- * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2007 Eric Seidel <eric@webkit.org>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#include "CodeBlock.h"
#include "ConservativeRoots.h"
+#include "CopiedSpace.h"
+#include "CopiedSpaceInlines.h"
+#include "CopyVisitorInlines.h"
+#include "DFGWorklist.h"
+#include "DelayedReleaseScope.h"
+#include "EdenGCActivityCallback.h"
+#include "FullGCActivityCallback.h"
#include "GCActivityCallback.h"
+#include "GCIncomingRefCountedSetInlines.h"
+#include "HeapIterationScope.h"
+#include "HeapRootVisitor.h"
+#include "HeapStatistics.h"
+#include "IncrementalSweeper.h"
#include "Interpreter.h"
-#include "JSGlobalData.h"
#include "JSGlobalObject.h"
#include "JSLock.h"
#include "JSONObject.h"
+#include "JSCInlines.h"
+#include "JSVirtualMachineInternal.h"
+#include "RecursiveAllocationScope.h"
#include "Tracing.h"
+#include "UnlinkedCodeBlock.h"
+#include "VM.h"
+#include "WeakSetInlines.h"
#include <algorithm>
+#include <wtf/RAMSize.h>
+#include <wtf/CurrentTime.h>
+#include <wtf/ProcessID.h>
using namespace std;
+using namespace JSC;
namespace JSC {
-const size_t minBytesPerCycle = 512 * 1024;
+namespace {
+static const size_t largeHeapSize = 32 * MB; // About 1.5X the average webpage.
+static const size_t smallHeapSize = 1 * MB; // Matches the FastMalloc per-thread cache.
+#define DEFINE_GC_LOGGING_GLOBAL(type, name, arguments) \
+_Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
+_Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wglobal-constructors\"") \
+_Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wexit-time-destructors\"") \
+static type name arguments; \
+_Pragma("clang diagnostic pop")
+#define DEFINE_GC_LOGGING_GLOBAL(type, name, arguments) \
+static type name arguments;
+#endif // COMPILER(CLANG)
+struct GCTimer {
+ GCTimer(const char* name)
+ : m_name(name)
+ {
+ }
+ ~GCTimer()
+ {
+ logData(m_allCollectionData, "(All)");
+ logData(m_edenCollectionData, "(Eden)");
+ logData(m_fullCollectionData, "(Full)");
+ }
-Heap::Heap(JSGlobalData* globalData)
- : m_operationInProgress(NoOperation)
- , m_markedSpace(globalData)
- , m_markListSet(0)
- , m_activityCallback(DefaultGCActivityCallback::create(this))
- , m_globalData(globalData)
- , m_machineThreads(this)
- , m_markStack(globalData->jsArrayVPtr)
- , m_handleHeap(globalData)
- , m_extraCost(0)
+ struct TimeRecord {
+ TimeRecord()
+ : m_time(0)
+ , m_min(std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity())
+ , m_max(0)
+ , m_count(0)
+ {
+ }
+ double m_time;
+ double m_min;
+ double m_max;
+ size_t m_count;
+ };
+ void logData(const TimeRecord& data, const char* extra)
+ {
+ dataLogF("[%d] %s %s: %.2lfms (avg. %.2lf, min. %.2lf, max. %.2lf, count %lu)\n",
+ getCurrentProcessID(),
+ m_name, extra,
+ data.m_time * 1000,
+ data.m_time * 1000 / data.m_count,
+ data.m_min * 1000,
+ data.m_max * 1000,
+ data.m_count);
+ }
+ void updateData(TimeRecord& data, double duration)
+ {
+ if (duration < data.m_min)
+ data.m_min = duration;
+ if (duration > data.m_max)
+ data.m_max = duration;
+ data.m_count++;
+ data.m_time += duration;
+ }
+ void didFinishPhase(HeapOperation collectionType, double duration)
+ {
+ TimeRecord& data = collectionType == EdenCollection ? m_edenCollectionData : m_fullCollectionData;
+ updateData(data, duration);
+ updateData(m_allCollectionData, duration);
+ }
+ TimeRecord m_allCollectionData;
+ TimeRecord m_fullCollectionData;
+ TimeRecord m_edenCollectionData;
+ const char* m_name;
+struct GCTimerScope {
+ GCTimerScope(GCTimer* timer, HeapOperation collectionType)
+ : m_timer(timer)
+ , m_start(WTF::monotonicallyIncreasingTime())
+ , m_collectionType(collectionType)
+ {
+ }
+ ~GCTimerScope()
+ {
+ double delta = WTF::monotonicallyIncreasingTime() - m_start;
+ m_timer->didFinishPhase(m_collectionType, delta);
+ }
+ GCTimer* m_timer;
+ double m_start;
+ HeapOperation m_collectionType;
+struct GCCounter {
+ GCCounter(const char* name)
+ : m_name(name)
+ , m_count(0)
+ , m_total(0)
+ , m_min(10000000)
+ , m_max(0)
+ {
+ }
+ void count(size_t amount)
+ {
+ m_count++;
+ m_total += amount;
+ if (amount < m_min)
+ m_min = amount;
+ if (amount > m_max)
+ m_max = amount;
+ }
+ ~GCCounter()
+ {
+ dataLogF("[%d] %s: %zu values (avg. %zu, min. %zu, max. %zu)\n", getCurrentProcessID(), m_name, m_total, m_total / m_count, m_min, m_max);
+ }
+ const char* m_name;
+ size_t m_count;
+ size_t m_total;
+ size_t m_min;
+ size_t m_max;
+#define GCPHASE(name) DEFINE_GC_LOGGING_GLOBAL(GCTimer, name##Timer, (#name)); GCTimerScope name##TimerScope(&name##Timer, m_operationInProgress)
+#define GCCOUNTER(name, value) do { DEFINE_GC_LOGGING_GLOBAL(GCCounter, name##Counter, (#name)); name##Counter.count(value); } while (false)
+#define GCPHASE(name) do { } while (false)
+#define GCCOUNTER(name, value) do { } while (false)
+static inline size_t minHeapSize(HeapType heapType, size_t ramSize)
- m_markedSpace.setHighWaterMark(minBytesPerCycle);
- (*m_activityCallback)();
+ if (heapType == LargeHeap)
+ return min(largeHeapSize, ramSize / 4);
+ return smallHeapSize;
+static inline size_t proportionalHeapSize(size_t heapSize, size_t ramSize)
- // The destroy function must already have been called, so assert this.
- ASSERT(!m_globalData);
+ // Try to stay under 1/2 RAM size to leave room for the DOM, rendering, networking, etc.
