode(node).m_type & SpecInt32); }
+ bool isKnownNotNumber(Node* node) { return !(m_state.forNode(node).m_type & SpecFullNumber); }
+ bool isKnownNotCell(Node* node) { return !(m_state.forNode(node).m_type & SpecCell); }
+ UniquedStringImpl* identifierUID(unsigned index)
+ {
+ return m_jit.graph().identifiers()[index];
+ }
+ // Spill all VirtualRegisters back to the JSStack.
+ void flushRegisters()
+ {
+ for (gpr_iterator iter = m_gprs.begin(); iter != m_gprs.end(); ++iter) {
+ if (iter.name().isValid()) {
+ spill(iter.name());
+ iter.release();
+ }
+ }
+ for (fpr_iterator iter = m_fprs.begin(); iter != m_fprs.end(); ++iter) {
+ if (iter.name().isValid()) {
+ spill(iter.name());
+ iter.release();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Used to ASSERT flushRegisters() has been called prior to
+ // calling out from JIT code to a C helper function.
+ bool isFlushed()
+ {
+ for (gpr_iterator iter = m_gprs.begin(); iter != m_gprs.end(); ++iter) {
+ if (iter.name().isValid())
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (fpr_iterator iter = m_fprs.begin(); iter != m_fprs.end(); ++iter) {
+ if (iter.name().isValid())
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ static MacroAssembler::Imm64 valueOfJSConstantAsImm64(Node* node)
+ {
+ return MacroAssembler::Imm64(JSValue::encode(node->asJSValue()));
+ }
+ // Helper functions to enable code sharing in implementations of bit/shift ops.
+ void bitOp(NodeType op, int32_t imm, GPRReg op1, GPRReg result)
+ {
+ switch (op) {
+ case BitAnd:
+ m_jit.and32(Imm32(imm), op1, result);
+ break;
+ case BitOr:
+ m_jit.or32(Imm32(imm), op1, result);
+ break;
+ case BitXor:
+ m_jit.xor32(Imm32(imm), op1, result);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ void bitOp(NodeType op, GPRReg op1, GPRReg op2, GPRReg result)
+ {
+ switch (op) {
+ case BitAnd:
+ m_jit.and32(op1, op2, result);
+ break;
+ case BitOr:
+ m_jit.or32(op1, op2, result);
+ break;
+ case BitXor:
+ m_jit.xor32(op1, op2, result);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ void shiftOp(NodeType op, GPRReg op1, int32_t shiftAmount, GPRReg result)
+ {
+ switch (op) {
+ case BitRShift:
+ m_jit.rshift32(op1, Imm32(shiftAmount), result);
+ break;
+ case BitLShift:
+ m_jit.lshift32(op1, Imm32(shiftAmount), result);
+ break;
+ case BitURShift:
+ m_jit.urshift32(op1, Imm32(shiftAmount), result);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ void shiftOp(NodeType op, GPRReg op1, GPRReg shiftAmount, GPRReg result)
+ {
+ switch (op) {
+ case BitRShift:
+ m_jit.rshift32(op1, shiftAmount, result);
+ break;
+ case BitLShift:
+ m_jit.lshift32(op1, shiftAmount, result);
+ break;
+ case BitURShift:
+ m_jit.urshift32(op1, shiftAmount, result);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ // Returns the index of the branch node if peephole is okay, UINT_MAX otherwise.
+ unsigned detectPeepHoleBranch()
+ {
+ // Check that no intervening nodes will be generated.
+ for (unsigned index = m_indexInBlock + 1; index < m_block->size() - 1; ++index) {
+ Node* node = m_block->at(index);
+ if (!node->shouldGenerate())
+ continue;
+ // Check if it's a Phantom that can be safely ignored.
+ if (node->op() == Phantom && !node->child1())
+ continue;
+ return UINT_MAX;
+ }
+ // Check if the lastNode is a branch on this node.
+ Node* lastNode = m_block->terminal();
+ return lastNode->op() == Branch && lastNode->child1() == m_currentNode ? m_block->size() - 1 : UINT_MAX;
+ }
+ void compileMovHint(Node*);
+ void compileMovHintAndCheck(Node*);
+ void cachedGetById(CodeOrigin, GPRReg baseGPR, GPRReg resultGPR, unsigned identifierNumber, JITCompiler::Jump slowPathTarget = JITCompiler::Jump(), SpillRegistersMode = NeedToSpill);
+ void cachedPutById(CodeOrigin, GPRReg base, GPRReg value, GPRReg scratchGPR, unsigned identifierNumber, PutKind, JITCompiler::Jump slowPathTarget = JITCompiler::Jump(), SpillRegistersMode = NeedToSpill);
+#elif USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+ void cachedGetById(CodeOrigin, GPRReg baseTagGPROrNone, GPRReg basePayloadGPR, GPRReg resultTagGPR, GPRReg resultPayloadGPR, unsigned identifierNumber, JITCompiler::Jump slowPathTarget = JITCompiler::Jump(), SpillRegistersMode = NeedToSpill);
+ void cachedPutById(CodeOrigin, GPRReg basePayloadGPR, GPRReg valueTagGPR, GPRReg valuePayloadGPR, GPRReg scratchGPR, unsigned identifierNumber, PutKind, JITCompiler::Jump slowPathTarget = JITCompiler::Jump(), SpillRegistersMode = NeedToSpill);
+ void compileIn(Node*);
+ void compileBaseValueStoreBarrier(Edge& baseEdge, Edge& valueEdge);
+ void nonSpeculativeNonPeepholeCompareNull(Edge operand, bool invert = false);
+ void nonSpeculativePeepholeBranchNull(Edge operand, Node* branchNode, bool invert = false);
+ bool nonSpeculativeCompareNull(Node*, Edge operand, bool invert = false);
+ void nonSpeculativePeepholeBranch(Node*, Node* branchNode, MacroAssembler::RelationalCondition, S_JITOperation_EJJ helperFunction);
+ void nonSpeculativeNonPeepholeCompare(Node*, MacroAssembler::RelationalCondition, S_JITOperation_EJJ helperFunction);
+ bool nonSpeculativeCompare(Node*, MacroAssembler::RelationalCondition, S_JITOperation_EJJ helperFunction);
+ void nonSpeculativePeepholeStrictEq(Node*, Node* branchNode, bool invert = false);
+ void nonSpeculativeNonPeepholeStrictEq(Node*, bool invert = false);
+ bool nonSpeculativeStrictEq(Node*, bool invert = false);
+ void compileInstanceOfForObject(Node*, GPRReg valueReg, GPRReg prototypeReg, GPRReg scratchAndResultReg, GPRReg scratch2Reg);
+ void compileInstanceOf(Node*);
+ void emitCall(Node*);
+ // Called once a node has completed code generation but prior to setting
+ // its result, to free up its children. (This must happen prior to setting
+ // the nodes result, since the node may have the same VirtualRegister as
+ // a child, and as such will use the same GeneratioInfo).
+ void useChildren(Node*);
+ // These method called to initialize the the GenerationInfo
+ // to describe the result of an operation.
+ void int32Result(GPRReg reg, Node* node, DataFormat format = DataFormatInt32, UseChildrenMode mode = CallUseChildren)
+ {
+ if (mode == CallUseChildren)
+ useChildren(node);
+ VirtualRegister virtualRegister = node->virtualRegister();
+ GenerationInfo& info = generationInfoFromVirtualRegister(virtualRegister);
+ if (format == DataFormatInt32) {
+ m_jit.jitAssertIsInt32(reg);
+ m_gprs.retain(reg, virtualRegister, SpillOrderInteger);
+ info.initInt32(node, node->refCount(), reg);
+ } else {
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(format == DataFormatJSInt32);
+ m_jit.jitAssertIsJSInt32(reg);
+ m_gprs.retain(reg, virtualRegister, SpillOrderJS);
+ info.initJSValue(node, node->refCount(), reg, format);
+#elif USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+ }
+ }
+ void int32Result(GPRReg reg, Node* node, UseChildrenMode mode)
+ {
+ int32Result(reg, node, DataFormatInt32, mode);
+ }
+ void int52Result(GPRReg reg, Node* node, DataFormat format, UseChildrenMode mode = CallUseChildren)
+ {
+ if (mode == CallUseChildren)
+ useChildren(node);
+ VirtualRegister virtualRegister = node->virtualRegister();
+ GenerationInfo& info = generationInfoFromVirtualRegister(virtualRegister);
+ m_gprs.retain(reg, virtualRegister, SpillOrderJS);
+ info.initInt52(node, node->refCount(), reg, format);
+ }
+ void int52Result(GPRReg reg, Node* node, UseChildrenMode mode = CallUseChildren)
+ {
+ int52Result(reg, node, DataFormatInt52, mode);
+ }
+ void strictInt52Result(GPRReg reg, Node* node, UseChildrenMode mode = CallUseChildren)
+ {
+ int52Result(reg, node, DataFormatStrictInt52, mode);
+ }
+ void noResult(Node* node, UseChildrenMode mode = CallUseChildren)
+ {
+ if (mode == UseChildrenCalledExplicitly)
+ return;
+ useChildren(node);
+ }
+ void cellResult(GPRReg reg, Node* node, UseChildrenMode mode = CallUseChildren)
+ {
+ if (mode == CallUseChildren)
+ useChildren(node);
+ VirtualRegister virtualRegister = node->virtualRegister();
+ m_gprs.retain(reg, virtualRegister, SpillOrderCell);
+ GenerationInfo& info = generationInfoFromVirtualRegister(virtualRegister);
+ info.initCell(node, node->refCount(), reg);
+ }
+ void blessedBooleanResult(GPRReg reg, Node* node, UseChildrenMode mode = CallUseChildren)
+ {
+ jsValueResult(reg, node, DataFormatJSBoolean, mode);
+ booleanResult(reg, node, mode);
+ }
+ void unblessedBooleanResult(GPRReg reg, Node* node, UseChildrenMode mode = CallUseChildren)
+ {
+ blessBoolean(reg);
+ blessedBooleanResult(reg, node, mode);
+ }
+ void jsValueResult(GPRReg reg, Node* node, DataFormat format = DataFormatJS, UseChildrenMode mode = CallUseChildren)
+ {
+ if (format == DataFormatJSInt32)
+ m_jit.jitAssertIsJSInt32(reg);
+ if (mode == CallUseChildren)
+ useChildren(node);
+ VirtualRegister virtualRegister = node->virtualRegister();
+ m_gprs.retain(reg, virtualRegister, SpillOrderJS);
+ GenerationInfo& info = generationInfoFromVirtualRegister(virtualRegister);
+ info.initJSValue(node, node->refCount(), reg, format);
+ }
+ void jsValueResult(GPRReg reg, Node* node, UseChildrenMode mode)
+ {
+ jsValueResult(reg, node, DataFormatJS, mode);
+ }
+#elif USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+ void booleanResult(GPRReg reg, Node* node, UseChildrenMode mode = CallUseChildren)
+ {
+ if (mode == CallUseChildren)
+ useChildren(node);
+ VirtualRegister virtualRegister = node->virtualRegister();
+ m_gprs.retain(reg, virtualRegister, SpillOrderBoolean);
+ GenerationInfo& info = generationInfoFromVirtualRegister(virtualRegister);
+ info.initBoolean(node, node->refCount(), reg);
+ }
+ void jsValueResult(GPRReg tag, GPRReg payload, Node* node, DataFormat format = DataFormatJS, UseChildrenMode mode = CallUseChildren)
+ {
+ if (mode == CallUseChildren)
+ useChildren(node);
+ VirtualRegister virtualRegister = node->virtualRegister();
+ m_gprs.retain(tag, virtualRegister, SpillOrderJS);
+ m_gprs.retain(payload, virtualRegister, SpillOrderJS);
+ GenerationInfo& info = generationInfoFromVirtualRegister(virtualRegister);
+ info.initJSValue(node, node->refCount(), tag, payload, format);
+ }
+ void jsValueResult(GPRReg tag, GPRReg payload, Node* node, UseChildrenMode mode)
+ {
+ jsValueResult(tag, payload, node, DataFormatJS, mode);
+ }
+ void jsValueResult(JSValueRegs regs, Node* node, DataFormat format = DataFormatJS, UseChildrenMode mode = CallUseChildren)
+ {
+ jsValueResult(regs.gpr(), node, format, mode);
+ jsValueResult(regs.tagGPR(), regs.payloadGPR(), node, format, mode);
+ }
+ void storageResult(GPRReg reg, Node* node, UseChildrenMode mode = CallUseChildren)
+ {
+ if (mode == CallUseChildren)
+ useChildren(node);
+ VirtualRegister virtualRegister = node->virtualRegister();
+ m_gprs.retain(reg, virtualRegister, SpillOrderStorage);
+ GenerationInfo& info = generationInfoFromVirtualRegister(virtualRegister);
+ info.initStorage(node, node->refCount(), reg);
+ }
+ void doubleResult(FPRReg reg, Node* node, UseChildrenMode mode = CallUseChildren)
+ {
+ if (mode == CallUseChildren)
+ useChildren(node);
+ VirtualRegister virtualRegister = node->virtualRegister();
+ m_fprs.retain(reg, virtualRegister, SpillOrderDouble);
+ GenerationInfo& info = generationInfoFromVirtualRegister(virtualRegister);
+ info.initDouble(node, node->refCount(), reg);
+ }
+ void initConstantInfo(Node* node)
+ {
+ ASSERT(node->hasConstant());
+ generationInfo(node).initConstant(node, node->refCount());
+ }
+ // These methods add calls to C++ helper functions.
