- * Copyright (C) 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2008, 2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
#include "JSGlobalObject.h"
#include "JSStringRef.h"
#include "JSFunction.h"
-#include "Interpreter.h"
+#include "LegacyProfiler.h"
+#include "JSCInlines.h"
#include "Profile.h"
-#include "Profiler.h"
+#include "StackVisitor.h"
#include "Tracing.h"
namespace JSC {
-static const char* NonJSExecution = "(idle)";
-PassRefPtr<ProfileGenerator> ProfileGenerator::create(ExecState* exec, const UString& title, unsigned uid)
+PassRefPtr<ProfileGenerator> ProfileGenerator::create(ExecState* exec, const String& title, unsigned uid)
return adoptRef(new ProfileGenerator(exec, title, uid));
-ProfileGenerator::ProfileGenerator(ExecState* exec, const UString& title, unsigned uid)
+ProfileGenerator::ProfileGenerator(ExecState* exec, const String& title, unsigned uid)
: m_origin(exec ? exec->lexicalGlobalObject() : 0)
, m_profileGroup(exec ? exec->lexicalGlobalObject()->profileGroup() : 0)
+ , m_foundConsoleStartParent(false)
m_profile = Profile::create(title, uid);
m_currentNode = m_head = m_profile->head();
+class AddParentForConsoleStartFunctor {
+ AddParentForConsoleStartFunctor(ExecState* exec, RefPtr<ProfileNode>& head, RefPtr<ProfileNode>& currentNode)
+ : m_exec(exec)
+ , m_hasSkippedFirstFrame(false)
+ , m_foundParent(false)
+ , m_head(head)
+ , m_currentNode(currentNode)
+ {
+ }
+ bool foundParent() const { return m_foundParent; }
+ StackVisitor::Status operator()(StackVisitor& visitor)
+ {
+ if (!m_hasSkippedFirstFrame) {
+ m_hasSkippedFirstFrame = true;
+ return StackVisitor::Continue;
+ }
+ unsigned line = 0;
+ unsigned column = 0;
+ visitor->computeLineAndColumn(line, column);
+ m_currentNode = ProfileNode::create(m_exec, LegacyProfiler::createCallIdentifier(m_exec, visitor->callee(), visitor->sourceURL(), line, column), m_head.get(), m_head.get());
+ m_head->insertNode(m_currentNode.get());
+ m_foundParent = true;
+ return StackVisitor::Done;
+ }
+ ExecState* m_exec;
+ bool m_hasSkippedFirstFrame;
+ bool m_foundParent;
+ RefPtr<ProfileNode>& m_head;
+ RefPtr<ProfileNode>& m_currentNode;
void ProfileGenerator::addParentForConsoleStart(ExecState* exec)
- int lineNumber;
- intptr_t sourceID;
- UString sourceURL;
- JSValue function;
- exec->interpreter()->retrieveLastCaller(exec, lineNumber, sourceID, sourceURL, function);
- m_currentNode = ProfileNode::create(exec, Profiler::createCallIdentifier(exec, function ? function.toThisObject(exec) : 0, sourceURL, lineNumber), m_head.get(), m_head.get());
- m_head->insertNode(m_currentNode.get());
+ AddParentForConsoleStartFunctor functor(exec, m_head, m_currentNode);
+ exec->iterate(functor);
+ m_foundConsoleStartParent = functor.foundParent();
-const UString& ProfileGenerator::title() const
+const String& ProfileGenerator::title() const
return m_profile->title();
void ProfileGenerator::willExecute(ExecState* callerCallFrame, const CallIdentifier& callIdentifier)
- CString name = callIdentifier.m_name.utf8();
- CString url = callIdentifier.m_url.utf8();
- JAVASCRIPTCORE_PROFILE_WILL_EXECUTE(m_profileGroup, const_cast<char*>(name.data()), const_cast<char*>(url.data()), callIdentifier.m_lineNumber);
+ CString name = callIdentifier.functionName().utf8();
+ CString url = callIdentifier.url().utf8();
+ JAVASCRIPTCORE_PROFILE_WILL_EXECUTE(m_profileGroup, const_cast<char*>(name.data()), const_cast<char*>(url.data()), callIdentifier.lineNumber());
if (!m_origin)
void ProfileGenerator::didExecute(ExecState* callerCallFrame, const CallIdentifier& callIdentifier)
- CString name = callIdentifier.m_name.utf8();
- CString url = callIdentifier.m_url.utf8();
- JAVASCRIPTCORE_PROFILE_DID_EXECUTE(m_profileGroup, const_cast<char*>(name.data()), const_cast<char*>(url.data()), callIdentifier.m_lineNumber);
+ CString name = callIdentifier.functionName().utf8();
+ CString url = callIdentifier.url().utf8();
+ JAVASCRIPTCORE_PROFILE_DID_EXECUTE(m_profileGroup, const_cast<char*>(name.data()), const_cast<char*>(url.data()), callIdentifier.lineNumber());
if (!m_origin)
if (m_currentNode->callIdentifier() != callIdentifier) {
RefPtr<ProfileNode> returningNode = ProfileNode::create(callerCallFrame, callIdentifier, m_head.get(), m_currentNode.get());
- returningNode->setStartTime(m_currentNode->startTime());
+ returningNode->lastCall().setStartTime(m_currentNode->lastCall().startTime());
- removeProfileStart();
- removeProfileEnd();
+ if (m_foundConsoleStartParent) {
+ removeProfileStart();
+ removeProfileEnd();
+ }
// will not get didExecute call.
m_currentNode = m_currentNode->parent();
- if (double headSelfTime = m_head->selfTime()) {
- RefPtr<ProfileNode> idleNode = ProfileNode::create(0, CallIdentifier(NonJSExecution, UString(), 0), m_head.get(), m_head.get());
- idleNode->setTotalTime(headSelfTime);
- idleNode->setSelfTime(headSelfTime);
- idleNode->setVisible(true);
+ if (double headSelfTime = m_head->selfTime()) {
- m_head->addChild(idleNode.release());
+ m_profile->setIdleTime(headSelfTime);
-// The console.ProfileGenerator that started this ProfileGenerator will be the first child.
+// The console.profile that started this ProfileGenerator will be the first child.
void ProfileGenerator::removeProfileStart()
ProfileNode* currentNode = 0;
for (ProfileNode* next = m_head.get(); next; next = next->firstChild())
currentNode = next;
- if (currentNode->callIdentifier().m_name != "profile")
+ if (currentNode->callIdentifier().functionName() != "profile")
// Attribute the time of the node aobut to be removed to the self time of its parent
-// The console.ProfileGeneratorEnd that stopped this ProfileGenerator will be the last child.
+// The console.profileEnd that stopped this ProfileGenerator will be the last child.
void ProfileGenerator::removeProfileEnd()
ProfileNode* currentNode = 0;
for (ProfileNode* next = m_head.get(); next; next = next->lastChild())
currentNode = next;
- if (currentNode->callIdentifier().m_name != "profileEnd")
+ if (currentNode->callIdentifier().functionName() != "profileEnd")
// Attribute the time of the node aobut to be removed to the self time of its parent