+ if (heapSize < ramSize / 4)
+ return 2 * heapSize;
+ if (heapSize < ramSize / 2)
+ return 1.5 * heapSize;
+ return 1.25 * heapSize;
-void Heap::destroy()
+static inline bool isValidSharedInstanceThreadState(VM* vm)
- JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly);
+ return vm->currentThreadIsHoldingAPILock();
- if (!m_globalData)
- return;
+static inline bool isValidThreadState(VM* vm)
+ if (vm->atomicStringTable() != wtfThreadData().atomicStringTable())
+ return false;
- ASSERT(!m_globalData->dynamicGlobalObject);
- ASSERT(m_operationInProgress == NoOperation);
- // The global object is not GC protected at this point, so sweeping may delete it
- // (and thus the global data) before other objects that may use the global data.
- RefPtr<JSGlobalData> protect(m_globalData);
+ if (vm->isSharedInstance() && !isValidSharedInstanceThreadState(vm))
+ return false;
- m_globalData->jitStubs->clearHostFunctionStubs();
+ return true;
+struct MarkObject : public MarkedBlock::VoidFunctor {
+ void operator()(JSCell* cell)
+ {
+ if (cell->isZapped())
+ return;
+ Heap::heap(cell)->setMarked(cell);
+ }
+struct Count : public MarkedBlock::CountFunctor {
+ void operator()(JSCell*) { count(1); }
+struct CountIfGlobalObject : MarkedBlock::CountFunctor {
+ void operator()(JSCell* cell) {
+ if (!cell->isObject())
+ return;
+ if (!asObject(cell)->isGlobalObject())
+ return;
+ count(1);
+ }
+class RecordType {
+ typedef PassOwnPtr<TypeCountSet> ReturnType;
+ RecordType();
+ void operator()(JSCell*);
+ ReturnType returnValue();
+ const char* typeName(JSCell*);
+ OwnPtr<TypeCountSet> m_typeCountSet;
+inline RecordType::RecordType()
+ : m_typeCountSet(adoptPtr(new TypeCountSet))
+inline const char* RecordType::typeName(JSCell* cell)
+ const ClassInfo* info = cell->classInfo();
+ if (!info || !info->className)
+ return "[unknown]";
+ return info->className;
+inline void RecordType::operator()(JSCell* cell)
+ m_typeCountSet->add(typeName(cell));
+inline PassOwnPtr<TypeCountSet> RecordType::returnValue()
+ return m_typeCountSet.release();
+} // anonymous namespace
+Heap::Heap(VM* vm, HeapType heapType)
+ : m_heapType(heapType)
+ , m_ramSize(ramSize())
+ , m_minBytesPerCycle(minHeapSize(m_heapType, m_ramSize))
+ , m_sizeAfterLastCollect(0)
+ , m_sizeAfterLastFullCollect(0)
+ , m_sizeBeforeLastFullCollect(0)
+ , m_sizeAfterLastEdenCollect(0)
+ , m_sizeBeforeLastEdenCollect(0)
+ , m_bytesAllocatedThisCycle(0)
+ , m_bytesAbandonedSinceLastFullCollect(0)
+ , m_maxEdenSize(m_minBytesPerCycle)
+ , m_maxHeapSize(m_minBytesPerCycle)
+ , m_shouldDoFullCollection(false)
+ , m_totalBytesVisited(0)
+ , m_totalBytesCopied(0)
+ , m_operationInProgress(NoOperation)
+ , m_blockAllocator()
+ , m_objectSpace(this)
+ , m_storageSpace(this)
+ , m_extraMemoryUsage(0)
+ , m_machineThreads(this)
+ , m_sharedData(vm)
+ , m_slotVisitor(m_sharedData)
+ , m_copyVisitor(m_sharedData)
+ , m_handleSet(vm)
+ , m_codeBlocks(m_blockAllocator)
+ , m_isSafeToCollect(false)
+ , m_writeBarrierBuffer(256)
+ , m_vm(vm)
+ // We seed with 10ms so that GCActivityCallback::didAllocate doesn't continuously
+ // schedule the timer if we've never done a collection.
+ , m_lastFullGCLength(0.01)
+ , m_lastEdenGCLength(0.01)
+ , m_lastCodeDiscardTime(WTF::monotonicallyIncreasingTime())
+ , m_fullActivityCallback(GCActivityCallback::createFullTimer(this))
+ , m_edenActivityCallback(GCActivityCallback::createEdenTimer(this))
+ , m_edenActivityCallback(m_fullActivityCallback)
+ , m_sweeper(IncrementalSweeper::create(this))
+ , m_deferralDepth(0)
+ m_storageSpace.init();
- delete m_markListSet;
- m_markListSet = 0;
- m_markedSpace.clearMarks();
- m_handleHeap.finalizeWeakHandles();
- m_markedSpace.destroy();
- m_globalData = 0;
+bool Heap::isPagedOut(double deadline)
+ return m_objectSpace.isPagedOut(deadline) || m_storageSpace.isPagedOut(deadline);
+// The VM is being destroyed and the collector will never run again.
+// Run all pending finalizers now because we won't get another chance.
+void Heap::lastChanceToFinalize()
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(!m_vm->entryScope);
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(m_operationInProgress == NoOperation);
+ m_objectSpace.lastChanceToFinalize();
void Heap::reportExtraMemoryCostSlowCase(size_t cost)
// if a large value survives one garbage collection, there is not much point to
// collecting more frequently as long as it stays alive.
- if (m_extraCost > maxExtraCost && m_extraCost > m_markedSpace.highWaterMark() / 2)
- collectAllGarbage();
- m_extraCost += cost;
+ didAllocate(cost);
+ collectIfNecessaryOrDefer();
-void* Heap::allocateSlowCase(size_t bytes)
+void Heap::reportAbandonedObjectGraph()
- ASSERT(globalData()->identifierTable == wtfThreadData().currentIdentifierTable());
- ASSERT(JSLock::lockCount() > 0);
- ASSERT(JSLock::currentThreadIsHoldingLock());
- ASSERT(bytes <= MarkedSpace::maxCellSize);
- ASSERT(m_operationInProgress == NoOperation);
- collectAllGarbage();
- ASSERT(m_operationInProgress == NoOperation);
- reset(DoNotSweep);
- m_operationInProgress = Allocation;
- void* result = m_markedSpace.allocate(bytes);
- m_operationInProgress = NoOperation;
+ // Our clients don't know exactly how much memory they
+ // are abandoning so we just guess for them.
+ double abandonedBytes = 0.1 * m_sizeAfterLastCollect;
+ // We want to accelerate the next collection. Because memory has just
+ // been abandoned, the next collection has the potential to
+ // be more profitable. Since allocation is the trigger for collection,
+ // we hasten the next collection by pretending that we've allocated more memory.