+ // These methods are broadly value representation specific (i.e.
+ // deal with the fact that a JSValue may be passed in one or two
+ // machine registers, and delegate the calling convention specific
+ // decision as to how to fill the regsiters to setupArguments* methods.
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_E operation)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsExecState();
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(P_JITOperation_E operation, GPRReg result)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsExecState();
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(P_JITOperation_EC operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg cell)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(cell);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(P_JITOperation_EO operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg object)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(object);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(P_JITOperation_EOS operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg object, size_t size)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(object, TrustedImmPtr(size));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(P_JITOperation_EOZ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg object, int32_t size)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(object, TrustedImmPtr(size));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_EOZ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg object, int32_t size)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(object, TrustedImmPtr(static_cast<size_t>(size)));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(P_JITOperation_EPS operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg old, size_t size)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(old, TrustedImmPtr(size));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(P_JITOperation_ES operation, GPRReg result, size_t size)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(size));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(P_JITOperation_ESJss operation, GPRReg result, size_t index, GPRReg arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(index), arg1);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(P_JITOperation_ESt operation, GPRReg result, Structure* structure)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(structure));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(P_JITOperation_EStZ operation, GPRReg result, Structure* structure, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(structure), arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(P_JITOperation_EStZ operation, GPRReg result, Structure* structure, size_t arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(structure), TrustedImm32(arg2));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(P_JITOperation_EStZ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(P_JITOperation_EStPS operation, GPRReg result, Structure* structure, void* pointer, size_t size)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(structure), TrustedImmPtr(pointer), TrustedImmPtr(size));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(P_JITOperation_EStSS operation, GPRReg result, Structure* structure, size_t index, size_t size)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(structure), TrustedImmPtr(index), TrustedImmPtr(size));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_E operation, GPRReg result)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsExecState();
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_EC operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_EC operation, GPRReg result, JSCell* cell)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(cell));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_ECZ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_ECZC operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, GPRReg arg3)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_EJscC operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, JSCell* cell)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, TrustedImmPtr(cell));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_EIcf operation, GPRReg result, InlineCallFrame* inlineCallFrame)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(inlineCallFrame));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_ESt operation, GPRReg result, Structure* structure)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(structure));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_EStJscSymtab operation, GPRReg result, Structure* structure, GPRReg scope, SymbolTable* table)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(structure), scope, TrustedImmPtr(table));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_EStZ operation, GPRReg result, Structure* structure, unsigned knownLength)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(structure), TrustedImm32(knownLength));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_EStZZ operation, GPRReg result, Structure* structure, unsigned knownLength, unsigned minCapacity)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(structure), TrustedImm32(knownLength), TrustedImm32(minCapacity));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_EStZ operation, GPRReg result, Structure* structure, GPRReg length)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(structure), length);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_EStZZ operation, GPRReg result, Structure* structure, GPRReg length, unsigned minCapacity)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(structure), length, TrustedImm32(minCapacity));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_EJssSt operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, Structure* structure)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, TrustedImmPtr(structure));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_EJssJss operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_EJssJssJss operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, GPRReg arg3)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(S_JITOperation_ECC operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(S_JITOperation_EGC operation, GPRReg result, JSGlobalObject* globalObject, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(globalObject), arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_EGC operation, GPRReg result, JSGlobalObject* globalObject, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(globalObject), arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(Jss_JITOperation_EZ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_EC operation, GPRReg arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_EC operation, JSCell* arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(arg1));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_ECIcf operation, GPRReg arg1, InlineCallFrame* inlineCallFrame)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, TrustedImmPtr(inlineCallFrame));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_ECCIcf operation, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, InlineCallFrame* inlineCallFrame)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, TrustedImmPtr(inlineCallFrame));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_ECZ operation, GPRReg arg1, int arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, TrustedImm32(arg2));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_ECC operation, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_ECC operation, GPRReg arg1, JSCell* arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, TrustedImmPtr(arg2));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_ECC operation, JSCell* arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(arg1), arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperationWithCallFrameRollbackOnException(V_JITOperation_ECb operation, void* pointer)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(pointer));
+ return appendCallWithCallFrameRollbackOnException(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperationWithCallFrameRollbackOnException(Z_JITOperation_E operation, GPRReg result)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsExecState();
+ return appendCallWithCallFrameRollbackOnExceptionSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(Z_JITOperation_EC operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ template<typename FunctionType>
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(FunctionType operation, NoResultTag)
+ {
+ return callOperation(operation);
+ }
+ template<typename FunctionType, typename ArgumentType1>
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(FunctionType operation, NoResultTag, ArgumentType1 arg1)
+ {
+ return callOperation(operation, arg1);
+ }
+ template<typename FunctionType, typename ArgumentType1, typename ArgumentType2>
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(FunctionType operation, NoResultTag, ArgumentType1 arg1, ArgumentType2 arg2)
+ {
+ return callOperation(operation, arg1, arg2);
+ }
+ template<typename FunctionType, typename ArgumentType1, typename ArgumentType2, typename ArgumentType3>
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(FunctionType operation, NoResultTag, ArgumentType1 arg1, ArgumentType2 arg2, ArgumentType3 arg3)
+ {
+ return callOperation(operation, arg1, arg2, arg3);
+ }
+ template<typename FunctionType, typename ArgumentType1, typename ArgumentType2, typename ArgumentType3, typename ArgumentType4>
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(FunctionType operation, NoResultTag, ArgumentType1 arg1, ArgumentType2 arg2, ArgumentType3 arg3, ArgumentType4 arg4)
+ {
+ return callOperation(operation, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
+ }
+ template<typename FunctionType, typename ArgumentType1, typename ArgumentType2, typename ArgumentType3, typename ArgumentType4, typename ArgumentType5>
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(FunctionType operation, NoResultTag, ArgumentType1 arg1, ArgumentType2 arg2, ArgumentType3 arg3, ArgumentType4 arg4, ArgumentType5 arg5)
+ {
+ return callOperation(operation, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(D_JITOperation_ZZ operation, FPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArguments(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(D_JITOperation_D operation, FPRReg result, FPRReg arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArguments(arg1);
+ return appendCallSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(D_JITOperation_DD operation, FPRReg result, FPRReg arg1, FPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArguments(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(T_JITOperation_EJss operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_EJscZ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, int32_t arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, TrustedImm32(arg2));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_EZ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_EZ operation, GPRReg result, int32_t arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImm32(arg1));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EJscC operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, JSCell* cell)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, TrustedImmPtr(cell));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_EWs operation, WatchpointSet* watchpointSet)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(watchpointSet));
+ return appendCall(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_E operation, GPRReg result)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsExecState();
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EP operation, GPRReg result, void* pointer)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(pointer));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(Z_JITOperation_D operation, GPRReg result, FPRReg arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArguments(arg1);
+ JITCompiler::Call call = m_jit.appendCall(operation);
+ m_jit.zeroExtend32ToPtr(GPRInfo::returnValueGPR, result);
+ return call;
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(Q_JITOperation_J operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg value)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArguments(value);
+ return appendCallSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(Q_JITOperation_D operation, GPRReg result, FPRReg value)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArguments(value);
+ return appendCallSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EI operation, GPRReg result, UniquedStringImpl* uid)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(uid));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EA operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EAZ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EJssZ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EPS operation, GPRReg result, void* pointer, size_t size)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(pointer), TrustedImmPtr(size));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_ESS operation, GPRReg result, int startConstant, int numConstants)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImm32(startConstant), TrustedImm32(numConstants));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EPP operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, void* pointer)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, TrustedImmPtr(pointer));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EC operation, GPRReg result, JSCell* cell)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(cell));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_ECZ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_ESsiCI operation, GPRReg result, StructureStubInfo* stubInfo, GPRReg arg1, const UniquedStringImpl* uid)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(stubInfo), arg1, TrustedImmPtr(uid));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_ESsiJI operation, GPRReg result, StructureStubInfo* stubInfo, GPRReg arg1, UniquedStringImpl* uid)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(stubInfo), arg1, TrustedImmPtr(uid));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EDA operation, GPRReg result, FPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EJC operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EJZ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EJA operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EP operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EZ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EZ operation, GPRReg result, int32_t arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImm32(arg1));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EZZ operation, GPRReg result, int32_t arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImm32(arg1), arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EZIcfZ operation, GPRReg result, int32_t arg1, InlineCallFrame* inlineCallFrame, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImm32(arg1), TrustedImmPtr(inlineCallFrame), arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(P_JITOperation_EJS operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg value, size_t index)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(value, TrustedImmPtr(index));
+ return appendCallSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(P_JITOperation_EStJ operation, GPRReg result, Structure* structure, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(structure), arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_EJ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_EJJC operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, GPRReg arg3)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_EJZ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_EJZC operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, GPRReg arg3)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(S_JITOperation_J operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArguments(arg1);
+ return appendCallSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(S_JITOperation_EJ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EJ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(S_JITOperation_EJJ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EPP operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EJJ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EJJ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, MacroAssembler::TrustedImm32 imm)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, MacroAssembler::TrustedImm64(JSValue::encode(jsNumber(imm.m_value))));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EJJ operation, GPRReg result, MacroAssembler::TrustedImm32 imm, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(MacroAssembler::TrustedImm64(JSValue::encode(jsNumber(imm.m_value))), arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_ECC operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_ECJ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_ECJ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, JSValueRegs arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2.gpr());
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_EOZD operation, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, FPRReg arg3)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_EJ operation, GPRReg arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_EJPP operation, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, void* pointer)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, TrustedImmPtr(pointer));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_ESsiJJI operation, StructureStubInfo* stubInfo, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, UniquedStringImpl* uid)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(stubInfo), arg1, arg2, TrustedImmPtr(uid));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_EJJJ operation, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, GPRReg arg3)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_EPZJ operation, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, GPRReg arg3)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_EOZJ operation, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, GPRReg arg3)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_ECJJ operation, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, GPRReg arg3)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(D_JITOperation_EJ operation, FPRReg result, GPRReg arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(Z_JITOperation_EJZZ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, unsigned arg2, unsigned arg3)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, TrustedImm32(arg2), TrustedImm32(arg3));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(F_JITOperation_EFJZZ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, unsigned arg3, GPRReg arg4)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, TrustedImm32(arg3), arg4);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(Z_JITOperation_EJZ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, unsigned arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, TrustedImm32(arg2));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_EZJZZZ operation, unsigned arg1, GPRReg arg2, unsigned arg3, GPRReg arg4, unsigned arg5)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImm32(arg1), arg2, TrustedImm32(arg3), arg4, TrustedImm32(arg5));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+#else // USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+// EncodedJSValue in JSVALUE32_64 is a 64-bit integer. When being compiled in ARM EABI, it must be aligned even-numbered register (r0, r2 or [sp]).
+// To avoid assemblies from using wrong registers, let's occupy r1 or r3 with a dummy argument when necessary.
+#define EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG TrustedImm32(0),
+// JSVALUE32_64 is a 64-bit integer that cannot be put half in an argument register and half on stack when using SH4 architecture.
+// To avoid this, let's occupy the 4th argument register (r7) with a dummy argument when necessary. This must only be done when there
+// is no other 32-bit value argument behind this 64-bit JSValue.
+#if CPU(SH4)
+#define SH4_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG TrustedImm32(0),
+#define SH4_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(Z_JITOperation_D operation, GPRReg result, FPRReg arg1)
+ {
+ prepareForExternalCall();
+ m_jit.setupArguments(arg1);
+ JITCompiler::Call call = m_jit.appendCall(operation);
+ m_jit.zeroExtend32ToPtr(GPRInfo::returnValueGPR, result);
+ return call;
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_E operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsExecState();
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EP operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, void* pointer)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(pointer));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EPP operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, GPRReg arg1, void* pointer)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, TrustedImmPtr(pointer));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EP operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, GPRReg arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EI operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, UniquedStringImpl* uid)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(uid));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EA operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, GPRReg arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EAZ operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EJ operation, GPRReg resultPayload, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EJC operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, GPRReg arg1Tag, GPRReg arg1Payload, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg1Payload, arg1Tag, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EJssZ operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EPS operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, void* pointer, size_t size)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(pointer), TrustedImmPtr(size));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_ESS operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, int startConstant, int numConstants)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImm32(startConstant), TrustedImm32(numConstants));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EJP operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, GPRReg arg1Tag, GPRReg arg1Payload, void* pointer)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg1Payload, arg1Tag, TrustedImmPtr(pointer));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EJP operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, GPRReg arg1Tag, GPRReg arg1Payload, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg1Payload, arg1Tag, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EC operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, JSCell* cell)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(cell));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_ECZ operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EJscC operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, GPRReg arg1, JSCell* cell)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, TrustedImmPtr(cell));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_ESsiCI operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, StructureStubInfo* stubInfo, GPRReg arg1, const UniquedStringImpl* uid)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(stubInfo), arg1, TrustedImmPtr(uid));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_ESsiJI operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, StructureStubInfo* stubInfo, GPRReg arg1Tag, GPRReg arg1Payload, UniquedStringImpl* uid)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(stubInfo), arg1Payload, arg1Tag, TrustedImmPtr(uid));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_ESsiJI operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, StructureStubInfo* stubInfo, int32_t arg1Tag, GPRReg arg1Payload, UniquedStringImpl* uid)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(stubInfo), arg1Payload, TrustedImm32(arg1Tag), TrustedImmPtr(uid));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EDA operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, FPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EJA operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, GPRReg arg1Tag, GPRReg arg1Payload, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg1Payload, arg1Tag, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EJA operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, TrustedImm32 arg1Tag, GPRReg arg1Payload, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg1Payload, arg1Tag, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EJ operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, GPRReg arg1Tag, GPRReg arg1Payload)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg1Payload, arg1Tag);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EZ operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, GPRReg arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EZ operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, int32_t arg1)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImm32(arg1));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EZIcfZ operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, int32_t arg1, InlineCallFrame* inlineCallFrame, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImm32(arg1), TrustedImmPtr(inlineCallFrame), arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EZZ operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, int32_t arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImm32(arg1), arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(P_JITOperation_EJS operation, GPRReg result, JSValueRegs value, size_t index)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG value.payloadGPR(), value.tagGPR(), TrustedImmPtr(index));
+ return appendCallSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(P_JITOperation_EStJ operation, GPRReg result, Structure* structure, GPRReg arg2Tag, GPRReg arg2Payload)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(structure), arg2Payload, arg2Tag);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(C_JITOperation_EJ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1Tag, GPRReg arg1Payload)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg1Payload, arg1Tag);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(S_JITOperation_J operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1Tag, GPRReg arg1Payload)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArguments(arg1Payload, arg1Tag);
+ return appendCallSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(S_JITOperation_EJ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1Tag, GPRReg arg1Payload)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg1Payload, arg1Tag);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(S_JITOperation_EJJ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1Tag, GPRReg arg1Payload, GPRReg arg2Tag, GPRReg arg2Payload)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg1Payload, arg1Tag, SH4_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg2Payload, arg2Tag);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EJJ operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, GPRReg arg1Tag, GPRReg arg1Payload, GPRReg arg2Tag, GPRReg arg2Payload)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg1Payload, arg1Tag, SH4_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg2Payload, arg2Tag);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EJJ operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, GPRReg arg1Tag, GPRReg arg1Payload, MacroAssembler::TrustedImm32 imm)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg1Payload, arg1Tag, SH4_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG imm, TrustedImm32(JSValue::Int32Tag));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_EJJ operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, MacroAssembler::TrustedImm32 imm, GPRReg arg2Tag, GPRReg arg2Payload)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG imm, TrustedImm32(JSValue::Int32Tag), SH4_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg2Payload, arg2Tag);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_ECJ operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2Tag, GPRReg arg2Payload)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2Payload, arg2Tag);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_ECJ operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2Payload)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2Payload, MacroAssembler::TrustedImm32(JSValue::CellTag));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_ECJ operation, JSValueRegs result, GPRReg arg1, JSValueRegs arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2.payloadGPR(), arg2.tagGPR());
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result.payloadGPR(), result.tagGPR());
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(J_JITOperation_ECC operation, GPRReg resultTag, GPRReg resultPayload, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, resultPayload, resultTag);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_EOZD operation, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, FPRReg arg3)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg3);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_EJ operation, GPRReg arg1Tag, GPRReg arg1Payload)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg1Payload, arg1Tag);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_EJPP operation, GPRReg arg1Tag, GPRReg arg1Payload, GPRReg arg2, void* pointer)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg1Payload, arg1Tag, arg2, TrustedImmPtr(pointer));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_ESsiJJI operation, StructureStubInfo* stubInfo, GPRReg arg1Tag, GPRReg arg1Payload, GPRReg arg2Payload, UniquedStringImpl* uid)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImmPtr(stubInfo), arg1Payload, arg1Tag, arg2Payload, TrustedImm32(JSValue::CellTag), TrustedImmPtr(uid));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_ECJJ operation, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2Tag, GPRReg arg2Payload, GPRReg arg3Tag, GPRReg arg3Payload)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2Payload, arg2Tag, arg3Payload, arg3Tag);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_EPZJ operation, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, GPRReg arg3Tag, GPRReg arg3Payload)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG SH4_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg3Payload, arg3Tag);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_EOZJ operation, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, GPRReg arg3Tag, GPRReg arg3Payload)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG SH4_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg3Payload, arg3Tag);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_EOZJ operation, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, TrustedImm32 arg3Tag, GPRReg arg3Payload)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG SH4_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg3Payload, arg3Tag);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(D_JITOperation_EJ operation, FPRReg result, GPRReg arg1Tag, GPRReg arg1Payload)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg1Payload, arg1Tag);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(Z_JITOperation_EJZZ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1Tag, GPRReg arg1Payload, unsigned arg2, unsigned arg3)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg1Payload, arg1Tag, TrustedImm32(arg2), TrustedImm32(arg3));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(F_JITOperation_EFJZZ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2Tag, GPRReg arg2Payload, unsigned arg3, GPRReg arg4)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2Payload, arg2Tag, TrustedImm32(arg3), arg4);
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(Z_JITOperation_EJZ operation, GPRReg result, GPRReg arg1Tag, GPRReg arg1Payload, unsigned arg2)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG arg1Payload, arg1Tag, TrustedImm32(arg2));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(operation, result);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(V_JITOperation_EZJZZZ operation, unsigned arg1, GPRReg arg2Tag, GPRReg arg2Payload, unsigned arg3, GPRReg arg4, unsigned arg5)
+ {
+ m_jit.setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImm32(arg1), arg2Payload, arg2Tag, TrustedImm32(arg3), arg4, TrustedImm32(arg5));
+ return appendCallWithExceptionCheck(operation);
+ }
+#undef SH4_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG
+ template<typename FunctionType>
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(
+ FunctionType operation, JSValueRegs result)
+ {
+ return callOperation(operation, result.tagGPR(), result.payloadGPR());
+ }
+ template<typename FunctionType, typename ArgumentType1>
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(
+ FunctionType operation, JSValueRegs result, ArgumentType1 arg1)
+ {
+ return callOperation(operation, result.tagGPR(), result.payloadGPR(), arg1);
+ }
+ template<typename FunctionType, typename ArgumentType1, typename ArgumentType2>
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(
+ FunctionType operation, JSValueRegs result, ArgumentType1 arg1, ArgumentType2 arg2)
+ {
+ return callOperation(operation, result.tagGPR(), result.payloadGPR(), arg1, arg2);
+ }
+ template<
+ typename FunctionType, typename ArgumentType1, typename ArgumentType2,
+ typename ArgumentType3>
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(
+ FunctionType operation, JSValueRegs result, ArgumentType1 arg1, ArgumentType2 arg2,
+ ArgumentType3 arg3)
+ {
+ return callOperation(operation, result.tagGPR(), result.payloadGPR(), arg1, arg2, arg3);
+ }
+ template<
+ typename FunctionType, typename ArgumentType1, typename ArgumentType2,
+ typename ArgumentType3, typename ArgumentType4>
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(
+ FunctionType operation, JSValueRegs result, ArgumentType1 arg1, ArgumentType2 arg2,
+ ArgumentType3 arg3, ArgumentType4 arg4)
+ {
+ return callOperation(operation, result.tagGPR(), result.payloadGPR(), arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
+ }
+ template<
+ typename FunctionType, typename ArgumentType1, typename ArgumentType2,
+ typename ArgumentType3, typename ArgumentType4, typename ArgumentType5>
+ JITCompiler::Call callOperation(
+ FunctionType operation, JSValueRegs result, ArgumentType1 arg1, ArgumentType2 arg2,
+ ArgumentType3 arg3, ArgumentType4 arg4, ArgumentType5 arg5)
+ {
+ return callOperation(
+ operation, result.tagGPR(), result.payloadGPR(), arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
+ }
+#endif // USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+#if !defined(NDEBUG) && !CPU(ARM) && !CPU(MIPS) && !CPU(SH4)
+ void prepareForExternalCall()
+ {
+ // We're about to call out to a "native" helper function. The helper
+ // function is expected to set topCallFrame itself with the ExecState
+ // that is passed to it.
+ //
+ // We explicitly trash topCallFrame here so that we'll know if some of
+ // the helper functions are not setting topCallFrame when they should
+ // be doing so. Note: the previous value in topcallFrame was not valid
+ // anyway since it was not being updated by JIT'ed code by design.
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(void*) / 4; i++)
+ m_jit.store32(TrustedImm32(0xbadbeef), reinterpret_cast<char*>(&m_jit.vm()->topCallFrame) + i * 4);
+ }
+ void prepareForExternalCall() { }
+ // These methods add call instructions, with optional exception checks & setting results.