+ didAbandon(abandonedBytes);
- ASSERT(result);
- return result;
+void Heap::didAbandon(size_t bytes)
+ if (m_fullActivityCallback) {
+ m_fullActivityCallback->didAllocate(
+ m_sizeAfterLastCollect - m_sizeAfterLastFullCollect + m_bytesAllocatedThisCycle + m_bytesAbandonedSinceLastFullCollect);
+ }
+ m_bytesAbandonedSinceLastFullCollect += bytes;
void Heap::protect(JSValue k)
- ASSERT(JSLock::currentThreadIsHoldingLock() || !m_globalData->isSharedInstance());
+ ASSERT(m_vm->currentThreadIsHoldingAPILock());
if (!k.isCell())
bool Heap::unprotect(JSValue k)
- ASSERT(JSLock::currentThreadIsHoldingLock() || !m_globalData->isSharedInstance());
+ ASSERT(m_vm->currentThreadIsHoldingAPILock());
if (!k.isCell())
return false;
return m_protectedValues.remove(k.asCell());
-void Heap::markProtectedObjects(HeapRootVisitor& heapRootMarker)
+void Heap::addReference(JSCell* cell, ArrayBuffer* buffer)
- ProtectCountSet::iterator end = m_protectedValues.end();
- for (ProtectCountSet::iterator it = m_protectedValues.begin(); it != end; ++it)
- heapRootMarker.mark(&it->first);
+ if (m_arrayBuffers.addReference(cell, buffer)) {
+ collectIfNecessaryOrDefer();
+ didAllocate(buffer->gcSizeEstimateInBytes());
+ }
-void Heap::pushTempSortVector(Vector<ValueStringPair>* tempVector)
+void Heap::pushTempSortVector(Vector<ValueStringPair, 0, UnsafeVectorOverflow>* tempVector)
-void Heap::popTempSortVector(Vector<ValueStringPair>* tempVector)
+void Heap::popTempSortVector(Vector<ValueStringPair, 0, UnsafeVectorOverflow>* tempVector)
ASSERT_UNUSED(tempVector, tempVector == m_tempSortingVectors.last());
-void Heap::markTempSortVectors(HeapRootVisitor& heapRootMarker)
+void Heap::harvestWeakReferences()
+ m_slotVisitor.harvestWeakReferences();
+void Heap::finalizeUnconditionalFinalizers()
- typedef Vector<Vector<ValueStringPair>* > VectorOfValueStringVectors;
+ GCPHASE(FinalizeUnconditionalFinalizers);
+ m_slotVisitor.finalizeUnconditionalFinalizers();
- VectorOfValueStringVectors::iterator end = m_tempSortingVectors.end();
- for (VectorOfValueStringVectors::iterator it = m_tempSortingVectors.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
- Vector<ValueStringPair>* tempSortingVector = *it;
+inline JSStack& Heap::stack()
+ return m_vm->interpreter->stack();
- Vector<ValueStringPair>::iterator vectorEnd = tempSortingVector->end();
- for (Vector<ValueStringPair>::iterator vectorIt = tempSortingVector->begin(); vectorIt != vectorEnd; ++vectorIt) {
- if (vectorIt->first)
- heapRootMarker.mark(&vectorIt->first);
- }
- }
+void Heap::willStartIterating()
+ m_objectSpace.willStartIterating();
-inline RegisterFile& Heap::registerFile()
+void Heap::didFinishIterating()
- return m_globalData->interpreter->registerFile();
+ m_objectSpace.didFinishIterating();
void Heap::getConservativeRegisterRoots(HashSet<JSCell*>& roots)
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- if (m_globalData->isSharedInstance()) {
- ASSERT(JSLock::lockCount() > 0);
- ASSERT(JSLock::currentThreadIsHoldingLock());
- }
- if (m_operationInProgress != NoOperation)
- CRASH();
- m_operationInProgress = Collection;
- ConservativeRoots registerFileRoots(this);
- registerFile().gatherConservativeRoots(registerFileRoots);
- size_t registerFileRootCount = registerFileRoots.size();
- JSCell** registerRoots = registerFileRoots.roots();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < registerFileRootCount; i++) {
+ ASSERT(isValidThreadState(m_vm));
+ ConservativeRoots stackRoots(&m_objectSpace.blocks(), &m_storageSpace);
+ stack().gatherConservativeRoots(stackRoots);
+ size_t stackRootCount = stackRoots.size();
+ JSCell** registerRoots = stackRoots.roots();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < stackRootCount; i++) {
+ registerRoots[i]->setMarked();
- m_operationInProgress = NoOperation;
-void Heap::markRoots()
+void Heap::markRoots(double gcStartTime)
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- if (m_globalData->isSharedInstance()) {
- ASSERT(JSLock::lockCount() > 0);
- ASSERT(JSLock::currentThreadIsHoldingLock());
- }
+ SamplingRegion samplingRegion("Garbage Collection: Marking");
+ GCPHASE(MarkRoots);
+ ASSERT(isValidThreadState(m_vm));
+ Vector<const JSCell*> rememberedSet(m_slotVisitor.markStack().size());
+ m_slotVisitor.markStack().fillVector(rememberedSet);
+ Vector<const JSCell*> rememberedSet;
+ if (m_operationInProgress == EdenCollection)
+ m_codeBlocks.clearMarksForEdenCollection(rememberedSet);
+ else
+ m_codeBlocks.clearMarksForFullCollection();
+ // We gather conservative roots before clearing mark bits because conservative
+ // gathering uses the mark bits to determine whether a reference is valid.
void* dummy;
+ ConservativeRoots conservativeRoots(&m_objectSpace.blocks(), &m_storageSpace);
+ gatherStackRoots(conservativeRoots, &dummy);
+ gatherJSStackRoots(conservativeRoots);
+ gatherScratchBufferRoots(conservativeRoots);
+ sanitizeStackForVM(m_vm);
+ clearLivenessData();
+ m_sharedData.didStartMarking();
+ m_slotVisitor.didStartMarking();
+ HeapRootVisitor heapRootVisitor(m_slotVisitor);
+ {
+ ParallelModeEnabler enabler(m_slotVisitor);
+ visitExternalRememberedSet();
+ visitSmallStrings();
+ visitConservativeRoots(conservativeRoots);
+ visitProtectedObjects(heapRootVisitor);
+ visitTempSortVectors(heapRootVisitor);
+ visitArgumentBuffers(heapRootVisitor);
+ visitException(heapRootVisitor);
+ visitStrongHandles(heapRootVisitor);
+ visitHandleStack(heapRootVisitor);
+ traceCodeBlocksAndJITStubRoutines();
+ converge();
+ }
- ASSERT(m_operationInProgress == NoOperation);
- if (m_operationInProgress != NoOperation)
- CRASH();
+ // Weak references must be marked last because their liveness depends on
+ // the liveness of the rest of the object graph.