+ JITCompiler::Call appendCallWithExceptionCheck(const FunctionPtr& function)
+ {
+ prepareForExternalCall();
+ m_jit.emitStoreCodeOrigin(m_currentNode->origin.semantic);
+ JITCompiler::Call call = m_jit.appendCall(function);
+ m_jit.exceptionCheck();
+ return call;
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call appendCallWithCallFrameRollbackOnException(const FunctionPtr& function)
+ {
+ prepareForExternalCall();
+ m_jit.emitStoreCodeOrigin(m_currentNode->origin.semantic);
+ JITCompiler::Call call = m_jit.appendCall(function);
+ m_jit.exceptionCheckWithCallFrameRollback();
+ return call;
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(const FunctionPtr& function, GPRReg result)
+ {
+ JITCompiler::Call call = appendCallWithExceptionCheck(function);
+ if ((result != InvalidGPRReg) && (result != GPRInfo::returnValueGPR))
+ m_jit.move(GPRInfo::returnValueGPR, result);
+ return call;
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call appendCallWithCallFrameRollbackOnExceptionSetResult(const FunctionPtr& function, GPRReg result)
+ {
+ JITCompiler::Call call = appendCallWithCallFrameRollbackOnException(function);
+ if ((result != InvalidGPRReg) && (result != GPRInfo::returnValueGPR))
+ m_jit.move(GPRInfo::returnValueGPR, result);
+ return call;
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call appendCallSetResult(const FunctionPtr& function, GPRReg result)
+ {
+ prepareForExternalCall();
+ m_jit.emitStoreCodeOrigin(m_currentNode->origin.semantic);
+ JITCompiler::Call call = m_jit.appendCall(function);
+ if (result != InvalidGPRReg)
+ m_jit.move(GPRInfo::returnValueGPR, result);
+ return call;
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call appendCall(const FunctionPtr& function)
+ {
+ prepareForExternalCall();
+ m_jit.emitStoreCodeOrigin(m_currentNode->origin.semantic);
+ return m_jit.appendCall(function);
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(const FunctionPtr& function, GPRReg result1, GPRReg result2)
+ {
+ JITCompiler::Call call = appendCallWithExceptionCheck(function);
+ m_jit.setupResults(result1, result2);
+ return call;
+ }
+#if CPU(X86)
+ JITCompiler::Call appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(const FunctionPtr& function, FPRReg result)
+ {
+ JITCompiler::Call call = appendCallWithExceptionCheck(function);
+ if (result != InvalidFPRReg) {
+ m_jit.assembler().fstpl(0, JITCompiler::stackPointerRegister);
+ m_jit.loadDouble(JITCompiler::stackPointerRegister, result);
+ }
+ return call;
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call appendCallSetResult(const FunctionPtr& function, FPRReg result)
+ {
+ JITCompiler::Call call = appendCall(function);
+ if (result != InvalidFPRReg) {
+ m_jit.assembler().fstpl(0, JITCompiler::stackPointerRegister);
+ m_jit.loadDouble(JITCompiler::stackPointerRegister, result);
+ }
+ return call;
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(const FunctionPtr& function, FPRReg result)
+ {
+ JITCompiler::Call call = appendCallWithExceptionCheck(function);
+ if (result != InvalidFPRReg)
+ m_jit.assembler().vmov(result, GPRInfo::returnValueGPR, GPRInfo::returnValueGPR2);
+ return call;
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call appendCallSetResult(const FunctionPtr& function, FPRReg result)
+ {
+ JITCompiler::Call call = appendCall(function);
+ if (result != InvalidFPRReg)
+ m_jit.assembler().vmov(result, GPRInfo::returnValueGPR, GPRInfo::returnValueGPR2);
+ return call;
+ }
+#else // CPU(X86_64) || (CPU(ARM) && CPU(ARM_HARDFP)) || CPU(ARM64) || CPU(MIPS) || CPU(SH4)
+ JITCompiler::Call appendCallWithExceptionCheckSetResult(const FunctionPtr& function, FPRReg result)
+ {
+ JITCompiler::Call call = appendCallWithExceptionCheck(function);
+ if (result != InvalidFPRReg)
+ m_jit.moveDouble(FPRInfo::returnValueFPR, result);
+ return call;
+ }
+ JITCompiler::Call appendCallSetResult(const FunctionPtr& function, FPRReg result)
+ {
+ JITCompiler::Call call = appendCall(function);
+ if (result != InvalidFPRReg)
+ m_jit.moveDouble(FPRInfo::returnValueFPR, result);
+ return call;
+ }
+ void branchDouble(JITCompiler::DoubleCondition cond, FPRReg left, FPRReg right, BasicBlock* destination)
+ {
+ return addBranch(m_jit.branchDouble(cond, left, right), destination);
+ }
+ void branchDoubleNonZero(FPRReg value, FPRReg scratch, BasicBlock* destination)
+ {
+ return addBranch(m_jit.branchDoubleNonZero(value, scratch), destination);
+ }
+ template<typename T, typename U>
+ void branch32(JITCompiler::RelationalCondition cond, T left, U right, BasicBlock* destination)
+ {
+ return addBranch(m_jit.branch32(cond, left, right), destination);
+ }
+ template<typename T, typename U>
+ void branchTest32(JITCompiler::ResultCondition cond, T value, U mask, BasicBlock* destination)
+ {
+ return addBranch(m_jit.branchTest32(cond, value, mask), destination);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ void branchTest32(JITCompiler::ResultCondition cond, T value, BasicBlock* destination)
+ {
+ return addBranch(m_jit.branchTest32(cond, value), destination);
+ }
+ template<typename T, typename U>
+ void branch64(JITCompiler::RelationalCondition cond, T left, U right, BasicBlock* destination)
+ {
+ return addBranch(m_jit.branch64(cond, left, right), destination);
+ }
+ template<typename T, typename U>
+ void branch8(JITCompiler::RelationalCondition cond, T left, U right, BasicBlock* destination)
+ {
+ return addBranch(m_jit.branch8(cond, left, right), destination);
+ }
+ template<typename T, typename U>
+ void branchPtr(JITCompiler::RelationalCondition cond, T left, U right, BasicBlock* destination)
+ {
+ return addBranch(m_jit.branchPtr(cond, left, right), destination);
+ }
+ template<typename T, typename U>
+ void branchTestPtr(JITCompiler::ResultCondition cond, T value, U mask, BasicBlock* destination)
+ {
+ return addBranch(m_jit.branchTestPtr(cond, value, mask), destination);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ void branchTestPtr(JITCompiler::ResultCondition cond, T value, BasicBlock* destination)
+ {
+ return addBranch(m_jit.branchTestPtr(cond, value), destination);
+ }
+ template<typename T, typename U>
+ void branchTest8(JITCompiler::ResultCondition cond, T value, U mask, BasicBlock* destination)
+ {
+ return addBranch(m_jit.branchTest8(cond, value, mask), destination);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ void branchTest8(JITCompiler::ResultCondition cond, T value, BasicBlock* destination)
+ {
+ return addBranch(m_jit.branchTest8(cond, value), destination);
+ }
+ enum FallThroughMode {
+ AtFallThroughPoint,
+ ForceJump
+ };
+ void jump(BasicBlock* destination, FallThroughMode fallThroughMode = AtFallThroughPoint)
+ {
+ if (destination == nextBlock()
+ && fallThroughMode == AtFallThroughPoint)
+ return;
+ addBranch(m_jit.jump(), destination);
+ }
+ void addBranch(const MacroAssembler::Jump& jump, BasicBlock* destination)
+ {
+ m_branches.append(BranchRecord(jump, destination));
+ }
+ void addBranch(const MacroAssembler::JumpList& jump, BasicBlock* destination);
+ void linkBranches();
+ void dump(const char* label = 0);
+ bool betterUseStrictInt52(Node* node)
+ {
+ return !generationInfo(node).isInt52();
+ }
+ bool betterUseStrictInt52(Edge edge)
+ {
+ return betterUseStrictInt52(edge.node());
+ }
+ bool compare(Node*, MacroAssembler::RelationalCondition, MacroAssembler::DoubleCondition, S_JITOperation_EJJ);
+ bool compilePeepHoleBranch(Node*, MacroAssembler::RelationalCondition, MacroAssembler::DoubleCondition, S_JITOperation_EJJ);
+ void compilePeepHoleInt32Branch(Node*, Node* branchNode, JITCompiler::RelationalCondition);
+ void compilePeepHoleInt52Branch(Node*, Node* branchNode, JITCompiler::RelationalCondition);
+ void compilePeepHoleBooleanBranch(Node*, Node* branchNode, JITCompiler::RelationalCondition);
+ void compilePeepHoleDoubleBranch(Node*, Node* branchNode, JITCompiler::DoubleCondition);
+ void compilePeepHoleObjectEquality(Node*, Node* branchNode);
+ void compilePeepHoleObjectStrictEquality(Edge objectChild, Edge otherChild, Node* branchNode);
+ void compilePeepHoleObjectToObjectOrOtherEquality(Edge leftChild, Edge rightChild, Node* branchNode);
+ void compileObjectEquality(Node*);
+ void compileObjectStrictEquality(Edge objectChild, Edge otherChild);
+ void compileObjectToObjectOrOtherEquality(Edge leftChild, Edge rightChild);
+ void compileObjectOrOtherLogicalNot(Edge value);
+ void compileLogicalNot(Node*);
+ void compileStringEquality(
+ Node*, GPRReg leftGPR, GPRReg rightGPR, GPRReg lengthGPR,
+ GPRReg leftTempGPR, GPRReg rightTempGPR, GPRReg leftTemp2GPR,
+ GPRReg rightTemp2GPR, JITCompiler::JumpList fastTrue,
+ JITCompiler::JumpList fastSlow);
+ void compileStringEquality(Node*);
+ void compileStringIdentEquality(Node*);
+ void compileStringToUntypedEquality(Node*, Edge stringEdge, Edge untypedEdge);
+ void compileStringIdentToNotStringVarEquality(Node*, Edge stringEdge, Edge notStringVarEdge);
+ void compileStringZeroLength(Node*);
+ void compileMiscStrictEq(Node*);
+ void emitObjectOrOtherBranch(Edge value, BasicBlock* taken, BasicBlock* notTaken);
+ void emitStringBranch(Edge value, BasicBlock* taken, BasicBlock* notTaken);
+ void emitBranch(Node*);
+ struct StringSwitchCase {
+ StringSwitchCase() { }
+ StringSwitchCase(StringImpl* string, BasicBlock* target)
+ : string(string)
+ , target(target)
+ {
+ }
+ bool operator<(const StringSwitchCase& other) const
+ {
+ return stringLessThan(*string, *other.string);
+ }
+ StringImpl* string;
+ BasicBlock* target;
+ };
+ void emitSwitchIntJump(SwitchData*, GPRReg value, GPRReg scratch);
+ void emitSwitchImm(Node*, SwitchData*);
+ void emitSwitchCharStringJump(SwitchData*, GPRReg value, GPRReg scratch);
+ void emitSwitchChar(Node*, SwitchData*);
+ void emitBinarySwitchStringRecurse(
+ SwitchData*, const Vector<StringSwitchCase>&, unsigned numChecked,
+ unsigned begin, unsigned end, GPRReg buffer, GPRReg length, GPRReg temp,
+ unsigned alreadyCheckedLength, bool checkedExactLength);
+ void emitSwitchStringOnString(SwitchData*, GPRReg string);
+ void emitSwitchString(Node*, SwitchData*);
+ void emitSwitch(Node*);
+ void compileToStringOrCallStringConstructorOnCell(Node*);
+ void compileNewStringObject(Node*);
+ void compileNewTypedArray(Node*);
+ void compileInt32Compare(Node*, MacroAssembler::RelationalCondition);
+ void compileInt52Compare(Node*, MacroAssembler::RelationalCondition);
+ void compileBooleanCompare(Node*, MacroAssembler::RelationalCondition);
+ void compileDoubleCompare(Node*, MacroAssembler::DoubleCondition);
+ bool compileStrictEq(Node*);
+ void compileAllocatePropertyStorage(Node*);
+ void compileReallocatePropertyStorage(Node*);
+#if USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+ template<typename BaseOperandType, typename PropertyOperandType, typename ValueOperandType, typename TagType>
+ void compileContiguousPutByVal(Node*, BaseOperandType&, PropertyOperandType&, ValueOperandType&, GPRReg valuePayloadReg, TagType valueTag);
+ void compileDoublePutByVal(Node*, SpeculateCellOperand& base, SpeculateStrictInt32Operand& property);
+ bool putByValWillNeedExtraRegister(ArrayMode arrayMode)
+ {
+ return arrayMode.mayStoreToHole();
+ }
+ GPRReg temporaryRegisterForPutByVal(GPRTemporary&, ArrayMode);
+ GPRReg temporaryRegisterForPutByVal(GPRTemporary& temporary, Node* node)
+ {
+ return temporaryRegisterForPutByVal(temporary, node->arrayMode());
+ }
+ void compileGetCharCodeAt(Node*);
+ void compileGetByValOnString(Node*);
+ void compileFromCharCode(Node*);
+ void compileGetByValOnDirectArguments(Node*);
+ void compileGetByValOnScopedArguments(Node*);
+ void compileGetScope(Node*);
+ void compileSkipScope(Node*);
+ void compileGetArrayLength(Node*);
+ void compileValueRep(Node*);
+ void compileDoubleRep(Node*);
+ void compileValueToInt32(Node*);
+ void compileUInt32ToNumber(Node*);
+ void compileDoubleAsInt32(Node*);
+ void compileAdd(Node*);
+ void compileMakeRope(Node*);
+ void compileArithClz32(Node*);
+ void compileArithSub(Node*);
+ void compileArithNegate(Node*);
+ void compileArithMul(Node*);
+ void compileArithDiv(Node*);
+ void compileArithMod(Node*);
+ void compileArithPow(Node*);
+ void compileArithRound(Node*);
+ void compileArithSqrt(Node*);
+ void compileArithLog(Node*);
+ void compileConstantStoragePointer(Node*);
+ void compileGetIndexedPropertyStorage(Node*);
+ JITCompiler::Jump jumpForTypedArrayOutOfBounds(Node*, GPRReg baseGPR, GPRReg indexGPR);
+ void emitTypedArrayBoundsCheck(Node*, GPRReg baseGPR, GPRReg indexGPR);
+ void compileGetTypedArrayByteOffset(Node*);
+ void compileGetByValOnIntTypedArray(Node*, TypedArrayType);
+ void compilePutByValForIntTypedArray(GPRReg base, GPRReg property, Node*, TypedArrayType);
+ void compileGetByValOnFloatTypedArray(Node*, TypedArrayType);
+ void compilePutByValForFloatTypedArray(GPRReg base, GPRReg property, Node*, TypedArrayType);
+ void compileNewFunction(Node*);
+ void compileForwardVarargs(Node*);
+ void compileCreateActivation(Node*);
+ void compileCreateDirectArguments(Node*);
+ void compileGetFromArguments(Node*);
+ void compilePutToArguments(Node*);
+ void compileCreateScopedArguments(Node*);
+ void compileCreateClonedArguments(Node*);
+ void compileNotifyWrite(Node*);
+ bool compileRegExpExec(Node*);
+ void compileIsObjectOrNull(Node*);
+ void compileIsFunction(Node*);
+ void compileTypeOf(Node*);
+ void moveTrueTo(GPRReg);
+ void moveFalseTo(GPRReg);
+ void blessBoolean(GPRReg);
+ // size can be an immediate or a register, and must be in bytes. If size is a register,
+ // it must be a different register than resultGPR. Emits code that place a pointer to
+ // the end of the allocation. The returned jump is the jump to the slow path.
+ template<typename SizeType>
+ MacroAssembler::Jump emitAllocateBasicStorage(SizeType size, GPRReg resultGPR)
+ {
+ CopiedAllocator* copiedAllocator = &m_jit.vm()->heap.storageAllocator();
+ // It's invalid to allocate zero bytes in CopiedSpace.
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ m_jit.move(size, resultGPR);
+ MacroAssembler::Jump nonZeroSize = m_jit.branchTest32(MacroAssembler::NonZero, resultGPR);
+ m_jit.abortWithReason(DFGBasicStorageAllocatorZeroSize);
+ nonZeroSize.link(&m_jit);
+ m_jit.loadPtr(&copiedAllocator->m_currentRemaining, resultGPR);
+ MacroAssembler::Jump slowPath = m_jit.branchSubPtr(JITCompiler::Signed, size, resultGPR);
+ m_jit.storePtr(resultGPR, &copiedAllocator->m_currentRemaining);
+ m_jit.negPtr(resultGPR);
+ m_jit.addPtr(JITCompiler::AbsoluteAddress(&copiedAllocator->m_currentPayloadEnd), resultGPR);
+ return slowPath;
+ }
+ // Allocator for a cell of a specific size.
+ template <typename StructureType> // StructureType can be GPR or ImmPtr.
+ void emitAllocateJSCell(GPRReg resultGPR, GPRReg allocatorGPR, StructureType structure,
+ GPRReg scratchGPR, MacroAssembler::JumpList& slowPath)
+ {
+ m_jit.loadPtr(MacroAssembler::Address(allocatorGPR, MarkedAllocator::offsetOfFreeListHead()), resultGPR);
+ slowPath.append(m_jit.branchTestPtr(MacroAssembler::Zero, resultGPR));
+ // The object is half-allocated: we have what we know is a fresh object, but
+ // it's still on the GC's free list.
+ m_jit.loadPtr(MacroAssembler::Address(resultGPR), scratchGPR);
+ m_jit.storePtr(scratchGPR, MacroAssembler::Address(allocatorGPR, MarkedAllocator::offsetOfFreeListHead()));
+ // Initialize the object's Structure.
+ m_jit.emitStoreStructureWithTypeInfo(structure, resultGPR, scratchGPR);
+ }
+ // Allocator for an object of a specific size.
+ template <typename StructureType, typename StorageType> // StructureType and StorageType can be GPR or ImmPtr.
+ void emitAllocateJSObject(GPRReg resultGPR, GPRReg allocatorGPR, StructureType structure,
+ StorageType storage, GPRReg scratchGPR, MacroAssembler::JumpList& slowPath)
+ {
+ emitAllocateJSCell(resultGPR, allocatorGPR, structure, scratchGPR, slowPath);
+ // Initialize the object's property storage pointer.
+ m_jit.storePtr(storage, MacroAssembler::Address(resultGPR, JSObject::butterflyOffset()));
+ }
+ template <typename ClassType, typename StructureType, typename StorageType> // StructureType and StorageType can be GPR or ImmPtr.
+ void emitAllocateJSObjectWithKnownSize(
+ GPRReg resultGPR, StructureType structure, StorageType storage, GPRReg scratchGPR1,
+ GPRReg scratchGPR2, MacroAssembler::JumpList& slowPath, size_t size)
+ {
+ MarkedAllocator* allocator = &m_jit.vm()->heap.allocatorForObjectOfType<ClassType>(size);
+ m_jit.move(TrustedImmPtr(allocator), scratchGPR1);
+ emitAllocateJSObject(resultGPR, scratchGPR1, structure, storage, scratchGPR2, slowPath);
+ }
+ // Convenience allocator for a built-in object.
+ template <typename ClassType, typename StructureType, typename StorageType> // StructureType and StorageType can be GPR or ImmPtr.
+ void emitAllocateJSObject(GPRReg resultGPR, StructureType structure, StorageType storage,
+ GPRReg scratchGPR1, GPRReg scratchGPR2, MacroAssembler::JumpList& slowPath)
+ {
+ emitAllocateJSObjectWithKnownSize<ClassType>(
+ resultGPR, structure, storage, scratchGPR1, scratchGPR2, slowPath,
+ ClassType::allocationSize(0));
+ }
+ template <typename ClassType, typename StructureType> // StructureType and StorageType can be GPR or ImmPtr.
+ void emitAllocateVariableSizedJSObject(GPRReg resultGPR, StructureType structure, GPRReg allocationSize, GPRReg scratchGPR1, GPRReg scratchGPR2, MacroAssembler::JumpList& slowPath)
+ {
+ static_assert(!(MarkedSpace::preciseStep & (MarkedSpace::preciseStep - 1)), "MarkedSpace::preciseStep must be a power of two.");
+ static_assert(!(MarkedSpace::impreciseStep & (MarkedSpace::impreciseStep - 1)), "MarkedSpace::impreciseStep must be a power of two.");
+ MarkedSpace::Subspace& subspace = m_jit.vm()->heap.subspaceForObjectOfType<ClassType>();
+ m_jit.add32(TrustedImm32(MarkedSpace::preciseStep - 1), allocationSize);
+ MacroAssembler::Jump notSmall = m_jit.branch32(MacroAssembler::AboveOrEqual, allocationSize, TrustedImm32(MarkedSpace::preciseCutoff));
+ m_jit.rshift32(allocationSize, TrustedImm32(getLSBSet(MarkedSpace::preciseStep)), scratchGPR1);
+ m_jit.mul32(TrustedImm32(sizeof(MarkedAllocator)), scratchGPR1, scratchGPR1);
+ m_jit.addPtr(MacroAssembler::TrustedImmPtr(&subspace.preciseAllocators[0]), scratchGPR1);
+ MacroAssembler::Jump selectedSmallSpace = m_jit.jump();
+ notSmall.link(&m_jit);
+ slowPath.append(m_jit.branch32(MacroAssembler::AboveOrEqual, allocationSize, TrustedImm32(MarkedSpace::impreciseCutoff)));
+ m_jit.rshift32(allocationSize, TrustedImm32(getLSBSet(MarkedSpace::impreciseStep)), scratchGPR1);
+ m_jit.mul32(TrustedImm32(sizeof(MarkedAllocator)), scratchGPR1, scratchGPR1);
+ m_jit.addPtr(MacroAssembler::TrustedImmPtr(&subspace.impreciseAllocators[0]), scratchGPR1);
+ selectedSmallSpace.link(&m_jit);
+ emitAllocateJSObject(resultGPR, scratchGPR1, structure, TrustedImmPtr(0), scratchGPR2, slowPath);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ void emitAllocateDestructibleObject(GPRReg resultGPR, Structure* structure,
+ GPRReg scratchGPR1, GPRReg scratchGPR2, MacroAssembler::JumpList& slowPath)
+ {
+ emitAllocateJSObject<T>(resultGPR, TrustedImmPtr(structure), TrustedImmPtr(0), scratchGPR1, scratchGPR2, slowPath);
+ m_jit.storePtr(TrustedImmPtr(structure->classInfo()), MacroAssembler::Address(resultGPR, JSDestructibleObject::classInfoOffset()));
+ }
+ void emitAllocateJSArray(GPRReg resultGPR, Structure*, GPRReg storageGPR, unsigned numElements);
+ void emitGetLength(InlineCallFrame*, GPRReg lengthGPR, bool includeThis = false);
+ void emitGetLength(CodeOrigin, GPRReg lengthGPR, bool includeThis = false);
+ void emitGetCallee(CodeOrigin, GPRReg calleeGPR);
+ void emitGetArgumentStart(CodeOrigin, GPRReg startGPR);
+ // Generate an OSR exit fuzz check. Returns Jump() if OSR exit fuzz is not enabled, or if
+ // it's in training mode.
+ MacroAssembler::Jump emitOSRExitFuzzCheck();
+ // Add a speculation check.