+ visitWeakHandles(heapRootVisitor);
- m_operationInProgress = Collection;
+ clearRememberedSet(rememberedSet);
+ m_sharedData.didFinishMarking();
+ updateObjectCounts(gcStartTime);
+ resetVisitors();
- MarkStack& visitor = m_markStack;
- HeapRootVisitor heapRootMarker(visitor);
- // We gather conservative roots before clearing mark bits because
- // conservative gathering uses the mark bits from our last mark pass to
- // determine whether a reference is valid.
- ConservativeRoots machineThreadRoots(this);
- m_machineThreads.gatherConservativeRoots(machineThreadRoots, &dummy);
+void Heap::copyBackingStores()
+ if (m_operationInProgress == EdenCollection)
+ m_storageSpace.startedCopying<EdenCollection>();
+ else {
+ ASSERT(m_operationInProgress == FullCollection);
+ m_storageSpace.startedCopying<FullCollection>();
+ }
- ConservativeRoots registerFileRoots(this);
- registerFile().gatherConservativeRoots(registerFileRoots);
+ if (m_storageSpace.shouldDoCopyPhase()) {
+ m_sharedData.didStartCopying();
+ m_copyVisitor.startCopying();
+ m_copyVisitor.copyFromShared();
+ m_copyVisitor.doneCopying();
+ // We need to wait for everybody to finish and return their CopiedBlocks
+ // before signaling that the phase is complete.
+ m_storageSpace.doneCopying();
+ m_sharedData.didFinishCopying();
+ } else
+ m_storageSpace.doneCopying();
- m_markedSpace.clearMarks();
+void Heap::gatherStackRoots(ConservativeRoots& roots, void** dummy)
+ GCPHASE(GatherStackRoots);
+ m_jitStubRoutines.clearMarks();
+ m_machineThreads.gatherConservativeRoots(roots, m_jitStubRoutines, m_codeBlocks, dummy);
- visitor.append(machineThreadRoots);
- visitor.drain();
+void Heap::gatherJSStackRoots(ConservativeRoots& roots)
+ GCPHASE(GatherJSStackRoots);
+ stack().gatherConservativeRoots(roots, m_jitStubRoutines, m_codeBlocks);
+ UNUSED_PARAM(roots);
- visitor.append(registerFileRoots);
- visitor.drain();
+void Heap::gatherScratchBufferRoots(ConservativeRoots& roots)
+ GCPHASE(GatherScratchBufferRoots);
+ m_vm->gatherConservativeRoots(roots);
+ UNUSED_PARAM(roots);
- markProtectedObjects(heapRootMarker);
- visitor.drain();
- markTempSortVectors(heapRootMarker);
- visitor.drain();
- if (m_markListSet && m_markListSet->size())
- MarkedArgumentBuffer::markLists(heapRootMarker, *m_markListSet);
- if (m_globalData->exception)
- heapRootMarker.mark(&m_globalData->exception);
- visitor.drain();
- m_handleHeap.markStrongHandles(heapRootMarker);
- visitor.drain();
- m_handleStack.mark(heapRootMarker);
- visitor.drain();
- // Mark the small strings cache as late as possible, since it will clear
- // itself if nothing else has marked it.
- // FIXME: Change the small strings cache to use Weak<T>.
- m_globalData->smallStrings.visitChildren(heapRootMarker);
- visitor.drain();
- // Weak handles must be marked last, because their owners use the set of
- // opaque roots to determine reachability.
- int lastOpaqueRootCount;
- do {
- lastOpaqueRootCount = visitor.opaqueRootCount();
- m_handleHeap.markWeakHandles(heapRootMarker);
- visitor.drain();
- // If the set of opaque roots has grown, more weak handles may have become reachable.
- } while (lastOpaqueRootCount != visitor.opaqueRootCount());
- visitor.reset();
+void Heap::clearLivenessData()
+ GCPHASE(ClearLivenessData);
+ m_objectSpace.clearNewlyAllocated();
+ m_objectSpace.clearMarks();
- m_operationInProgress = NoOperation;
+void Heap::visitExternalRememberedSet()
+ scanExternalRememberedSet(*m_vm, m_slotVisitor);
-size_t Heap::objectCount() const
+void Heap::visitSmallStrings()
- return m_markedSpace.objectCount();
+ GCPHASE(VisitSmallStrings);
+ m_vm->smallStrings.visitStrongReferences(m_slotVisitor);
+ if (Options::logGC() == GCLogging::Verbose)
+ dataLog("Small strings:\n", m_slotVisitor);
+ m_slotVisitor.donateAndDrain();
-size_t Heap::size() const
+void Heap::visitConservativeRoots(ConservativeRoots& roots)
- return m_markedSpace.size();
+ GCPHASE(VisitConservativeRoots);
+ m_slotVisitor.append(roots);
+ if (Options::logGC() == GCLogging::Verbose)
+ dataLog("Conservative Roots:\n", m_slotVisitor);
+ m_slotVisitor.donateAndDrain();
-size_t Heap::capacity() const
+void Heap::visitCompilerWorklistWeakReferences()
- return m_markedSpace.capacity();
+ for (auto worklist : m_suspendedCompilerWorklists)
+ worklist->visitWeakReferences(m_slotVisitor, m_codeBlocks);
+ if (Options::logGC() == GCLogging::Verbose)
+ dataLog("DFG Worklists:\n", m_slotVisitor);
-size_t Heap::globalObjectCount()
+void Heap::removeDeadCompilerWorklistEntries()
- return m_globalData->globalObjectCount;
+ GCPHASE(FinalizeDFGWorklists);
+ for (auto worklist : m_suspendedCompilerWorklists)
+ worklist->removeDeadPlans(*m_vm);
-size_t Heap::protectedGlobalObjectCount()
+void Heap::visitProtectedObjects(HeapRootVisitor& heapRootVisitor)
+ GCPHASE(VisitProtectedObjects);
+ for (auto& pair : m_protectedValues)
+ heapRootVisitor.visit(&pair.key);
+ if (Options::logGC() == GCLogging::Verbose)
+ dataLog("Protected Objects:\n", m_slotVisitor);
+ m_slotVisitor.donateAndDrain();
+void Heap::visitTempSortVectors(HeapRootVisitor& heapRootVisitor)
- size_t count = m_handleHeap.protectedGlobalObjectCount();
+ GCPHASE(VisitTempSortVectors);
+ typedef Vector<Vector<ValueStringPair, 0, UnsafeVectorOverflow>*> VectorOfValueStringVectors;
- ProtectCountSet::iterator end = m_protectedValues.end();