+ void speculationCheck(ExitKind, JSValueSource, Node*, MacroAssembler::Jump jumpToFail);
+ void speculationCheck(ExitKind, JSValueSource, Node*, const MacroAssembler::JumpList& jumpsToFail);
+ // Add a speculation check without additional recovery, and with a promise to supply a jump later.
+ OSRExitJumpPlaceholder speculationCheck(ExitKind, JSValueSource, Node*);
+ OSRExitJumpPlaceholder speculationCheck(ExitKind, JSValueSource, Edge);
+ void speculationCheck(ExitKind, JSValueSource, Edge, MacroAssembler::Jump jumpToFail);
+ void speculationCheck(ExitKind, JSValueSource, Edge, const MacroAssembler::JumpList& jumpsToFail);
+ // Add a speculation check with additional recovery.
+ void speculationCheck(ExitKind, JSValueSource, Node*, MacroAssembler::Jump jumpToFail, const SpeculationRecovery&);
+ void speculationCheck(ExitKind, JSValueSource, Edge, MacroAssembler::Jump jumpToFail, const SpeculationRecovery&);
+ void emitInvalidationPoint(Node*);
+ // Called when we statically determine that a speculation will fail.
+ void terminateSpeculativeExecution(ExitKind, JSValueRegs, Node*);
+ void terminateSpeculativeExecution(ExitKind, JSValueRegs, Edge);
+ // Helpers for performing type checks on an edge stored in the given registers.
+ bool needsTypeCheck(Edge edge, SpeculatedType typesPassedThrough) { return m_interpreter.needsTypeCheck(edge, typesPassedThrough); }
+ void typeCheck(JSValueSource, Edge, SpeculatedType typesPassedThrough, MacroAssembler::Jump jumpToFail);
+ void speculateCellTypeWithoutTypeFiltering(Edge, GPRReg cellGPR, JSType);
+ void speculateCellType(Edge, GPRReg cellGPR, SpeculatedType, JSType);
+ void speculateInt32(Edge);
+ void convertMachineInt(Edge, GPRReg resultGPR);
+ void speculateMachineInt(Edge);
+ void speculateDoubleRepMachineInt(Edge);
+#endif // USE(JSVALUE64)
+ void speculateNumber(Edge);
+ void speculateRealNumber(Edge);
+ void speculateDoubleRepReal(Edge);
+ void speculateBoolean(Edge);
+ void speculateCell(Edge);
+ void speculateObject(Edge);
+ void speculateFunction(Edge);
+ void speculateFinalObject(Edge);
+ void speculateObjectOrOther(Edge);
+ void speculateString(Edge edge, GPRReg cell);
+ void speculateStringIdentAndLoadStorage(Edge edge, GPRReg string, GPRReg storage);
+ void speculateStringIdent(Edge edge, GPRReg string);
+ void speculateStringIdent(Edge);
+ void speculateString(Edge);
+ void speculateNotStringVar(Edge);
+ template<typename StructureLocationType>
+ void speculateStringObjectForStructure(Edge, StructureLocationType);
+ void speculateStringObject(Edge, GPRReg);
+ void speculateStringObject(Edge);
+ void speculateStringOrStringObject(Edge);
+ void speculateNotCell(Edge);
+ void speculateOther(Edge);
+ void speculateMisc(Edge, JSValueRegs);
+ void speculateMisc(Edge);
+ void speculate(Node*, Edge);
+ JITCompiler::Jump jumpSlowForUnwantedArrayMode(GPRReg tempWithIndexingTypeReg, ArrayMode, IndexingType);
+ JITCompiler::JumpList jumpSlowForUnwantedArrayMode(GPRReg tempWithIndexingTypeReg, ArrayMode);
+ void checkArray(Node*);
+ void arrayify(Node*, GPRReg baseReg, GPRReg propertyReg);
+ void arrayify(Node*);
+ template<bool strict>
+ GPRReg fillSpeculateInt32Internal(Edge, DataFormat& returnFormat);
+ // It is possible, during speculative generation, to reach a situation in which we
+ // can statically determine a speculation will fail (for example, when two nodes
+ // will make conflicting speculations about the same operand). In such cases this
+ // flag is cleared, indicating no further code generation should take place.
+ bool m_compileOkay;
+ void recordSetLocal(
+ VirtualRegister bytecodeReg, VirtualRegister machineReg, DataFormat format)
+ {
+ m_stream->appendAndLog(VariableEvent::setLocal(bytecodeReg, machineReg, format));
+ }
+ void recordSetLocal(DataFormat format)
+ {
+ VariableAccessData* variable = m_currentNode->variableAccessData();
+ recordSetLocal(variable->local(), variable->machineLocal(), format);
+ }
+ GenerationInfo& generationInfoFromVirtualRegister(VirtualRegister virtualRegister)
+ {
+ return m_generationInfo[virtualRegister.toLocal()];
+ }
+ GenerationInfo& generationInfo(Node* node)
+ {
+ return generationInfoFromVirtualRegister(node->virtualRegister());
+ }
+ GenerationInfo& generationInfo(Edge edge)
+ {
+ return generationInfo(edge.node());
+ }
+ // The JIT, while also provides MacroAssembler functionality.
+ JITCompiler& m_jit;
+ // The current node being generated.
+ BasicBlock* m_block;
+ Node* m_currentNode;
+ NodeType m_lastGeneratedNode;
+ bool m_canExit;
+ unsigned m_indexInBlock;
+ // Virtual and physical register maps.
+ Vector<GenerationInfo, 32> m_generationInfo;
+ RegisterBank<GPRInfo> m_gprs;
+ RegisterBank<FPRInfo> m_fprs;
+ Vector<MacroAssembler::Label> m_osrEntryHeads;
+ struct BranchRecord {
+ BranchRecord(MacroAssembler::Jump jump, BasicBlock* destination)
+ : jump(jump)
+ , destination(destination)
+ {
+ }
+ MacroAssembler::Jump jump;
+ BasicBlock* destination;
+ };
+ Vector<BranchRecord, 8> m_branches;
+ CodeOrigin m_codeOriginForExitTarget;
+ CodeOrigin m_codeOriginForExitProfile;
+ InPlaceAbstractState m_state;
+ AbstractInterpreter<InPlaceAbstractState> m_interpreter;
+ VariableEventStream* m_stream;
+ MinifiedGraph* m_minifiedGraph;
+ bool m_isCheckingArgumentTypes;
+ Vector<std::unique_ptr<SlowPathGenerator>, 8> m_slowPathGenerators;
+ Vector<SilentRegisterSavePlan> m_plans;
-// === SpeculationRecovery ===
-// This class provides additional information that may be associated with a
-// speculation check - for example
-class SpeculationRecovery {
- SpeculationRecovery(SpeculationRecoveryType type, GPRReg dest, GPRReg src)
- : m_type(type)
- , m_dest(dest)
- , m_src(src)
+// === Operand types ===
+// These classes are used to lock the operands to a node into machine
+// registers. These classes implement of pattern of locking a value
+// into register at the point of construction only if it is already in
+// registers, and otherwise loading it lazily at the point it is first
+// used. We do so in order to attempt to avoid spilling one operand
+// in order to make space available for another.
+class JSValueOperand {
+ explicit JSValueOperand(SpeculativeJIT* jit, Edge edge, OperandSpeculationMode mode = AutomaticOperandSpeculation)
+ : m_jit(jit)
+ , m_edge(edge)
+ , m_gprOrInvalid(InvalidGPRReg)
+#elif USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+ , m_isDouble(false)
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_jit);
+ ASSERT_UNUSED(mode, mode == ManualOperandSpeculation || edge.useKind() == UntypedUse);
+ if (jit->isFilled(node()))
+ gpr();
+#elif USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+ m_register.pair.tagGPR = InvalidGPRReg;
+ m_register.pair.payloadGPR = InvalidGPRReg;
+ if (jit->isFilled(node()))
+ fill();
+ }
+ ~JSValueOperand()
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_gprOrInvalid != InvalidGPRReg);
+ m_jit->unlock(m_gprOrInvalid);
+#elif USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+ if (m_isDouble) {
+ ASSERT(m_register.fpr != InvalidFPRReg);
+ m_jit->unlock(m_register.fpr);
+ } else {
+ ASSERT(m_register.pair.tagGPR != InvalidGPRReg && m_register.pair.payloadGPR != InvalidGPRReg);
+ m_jit->unlock(m_register.pair.tagGPR);
+ m_jit->unlock(m_register.pair.payloadGPR);
+ }
+ }
+ Edge edge() const
+ {
+ return m_edge;
+ }
+ Node* node() const
+ {
+ return edge().node();
+ }
+ GPRReg gpr()
+ {
+ if (m_gprOrInvalid == InvalidGPRReg)
+ m_gprOrInvalid = m_jit->fillJSValue(m_edge);
+ return m_gprOrInvalid;
+ }
+ JSValueRegs jsValueRegs()
+ {
+ return JSValueRegs(gpr());
+ }
+#elif USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+ bool isDouble() { return m_isDouble; }
+ void fill()
+ {
+ if (m_register.pair.tagGPR == InvalidGPRReg && m_register.pair.payloadGPR == InvalidGPRReg)
+ m_isDouble = !m_jit->fillJSValue(m_edge, m_register.pair.tagGPR, m_register.pair.payloadGPR, m_register.fpr);
+ }
+ GPRReg tagGPR()
+ {
+ fill();
+ ASSERT(!m_isDouble);
+ return m_register.pair.tagGPR;
+ }
+ GPRReg payloadGPR()
+ {
+ fill();
+ ASSERT(!m_isDouble);
+ return m_register.pair.payloadGPR;
+ }
+ JSValueRegs jsValueRegs()
+ {
+ return JSValueRegs(tagGPR(), payloadGPR());
+ }
+ GPRReg gpr(WhichValueWord which)
+ {
+ return jsValueRegs().gpr(which);
+ }
+ FPRReg fpr()
+ fill();
+ ASSERT(m_isDouble);
+ return m_register.fpr;
- SpeculationRecoveryType type() { return m_type; }
- GPRReg dest() { return m_dest; }
- GPRReg src() { return m_src; }
+ void use()
+ {
+ m_jit->use(node());
+ }
- // Indicates the type of additional recovery to be performed.
- SpeculationRecoveryType m_type;
- // different recovery types may required different additional information here.
- GPRReg m_dest;
- GPRReg m_src;
+ SpeculativeJIT* m_jit;
+ Edge m_edge;
+ GPRReg m_gprOrInvalid;
+#elif USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+ union {
+ struct {
+ GPRReg tagGPR;
+ GPRReg payloadGPR;
+ } pair;
+ FPRReg fpr;
+ } m_register;
+ bool m_isDouble;
-// === SpeculationCheck ===
-// This structure records a bail-out from the speculative path,
-// which will need to be linked in to the non-speculative one.
-struct SpeculationCheck {
- SpeculationCheck(MacroAssembler::Jump, SpeculativeJIT*, unsigned recoveryIndex = 0);
- // The location of the jump out from the speculative path,
- // and the node we were generating code for.
- MacroAssembler::Jump m_check;
- NodeIndex m_nodeIndex;
- // Used to record any additional recovery to be performed; this
- // value is an index into the SpeculativeJIT's m_speculationRecoveryList
- // array, offset by 1. (m_recoveryIndex == 0) means no recovery.