- for (ProtectCountSet::iterator it = m_protectedValues.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
- if (it->first->isObject() && asObject(it->first)->isGlobalObject())
- count++;
+ for (auto* vector : m_tempSortingVectors) {
+ for (auto& valueStringPair : *vector) {
+ if (valueStringPair.first)
+ heapRootVisitor.visit(&valueStringPair.first);
+ }
- return count;
+ if (Options::logGC() == GCLogging::Verbose)
+ dataLog("Temp Sort Vectors:\n", m_slotVisitor);
+ m_slotVisitor.donateAndDrain();
-size_t Heap::protectedObjectCount()
+void Heap::visitArgumentBuffers(HeapRootVisitor& visitor)
- return m_protectedValues.size();
+ GCPHASE(MarkingArgumentBuffers);
+ if (!m_markListSet || !m_markListSet->size())
+ return;
+ MarkedArgumentBuffer::markLists(visitor, *m_markListSet);
+ if (Options::logGC() == GCLogging::Verbose)
+ dataLog("Argument Buffers:\n", m_slotVisitor);
+ m_slotVisitor.donateAndDrain();
-class TypeCounter {
- TypeCounter();
- void operator()(JSCell*);
- PassOwnPtr<TypeCountSet> take();
- const char* typeName(JSCell*);
- OwnPtr<TypeCountSet> m_typeCountSet;
- HashSet<JSCell*> m_cells;
+void Heap::visitException(HeapRootVisitor& visitor)
+ GCPHASE(MarkingException);
+ if (!m_vm->exception())
+ return;
-inline TypeCounter::TypeCounter()
- : m_typeCountSet(adoptPtr(new TypeCountSet))
+ visitor.visit(m_vm->addressOfException());
+ if (Options::logGC() == GCLogging::Verbose)
+ dataLog("Exceptions:\n", m_slotVisitor);
+ m_slotVisitor.donateAndDrain();
+void Heap::visitStrongHandles(HeapRootVisitor& visitor)
+ GCPHASE(VisitStrongHandles);
+ m_handleSet.visitStrongHandles(visitor);
+ if (Options::logGC() == GCLogging::Verbose)
+ dataLog("Strong Handles:\n", m_slotVisitor);
+ m_slotVisitor.donateAndDrain();
-inline const char* TypeCounter::typeName(JSCell* cell)
+void Heap::visitHandleStack(HeapRootVisitor& visitor)
- if (cell->isString())
- return "string";
- if (cell->isGetterSetter())
- return "Getter-Setter";
- if (cell->isAPIValueWrapper())
- return "API wrapper";
- if (cell->isPropertyNameIterator())
- return "For-in iterator";
- if (const ClassInfo* info = cell->classInfo())
- return info->className;
- if (!cell->isObject())
- return "[empty cell]";
- return "Object";
+ GCPHASE(VisitHandleStack);
+ m_handleStack.visit(visitor);
+ if (Options::logGC() == GCLogging::Verbose)
+ dataLog("Handle Stack:\n", m_slotVisitor);
+ m_slotVisitor.donateAndDrain();
-inline void TypeCounter::operator()(JSCell* cell)
+void Heap::traceCodeBlocksAndJITStubRoutines()
- if (!m_cells.add(cell).second)
- return;
- m_typeCountSet->add(typeName(cell));
+ GCPHASE(TraceCodeBlocksAndJITStubRoutines);
+ m_codeBlocks.traceMarked(m_slotVisitor);
+ m_jitStubRoutines.traceMarkedStubRoutines(m_slotVisitor);
+ if (Options::logGC() == GCLogging::Verbose)
+ dataLog("Code Blocks and JIT Stub Routines:\n", m_slotVisitor);
+ m_slotVisitor.donateAndDrain();
-inline PassOwnPtr<TypeCountSet> TypeCounter::take()
+void Heap::converge()
- return m_typeCountSet.release();
+ GCPHASE(Convergence);
+ m_slotVisitor.drainFromShared(SlotVisitor::MasterDrain);
+void Heap::visitWeakHandles(HeapRootVisitor& visitor)
+ GCPHASE(VisitingLiveWeakHandles);
+ while (true) {
+ m_objectSpace.visitWeakSets(visitor);
+ harvestWeakReferences();
+ visitCompilerWorklistWeakReferences();
+ m_codeBlocks.traceMarked(m_slotVisitor); // New "executing" code blocks may be discovered.
+ if (m_slotVisitor.isEmpty())
+ break;
+ if (Options::logGC() == GCLogging::Verbose)
+ dataLog("Live Weak Handles:\n", m_slotVisitor);
+ {
+ ParallelModeEnabler enabler(m_slotVisitor);
+ m_slotVisitor.donateAndDrain();
+ m_slotVisitor.drainFromShared(SlotVisitor::MasterDrain);
+ }
+ }
+void Heap::clearRememberedSet(Vector<const JSCell*>& rememberedSet)
+ GCPHASE(ClearRememberedSet);
+ for (auto* cell : rememberedSet) {
+ MarkedBlock::blockFor(cell)->clearRemembered(cell);
+ const_cast<JSCell*>(cell)->setRemembered(false);
+ }
+ UNUSED_PARAM(rememberedSet);
+void Heap::updateObjectCounts(double gcStartTime)
+ GCCOUNTER(VisitedValueCount, m_slotVisitor.visitCount());
+ if (Options::logGC() == GCLogging::Verbose) {
+ size_t visitCount = m_slotVisitor.visitCount();
+ visitCount += m_sharedData.childVisitCount();
+ dataLogF("\nNumber of live Objects after GC %lu, took %.6f secs\n", static_cast<unsigned long>(visitCount), WTF::monotonicallyIncreasingTime() - gcStartTime);
+ }
+ if (m_operationInProgress == EdenCollection) {
+ m_totalBytesVisited += m_slotVisitor.bytesVisited();
+ m_totalBytesCopied += m_slotVisitor.bytesCopied();
+ } else {
+ ASSERT(m_operationInProgress == FullCollection);
+ m_totalBytesVisited = m_slotVisitor.bytesVisited();
+ m_totalBytesCopied = m_slotVisitor.bytesCopied();
+ }
+ m_totalBytesVisited += m_sharedData.childBytesVisited();
+ m_totalBytesCopied += m_sharedData.childBytesCopied();
+void Heap::resetVisitors()
+ m_slotVisitor.reset();
+ m_sharedData.resetChildren();
+ m_sharedData.reset();
+size_t Heap::objectCount()
+ return m_objectSpace.objectCount();
+size_t Heap::extraSize()
+ return m_extraMemoryUsage + m_arrayBuffers.size();
+size_t Heap::size()
+ return m_objectSpace.size() + m_storageSpace.size() + extraSize();
+size_t Heap::capacity()
+ return m_objectSpace.capacity() + m_storageSpace.capacity() + extraSize();
+size_t Heap::sizeAfterCollect()
+ // The result here may not agree with the normal Heap::size().
+ // This is due to the fact that we only count live copied bytes
+ // rather than all used (including dead) copied bytes, thus it's
+ // always the case that m_totalBytesCopied <= m_storageSpace.size().
+ ASSERT(m_totalBytesCopied <= m_storageSpace.size());
+ return m_totalBytesVisited + m_totalBytesCopied + extraSize();
+size_t Heap::protectedGlobalObjectCount()
+ return forEachProtectedCell<CountIfGlobalObject>();
+size_t Heap::globalObjectCount()
+ HeapIterationScope iterationScope(*this);
+ return m_objectSpace.forEachLiveCell<CountIfGlobalObject>(iterationScope);
+size_t Heap::protectedObjectCount()
+ return forEachProtectedCell<Count>();
PassOwnPtr<TypeCountSet> Heap::protectedObjectTypeCounts()
- TypeCounter typeCounter;
+ return forEachProtectedCell<RecordType>();
- ProtectCountSet::iterator end = m_protectedValues.end();
- for (ProtectCountSet::iterator it = m_protectedValues.begin(); it != end; ++it)
- typeCounter(it->first);
- m_handleHeap.protectedObjectTypeCounts(typeCounter);
+PassOwnPtr<TypeCountSet> Heap::objectTypeCounts()
+ HeapIterationScope iterationScope(*this);
+ return m_objectSpace.forEachLiveCell<RecordType>(iterationScope);
- return typeCounter.take();
+void Heap::deleteAllCompiledCode()
+ // If JavaScript is running, it's not safe to delete code, since we'll end
+ // up deleting code that is live on the stack.
+ if (m_vm->entryScope)
+ return;
+ // If we have things on any worklist, then don't delete code. This is kind of
+ // a weird heuristic. It's definitely not safe to throw away code that is on
+ // the worklist. But this change was made in a hurry so we just avoid throwing
+ // away any code if there is any code on any worklist. I suspect that this
+ // might not actually be too dumb: if there is code on worklists then that
+ // means that we are running some hot JS code right now. Maybe causing
+ // recompilations isn't a good idea.
+ for (unsigned i = DFG::numberOfWorklists(); i--;) {
+ if (DFG::Worklist* worklist = DFG::worklistForIndexOrNull(i)) {
+ if (worklist->isActiveForVM(*vm()))
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+#endif // ENABLE(DFG_JIT)
+ for (ExecutableBase* current = m_compiledCode.head(); current; current = current->next()) {
+ if (!current->isFunctionExecutable())
+ continue;
+ static_cast<FunctionExecutable*>(current)->clearCodeIfNotCompiling();
+ }
+ ASSERT(m_operationInProgress == FullCollection || m_operationInProgress == NoOperation);
+ m_codeBlocks.clearMarksForFullCollection();
+ m_codeBlocks.deleteUnmarkedAndUnreferenced(FullCollection);
-void HandleHeap::protectedObjectTypeCounts(TypeCounter& typeCounter)
+void Heap::deleteAllUnlinkedFunctionCode()
- Node* end = m_strongList.end();
- for (Node* node = m_strongList.begin(); node != end; node = node->next()) {
- JSValue value = *node->slot();
- if (value && value.isCell())
- typeCounter(value.asCell());
+ for (ExecutableBase* current = m_compiledCode.head(); current; current = current->next()) {
+ if (!current->isFunctionExecutable())
+ continue;
+ static_cast<FunctionExecutable*>(current)->clearUnlinkedCodeForRecompilationIfNotCompiling();
-PassOwnPtr<TypeCountSet> Heap::objectTypeCounts()
+void Heap::clearUnmarkedExecutables()
+ GCPHASE(ClearUnmarkedExecutables);
+ ExecutableBase* next;
+ for (ExecutableBase* current = m_compiledCode.head(); current; current = next) {
+ next = current->next();
+ if (isMarked(current))
+ continue;
+ // We do this because executable memory is limited on some platforms and because
+ // CodeBlock requires eager finalization.
+ ExecutableBase::clearCodeVirtual(current);
+ m_compiledCode.remove(current);
+ }
+void Heap::deleteUnmarkedCompiledCode()
+ GCPHASE(DeleteCodeBlocks);
+ clearUnmarkedExecutables();
+ m_codeBlocks.deleteUnmarkedAndUnreferenced(m_operationInProgress);
+ m_jitStubRoutines.deleteUnmarkedJettisonedStubRoutines();
+void Heap::addToRememberedSet(const JSCell* cell)
- TypeCounter typeCounter;
- forEach(typeCounter);
- return typeCounter.take();
+ ASSERT(cell);
+ ASSERT(!Options::enableConcurrentJIT() || !isCompilationThread());
+ if (isRemembered(cell))
+ return;
+ MarkedBlock::blockFor(cell)->setRemembered(cell);
+ const_cast<JSCell*>(cell)->setRemembered(true);
+ m_slotVisitor.unconditionallyAppend(const_cast<JSCell*>(cell));
void Heap::collectAllGarbage()
- m_markStack.setShouldUnlinkCalls(true);
- reset(DoSweep);
- m_markStack.setShouldUnlinkCalls(false);
+ if (!m_isSafeToCollect)
+ return;
+ collect(FullCollection);
+ SamplingRegion samplingRegion("Garbage Collection: Sweeping");
+ DelayedReleaseScope delayedReleaseScope(m_objectSpace);
+ m_objectSpace.sweep();
+ m_objectSpace.shrink();
-void Heap::reset(SweepToggle sweepToggle)
+static double minute = 60.0;
+void Heap::collect(HeapOperation collectionType)
- ASSERT(globalData()->identifierTable == wtfThreadData().currentIdentifierTable());
+ dataLogF("JSC GC starting collection.\n");
+ double before = 0;
+ if (Options::logGC()) {
+ dataLog("[GC: ");
+ before = currentTimeMS();
+ }
+ SamplingRegion samplingRegion("Garbage Collection");
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(!m_deferralDepth);
+ ASSERT(vm()->currentThreadIsHoldingAPILock());
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(vm()->atomicStringTable() == wtfThreadData().atomicStringTable());