- unsigned m_recoveryIndex;
- struct RegisterInfo {
- NodeIndex nodeIndex;
- DataFormat format;
- };
- RegisterInfo m_gprInfo[GPRInfo::numberOfRegisters];
- NodeIndex m_fprInfo[FPRInfo::numberOfRegisters];
+class StorageOperand {
+ explicit StorageOperand(SpeculativeJIT* jit, Edge edge)
+ : m_jit(jit)
+ , m_edge(edge)
+ , m_gprOrInvalid(InvalidGPRReg)
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_jit);
+ ASSERT(edge.useKind() == UntypedUse || edge.useKind() == KnownCellUse);
+ if (jit->isFilled(node()))
+ gpr();
+ }
+ ~StorageOperand()
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_gprOrInvalid != InvalidGPRReg);
+ m_jit->unlock(m_gprOrInvalid);
+ }
+ Edge edge() const
+ {
+ return m_edge;
+ }
+ Node* node() const
+ {
+ return edge().node();
+ }
+ GPRReg gpr()
+ {
+ if (m_gprOrInvalid == InvalidGPRReg)
+ m_gprOrInvalid = m_jit->fillStorage(edge());
+ return m_gprOrInvalid;
+ }
+ void use()
+ {
+ m_jit->use(node());
+ }
+ SpeculativeJIT* m_jit;
+ Edge m_edge;
+ GPRReg m_gprOrInvalid;
-typedef SegmentedVector<SpeculationCheck, 16> SpeculationCheckVector;
-// === SpeculativeJIT ===
+// === Temporaries ===
-// The SpeculativeJIT is used to generate a fast, but potentially
-// incomplete code path for the dataflow. When code generating
-// we may make assumptions about operand types, dynamically check,
-// and bail-out to an alternate code path if these checks fail.
-// Importantly, the speculative code path cannot be reentered once
-// a speculative check has failed. This allows the SpeculativeJIT
-// to propagate type information (including information that has
-// only speculatively been asserted) through the dataflow.
-class SpeculativeJIT : public JITCodeGenerator {
- friend struct SpeculationCheck;
+// These classes are used to allocate temporary registers.
+// A mechanism is provided to attempt to reuse the registers
+// currently allocated to child nodes whose value is consumed
+// by, and not live after, this operation.
+enum ReuseTag { Reuse };
+class GPRTemporary {
- SpeculativeJIT(JITCompiler& jit)
- : JITCodeGenerator(jit, true)
- , m_compileOkay(true)
+ GPRTemporary();
+ GPRTemporary(SpeculativeJIT*);
+ GPRTemporary(SpeculativeJIT*, GPRReg specific);
+ template<typename T>
+ GPRTemporary(SpeculativeJIT* jit, ReuseTag, T& operand)
+ : m_jit(jit)
+ , m_gpr(InvalidGPRReg)
+ {
+ if (m_jit->canReuse(operand.node()))
+ m_gpr = m_jit->reuse(operand.gpr());
+ else
+ m_gpr = m_jit->allocate();
+ }
+ template<typename T1, typename T2>
+ GPRTemporary(SpeculativeJIT* jit, ReuseTag, T1& op1, T2& op2)
+ : m_jit(jit)
+ , m_gpr(InvalidGPRReg)
+ if (m_jit->canReuse(op1.node()))
+ m_gpr = m_jit->reuse(op1.gpr());
+ else if (m_jit->canReuse(op2.node()))
+ m_gpr = m_jit->reuse(op2.gpr());
+ else
+ m_gpr = m_jit->allocate();
+#if USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+ GPRTemporary(SpeculativeJIT*, ReuseTag, JSValueOperand&, WhichValueWord);
- bool compile();
+ void adopt(GPRTemporary&);
- // Retrieve the list of bail-outs from the speculative path,
- // and additional recovery information.
- SpeculationCheckVector& speculationChecks()
+ ~GPRTemporary()
- return m_speculationChecks;
+ if (m_jit && m_gpr != InvalidGPRReg)
+ m_jit->unlock(gpr());
- SpeculationRecovery* speculationRecovery(size_t index)
+ GPRReg gpr()
- // SpeculationCheck::m_recoveryIndex is offset by 1,
- // 0 means no recovery.
- return index ? &m_speculationRecoveryList[index - 1] : 0;
+ return m_gpr;
- // Called by the speculative operand types, below, to fill operand to
- // machine registers, implicitly generating speculation checks as needed.
- GPRReg fillSpeculateInt(NodeIndex, DataFormat& returnFormat);
- GPRReg fillSpeculateIntStrict(NodeIndex);
- GPRReg fillSpeculateCell(NodeIndex);
- void compile(Node&);
- void compile(BasicBlock&);
+ SpeculativeJIT* m_jit;
+ GPRReg m_gpr;
- void checkArgumentTypes();
- void initializeVariableTypes();
+class JSValueRegsTemporary {
+ JSValueRegsTemporary();
+ JSValueRegsTemporary(SpeculativeJIT*);
+ ~JSValueRegsTemporary();
+ JSValueRegs regs();
- bool isDoubleConstantWithInt32Value(NodeIndex nodeIndex, int32_t& out)
- {
- if (!m_jit.isDoubleConstant(nodeIndex))
- return false;
- double value = m_jit.valueOfDoubleConstant(nodeIndex);
+ GPRTemporary m_gpr;
+ GPRTemporary m_payloadGPR;
+ GPRTemporary m_tagGPR;
- int32_t asInt32 = static_cast<int32_t>(value);
- if (value != asInt32)
- return false;
- if (!asInt32 && signbit(value))
- return false;
+class FPRTemporary {
+ FPRTemporary(SpeculativeJIT*);
+ FPRTemporary(SpeculativeJIT*, SpeculateDoubleOperand&);
+ FPRTemporary(SpeculativeJIT*, SpeculateDoubleOperand&, SpeculateDoubleOperand&);
+#if USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+ FPRTemporary(SpeculativeJIT*, JSValueOperand&);
- out = asInt32;
- return true;
+ ~FPRTemporary()
+ {
+ m_jit->unlock(fpr());
- bool isJSConstantWithInt32Value(NodeIndex nodeIndex, int32_t& out)
+ FPRReg fpr() const
- if (!m_jit.isJSConstant(nodeIndex))
- return false;
- JSValue value = m_jit.valueOfJSConstant(nodeIndex);
- if (!value.isInt32())
- return false;
- out = value.asInt32();
- return true;
+ ASSERT(m_fpr != InvalidFPRReg);
+ return m_fpr;
- bool detectPeepHoleBranch()
+ FPRTemporary(SpeculativeJIT* jit, FPRReg lockedFPR)
+ : m_jit(jit)
+ , m_fpr(lockedFPR)
- // Check if the block contains precisely one more node.
- if (m_compileIndex + 2 != m_jit.graph().m_blocks[m_block]->end)
- return false;
- // Check if the lastNode is a branch on this node.
- Node& lastNode = m_jit.graph()[m_compileIndex + 1];
- return lastNode.op == Branch && lastNode.child1 == m_compileIndex;
- void compilePeepHoleBranch(Node&, JITCompiler::RelationalCondition);
+ SpeculativeJIT* m_jit;
+ FPRReg m_fpr;
+// === Results ===
+// These classes lock the result of a call to a C++ helper function.
- // Add a speculation check without additional recovery.
- void speculationCheck(MacroAssembler::Jump jumpToFail)
+class GPRFlushedCallResult : public GPRTemporary {
+ GPRFlushedCallResult(SpeculativeJIT* jit)
+ : GPRTemporary(jit, GPRInfo::returnValueGPR)
- m_speculationChecks.append(SpeculationCheck(jumpToFail, this));
- // Add a speculation check with additional recovery.
- void speculationCheck(MacroAssembler::Jump jumpToFail, const SpeculationRecovery& recovery)
+#if USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+class GPRFlushedCallResult2 : public GPRTemporary {
+ GPRFlushedCallResult2(SpeculativeJIT* jit)
+ : GPRTemporary(jit, GPRInfo::returnValueGPR2)
- m_speculationRecoveryList.append(recovery);
- m_speculationChecks.append(SpeculationCheck(jumpToFail, this, m_speculationRecoveryList.size()));
- // Called when we statically determine that a speculation will fail.
- void terminateSpeculativeExecution()
+class FPRResult : public FPRTemporary {
+ FPRResult(SpeculativeJIT* jit)
+ : FPRTemporary(jit, lockedResult(jit))
- // FIXME: in cases where we can statically determine we're going to bail out from the speculative
- // JIT we should probably rewind code generation and only produce the non-speculative path.
- m_compileOkay = false;
- speculationCheck(m_jit.jump());
- template<bool strict>
- GPRReg fillSpeculateIntInternal(NodeIndex, DataFormat& returnFormat);
- // It is possible, during speculative generation, to reach a situation in which we
- // can statically determine a speculation will fail (for example, when two nodes
- // will make conflicting speculations about the same operand). In such cases this
- // flag is cleared, indicating no further code generation should take place.
- bool m_compileOkay;
- // This vector tracks bail-outs from the speculative path to the non-speculative one.
- SpeculationCheckVector m_speculationChecks;
- // Some bail-outs need to record additional information recording specific recovery
- // to be performed (for example, on detected overflow from an add, we may need to
- // reverse the addition if an operand is being overwritten).
- Vector<SpeculationRecovery, 16> m_speculationRecoveryList;
+ static FPRReg lockedResult(SpeculativeJIT* jit)
+ {
+ jit->lock(FPRInfo::returnValueFPR);
+ return FPRInfo::returnValueFPR;
+ }
// === Speculative Operand types ===
-// SpeculateIntegerOperand, SpeculateStrictInt32Operand and SpeculateCellOperand.
+// SpeculateInt32Operand, SpeculateStrictInt32Operand and SpeculateCellOperand.
// These are used to lock the operands to a node into machine registers within the
-// SpeculativeJIT. The classes operate like those provided by the JITCodeGenerator,
-// however these will perform a speculative check for a more restrictive type than
-// we can statically determine the operand to have. If the operand does not have
-// the requested type, a bail-out to the non-speculative path will be taken.
+// SpeculativeJIT. The classes operate like those above, however these will
+// perform a speculative check for a more restrictive type than we can statically
+// determine the operand to have. If the operand does not have the requested type,
+// a bail-out to the non-speculative path will be taken.
-class SpeculateIntegerOperand {
+class SpeculateInt32Operand {
- explicit SpeculateIntegerOperand(SpeculativeJIT* jit, NodeIndex index)
+ explicit SpeculateInt32Operand(SpeculativeJIT* jit, Edge edge, OperandSpeculationMode mode = AutomaticOperandSpeculation)
: m_jit(jit)
- , m_index(index)
+ , m_edge(edge)
, m_gprOrInvalid(InvalidGPRReg)
#ifndef NDEBUG
, m_format(DataFormatNone)
- if (jit->isFilled(index))
+ ASSERT_UNUSED(mode, mode == ManualOperandSpeculation || (edge.useKind() == Int32Use || edge.useKind() == KnownInt32Use));
+ if (jit->isFilled(node()))
- ~SpeculateIntegerOperand()
+ ~SpeculateInt32Operand()
ASSERT(m_gprOrInvalid != InvalidGPRReg);
+ Edge edge() const
+ {
+ return m_edge;
+ }
- NodeIndex index() const
+ Node* node() const
- return m_index;
+ return edge().node();
DataFormat format()
gpr(); // m_format is set when m_gpr is locked.