+ ASSERT(m_isSafeToCollect);
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(m_operationInProgress == NoOperation);
+ suspendCompilerThreads();
+ willStartCollection(collectionType);
+ GCPHASE(Collect);
- markRoots();
- m_handleHeap.finalizeWeakHandles();
+ double gcStartTime = WTF::monotonicallyIncreasingTime();
+ deleteOldCode(gcStartTime);
+ flushOldStructureIDTables();
+ stopAllocation();
+ flushWriteBarrierBuffer();
+ markRoots(gcStartTime);
- m_markedSpace.reset();
- m_extraCost = 0;
+ reapWeakHandles();
+ sweepArrayBuffers();
+ snapshotMarkedSpace();
+ copyBackingStores();
- sweepToggle = DoSweep;
+ finalizeUnconditionalFinalizers();
+ removeDeadCompilerWorklistEntries();
+ deleteUnmarkedCompiledCode();
+ deleteSourceProviderCaches();
+ notifyIncrementalSweeper();
+ rememberCurrentlyExecutingCodeBlocks();
+ resetAllocators();
+ updateAllocationLimits();
+ didFinishCollection(gcStartTime);
+ resumeCompilerThreads();
+ if (Options::logGC()) {
+ double after = currentTimeMS();
+ dataLog(after - before, " ms]\n");
+ }
+void Heap::suspendCompilerThreads()
+ GCPHASE(SuspendCompilerThreads);
+ ASSERT(m_suspendedCompilerWorklists.isEmpty());
+ for (unsigned i = DFG::numberOfWorklists(); i--;) {
+ if (DFG::Worklist* worklist = DFG::worklistForIndexOrNull(i)) {
+ m_suspendedCompilerWorklists.append(worklist);
+ worklist->suspendAllThreads();
+ }
+ }
- if (sweepToggle == DoSweep) {
- m_markedSpace.sweep();
- m_markedSpace.shrink();
+void Heap::willStartCollection(HeapOperation collectionType)
+ GCPHASE(StartingCollection);
+ if (shouldDoFullCollection(collectionType)) {
+ m_operationInProgress = FullCollection;
+ m_slotVisitor.clearMarkStack();
+ m_shouldDoFullCollection = false;
+ if (Options::logGC())
+ dataLog("FullCollection, ");
+ } else {
+ m_operationInProgress = EdenCollection;
+ if (Options::logGC())
+ dataLog("EdenCollection, ");
+ }
+ if (m_operationInProgress == FullCollection) {
+ m_sizeBeforeLastFullCollect = m_sizeAfterLastCollect + m_bytesAllocatedThisCycle;
+ m_extraMemoryUsage = 0;
+ if (m_fullActivityCallback)
+ m_fullActivityCallback->willCollect();
+ } else {
+ ASSERT(m_operationInProgress == EdenCollection);
+ m_sizeBeforeLastEdenCollect = m_sizeAfterLastCollect + m_bytesAllocatedThisCycle;
- // To avoid pathological GC churn in large heaps, we set the allocation high
- // water mark to be proportional to the current size of the heap. The exact
- // proportion is a bit arbitrary. A 2X multiplier gives a 1:1 (heap size :
- // new bytes allocated) proportion, and seems to work well in benchmarks.
- size_t proportionalBytes = 2 * m_markedSpace.size();
- m_markedSpace.setHighWaterMark(max(proportionalBytes, minBytesPerCycle));
+ if (m_edenActivityCallback)
+ m_edenActivityCallback->willCollect();
+void Heap::deleteOldCode(double gcStartTime)
+ if (m_operationInProgress == EdenCollection)
+ return;
+ GCPHASE(DeleteOldCode);
+ if (gcStartTime - m_lastCodeDiscardTime > minute) {
+ deleteAllCompiledCode();
+ m_lastCodeDiscardTime = WTF::monotonicallyIncreasingTime();
+ }
+void Heap::flushOldStructureIDTables()
+ GCPHASE(FlushOldStructureIDTables);
+ m_structureIDTable.flushOldTables();
+void Heap::flushWriteBarrierBuffer()
+ GCPHASE(FlushWriteBarrierBuffer);
+ if (m_operationInProgress == EdenCollection) {
+ m_writeBarrierBuffer.flush(*this);
+ return;
+ }
+ m_writeBarrierBuffer.reset();
+void Heap::stopAllocation()
+ GCPHASE(StopAllocation);
+ m_objectSpace.stopAllocating();
+ if (m_operationInProgress == FullCollection)
+ m_storageSpace.didStartFullCollection();
+void Heap::reapWeakHandles()
+ GCPHASE(ReapingWeakHandles);
+ m_objectSpace.reapWeakSets();
+void Heap::sweepArrayBuffers()
+ GCPHASE(SweepingArrayBuffers);
+ m_arrayBuffers.sweep();
+struct MarkedBlockSnapshotFunctor : public MarkedBlock::VoidFunctor {
+ MarkedBlockSnapshotFunctor(Vector<MarkedBlock*>& blocks)
+ : m_index(0)
+ , m_blocks(blocks)
+ {
+ }
+ void operator()(MarkedBlock* block) { m_blocks[m_index++] = block; }
+ size_t m_index;
+ Vector<MarkedBlock*>& m_blocks;
+void Heap::snapshotMarkedSpace()
+ GCPHASE(SnapshotMarkedSpace);
+ if (m_operationInProgress != FullCollection)
+ return;
+ m_blockSnapshot.resize(m_objectSpace.blocks().set().size());
+ MarkedBlockSnapshotFunctor functor(m_blockSnapshot);
+ m_objectSpace.forEachBlock(functor);
+void Heap::deleteSourceProviderCaches()
+ GCPHASE(DeleteSourceProviderCaches);
+ m_vm->clearSourceProviderCaches();
+void Heap::notifyIncrementalSweeper()
+ GCPHASE(NotifyIncrementalSweeper);
+ if (m_operationInProgress != FullCollection)
+ return;
+ m_sweeper->startSweeping(m_blockSnapshot);
+void Heap::rememberCurrentlyExecutingCodeBlocks()
+ GCPHASE(RememberCurrentlyExecutingCodeBlocks);
+ m_codeBlocks.rememberCurrentlyExecutingCodeBlocks(this);
+void Heap::resetAllocators()
+ GCPHASE(ResetAllocators);
+ m_objectSpace.resetAllocators();
+void Heap::updateAllocationLimits()
+ GCPHASE(UpdateAllocationLimits);
+ size_t currentHeapSize = sizeAfterCollect();
+ if (Options::gcMaxHeapSize() && currentHeapSize > Options::gcMaxHeapSize())
+ HeapStatistics::exitWithFailure();
+ if (m_operationInProgress == FullCollection) {
+ // To avoid pathological GC churn in very small and very large heaps, we set
+ // the new allocation limit based on the current size of the heap, with a
+ // fixed minimum.
+ m_maxHeapSize = max(minHeapSize(m_heapType, m_ramSize), proportionalHeapSize(currentHeapSize, m_ramSize));
+ m_maxEdenSize = m_maxHeapSize - currentHeapSize;
+ m_sizeAfterLastFullCollect = currentHeapSize;
+ m_bytesAbandonedSinceLastFullCollect = 0;
+ } else {
+ ASSERT(currentHeapSize >= m_sizeAfterLastCollect);
+ m_maxEdenSize = m_maxHeapSize - currentHeapSize;
+ m_sizeAfterLastEdenCollect = currentHeapSize;
+ double edenToOldGenerationRatio = (double)m_maxEdenSize / (double)m_maxHeapSize;
+ double minEdenToOldGenerationRatio = 1.0 / 3.0;
+ if (edenToOldGenerationRatio < minEdenToOldGenerationRatio)
+ m_shouldDoFullCollection = true;
+ m_maxHeapSize += currentHeapSize - m_sizeAfterLastCollect;
+ m_maxEdenSize = m_maxHeapSize - currentHeapSize;
+ if (m_fullActivityCallback) {
+ ASSERT(currentHeapSize >= m_sizeAfterLastFullCollect);
+ m_fullActivityCallback->didAllocate(currentHeapSize - m_sizeAfterLastFullCollect);
+ }
+ }
+ m_sizeAfterLastCollect = currentHeapSize;
+ m_bytesAllocatedThisCycle = 0;
+ if (Options::logGC())
+ dataLog(currentHeapSize / 1024, " kb, ");
+void Heap::didFinishCollection(double gcStartTime)
+ GCPHASE(FinishingCollection);
+ double gcEndTime = WTF::monotonicallyIncreasingTime();
+ if (m_operationInProgress == FullCollection)
+ m_lastFullGCLength = gcEndTime - gcStartTime;
+ else
+ m_lastEdenGCLength = gcEndTime - gcStartTime;
+ if (Options::recordGCPauseTimes())
+ HeapStatistics::recordGCPauseTime(gcStartTime, gcEndTime);
+ RELEASE_ASSERT(m_operationInProgress == EdenCollection || m_operationInProgress == FullCollection);
+ m_operationInProgress = NoOperation;
- (*m_activityCallback)();
+ if (Options::useZombieMode())
+ zombifyDeadObjects();
+ if (Options::objectsAreImmortal())
+ markDeadObjects();
+ if (Options::showObjectStatistics())
+ HeapStatistics::showObjectStatistics(this);
+ if (Options::logGC() == GCLogging::Verbose)
+ GCLogging::dumpObjectGraph(this);
+void Heap::resumeCompilerThreads()
+ GCPHASE(ResumeCompilerThreads);
+ for (auto worklist : m_suspendedCompilerWorklists)
+ worklist->resumeAllThreads();
+ m_suspendedCompilerWorklists.clear();
+void Heap::markDeadObjects()
+ HeapIterationScope iterationScope(*this);
+ m_objectSpace.forEachDeadCell<MarkObject>(iterationScope);
+void Heap::setFullActivityCallback(PassRefPtr<FullGCActivityCallback> activityCallback)
+ m_fullActivityCallback = activityCallback;
+void Heap::setEdenActivityCallback(PassRefPtr<EdenGCActivityCallback> activityCallback)
+ m_edenActivityCallback = activityCallback;
+GCActivityCallback* Heap::fullActivityCallback()
+ return m_fullActivityCallback.get();
-void Heap::setActivityCallback(PassOwnPtr<GCActivityCallback> activityCallback)
+GCActivityCallback* Heap::edenActivityCallback()
- m_activityCallback = activityCallback;
+ return m_edenActivityCallback.get();
-GCActivityCallback* Heap::activityCallback()
+void Heap::setIncrementalSweeper(PassOwnPtr<IncrementalSweeper> sweeper)
- return m_activityCallback.get();
+ m_sweeper = sweeper;
+IncrementalSweeper* Heap::sweeper()
+ return m_sweeper.get();
+void Heap::setGarbageCollectionTimerEnabled(bool enable)
+ if (m_fullActivityCallback)
+ m_fullActivityCallback->setEnabled(enable);
+ if (m_edenActivityCallback)
+ m_edenActivityCallback->setEnabled(enable);
+void Heap::didAllocate(size_t bytes)
+ if (m_edenActivityCallback)
+ m_edenActivityCallback->didAllocate(m_bytesAllocatedThisCycle + m_bytesAbandonedSinceLastFullCollect);
+ m_bytesAllocatedThisCycle += bytes;
+bool Heap::isValidAllocation(size_t)
+ if (!isValidThreadState(m_vm))
+ return false;
+ if (m_operationInProgress != NoOperation)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+void Heap::addFinalizer(JSCell* cell, Finalizer finalizer)
+ WeakSet::allocate(cell, &m_finalizerOwner, reinterpret_cast<void*>(finalizer)); // Balanced by FinalizerOwner::finalize().
+void Heap::FinalizerOwner::finalize(Handle<Unknown> handle, void* context)
+ HandleSlot slot = handle.slot();
+ Finalizer finalizer = reinterpret_cast<Finalizer>(context);
+ finalizer(slot->asCell());
+ WeakSet::deallocate(WeakImpl::asWeakImpl(slot));
+void Heap::addCompiledCode(ExecutableBase* executable)
+ m_compiledCode.append(executable);
+class Zombify : public MarkedBlock::VoidFunctor {
+ void operator()(JSCell* cell)
+ {
+ void** current = reinterpret_cast<void**>(cell);
+ // We want to maintain zapped-ness because that's how we know if we've called
+ // the destructor.
+ if (cell->isZapped())
+ current++;
+ void* limit = static_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(cell) + MarkedBlock::blockFor(cell)->cellSize());
+ for (; current < limit; current++)
+ *current = zombifiedBits;
+ }
+void Heap::zombifyDeadObjects()
+ // Sweep now because destructors will crash once we're zombified.
+ {
+ SamplingRegion samplingRegion("Garbage Collection: Sweeping");
+ DelayedReleaseScope delayedReleaseScope(m_objectSpace);
+ m_objectSpace.zombifySweep();
+ }
+ HeapIterationScope iterationScope(*this);
+ m_objectSpace.forEachDeadCell<Zombify>(iterationScope);
+void Heap::flushWriteBarrierBuffer(JSCell* cell)
+ m_writeBarrierBuffer.flush(*this);
+ m_writeBarrierBuffer.add(cell);
+bool Heap::shouldDoFullCollection(HeapOperation requestedCollectionType) const
+ if (Options::alwaysDoFullCollection())
+ return true;
+ switch (requestedCollectionType) {
+ case EdenCollection:
+ return false;
+ case FullCollection:
+ return true;
+ case AnyCollection:
+ return m_shouldDoFullCollection;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ UNUSED_PARAM(requestedCollectionType);
+ return true;
} // namespace JSC