- ASSERT(m_format == DataFormatInteger || m_format == DataFormatJSInteger);
+ ASSERT(m_format == DataFormatInt32 || m_format == DataFormatJSInt32);
return m_format;
GPRReg gpr()
if (m_gprOrInvalid == InvalidGPRReg)
- m_gprOrInvalid = m_jit->fillSpeculateInt(index(), m_format);
+ m_gprOrInvalid = m_jit->fillSpeculateInt32(edge(), m_format);
return m_gprOrInvalid;
+ void use()
+ {
+ m_jit->use(node());
+ }
SpeculativeJIT* m_jit;
- NodeIndex m_index;
+ Edge m_edge;
GPRReg m_gprOrInvalid;
DataFormat m_format;
class SpeculateStrictInt32Operand {
- explicit SpeculateStrictInt32Operand(SpeculativeJIT* jit, NodeIndex index)
+ explicit SpeculateStrictInt32Operand(SpeculativeJIT* jit, Edge edge, OperandSpeculationMode mode = AutomaticOperandSpeculation)
: m_jit(jit)
- , m_index(index)
+ , m_edge(edge)
, m_gprOrInvalid(InvalidGPRReg)
- if (jit->isFilled(index))
+ ASSERT_UNUSED(mode, mode == ManualOperandSpeculation || (edge.useKind() == Int32Use || edge.useKind() == KnownInt32Use));
+ if (jit->isFilled(node()))
ASSERT(m_gprOrInvalid != InvalidGPRReg);
+ Edge edge() const
+ {
+ return m_edge;
+ }
+ Node* node() const
+ {
+ return edge().node();
+ }
+ GPRReg gpr()
+ {
+ if (m_gprOrInvalid == InvalidGPRReg)
+ m_gprOrInvalid = m_jit->fillSpeculateInt32Strict(edge());
+ return m_gprOrInvalid;
+ }
+ void use()
+ {
+ m_jit->use(node());
+ }
+ SpeculativeJIT* m_jit;
+ Edge m_edge;
+ GPRReg m_gprOrInvalid;
- NodeIndex index() const
+// Gives you a canonical Int52 (i.e. it's left-shifted by 16, low bits zero).
+class SpeculateInt52Operand {
+ explicit SpeculateInt52Operand(SpeculativeJIT* jit, Edge edge)
+ : m_jit(jit)
+ , m_edge(edge)
+ , m_gprOrInvalid(InvalidGPRReg)
+ {
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(edge.useKind() == Int52RepUse);
+ if (jit->isFilled(node()))
+ gpr();
+ }
+ ~SpeculateInt52Operand()
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_gprOrInvalid != InvalidGPRReg);
+ m_jit->unlock(m_gprOrInvalid);
+ }
+ Edge edge() const
+ {
+ return m_edge;
+ }
+ Node* node() const
+ {
+ return edge().node();
+ }
+ GPRReg gpr()
+ {
+ if (m_gprOrInvalid == InvalidGPRReg)
+ m_gprOrInvalid = m_jit->fillSpeculateInt52(edge(), DataFormatInt52);
+ return m_gprOrInvalid;
+ }
+ void use()
- return m_index;
+ m_jit->use(node());
+ SpeculativeJIT* m_jit;
+ Edge m_edge;
+ GPRReg m_gprOrInvalid;
+// Gives you a strict Int52 (i.e. the payload is in the low 48 bits, high 16 bits are sign-extended).
+class SpeculateStrictInt52Operand {
+ explicit SpeculateStrictInt52Operand(SpeculativeJIT* jit, Edge edge)
+ : m_jit(jit)
+ , m_edge(edge)
+ , m_gprOrInvalid(InvalidGPRReg)
+ {
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(edge.useKind() == Int52RepUse);
+ if (jit->isFilled(node()))
+ gpr();
+ }
+ ~SpeculateStrictInt52Operand()
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_gprOrInvalid != InvalidGPRReg);
+ m_jit->unlock(m_gprOrInvalid);
+ }
+ Edge edge() const
+ {
+ return m_edge;
+ }
+ Node* node() const
+ {
+ return edge().node();
+ }
GPRReg gpr()
if (m_gprOrInvalid == InvalidGPRReg)
- m_gprOrInvalid = m_jit->fillSpeculateIntStrict(index());
+ m_gprOrInvalid = m_jit->fillSpeculateInt52(edge(), DataFormatStrictInt52);
+ return m_gprOrInvalid;
+ }
+ void use()
+ {
+ m_jit->use(node());
+ }
+ SpeculativeJIT* m_jit;
+ Edge m_edge;
+ GPRReg m_gprOrInvalid;
+enum OppositeShiftTag { OppositeShift };
+class SpeculateWhicheverInt52Operand {
+ explicit SpeculateWhicheverInt52Operand(SpeculativeJIT* jit, Edge edge)
+ : m_jit(jit)
+ , m_edge(edge)
+ , m_gprOrInvalid(InvalidGPRReg)
+ , m_strict(jit->betterUseStrictInt52(edge))
+ {
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(edge.useKind() == Int52RepUse);
+ if (jit->isFilled(node()))
+ gpr();
+ }
+ explicit SpeculateWhicheverInt52Operand(SpeculativeJIT* jit, Edge edge, const SpeculateWhicheverInt52Operand& other)
+ : m_jit(jit)
+ , m_edge(edge)
+ , m_gprOrInvalid(InvalidGPRReg)
+ , m_strict(other.m_strict)
+ {
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(edge.useKind() == Int52RepUse);
+ if (jit->isFilled(node()))
+ gpr();
+ }
+ explicit SpeculateWhicheverInt52Operand(SpeculativeJIT* jit, Edge edge, OppositeShiftTag, const SpeculateWhicheverInt52Operand& other)
+ : m_jit(jit)
+ , m_edge(edge)
+ , m_gprOrInvalid(InvalidGPRReg)
+ , m_strict(!other.m_strict)
+ {
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(edge.useKind() == Int52RepUse);
+ if (jit->isFilled(node()))
+ gpr();
+ }
+ ~SpeculateWhicheverInt52Operand()
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_gprOrInvalid != InvalidGPRReg);
+ m_jit->unlock(m_gprOrInvalid);
+ }
+ Edge edge() const
+ {
+ return m_edge;
+ }
+ Node* node() const
+ {
+ return edge().node();
+ }
+ GPRReg gpr()
+ {
+ if (m_gprOrInvalid == InvalidGPRReg) {
+ m_gprOrInvalid = m_jit->fillSpeculateInt52(
+ edge(), m_strict ? DataFormatStrictInt52 : DataFormatInt52);
+ }
return m_gprOrInvalid;
+ void use()
+ {
+ m_jit->use(node());
+ }
+ DataFormat format() const
+ {
+ return m_strict ? DataFormatStrictInt52 : DataFormatInt52;
+ }
SpeculativeJIT* m_jit;
- NodeIndex m_index;
+ Edge m_edge;
GPRReg m_gprOrInvalid;
+ bool m_strict;
+class SpeculateDoubleOperand {
+ explicit SpeculateDoubleOperand(SpeculativeJIT* jit, Edge edge)
+ : m_jit(jit)
+ , m_edge(edge)
+ , m_fprOrInvalid(InvalidFPRReg)
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_jit);
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(isDouble(edge.useKind()));
+ if (jit->isFilled(node()))
+ fpr();
+ }
+ ~SpeculateDoubleOperand()
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_fprOrInvalid != InvalidFPRReg);
+ m_jit->unlock(m_fprOrInvalid);
+ }
+ Edge edge() const
+ {
+ return m_edge;
+ }
+ Node* node() const
+ {
+ return edge().node();
+ }
+ FPRReg fpr()
+ {
+ if (m_fprOrInvalid == InvalidFPRReg)
+ m_fprOrInvalid = m_jit->fillSpeculateDouble(edge());
+ return m_fprOrInvalid;
+ }
+ void use()
+ {
+ m_jit->use(node());
+ }
+ SpeculativeJIT* m_jit;
+ Edge m_edge;
+ FPRReg m_fprOrInvalid;
class SpeculateCellOperand {
- explicit SpeculateCellOperand(SpeculativeJIT* jit, NodeIndex index)
+ explicit SpeculateCellOperand(SpeculativeJIT* jit, Edge edge, OperandSpeculationMode mode = AutomaticOperandSpeculation)
: m_jit(jit)
- , m_index(index)
+ , m_edge(edge)
, m_gprOrInvalid(InvalidGPRReg)
- if (jit->isFilled(index))
+ if (!edge)
+ return;
+ ASSERT_UNUSED(mode, mode == ManualOperandSpeculation || isCell(edge.useKind()));
+ if (jit->isFilled(node()))
+ if (!m_edge)
+ return;
ASSERT(m_gprOrInvalid != InvalidGPRReg);
+ Edge edge() const
+ {
+ return m_edge;
+ }
- NodeIndex index() const
+ Node* node() const
- return m_index;
+ return edge().node();
GPRReg gpr()
+ ASSERT(m_edge);
if (m_gprOrInvalid == InvalidGPRReg)
- m_gprOrInvalid = m_jit->fillSpeculateCell(index());
+ m_gprOrInvalid = m_jit->fillSpeculateCell(edge());
return m_gprOrInvalid;
+ void use()
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_edge);
+ m_jit->use(node());
+ }
SpeculativeJIT* m_jit;
- NodeIndex m_index;
+ Edge m_edge;
GPRReg m_gprOrInvalid;
-// === SpeculationCheckIndexIterator ===
-// This class is used by the non-speculative JIT to check which
-// nodes require entry points from the speculative path.
-class SpeculationCheckIndexIterator {
+class SpeculateBooleanOperand {
- SpeculationCheckIndexIterator(SpeculationCheckVector& speculationChecks)
- : m_speculationChecks(speculationChecks)
- , m_iter(m_speculationChecks.begin())
- , m_end(m_speculationChecks.end())
+ explicit SpeculateBooleanOperand(SpeculativeJIT* jit, Edge edge, OperandSpeculationMode mode = AutomaticOperandSpeculation)
+ : m_jit(jit)
+ , m_edge(edge)
+ , m_gprOrInvalid(InvalidGPRReg)
+ ASSERT(m_jit);
+ ASSERT_UNUSED(mode, mode == ManualOperandSpeculation || edge.useKind() == BooleanUse);
+ if (jit->isFilled(node()))
+ gpr();
- bool hasCheckAtIndex(NodeIndex nodeIndex)
+ ~SpeculateBooleanOperand()
- while (m_iter != m_end) {
- NodeIndex current = m_iter->m_nodeIndex;
- if (current >= nodeIndex)
- return current == nodeIndex;
- ++m_iter;
- }
- return false;
+ ASSERT(m_gprOrInvalid != InvalidGPRReg);
+ m_jit->unlock(m_gprOrInvalid);
+ }
+ Edge edge() const
+ {
+ return m_edge;
+ }
+ Node* node() const
+ {
+ return edge().node();
+ }
+ GPRReg gpr()
+ {
+ if (m_gprOrInvalid == InvalidGPRReg)
+ m_gprOrInvalid = m_jit->fillSpeculateBoolean(edge());
+ return m_gprOrInvalid;
+ }
+ void use()
+ {
+ m_jit->use(node());
- SpeculationCheckVector& m_speculationChecks;
- SpeculationCheckVector::Iterator m_iter;
- SpeculationCheckVector::Iterator m_end;
+ SpeculativeJIT* m_jit;
+ Edge m_edge;
+ GPRReg m_gprOrInvalid;
+template<typename StructureLocationType>
+void SpeculativeJIT::speculateStringObjectForStructure(Edge edge, StructureLocationType structureLocation)
+ Structure* stringObjectStructure =
+ m_jit.globalObjectFor(m_currentNode->origin.semantic)->stringObjectStructure();
+ if (!m_state.forNode(edge).m_structure.isSubsetOf(StructureSet(stringObjectStructure))) {
+ speculationCheck(
+ NotStringObject, JSValueRegs(), 0,
+ m_jit.branchStructurePtr(
+ JITCompiler::NotEqual, structureLocation, stringObjectStructure));
+ }
+#define DFG_TYPE_CHECK(source, edge, typesPassedThrough, jumpToFail) do { \
+ JSValueSource _dtc_source = (source); \
+ Edge _dtc_edge = (edge); \
+ SpeculatedType _dtc_typesPassedThrough = typesPassedThrough; \
+ if (!needsTypeCheck(_dtc_edge, _dtc_typesPassedThrough)) \
+ break; \
+ typeCheck(_dtc_source, _dtc_edge, _dtc_typesPassedThrough, (jumpToFail)); \
+ } while (0)
} } // namespace JSC::DFG